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// QP/C Real-Time Embedded Framework (RTEF)
// Copyright (C) 2005 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved.
// Q u a n t u m L e a P s
// ------------------------
// Modern Embedded Software
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-QL-commercial
// The QP/C software is dual-licensed under the terms of the open-source GNU
// General Public License (GPL) or under the terms of one of the closed-
// source Quantum Leaps commercial licenses.
// Redistributions in source code must retain this top-level comment block.
// Plagiarizing this software to sidestep the license obligations is illegal.
// NOTE:
// The GPL (see <www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0>) does NOT permit the
// incorporation of the QP/C software into proprietary programs. Please
// contact Quantum Leaps for commercial licensing options, which expressly
// supersede the GPL and are designed explicitly for licensees interested
// in using QP/C in closed-source proprietary applications.
// Quantum Leaps contact information:
// <www.state-machine.com/licensing>
// <info@state-machine.com>
//! @date Last updated on: 2023-09-30
//! @version Last updated for: @ref qpc_8_0_0
//! @file
//! @brief QP/C port to FreeRTOS 10.x, generic C11 compiler
#ifndef QP_PORT_H_
#define QP_PORT_H_
#include <stdint.h> // Exact-width types. WG14/N843 C99 Standard
#include <stdbool.h> // Boolean type. WG14/N843 C99 Standard
#include "qp_config.h" // QP configuration from the application
// no-return function specifier (C11 Standard)
#define Q_NORETURN _Noreturn void
// QActive event queue and thread types for FreeRTOS
#define QACTIVE_EQUEUE_TYPE QueueHandle_t
#define QACTIVE_OS_OBJ_TYPE StaticQueue_t
#define QACTIVE_THREAD_TYPE StaticTask_t
// FreeRTOS requires the "FromISR" API in QP/C++
#define QF_ISR_API 1
// QF interrupt disabling/enabling (task level)
// QF critical section for FreeRTOS (task level), see NOTE2
#define QF_CRIT_STAT
// include files -------------------------------------------------------------
#include "FreeRTOS.h" // FreeRTOS master include file, see NOTE3
#include "task.h" // FreeRTOS task management
#include "queue.h" // FreeRTOS queue management
#include "qequeue.h" // QP event queue (for deferring events)
#include "qmpool.h" // QP memory pool (for event pools)
#include "qp.h" // QP platform-independent public interface
// the "FromISR" versions of the QF APIs, see NOTE3
#ifdef Q_SPY
#define QACTIVE_POST_FROM_ISR(me_, e_, pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, sender_) \
((void)QActive_postFromISR_((me_), (e_), QF_NO_MARGIN, \
(pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_), (sender_)))
#define QACTIVE_POST_X_FROM_ISR(me_, e_, margin_, \
pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, sender_) \
(QActive_postFromISR_((me_), (e_), (margin_), \
(pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_), (sender_)))
#define QACTIVE_PUBLISH_FROM_ISR(e_, pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, sender_) \
(QActive_publishFromISR_((e_), (pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_), \
(void const *)(sender_)))
#define QTIMEEVT_TICK_FROM_ISR(tickRate_, pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, sender_) \
(QTimeEvt_tickFromISR_((tickRate_), (pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_), (sender_)))
#else // ndef Q_SPY
#define QACTIVE_POST_FROM_ISR(me_, e_, pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, dummy) \
((void)QActive_postFromISR_((me_), (e_), QF_NO_MARGIN, \
(pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_), (void *)0))
#define QACTIVE_POST_X_FROM_ISR(me_, e_, margin_, \
pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, dummy) \
(QActive_postFromISR_((me_), (e_), (margin_), \
(pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_), (void *)0))
#define QACTIVE_PUBLISH_FROM_ISR(e_, pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, dummy) \
(QActive_publishFromISR_((e_), (pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_), \
(void *)0))
#define QTIMEEVT_TICK_FROM_ISR(tickRate_, pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, dummy) \
(QTimeEvt_tickFromISR_((tickRate_), (pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_), (void *)0))
#endif // Q_SPY
bool QActive_postFromISR_(QActive * const me, QEvt const * const e,
uint_fast16_t const margin,
BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken,
void const * const sender);
void QActive_publishFromISR_(QEvt const * const e,
BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken,
void const * const sender);
void QTimeEvt_tickFromISR_(uint_fast8_t const tickRate,
BaseType_t * const pxHigherPriorityTaskWoken,
void const * const sender);
#define QF_TICK_FROM_ISR(pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, sender_) \
QTIMEEVT_TICK_FROM_ISR(0U, pxHigherPrioTaskWoken_, sender_)
#ifdef QEVT_DYN_CTOR // Shall the ctor for the ::QEvt class be provided?
#define Q_NEW_FROM_ISR(evtT_, sig_, ...) \
(evtT_##_ctor((evtT_ *)QF_newXFromISR_(sizeof(evtT_), \
QF_NO_MARGIN, (sig_)), __VA_ARGS__))
#define Q_NEW_X_FROM_ISR(e_, evtT_, margin_, sig_, ...) do { \
(e_) = (evtT_ *)QF_newXFromISR_(sizeof(evtT_), \
(margin_), (sig_)); \
if ((e_) != (evtT_ *)0) { \
evtT_##_ctor((e_), __VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (false)
#else // no ::QEvt ctor
#define Q_NEW_FROM_ISR(evtT_, sig_) \
((evtT_ *)QF_newXFromISR_((uint_fast16_t)sizeof(evtT_), \
QF_NO_MARGIN, (sig_)))
#define Q_NEW_X_FROM_ISR(e_, evtT_, margin_, sig_) ((e_) = \
(evtT_ *)QF_newXFromISR_((uint_fast16_t)sizeof(evtT_), \
(margin_), (sig_)))
#endif // QEVT_DYN_CTOR
void QF_gcFromISR(QEvt const * const e);
QEvt *QF_newXFromISR_(uint_fast16_t const evtSize,
uint_fast16_t const margin, enum_t const sig);
void *QMPool_getFromISR(QMPool * const me, uint_fast16_t const margin,
uint_fast8_t const qsId);
void QMPool_putFromISR(QMPool * const me, void *block,
uint_fast8_t const qsId);
enum FreeRTOS_TaskAttrs {
// FreeRTOS hooks prototypes (not provided by FreeRTOS)
#if (configUSE_IDLE_HOOK > 0)
void vApplicationIdleHook(void);
#if (configUSE_TICK_HOOK > 0)
void vApplicationTickHook(void);
void vApplicationStackOverflowHook(TaskHandle_t xTask, char *pcTaskName);
void vApplicationGetIdleTaskMemory(StaticTask_t **ppxIdleTaskTCBBuffer,
StackType_t **ppxIdleTaskStackBuffer,
uint32_t *pulIdleTaskStackSize);
// interface used only inside QF, but not in applications
#ifdef QP_IMPL
#define FREERTOS_TASK_PRIO(qp_prio_) \
((UBaseType_t)((qp_prio_) + tskIDLE_PRIORITY))
// FreeRTOS scheduler locking for QF_publish_() (task context only)
#define QF_SCHED_STAT_
#define QF_SCHED_LOCK_(prio_) (vTaskSuspendAll())
#define QF_SCHED_UNLOCK_() ((void)xTaskResumeAll())
// native QF event pool customization
#define QF_EPOOL_TYPE_ QMPool
#define QF_EPOOL_INIT_(p_, poolSto_, poolSize_, evtSize_) \
(QMPool_init(&(p_), (poolSto_), (poolSize_), (evtSize_)))
#define QF_EPOOL_EVENT_SIZE_(p_) ((uint_fast16_t)(p_).blockSize)
#define QF_EPOOL_GET_(p_, e_, m_, qsId_) \
((e_) = (QEvt *)QMPool_get(&(p_), (m_), (qsId_)))
#define QF_EPOOL_PUT_(p_, e_, qsId_) \
(QMPool_put(&(p_), (e_), (qsId_)))
#endif // def QP_IMPL
// NOTE2:
// The critical section definition applies only to the FreeRTOS "task level"
// APIs. The "FromISR" APIs are defined separately.
// NOTE3:
// The design of FreeRTOS requires using different APIs inside the ISRs
// (the "FromISR" variant) than at the task level. Accordingly, this port
// provides the "FromISR" variants for QP functions and "FROM_ISR" variants
// for QP macros to be used inside ISRs. ONLY THESE "FROM_ISR" VARIANTS
#endif // QP_PORT_H_