::============================================================================ :: Batch file to load the Blinky program to the flash of EK-TM4C123GXL :: (equivalent to EK-LM4F120XL) :: :: NOTE: requires the LMFlash programmer from Texas Instruments, see: :: http://www.ti.com/tool/LMFLASHPROGRAMMER :: @echo off setlocal @echo Load the program to the flash of EK-TM4C123GXL @echo usage: flash @echo usage: flash rel @echo usage: flash spy ::---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: NOTE: Adjust the following symbol to the location of the :: LMFlash utility on your machine :: set LMFLASH=%QTOOLS%\..\LM_Flash_Programmer\LMFlash.exe :: set the build directory depending on the first parameter %1 set BUILD_DIR=dbg if [%1] NEQ [] set BUILD_DIR=%1 @echo on %LMFLASH% -q ek-tm4c123gxl %BUILD_DIR%\blinky-qk.bin @echo. @echo. @echo Reset the target to start running your program! @echo off endlocal