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/* ============================================================================
* Copyright (c) Texas Instruments Inc 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008
* Use of this software is controlled by the terms and conditions found in the
* license agreement under which this software has been supplied.
* ============================================================================
/** @file csl_i2c.h
* @brief I2C functional layer API header file
* Path: \(CSLPATH)\ inc
/* ============================================================================
* Revision History
* ================
* 08-Oct-2008 Created
* 23-Oct-2008 Updated for code review comments
* ============================================================================
/** @defgroup CSL_I2C_API I2C
* @section Introduction
* Inter Integrated Circiut(I2C) is a bus technology used to transfer the serial
* data between the I2C compliant devices. It supports multiple masters and
* multi slaves.
* @subsection xxx Overview
* The I2C peripheral provides an interface between the VC5505 and other
* devices that are compliant with the I2C-bus specification and connected by
* way of an I2C-bus. External components that are attached to this two-wire
* serial bus can transmit and receive data that is up to eight bits wide both
* to and from the VC5505 through the I2C peripheral.
* I2C CSL module provides flexible way to configure the I2C peripheral
* registers. Application can configure the whole register directly using
* config function or can pass individual register bit configuration values
* using setup function.
* I2C CSL module can work in polled, interrupt and DMA modes.
* @subsection References
#ifndef _CSL_I2C_H_
#define _CSL_I2C_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "cslr.h"
#include "csl_error.h"
#include "csl_types.h"
#include "cslr_i2c.h"
#include "soc.h"
#include "csl_general.h"
@defgroup CSL_I2C_SYMBOL I2C Symbols Defined
@ingroup CSL_I2C_API
@defgroup CSL_I2C_DATASTRUCT I2C Data Structures
@ingroup CSL_I2C_API
@defgroup CSL_I2C_FUNCTION I2C Functions
@ingroup CSL_I2C_API
@defgroup CSL_I2C_ENUM I2C Enumerated Data Types
@ingroup CSL_I2C_API
I2C global macro declarations *
@addtogroup CSL_I2C_SYMBOL
/** \brief I2C Instance number */
#define CSL_I2C0 (0)
/** I2C event Id for interrupt operation */
#define CSL_I2C_INT_EVTID (23)
/** I2C interrupt event count */
#define CSL_I2C_EVT_COUNT (7)
/** I2C device reset count value */
#define CSL_I2C_RESET_COUNT_VAL (0x20)
/** I2C reset delay value */
#define CSL_I2C_RESET_DELAY (500)
/** I2C module clock frequency - (This should be between 7MHz and 12MHz) */
/** Clock Multiplier to convert the clock into Hz from KHz and MHz */
#define CSL_I2C_CLK_MULT (1000)
/** I2C Prescaler value is zero */
#define CSL_I2C_PSC0 (0)
/** I2C Prescaler value is one */
#define CSL_I2C_PSC1 (1)
/** Adjustment for the Prescaler value */
#define CSL_I2C_PSC_ADJUST_VAL (1)
/** I2C d value for the prescaler value zero */
#define CSL_I2C_PSC0_DVAL (7)
/** I2C d value for the prescaler value one */
#define CSL_I2C_PSC1_DVAL (6)
/** I2C d value for the prescaler value 2h to FFh */
#define CSL_I2C_PSC2TOFF_DVAL (5)
* \brief I2C Driver Error codes
/** Error Code base */
/** Returned when the I2C bus find that the bus is busy */
/** Returned when the I2C driver lost the bus arbitration */
/** Returned when the I2C slave did not generate an acknowledge */
/** Returned in case of an transmit underflow error */
/** Returned in case of an rcv overflow error */
/** Returned in case of an Cancelling IO error */
/** Returned in case of timeout error */
* \brief I2C Transaction flags
/** Read from I2C bus (device) */
#define CSL_I2C_READ (0x1)
/** Write to I2C bus (device) */
#define CSL_I2C_WRITE (0x2)
/** If this flag is not set, default is 7 bit address */
#define CSL_I2C_ADDR_FORMAT_10_BIT (0x10)
/** Generate Start - valid in master mode only */
#define CSL_I2C_START (0x100)
/** Generate Stop - valid in master mode only */
#define CSL_I2C_STOP (0x200)
/** Re-Start is generated by Master */
#define CSL_I2C_RESTART (0x400)
/** Start Byte as per Phillips I2C specs */
#define CSL_I2C_START_BYTE (0x800)
/** Free Data Format */
#define CSL_I2C_FREE_DATA_FORMAT (0x1000)
/** Repeat mode as per TI I2C specs */
#define CSL_I2C_REPEAT (0x2000)
/** Ignore Bus Busy condition */
#define CSL_I2C_IGNORE_BUS_BUSY (0x20000)
/** Default start stop flag */
/** I2C timeout value */
/** Default value of I2C Own address register */
#define CSL_I2C_ICOAR_DEFVAL (0x2F)
/** Default value of I2C Interrupt mask register */
#define CSL_I2C_ICIMR_DEFVAL (0x0000)
/** Default value of I2C Slave address register (EEPROM address) */
#define CSL_I2C_ICSAR_DEFVAL (0x50)
/** I2C Prescaler register defval(For 100MHz sysClk and 10KHz Bus frequency) */
#define CSL_I2C_ICPSC_DEFVAL (0x07)
/** I2C Clock register defval (For 100MHz sysClk and 10KHz Bus frequency) */
#define CSL_I2C_ICCLK_DEFVAL (0x026C)
/** Default value of I2C Mode register for write operation */
/** Default value of I2C Mode register for read operation */
#define CSL_I2C_ICMDR_READ_DEFVAL (0x0C20)
/** Default value of I2C Extended Mode register */
#define CSL_I2C_ICEMDR_DEFVAL (0x0000)
/** I2C status register reset value */
/** I2C event handler */
typedef void (*CSL_I2C_EVENT_ISR)(void);
/** Macro to read I2C register */
/** NOTE: Pass the name of the register for 'reg' field
* EX : Read I2C mode register
* Uint16 mdrVal;
* */
#define CSL_I2C0_READREG(reg,val) (val = CSL_I2C_0_REGS->##reg)
/** Macro to write I2C register */
#define CSL_I2C0_WRITEREG(reg,val) (CSL_I2C_0_REGS->##reg = val)
/** Macro to Set I2C start bit */
#define CSL_I2C_SETSTART() \
/** Macro to Reset I2C start bit */
#define CSL_I2C_RESETSTART() \
/** Macro to Set I2C stop bit */
#define CSL_I2C_SETSTOP() \
/** Macro to Reset I2C stop bit */
#define CSL_I2C_RESETSTOP() \
@} */
* I2C global typedef declarations *
/** @addtogroup CSL_I2C_ENUM
@{ */
* \brief Enum for I2C events
typedef enum CSL_I2cEvent {
/** Arbitration Loss event */
/** No ACKnowledgement event */
/** register Access ReaDY event */
/** I2C Receive ReaDY event */
/** I2C tX ReaDY event */
/** Stop Condition Detected event */
/** Address As Slave event */
} CSL_I2cEvent;
* \brief Enum for I2C Address mode
typedef enum CSL_I2cAddrMode {
/** I2C operates in 7 - bit addressing mode */
/** I2C operates in 10 - bit addressing mode */
} CSL_I2cAddrMode;
* \brief Enum for I2C bit count value
typedef enum CSL_I2cBitCount {
/** I2C Reads/Writes 8 bits in each data word transferred */
/** This is reserved value - CANNOT BE USED */
/** I2C Reads/Writes 2 bits in each data word transferred */
/** I2C Reads/Writes 3 bits in each data word transferred */
/** I2C Reads/Writes 4 bits in each data word transferred */
/** I2C Reads/Writes 5 bits in each data word transferred */
/** I2C Reads/Writes 6 bits in each data word transferred */
/** I2C Reads/Writes 7 bits in each data word transferred */
} CSL_I2cBitCount;
* \brief Enum for I2C loopback mode bit
typedef enum CSL_I2cLoopback {
/** I2C loopback mode disabled */
/** I2C loopback mode enabled */
} CSL_I2cLoopback;
* \brief Enum for I2C free mode bit
typedef enum CSL_I2cFreeMode {
/** I2C free running mode disabled */
/** I2C free running mode enabled */
} CSL_I2cFreeMode;
* \brief Enum for I2C master mode bit
typedef enum CSL_I2cMasterMode {
/** I2C master mode disabled */
/** I2C master mode enabled */
} CSL_I2cMasterMode;
* \brief Enum for I2C repeat mode bit
typedef enum CSL_I2cRepeatMode {
/** I2C repeat mode disabled */
/** I2C repeat mode enabled */
} CSL_I2cRepeatMode;
@} */
* I2C global data structure declarations *
\addtogroup CSL_I2C_DATASTRUCT
@{ */
* \brief I2C callback pointer structure
* This structure contains pointers to I2C interrupt callback functions
typedef struct CSL_I2cIsrAddr {
/** \brief ISR for arbitration loss event */
/** \brief ISR for no acknowledgement event */
/** \brief ISR for access ready event */
/** \brief ISR for receive ready event */
/** \brief ISR for transmit ready event */
/** \brief ISR for stop condition detected event */
/** \brief ISR for address as slave event */
} CSL_I2cIsrAddr;
* \brief I2C Config structure
* This structure contains the I2C register configuration parameters
* The members of this structure directly maps to a particular register of I2C
typedef struct CSL_I2cConfig {
/** \brief I2C own address register - Holds the own slave address */
Uint16 icoar;
/** \brief I2C interrupt mask register - Enables/Disables interrupts */
Uint16 icimr;
/** \brief I2C clock low register - Clock divider low vale */
Uint16 icclkl;
/** \brief I2C clock high register - Clock divider high value */
Uint16 icclkh;
/** \brief I2C count register - Number of words to read/write */
Uint16 iccnt;
/** \brief I2C slave address register - Address of the slave device */
Uint16 icsar;
/** \brief I2C mode register - Mode of data transfer */
Uint16 icmdr;
/** \brief I2C extended mode register - Enables extended mode feature */
Uint16 icemdr;
/** \brief I2C prescaler register - Value of the I2C prescaler */
Uint16 icpsc;
} CSL_I2cConfig;
* \brief I2C Setup structure
* This structure contains the I2C setup parameters.
* Using this structure individual parameters can be passed
typedef struct CSL_I2cSetup {
/** \brief I2C address mode - 7bit/10bit */
CSL_I2cAddrMode addrMode;
/** \brief Number of bits in each transferred word */
CSL_I2cBitCount bitCount;
/** \brief Enables/Disables I2C data loopback mode */
CSL_I2cLoopback loopBack;
/** \brief Enables/Disables I2C free running mode */
CSL_I2cFreeMode freeMode;
/** \brief Enables/Disables I2C repeat mode */
CSL_I2cRepeatMode repeatMode;
/** \brief I2C own slave address - don't care if master */
Uint16 ownAddr;
/** \brief value of the system clock (In MHz) */
Uint32 sysInputClk;
/** \brief I2C bus frequency in KHz- a number between 10 and 400 */
Uint32 i2cBusFreq;
} CSL_I2cSetup;
* \brief I2C Object structure
* This structure maintains information of I2C object
typedef struct CSL_I2cObj {
/** I2C register overlay structure pointer */
CSL_I2cRegsOvly i2cRegs;
/** System control register overlay structure pointer */
CSL_SysRegsOvly sysCtrlRegs;
/** I2C Isr dispatch table */
} CSL_I2cObj;
/** Handle to the I2C object structure */
typedef CSL_I2cObj *pI2cHandle;
@} */
* I2C function declarations *
/** @addtogroup CSL_I2C_FUNCTION
@{ */
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_init
* @b Description
* @n Initializes the I2C CSL module
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
instanceNum I2C Hardware instance number
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n None
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Initializes I2C module
* @b Modifies
* @n I2C Object structure
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_init(Uint16 instanceNum);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_config
* @b Description
* @n Configures the I2C module. Using this function application can pass the
* value of the each register to be configured.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
i2cConfig I2C config structure pointer
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n I2C_init should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Configures the I2C registers
* @b Modifies
* @n I2C registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_I2cConfig i2cConfig;
i2cConfig.icoar = CSL_I2C_ICOAR_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icimr = CSL_I2C_ICIMR_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icclkl = CSL_I2C_ICCLK_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icclkh = CSL_I2C_ICCLK_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.iccnt = CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE;
i2cConfig.icsar = CSL_I2C_ICSAR_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icmdr = CSL_I2C_ICMDR_WRITE_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icemdr = CSL_I2C_ICEMDR_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icpsc = CSL_I2C_ICPSC_DEFVAL;
status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
status = I2C_config(&i2cConfig);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_config(CSL_I2cConfig *i2cConfig);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_getConfig
* @b Description
* @n Gets the I2C configuration parameters
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
i2cgetConfig I2C Configuration structure pointer
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n I2C_config should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Populates the I2C config structure
* @b Modifies
* @n Structure pointed by getI2cConfig
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_I2cConfig i2cConfig;
CSL_I2cConfig i2cgetConfig
i2cConfig.icoar = CSL_I2C_ICOAR_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icimr = CSL_I2C_ICIMR_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icclkl = CSL_I2C_ICCLK_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icclkh = CSL_I2C_ICCLK_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.iccnt = CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE;
i2cConfig.icsar = CSL_I2C_ICSAR_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icmdr = CSL_I2C_ICMDR_WRITE_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icemdr = CSL_I2C_ICEMDR_DEFVAL;
i2cConfig.icpsc = CSL_I2C_ICPSC_DEFVAL;
status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
status = I2C_config(&i2cConfig);
status = I2C_getConfig(&i2cgetConfig);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_getConfig(CSL_I2cConfig *i2cgetConfig);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_setup
* @b Description
* @n Sets the I2C hardware registers.
* This functions task is same as that of I2C_config, but this function
* provides more flexible interface to the application. Application can
* pass the individual configuration values rather than the register value.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
i2cSetup I2C setup structure
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n I2C_init should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Sets the I2C register values
* @b Modifies
* @n I2C registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
#define CSL_I2C_SYS_CLK (12) // In MHz
#define CSL_I2C_BUS_FREQ (10) // In KHz
CSL_Status status;
CSL_I2cSetup i2cSetup;
i2cSetup.addrMode = CSL_I2C_ADDR_7BIT;
i2cSetup.bitCount = CSL_I2C_BC_8BITS;
i2cSetup.loopBack = CSL_I2C_LOOPBACK_DISABLE;
i2cSetup.freeMode = CSL_I2C_FREEMODE_DISABLE;
i2cSetup.repeatMode = CSL_I2C_REPEATMODE_DISABLE;
i2cSetup.ownAddr = CSL_I2C_OWN_ADDR;
i2cSetup.sysInputClk = CSL_I2C_SYS_CLK;
i2cSetup.i2cBusFreq = CSL_I2C_BUS_FREQ;
status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
status = I2C_setup(&i2cSetup);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_setup(CSL_I2cSetup *i2cSetup);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_write
* @b Description
* @n Transmits the I2C data to I2C device.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
i2cWrBuf I2C Data buffer pointer
dataLength Number bytes to transmit
slaveAddr Address of the slave device
masterMode Master mode flag
startStopFlag Flag for the start and stop bits
timeout Time out variable
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* @li CSL_I2C_BUS_BUSY_ERR - Busy Bit Error
* @li CSL_I2C_TIMEOUT_ERROR - Time out Error has occured
* @li CSL_I2C_NACK_ERR - No acknowledgement Error
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n I2C_init and I2C_config/I2C_setup should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Transmits the I2C data
* @b Modifies
* @n I2C transmit register
* @b Example
* @verbatim
#define CSL_I2C_SYS_CLK (12) // In MHz
#define CSL_I2C_BUS_FREQ (10) // In KHz
#define CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE (16)
#define CSL_I2C_EEPROM_ADDR (0x50)
Uint16 i2cDataBuf[CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE];
CSL_Status status;
CSL_I2cSetup i2cSetup;
i2cSetup.addrMode = CSL_I2C_ADDR_7BIT;
i2cSetup.bitCount = CSL_I2C_BC_8BITS;
i2cSetup.loopBack = CSL_I2C_LOOPBACK_DISABLE;
i2cSetup.freeMode = CSL_I2C_FREEMODE_DISABLE;
i2cSetup.repeatMode = CSL_I2C_REPEATMODE_DISABLE;
i2cSetup.ownAddr = CSL_I2C_OWN_ADDR;
i2cSetup.sysInputClk = CSL_I2C_SYS_CLK;
i2cSetup.i2cBusFreq = CSL_I2C_BUS_FREQ;
status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
status = I2C_setup(&i2cSetup);
status = I2C_write(i2cDataBuf, CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE,
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_write(Uint16 *i2cWrBuf,
Uint16 dataLength,
Uint16 slaveAddr,
Bool masterMode,
Uint16 startStopFlag,
Uint16 timeout);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_read
* @b Description
* @n Receives the I2C data from the I2C device.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
i2cRdBuf I2C Data buffer pointer
dataLength Number bytes to receive
slaveAddr Address of the slave device
masterMode Master mode flag
startStopFlag Flag for the start and stop bits
timeout Time out variable
checkBus Check Bus busy flag
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* @li CSL_I2C_BUS_BUSY_ERR - Busy Bit Error
* @li CSL_I2C_TIMEOUT_ERROR - Time out Error has occured
* @li CSL_I2C_RECEIVE_OVERFLOW_ERR - Recieve Register over flow error
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n I2C_init and I2C_config/I2C_setup should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Receives the I2C data
* @b Modifies
* @n I2C data buffer
* @b Example
* @verbatim
#define CSL_I2C_SYS_CLK (12) // In MHz
#define CSL_I2C_BUS_FREQ (10) // In KHz
#define CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE (16)
#define CSL_I2C_EEPROM_ADDR (0x50)
Uint16 i2cDataBuf[CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE];
CSL_Status status;
CSL_I2cSetup i2cSetup;
i2cSetup.addrMode = CSL_I2C_ADDR_7BIT;
i2cSetup.bitCount = CSL_I2C_BC_8BITS;
i2cSetup.loopBack = CSL_I2C_LOOPBACK_DISABLE;
i2cSetup.freeMode = CSL_I2C_FREEMODE_DISABLE;
i2cSetup.repeatMode = CSL_I2C_REPEATMODE_DISABLE;
i2cSetup.ownAddr = CSL_I2C_OWN_ADDR;
i2cSetup.sysInputClk = CSL_I2C_SYS_CLK;
i2cSetup.i2cBusFreq = CSL_I2C_BUS_FREQ;
status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
status = I2C_setup(&i2cSetup);
status = I2C_read(i2cDataBuf, CSL_I2C_DATA_SIZE, CSL_I2C_EEPROM_ADDR,
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_read(Uint16 *i2cRdBuf,
Uint16 dataLength,
Uint16 slaveAddr,
Bool masterMode,
Uint16 startStopFlag,
Uint16 timeout,
Bool checkBus);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_eventEnable
* @b Description
* @n Enables the I2C events for interrupt generation.
* I2C has several events which can generate interrupt to the CPU.
* Application can enable any of the event using this function.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
i2cEvent Event to be enabled
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n I2C_init should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Enables I2C interrupt for a particular event
* @b Modifies
* @n I2C Interrupt enable register
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
status = I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_ICXRDY);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2cEvent i2cEvent);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_eventDisable
* @b Description
* @n Disables the I2C events.
* I2C has several events which can generate interrupt to the CPU.
* Application can disable any of the event using this function.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
i2cEvent Event to be disabled
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n I2C_init and I2C_eventEnable should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Disables I2C interrupt for a particular event
* @b Modifies
* @n I2C Interrupt enable register
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
status = I2C_init(CSL_I2C0);
status = I2C_eventEnable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_ICXRDY);
status = I2C_eventDisable(CSL_I2C_EVENT_ICXRDY);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_eventDisable(CSL_I2cEvent i2cEvent);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_setCallback
* @b Description
* @n Sets the call back functions for different I2C interrupts.
* These callback functions are called from the Interrupt service
* routine based on the interrupt generated by a particular event
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
i2cIsrAddr I2C ISR address structure pointer
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n None
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Sets the call functions
* @b Modifies
* @n Callback pointer array
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void alCallback(void); // Arbitration Loss event callback
void nackCallback(void); // No acknowledgement event callback
void ardyCallback(void); // register access ready event callback
void rrdyCallback(void); // receive data ready event callback
void xrdyCallback(void); // transmit data ready event callback
void scdCallback(void); // stop condition detected event callback
void aasCallback(void); // Address As Slave interrupt callback
CSL_I2cIsrAddr i2cIsrAddr;
CSL_Status status;
i2cIsrAddr.alAddr = alCallback;
i2cIsrAddr.nackAddr = nackCallback;
i2cIsrAddr.ardyAddr = ardyCallback;
i2cIsrAddr.rrdyAddr = rrdyCallback;
i2cIsrAddr.xrdyAddr = xrdyCallback;
i2cIsrAddr.scdAddr = scdCallback;
i2cIsrAddr.aasAddr = aasCallback;
status = I2C_setCallback(i2cIsrAddr);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status I2C_setCallback(CSL_I2cIsrAddr *i2cIsrAddr);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b I2C_getEventId
* @b Description
* @n Returns the I2C event ID. This event represent the I2C interrupt
* in the I2C interrupt vector register
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
* <b> Return Value </b>
* @n I2C Event Id
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n None
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Returns I2C event Id
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
Int16 i2cEvent;
i2cEvent = I2C_getEventId();
* ============================================================================
Int16 I2C_getEventId(void);
@} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //_CSL_I2C_H_