Dining Philosopher Problem example
NOTE: Requries QP5.
static uint8_t registered = (uint8_t)0; /* starts off with 0, per C-standard */
(void)e; /* suppress the compiler warning about unused parameter */
if (registered == (uint8_t)0) {
registered = (uint8_t)1;
QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(HUNGRY_SIG, me); /* signal for each Philos */
QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(TIMEOUT_SIG, me); /* signal for each Philos */
QActive_subscribe(&me->super, EAT_SIG);
QActive_subscribe(&me->super, TEST_SIG);
QTimeEvt_armX(&me->timeEvt, THINK_TIME, 0U);
/* EAT or DONE must be for other Philos than this one */
Q_ASSERT_ID(10, Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum != PHILO_ID(me));
TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, HUNGRY_SIG);
pe->philoNum = PHILO_ID(me);
QACTIVE_POST(AO_Table, &pe->super, me);
Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum == PHILO_ID(me)
/* DONE must be for other Philos than this one */
Q_ASSERT_ID(20, Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum != PHILO_ID(me));
QTimeEvt_armX(&me->timeEvt, EAT_TIME, 0U);
TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, DONE_SIG);
pe->philoNum = PHILO_ID(me);
QF_PUBLISH(&pe->super, me);
/* EAT or DONE must be for other Philos than this one */
Q_ASSERT_ID(30, Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum != PHILO_ID(me));
uint8_t n;
(void)e; /* suppress the compiler warning about unused parameter */
QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(DONE_SIG, (void *)0); /* global signals */
QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(HUNGRY_SIG, me); /* signal just for Table */
QActive_subscribe(&me->super, DONE_SIG);
QActive_subscribe(&me->super, PAUSE_SIG);
QActive_subscribe(&me->super, SERVE_SIG);
QActive_subscribe(&me->super, TEST_SIG);
for (n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) {
me->fork[n] = FREE;
me->isHungry[n] = 0U;
BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "thinking");
uint8_t n;
for (n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) { /* give permissions to eat... */
if ((me->isHungry[n] != 0U)
&& (me->fork[LEFT(n)] == FREE)
&& (me->fork[n] == FREE))
TableEvt *te;
me->fork[LEFT(n)] = USED;
me->fork[n] = USED;
te = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG);
te->philoNum = n;
QF_PUBLISH(&te->super, me);
me->isHungry[n] = 0U;
BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "eating ");
uint8_t n, m;
n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum;
/* phil ID must be in range and he must be not hungry */
Q_ASSERT_ID(40, (n < N_PHILO) && (me->isHungry[n] == 0U));
BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "hungry ");
m = LEFT(n);
(me->fork[m] == FREE) && (me->fork[n] == FREE)
TableEvt *pe;
me->fork[m] = USED;
me->fork[n] = USED;
pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG);
pe->philoNum = n;
QF_PUBLISH(&pe->super, me);
BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "eating ");
me->isHungry[n] = 1U;
uint8_t n, m;
TableEvt *pe;
n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum;
/* phil ID must be in range and he must be not hungry */
Q_ASSERT_ID(50, (n < N_PHILO) && (me->isHungry[n] == 0U));
BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "thinking");
m = LEFT(n);
/* both forks of Phil[n] must be used */
Q_ASSERT_ID(51, (me->fork[n] == USED) && (me->fork[m] == USED));
me->fork[m] = FREE;
me->fork[n] = FREE;
m = RIGHT(n); /* check the right neighbor */
if ((me->isHungry[m] != 0U) && (me->fork[m] == FREE)) {
me->fork[n] = USED;
me->fork[m] = USED;
me->isHungry[m] = 0U;
pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG);
pe->philoNum = m;
QF_PUBLISH(&pe->super, me);
BSP_displayPhilStat(m, "eating ");
m = LEFT(n); /* check the left neighbor */
n = LEFT(m); /* left fork of the left neighbor */
if ((me->isHungry[m] != 0U) && (me->fork[n] == FREE)) {
me->fork[m] = USED;
me->fork[n] = USED;
me->isHungry[m] = 0U;
pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG);
pe->philoNum = m;
QF_PUBLISH(&pe->super, me);
BSP_displayPhilStat(m, "eating ");
uint8_t n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum;
/* philo ID must be in range and he must be not hungry */
Q_ASSERT_ID(60, (n < N_PHILO) && (me->isHungry[n] == 0U));
me->isHungry[n] = 1U;
BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "hungry ");
uint8_t n, m;
n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum;
/* phil ID must be in range and he must be not hungry */
Q_ASSERT_ID(70, (n < N_PHILO) && (me->isHungry[n] == 0U));
BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "thinking");
m = LEFT(n);
/* both forks of Phil[n] must be used */
Q_ASSERT_ID(71, (me->fork[n] == USED) && (me->fork[m] == USED));
me->fork[m] = FREE;
me->fork[n] = FREE;
/* opaque pointers to the Philo AOs */
= {
/* opaque pointer to the Table AO */
= &l_table.super;
uint8_t n;
Philo *me;
for (n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) {
me = &l_philo[n];
QActive_ctor(&me->super, Q_STATE_CAST(&Philo_initial));
QTimeEvt_ctorX(&me->timeEvt, &me->super, TIMEOUT_SIG, 0U);
uint8_t n;
Table *me = &l_table;
QActive_ctor(&me->super, Q_STATE_CAST(&Table_initial));
for (n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) {
me->fork[n] = FREE;
me->isHungry[n] = 0U;
#ifndef DPP_H
#define DPP_H
enum DPPSignals {
EAT_SIG = Q_USER_SIG, /* published by Table to let a philosopher eat */
DONE_SIG, /* published by Philosopher when done eating */
PAUSE_SIG, /* published by BSP to pause serving forks */
SERVE_SIG, /* published by BSP to serve re-start serving forks */
TEST_SIG, /* published by BSP to test the application */
MAX_PUB_SIG, /* the last published signal */
HUNGRY_SIG, /* posted direclty to Table from hungry Philo */
TIMEOUT_SIG, /* used by Philosophers for time events */
MAX_SIG /* the last signal */
/* number of philosophers */
#define N_PHILO ((uint8_t)5)
#ifdef QXK_H
void Test1_ctor(void);
extern QXThread * const XT_Test1;
void Test2_ctor(void);
extern QXThread * const XT_Test2;
#endif /* QXK_H */
#endif /* DPP_H */
#include "qpc.h"
#include "dpp.h"
#include "bsp.h"
/* Active object class -----------------------------------------------------*/
/* Local objects -----------------------------------------------------------*/
static Philo l_philo[N_PHILO]; /* storage for all Philos */
#define THINK_TIME \
(QTimeEvtCtr)((BSP_random() % BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC) + (BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC/2U))
#define EAT_TIME \
/* helper macro to provide the ID of Philo "me_" */
#define PHILO_ID(me_) ((uint8_t)((me_) - l_philo))
/* Global objects ----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Philo definition --------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "qpc.h"
#include "dpp.h"
#include "bsp.h"
/* Active object class -----------------------------------------------------*/
#define RIGHT(n_) ((uint8_t)(((n_) + (N_PHILO - 1U)) % N_PHILO))
#define LEFT(n_) ((uint8_t)(((n_) + 1U) % N_PHILO))
#define FREE ((uint8_t)0)
#define USED ((uint8_t)1)
/* Local objects -----------------------------------------------------------*/
static Table l_table; /* the single instance of the Table active object */
/* Global-scope objects ----------------------------------------------------*/