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* @file LM3S6965.h
* @brief CMSIS Cortex-M# Core Device System File for Device LM3S6965
* @version CMSIS v4.00
* @date 07 March 2015
* @note Created from the CMSIS template for the specified device
* Quantum Leaps, www.state-machine.com
/* Copyright (c) 2012 ARM LIMITED
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* - Neither the name of ARM nor the names of its contributors may be used
* to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
#ifndef __LM3S6965_H
#define __LM3S6965_H
* ============================================================================
* ---------- Interrupt Number Definition -------------------------------------
* ============================================================================
typedef enum IRQn
/****** Cortex-M3 Processor Exceptions Numbers ******************************/
NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< 2 Non Maskable Interrupt */
MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< 4 Cortex-M3 Memory Management Int */
BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< 5 Cortex-M3 Bus Fault Interrupt */
UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< 6 Cortex-M3 Usage Fault Interrupt */
SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< 11 Cortex-M3 SV Call Interrupt */
DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< 12 Cortex-M3 Debug Monitor Interrupt*/
PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< 14 Cortex-M3 Pend SV Interrupt */
SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< 15 Cortex-M3 System Tick Interrupt */
/****** LM3S Specific Interrupt Numbers *************************************/
GPIOPortA_IRQn = 0, /*!< GPIO Port A */
GPIOPortB_IRQn = 1, /*!< GPIO Port B */
GPIOPortC_IRQn = 2, /*!< GPIO Port C */
GPIOPortD_IRQn = 3, /*!< GPIO Port D */
GPIOPortE_IRQn = 4, /*!< GPIO Port E */
UART0_IRQn = 5, /*!< UART0 */
UART1_IRQn = 6, /*!< UART1 */
SSI0_IRQn = 7, /*!< SSI0 */
I2C0_IRQn = 8, /*!< I2C0 */
PWMFault_IRQn = 9, /*!< PWM Fault */
PWMGen0_IRQn = 10, /*!< PWM Generator 0 */
PWMGen1_IRQn = 11, /*!< PWM Generator 1 */
PWMGen2_IRQn = 12, /*!< PWM Generator 2 */
QEI0_IRQn = 13, /*!< Quadrature Encoder 0 */
ADCSeq0_IRQn = 14, /*!< ADC Sequence 0 */
ADCSeq1_IRQn = 15, /*!< ADC Sequence 1 */
ADCSeq2_IRQn = 16, /*!< ADC Sequence 2 */
ADCSeq3_IRQn = 17, /*!< ADC Sequence 3 */
Watchdog_IRQn = 18, /*!< Watchdog */
Timer0A_IRQn = 19, /*!< Timer 0A */
Timer0B_IRQn = 20, /*!< Timer 0B */
Timer1A_IRQn = 21, /*!< Timer 1A */
Timer1B_IRQn = 22, /*!< Timer 1B */
Timer2A_IRQn = 23, /*!< Timer 2A */
Timer2B_IRQn = 24, /*!< Timer 2B */
Comp0_IRQn = 25, /*!< Comp 0 */
Comp1_IRQn = 26, /*!< Comp 1 */
Comp2_IRQn = 27, /*!< Comp 2 */
SysCtrl_IRQn = 28, /*!< System Control */
FlashCtrl_IRQn = 29, /*!< Flash Control */
GPIOPortF_IRQn = 30, /*!< GPIO Port F */
GPIOPortG_IRQn = 31, /*!< GPIO Port G */
GPIOPortH_IRQn = 32, /*!< GPIO Port H */
USART2_IRQn = 33, /*!< UART2 Rx and Tx */
SSI1_IRQn = 34, /*!< SSI1 Rx and Tx */
Timer3A_IRQn = 35, /*!< Timer 3 subtimer A */
Timer3B_IRQn = 36, /*!< Timer 3 subtimer B */
I2C1_IRQn = 37, /*!< I2C1 Master and Slave */
QEI1_IRQn = 38, /*!< Quadrature Encoder 1 */
CAN0_IRQn = 39, /*!< CAN0 */
CAN1_IRQn = 40, /*!< CAN1 */
CAN2_IRQn = 41, /*!< CAN2 */
Ethernet_IRQn = 42, /*!< Ethernet */
Hibernate_IRQn = 43, /*!< Hibernate */
USB0_IRQn = 44, /*!< USB0 */
PWMGen3_IRQn = 45, /*!< PWM Generator 3 */
uDMA_IRQn = 46, /*!< uDMA Software Transfer */
uDMAErr_IRQn = 47 /*!< uDMA Error */
} IRQn_Type;
* ============================================================================
* ----------- Processor and Core Peripheral Section --------------------------
* ============================================================================
/* Configuration of the Cortex-M3 Processor and Core Peripherals */
#define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< MPU present or not */
#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 3 /*!< Number of Bits used for Prio Levels */
#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< 1 if different SysTick config used */
#include "core_cm3.h" /* Cortex-M3 processor and core periphs */
#include "system_LM3S6965.h" /*!< LM3S6965 System */
/* Device Specific Peripheral registers structures */
/*---------- System Controller (SYSCTL) -----------*/
// <g> System Controller (SYSCTL)
typedef struct
__I uint32_t DID0; // Device identification register 0
__I uint32_t DID1; // Device identification register 1
__I uint32_t DC0; // Device capabilities register 0
uint8_t RESERVED1[4];
__I uint32_t DC1; // Device capabilities register 1
__I uint32_t DC2; // Device capabilities register 2
__I uint32_t DC3; // Device capabilities register 3
__I uint32_t DC4; // Device capabilities register 4
__I uint32_t DC5; // Device capabilities register 5
__I uint32_t DC6; // Device capabilities register 6
__I uint32_t DC7; // Device capabilities register 7
uint8_t RESERVED2[4];
__IO uint32_t PBORCTL; // POR/BOR reset control register
__IO uint32_t LDOPCTL; // LDO power control register
uint8_t RESERVED3[8];
__IO uint32_t SRCR0; // Software reset control reg 0
__IO uint32_t SRCR1; // Software reset control reg 1
__IO uint32_t SRCR2; // Software reset control reg 2
uint8_t RESERVED4[4];
__I uint32_t RIS; // Raw interrupt status register
__IO uint32_t IMC; // Interrupt mask/control register
__IO uint32_t MISC; // Interrupt status register
__IO uint32_t RESC; // Reset cause register
__IO uint32_t RCC; // Run-mode clock config register
__I uint32_t PLLCFG; // PLL configuration register
uint8_t RESERVED5[4];
__IO uint32_t GPIOHSCTL; // GPIO High Speed Control
__IO uint32_t RCC2; // Run-mode clock config register 2
uint8_t RESERVED6[8];
__IO uint32_t MOSCCTL; // Main Oscillator Control
uint8_t RESERVED7[128];
__IO uint32_t RCGC0; // Run-mode clock gating register 0
__IO uint32_t RCGC1; // Run-mode clock gating register 1
__IO uint32_t RCGC2; // Run-mode clock gating register 2
uint8_t RESERVED8[4];
__IO uint32_t SCGC0; // Sleep-mode clock gating reg 0
__IO uint32_t SCGC1; // Sleep-mode clock gating reg 1
__IO uint32_t SCGC2; // Sleep-mode clock gating reg 2
uint8_t RESERVED9[4];
__IO uint32_t DCGC0; // Deep Sleep-mode clock gate reg 0
__IO uint32_t DCGC1; // Deep Sleep-mode clock gate reg 1
__IO uint32_t DCGC2; // Deep Sleep-mode clock gate reg 2
uint8_t RESERVED10[24];
__IO uint32_t DSLPCLKCFG; // Deep Sleep-mode clock config reg
} SYSCTL_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) -----------*/
// <g> General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t DATA_Bits[255]; // Bit specific data registers
__IO uint32_t DATA; // Data register.
__IO uint32_t DIR; // Data direction register.
__IO uint32_t IS; // Interrupt sense register.
__IO uint32_t IBE; // Interrupt both edges register.
__IO uint32_t IEV; // Interrupt event register.
__IO uint32_t IM; // Interrupt mask register.
__I uint32_t RIS; // Raw interrupt status register.
__I uint32_t MIS; // Masked interrupt status reg.
__O uint32_t ICR; // Interrupt clear register.
__IO uint32_t AFSEL; // Mode control select register.
uint8_t RESERVED1[220];
__IO uint32_t DR2R; // 2ma drive select register.
__IO uint32_t DR4R; // 4ma drive select register.
__IO uint32_t DR8R; // 8ma drive select register.
__IO uint32_t ODR; // Open drain select register.
__IO uint32_t PUR; // Pull up select register.
__IO uint32_t PDR; // Pull down select register.
__IO uint32_t SLR; // Slew rate control enable reg.
__IO uint32_t DEN; // Digital input enable register.
__IO uint32_t LOCK; // Lock register.
__O uint32_t CR; // Commit register.
__IO uint32_t AMSEL; // GPIO Analog Mode Select
} GPIO_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- General Purpose Timer (TIMER) -----------*/
// <g> General Purpose Timer (TIMER)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t CFG; // Configuration register
__IO uint32_t TAMR; // TimerA mode register
__IO uint32_t TBMR; // TimerB mode register
__IO uint32_t CTL; // Control register
uint8_t RESERVED0[8];
__IO uint32_t IMR; // Interrupt mask register
__I uint32_t RIS; // Interrupt status register
__I uint32_t MIS; // Masked interrupt status reg.
__O uint32_t ICR; // Interrupt clear register
__IO uint32_t TAILR; // TimerA interval load register
__IO uint32_t TBILR; // TimerB interval load register
__IO uint32_t TAMATCHR; // TimerA match register
__IO uint32_t TBMATCHR; // TimerB match register
__IO uint32_t TAPR; // TimerA prescale register
__IO uint32_t TBPR; // TimerB prescale register
__IO uint32_t TAPMR; // TimerA prescale match register
__IO uint32_t TBPMR; // TimerB prescale match register
__I uint32_t TAR; // TimerA register
__I uint32_t TBR; // TimerB register
} TIMER_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) -----------*/
// <g> Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t ACTSS; // Active sample register
__I uint32_t RIS; // Raw interrupt status register
__IO uint32_t IM; // Interrupt mask register
__IO uint32_t ISC; // Interrupt status/clear register
__IO uint32_t OSTAT; // Overflow status register
__IO uint32_t EMUX; // Event multiplexer select reg.
__IO uint32_t USTAT; // Underflow status register
uint8_t RESERVED0[4];
__IO uint32_t SSPRI; // Channel priority register
uint8_t RESERVED1[4];
__O uint32_t PSSI; // Processor sample initiate reg.
uint8_t RESERVED2[4];
__IO uint32_t SAC; // Sample Averaging Control reg.
uint8_t RESERVED3[12];
__IO uint32_t SSMUX0; // Multiplexer select 0 register
__IO uint32_t SSCTL0; // Sample sequence control 0 reg.
__I uint32_t SSFIFO0; // Result FIFO 0 register
__I uint32_t SSFSTAT0; // FIFO 0 status register
uint8_t RESERVED4[16];
__IO uint32_t SSMUX1; // Multiplexer select 1 register
__IO uint32_t SSCTL1; // Sample sequence control 1 reg.
__I uint32_t SSFIFO1; // Result FIFO 1 register
__I uint32_t SSFSTAT1; // FIFO 1 status register
uint8_t RESERVED5[16];
__IO uint32_t SSMUX2; // Multiplexer select 2 register
__IO uint32_t SSCTL2; // Sample sequence control 2 reg.
__I uint32_t SSFIFO2; // Result FIFO 2 register
__I uint32_t SSFSTAT2; // FIFO 2 status register
uint8_t RESERVED6[16];
__IO uint32_t SSMUX3; // Multiplexer select 3 register
__IO uint32_t SSCTL3; // Sample sequence control 3 reg.
__I uint32_t SSFIFO3; // Result FIFO 3 register
__I uint32_t SSFSTAT3; // FIFO 3 status register
uint8_t RESERVED7[80];
__IO uint32_t TMLB; // Test mode loopback register
} ADC_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Controller Area Network (CAN) -----------*/
// <g> Controller Area Network (CAN)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t CTL; // Control register
__IO uint32_t STS; // Status register
__I uint32_t ERR; // Error register
__IO uint32_t BIT; // Bit Timing register
__I uint32_t INT; // Interrupt register
__IO uint32_t TST; // Test register
__IO uint32_t BRPE; // Baud Rate Prescaler register
uint8_t RESERVED0[4];
__IO uint32_t IF1CRQ; // Interface 1 Command Request reg.
__IO uint32_t IF1CMSK; // Interface 1 Command Mask reg.
__IO uint32_t IF1MSK1; // Interface 1 Mask 1 register
__IO uint32_t IF1MSK2; // Interface 1 Mask 2 register
__IO uint32_t IF1ARB1; // Interface 1 Arbitration 1 reg.
__IO uint32_t IF1ARB2; // Interface 1 Arbitration 2 reg.
__IO uint32_t IF1MCTL; // Interface 1 Message Control reg.
__IO uint32_t IF1DA1; // Interface 1 DataA 1 register
__IO uint32_t IF1DA2; // Interface 1 DataA 2 register
__IO uint32_t IF1DB1; // Interface 1 DataB 1 register
__IO uint32_t IF1DB2; // Interface 1 DataB 2 register
uint8_t RESERVED1[52];
__IO uint32_t IF2CRQ; // Interface 2 Command Request reg.
__IO uint32_t IF2CMSK; // Interface 2 Command Mask reg.
__IO uint32_t IF2MSK1; // Interface 2 Mask 1 register
__IO uint32_t IF2MSK2; // Interface 2 Mask 2 register
__IO uint32_t IF2ARB1; // Interface 2 Arbitration 1 reg.
__IO uint32_t IF2ARB2; // Interface 2 Arbitration 2 reg.
__IO uint32_t IF2MCTL; // Interface 2 Message Control reg.
__IO uint32_t IF2DA1; // Interface 2 DataA 1 register
__IO uint32_t IF2DA2; // Interface 2 DataA 2 register
__IO uint32_t IF2DB1; // Interface 2 DataB 1 register
__IO uint32_t IF2DB2; // Interface 2 DataB 2 register
uint8_t RESERVED2[84];
__I uint32_t TXRQ1; // Transmission Request 1 register
__I uint32_t TXRQ2; // Transmission Request 2 register
uint8_t RESERVED3[24];
__I uint32_t NWDA1; // New Data 1 register
__I uint32_t NWDA2; // New Data 2 register
uint8_t RESERVED4[24];
__I uint32_t MSG1INT; // CAN Message 1 Interrupt Pending
__I uint32_t MSG2INT; // CAN Message 2 Interrupt Pending
uint8_t RESERVED5[24];
__I uint32_t MSG1VAL; // CAN Message 1 Valid
__I uint32_t MSG2VAL; // CAN Message 2 Valid
} CAN_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Analog Comparators (COMP) -----------*/
// <g> Analog Comparators (COMP)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t ACMIS; // Analog Comparator Masked
// Interrupt Status
__I uint32_t ACRIS; // Analog Comparator Raw Interrupt Status
__IO uint32_t ACINTEN; // Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable
uint8_t RESERVED0[4];
__IO uint32_t ACREFCTL; // Analog Comparator Reference Voltage
// Control
uint8_t RESERVED1[12];
__I uint32_t ACSTAT0; // Comp0 status register
__IO uint32_t ACCTL0; // Comp0 control register
uint8_t RESERVED2[24];
__I uint32_t ACSTAT1; // Comp1 status register
__IO uint32_t ACCTL1; // Comp1 control register
uint8_t RESERVED3[24];
__I uint32_t ACSTAT2; // Comp2 status register
__IO uint32_t ACCTL2; // Comp2 control register
} COMP_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Ethernet Controller (MAC) -----------*/
// <g> Ethernet Controller (MAC)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t RIS; // (__I) Ethernet MAC Raw Interrupt Status
#define IACK RIS // (__O)Interrupt Acknowledge Register
__IO uint32_t IM; // Interrupt Mask Register
__IO uint32_t RCTL; // Receive Control Register
__IO uint32_t TCTL; // Transmit Control Register
__IO uint32_t DATA; // Data Register
__IO uint32_t IA0; // Individual Address Register 0
__IO uint32_t IA1; // Individual Address Register 1
__IO uint32_t THR; // Threshold Register
__IO uint32_t MCTL; // Management Control Register
__IO uint32_t MDV; // Management Divider Register
uint8_t RESERVED1[4];
__IO uint32_t MTXD; // Management Transmit Data Reg
__IO uint32_t MRXD; // Management Receive Data Reg
__I uint32_t NP; // Number of Packets Register
__IO uint32_t TR; // Transmission Request Register
__IO uint32_t TS; // Timer Support Register
} MAC_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Flash Memory Controller (FLASH) -----------*/
// <g> Flash Memory Controller (FLASH)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t FMA; // Memory address register
__IO uint32_t FMD; // Memory data register
__IO uint32_t FMC; // Memory control register
__I uint32_t FCRIS; // Raw interrupt status register
__IO uint32_t FCIM; // Interrupt mask register
__IO uint32_t FCMISC; // Interrupt status register
uint8_t RESERVED1[4312];
__IO uint32_t RMCTL; // ROM Control
__I uint32_t RMVER; // ROM Version Register
uint8_t RESERVED2[56];
__IO uint32_t FMPRE; // FLASH read protect register
__IO uint32_t FMPPE; // FLASH program protect register
uint8_t RESERVED3[8];
__IO uint32_t USECRL; // uSec reload register
uint8_t RESERVED4[140];
__IO uint32_t USERDBG; // User Debug
uint8_t RESERVED5[12];
__IO uint32_t USERREG0; // User Register 0
__IO uint32_t USERREG1; // User Register 1
__IO uint32_t USERREG2; // User Register 2
__IO uint32_t USERREG3; // User Register 3
uint8_t RESERVED6[16];
__IO uint32_t FMPRE0; // FLASH read protect register 0
__IO uint32_t FMPRE1; // FLASH read protect register 1
__IO uint32_t FMPRE2; // FLASH read protect register 2
__IO uint32_t FMPRE3; // FLASH read protect register 3
uint8_t RESERVED7[496];
__IO uint32_t FMPPE0; // FLASH program protect register 0
__IO uint32_t FMPPE1; // FLASH program protect register 1
__IO uint32_t FMPPE2; // FLASH program protect register 2
__IO uint32_t FMPPE3; // FLASH program protect register 3
} FLASH_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Hibernation Module (HIB) -----------*/
// <g> Hibernation Module (HIB)
typedef struct
__I uint32_t HIB_RTCC; // Hibernate RTC counter
__IO uint32_t HIB_RTCM0; // Hibernate RTC match 0
__IO uint32_t HIB_RTCM1; // Hibernate RTC match 1
__IO uint32_t HIB_RTCLD; // Hibernate RTC load
__IO uint32_t HIB_CTL; // Hibernate RTC control
__IO uint32_t HIB_IM; // Hibernate interrupt mask
__I uint32_t HIB_RIS; // Hibernate raw interrupt status
__I uint32_t HIB_MIS; // Hibernate masked interrupt stat
__IO uint32_t HIB_IC; // Hibernate interrupt clear
__IO uint32_t HIB_RTCT; // Hibernate RTC trim
uint8_t RESERVED1[8];
__IO uint32_t HIB_DATA[64]; // Hibernate data area
} HIB_Type;
// </g>
/*-------- Inter-Integrated Circuit Controller Master (I2C_MASTER) ----------*/
// <g> Inter-Integrated Circuit Controller Master (I2C_MASTER)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t MSA; // I2C Master Slave Address
__IO uint32_t MCS; // I2C Master Control/Status
__IO uint32_t MDR; // I2C Master Data
__IO uint32_t MTPR; // I2C Master Timer Period
__IO uint32_t MIMR; // I2C Master Interrupt Mask
__I uint32_t MRIS; // I2C Master Raw Interrupt Status
__I uint32_t MMIS; // I2C Master Masked Interrupt Status
__O uint32_t MICR; // I2C Master Interrupt Clear
__IO uint32_t MCR; // I2C Master Configuration
} I2C_MASTER_Type;
// </g>
/*--------- Inter-Integrated Circuit Controller Slave (I2C_SLAVE) -----------*/
// <g> Inter-Integrated Circuit Controller Slave (I2C_SLAVE)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t SOAR; // I2C Slave Own Address
__I uint32_t SCSR; // I2C Slave Control/Status
__IO uint32_t SDR; // I2C Slave Data
__IO uint32_t SIMR; // I2C Slave Interrupt Mask
__I uint32_t SRIS; // I2C Slave Raw Interrupt Status
__I uint32_t SMIS; // I2C Slave Masked Interrupt Status
__O uint32_t SICR; // I2C Slave Interrupt Clear
} I2C_SLAVE_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) -----------*/
// <g> Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t CTL; // PWM Master Control register
__IO uint32_t SYNC; // PWM Time Base Sync register
__IO uint32_t ENABLE; // PWM Output Enable register
__IO uint32_t INVERT; // PWM Output Inversion register
__IO uint32_t FAULT; // PWM Output Fault register
__IO uint32_t INTEN; // PWM Interrupt Enable register
__I uint32_t RIS; // PWM Interrupt Raw Status reg.
__IO uint32_t ISC; // PWM Interrupt Status register
__I uint32_t STATUS; // PWM Status register
__IO uint32_t FAULTVAL; // PWM Fault Condition Value
uint8_t RESERVED0[24];
__IO uint32_t GEN0_CTL; // PWM0 Control
__IO uint32_t GEN0_INTEN; // PWM0 Interrupt and Trigger Enable
__I uint32_t GEN0_RIS; // PWM0 Raw Interrupt Status
__IO uint32_t GEN0_ISC; // PWM0 Interrupt Status and Clear
__IO uint32_t GEN0_LOAD; // PWM0 Load
__I uint32_t GEN0_COUNT; // PWM0 Counter
__IO uint32_t GEN0_CMPA; // PWM0 Compare A
__IO uint32_t GEN0_CMPB; // PWM0 Compare B
__IO uint32_t GEN0_GENA; // PWM0 Generator A Control
__IO uint32_t GEN0_GENB; // PWM0 Generator B Control
__IO uint32_t GEN0_DBCTL; // PWM0 Dead-Band Control
__IO uint32_t GEN0_DBRISE; // PWM0 Dead-Band Rising-Edge Delay
__IO uint32_t GEN0_DBFALL; // PWM0 Dead-Band Falling-Edge-Delay
__IO uint32_t GEN0_FLTSRC0; // PWM0 Fault Source 0
uint8_t RESERVED1[4];
__IO uint32_t GEN0_MINFLTPER; // PWM0 Minimum Fault Period
__IO uint32_t GEN1_CTL; // PWM1 Control
__IO uint32_t GEN1_INTEN; // PWM1 Interrupt Enable
__I uint32_t GEN1_RIS; // PWM1 Raw Interrupt Status
__IO uint32_t GEN1_ISC; // PWM1 Interrupt Status and Clear
__IO uint32_t GEN1_LOAD; // PWM1 Load
__I uint32_t GEN1_COUNT; // PWM1 Counter
__IO uint32_t GEN1_CMPA; // PWM1 Compare A
__IO uint32_t GEN1_CMPB; // PWM1 Compare B
__IO uint32_t GEN1_GENA; // PWM1 Generator A Control
__IO uint32_t GEN1_GENB; // PWM1 Generator B Control
__IO uint32_t GEN1_DBCTL; // PWM1 Dead-Band Control
__IO uint32_t GEN1_DBRISE; // PWM1 Dead-Band Rising-Edge Delay
__IO uint32_t GEN1_DBFALL; // PWM1 Dead-Band Falling-Edge-Delay
__IO uint32_t GEN1_FLTSRC0; // PWM1 Fault Source 0
uint8_t RESERVED2[4];
__IO uint32_t GEN1_MINFLTPER; // PWM1 Minimum Fault Period
__IO uint32_t GEN2_CTL; // PWM2 Control
__IO uint32_t GEN2_INTEN; // PWM2 InterruptEnable
__I uint32_t GEN2_RIS; // PWM2 Raw Interrupt Status
__IO uint32_t GEN2_ISC; // PWM2 Interrupt Status and Clear
__IO uint32_t GEN2_LOAD; // PWM2 Load
__I uint32_t GEN2_COUNT; // PWM2 Counter
__IO uint32_t GEN2_CMPA; // PWM2 Compare A
__IO uint32_t GEN2_CMPB; // PWM2 Compare B
__IO uint32_t GEN2_GENA; // PWM2 Generator A Control
__IO uint32_t GEN2_GENB; // PWM2 Generator B Control
__IO uint32_t GEN2_DBCTL; // PWM2 Dead-Band Control
__IO uint32_t GEN2_DBRISE; // PWM2 Dead-Band Rising-Edge Delay
__IO uint32_t GEN2_DBFALL; // PWM2 Dead-Band Falling-Edge-Delay
__IO uint32_t GEN2_FLTSRC0; // PWM2 Fault Source 0
uint8_t RESERVED3[4];
__IO uint32_t GEN2_MINFLTPER; // PWM2 Minimum Fault Period
__IO uint32_t GEN3_CTL; // PWM3 Control
__IO uint32_t GEN3_INTEN; // PWM3 Interrupt and Trigger Enable
__I uint32_t GEN3_RIS; // PWM3 Raw Interrupt Status
__IO uint32_t GEN3_ISC; // PWM3 Interrupt Status and Clear
__IO uint32_t GEN3_LOAD; // PWM3 Load
__I uint32_t GEN3_COUNT; // PWM3 Counter
__IO uint32_t GEN3_CMPA; // PWM3 Compare A
__IO uint32_t GEN3_CMPB; // PWM3 Compare B
__IO uint32_t GEN3_GENA; // PWM3 Generator A Control
__IO uint32_t GEN3_GENB; // PWM3 Generator B Control
__IO uint32_t GEN3_DBCTL; // PWM3 Dead-Band Control
__IO uint32_t GEN3_DBRISE; // PWM3 Dead-Band Rising-Edge Delay
__IO uint32_t GEN3_DBFALL; // PWM3 Dead-Band Falling-Edge-Delay
__IO uint32_t GEN3_FLTSRC0; // PWM3 Fault Source 0
uint8_t RESERVED4[4];
__IO uint32_t GEN3_MINFLTPER; // PWM3 Minimum Fault Period
uint8_t RESERVED5[1728];
__IO uint32_t GEN0_FLTSEN; // PWM0 Fault Pin Logic Sense
__I uint32_t GEN0_FLTSTAT0; // PWM0 Fault Status 0
uint8_t RESERVED6[120];
__IO uint32_t GEN1_FLTSEN; // PWM1 Fault Pin Logic Sense
__I uint32_t GEN1_FLTSTAT0; // PWM1 Fault Status 0
uint8_t RESERVED7[120];
__IO uint32_t GEN2_FLTSEN; // PWM2 Fault Pin Logic Sense
__I uint32_t GEN2_FLTSTAT0; // PWM2 Fault Status 0
uint8_t RESERVED8[120];
__IO uint32_t GEN3_FLTSEN; // PWM3 Fault Pin Logic Sense
__I uint32_t GEN3_FLTSTAT0; // PWM3 Fault Status 0
} PWM_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Pulse Width Modulation Generator (PWMGEN) -----------*/
// <g> Pulse Width Modulation Generator (PWMGEN)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t CTL; // PWM0 Control
__IO uint32_t INTEN; // PWM0 Interrupt and Trigger Enable
__I uint32_t RIS; // PWM0 Raw Interrupt Status
__IO uint32_t ISC; // PWM0 Interrupt Status and Clear
__IO uint32_t LOAD; // PWM0 Load
__I uint32_t COUNT; // PWM0 Counter
__IO uint32_t CMPA; // PWM0 Compare A
__IO uint32_t CMPB; // PWM0 Compare B
__IO uint32_t GENA; // PWM0 Generator A Control
__IO uint32_t GENB; // PWM0 Generator B Control
__IO uint32_t DBCTL; // PWM0 Dead-Band Control
__IO uint32_t DBRISE; // PWM0 Dead-Band Rising-Edge Delay
__IO uint32_t DBFALL; // PWM0 Dead-Band Falling-Edge-Delay
__IO uint32_t FLTSRC0; // PWM0 Fault Source 0
uint8_t RESERVED1[4];
__IO uint32_t MINFLTPER; // PWM0 Minimum Fault Period
} PWMGEN_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Quadrature Encoded Input (QEI) -----------*/
// <g> Quadrature Encoded Input (QEI)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t CTL; // Configuration and control reg.
__I uint32_t STAT; // Status register
__IO uint32_t POS; // Current position register
__IO uint32_t MAXPOS; // Maximum position register
__IO uint32_t LOAD; // Velocity timer load register
__I uint32_t TIME; // Velocity timer register
__I uint32_t COUNT; // Velocity pulse count register
__I uint32_t SPEED; // Velocity speed register
__IO uint32_t INTEN; // Interrupt enable register
__I uint32_t RIS; // Raw interrupt status register
__IO uint32_t ISC; // Interrupt status register
} QEI_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) -----------*/
// <g> Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t CR0; // Control register 0
__IO uint32_t CR1; // Control register 1
__IO uint32_t DR; // Data register
__I uint32_t SR; // Status register
__IO uint32_t CPSR; // Clock prescale register
__IO uint32_t IM; // Int mask set and clear register
__I uint32_t RIS; // Raw interrupt register
__I uint32_t MIS; // Masked interrupt register
__O uint32_t ICR; // Interrupt clear register
__IO uint32_t DMACTL; // SSI DMA Control
} SSI_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Asynchronous Serial (UART) -----------*/
// <g> Asynchronous Serial (UART)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t DR; // Data Register
__IO uint32_t RSR; // Receive Status Register (read)
#define ECR RSR // Error Clear Register (write)
uint8_t RESERVED1[16];
__I uint32_t FR; // Flag Register (read only)
uint8_t RESERVED2[4];
__IO uint32_t ILPR; // UART IrDA Low-Power Register
__IO uint32_t IBRD; // Integer Baud Rate Divisor Reg
__IO uint32_t FBRD; // Fractional Baud Rate Divisor Reg
__IO uint32_t LCRH; // UART Line Control
__IO uint32_t CTL; // Control Register
__IO uint32_t IFLS; // Interrupt FIFO Level Select Reg
__IO uint32_t IM; // Interrupt Mask Set/Clear Reg
__I uint32_t RIS; // Raw Interrupt Status Register
__I uint32_t MIS; // Masked Interrupt Status Register
__O uint32_t ICR; // Interrupt Clear Register
__IO uint32_t DMACTL; // UART DMA Control
} UART_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- DMA Controller (UDMA) -----------*/
// <g> DMA Controller (UDMA)
typedef struct
__I uint32_t STAT; // DMA Status
__O uint32_t CFG; // DMA Configuration
__IO uint32_t CTLBASE; // DMA Channel Control Base Pointer
__I uint32_t ALTBASE; // DMA Alternate Channel Control Base
// Pointer
__I uint32_t WAITSTAT; // DMA Channel Wait on Request Status
__O uint32_t SWREQ; // DMA Channel Software Request
__IO uint32_t USEBURSTSET; // DMA Channel Useburst Set
__O uint32_t USEBURSTCLR; // DMA Channel Useburst Clear
__IO uint32_t REQMASKSET; // DMA Channel Request Mask Set
__O uint32_t REQMASKCLR; // DMA Channel Request Mask Clear
__IO uint32_t ENASET; // DMA Channel Enable Set
__O uint32_t ENACLR; // DMA Channel Enable Clear
__IO uint32_t ALTSET; // DMA Channel Primary Alternate Set
__O uint32_t ALTCLR; // DMA Channel Primary Alternate Clear
__IO uint32_t PRIOSET; // DMA Channel Priority Set
__O uint32_t PRIOCLR; // DMA Channel Priority Clear
uint8_t RESERVED1[12];
__IO uint32_t ERRCLR; // DMA Bus Error Clear
} UDMA_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- DMA Channel Control Structure (UDMA_CTRL) -----------*/
// <g> DMA Channel Control Structure (UDMA_CTRL)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t SRCENDP; // DMA Channel Source Address End Pointer
__IO uint32_t DSTENDP; // DMA Channel Destination Address End
// Pointer
__IO uint32_t CHCTL; // DMA Channel Control Word
// </g>
/*---------- Universal Serial Bus Controller (USB) -----------*/
// <g> Universal Serial Bus Controller (USB)
typedef struct
__IO uint8_t FADDR; // USB Device Functional Address
__IO uint8_t POWER; // USB Power
__I uint16_t TXIS; // USB Transmit Interrupt Status
__I uint16_t RXIS; // USB Receive Interrupt Status
__IO uint16_t TXIE; // USB Transmit Interrupt Enable
__IO uint16_t RXIE; // USB Receive Interrupt Enable
__I uint8_t IS; // USB General Interrupt Status
__IO uint8_t IE; // USB Interrupt Enable
__I uint16_t FRAME; // USB Frame Value
__IO uint8_t EPIDX; // USB Endpoint Index
__IO uint8_t TEST; // USB Test Mode
uint8_t RESERVED1[16];
__IO uint32_t FIFO0; // USB FIFO Endpoint 0
__IO uint32_t FIFO1; // USB FIFO Endpoint 1
__IO uint32_t FIFO2; // USB FIFO Endpoint 2
__IO uint32_t FIFO3; // USB FIFO Endpoint 3
uint8_t RESERVED2[48];
__IO uint8_t DEVCTL; // USB Device Control
uint8_t RESERVED3[1];
__IO uint8_t TXFIFOSZ; // USB Transmit Dynamic FIFO Sizing
__IO uint8_t RXFIFOSZ; // USB Receive Dynamic FIFO Sizing
__IO uint16_t TXFIFOADD; // USB Transmit FIFO Start Address
__IO uint16_t RXFIFOADD; // USB Receive FIFO Start Address
uint8_t RESERVED4[18];
__IO uint8_t CONTIM; // USB Connect Timing
__IO uint8_t VPLEN; // USB OTG VBus Pulse Timing
uint8_t RESERVED5[1];
__IO uint8_t FSEOF; // USB Full-Speed Last Transaction to End
// of Frame Timing
__IO uint8_t LSEOF; // USB Low-Speed Last Transaction to End of
// Frame Timing
uint8_t RESERVED6[1];
__IO uint8_t TXFUNCADDR0; // USB Transmit Functional Address
// Endpoint 0
uint8_t RESERVED7[1];
__IO uint8_t TXHUBADDR0; // USB Transmit Hub Address Endpoint 0
__IO uint8_t TXHUBPORT0; // USB Transmit Hub Port Endpoint 0
uint8_t RESERVED8[4];
__IO uint8_t TXFUNCADDR1; // USB Transmit Functional Address
// Endpoint 1
uint8_t RESERVED9[1];
__IO uint8_t TXHUBADDR1; // USB Transmit Hub Address Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t TXHUBPORT1; // USB Transmit Hub Port Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t RXFUNCADDR1; // USB Receive Functional Address
// Endpoint 1
uint8_t RESERVED10[1];
__IO uint8_t RXHUBADDR1; // USB Receive Hub Address Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t RXHUBPORT1; // USB Receive Hub Port Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t TXFUNCADDR2; // USB Transmit Functional Address
// Endpoint 2
uint8_t RESERVED11[1];
__IO uint8_t TXHUBADDR2; // USB Transmit Hub Address Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t TXHUBPORT2; // USB Transmit Hub Port Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t RXFUNCADDR2; // USB Receive Functional Address
// Endpoint 2
uint8_t RESERVED12[1];
__IO uint8_t RXHUBADDR2; // USB Receive Hub Address Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t RXHUBPORT2; // USB Receive Hub Port Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t TXFUNCADDR3; // USB Transmit Functional Address
// Endpoint 3
uint8_t RESERVED13[1];
__IO uint8_t TXHUBADDR3; // USB Transmit Hub Address Endpoint 3
__IO uint8_t TXHUBPORT3; // USB Transmit Hub Port Endpoint 3
__IO uint8_t RXFUNCADDR3; // USB Receive Functional Address
// Endpoint 3
uint8_t RESERVED14[1];
__IO uint8_t RXHUBADDR3; // USB Receive Hub Address Endpoint 3
__IO uint8_t RXHUBPORT3; // USB Receive Hub Port Endpoint 3
uint8_t RESERVED15[98];
__O uint8_t CSRL0; // USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 Low
__O uint8_t CSRH0; // USB Control and Status Endpoint 0 High
uint8_t RESERVED16[4];
__I uint8_t COUNT0; // USB Receive Byte Count Endpoint 0
uint8_t RESERVED17[1];
__IO uint8_t TYPE0; // USB Type Endpoint 0
__IO uint8_t NAKLMT; // USB NAK Limit
uint8_t RESERVED18[4];
__IO uint16_t TXMAXP1; // USB Maximum Transmit Data Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t TXCSRL1; // USB Transmit Control and Status
// Endpoint 1 Low
__IO uint8_t TXCSRH1; // USB Transmit Control and Status
// Endpoint 1 High
__IO uint16_t RXMAXP1; // USB Maximum Receive Data Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t RXCSRL1; // USB Receive Control and Status
// Endpoint 1 Low
__IO uint8_t RXCSRH1; // USB Receive Control and Status
// Endpoint 1 High
__I uint16_t RXCOUNT1; // USB Receive Byte Count Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t TXTYPE1; // USB Host Transmit Configure Type
// Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t TXINTERVAL1; // USB Host Transmit Interval Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t RXTYPE1; // USB Host Configure Receive Type
// Endpoint 1
__IO uint8_t RXINTERVAL1; // USB Host Receive Polling Interval
// Endpoint 1
uint8_t RESERVED19[2];
__IO uint16_t TXMAXP2; // USB Maximum Transmit Data Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t TXCSRL2; // USB Transmit Control and Status
// Endpoint 2 Low
__IO uint8_t TXCSRH2; // USB Transmit Control and Status
// Endpoint 2 High
__IO uint16_t RXMAXP2; // USB Maximum Receive Data Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t RXCSRL2; // USB Receive Control and Status
// Endpoint 2 Low
__IO uint8_t RXCSRH2; // USB Receive Control and Status
// Endpoint 2 High
__I uint16_t RXCOUNT2; // USB Receive Byte Count Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t TXTYPE2; // USB Host Transmit Configure Type
// Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t TXINTERVAL2; // USB Host Transmit Interval Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t RXTYPE2; // USB Host Configure Receive Type
// Endpoint 2
__IO uint8_t RXINTERVAL2; // USB Host Receive Polling Interval
// Endpoint 2
uint8_t RESERVED20[2];
__IO uint16_t TXMAXP3; // USB Maximum Transmit Data Endpoint 3
__IO uint8_t TXCSRL3; // USB Transmit Control and Status
// Endpoint 3 Low
__IO uint8_t TXCSRH3; // USB Transmit Control and Status
// Endpoint 3 High
__IO uint16_t RXMAXP3; // USB Maximum Receive Data Endpoint 3
__IO uint8_t RXCSRL3; // USB Receive Control and Status
// Endpoint 3 Low
__IO uint8_t RXCSRH3; // USB Receive Control and Status
// Endpoint 3 High
__I uint16_t RXCOUNT3; // USB Receive Byte Count Endpoint 3
__IO uint8_t TXTYPE3; // USB Host Transmit Configure Type
// Endpoint 3
__IO uint8_t TXINTERVAL3; // USB Host Transmit Interval Endpoint 3
__IO uint8_t RXTYPE3; // USB Host Configure Receive Type
// Endpoint 3
__IO uint8_t RXINTERVAL3; // USB Host Receive Polling Interval
// Endpoint 3
uint8_t RESERVED21[454];
__IO uint16_t RQPKTCOUNT1; // USB Request Packet Count in Block
// Transfer Endpoint 1
uint8_t RESERVED22[2];
__IO uint16_t RQPKTCOUNT2; // USB Request Packet Count in Block
// Transfer Endpoint 2
uint8_t RESERVED23[2];
__IO uint16_t RQPKTCOUNT3; // USB Request Packet Count in Block
// Transfer Endpoint 3
uint8_t RESERVED24[50];
__IO uint16_t RXDPKTBUFDIS; // USB Receive Double Packet Buffer Disable
__IO uint16_t TXDPKTBUFDIS; // USB Transmit Double Packet Buffer
// Disable
uint8_t RESERVED25[188];
__IO uint32_t EPC; // USB External Power Control
__I uint32_t EPCRIS; // USB External Power Control Raw Interrupt Status
__IO uint32_t EPCIM; // USB External Power Control Interrupt
// Mask
__IO uint32_t EPCISC; // USB External Power Control Interrupt
// Status and Clear
__I uint32_t DRRIS; // USB Device Resume Raw Interrupt Status
__IO uint32_t DRIM; // USB Device Resume Interrupt Mask
__O uint32_t DRISC; // USB Device Resume Interrupt Status and
// Clear
__IO uint32_t GPCS; // USB General-Purpose Control and Status
} USB_Type;
// </g>
/*---------- Watchdog Timer (WDT) -----------*/
// <g> Watchdog Timer (WDT)
typedef struct
__IO uint32_t LOAD; // Load register
__I uint32_t VALUE; // Current value register
__IO uint32_t CTL; // Control register
__O uint32_t ICR; // Interrupt clear register
__I uint32_t RIS; // Raw interrupt status register
__I uint32_t MIS; // Masked interrupt status register
uint8_t RESERVED0[1024];
__IO uint32_t TEST; // Test register
uint8_t RESERVED1[2020];
__IO uint32_t LOCK; // Lock register
} WDT_Type;
// </g>
/* Memory map */
#define FLASH_BASE (0x00000000UL)
#define RAM_BASE (0x20000000UL)
#define PERIPH_BASE (0x40000000UL)
#define WATCHDOG_BASE 0x40000000 // Watchdog
#define GPIO_PORTA_BASE 0x40004000 // GPIO Port A
#define GPIO_PORTB_BASE 0x40005000 // GPIO Port B
#define GPIO_PORTC_BASE 0x40006000 // GPIO Port C
#define GPIO_PORTD_BASE 0x40007000 // GPIO Port D
#define SSI0_BASE 0x40008000 // SSI0
#define SSI1_BASE 0x40009000 // SSI1
#define UART0_BASE 0x4000C000 // UART0
#define UART1_BASE 0x4000D000 // UART1
#define UART2_BASE 0x4000E000 // UART2
#define I2C0_MASTER_BASE 0x40020000 // I2C0 Master
#define I2C0_SLAVE_BASE 0x40020800 // I2C0 Slave
#define I2C1_MASTER_BASE 0x40021000 // I2C1 Master
#define I2C1_SLAVE_BASE 0x40021800 // I2C1 Slave
#define GPIO_PORTE_BASE 0x40024000 // GPIO Port E
#define GPIO_PORTF_BASE 0x40025000 // GPIO Port F
#define GPIO_PORTG_BASE 0x40026000 // GPIO Port G
#define GPIO_PORTH_BASE 0x40027000 // GPIO Port H
#define PWM_BASE 0x40028000 // PWM
#define PWM_GEN_0_OFFSET 0x00000040 // PWM0 base
#define PWM_GEN_1_OFFSET 0x00000080 // PWM1 base
#define PWM_GEN_2_OFFSET 0x000000C0 // PWM2 base
#define PWM_GEN_3_OFFSET 0x00000100 // PWM3 base
#define QEI0_BASE 0x4002C000 // QEI0
#define QEI1_BASE 0x4002D000 // QEI1
#define TIMER0_BASE 0x40030000 // Timer0
#define TIMER1_BASE 0x40031000 // Timer1
#define TIMER2_BASE 0x40032000 // Timer2
#define TIMER3_BASE 0x40033000 // Timer3
#define ADC_BASE 0x40038000 // ADC
#define COMP_BASE 0x4003C000 // Analog comparators
#define CAN0_BASE 0x40040000 // CAN0
#define CAN1_BASE 0x40041000 // CAN1
#define CAN2_BASE 0x40042000 // CAN2
#define ETH_BASE 0x40048000 // Ethernet
#define MAC_BASE 0x40048000 // Ethernet
#define USB0_BASE 0x40050000 // USB 0 Controller
#define GPIO_PORTA_AHB_BASE 0x40058000 // GPIO Port A (high speed)
#define GPIO_PORTB_AHB_BASE 0x40059000 // GPIO Port B (high speed)
#define GPIO_PORTC_AHB_BASE 0x4005A000 // GPIO Port C (high speed)
#define GPIO_PORTD_AHB_BASE 0x4005B000 // GPIO Port D (high speed)
#define GPIO_PORTE_AHB_BASE 0x4005C000 // GPIO Port E (high speed)
#define GPIO_PORTF_AHB_BASE 0x4005D000 // GPIO Port F (high speed)
#define GPIO_PORTG_AHB_BASE 0x4005E000 // GPIO Port G (high speed)
#define GPIO_PORTH_AHB_BASE 0x4005F000 // GPIO Port H (high speed)
#define HIB_BASE 0x400FC000 // Hibernation Module
#define FLASH_CTRL_BASE 0x400FD000 // FLASH Controller
#define SYSCTL_BASE 0x400FE000 // System Control
#define UDMA_BASE 0x400FF000 // uDMA Controller
/* Peripheral declaration */
#define TIMER0 ((TIMER_Type *)TIMER0_BASE)
#define TIMER1 ((TIMER_Type *)TIMER1_BASE)
#define TIMER2 ((TIMER_Type *)TIMER2_BASE)
#define TIMER3 ((TIMER_Type *)TIMER3_BASE)
#define ADC ((ADC_Type *)ADC_BASE)
#define COMP ((COMP_Type *)COMP_BASE)
#define CAN0 ((CAN_Type *)CAN0_BASE)
#define CAN1 ((CAN_Type *)CAN1_BASE)
#define CAN2 ((CAN_Type *)CAN2_BASE)
#define ETH ((MAC_Type *)ETH_BASE)
#define HIB ((HIB_Type *)HIB_BASE)
#define I2C0_SLAVE ((I2C_SLAVE_Type *)I2C0_SLAVE_BASE)
#define I2C1_SLAVE ((I2C_SLAVE_Type *)I2C1_SLAVE_BASE)
#define PWM ((PWM_Type *)PWM_BASE)
#define QEI0 ((QEI_Type *)QEI0_BASE)
#define QEI1 ((QEI_Type *)QEI1_BASE)
#define SSI0 ((SSI_Type *)SSI0_BASE)
#define SSI1 ((SSI_Type *)SSI1_BASE)
#define UART0 ((UART_Type *)UART0_BASE)
#define UART1 ((UART_Type *)UART1_BASE)
#define UART2 ((UART_Type *)UART2_BASE)
#define UDMA ((UDMA_Type *)UDMA_BASE)
#define USB0 ((USB_Type *)USB0_BASE)
#define WDT ((WDT_Type *)WATCHDOG_BASE)
#endif /* __LM3S6965_H */