Quantum Leaps cd6736f1fd 5.4.0
2015-04-28 13:45:35 -04:00

270 lines
11 KiB

* @file
* @brief QF/C generic port to uC/OS-II V2.92
* @ingroup ports
* @cond
* Last Updated for Version: 5.4.0
* Date of the Last Update: 2015-04-08
* Q u a n t u m L e a P s
* ---------------------------
* innovating embedded systems
* Copyright (C) Quantum Leaps, LLC. state-machine.com.
* This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the
* terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede
* the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for
* licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Contact information:
* Web: www.state-machine.com
* Email: info@state-machine.com
* @endcond
#define QP_IMPL /* this is QP implementation */
#include "qf_port.h" /* QF port */
#include "qf_pkg.h"
#include "qassert.h"
#ifdef Q_SPY /* QS software tracing enabled? */
#include "qs_port.h" /* include QS port */
#include "qs_dummy.h" /* disable the QS software tracing */
#endif /* Q_SPY */
/* Local objects -----------------------------------------------------------*/
static void task_function(void *pdata); /* uC/OS-II task signature */
void QF_init(void) {
OSInit(); /* initialize uC/OS-II */
int_t QF_run(void) {
QF_onStartup(); /* configure & start interrupts, see NOTE0 */
OSStart(); /* start uC/OS-II multitasking */
Q_ERROR_ID(100); /* OSStart() should never return */
return (int_t)0; /* this unreachable return keeps the compiler happy */
void QF_stop(void) {
QF_onCleanup(); /* cleanup callback */
void QF_setUCosTaskAttr(QActive *act, uint32_t attr) {
act->thread = attr;
void QActive_start_(QActive * const me, uint_fast8_t prio,
QEvt const *qSto[], uint_fast16_t qLen,
void *stkSto, uint_fast16_t stkSize,
QEvt const *ie)
INT8U p_ucos;
INT8U err;
me->eQueue = OSQCreate((void **)qSto, qLen); /* create uC/OS-II queue */
/* the uC/OS-II queue must be created correctly */
Q_ASSERT_ID(210, me->eQueue != (OS_EVENT *)0);
me->prio = prio; /* save the QF priority */
QF_add_(me); /* make QF aware of this active object */
QMSM_INIT(&me->super, ie); /* thake the top-most initial tran. */
QS_FLUSH(); /* flush the trace buffer to the host */
/* map from QP to uC/OS priority */
p_ucos = (INT8U)(QF_MAX_ACTIVE - me->prio);
/* create AO's task... */
* NOTE: The call to uC/OS-II API OSTaskCreateExt() assumes that the
* pointer to the top-of-stack (ptos) is at the end of the provided
* stack memory. This is correct only for CPUs with downward-growing
* stack, but must be changed for CPUs with upward-growing stack
err = OSTaskCreateExt(&task_function, /* the task function */
(void *)me, /* the 'pdata' parameter */
&(((OS_STK *)stkSto)[(stkSize / sizeof(OS_STK)) - 1]), /* ptos */
p_ucos, /* uC/OS-II task priority */
(INT16U)p_ucos, /* the unique priority is the task id as well */
(OS_STK *)stkSto, /* pbos */
(INT32U)(stkSize/sizeof(OS_STK)),/* stack size in OS_STK units */
(void *)0, /* pext */
(INT16U)me->thread); /* task options, see NOTE1 */
/* uC/OS-II task must be created correctly */
Q_ENSURE_ID(220, err == OS_ERR_NONE);
static void task_function(void *pdata) { /* uC/OS-II task signature */
/* event-loop of an AO's thread... */
((QActive *)pdata)->thread = (uint32_t)1; /* enable event-loop, NOTE2 */
while (((QActive *)pdata)->thread != (uint32_t)0) { /* event-loop */
QEvt const *e = QActive_get_((QActive *)pdata);
QMSM_DISPATCH((QMsm *)pdata, e); /* dispatch to the AO's SM */
QF_gc(e); /* check if the event is garbage, and collect it if so */
QF_remove_((QActive *)pdata); /* remove this object from the framework */
OSTaskDel(OS_PRIO_SELF); /* make uC/OS-II forget about this task */
void QActive_stop(QActive *me) {
INT8U err;
me->thread = (uint32_t)0; /* stop the thread loop */
OSQDel(me->eQueue, OS_DEL_ALWAYS, &err); /* cleanup the queue */
/* queue must be cleaned up correctly */
Q_ENSURE_ID(300, err == OS_ERR_NONE);
#ifndef Q_SPY
bool QActive_post_(QActive * const me, QEvt const * const e,
uint_fast16_t const margin)
bool QActive_post_(QActive * const me, QEvt const * const e,
uint_fast16_t const margin, void const * const sender)
bool status;
uint_fast16_t nFree;
nFree = (uint_fast16_t)(((OS_Q_DATA *)me->eQueue)->OSQSize
- ((OS_Q_DATA *)me->eQueue)->OSNMsgs);
if (nFree > margin) {
QS_TIME_(); /* timestamp */
QS_OBJ_(sender); /* the sender object */
QS_SIG_(e->sig); /* the signal of the event */
QS_OBJ_(me); /* this active object (recipient) */
QS_U8_(e->poolId_); /* the pool Id of the event */
QS_U8_(e->refCtr_); /* the ref count of the event */
QS_EQC_((QEQueueCtr)nFree); /* # free entries */
QS_EQC_((QEQueueCtr)0); /* min # free entries (unknown) */
if (e->poolId_ != (uint8_t)0) { /* is it a pool event? */
QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); /* increment the reference counter */
/* NOTE:
* The following uC/OS-II OSQPost() API is called inside a critical
* section, but this is OK, because uC/OS-II critical sections are
* designed to nest
OSQPost((OS_EVENT *)me->eQueue, (void *)e) == OS_ERR_NONE);
/* posting the event to uC/OS message queue must succeed */
status = true; /* report event posted */
else {
/* can tolerate dropping evts? */
Q_ASSERT_ID(420, margin != (uint_fast16_t)0);
QS_TIME_(); /* timestamp */
QS_OBJ_(sender); /* the sender object */
QS_SIG_(e->sig); /* the signal of the event */
QS_OBJ_(me); /* this active object (recipient) */
QS_2U8_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); /* pool Id & ref Count */
QS_EQC_((QEQueueCtr)nFree); /* number of free entries */
QS_EQC_((QEQueueCtr)margin); /* margin requested */
status = false; /* report event NOT posted */
return status;
void QActive_postLIFO_(QActive * const me, QEvt const * const e) {
QS_TIME_(); /* timestamp */
QS_SIG_(e->sig); /* the signal of this event */
QS_OBJ_(me); /* this active object */
QS_2U8_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); /* pool Id & ref Count */
QS_EQC_(((OS_Q *)me->eQueue)->OSQSize
- ((OS_Q *)me->eQueue)->OSQEntries); /* # free entries */
QS_EQC_((QEQueueCtr)0); /* min # free entries (unknown) */
if (e->poolId_ != (uint8_t)0) { /* is it a pool event? */
QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); /* increment the reference counter */
/* NOTE:
* The following uC/OS-II OSQPostFront() API is called inside a critical
* section, but this is OK, because uC/OS-II critical sections are
* designed to nest
OSQPostFront((OS_EVENT *)me->eQueue, (void *)e) == OS_ERR_NONE);
/* posting the event to uC/OS message queue must succeed */
QEvt const *QActive_get_(QActive * const me) {
INT8U err;
QEvt const *e = (QEvt *)OSQPend((OS_EVENT *)me->eQueue, 0U, &err);
Q_ASSERT_ID(610, err == OS_ERR_NONE);
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_GET, QS_priv_.aoObjFilter, me)
QS_TIME_(); /* timestamp */
QS_SIG_(e->sig); /* the signal of this event */
QS_OBJ_(me); /* this active object */
QS_2U8_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); /* pool Id & ref Count */
QS_EQC_(((OS_Q *)me->eQueue)->OSQSize
- ((OS_Q *)me->eQueue)->OSQEntries); /* # free entries */
return e;
* NOTE0:
* The QF_onStartup() should enter the critical section before configuring
* and starting interrupts and it should NOT exit the critical section.
* Thus the interrupts cannot fire until uC/OS-II starts multitasking
* in OSStart(). This is to prevent a (narrow) time window in which interrupts
* could make some tasks ready to run, but the OS would not be ready yet
* to perform context switch.
* NOTE1:
* The member QActive.thread is set to the uC/OS-II task options in the
* function QF_setUCosTaskAttr(), which must be called **before**
* NOTE2:
* The member QActive.thread is reused as the loop control variable,
* because the task options are alredy applied.