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* @file
* @brief QF/C, port to ThreadX
* @cond
* Last updated for version 6.9.4
* Last updated on 2021-12-05
* Q u a n t u m L e a P s
* ------------------------
* Modern Embedded Software
* Copyright (C) 2005-2021 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved.
* This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the
* terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede
* the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for
* licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <www.gnu.org/licenses>.
* Contact information:
* <www.state-machine.com/licensing>
* <info@state-machine.com>
* @endcond
#ifndef QF_PORT_H
#define QF_PORT_H
/* ThreadX event queue and thread types */
#define QF_OS_OBJECT_TYPE uint8_t
/* QF priority offset within ThreadX priority numbering scheme, see NOTE1 */
/* The maximum number of active objects in the application, see NOTE2 */
/* QF critical section for ThreadX, see NOTE3 */
#define QF_CRIT_ENTRY(stat_) ((stat_) = tx_interrupt_control(TX_INT_DISABLE))
#define QF_CRIT_EXIT(stat_) ((void)tx_interrupt_control(stat_))
enum ThreadX_ThreadAttrs {
#include "tx_api.h" /* ThreadX API */
#include "qep_port.h" /* QEP port */
#include "qequeue.h" /* native QF event queue for deferring events */
#include "qmpool.h" /* native QF event pool */
#include "qf.h" /* QF platform-independent public interface */
* interface used only inside QF, but not in applications
#ifdef QP_IMPL
/*! ThreadX-specific scheduler locking (implemented in qf_port.c) */
typedef struct {
uint_fast8_t lockPrio; /*!< lock prio [QF numbering scheme] */
UINT prevThre; /*!< previoius preemption threshold */
TX_THREAD *lockHolder; /*!< the thread holding the lock */
} QFSchedLock;
#define QF_SCHED_STAT_ QFSchedLock lockStat_;
#define QF_SCHED_LOCK_(prio_) do { \
if (_tx_thread_system_state != 0U) { \
lockStat_.lockPrio = 0U; \
} else { \
QFSchedLock_(&lockStat_, (prio_)); \
} \
} while (false)
#define QF_SCHED_UNLOCK_() do { \
if (lockStat_.lockPrio != 0U) { \
QFSchedUnlock_(&lockStat_); \
} \
} while (false)
/* internal implementation of scheduler locking/unlocking */
void QFSchedLock_(QFSchedLock * const lockStat, uint_fast8_t prio);
void QFSchedUnlock_(QFSchedLock const * const lockStat);
extern ULONG volatile _tx_thread_system_state; /* internal TX interrupt counter */
/* native QF event pool operations */
#define QF_EPOOL_TYPE_ QMPool
#define QF_EPOOL_INIT_(p_, poolSto_, poolSize_, evtSize_) \
(QMPool_init(&(p_), (poolSto_), (poolSize_), (evtSize_)))
#define QF_EPOOL_EVENT_SIZE_(p_) ((uint_fast16_t)(p_).blockSize)
#define QF_EPOOL_GET_(p_, e_, m_, qs_id_) \
((e_) = (QEvt *)QMPool_get(&(p_), (m_), (qs_id_)))
#define QF_EPOOL_PUT_(p_, e_, qs_id_) \
(QMPool_put(&(p_), (e_), (qs_id_)))
#endif /* ifdef QP_IMPL */
* NOTE1:
* QF_TX_PRIO_OFFSET specifies the number of highest-urgency ThreadX
* priorities not available to QP active objects. These highest-urgency
* priorities might be used by ThreadX threads that run "above" QP active
* objects.
* Because the ThreadX priority numbering is "upside down" compared
* to the QP priority numbering, the ThreadX priority for an active object
* thread is calculated as follows:
* tx_prio = QF_TX_PRIO_OFFSET + QF_MAX_ACTIVE - qp_prio
* NOTE2:
* The maximum number of active objects in QP can be increased to 63,
* inclusive, but it can be reduced to save some memory. Also, the number of
* active objects cannot exceed the number of TreadX thread priorities
* TX_MAX_PRIORITIES, because each QP active object requires a unique
* priority level. Due to the artificial limitations of the ThreadX demo
* for Windows, QF_MAX_ACTIVE is set here lower to not exceed the total
* available priority levels.
* NOTE3:
* The ThreadX critical section must be able to nest, which is the case with
* the tx_interrupt_control() API.
#endif /* QF_PORT_H */