Allportsarelocatedinsub-directoriesofthe<spanclass="imgfolder">ports</span> @ref qpc_files "top-levelfolder", with the hierarchical organization outlined below:
<li><spanclass="imgfolder">arm-cm</span> — Native ports for ARM-Cortex-M (bare-metal) <span class="tag">A</span>
<li><spanclass="imgfolder">qk</span> — Port to the @ref comp_qk "preemptiveQKkernel"
<li><spanclass="imgfolder">arm</span> — Port to ARM-KEIL toolset
<li><spanclass="tag">A</span> **Native Ports** are located in sub-directories named after the CPU architecture, such as <span class="imgfolder">arm-cm</span> for ARM Cortex-M. Under that directory, the sub-directories <span class="imgfolder">qk</span> and <span class="imgfolder">qv</span> contain ports for the @ref comp_qk "QK" and @ref comp_qv "QV" kernels, respectively.
<li><spanclass="tag">B</span> **Ports for 3rd-party RTOS** are located in sub-directories named after the RTOS, such as <span class="imgfolder">ucos-ii</span> for uCOS-II RTOS. Under that directory, the sub-directories, such as <span class="imgfolder">arm-cm</span>, contain examples for the specified CPU architecture, such as ARM Cortex-M here.
<li><spanclass="tag">C</span> **Ports for 3rd-party OS** are located in sub-directories named after the OS, such as <span class="imgfolder">win32</span> for the Win32 API (Windows OS). Under that directory, the sub-directories, such as <span class="imgfolder">mingw</span>, contain builds for the specified toolset, such as MinGW or Visual C++ here.
BecausetheQPdistributioncontains*all*ports,thenumberofsub-directoriesandfilesinthe<spanclass="imgfolder">ports</span> folder may seem daunting. However, knowing the structure of the <span class="imgfolder">ports</span> folder, you can simply **delete** the sub-directories that are not interesting to you.