/***************************************************************************** * Model: dpp.qm * File: ./table.c * * This code has been generated by QM tool (see state-machine.com/qm). * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY. All your changes will be lost. * * This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. *****************************************************************************/ /*${.::table.c} ............................................................*/ #include "qp_port.h" #include "dpp.h" #include "bsp.h" Q_DEFINE_THIS_FILE /* Active object class -----------------------------------------------------*/ /*${AOs::Table} ............................................................*/ typedef struct { /* protected: */ QMActive super; /* private: */ uint8_t fork[N_PHILO]; uint8_t isHungry[N_PHILO]; } Table; /* protected: */ static QState Table_initial(Table * const me, QEvt const * const e); static QState Table_active (Table * const me, QEvt const * const e); static QMState const Table_active_s = { (QMState const *)0, /* superstate (top) */ Q_STATE_CAST(&Table_active), Q_ACTION_CAST(0), /* no entry action */ Q_ACTION_CAST(0), /* no exit action */ Q_ACTION_CAST(0) /* no intitial tran. */ }; static QState Table_serving (Table * const me, QEvt const * const e); static QState Table_serving_e(Table * const me); static QMState const Table_serving_s = { &Table_active_s, /* superstate */ Q_STATE_CAST(&Table_serving), Q_ACTION_CAST(&Table_serving_e), Q_ACTION_CAST(0), /* no exit action */ Q_ACTION_CAST(0) /* no intitial tran. */ }; static QState Table_paused (Table * const me, QEvt const * const e); static QState Table_paused_e(Table * const me); static QState Table_paused_x(Table * const me); static QMState const Table_paused_s = { &Table_active_s, /* superstate */ Q_STATE_CAST(&Table_paused), Q_ACTION_CAST(&Table_paused_e), Q_ACTION_CAST(&Table_paused_x), Q_ACTION_CAST(0) /* no intitial tran. */ }; #define RIGHT(n_) ((uint8_t)(((n_) + (N_PHILO - 1U)) % N_PHILO)) #define LEFT(n_) ((uint8_t)(((n_) + 1U) % N_PHILO)) #define FREE ((uint8_t)0) #define USED ((uint8_t)1) /* Local objects -----------------------------------------------------------*/ static Table l_table; /* the single instance of the Table active object */ /* Global-scope objects ----------------------------------------------------*/ QActive * const AO_Table = &l_table.super; /* "opaque" AO pointer */ /*..........................................................................*/ /*${AOs::Table_ctor} .......................................................*/ void Table_ctor(void) { uint8_t n; Table *me = &l_table; QMActive_ctor(&me->super, Q_STATE_CAST(&Table_initial)); for (n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) { me->fork[n] = FREE; me->isHungry[n] = 0U; } } /*${AOs::Table} ............................................................*/ /*${AOs::Table::SM} ........................................................*/ static QState Table_initial(Table * const me, QEvt const * const e) { static struct { QMState const *target; QActionHandler act[2]; } const tatbl_ = { /* transition-action table */ &Table_serving_s, /* target state */ { Q_ACTION_CAST(&Table_serving_e), /* entry */ Q_ACTION_CAST(0) /* zero terminator */ } }; /* ${AOs::Table::SM::initial} */ uint8_t n; (void)e; /* suppress the compiler warning about unused parameter */ QS_OBJ_DICTIONARY(&l_table); QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(&QHsm_top); QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(&Table_initial); QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(&Table_serving); QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(DONE_SIG, (void *)0); /* global signals */ QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(EAT_SIG, (void *)0); QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(PAUSE_SIG, (void *)0); QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(TERMINATE_SIG, (void *)0); QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(HUNGRY_SIG, me); /* signal just for Table */ QActive_subscribe(&me->super, DONE_SIG); QActive_subscribe(&me->super, PAUSE_SIG); QActive_subscribe(&me->super, TERMINATE_SIG); for (n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) { me->fork[n] = FREE; me->isHungry[n] = 0U; BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "thinking"); } return QM_TRAN_INIT(&tatbl_); } /*${AOs::Table::SM::active} ................................................*/ static QState Table_active(Table * const me, QEvt const * const e) { QState status_; switch (e->sig) { /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::TERMINATE} */ case TERMINATE_SIG: { BSP_terminate(0); status_ = QM_HANDLED(); break; } /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::EAT} */ case EAT_SIG: { Q_ERROR(); status_ = QM_HANDLED(); break; } default: { status_ = QM_SUPER(); break; } } (void)me; /* avoid compiler warning in case 'me' is not used */ return status_; } /*${AOs::Table::SM::active::serving} .......................................*/ static QState Table_serving_e(Table * const me) { uint8_t n; for (n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) { /* give permissions to eat... */ if ((me->isHungry[n] != 0U) && (me->fork[LEFT(n)] == FREE) && (me->fork[n] == FREE)) { TableEvt *te; me->fork[LEFT(n)] = USED; me->fork[n] = USED; te = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG); te->philoNum = n; QF_PUBLISH(&te->super, me); me->isHungry[n] = 0U; BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "eating "); } } return QM_ENTRY(&Table_serving_s); } static QState Table_serving(Table * const me, QEvt const * const e) { QState status_; switch (e->sig) { /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::serving::HUNGRY} */ case HUNGRY_SIG: { uint8_t n, m; n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum; /* phil ID must be in range and he must be not hungry */ Q_ASSERT((n < N_PHILO) && (me->isHungry[n] == 0U)); BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "hungry "); m = LEFT(n); /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::serving::HUNGRY::[bothfree]} */ if ((me->fork[m] == FREE) && (me->fork[n] == FREE)) { TableEvt *pe; me->fork[m] = USED; me->fork[n] = USED; pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG); pe->philoNum = n; QF_PUBLISH(&pe->super, me); BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "eating "); status_ = QM_HANDLED(); } /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::serving::HUNGRY::[else]} */ else { me->isHungry[n] = 1U; status_ = QM_HANDLED(); } break; } /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::serving::DONE} */ case DONE_SIG: { uint8_t n, m; TableEvt *pe; n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum; /* phil ID must be in range and he must be not hungry */ Q_ASSERT((n < N_PHILO) && (me->isHungry[n] == 0U)); BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "thinking"); m = LEFT(n); /* both forks of Phil[n] must be used */ Q_ASSERT((me->fork[n] == USED) && (me->fork[m] == USED)); me->fork[m] = FREE; me->fork[n] = FREE; m = RIGHT(n); /* check the right neighbor */ if ((me->isHungry[m] != 0U) && (me->fork[m] == FREE)) { me->fork[n] = USED; me->fork[m] = USED; me->isHungry[m] = 0U; pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG); pe->philoNum = m; QF_PUBLISH(&pe->super, me); BSP_displayPhilStat(m, "eating "); } m = LEFT(n); /* check the left neighbor */ n = LEFT(m); /* left fork of the left neighbor */ if ((me->isHungry[m] != 0U) && (me->fork[n] == FREE)) { me->fork[m] = USED; me->fork[n] = USED; me->isHungry[m] = 0U; pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG); pe->philoNum = m; QF_PUBLISH(&pe->super, me); BSP_displayPhilStat(m, "eating "); } status_ = QM_HANDLED(); break; } /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::serving::EAT} */ case EAT_SIG: { Q_ERROR(); status_ = QM_HANDLED(); break; } /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::serving::PAUSE} */ case PAUSE_SIG: { static struct { QMState const *target; QActionHandler act[2]; } const tatbl_ = { /* transition-action table */ &Table_paused_s, /* target state */ { Q_ACTION_CAST(&Table_paused_e), /* entry */ Q_ACTION_CAST(0) /* zero terminator */ } }; status_ = QM_TRAN(&tatbl_); break; } default: { status_ = QM_SUPER(); break; } } return status_; } /*${AOs::Table::SM::active::paused} ........................................*/ static QState Table_paused_e(Table * const me) { BSP_displayPaused(1U); (void)me; /* avoid compiler warning in case 'me' is not used */ return QM_ENTRY(&Table_paused_s); } static QState Table_paused_x(Table * const me) { BSP_displayPaused(0U); (void)me; /* avoid compiler warning in case 'me' is not used */ return QM_EXIT(&Table_paused_s); } static QState Table_paused(Table * const me, QEvt const * const e) { QState status_; switch (e->sig) { /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::paused::PAUSE} */ case PAUSE_SIG: { static struct { QMState const *target; QActionHandler act[3]; } const tatbl_ = { /* transition-action table */ &Table_serving_s, /* target state */ { Q_ACTION_CAST(&Table_paused_x), /* exit */ Q_ACTION_CAST(&Table_serving_e), /* entry */ Q_ACTION_CAST(0) /* zero terminator */ } }; status_ = QM_TRAN(&tatbl_); break; } /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::paused::HUNGRY} */ case HUNGRY_SIG: { uint8_t n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum; /* philo ID must be in range and he must be not hungry */ Q_ASSERT((n < N_PHILO) && (me->isHungry[n] == 0U)); me->isHungry[n] = 1U; BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "hungry "); status_ = QM_HANDLED(); break; } /* ${AOs::Table::SM::active::paused::DONE} */ case DONE_SIG: { uint8_t n, m; n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoNum; /* phil ID must be in range and he must be not hungry */ Q_ASSERT((n < N_PHILO) && (me->isHungry[n] == 0U)); BSP_displayPhilStat(n, "thinking"); m = LEFT(n); /* both forks of Phil[n] must be used */ Q_ASSERT((me->fork[n] == USED) && (me->fork[m] == USED)); me->fork[m] = FREE; me->fork[n] = FREE; status_ = QM_HANDLED(); break; } default: { status_ = QM_SUPER(); break; } } return status_; }