/***************************************************************************** * Product: Board Support Package (BSP) for the Calculator example * Last Updated for Version: 4.1.05 * Date of the Last Update: Aug 27, 2010 * * Q u a n t u m L e a P s * --------------------------- * innovating embedded systems * * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved. * * This software may be distributed and modified under the terms of the GNU * General Public License version 2 (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation and appearing in the file GPL.TXT included in the packaging of * this file. Please note that GPL Section 2[b] requires that all works based * on this software must also be made publicly available under the terms of * the GPL ("Copyleft"). * * Alternatively, this software may be distributed and modified under the * terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede * the GPL and are specifically designed for licensees interested in * retaining the proprietary status of their code. * * Contact information: * Quantum Leaps Web site: http://www.quantum-leaps.com * e-mail: info@quantum-leaps.com *****************************************************************************/ #include "bsp.h" #include #include #include #define DISP_WIDTH 9 static char l_display[DISP_WIDTH + 1]; /* the calculator display */ static int l_len; /* number of displayed characters */ /*..........................................................................*/ void BSP_clear(void) { memset(l_display, ' ', DISP_WIDTH - 1); l_display[DISP_WIDTH - 1] = '0'; l_display[DISP_WIDTH] = '\0'; l_len = 0; } /*..........................................................................*/ void BSP_insert(int keyId) { if (l_len == 0) { l_display[DISP_WIDTH - 1] = (char)keyId; ++l_len; } else if (l_len < (DISP_WIDTH - 1)) { memmove(&l_display[0], &l_display[1], DISP_WIDTH - 1); l_display[DISP_WIDTH - 1] = (char)keyId; ++l_len; } } /*..........................................................................*/ void BSP_negate(void) { BSP_clear(); l_display[DISP_WIDTH - 2] = '-'; } /*..........................................................................*/ void BSP_display(void) { printf("\n[%s] ", l_display); } /*..........................................................................*/ void BSP_exit(void) { printf("\nBye! Bye!"); fflush(stdout); _exit(0); } /*..........................................................................*/ double BSP_get_value(void) { return strtod(l_display, (char **)0); } /*..........................................................................*/ int BSP_eval(double operand1, int oper, double operand2) { int ok = 1; double result; switch (oper) { case KEY_PLUS: { result = operand1 + operand2; break; } case KEY_MINUS: { result = operand1 - operand2; break; } case KEY_MULT: { result = operand1 * operand2; break; } case KEY_DIVIDE: { if ((operand2 < -1e-30) || (1e-30 < operand2)) { result = operand1 / operand2; } else { strcpy(l_display, " Error 0 "); /* error: divide by zero */ ok = 0; } break; } } if (ok) { if ((-0.000001 < result) && (result < 0.000001)) { result = 0.0; } if ((-99999999.0 < result) && (result < 99999999.0)) { sprintf(l_display, "%9.6g", result); } else { strcpy(l_display, " Error 1 "); /* error: out of range */ ok = 0; } } return ok; } /*..........................................................................*/ void BSP_message(char const *msg) { printf(msg); } /*..........................................................................*/ /* this function is used by the QP embedded systems-friendly assertions */ void Q_onAssert(char const * const file, int line) { printf("Assertion failed in %s, line %d", file, line); _exit(-1); }