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/*! @page struct Structure and Features
@section files Directories and Files
The following annotated directory tree lists the top-level directories provided in the standard QP/C distribution.
<ul class="tag">
<li><span class="img folder">qpc/</span>
<ul class="tag">
<li><span class="img folder">3rd_party/</span> — Third-Party code used in the QP/C @ref ports "ports" and @ref exa "examples"
<li><span class="img folder">examples/</span> — @ref exa "QP/C Examples"
<li><span class="img folder">ports/</span> — @ref ports "QP/C Ports"
<li><span class="img folder">include/</span> — Platform-independent QP/C API (see <a href="dir_d44c64559bbebec7f509842c48db8b23.html"><strong>include</strong></a>)
<li><span class="img folder">src/</span> — Platform-independent QP/C source code (see @ref <a href="dir_68267d1309a1af8e8297ef4c3efbcdba.html"><strong>src</strong></a>)
<li><span class="img folder">source/</span> — Platform-independent QP/C source code for backwards compatibility (will be phased out in the future).
The standard QP/C distribution contains many @ref exa "Example Projects", which are specifically designed to help you learn to use QP/C and to serve you as starting points for your own projects.
@section comp Components of QP/C
<p>As shown in the diagram below, the QP/C framework has a layered structure. The Target hardware sits at the bottom. The Board Support Package (BSP) above it provides access to the board-specific features, such as the peripherals. The real-time kernel (@ref comp_qv "QV", @ref comp_qk "QK", @ref comp_qxk "QXK", or a conventional @ref ports_rtos "3rd-party RTOS") provides the foundation for multitasking, such as task scheduling, context-switching, and inter-task communication. Based on these services, the active object framework (@ref comp_qf "QF") supplies the event-driven infrastructure for executing <a href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/concepts#Active" target="_blank" class="extern">active objects</a> and ensuring thread-safe event-driven exchanges among them. Finally, the event-processor (@ref comp_qep "QEP") implements the [hierarchical state machine](https://state-machine.com/doc/concepts#HSM) semantics (based on UML statecharts). The top layer is the application-level code consisting of loosely-coupled [active objects](https://state-machine.com/doc/concepts#Active).
@image html qp_components.jpg "Components of the QP Framework"
<div class="separate"></div>
@subsection comp_qep QEP Hierarchical Event Processor
QEP is a universal "event processor" that provides implementation of <a href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/concepts#HSM" target="_blank" class="extern">hierarchical state machines</a> (UML statecharts) in highly readable ANSI-C. The hallmark of the QEP state machine implementation strategy is **traceability**, which means that every state machine element is mapped to code precisely, unambiguously, and exactly once. QEP fully supports hierarchical state nesting, which is the fundamental mechanism for reusing behavior across many states instead of repeating the same actions and transitions over and over again. (<span class="highlight">See @ref qep for detailed documentation</span>).
<div class="separate"></div>
@subsection comp_qf QF Active-Object Framework
QF is a lightweight, event-driven, <a href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/concepts#Framework" target="_blank" class="extern">active object framework</a> specifically designed for real-time embedded (RTE) systems. The main job of the framework is to guarantee **thread-safe**, run-to-completion event processing within each <a href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/concepts#Active" target="_blank" class="extern">active object</a>. This includes direct event posting as well as publish-subscribe event delivery, event queuing, and time events (time-delayed requests for posing events). (<span class="highlight">See @ref qf for detailed documentation</span>).
<div class="separate"></div>
@subsection comp_qv QV Cooperative Kernel
QV is a simple cooperative kernel (previously called "Vanilla" kernel). This kernel always processes one event at a time to completion, and performs priority-based scheduling of active objects after processing of each event. The QV kernel is "implicitly-cooperative", because the active object do not need to yield the CPU explicitly. Instead, they simply return to the QV scheduler after completion of event processing. Due to naturally short duration of event processing in state machines, the simple QV kernel is often adequate for many real-time systems. (<span class="highlight">See @ref qv for detailed documentation</span>). This is the fastest, smallest, and easiest to understand way of executing active objects.
<div class="separate"></div>
@subsection comp_qk QK Preemptive Non-Blocking Kernel
QK is an ultra-fast **preemptive**, priority-based, single-stack, real-time kernel designed specifically for executing active objects. The QK kernel always executes the highest-priority active object that has event(s) queued up, but it processes events as one-shot function calls (instead of endless loops, as traditional RTOS kernels). Still, the QK kernel allows these one-shot event-processing functions to preempt each other, if the priority of the new event is higher than the currently-processed event (very much like prioritized interrupt controllers allow interrupts to preempt each other). This means that QK can use _single stack_ for keeping the context all active objects (in the same way as prioritized interrupt controllers use a single stack to nest all interrupts). QK meets all the requirement of the <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rate-monotonic_scheduling"><strong>Rate Monotonic Scheduling</strong></a> (a.k.a. Rate Monotonic Analysis — RMA) and can be used in hard real-time systems. (<span class="highlight">See @ref qk for detailed documentation</span>).
<div class="separate"></div>
@subsection comp_qxk QXK Preemptive Blocking Kernel
QXK is a small, preemptive, priority-based, **dual-mode** blocking kernel that executes active objects like the @ref comp_qk "QK kernel" (@ref qxk_overview "basic threads"), but can also execute traditional blocking threads (@ref qxk_overview "extended threads"). In this respect, QXK behaves exactly as a conventional RTOS (Real-Time Operating System). QXK has been designed specifically for mixing event-driven active objects with traditional blocking code, such as commercial middleware (TCP/IP stacks, UDP stacks, embedded file systems, etc.) or legacy software. QXK meets all the requirement of the <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rate-monotonic_scheduling"><strong>Rate Monotonic Scheduling</strong></a> (a.k.a. Rate Monotonic Analysis — RMA) and can be used in hard real-time systems. (<span class="highlight">See @ref qxk for detailed documentation</span>).
QXK has most features you might expect of a traditional blocking RTOS kernel and is recommended as the preferred RTOS kernel for QP/C applications that need to mix active objects with traditional blocking code. Due to the tight and optimal integration between QXK and the rest of QP/C, QXK offers better performance and smaller memory footprint than any QP port to a @ref ports_rtos "3rd-party RTOS".
<div class="separate"></div>
@subsection comp_qs QS Software Tracing System
QS is software tracing system that enables developers to monitor live event-driven QP applications with minimal target system resources and without stopping or significantly slowing down the code. QS is an ideal tool for testing, troubleshooting, and optimizing QP applications. QS can even be used to support acceptance testing in product manufacturing. (<span class="highlight">See @ref qs for detailed documentation</span>).
@section classes Classes in QP/C
The figure below shows the main classes comprising the QP/C framework and their relation to the application-level code, such as the @ref game example application (shown at the bottom 1/3 of the diagram).
@image html qp_classes.gif "Main Classes in the QP Framework"
<ul class="tag">
<li><span class="tag">0</span> The ::QEvt class represents events without parameters and serves as the base class for derivation of time events and any events with parameters. For example, application-level events `ObjectPosEvt` and `ObjectImageEvt` inherit ::QEvt and add to it some parameters (see [8]).
<li><span class="tag">1</span> The abstract ::QHsm class represents a Hierarchical State Machine (HSM) with full support for hierarchical nesting of states, entry/exit actions, initial transitions, and transitions to history in any composite state. This class is designed for ease of manual coding of HSMs in C, but it is also supported by the <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/qm">QM modeling tool</a>.
::QHsm is also the base class for the ::QMsm state machine, which provides a superior efficiency, but requires the use of the <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/qm">QM modeling tool</a> to generate code.
<li><span class="tag">2</span> The abstract ::QActive class represents an active object that uses the ::QHsm style implementation strategy for state machines. This strategy is tailored to manual coding, but it is also supported by the <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/qm">QM modeling tool</a>. The resulting code is slower than in the ::QMsm-style implementation strategy. The @ref game application provides an example of application-level classes deriving from ::QActive and ::QHsm (see [6] and [7]).
<li><span class="tag">3</span> The abstract ::QMsm class (QM State Machine) derives from ::QHsm and implements the fastest and the most efficient strategy for coding hierarchical state machines, but this strategy is not human-maintainable and requires the use of the <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/qm">QM modeling tool</a>. The class is abstract, meaning that it is not designed to be instantiated directly, but rather only for inheritance.
<li><span class="tag">4</span> The abstract ::QMActive class represents an active object that uses the ::QMsm state machine implementation strategy. This strategy requires the use of the QM modeling tool to generate state machine code automatically, but the code is faster than in the ::QHsm style implementation strategy and needs less run-time support (smaller event-processor).
<li><span class="tag">5</span> The ::QTimeEvt class represents time events in QP. **Time events** are special QP events equipped with the notion of time passage. The basic usage model of the time events is as follows. An active object allocates one or more ::QTimeEvt objects (provides the storage for them). When the active object needs to arrange for a timeout, it arms one of its time events to fire either just once (one-shot) or periodically. Each time event times out independently from the others, so a QP application can make multiple parallel timeout requests (from the same or different active objects). When QP detects that the appropriate moment has arrived, it inserts the time event directly into the recipient's event queue. The recipient then processes the time event just like any other event.
<li><span class="tag">6</span> Active Objects in the application derive either from the ::QActive or ::QMActive base class.
<li><span class="tag">7</span> Applications can also use classes derived directly from the ::QHsm or ::QMsm base classes to represent "raw" state machines that are not active objects, because they don't have event queue and execution thread. Such "raw" state machines are typically used as "Orthogonal Components".
<li><span class="tag">8</span> Application-level events with parameters derive from the ::QEvt class.
@section sm State Machines
The behavior of each active object in QP/C is specified by means of a <a href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/concepts#HSM" target="_blank" class="extern">hierarchical state machine</a> (UML statechart), which is the most effective and elegant technique of decomposing event-driven behavior. The most important innovation of UML state machines over classical finite state machines (FSMs) is the hierarchical state nesting. The value of state nesting lies in avoiding repetitions, which are inevitable in the traditional "flat" FSM formalism and are the main reason for the "state-transition explosion" in FSMs. The semantics of state nesting allow substates to define only the differences of behavior from the superstates, thus promoting sharing and reusing behavior.
The Quantum Leaps Application Note <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/AN_Crash_Course_in_UML_State_Machines.pdf"><strong>A Crash Course in UML State Machines</strong></a> introduces the main state machine concepts backed up by examples.
<div class="image">
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/AN_Crash_Course_in_UML_State_Machines.pdf"><img border="0" src="img/AN_Crash_Course_in_UML_State_Machines.gif" title="Download PDF"></a>
<div class="caption">
Application Note: A Crash Course in UML State Machines
<div class="clear"></div>
The hallmark of the QP/C implementation of UML state machines is **traceability**, which is direct, precise, and unambiguous mapping of every state machine element to human-readable, portable, MISRA-compliant C code. Preserving the traceability from requirements through design to code is essential for mission-critical systems, such as medical devices or avionic systems.
@section coding Coding Standard
The QP/C framework has been developed in strict adherence to the documented <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/AN_QL_Coding_Standard.pdf"><strong>Quantum Leaps Coding Standard</strong></a>.
<div class="image">
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/AN_QL_Coding_Standard.pdf"><img border="0" src="img/AN_Coding_Standard.jpg " title="Download PDF"></a>
<div class="caption">
Application Note: Quantum Leaps C/C++ Coding Standard
@section misra MISRA Compliance
<p>The QP/C framework complies with most of the Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) MISRA-C:2004 rules.
<div class="image">
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/AN_QP-C_MISRA.pdf"><img border="0" src="img/AN_MISRA-QPC.jpg" title="Download PDF"></a>
<div class="caption">
Application Note: QP/C MISRA-C:2004 Compliance Matrix
All deviations are carefully limited into very specific contexts and are documented with the Application Note: <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="https://www.state-machine.com/doc/AN_QP-C_MISRA.pdf"><strong>QP/C MISRA-C:2004 Compliance Matrix</strong></a>.
MISRA and MISRA C are registered trademarks of MIRA Ltd, held on behalf of the MISRA Consortium.
The MISRA guidelines place great emphasis on the use of static code analysts tools to check compliance with the MISRA-C language subset. To this end, QP/C comes with an extensive support for automatic rule checking with @ref lint "PC-Lint". The QP frameworks go even beyond MISRA, by complying with the <strong>strict type checking</strong> of PC-Lint.
@section pc-lint PC-Lint Support
The QP/C framework comes with extensive support for automatic rule checking by means of <a class="extern" target="_blank" href="http://www.gimpel.com/">PC-Lint</a>, which is designed not just for proving compliance of the QP/C framework code, but more importantly, to aid in checking compliance of the application-level code. Any organization engaged in designing safety-related embedded software could benefit from the unprecedented quality infrastructure built around the QP/C framework.
@sa @ref lint "Lint Port"
/*! @dir ../include
Platform-independent QP/C API
The QP/C <span class="img folder">include</span> directory needs to be added to the compiler's include path in the applications using QP/C.
/*! @dir ../src
Platform-independent QP/C source code
Files from this directory need to be added to the project, to build the QP/C framework from source code.
The QP/C <span class="img folder">src</span> directory needs to be added to the compiler's include path in the applications that build QP/C framework from sources (as opposed to using QP as a pre-built library).
/*! @dir ../src/qf
Platform-independent implementation of the @ref qep and @ref qf components.
Typically, files in this directory need to be added to the application build, but some QP ports might not need all the files in this directory. For example, a QP port to a 3rd-party RTOS kernel might be using a message queue of the RTOS instead of the native QP event queue, in which case the file qf_actq.c would not be needed and should be excluded from the build.
/*! @dir ../src/qv
Platform-independent implementation of the @ref qv built-in kernel.
Files in this directory need to be included in the QP application build only if the application uses the @ref qv kernel.
/*! @dir ../src/qk
Platform-independent implementation of the @ref qk built-in kernel.
Files in this directory need to be included in the QP application build only if the application uses the @ref qk kernel.
/*! @dir ../src/qxk
Platform-independent implementation of the @ref qxk built-in kernel.
Files in this directory need to be included in the QP application build only if the application uses the @ref qxk kernel.
/*! @dir ../src/qs
Platform-independent implementation of the @ref qs component (software tracing).