Quantum Leaps Commercial Licenses Copyright (C) 2005 Quantum Leaps, LLC Quantum Leaps commercial licenses are traditional closed-source, paid-for licenses designed for licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code. The Quantum Leaps commercial licenses expressly supersede the GPL open source license. This means that when you license the QP/C or QP/C++ Real-Time Embedded Frameworks under a Quantum Leaps commercial license, you specifically do not use the software under the open source license and therefore you are not subject to any of its terms. Quantum Leaps commercial licensing options are described below: SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-QL-Single-Product ----------------------------------------------------- Single Product License allows a given company ("Licensee") to embed the specified type(s) of the QP Real-Time Embedded Framework(s) into one end- product of the Licensee (Single Product). Licensee can distribute/sell an unlimited number of units of the Single Product (royalty-free licensing), for the life of the Single Product. A different Single Product license is required for each different end product (i.e. model) even if the end-product is in the same family as a previously licensed end product. This license is specific to the Licensee and the name and model of the Single Product, which needs to be defined in the license. The general rule we apply is: If you consider it a separate product... so do we! Volume discounts are offered if several Single Products are licensed at once with one license agreement. SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-QL-Product-Line --------------------------------------------------- Product Line License allows a given company ("Licensee") to embed the specified type(s) of the QP Real-Time Embedded Framework(s) into any number of end-products within a family of related products (Product Line). Licensee can distribute/sell an unlimited number of units of each of those products (royalty-free licensing), for the life of the end-products within the Product Line. Product Line License applies to all end-products that do similar functions within the same Product Line. SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-QL-Any-Product -------------------------------------------------- Any-Product License allows a given company ("Licensee") to embed the specified type(s) of the QP Real-Time Embedded Framework(s) into any end- product of that company. The Licensee can distribute/sell an unlimited number of the products containing the licensed QP framework type(s) (royalty-free licensing). SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-QL-Site ------------------------------------------- Site-License allows a given company ("Licensee") to embed the specified type(s) of the QP Real-Time Embedded Framework(s) into any end-customer product, as long as the products are designed at a given physical location (Site), which must be defined in the license. This license gives the Licensee also limited sublicensing rights for its clients and is specifically designed for development contractors and consultants, who develop embedded software for other companies. SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-QL-OEM ------------------------------------------ OEM License allows a given company ("Licensee") to embed the specified type(s) of the QP Real-Time Embedded Framework(s) in any product of that company (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and gives limited sublicensing rights to system integrators, subsystem vendors, subcontractors, and other affiliates. OEM licenses are customizable to match exactly the specific licensing needs of a given Licensee. SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-QL-Eval ------------------------------------------- Evaluation License allows a specific company ("Licensee") to temporarily use the specified type(s) of the QP Real-Time Embedded Framework(s) for in-house evaluation. This license expressly prohibits any distribution of the licensed QP software. **** NOTE: Please use the contact information below to find the current prices of the Quantum Leaps commercial licenses and to request the license agreements and price quotes. **** Contact Information: ==================== - https://www.state-machine.com/licensing - mailto:info@state-machine.com