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/* ============================================================================
* Copyright (c) Texas Instruments Inc 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008
* Use of this software is controlled by the terms and conditions found in the
* license agreement under which this software has been supplied.
* ============================================================================
/** @file csl_usb.h
* @brief USB MUSB functional layer API header file
* Path: \(CSLPATH)\ inc
/* ============================================================================
* Revision History
* ================
* 05-Sep-2008 Created
* 25-Dec-2008 Added Isochronous Transfer Support
* ============================================================================
/** @defgroup CSL_USB_API USB
* @section Introduction
* @subsection xxx Overview
* Universal serial bus is an interface using which USB devices can be
* interfaced to the host device. MUSB module is designed for the
* host-peripheral communication through different end points.
* It supports the operations like configuring the USB registers,
* Reading data from USB FIFO and writing data to USB FIFO etc.
* MUSB FCSL layer supports only peripheral mode functionality.
* Data can be transferred between the Host and the USB device either
* in DMA mode or in interrupt mode.
* @subsection References
* musbmhdrc_pg.pdf
* usb20otgss_cppi4_1p0p2.doc Ver 1.0.2
#ifndef _CSL_USB_H_
#define _CSL_USB_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <cslr.h>
#include <csl_error.h>
#include <csl_types.h>
#include <cslr_usb.h>
#include <soc.h>
#include <csl_general.h>
@defgroup CSL_USB_SYMBOL USB MUSB Symbols Defined
@ingroup CSL_USB_API
@defgroup CSL_USB_DATASTRUCT USB MUSB Data Structures
@ingroup CSL_USB_API
@defgroup CSL_USB_FUNCTION USB MUSB Functions
@ingroup CSL_USB_API
@defgroup CSL_USB_ENUM USB MUSB Enumerated Data Types
@ingroup CSL_USB_API
USB MUSB global macro declarations *
@addtogroup CSL_USB_SYMBOL
/** \brief USB end point numbers */
/** USB End point 0 */
#define CSL_USB_EP0 (0)
/** USB End point 1 */
#define CSL_USB_EP1 (1)
/** USB End point 2 */
#define CSL_USB_EP2 (2)
/** USB End point 3 */
#define CSL_USB_EP3 (3)
/** USB End point 4 */
#define CSL_USB_EP4 (4)
/** \brief Flags for transfer functions */
/** USB IN transfer */
#define CSL_USB_IN_TRANSFER (0x80)
/** USB OUT transfer */
#define CSL_USB_OUT_TRANSFER (0x00)
/** USB EP0 maximum FIFO length */
#define CSL_USB_MAX_EP0_FIFO_LEN (0x0040)
/** USB EP0 setup packet length */
/** USB EP0 data packet size */
#define CSL_USB_EP0_PACKET_SIZE (0x40)
/** USB EP data packet size in full speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP_PACKET_SIZE_FS (0x40)
/** USB EP data packet size in high speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP_PACKET_SIZE_HS (0x200)
/** USB EP1 data packet size in full speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP1_PACKET_SIZE_FS (0x40)
/** USB EP1 data packet size in high speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP1_PACKET_SIZE_HS (0x200)
/** USB EP2 data packet size in full speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP2_PACKET_SIZE_FS (0x40)
/** USB EP2 data packet size in high speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP2_PACKET_SIZE_HS (0x200)
/** USB EP3 data packet size in full speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP3_PACKET_SIZE_FS (0x40)
/** USB EP3 data packet size in high speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP3_PACKET_SIZE_HS (0x200)
/** USB EP4 data packet size in full speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP4_PACKET_SIZE_FS (0x40)
/** USB EP4 data packet size in high speed mode */
#define CSL_USB_EP4_PACKET_SIZE_HS (0x200)
/** USB Total FIFO Size **/
/** 512*8 = 4096 byte **/
#define CSL_USB_FIFO_SIZE (512)
/** USB IN End point FIFO start address */
/** USB OUT End point FIFO start address */
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size register shift value */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size register shift value */
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 8 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_8 (0)
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 16 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_16 (1)
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 32 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_32 (2)
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 64 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_64 (3)
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 128 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_128 (4)
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 256 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_256 (5)
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 512 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_512 (6)
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 1024 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_1024 (7)
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 2048 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_2048 (8)
/** \brief USB TX FIFO size - 4096 bits */
#define CSL_USB_TX_FIFO_SIZE_4096 (9)
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 8 bits */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 16 bits */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 32 bits */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 64 bits */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 128 bits */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 256 bits */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 512 bits */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 1024 bits */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 2048 bits */
/** \brief USB RX FIFO size - 4096 bits */
/** \brief USB End point count */
/** \brief USB maximum output buffer length */
/** \brief USB maximum number of User Interface messages */
/** \brief USB IO Flags */
/** do not expect or insert a 0 byte */
#define CSL_USB_IOFLAG_NONE (0x0000)
/** packet after a full size packet */
#define CSL_USB_IOFLAG_NOSHORT (0x0001)
/** swap hi/lo bytes before data transmit and after data receive */
#define CSL_USB_IOFLAG_SWAP (0x0002)
/** Transmit or receive data buffer passed is a linked list */
#define CSL_USB_IOFLAG_LNK (0x0004)
/** concatenate multiple linked list to fill up the data buffer with to
max packet size before sending or receiving a data packet */
#define CSL_USB_IOFLAG_CAT (0x0008)
/** Ignore argument byteCnt, transfer */
#define CSL_USB_IOFLAG_EOLL (0x0010)
/** Nothing to Transfer */
#define CSL_USB_IOFLAG_NOT (0x0020)
/** \brief USB Events */
/** No interrupt received */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_NONE (0x0000)
/** USB Bus Reset event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_RESET (0x0001)
/** USB Start of Frame event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_SOF (0x0002)
/** USB Bus Suspend event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_SUSPEND (0x0004)
/** USB Bus Resume event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_RESUME (0x0008)
/** USB Setup Packet Received event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_SETUP (0x0010)
/** USB End of posted transaction event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_EOT (0x0020)
/** USB Setup Packet Overwrite event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_STPOW (0x0040)
/** USB Pre Start of Frame event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_PSOF (0x0080)
/** USB Host interrupt event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_HINT (0x0100)
/** USB Host Error event */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_HERR (0x0200)
/** USB event to transmit data to isochronous endpoint */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_ISO_TX (0x0400)
/** USB event to receive data from isochronous endpoint */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_ISO_RX (0x0800)
/** USB event to read data from media */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_READ_MEDIA (0x1000)
/** USB event to write data to media */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_WRITE_MEDIA (0x2000)
/** USB event transmit HID report */
#define CSL_USB_EVENT_HID_REPORT_TX (0x4000)
/** \brief Standard USB requests */
/** USB get status request */
#define CSL_USB_GET_STATUS (0x00)
/** USB clear feature request */
#define CSL_USB_CLEAR_FEATURE (0x01)
/** USB set feature request */
#define CSL_USB_SET_FEATURE (0x03)
/** USB set address request */
#define CSL_USB_SET_ADDRESS (0x05)
/** USB get descriptor request */
/** USB set descriptor request */
/** USB get configuration request */
/** USB set configuration request */
/** USB get interface request */
/** USB set interface request */
/** USB synchronization frame request */
#define CSL_USB_SYNCH_FRAME (0x0C)
/** Get the maximum number of logical units */
#define CSL_USB_GET_MAX_LUN (0xFE)
/** Bulk Only transport MSC reset request */
/** USB status request types */
/** \brief Standard USB requests for audio class */
/** USB request to set current */
#define CSL_USB_SET_CUR (0x01)
/** USB request to get current */
#define CSL_USB_GET_CUR (0x81)
/** USB request to set minimum */
#define CSL_USB_SET_MIN (0x02)
/** USB request to get minimum */
#define CSL_USB_GET_MIN (0x82)
/** USB request to set maximum */
#define CSL_USB_SET_MAX (0x03)
/** USB request to get maximum */
#define CSL_USB_GET_MAX (0x83)
/** USB request to set resolution */
#define CSL_USB_SET_RES (0x04)
/** USB request to get resolution */
#define CSL_USB_GET_RES (0x84)
/** USB request to set memory */
#define CSL_USB_SET_MEM (0x05)
/** USB request to get memory */
#define CSL_USB_GET_MEM (0x85)
/** USB request to get status */
#define CSL_USB_GET_STAT (0xFF)
/** \brief Standard USB requests for HID class */
/** USB request to get Input or Feature report from HID using control
transfer */
#define CSL_USB_GET_REPORT (0x01)
/** USB request to get current Idle rate from HID */
#define CSL_USB_GET_IDLE (0x02)
/** USB request to get whether boot or report protocol currently active
in HID */
#define CSL_USB_GET_PROTOCOL (0x03)
/** USB request to send Output or Feature report to HID using control
transfer */
#define CSL_USB_SET_REPORT (0x09)
/** USB request to limit reporting frequency of interrupt IN endpoint
when data hasn't changed since last report */
#define CSL_USB_SET_IDLE (0x0A)
/** USB request specifying whether HID should use boot or report
protocol */
/** \brief USB Descriptor Type Values */
/** \brief USB Device Descriptor Type Value */
/** \brief USB Configuration Descriptor Type Value */
/** \brief USB String Descriptor Type Value */
/** \brief USB Interface Descriptor Type Value */
/** \brief USB End point Descriptor Type Value */
/** \brief USB deice qualifier Descriptor Type Value */
/** \brief USB other speed configuration Descriptor Type Value */
/** \brief USB HID Descriptor Type Value */
/** \brief USB HID Report Descriptor Type Value */
/** \brief USB End point Stall Feature */
/** \brief USB Remote Wakeup Feature */
/** \brief USB Interrupt source register bit positions */
/** USB Suspend interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_GBL_INT_SUSPEND (1<<0)
/** USB Resume interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_GBL_INT_RESUME (1<<1)
/** USB Reset interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_GBL_INT_RESET (1<<2)
/** USB Start Of Frame interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_GBL_INT_SOF (1<<3)
/** USB Device connect interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_GBL_INT_DEVCONN (1<<4)
/** USB Device disconnect interrupt */
/** USB SRP interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_GBL_INT_SRP (1<<6)
/** USB VBus error interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_GBL_INT_VBUSERR (1<<7)
/** USB Drive VBus interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_GBL_INT_DRVVBUS (1<<8)
/** \brief Bit positions for USB Rx interrupts */
/** USB End Point4 Rx interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_RX_INT_EP4 (1<<12)
/** USB End Point3 Rx interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_RX_INT_EP3 (1<<11)
/** USB End Point2 Rx interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_RX_INT_EP2 (1<<10)
/** USB End Point1 Rx interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_RX_INT_EP1 (1<<9)
/** \brief Bit positions for USB Tx (EP 4 - 1) and Tx & Rx (EP0) interrupts */
/** USB End Point4 Tx interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_TX_INT_EP4 (1<<4)
/** USB End Point3 Tx interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_TX_INT_EP3 (1<<3)
/** USB End Point2 Tx interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_TX_INT_EP2 (1<<2)
/** USB End Point1 Tx interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_TX_INT_EP1 (1<<1)
/** USB End Point0 Tx/Rx interrupt */
#define CSL_USB_TX_RX_INT_EP0 (1<<0)
/** \brief USB delay value */
#define CSL_USB_DELAY (0xFF)
/** \brief USB delay value used for data transfer operations */
/** \brief USB delay for resume protocol (In msecs) */
/** \brief USB peripheral reset count value */
#define CSL_USB_PER_RESTCOUNT (0x20)
/** \brief USB Interrupt register default values */
/** USB Interrupt enable register default value */
/** USB Interrupt mask set low register default value */
/** USB Interrupt mask set low register default value */
/** USB system register default value */
#define CSL_USB_SYS_CTRL_REG_DEF_VAL (0x6040)
/** USB clock stop default value */
/** \brief USB Dma registers default values */
/** USB Dma scheduler control register default value */
/** USB Dma scheduler table register default value */
#define CSL_USB_ENTRYLSW_DEFVAL (0x0081)
/** USB Dma receiver config low register default value */
#define CSL_USB_RXGCR1_DEFVAL (0x401A)
/** USB Dma receiver config high register default value */
#define CSL_USB_RXGCR2_DEFVAL (0x8100)
/** USB Dma Linking ram size default value */
#define CSL_USB_LRAM0SIZE_DEFVAL (0x200)
/** USB Dma Queue manager register default value */
/** USB Dma Queue manager register default value */
#define CSL_USB_QMEMRCTRL2_DEFVAL (0x0000)
/** USB 16 bit register Mask value */
/** USB 16 bit register shift value */
#define CSL_USB_16BIT_REG_SHIFT (16)
/** \brief PLL register default values(100MHz) */
#if (defined(CHIP_C5505_C5515) || defined(CHIP_C5504_C5514))
/** PLL control1 register default value */
/** PLL IN control register default value */
/** PLL control1 register default value */
#define CSL_USB_PLL_PLLCNTL2_DEFVAL (0x0806)
/** PLL OUT control register default value */
/** PLL TESTLOCKMON bit timeout value */
/** USB Interrupt Masked Low Register LSB position */
/** USB Interrupt Masked Low Register MSB position */
/** USB Interrupt Masked High Register LSB position */
/** USB Interrupt Masked High Register MSB position */
/** USB Interrupt Clear Low Register LSB position */
/** USB Interrupt Clear Low Register MSB position */
/** USB Interrupt Clear High Register LSB position */
/** USB Interrupt Clear High Register MSB position */
/** USB Invalid maximum current value - returned in case of error */
/** Enables USB Word Access */
/** Enables USB Low Byte Access */
/** Enables USB High Byte Access */
/** Macro to find the minimum of two values */
#define CSL_USB_MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
* \brief Macro to enable disable byte access
* byte = 0 - Enables word access
* byte = 1 - Enables MSB byte access
* byte = 2 - Enables LSB byte access
/** Swap the MSB with the LSB of a 16 bit integer */
#define CSL_USB_BYTESWAP(word) \
((((word) >> 8u) & 0xFFu) | (((word) & 0xFFu) << 8u))
/** USB IO Flags */
typedef Uint16 CSL_UsbIoFlags;
/** USB Event Mask */
typedef Uint16 CSL_UsbEventMask;
/** USB Byte count remaining in a transfer */
typedef Uint16 CSL_UsbByteCount;
/** USB Current Frame number data type */
typedef Uint16 CSL_UsbFrameNum;
/** USB event handler */
typedef void (*CSL_USB_EVENT_ISR)();
/** USB application call back pointer */
typedef void (*CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK)(Uint16 flag);
/** USB application call back pointer for data transfers */
typedef CSL_Status (*CSL_USB_APP_TRANSFER_CALLBACK)(void *, void *);
@} */
* USB MUSB global typedef declarations *
/** @addtogroup CSL_USB_ENUM
@{ */
* \brief This enum defines Ep Input output numbers
* These values are use by the CSL GUI or the USB API to initialize the
* USB Endpoint Objects
typedef enum {
/** \brief OUT ENDPOINTS */
/** Out Endpoint 0 - Control Out Endpoint */
CSL_USB_OUT_EP0 = 0x00,
/** Out Endpoint 1 */
CSL_USB_OUT_EP1 = 0x01,
/** Out Endpoint 2 */
CSL_USB_OUT_EP2 = 0x02,
/** Out Endpoint 3 */
CSL_USB_OUT_EP3 = 0x03,
/** Out Endpoint 4 */
CSL_USB_OUT_EP4 = 0x04,
/** Out Endpoint 5 */
CSL_USB_OUT_EP5 = 0x05,
/** Out Endpoint 6 */
CSL_USB_OUT_EP6 = 0x06,
/** Out Endpoint 7 */
CSL_USB_OUT_EP7 = 0x07,
/** \brief IN ENDPOINTS */
/** In Endpoint 0 - Control In Endpoint */
CSL_USB_IN_EP0 = 0x08,
/** In Endpoint 1 */
CSL_USB_IN_EP1 = 0x09,
/** In Endpoint 2 */
CSL_USB_IN_EP2 = 0x0A,
/** In Endpoint 3 */
CSL_USB_IN_EP3 = 0x0B,
/** In Endpoint 4 */
CSL_USB_IN_EP4 = 0x0C,
/** In Endpoint 5 */
CSL_USB_IN_EP5 = 0x0D,
/** In Endpoint 6 */
CSL_USB_IN_EP6 = 0x0E,
/** In Endpoint 7 */
} CSL_UsbEpNum;
* \brief This enum defines the various EP states
typedef enum {
/** USB End point0 Idle state */
/** USB End point0 input state */
/** USB End point0 transmit state */
/** USB End point0 receive state */
} CSL_UsbEp0State;
* \brief This enum defines USB Device Events
typedef enum {
/** USB device detach event */
/** USB device attach event */
} CSL_UsbDeviceEvent;
* \brief This enum defines USB Bus Speeds
typedef enum {
/** USB bus speed unknown */
/** USB full speed device */
/** USB high speed device */
} CSL_UsbBusSpeed;
* \brief This enum defines the messages for MSC Task
typedef enum {
/** Sends control message to MSC task */
/** Sends bulk in message to MSC task */
/** Sends bulk out message to MSC task */
/** Sends Iso OUT message */
/** Sends Iso IN message */
/** Sends HID interrupt IN report */
/** Sends task exit message to MSC task */
} CSL_UsbMscMsg;
* \brief This enum defines the messages for USBUI Task
typedef enum {
/** Sends host feature message to USBUI task */
/** Sends error message to USBUI task */
/** Sends task exit message to USBUI task */
} CSL_UsbUiMsg;
* \brief This enum defines the messages for USB Main Task
typedef enum {
/** Data transfer message */
/** Interrupt message */
/** Device reset message */
/** Device connect message */
/** Device disconnect message */
/** Stall end point message */
/** Clear end point stall message */
/** Abort data transfer message */
/** Send hand shake message */
/** Main task exit message */
} CSL_UsbMainMsg;
* \brief This enum defines the USB Transfer Types
typedef enum {
/** Endpoint functions as control endpoint */
CSL_USB_CTRL = 0x00,
/** Endpoint functions as bulk endpoint */
CSL_USB_BULK = 0x01,
/** Endpoint functions as interrupt endpoint */
CSL_USB_INTR = 0x02,
/** Endpoint functions as isochronous endpoint */
CSL_USB_ISO = 0x03,
/** Endpoint functions as Host Port-special feature not part of USB spec */
} CSL_UsbXferType;
* \brief This enum defines the USB device number
typedef enum {
/* 1st USB module - Currently supported mode */
CSL_USB0 = 0x00,
/* 2nd USB module - if the DSP support 2 USB module */
CSL_USB1 = 0x01,
/* 3rd USB module - if the DSP support 3 USB module */
CSL_USB2 = 0x02
} CSL_UsbDevNum;
* \brief This enum defines the USB EP0 data dir type
typedef enum {
/* Endpoint0 data dir: Host -> Target */
/* Endpoint0 data dir: Target -> host */
} CSL_UsbEp0DataDir;
* \brief This enum defines status return values of USB
typedef enum {
/* Status of the operation is FALSE */
/* Status of the operation is TRUE */
} CSL_UsbBoolean;
* \brief This enum is used to select the operating mode of the USB
* This opMode decides how the data is transferred(Using CPU or DMA) to and
* from the USB FIFO. Even when operating in DMA mode, USB module uses CPU
* to access the FIFO data which is of length less than 512 bytes.
typedef enum {
/* FIFO data is directly accessed by the CPU */
/* RX and TX FIFO data is accessed by the CPPI DMA Engine */
/* TX FIFO data is accessed by the CPPI DMA Engine */
} CSL_UsbOpMode;
@} */
* USB MUSB global data structure declarations *
@{ */
* \brief USB end point transfer data structure
* This structure is used by endpoints to hold data that needs to be
* transferred over USB bus
typedef struct CSL_UsbTransfer {
/** \brief Flags associated */
DWORD dwFlags;
/** \brief Endpoint */
DWORD dwEndpoint;
/** \brief Pointer to the data buffer */
PVOID pvBuffer;
/** \brief No. of bytes in the buffer */
DWORD cbBuffer;
/** \brief No. of bytes transferred */
DWORD cbTransferred;
/** \brief No. of bytes transmitted or received during the previous data
transaction */
DWORD prevTxferLen;
/** \brief TRUE, if Tx Completed */
Bool fComplete;
/** \brief Flags to indicate data transfer type */
CSL_UsbIoFlags ioFlags;
} CSL_UsbTransfer;
/** USB End point transfer data structure pointer */
typedef CSL_UsbTransfer *pUsbTransfer;
* \brief USB end point status structure
* This structure is used to hold the status of an Endpoint
typedef struct CSL_UsbEpStatus {
/** \brief Endpoint */
DWORD dwEndpoint;
/** \brief USB xfer type supported by the EP */
CSL_UsbXferType xferType;
/** \brief Packet Size assigned */
DWORD dwPacketSizeAssigned;
/** \brief TRUE, if initialized */
Bool fInitialized;
/** \brief FIFO address of the EP */
DWORD* pFifoAddr;
/** \brief Pointer to the Tx Buf */
CSL_UsbTransfer *pTransfer;
/** \brief OR'ed combination of USB Events */
WORD wUSBEvents;
/** \brief Variable to store the most recent data size read from FIFO */
WORD dataReadFromFifo;
/** \brief Call back for the associated event handler */
CSL_USB_EVENT_ISR hEventHandler;
/** \brief TRUE, if stalled */
Bool fStalled;
/** \brief TRUE, if selected */
Bool fSelected;
} CSL_UsbEpStatus;
/** USB End point status structure pointer */
typedef CSL_UsbEpStatus *pUsbEpStatus;
* \brief Data structure to hold USB setup packet.
typedef struct CSL_UsbSetupStruct {
/** \brief new = 1, structure holds new setup packet */
int newPacket;
/** \brief Byte 0 of setup packet */
Uint16 bmRequestType;
/** \brief Byte 1 of setup packet */
Uint16 bRequest;
/** \brief Byte 2 and 3 of setup packet */
Uint16 wValue;
/** \brief Byte 4 and 5 setup packet */
Uint16 wIndex;
/** \brief Byte 6 and 7 of setup packet */
Uint16 wLength;
} CSL_UsbSetupStruct;
* \brief USB data structure to send and receive data
* This structure is used by the USB to send and received data in
* linked list form. USB Descriptors should be created as a
* linked list of CSL_UsbDataStruct type
typedef struct CSL_UsbDataStruct {
/** \brief Total number of bytes in the buf */
Uint16 bytes;
/** \brief pointer to the start of buffer */
Uint16 *pBuffer;
/** \brief pointer to the next structure */
struct CSL_UsbDataStruct *pNextBuffer;
} CSL_UsbDataStruct;
* \brief Data Structure for USB Endpoint Object
* Every active USB endpoint is associated with an endpoint object
* which keeps track of the endpoint related initialization and
* runtime information
typedef struct CSL_UsbEpObj {
/** \brief USB endpoint number */
CSL_UsbEpNum epNum;
/** \brief USB xfer type supported by the EP */
CSL_UsbXferType xferType;
/** \brief Max pkt size supported by the EP */
Uint16 maxPktSiz;
/** \brief ORed value of USB_EVENTS, the USB */
Uint16 eventMask;
* \brief Pointer to USB event ISR
* Event dispatcher will call the event
* ISR if event matches with EventMask */
/** \brief ORed combination of USB_DATA_INOUT_FLAGS */
Uint16 dataFlags;
/** \brief Reserved for future use */
Uint16 status;
/** \brief Endpoint desc reg block start addr */
Uint16 epDescRegSAddr;
/** \brief DMA reg block start addr */
Uint16 dmaRegSAddr;
/** \brief Total number of bytes to xfer */
Uint16 totByteCnt;
/** \brief # of bytes in the active node of the linked list */
Uint16 byteInThisSeg;
/** \brief Pointer to store the number of bytes moved in (out)
* stored in the first of the buffer */
Uint16 *xferBytCnt;
/** \brief Active data buffer pointer */
Uint16 *pBuffer;
/** \brief Pointer to the next node of the linked list */
CSL_UsbDataStruct *pNextBuffer;
/** \brief Flag to indicate the event caused USB interrupt */
Uint16 eventFlag;
} CSL_UsbEpObj;
/** USB End point object structure pointer */
typedef CSL_UsbEpObj *pUsbEpHandle;
* \brief USB context information structure
* This structure maintains the context of MUSB controller
typedef struct CSL_UsbContext {
/** \brief Operating mode of the USB module to access the FIFO data */
CSL_UsbOpMode opMode;
/** \brief Maximum current drawn by the USB device */
WORD maxCurrent;
/** \brief TRUE, if Initialized */
Bool fInitialized;
/** \brief TRUE, if there is a setup packet */
Bool fSetupPktCmd;
/** \brief TURE, when MUSB receives EP0 data */
Bool fOutPhaseCmd;
/** \brief TRUE, when DATA is ready in BULK IN EP FIFO */
Bool fWaitingOnFlagA;
/** \brief TRUE, when DATA is ready in BULK OUT EP FIFO */
Bool fWaitingOnFlagB;
/** \brief TRUE, if waiting for data in EP0 buffer */
Bool fWaitingOnEP0BUFAvail;
/** \brief TRUE, if waiting for data in EP1 buffer */
Bool fWaitingOnEP1InBUFAvail;
/** \brief Pointer to the Device Descriptor structure */
WORD *rgbDescriptors;
/** \brief No. of bytes in Device Descriptor structure */
WORD cbDescriptors;
/** \brief Flag A, can be assigned to a NON-Control EP */
DWORD dwFlagAEndpointAssigned;
/** \brief FLAG B end point assigned */
DWORD dwFlagBEndpointAssigned;
/** \brief FIFO Base address */
DWORD *pFIFOBaseAddress;
/** \brief Interrupt Register Addr */
DWORD *pInterruptAddr;
/** \brief TRUE, for handshake pkt */
Bool fSendHandshake;
/** \brief TRUE, if MUSB is ready */
Bool fMUSBIsReady;
/** \brief No. of bytes in EP0 Buf */
WORD cbOutEP0Buf;
/** \brief Data Received in EP0 FIFO */
WORD cbOutEP0DataReceived;
/** \brief Buffer to hold data for EP0 Out transaction */
/** \brief TRUE, if data available in EP0 Buffer */
Bool fEP0BUFAvailable;
/** \brief TRUE, if data available in EP1 Buffer */
Bool fEP1InBUFAvailable;
/** \brief Current pending high Bitmap */
WORD dwQueuePend1;
/** \brief TRUE, if data available in EP3 Buffer */
Bool fEP3InBUFAvailable;
/** \brief Current Intr Low Bitmap */
WORD dwIntSourceL;
/** \brief Current Intr High Bitmap */
WORD dwIntSourceH;
/** \brief USB remote wake up status */
CSL_UsbBoolean remoteWkpStat;
/** \brief Pointer to the array of EP Status Structures */
CSL_UsbEpStatus *pEpStatus;
/** \brief BUS SPEED negotiated */
CSL_UsbBusSpeed busSpeed;
/** \brief EP0 State */
CSL_UsbEp0State ep0State;
/** \brief Cable State */
CSL_UsbDeviceEvent cableState;
/** \brief Structure to hold the setup packet */
CSL_UsbSetupStruct usbSetup;
/** \brief Application callback for suspend protocol */
CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK suspendCallBackFxn;
/** \brief Application callback for wakeup protocol */
/** \brief USB start transfer application call back function */
/** \brief USB complete transfer application call back function */
CSL_USB_APP_TRANSFER_CALLBACK completeTransferCallback;
WORD dwFIFOStartAddr;
/** \brief device descriptor pointer */
Uint16 *deviceDescPtr;
/** \brief device qualification descriptor pointer */
Uint16 *deviceQualDescPtr;
/** \brief configuration descriptor pointer */
Uint16 *cfgDescPtr;
/** \brief configuration descriptor for FullSpeed pointer */
Uint16 *cfgDescFSPtr;
/** \brief User specific string descriptor pointer */
Uint16 *strDescPtr[4];
/** \brief USB device address */
Uint16 devAddr;
/** \brief Control In Endpoint Object */
CSL_UsbEpObj ctrlInEpObj;
/** \brief Object of Type Device Number */
CSL_UsbDevNum devNum;
/** \brief Control Out Endpoint Object */
CSL_UsbEpObj ctrlOutEpObj;
/** \brief Flag Used internally by APIs */
Uint16 suspendFlag;
/** \brief NULL terminated array of Endpoint Objects */
/** \brief Current Device Configuration Status */
Uint16 curConfigStat;
/** \brief USB speed configuration
usbSpeedCfg - 1; High speed
usbSpeedCfg - 0; Full speed */
Bool usbSpeedCfg;
} CSL_UsbContext;
/** USB Context structure pointer */
typedef CSL_UsbContext *pUsbContext;
* \brief USB message object structure
* This structure is used to post messages to the USB Tasks running
typedef struct CSL_UsbMsgObj {
/** \brief Message posted */
WORD wMsg;
/** \brief End point number */
WORD wEndpoint;
} CSL_UsbMsgObj;
* \brief USB Config structure
* This structure is filled by the application and passed to the
* USB init function
typedef struct CSL_UsbConfig {
/** \brief USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently. */
CSL_UsbDevNum devNum;
/** \brief Operating mode of the USB module to access the FIFO data */
CSL_UsbOpMode opMode;
/** \brief Maximum current drawn by the USB device */
Uint16 maxCurrent;
/** \brief Application callback for suspend protocol */
CSL_USB_APP_CALLBACK appSuspendCallBack;
/** \brief Application callback for wakeup protocol */
/** \brief USB start transfer application call back function */
/** \brief USB complete transfer application call back function */
CSL_USB_APP_TRANSFER_CALLBACK completeTransferCallback;
} CSL_UsbConfig;
* \brief USB DMA host packet descriptor structure
typedef struct CSL_UsbHostPktDescr {
/** \brief DMA packet information word 0 */
volatile Uint32 PacketInfoWord0;
/** \brief DMA packet information word 1 */
volatile Uint32 PacketInfoWord1;
/** \brief DMA packet information word 2 */
volatile Uint32 PacketInfoWord2;
/** \brief DMA buffer0 information word 0 */
volatile Uint32 Buffer0InfoWord0;
/** \brief DMA buffer0 information word 1 */
volatile Uint32 Buffer0InfoWord1;
/** \brief Linking word to the next packet */
volatile Uint32 LinkingWord;
/** \brief DMA Original buffer0 information word 0 */
volatile Uint32 OriginalBuffer0InfoWord0;
/** \brief DMA Original buffer0 information word 1 */
volatile Uint32 OriginalBuffer0InfoWord1;
} CSL_UsbHostPktDescr;
* \brief USB DMA host buffer descriptor structure
typedef struct CSL_UsbHostBufDescr {
/** \brief Reserved for the future use */
volatile Uint32 Reserved0;
/** \brief Reserved for the future use */
volatile Uint32 Reserved1;
/** \brief DMA packet information word 2 */
volatile Uint32 PacketInfoWord2;
/** \brief DMA buffer0 information word 0 */
volatile Uint32 Buffer0InfoWord0;
/** \brief DMA buffer0 information word 1 */
volatile Uint32 Buffer0InfoWord1;
/** \brief Linking word to the next packet */
volatile Uint32 LinkingWord;
/** \brief DMA Original buffer0 information word 0 */
volatile Uint32 OriginalBuffer0InfoWord0;
/** \brief DMA Original buffer0 information word 1 */
volatile Uint32 OriginalBuffer0InfoWord1;
} CSL_UsbHostBufDescr;
@} */
* USB MUSB function declarations *
/** @addtogroup CSL_USB_FUNCTION
@{ */
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_init
* @b Description
* @n This function initializes USB module
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
usbConfig USB Config structure
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n None
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Initializes the USB module
* @b Modifies
* @n USB context structure
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_init(CSL_UsbConfig *usbConfig);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_resetDev
* @b Description
* @n This function resets the USB device
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_init should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Resets the USB device
* @b Modifies
* @n USB registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
status = USB_resetDev(CSL_USB0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_resetDev(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_initEndptObj
* @b Description
* @n This function initializes an endpoint object.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
hEp Handle to an endpoint object to be initialized.
epNum End point number
xferType Type of data transfer to be supported by the endpoint
maxPktSize Max data packet size supported by the endpoint.
evMask ORed combination of USB Interrupt Events to
be broadcasted to the associated event handler
fxn Associated event handler routine.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB init and USB_epNumToHandle functions should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Initializes an end point object
* @b Modifies
* @n End point object structure
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_initEndptObj(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum,
pUsbEpHandle hEp,
CSL_UsbEpNum epNum,
CSL_UsbXferType xferType,
Uint16 maxPktSize,
Uint16 evMask,
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_getEvents
* @b Description
* @n This API reads and clears all the pending USB_EVENTS associated with a
* particular USB endpoint.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
status Status of the function call
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_UsbEventMask
* @n ORed combination of all the pending USB_EVENTS
* associated with a particular endpoint.
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n End point object should be initialized
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n 1. Clears and returns the end point events
* @n 2. Function call status is returned in status variable
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @b Modifies
* @n status variable
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
* ============================================================================
CSL_UsbEventMask USB_getEvents(pUsbEpHandle hEp,
CSL_Status *status);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_peekEvents
* @b Description
* @n This function read all the pending USB_EVENTS associated with
* a particular USB endpoint
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
status Status of the function call
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_UsbEventMask
* @n ORed combination of all the pending USB_EVENTS
* associated with a particular endpoint.
* @n
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n End point object should be initialized
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n 1. Returns the end point events
* @n 2. Function call status is returned in status variable
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @b Modifies
* @n status variable
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
CSL_UsbEpObj epObj;
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
* ============================================================================
CSL_UsbEventMask USB_peekEvents(pUsbEpHandle hEp,
CSL_Status *status);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_getSetupPacket
* @b Description
* @n This function read the setup packet from the setup data buffer.
* This function can be used to read the setup packet from the FIFO
* or we can read the setup packet from the USB context structure.
* We can choose one of two options using readFromFifo parameter.
* If readFromFifo is TRUE setup packet is read from the FIFO.
* If readFromFifo is FALSE setup packet is read from the context structure.
* Setup packet should be read from FIFO when this function is called from
* interrupt handler(In this case read packet is stored in context structure)
* and setup packet should be read from USB context structure when this
* function is called from MSC layer.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number
usbSetup Pointer to setup structure
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB Init should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n USB setup structure is populated
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbSetupStruct usbSetup;
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
status = USB_getSetupPacket(CSL_USB0, &usbSetup , TRUE);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_getSetupPacket(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum,
CSL_UsbSetupStruct *usbSetup,
Bool readFromFifo);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_postTransaction
* @b Description
* @n This function transmits and receives USB data through an endpoint.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
byteCnt Total number of bytes in the buffer pointed by *data
Data Pointer to a data buffer
flags ORed combination of USB Data Transfer Flags
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB init end point should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Starts the data transfer
* @b Modifies
* @n USB FIFO registers/data buffer
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
Uint16 dadaBuf[256];
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
status = USB_postTransaction(hEp, 256, dataBuf, CSL_USB_IOFLAG_NONE);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_postTransaction(pUsbEpHandle hEp,
Uint16 byteCnt,
void *data,
CSL_UsbIoFlags flags);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_isTransactionDone
* @b Description
* @n This function returns the status of the previously posted
* data transfer request.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
status Status of the function call
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_UsbBoolean
* @li CSL_USB_TRUE - If the previously posted transfer
* is completed.
* @li CSL_USB_FALSE - If the previously posted transfer
* is not completed.
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n Post transaction API should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n 1. Returns the previous transaction status
* @n 2. Function call status is returned in status variable
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* @b Modifies
* @n status variable
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
Uint16 dadaBuf[256];
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UsbBoolean tscStatus;
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
status = USB_postTransaction(hEp, 256, dataBuf, CSL_USB_IOFLAG_NONE);
tscStatus = USB_isTransactionDone(hEp ,&status);
* ============================================================================
CSL_UsbBoolean USB_isTransactionDone(pUsbEpHandle hEp,
CSL_Status *status);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_bytesRemaining
* @b Description
* @n This API returns number of bytes waiting to be transferred from the
* previously posted data transfer request.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
status Status of the function call
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_UsbByteCount
* @n Number of bytes waiting to be transferred
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n Post transaction API should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n 1. Returns the number of bytes waiting
* @n 2. Function call status is returned in status variable
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* @b Modifies
* @n status variable
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
Uint16 dadaBuf[256];
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
Uint16 byteCount;
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
status = USB_postTransaction(hEp, 256, dataBuf, CSL_USB_IOFLAG_NONE);
byteCount = USB_bytesRemaining(hEp ,&status);
* ============================================================================
CSL_UsbByteCount USB_bytesRemaining(pUsbEpHandle hEp,
CSL_Status *status);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_stallEndpt
* @b Description
* @n This function stalls an end point
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n End point init function should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Stalls an end point associated with the passed handle
* @b Modifies
* @n USB control registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
evtHandler); ...
status = USB_stallEndpt(hEp);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_stallEndpt(pUsbEpHandle hEp);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_clearEndptStall
* @b Description
* @n This function clears an end point stall
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_initEndptObj and USB_stallEndpt should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Clears an end point stall
* @b Modifies
* @n USB control registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
status = USB_stallEndpt(hEp);
status = USB_clearEndptStall(hEp);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_clearEndptStall(pUsbEpHandle hEp);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_getEndptStall
* @b Description
* @n This function checks if an endpoint is stalled.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
status Status of the function call
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_UsbBoolean
* @li CSL_USB_TRUE - If the end point is stalled.
* @li CSL_USB_FALSE - If the end point is not stalled
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n Init End point API should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n 1. Returns the end point stall status
* @n 2. Function call status is returned in status variable
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* @b Modifies
* @n status variable
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UsbBoolean epStall;
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
epStall = USB_getEndptStall(hEp, &status);
* ============================================================================
CSL_UsbBoolean USB_getEndptStall(pUsbEpHandle hEp,
CSL_Status *status);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_epNumToHandle
* @b Description
* @n This function returns handle to an end point
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
endPt 16-bit endpoint number as specified
in the USB specification.
0x00 -> Endpt 0 Out.
0x01 -> Endpt 1 Out.
0x80 -> Endpt 0 In.
0x81 -> Endpt 1 In.
* <b> Return Value </b> pUsbEpHandle
* @n Handle to the endpoint object if a valid
* endpoint object exists, else NULL object.
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_init function should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n returns End point handle
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
* ============================================================================
pUsbEpHandle USB_epNumToHandle(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum,
Uint16 endpt);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_abortTransaction
* @b Description
* @n This function terminates the data transfer in progress and
* free up the endpoint to post a new data transfer request.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid end point handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_postTransaction function should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Terminates data transfer in progress
* @b Modifies
* @n USB registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
Uint16 dadaBuf[256];
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_postTransaction(hEp, 256, dataBuf, CSL_USB_IOFLAG_NONE);
status = USB_abortTransaction(hEp);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_abortTransaction(pUsbEpHandle hEp);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_abortAllTransaction
* @b Description
* @n This function terminates all the data transfer in progress and
* free up the endpoints to post new data transfer requests.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_postTransaction function should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Aborts all transactions in progress
* @b Modifies
* @n USB registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
Uint16 dadaBuf[256];
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_postTransaction(hEp, 256, dataBuf, CSL_USB_IOFLAG_NONE);
status = USB_abortAllTransaction(CSL_USB0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_abortAllTransaction(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_connectDev
* @b Description
* @n This function connects the USB module to upstream port
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB init function should be called successfully.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Connects the USB module
* @b Modifies
* @n USB FADDR_POWER register
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
status = USB_connectDev(CSL_USB0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_connectDev(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_disconnectDev
* @b Description
* @n This function disconnects the USB module from the upstream port
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_connectDev should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Disconnects the USB module.
* @b Modifies
* @n USB FADDR_POWER register
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_connectDev(CSL_USB0);
status = USB_disconnectDev(CSL_USB0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_disconnectDev(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_setRemoteWakeup
* @b Description
* @n This function sets or clears Remote Wakeup Feature.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
rmtWkpStat Remote wake up status flag
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB init function should be called successfully.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Sets the remote wake up status
* @b Modifies
* @n Remote wakeup status variable in the USB global context structure
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
status = USB_setRemoteWakeup(CSL_USB0, CSL_USB_TRUE);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_setRemoteWakeup(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum,
CSL_UsbBoolean rmtWkpStat);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_getRemoteWakeupStat
* @b Description
* @n This function returns the remote wake up feature status.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_UsbBoolean
* @li CSL_USB_TRUE - Remote wakeup feature is enabled.
* @li CSL_USB_FALSE - Remote wakeup feature is disabled.
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_setRemoteWakeup function should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Returns remote wakeup status
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UsbBoolean rmtWkpStat
status = USB_setRemoteWakeup(CSL_USB0, CSL_USB_TRUE);
if(status == CSL_SOK)
rmtWkpStat = USB_getRemoteWakeupStat(CSL_USB0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_UsbBoolean USB_getRemoteWakeupStat(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_issueRemoteWakeup
* @b Description
* @n This function issues a remote wakeup signal to the host.
* NOTE: For remote wakeup protocol application program needs to call
* this function two times. In the first call resumeBitVal should be
* TRUE and in the second call resumeBitVal should be FALSE.
* Application should give a delay of 2 - 15 mSecs between the two calls.
* This is to avoid delays internal to the CSL module
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
resumeBitVal Value of the resume bit - TRUE or FALSE
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_setRemoteWakeup function should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Issues a remote wake up signal.
* @b Modifies
* @n USB FADDR POWER register
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_setRemoteWakeup(CSL_USB0, CSL_USB_TRUE);
if(status == CSL_SOK)
status = USB_issueRemoteWakeup(CSL_USB0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_issueRemoteWakeup(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum,
Bool resumeBitVal);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_setDevAddr
* @b Description
* @n This function sets the device Address to USB controller
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
addr Address to set
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_init should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Configures device address registers
* @b Modifies
* @n Device address registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
Uint16 addr;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
status = USB_setDevAddr(CSL_USB0, addr);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_setDevAddr(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum,
Uint16 addr);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_getFrameNo
* @b Description
* @n This function reads current USB frame number
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_UsbFrameNum
* @n Current USB frame number
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB init should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Returns the frame number
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
Uint16 addr;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
status = USB_getFrameNo(CSL_USB0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_UsbFrameNum USB_getFrameNo(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_suspendDevice
* @b Description
* @n This function suspends the USB device. This function informs the
* application about the device suspend through a call back function.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB init be called successfully.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Puts the USB device into suspend mode.
* @b Modifies
* @n USB FADDR_POWER register
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
Uint16 addr;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
status = USB_suspendDevice(CSL_USB0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_suspendDevice(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_selfwakeup
* @b Description
* @n This function issues a self wakeup signal on the bus.
* This function can be mapped to an external event like pressing a button
* on the EVM. After responding to that event through a call back, USB
* device send a wakeup signal on the bus.
* NOTE: Application needs to send a delay as a parameter to this function.
* According to USB wakeup specification an approximate delay of
* 10mSecs(Min 2 to Max 15 mSecs) is required to send a wakeup signal on
* the bus. This delay is introduced between setting the resume bit to '1'
* and restting it to '0'. Application needs to decide a delay such that
* it is maximum enough to satisfy USB wakeup protocol and minimum to
* satisfy the USB driver performance.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
wakeupDelay Delay between Resume bit set and reset
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB init be called successfully and an external event should occur.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Send a wakeup signal on the bus.
* @b Modifies
* @n USB FADDR_POWER register
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
Uint16 addr;
Uint32 wakeupDelay;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
//This function call should be mapped to an external event
wakeupDelay = 1000000;
status = USB_selfwakeup(CSL_USB0, wakeupDelay);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_selfwakeup(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum,
Uint32 wakeupDelay);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_initPLL
* @b Description
* @n Initializes PLL for USB operation. This function initializes the PLL to
* 100 MHz. For configuring PLL to any other frequency use PLL module.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
* <b> Return Value </b> None
* @n
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n None
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Initializes PLL
* @b Modifies
* @n PLL registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
* ============================================================================
void USB_initPLL(void);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_setParams
* @b Description
* @n This function initializes the global end point handle array
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
devNum USB device number, Only USB0 is active currently.
hEpObj Pointer to a array of endpoint handle.
pSofTmrCnt 8-bit counter value for the pre SOF timer.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Returned for success
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n None
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Initializes global end point handle array
* @b Modifies
* @n Global end point handle array
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
status = USB_setParams(CSL_USB0, &hEpObjArray, 0);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status USB_setParams(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum,
pUsbEpHandle hEpObj[],
Uint16 pSofTmrCnt);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_getMaxPower
* @b Description
* @n This function returns the maximum current drawn by the device.
* This is to inform the host about the device power requirement.
* This value is passed to the host through the configuration
* descriptor.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
* <b> Return Value </b> Maximum current drawn by the device
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB_init function should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Returns the maximum current drawn by the device
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig;
CSL_Status status;
Uint16 maxPower;
usbConfig.maxCurrent = 50;
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
maxPower = USB_getMaxPower(CSL_USB0);
* ============================================================================
WORD USB_getMaxPower(CSL_UsbDevNum devNum);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_setFullSpeedMode
* @b Description
* @n This function is used to set the USB controller into full speed mode
* ep0DataSize is the size of the EP0 FIFO. This value should be within
* the range of values recommended by the USB specification.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
* <b> Return Value </b> None
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n USB Init should be called successfully
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n USB will be set for full speed mode
* @b Modifies
* @n USB registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_UsbSetupStruct usbSetup;
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UsbConfig usbConfig
status = USB_init(&usbConfig);
* ============================================================================
void USB_setFullSpeedMode(Uint16 ep0DataSize);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b USB_getDataCountReadFromFifo
* @b Description
* @n This function returns the most recent data count read from the FIFO.
* This function is supposed to use for the OUT end point. This function
* always return 0 for IN end point.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hEp Handle to an initialized endpoint object.
* <b> Return Value </b> Data count read from FIFO
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n End point object should be initialized
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n Terminates data transfer in progress
* @b Modifies
* @n USB registers
* @b Example
* @verbatim
void (*evtHandler)();
pUsbEpHandle hEp;
CSL_Status status;
Uint16 fifoDataCount;
status = USB_initEndptObj(CSL_USB0,
fifoDataCount = USB_getEvents(hEp);
* ============================================================================
Uint16 USB_getDataCountReadFromFifo (pUsbEpHandle hEp);
// determine the fifo size according to the transfer type and the maximum packet size
Uint16 USB_findFifoSize(Uint16 maxPktSize, CSL_UsbXferType xferType);
// processing all the EP0 events for enumeration
// call the CDC event handler for further processing
CSL_Status USB_coreEventProcessEp0(pUsbContext pContext);
@} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif //_CSL_USB_H_