/***************************************************************************** * Product: lwIP-Manager Active Object * Last Updated for Version: 4.5.00 * Date of the Last Update: May 18, 2012 * * Q u a n t u m L e a P s * --------------------------- * innovating embedded systems * * Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved. * * This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the * terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede * the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for * licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Contact information: * Quantum Leaps Web sites: http://www.quantum-leaps.com * http://www.state-machine.com * e-mail: info@quantum-leaps.com *****************************************************************************/ #define LWIP_ALLOWED #include "qp_port.h" /* QP-port */ #include "dpp.h" /* application events and active objects */ #include "bsp.h" /* Board Support Package */ #include "lwip.h" /* lwIP stack */ #include "httpd.h" /* lwIP application */ #include #include Q_DEFINE_THIS_FILE /* application signals cannot overlap the device-driver signals */ Q_ASSERT_COMPILE(MAX_SIG < Q_DEV_DRIVER_SIG); #define FLASH_USERREG0 (*(uint32_t const *)0x400FE1E0) #define FLASH_USERREG1 (*(uint32_t const *)0x400FE1E4) #define LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS TCP_TMR_INTERVAL /* Active object class -----------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct LwIPMgrTag { QActive super; /* derive from QActive */ QTimeEvt te_LWIP_SLOW_TICK; struct netif *netif; struct udp_pcb *upcb; uint32_t ip_addr; /* IP address in the native host byte order */ #if LWIP_TCP uint32_t tcp_tmr; #endif #if LWIP_ARP uint32_t arp_tmr; #endif #if LWIP_DHCP uint32_t dhcp_fine_tmr; uint32_t dhcp_coarse_tmr; #endif #if LWIP_AUTOIP uint32_t auto_ip_tmr; #endif } LwIPMgr; static QState LwIPMgr_initial(LwIPMgr *me, QEvt const *e); static QState LwIPMgr_running(LwIPMgr *me, QEvt const *e); /* Local objects -----------------------------------------------------------*/ static LwIPMgr l_lwIPMgr; /* the single instance of LwIPMgr AO */ /* Global-scope objects ----------------------------------------------------*/ QActive * const AO_LwIPMgr = (QActive *)&l_lwIPMgr; /* "opaque" pointer */ /* Server-Side Include (SSI) demo ..........................................*/ static char const * const ssi_tags[] = { "s_xmit", "s_recv", "s_fw", "s_drop", "s_chkerr", "s_lenerr", "s_memerr", "s_rterr", "s_proerr", "s_opterr", "s_err", }; static int ssi_handler(int iIndex, char *pcInsert, int iInsertLen); /* Common Gateway Iinterface (CG) demo .....................................*/ static char const *cgi_display(int index, int numParams, char const *param[], char const *value[]); static tCGI const cgi_handlers[] = { { "/display.cgi", &cgi_display }, }; /* UDP handler .............................................................*/ static void udp_rx_handler(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port); /*..........................................................................*/ void LwIPMgr_ctor(void) { LwIPMgr *me = &l_lwIPMgr; QActive_ctor(&me->super, (QStateHandler)&LwIPMgr_initial); QTimeEvt_ctor(&me->te_LWIP_SLOW_TICK, LWIP_SLOW_TICK_SIG); } /*..........................................................................*/ QState LwIPMgr_initial(LwIPMgr *me, QEvt const *e) { uint32_t user0, user1; uint8_t macaddr[NETIF_MAX_HWADDR_LEN]; (void)e; /* suppress the compiler warning about unused parameter */ /* Configure the hardware MAC address for the Ethernet Controller * * For the Stellaris Eval Kits, the MAC address will be stored in the * non-volatile USER0 and USER1 registers. These registers can be read * using the FlashUserGet function, as illustrated below. */ user0 = FLASH_USERREG0; user1 = FLASH_USERREG1; /* the MAC address must have been programmed! */ Q_ASSERT((user0 != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (user1 != 0xFFFFFFFF)); /* * Convert the 24/24 split MAC address from NV ram into a 32/16 split MAC * address needed to program the hardware registers, then program the MAC * address into the Ethernet Controller registers. */ macaddr[0] = (uint8_t)user0; user0 >>= 8; macaddr[1] = (uint8_t)user0; user0 >>= 8; macaddr[2] = (uint8_t)user0; user0 >>= 8; macaddr[3] = (uint8_t)user1; user1 >>= 8; macaddr[4] = (uint8_t)user1; user1 >>= 8; macaddr[5] = (uint8_t)user1; /* initialize the Ethernet Driver */ me->netif = eth_driver_init((QActive *)me, macaddr); me->ip_addr = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* initialize to impossible value */ /* initialize the lwIP applications... */ httpd_init(); /* initialize the simple HTTP-Deamon (web server) */ http_set_ssi_handler(&ssi_handler, ssi_tags, Q_DIM(ssi_tags)); http_set_cgi_handlers(cgi_handlers, Q_DIM(cgi_handlers)); me->upcb = udp_new(); udp_bind(me->upcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, 777); /* use port 777 for UDP */ udp_recv(me->upcb, &udp_rx_handler, me); QS_OBJ_DICTIONARY(&l_lwIPMgr); QS_OBJ_DICTIONARY(&l_lwIPMgr.te_LWIP_SLOW_TICK); QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(&QHsm_top); QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(&LwIPMgr_initial); QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(&LwIPMgr_running); QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(SEND_UDP_SIG, (QActive *)me); QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(LWIP_SLOW_TICK_SIG, (QActive *)me); QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(LWIP_RX_READY_SIG, (QActive *)me); QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(LWIP_TX_READY_SIG, (QActive *)me); QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(LWIP_RX_OVERRUN_SIG,(QActive *)me); return Q_TRAN(&LwIPMgr_running); } /*..........................................................................*/ QState LwIPMgr_running(LwIPMgr *me, QEvt const *e) { switch (e->sig) { case Q_ENTRY_SIG: { QTimeEvt_postEvery(&me->te_LWIP_SLOW_TICK, (QActive *)me, (LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS * BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC) / 1000); return Q_HANDLED(); } case Q_EXIT_SIG: { QTimeEvt_disarm(&me->te_LWIP_SLOW_TICK); return Q_HANDLED(); } case SEND_UDP_SIG: { if (me->upcb->remote_port != (uint16_t)0) { struct pbuf *p = pbuf_new((u8_t *)((TextEvt const *)e)->text, strlen(((TextEvt const *)e)->text) + 1); if (p != (struct pbuf *)0) { udp_send(me->upcb, p); pbuf_free(p); /* don't leak the pbuf! */ } } return Q_HANDLED(); } case LWIP_RX_READY_SIG: { eth_driver_read(); return Q_HANDLED(); } case LWIP_TX_READY_SIG: { eth_driver_write(); return Q_HANDLED(); } case LWIP_SLOW_TICK_SIG: { /* has IP address changed? */ if (me->ip_addr != me->netif->ip_addr.addr) { TextEvt *te; uint32_t ip_net; /* IP address in the network byte order */ me->ip_addr = me->netif->ip_addr.addr; /* save the IP addr. */ ip_net = ntohl(me->ip_addr); /* publish the text event to display the new IP address */ te = Q_NEW(TextEvt, DISPLAY_IPADDR_SIG); snprintf(te->text, Q_DIM(te->text), "%d.%d.%d.%d", ((ip_net) >> 24) & 0xFF, ((ip_net) >> 16) & 0xFF, ((ip_net) >> 8) & 0xFF, ip_net & 0xFF); QF_PUBLISH((QEvt *)te, me); } #if LWIP_TCP me->tcp_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS; if (me->tcp_tmr >= TCP_TMR_INTERVAL) { me->tcp_tmr = 0; tcp_tmr(); } #endif #if LWIP_ARP me->arp_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS; if (me->arp_tmr >= ARP_TMR_INTERVAL) { me->arp_tmr = 0; etharp_tmr(); } #endif #if LWIP_DHCP me->dhcp_fine_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS; if (me->dhcp_fine_tmr >= DHCP_FINE_TIMER_MSECS) { me->dhcp_fine_tmr = 0; dhcp_fine_tmr(); } me->dhcp_coarse_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS; if (me->dhcp_coarse_tmr >= DHCP_COARSE_TIMER_MSECS) { me->dhcp_coarse_tmr = 0; dhcp_coarse_tmr(); } #endif #if LWIP_AUTOIP me->auto_ip_tmr += LWIP_SLOW_TICK_MS; if (me->auto_ip_tmr >= AUTOIP_TMR_INTERVAL) { me->auto_ip_tmr = 0; autoip_tmr(); } #endif return Q_HANDLED(); } case LWIP_RX_OVERRUN_SIG: { LINK_STATS_INC(link.err); return Q_HANDLED(); } } return Q_SUPER(&QHsm_top); } /* HTTPD customizations ----------------------------------------------------*/ /* Server-Side Include (SSI) handler .......................................*/ static int ssi_handler(int iIndex, char *pcInsert, int iInsertLen) { struct stats_proto *stats = &lwip_stats.link; STAT_COUNTER value = 0; switch (iIndex) { case 0: /* s_xmit */ value = stats->xmit; break; case 1: /* s_recv */ value = stats->recv; break; case 2: /* s_fw */ value = stats->fw; break; case 3: /* s_drop */ value = stats->drop; break; case 4: /* s_chkerr */ value = stats->chkerr; break; case 5: /* s_lenerr */ value = stats->lenerr; break; case 6: /* s_memerr */ value = stats->memerr; break; case 7: /* s_rterr */ value = stats->rterr; break; case 8: /* s_proerr */ value = stats->proterr; break; case 9: /* s_opterr */ value = stats->opterr; break; case 10: /* s_err */ value = stats->err; break; } return snprintf(pcInsert, MAX_TAG_INSERT_LEN, "%d", value); } /* Common Gateway Iinterface (CG) handler ..................................*/ static char const *cgi_display(int index, int numParams, char const *param[], char const *value[]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < numParams; ++i) { if (strstr(param[i], "text") != (char *)0) { /* param text found? */ TextEvt *te = Q_NEW(TextEvt, DISPLAY_CGI_SIG); strncpy(te->text, value[i], Q_DIM(te->text)); QF_PUBLISH((QEvt *)te, AO_LwIPMgr); return "/thank_you.htm"; } } return (char *)0;/*no URI, HTTPD will send 404 error page to the browser*/ } /* UDP receive handler -----------------------------------------------------*/ static void udp_rx_handler(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port) { TextEvt *te = Q_NEW(TextEvt, DISPLAY_UDP_SIG); strncpy(te->text, (char *)p->payload, Q_DIM(te->text)); QF_PUBLISH((QEvt *)te, AO_LwIPMgr); udp_connect(upcb, addr, port); /* connect to the remote host */ pbuf_free(p); /* don't leak the pbuf! */ }