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\anchor main_page
\mainpage QP/C++ Reference Manual
\image html qp_banner.jpg
- \ref overview
- \ref starting
- \ref PSiCC2
- \ref licensing
- \ref contact
- \ref files_page
- \ref rev_page
\section overview QP Overview
Quantum Platform (<strong>%QP</strong>) is a family of very lightweight, open
source, state machine-based frameworks for embedded systems. QP enables
developing well-structured embedded applications as a set of concurrently
executing hierarchical state machines (UML statecharts). With QP, coding of
modern state machines directly in C or C++ is a non-issue. <STRONG>No big
tools</STRONG> are needed.
\image html qp_components.jpg
- \subpage qep_page
- \subpage qf_page
- \subpage qk_page
- \subpage qs_page
- http://www.state-machine.com/doxygen/qspy/index.html
Current versions of %QP include: QP/C and QP/C++, which require 3-4KB of code
and a few hundred bytes of RAM, and the ultra-lightweight <A
HREF="http://www.state-machine.com/products/">QP-nano</A>, which
requires only 1-2KB of code and just several bytes of RAM.
QP can work with or without a traditional OS/RTOS. In the simplest
configuration, QP can completely <strong>replace</strong> a traditional RTOS.
QP includes a simple non-preemptive scheduler and a fully preemptive kernel
(<strong>%QK</strong>), which have been ported to several popular CPUs and
compilers including: ARM7/ARM9, ARM Cortex-M3, 80x86, Nios-II, MSP430, M16C,
AVR, 80251, and others (see
QP/C and QP/C++ can also work with a traditional OS/RTOS to take advantage of
existing device drivers, communication stacks, and other middleware. QP has
been ported to Linux/BSD, Windows, VxWorks, uC/OS-II, and other popular
OS/RTOS (see http://www.state-machine.com/downloads/).
\image html qp_datasheet.gif
The <strong>QP Datasheet</strong>
(see http://www.state-machine.com/products/QP_datasheet.pdf)
provides a concise summary of QP features and benefits.
Since its publication in 2002, hundreds of projects around the world have been
using QP in all kinds of applications, such as consumer, medical, industrial,
wireless, networking, research, defense, robotics, automotive, space
exploration, and many others.
QP is available for download from the following websites:
- Quantum Leaps website: http://www.state-machine.com/downloads -
SourceForge.net webiste: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qpc
\section starting Getting Started with QP/C++
QP/C++ is distributed in a simple platform-independent ZIP file or in a
self-extracing Windows executable. Either way, installing QP/C++ requires
simply decompressing the provided archive into a directory of your choice
(e.g., \c qpcpp for QP/C++). The Section \ref files_page describes the content
of the standard QP/C++ distribution.
The <STRONG>QP/C++ Tutorial</STRONG> explains all steps necessary to develop a
non-trivial QP/C++ application. The Tutorial is based on Chapter 1 of
<I>Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++, Second Edition</I>.
\image html qp_tutorial.jpg
- \subpage tutorial_page
- \ref installing
- \ref lets_play
- \ref main_function
- \ref design
- \ref active_objects
- \ref events
- \ref coding_hsm
- \ref execution
- \ref tracing
- \ref comparison
- \ref summary
\section PSiCC2 Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++, Second Edition
All versions of QP are described in detail in the book <I>Practical UML
Statecharts in C/C++, Second Edition: Event-Driven Programming for Embedded
Systems</I>, Newnes 2008 (ISBN-10: 0750687061, ISBN-13: 978-0750687065).
\image html PSiCC2_250x200.jpg
The book bridges the gap between high-level abstract concepts of the Unified
Modeling Language (UML) and the actual programming aspects of modern
hierarchical state machines (UML statecharts).
This book is presented in two parts. In Part I, you get a practical
description of the relevant state machine concepts starting from traditional
finite state automata to modern UML state machines followed by state machine
coding techniques with the %QEP hierarchical event processor as well as
several state-machine design patterns, all illustrated with executable
In Part II, you find a detailed design study of the %QF real-time framework,
%QK preemptive kernel, and %QS software tracing, which are indispensable for
combining concurrent, event-driven state machines into robust systems. In
addition to its value as a reference to the %QP event-driven platform, Part II
explans the key event-driven programming concepts such as inversion of control
("Hollywood Principle"), blocking versus non-blocking code, run-to-completion
(RTC) execution semantics, the importance of event queues, dealing with time,
and the role of state machines to maintain the context from one event to the
next. This background is designed to help software developers in making the
transition from the traditional sequential to the modern event-driven
programming, which can be one of the trickiest paradigm shifts.
- Visit the accompanying website to the book at
http://www.state-machine.com/psicc2/ - Order the book from Amazon.com at
\section licensing Licensing Policy for QP
All versions of the QP software are available under <A
HREF="http://www.state-machine.com/licensing/">dual licensing</A> model, in
which both the open source software distribution mechanism and traditional
closed source software licensing models are combined.
\subsection open Open Source Licensing
All versions of the QP software are available under the \ref gpl2_page
(GPL2), as published by the Free Software Foundation and included in every
distribution of the QP software. The GPL2 license is probably the best known
and most established open source license. It is fully compatible with the Open
Source Definition, is endorsed by the Free Software Foundation, and has been
approved by the Open Source Initiative.
Please note that GPL2 applies to software based not upon how it is used but
upon how it is distributed. In this respect GPL2 can be restrictive, because
GPL2 Section 2(b) requires that if you distribute the original software or any
derivative works based on the software under copyright law, you must release
all such derivative works also under the terms of the GPL2 open source
license. GPL2 clearly specifies that distributing the original software or any
derivative works based upon it in binary form (e.g., embedded inside devices)
also represents distribution of the software.
To read more about open source licensing for QP or QP-nano, or to
contribute work to the open source community, please visit the following
- http://www.state-machine.com/licensing/open.php - \ref gpl2_page
or please contact Quantum Leaps, LLC via the following e-mail address:
- info@quantum-leaps.com
\subsection closed Closed Source Licensing
If you are developing and distributing traditional <b>closed source</b>
applications, you might purchase one of the Quantum Leaps commercial licenses,
which are specifically designed for users interested in retaining the
proprietary status of their code. This alternative licensing is possible,
because Quantum Leaps, LLC owns all intellectual property in the QP and
QP-nano software and as the copyright owner can license the software any
number of ways. The Quantum Leaps commercial licenses expressly supersede the
\ref gpl2_page open source license. This means that when you license the
software under a commercial license, you specifically do not use the software
under the open source license and therefore you are not subject to any of its
To read more about the commercial licensing options, pricing, technical
support, and to request a commercial license, please visit the following
- http://www.state-machine.com/licensing
or please contact Quantum Leaps, LLC via the following e-mail address:
- info@quantum-leaps.com
\section contact Contact Information
- Quantum Leaps Web site: http://www.state-machine.com - Quantum Leaps
licensing: http://www.state-machine.com/licensing - Quantum Leaps downloads:
http://www.state-machine.com/downloads - e-mail: info@quantum-leaps.com -
Skype: quantum-leaps (US Eastern Standard Time) - Toll-free: 1-866-450-LEAP
(US Eastern Standard Time)
\image html logo_ql_TM.jpg
Copyright © 2002-2011 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All Rights Reserved.\n
http://www.state-machine.com */
\page qep_page QEP Hierarchical Event Processor
\image html logo_qep_TM.jpg
Quantum Event Processor&tm; (%QEP) is a generic, portable, and reusable
hierarchical event processor that processes events according to the general
semantics of UML state machines [<A
HREF="http://www.omg.org/docs/ptc/03-08-02.pdf">UML document
ptc/03-08-02</A>]. %QEP&tm; allows you to map UML state diagrams directly and
clearly to code without the assistance of complex tools. It allows you to
create better designs because you can think in terms of events, states, and
transitions directly at the level of the C or C++ programming language. The
resulting code is smaller, cleaner, more robust, and simpler to understand and
maintain. The testing is faster, more rigorous, and more complete because
state machine approach cleanly defines a limited state space for the system
and constraints the possible transitions among the states.
%QEP&tm; provides facilities for executing <STRONG>Hierarchical State
Machines</STRONG> (HSMs) as well as the simpler traditional <STRONG>Finite
State Machines</STRONG> (FSMs). %QEP can operate with almost any event queuing
and dispatching mechanisms, which are also necessary components of a
hypothetical state machine [<A
HREF="http://www.omg.org/docs/ptc/03-08-02.pdf">ptc/03-08-02</A>]. For
example, %QEP can be used with virtually any event-driven environment, such as
any Graphical User Interface system. When used in the domain of real-time
embedded (RTE) systems, %QEP can be combined with other <STRONG>QP</STRONG>
components designed specifically for RTE systems. %QEP has been used in
hundreds of event-driven applications worldwide and is described in Part 1 of
the book \ref PSiCC2, Newnes 2008.
Please refer to Section \ref coding_hsm in the \ref tutorial_page for
information on coding UML-compliant hierarchical state machines with QEP.
\image html logo_ql_TM.jpg
Copyright © 2002-2011 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All Rights Reserved.\n
http://www.state-machine.com */
\page qf_page QF Real-Time Framework
\image html logo_qf_TM.jpg
Quantum Frameowrk&tm; (%QF) is a reusable event-driven application framework
for executing concurrent state machines specifically designed for real-time
embedded (RTE) systems. The use of QF generally simplifies the design of
event-driven software by allowing the application to be divided into multiple
active objects that the framework manages. Active objects in %QF are
encapsulated tasks (each embedding a state machine and an event queue) that
communicate with one another asynchronously by sending and receiving events.
Within an active object, events are processed sequentially in a
run-to-completion (RTC) fashion, while %QF encapsulates all the details of
thread-safe event exchange and queuing.
Most of %QF&tm; is written in portable ANSI-C, with microprocessor-specific,
compiler-specific, or op-erating system-specific code kept to a minimum for
ease of portability. %QF is designed to work with Quantum Event Processor
(%QEP) and a Real Time Operating System (RTOS) of your choice, or even with
just "main+ISRs" configuration. The framework is very compact, typically
taking up about 4KB of code and data (including the \ref
qep_page). %QF has been used in hundreds of event-driven applications
worldwide and is described in Part 2 of the book \ref PSiCC2, Newnes 2008.
Please refer to the \ref tutorial_page for information on implementing
event-driven applications with the QF real-time framework and other components
of the QP event-driven platform.
\image html logo_ql_TM.jpg
Copyright © 2002-2011 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All Rights Reserved.\n
http://www.state-machine.com */
\page qk_page QK Preemptive Run-To-Completion Kernel
\image html logo_qk_TM.jpg
Quantum Kernel&tm; (%QK) is a tiny preemptive real-time kernel specifically
designed for executing independent tasks in a run-to-completion (RTC) fashion.
As it turns out, the RTC-style processing universally applied in the \ref
qf_page, and no need for blocking of active objects, allow %QK to be extremely
simple and utilize only a single stack for all tasks and interrupts.
%QK&tm; is not a standalone product but rather it requires a compatible
version of %QF. %QK doesn't provide event queues, active objects, or even
lookup tables used by the scheduler, because these elements are already part
of the %QF. %QK is described in Chapter 10 of the book \ref PSiCC2, Newnes
Part \ref execution "8."of the QP/C++ Tutorial describes how to use the QK
kernel in an example.
\image html logo_ql_TM.jpg
Copyright © 2002-2011 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All Rights Reserved.\n
http://www.state-machine.com */
\page qs_page QS Software Tracing Instrumentation (Target Component)
\image html logo_qs_TM.jpg
Quantum Spy&tm; (%QS) is a real-time tracing instrumentation built into the
\ref qep_page, the \ref qf_page, and the \ref qk_page components and also
available to the Application code. %QS allows you to gain unprecedented
visibility into your application by selectively logging almost all interesting
events occurring within state machines, the framework, the kernel, and your
application code. %QS event logging is minimally intrusive, offers precise
time-stamping, sophisticated runtime filtering of events, and good data
compression. %QS can be configured to send the real-time data out of the
serial or Ethernet port of the target device, or even write the data to a
file. %QS is described in Chapter 11 of the book \ref PSiCC2, Newnes 2008.
Every software tracing system consists of a target component and a host
component. Section \ref execution of the \ref tutorial_page describes how to
enable the QS target component in an example. The host component for the %QS
software tracing system is the <STRONG>QSPY host application</STRONG>.
Section \ref qspy_page describes how to use the QSPY host application.
\image html logo_ql_TM.jpg
Copyright © 2002-2011 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All Rights Reserved.\n
http://www.state-machine.com */