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// QP/C Real-Time Embedded Framework (RTEF)
// Version 8.0.2
// Copyright (C) 2005 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved.
// Q u a n t u m L e a P s
// ------------------------
// Modern Embedded Software
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-QL-commercial
// This software is dual-licensed under the terms of the open-source GNU
// General Public License (GPL) or under the terms of one of the closed-
// source Quantum Leaps commercial licenses.
// Redistributions in source code must retain this top-level comment block.
// Plagiarizing this software to sidestep the license obligations is illegal.
// NOTE:
// The GPL does NOT permit the incorporation of this code into proprietary
// programs. Please contact Quantum Leaps for commercial licensing options,
// which expressly supersede the GPL and are designed explicitly for
// closed-source distribution.
// Quantum Leaps contact information:
// <www.state-machine.com/licensing>
// <info@state-machine.com>
#define QP_IMPL 1U
#include "qp_port.h"
#include "qsafe.h" // QP Functional Safety (FuSa) Subsystem
// prototypes ----------------------------------------------------------------
void PendSV_Handler(void);
#ifdef QK_USE_IRQ_HANDLER // if use IRQ...
void QK_USE_IRQ_HANDLER(void);
#else // use default (NMI)
void NMI_Handler(void);
#define SCB_SYSPRI ((uint32_t volatile *)0xE000ED18U)
#define NVIC_EN ((uint32_t volatile *)0xE000E100U)
#define NVIC_IP ((uint32_t volatile *)0xE000E400U)
#define SCB_CPACR *((uint32_t volatile *)0xE000ED88U)
#define FPU_FPCCR *((uint32_t volatile *)0xE000EF34U)
#define NVIC_PEND 0xE000E200
#define SCB_ICSR 0xE000ED04
// helper macros to "stringify" values
#define VAL(x) #x
#define STRINGIFY(x) VAL(x)
// interrupts and critical section...
// NOTE:
// The following interrupt disabling/enabling as well as critical section
// entry/exit functions are defined as "weak" so that they can be
// re-implemented differently at the application level.
// NOTE:
// For best performance, these functions are implemented in assembly,
// but they can be implemented in C as well.
#pragma weak QF_int_disable_
#pragma weak QF_int_enable_
#pragma weak QF_crit_entry_
#pragma weak QF_crit_exit_
//int32_t volatile QF_int_lock_nest_; // not used
extern char const QF_port_module_[];
char const QF_port_module_[] = "qk_port";
// Unconditionally disable interrupts.
// NOTE: this function must NOT use the stack.
// Description:
// When QF_USE_BASEPRI is defined, interrupts are disabled with BASEPRI.
// Otherwise interrupts are disabled with the PRIMASK register.
// Additionally, the function also asserts that the interrupts are
// NOT disabled upon the entry to the function, which means that
// this interrupt management policy CANNOT nest.
void QF_int_disable_(void) {
__asm volatile (
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- use BASEPRI for interrupt disabling?
" MRS r0,BASEPRI \n" // r0 <- previous BASEPRI
" MSR BASEPRI,r1 \n" // NOTE: Cortes-M7 erratum 837070 is OK
#else //--------- use PRIMASK for disabling interrupts
" MRS r0,PRIMASK \n" // r0 <- previous PRIMASK
" CPSID i \n" // set PRIMASK
#endif //--------- use PRIMASK for disabling interrupts
" CMP r0,#0 \n" // assert(PRIMASK/BASEPRI == 0)
" BNE QF_int_disable_error\n"
" BX lr \n"
"QF_int_disable_error: \n"
" LDR r0,=QF_port_module_ \n"
" MOVS r1,#100 \n"
" LDR r2,=Q_onError \n"
" BX r2 \n"
// Unconditionally enable interrupts.
// NOTE: this function must NOT use the stack.
// Description:
// When QF_USE_BASEPRI is defined, interrupts are enabled with BASEPRI.
// Otherwise interrupts are enabled with the PRIMASK register.
// Additionally, the function also asserts that the interrupts ARE
// disabled upon the entry to the function, which means that
// this interrupt management policy CANNOT nest.
void QF_int_enable_(void) {
__asm volatile (
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- use BASEPRI for enabling interrupts?
" MRS r0,BASEPRI \n" // r0 <- previous BASEPRI
#else //--------- use PRIMASK for enabling interrupts
" MRS r0,PRIMASK \n" // r0 <- previous PRIMASK
#endif //--------- use PRIMASK for enabling interrupts
" CMP r0,#0 \n" // assert(PRIMASK/BASEPRI != 0)
" BEQ QF_int_enable_error\n"
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- use BASEPRI for enabling interrupts?
" MOVS r1,#0 \n"
" MSR BASEPRI,r1 \n" // NOTE: Cortes-M7 erratum 837070 is OK
#else //--------- use PRIMASK for enabling interrupts
" CPSIE i \n" // clear PRIMASK
#endif //--------- use PRIMASK for enabling interrupts
" BX lr \n"
"QF_int_enable_error: \n"
" LDR r0,=QF_port_module_ \n"
" MOVS r1,#101 \n"
" LDR r2,=Q_onError \n"
" BX r2 \n"
// Enter QF critical section.
// NOTE: this function must NOT use the stack.
// Description:
// When QF_USE_BASEPRI is defined, critical section uses BASEPRI.
// Otherwise, critical section uses the PRIMASK register.
// Additionally, the function also asserts that the interrupts are
// NOT disabled upon the entry to the function, which means that
// this critical section CANNOT nest.
void QF_crit_entry_(void) {
__asm volatile (
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- use BASEPRI for critical section?
" MRS r0,BASEPRI \n" // r0 <- previous BASEPRI
" MSR BASEPRI,r1 \n" // NOTE: Cortes-M7 erratum 837070 is OK
#else //--------- use PRIMASK for critical section
" MRS r0,PRIMASK \n" // r0 <- previous PRIMASK
" CPSID i \n" // set PRIMASK
#endif //--------- use PRIMASK for critical section
" CMP r0,#0 \n" // assert(PRIMASK/BASEPRI == 0)
" BNE QF_crit_entry_error\n"
" BX lr \n"
"QF_crit_entry_error: \n"
" LDR r0,=QF_port_module_ \n"
" MOVS r1,#110 \n"
" LDR r2,=Q_onError \n"
" BX r2 \n"
// Exit QF critical section.
// NOTE: this function must NOT use the stack.
// description:
// When QF_USE_BASEPRI is defined, critical section uses BASEPRI.
// Otherwise, critical section uses the PRIMASK register.
// Additionally, the function also asserts that the interrupts ARE
// disabled upon the entry to the function, which means that
// this critical section CANNOT nest.
void QF_crit_exit_(void) {
__asm volatile (
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- use BASEPRI for critical section?
" MRS r0,BASEPRI \n" // r0 <- previous BASEPRI
#else //--------- use PRIMASK for critical section
" MRS r0,PRIMASK \n" // r0 <- previous PRIMASK
#endif //--------- use PRIMASK for critical section
" CMP r0,#0 \n" // assert(PRIMASK/BASEPRI != 0)
" BEQ QF_crit_exit_error\n"
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- use BASEPRI for critical section?
" MOVS r1,#0 \n"
" MSR BASEPRI,r1 \n" // NOTE: Cortes-M7 erratum 837070 is OK
#else //--------- use PRIMASK
" CPSIE i \n" // clear PRIMASK
#endif //--------- use PRIMASK
" BX lr \n"
"QF_crit_exit_error: \n"
" LDR r0,=QF_port_module_ \n"
" MOVS r1,#111 \n"
" LDR r2,=Q_onError \n"
" BX r2 \n"
// Initialize the exception priorities and IRQ priorities to safe values.
// description:
// On ARMv7-M or higher, this QF port disables interrupts by means of the
// BASEPRI register. However, this method cannot disable interrupt
// priority zero, which is the default for all interrupts out of reset.
// The following code changes the SysTick priority and all IRQ priorities
// to the safe value QF_USE_BASEPRI, which the QF critical section can disable.
// This avoids breaching of the QF critical sections in case the
// application programmer forgets to explicitly set priorities of all
// "kernel aware" interrupts.
// NOTE: The IRQ priorities established in QK_init() can be later changed
// by the application-level code.
void QK_init(void) {
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- use BASEPRI for critical section?
// SCB_SYSPRI[2]: SysTick
// set all 240 possible IRQ priories to QF_USE_BASEPRI...
for (uint_fast8_t n = 0U; n < (240U/sizeof(uint32_t)); ++n) {
#endif //--------- use BASEPRI for critical section
// SCB_SYSPRI[2]: PendSV set to priority 0xFF (lowest)
SCB_SYSPRI[2] = (SCB_SYSPRI[2] | (0xFFU << 16U));
#ifdef QK_USE_IRQ_NUM //--------- QK IRQ specified?
// The QK port is configured to use a given ARM Cortex-M IRQ #
// to return to thread mode (default is to use the NMI exception)
// clear the IRQ priority to 0 (highest)
NVIC_IP[QK_USE_IRQ_NUM >> 2U] &= ~(0xFFU << (8U*(QK_USE_IRQ_NUM & 3U)));
// enable the IRQ
NVIC_EN[QK_USE_IRQ_NUM >> 5U] = (1U << (QK_USE_IRQ_NUM & 0x1FU));
#endif //--------- QK IRQ specified
#ifdef __ARM_FP //--------- if VFP available...
// make sure that the FPU is enabled by setting CP10 & CP11 Full Access
SCB_CPACR = (SCB_CPACR | ((3UL << 20U) | (3UL << 22U)));
// FPU automatic state preservation (ASPEN) lazy stacking (LSPEN)
FPU_FPCCR = (FPU_FPCCR | (1U << 30U) | (1U << 31U));
#endif //--------- VFP available
// The PendSV exception is used for handling asynchronous preemption in QK.
// The use of the PendSV exception is the recommended and most efficient
// method for performing context switches in ARM Cortex-M.
// The PendSV exception should have the lowest priority in the whole system
// (0xFF, see QK_init). All other exceptions and interrupts should have higher
// priority.
// Also, *all* "kernel aware" ISRs in the QK application must call the
// QK_ISR_EXIT() macro, which triggers PendSV when it detects a need for
// a context switch or asynchronous preemption.
// Due to tail-chaining and its lowest priority, the PendSV exception will be
// entered immediately after the exit from the *last* nested interrupt (or
// exception). In QK, this is exactly the time when the QK activator needs to
// handle the asynchronous preemption.
void PendSV_Handler(void) {
__asm volatile (
" PUSH {r0,lr} \n" // save stack-aligner + EXC_RETURN
//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRITICAL SECTION BEGIN <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
" LDR r0,=QF_int_disable_ \n"
" BLX r0 \n" // call QF_int_disable_()
" LDR r0,=QF_onMemSys \n"
" BLX r0 \n" // call QF_onMemSys()
// The PendSV exception handler can be preempted by an interrupt,
// which might pend PendSV exception again. The following write to
// ICSR[27] un-pends any such spurious instance of PendSV.
" LDR r2,=" STRINGIFY(SCB_ICSR) "\n" // Interrupt Control and State
" MOVS r1,#1 \n"
" LSLS r1,r1,#27 \n" // r1 := (1 << 27) (UNPENDSVSET bit)
" STR r1,[r2] \n" // ICSR[27] := 1 (unpend PendSV)
// The QK activator must be called in a Thread mode, while this code
// executes in the Handler mode of the PendSV exception. The switch
// to the Thread mode is accomplished by returning from PendSV using
// a fabricated exception stack frame, where the return address is
// QK_activate_().
// NOTE: the QK activator is called with interrupts DISABLED and also
// returns with interrupts DISABLED.
" LSRS r3,r1,#3 \n" // r3 := (r1 >> 3), set T bit (new xpsr)
" LDR r2,=QK_activate_ \n" // address of QK_activate_
" SUBS r2,r2,#1 \n" // align Thumb-address at halfword (new pc)
" LDR r1,=QK_thread_ret \n" // return address after the call (new lr)
" SUB sp,sp,#8*4 \n" // reserve space for exception stack frame
" ADD r0,sp,#5*4 \n" // r0 := 5 registers below the SP
" STM r0!,{r1-r3} \n" // save xpsr,pc,lr
" MOVS r0,#6 \n"
" MVNS r0,r0 \n" // r0 := ~6 == 0xFFFFFFF9
#if (__ARM_ARCH != 6) //--------- if ARMv7-M and higher...
" DSB \n" // ARM Erratum 838869
#endif //--------- ARMv7-M and higher
" BX r0 \n" // exception-return to the QK activator
// QK_thread_ret is a helper function executed when the QXK activator returns.
// After the QK activator returns, we need to resume the preempted
// thread. However, this must be accomplished by a return-from-exception,
// while we are still in the *thread* context. The switching to the
// exception context is accomplished by triggering the NMI exception or
// the selected IRQ (if macro #QK_USE_IRQ_NUM is defined).
// NOTE: QK_thread_ret is entered with interrupts DISABLED.
// NOTE: any function calls made from this code corrupt lr, but it is
// NOT used to return from QK_thread_ret(). Instead QK_thread_ret()
// "returns" by entering an exception (either NMI or IRQ).
void QK_thread_ret(void) {
__asm volatile (
" LDR r0,=QF_onMemApp \n"
" BLX r0 \n" // call QF_onMemApp()
#if (__ARM_ARCH == 6) //--------- if ARMv6-M...
#ifdef QK_USE_IRQ_NUM //--------- IRQ defined, use the specified IRQ
" LDR r0,=" STRINGIFY(NVIC_PEND + ((QK_USE_IRQ_NUM >> 5) << 2)) "\n"
" MOVS r1,#1 \n"
" LSLS r1,r1,#" STRINGIFY(QK_USE_IRQ_NUM & 0x1F) "\n" // r1 := IRQ bit
" STR r1,[r0] \n" // pend the IRQ
" LDR r0,=QF_int_enable_ \n"
" BLX r0 \n" // enable interrupts with PRIMASK
// This code stops here and continues in the IRQ handler
#else //--------- use the NMI (default)
" LDR r0,=" STRINGIFY(SCB_ICSR) "\n" // Interrupt Control and State
" MOVS r1,#1 \n"
" LSLS r1,r1,#31 \n" // r1 := (1 << 31) (NMI bit)
" STR r1,[r0] \n" // ICSR[31] := 1 (pend NMI)
// This code stops here and continues in the NMI handler
// NOTE: interrupts remain *disabled*.
#endif //--------- use the NMI
#else //--------- ARMv7-M and higher...
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- QF_USE_BASEPRI
" CPSID i \n" // disable interrupts with PRIMASK
" LDR r0,=QF_int_enable_ \n"
" BLX r0 \n" // enable interrupts with BASEPRI
#endif //--------- QF_USE_BASEPRI
// NOTE: interrupts remain disabled with PRIMASK
#ifdef __ARM_FP //--------- if VFP available...
// make sure that the following IRQ/NMI will NOT use the VFP stack frame
" MRS r0,CONTROL \n" // r0 := CONTROL
" BICS r0,r0,#4 \n" // r0 := r0 & ~4 (FPCA bit)
" MSR CONTROL,r0 \n" // CONTROL := r0 (clear CONTROL[2] FPCA bit)
" ISB \n" // ISB after MSR CONTROL (ARM AN321,Sect.4.16)
#endif //--------- VFP available
#ifdef QK_USE_IRQ_NUM //--------- IRQ defined, use the specified IRQ
" LDR r0,=" STRINGIFY(NVIC_PEND + ((QK_USE_IRQ_NUM >> 5) << 2)) "\n"
" MOVS r1,#1 \n"
" LSLS r1,r1,#" STRINGIFY(QK_USE_IRQ_NUM & 0x1F) "\n" // r1 := IRQ bit
" STR r1,[r0] \n" // pend the IRQ
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- QF_USE_BASEPRI
" CPSIE i \n" // enable interrupts with PRIMASK
#else //--------- interrupt disabling with PRIMASK
" LDR r0,=QF_int_enable_ \n"
" BLX r0 \n" // enable interrupts with BASEPRI
#endif //--------- interrupt disabling with PRIMASK
// This code stops here and continues in the IRQ handler
#else //--------- use the NMI (default)
" LDR r0,=" STRINGIFY(SCB_ICSR) "\n" // Interrupt Control and State
" MOVS r1,#1 \n"
" LSLS r1,r1,#31 \n" // r1 := (1 << 31) (NMI bit)
" STR r1,[r0] \n" // ICSR[31] := 1 (pend NMI)
// NOTE: this code stops here and continues in the NMI handler
// NOTE: PRIMASK remains *disabled*.
#endif //--------- use the NMI
#endif //--------- ARMv7-M and higher
// execution should *never* reach here, so the following code
// enters the Q_onError() error handler
" LDR r0,=QF_int_disable_ \n"
" BLX r0 \n" // call QF_int_disable_()
" LDR r0,=QF_port_module_ \n"
" MOVS r1,#121 \n"
" LDR r2,=Q_onError \n"
" BX r2 \n"
// The following exception handlers are used for returning back to the
// preempted *thread* context.
#ifdef QK_USE_IRQ_NUM //--------- IRQ defined, use the specified IRQ
// NOTE: The IRQ Handler is entered with interrupts already ENABLED
void QK_USE_IRQ_HANDLER(void) {
__asm volatile (
" ADD sp,sp,#(8*4) \n" // remove one 8-register exception frame
" POP {r0,pc} \n" // pop stack aligner and EXC_RETURN to pc
// NOTE: this causes exception-return to the preempted *thread* context
#else //--------- IRQ NOT defined, use the NMI (default)
// NOTE: The NMI_Handler() is entered with interrupts still DISABLED!
void NMI_Handler(void) {
__asm volatile (
" ADD sp,sp,#(8*4) \n" // remove one 8-register exception frame
#ifdef QF_USE_BASEPRI //--------- QF_USE_BASEPRI
// NOTE: QF_int_enable_() already called
" CPSIE i \n" // enable interrupts with PRIMASK
#else //--------- interrupt disabling with PRIMASK
" LDR r0,=QF_int_enable_ \n"
" BLX r0 \n" // enable interrupts with PRIMASK
// NOTE: calling QF_int_enable_() corrupted the lr (EXC_RETURN), but
// it is NOT used to used to return from the exception. (See POP {r0,pc})
#endif //--------- interrupt disabling with PRIMASK
" POP {r0,pc} \n" // pop stack aligner and EXC_RETURN to pc
// NOTE: this causes exception-return to the preempted *thread* context
#endif //--------- use the NMI
#if (__ARM_ARCH == 6) // if ARMv6-M...
// hand-optimized quick LOG2 in assembly (no CLZ instruction in ARMv6-M)
uint_fast8_t QF_qlog2(uint32_t x) {
static uint8_t const log2LUT[16] = {
0U, 1U, 2U, 2U, 3U, 3U, 3U, 3U,
4U, 4U, 4U, 4U, 4U, 4U, 4U, 4U
uint_fast8_t n;
__asm volatile (
" MOVS %[n],#0 \n"
#if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE > 16U)
" LSRS r2,r0,#16 \n"
" BEQ QF_qlog2_1 \n"
" MOVS %[n],#16 \n"
" MOVS r0,r2 \n"
"QF_qlog2_1: \n"
#if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE > 8U)
" LSRS r2,r0,#8 \n"
" BEQ QF_qlog2_2 \n"
" ADDS %[n],%[n],#8 \n"
" MOVS r0,r2 \n"
"QF_qlog2_2: \n"
" LSRS r2,r0,#4 \n"
" BEQ.N QF_qlog2_3 \n"
" ADDS %[n],%[n],#4 \n"
" MOVS r0,r2 \n"
"QF_qlog2_3:" : [n]"=r"(n)
return n + log2LUT[x];
#endif // ARMv6-M