/***************************************************************************** * Product: BSP for emWin/uC/GUI, Win32 simulation * Last updated for version 6.2.0 * Last updated on 2018-03-18 * * Q u a n t u m L e a P s * --------------------------- * innovating embedded systems * * Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved. * * This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the * terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede * the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for * licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Contact information: * https://www.state-machine.com * mailto:info@state-machine.com *****************************************************************************/ #include "qpc.h" #include "dpp.h" #include "bsp.h" #include "GUI.h" #include "DIALOG.h" #include "SIM.h" #include #include #include Q_DEFINE_THIS_FILE /* local variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef Q_SPY static uint8_t l_running; static uint8_t const l_clock_tick = 0U; static uint8_t const l_simHardKey = 0U; static uint8_t const l_MOUSE_StoreState = 0U; static SOCKET l_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; #endif /*..........................................................................*/ static void simHardKey(int keyIndex, int keyState) { static const QEvent keyEvt[] = { { KEY_UP_REL_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey UP released */ { KEY_UP_PRESS_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey UP pressed */ { KEY_RIGHT_REL_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey RIGHT released */ { KEY_RIGHT_PRESS_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey RIGHT pressed */ { KEY_CENTER_REL_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey CENTER released */ { KEY_CENTER_PRESS_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey CENTER pressed */ { KEY_LEFT_REL_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey LEFT released */ { KEY_LEFT_PRESS_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey LEFT pressed */ { KEY_DOWN_REL_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey DOWN released */ { KEY_DOWN_PRESS_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey DOWN pressed */ { KEY_POWER_REL_SIG, 0 }, /* hardkey POWER released */ { KEY_POWER_PRESS_SIG, 0 } /* hardkey POWER pressed */ }; /* do not overrun the array */ Q_REQUIRE((keyIndex * 2) + keyState < Q_DIM(keyEvt)); /* post the hardkey event to the Table active object (GUI manager) */ QACTIVE_POST(AO_Table, &keyEvt[(keyIndex * 2) + keyState], &l_simHardKey); if ((keyIndex == 5) && (keyState == 0)) { /* hardkey POWER released? */ QF_stop(); /* terminate the simulation */ } } /*..........................................................................*/ void GUI_MOUSE_StoreState(const GUI_PID_STATE *pState) { MouseEvt *pe = Q_NEW(MouseEvt, MOUSE_CHANGE_SIG); pe->xPos = pState->x; pe->yPos = pState->y; pe->buttonStates = pState->Pressed; QACTIVE_POST(AO_Table, (QEvent *)pe, &l_MOUSE_StoreState); } /*..........................................................................*/ #ifdef Q_SPY static DWORD WINAPI idleThread(LPVOID par) {/* signature for CreateThread() */ (void)par; l_running = (uint8_t)1; while (l_running) { uint16_t nBytes = 1024; uint8_t const *block; QF_CRIT_ENTRY(dummy); block = QS_getBlock(&nBytes); QF_CRIT_EXIT(dummy); if (block != (uint8_t *)0) { send(l_sock, (char const *)block, nBytes, 0); } Sleep(10); /* wait for a while */ } return 0; /* return success */ } #endif /*..........................................................................*/ void BSP_init(void) { int n = SIM_HARDKEY_GetNum();/*initialize hardkeys for emWin simulation */ for (n = n - 1; n >= 0; --n) { SIM_HARDKEY_SetCallback(n, &simHardKey); } #ifdef Q_SPY { HANDLE hIdle; char const *hostAndPort = SIM_GetCmdLine(); if (hostAndPort != NULL) { /* port specified? */ hostAndPort = "localhost:6601"; } if (!QS_INIT(hostAndPort)) { MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to open the TCP/IP socket for QS output", "QS Socket Failure", MB_TASKMODAL | MB_OK); return; } hIdle = CreateThread(NULL, 1024, &idleThread, (void *)0, 0, NULL); Q_ASSERT(hIdle != (HANDLE)0); /* thread must be created */ SetThreadPriority(hIdle, THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE); } #endif } /*..........................................................................*/ void QF_onStartup(void) { QF_setTickRate(BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC); /* set the desired tick rate */ } /*..........................................................................*/ void QF_onCleanup(void) { #if Q_SPY l_running = (uint8_t)0; #endif } /*..........................................................................*/ void QF_onClockTick(void) { QF_TICK(&l_clock_tick); /* perform the QF clock tick processing */ } /*..........................................................................*/ void Q_onAssert(char const Q_ROM * const Q_ROM_VAR file, int line) { char str[256]; QF_CRIT_ENTRY(dummy); /* make sure nothing else is running */ sprintf(str, "%s:%d", file, line); MessageBox(NULL, str, "Assertion Failure", MB_TASKMODAL | MB_OK); QF_stop(); /* terminate the QF, causes termination of the MainTask() */ } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef Q_SPY /* define QS callbacks */ uint8_t QS_onStartup(void const *arg) { static uint8_t qsBuf[1024]; /* 1K buffer for Quantum Spy */ static WSADATA wsaData; char host[64]; char const *src; char *dst; USHORT port = 6601; /* default port */ ULONG ioctl_opt = 1; struct sockaddr_in servAddr; struct hostent *server; QS_initBuf(qsBuf, sizeof(qsBuf)); /* initialize Windows sockets */ if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData) == SOCKET_ERROR) { return (uint8_t)0; } src = (char const *)arg; dst = host; while ((*src != '\0') && (*src != ':') && (dst < &host[sizeof(host)])) { *dst++ = *src++; } *dst = '\0'; if (*src == ':') { port = (USHORT)strtoul(src + 1, NULL, 10); } l_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); /* TCP socket */ if (l_sock == INVALID_SOCKET){ return (uint8_t)0; } server = gethostbyname(host); if (server == NULL) { return (uint8_t)0; } memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr)); servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&servAddr.sin_addr, server->h_addr, server->h_length); servAddr.sin_port = htons(port); if (connect(l_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { QS_EXIT(); return (uint8_t)0; } /* Set the socket to non-blocking mode. */ if (ioctlsocket(l_sock, FIONBIO, &ioctl_opt) == SOCKET_ERROR) { QS_EXIT(); return (uint8_t)0; } /* only after successful opeing of the socket turn on QS global filters */ QS_FILTER_ON(QS_ALL_RECORDS); QS_FILTER_OFF(QS_QF_CRIT_ENTRY); QS_FILTER_OFF(QS_QF_CRIT_EXIT); QS_FILTER_OFF(QS_QF_ISR_ENTRY); QS_FILTER_OFF(QS_QF_ISR_EXIT); QS_FILTER_OFF(QS_QF_TICK); QS_FILTER_OFF(QS_QK_SCHEDULE); return (uint8_t)1; /* success */ } /*..........................................................................*/ void QS_onCleanup(void) { if (l_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(l_sock); } WSACleanup(); } /*..........................................................................*/ void QS_onFlush(void) { uint16_t nBytes = 1000; uint8_t const *block; QF_CRIT_ENTRY(dummy); while ((block = QS_getBlock(&nBytes)) != (uint8_t *)0) { QF_CRIT_EXIT(dummy); send(l_sock, (char const *)block, nBytes, 0); nBytes = 1000; QF_CRIT_ENTRY(dummy); } QF_CRIT_EXIT(dummy); } /*..........................................................................*/ QSTimeCtr QS_onGetTime(void) { return (QSTimeCtr)clock(); } #endif /* Q_SPY */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/