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* @file
* @brief QK/C (preemptive non-blocking kernel) platform-independent
* public interface.
* @ingroup qk
* @cond
* Last updated for version 6.2.0
* Last updated on 2018-03-16
* Q u a n t u m L e a P s
* ---------------------------
* innovating embedded systems
* Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved.
* This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the
* terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede
* the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for
* licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Contact information:
* https://www.state-machine.com
* mailto:info@state-machine.com
* @endcond
#ifndef qk_h
#define qk_h
#include "qequeue.h" /* QK kernel uses the native QP event queue */
#include "qmpool.h" /* QK kernel uses the native QP memory pool */
#include "qpset.h" /* QK kernel uses the native QP priority set */
/* QF configuration for QK -- data members of the QActive class... */
/*! Kernel-dependent type of the event queue used for QK threads */
* @description
* QK uses the native QP event queue QEQueue.
#define QF_EQUEUE_TYPE QEQueue
/*! Kernel-dependent type of the thread attribute in QK */
* @description
* QK uses this member to store the private Thread-Local Storage pointer.
#define QF_THREAD_TYPE void*
/*! attributes of the QK kernel */
typedef struct {
uint8_t volatile actPrio; /*!< prio of the active AO */
uint8_t volatile nextPrio; /*!< prio of the next AO to execute */
uint8_t volatile lockPrio; /*!< lock prio (0 == no-lock) */
uint8_t volatile lockHolder; /*!< prio of the AO holding the lock */
uint8_t volatile intNest; /*!< ISR nesting level */
QPSet readySet; /*!< QK ready-set of AOs */
} QK_Attr;
/*! global attributes of the QK kernel */
extern QK_Attr QK_attr_;
struct QActive; /* forward declaration */
/*! QK context switch callback (customized in BSPs for QK) */
* @description
* This callback function provides a mechanism to perform additional
* custom operations when QK switches context from one thread to
* another.
* @param[in] prev pointer to the previous thread (active object)
* (prev==0 means that @p prev was the QK idle loop)
* @param[in] next pointer to the next thread (active object)
* (next==0) means that @p next is the QK idle loop)
* @attention
* QK_onContextSw() is invoked with interrupts **disabled** and must also
* return with interrupts **disabled**.
* @note
* This callback is enabled by defining the macro #QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW.
* @include qk_oncontextsw.c
void QK_onContextSw(struct QActive *prev, struct QActive *next);
#endif /* QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW */
/*! QK idle callback (customized in BSPs for QK) */
* @description
* QK_onIdle() is called continuously by the QK idle loop. This callback
* gives the application an opportunity to enter a power-saving CPU mode,
* or perform some other idle processing.
* @note
* QK_onIdle() is invoked with interrupts enabled and must also return with
* interrupts enabled.
* @sa QV_onIdle()
void QK_onIdle(void);
/*! QK scheduler finds the highest-priority thread ready to run */
uint_fast8_t QK_sched_(void);
/*! QK activator activates the next active object. The activated AO preempts
* the currently executing AOs.
void QK_activate_(void);
/*! QK Scheduler locking */
/*! The scheduler lock status */
typedef uint_fast16_t QSchedStatus;
/*! QK Scheduler lock */
QSchedStatus QK_schedLock(uint_fast8_t ceiling);
/*! QK Scheduler unlock */
void QK_schedUnlock(QSchedStatus stat);
/*! get the current QK version number string of the form "X.Y.Z" */
#define QK_getVersion() (QP_versionStr)
/* interface used only inside QP implementation, but not in applications */
#ifdef QP_IMPL
/*! Internal macro that reports the execution context (ISR vs. thread)
/*! @returns true if the code executes in the ISR context and false
* otherwise
#define QK_ISR_CONTEXT_() (QK_attr_.intNest != (uint8_t)0)
#endif /* QK_ISR_CONTEXT_ */
/* QK-specific scheduler locking */
/*! Internal macro to represent the scheduler lock status
* that needs to be preserved to allow nesting of locks.
#define QF_SCHED_STAT_ QSchedStatus lockStat_;
/*! Internal macro for selective scheduler locking. */
#define QF_SCHED_LOCK_(prio_) do { \
if (QK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { \
lockStat_ = (QSchedStatus)0xFF; \
} else { \
lockStat_ = QK_schedLock((prio_)); \
} \
} while (0)
/*! Internal macro for selective scheduler unlocking. */
#define QF_SCHED_UNLOCK_() do { \
if (lockStat_ != (QSchedStatus)0xFF) { \
QK_schedUnlock(lockStat_); \
} \
} while (0)
/* native event queue operations... */
#define QACTIVE_EQUEUE_WAIT_(me_) \
(Q_ASSERT_ID(110, (me_)->eQueue.frontEvt != (QEvt *)0))
#define QACTIVE_EQUEUE_SIGNAL_(me_) do { \
QPSet_insert(&QK_attr_.readySet, (uint_fast8_t)(me_)->prio); \
if (!QK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { \
if (QK_sched_() != (uint_fast8_t)0) { \
QK_activate_(); \
} \
} \
} while (0)
/* native QF event pool operations */
#define QF_EPOOL_TYPE_ QMPool
#define QF_EPOOL_INIT_(p_, poolSto_, poolSize_, evtSize_) \
(QMPool_init(&(p_), (poolSto_), (poolSize_), (evtSize_)))
#define QF_EPOOL_EVENT_SIZE_(p_) ((uint_fast16_t)(p_).blockSize)
#define QF_EPOOL_GET_(p_, e_, m_) ((e_) = (QEvt *)QMPool_get(&(p_), (m_)))
#define QF_EPOOL_PUT_(p_, e_) (QMPool_put(&(p_), (e_)))
#endif /* QP_IMPL */
#endif /* qk_h */