/* ============================================================================
* Copyright (c) Texas Instruments Inc 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008
* Use of this software is controlled by the terms and conditions found in the
* license agreement under which this software has been supplied.
* ============================================================================
/** @file csl_uart.h
* @brief UART functional layer API header file
* Path: \(CSLPATH)\ inc
/* ============================================================================
* Revision History
* ================
* 8-Sep-2008 Created
* ============================================================================
/** @defgroup CSL_UART_API UART
* @section Introduction
* @subsection xxx Overview
* The UART performs serial to parallel converiosn on data received from the peripheral
* device and parallel to serial conversion on data recieved from the CPU.The UART includes
* control capability and processor interrupt system that can be tailored to minimize software
* management of communications link
* @subsection References
#ifndef _CSL_UART_H_
#define _CSL_UART_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "cslr.h"
#include "csl_error.h"
#include "csl_types.h"
#include "cslr_uart.h"
#include "soc.h"
#include "csl_intc.h"
#include "csl_general.h"
@defgroup CSL_UART_SYMBOL UART Symbols Defined
@ingroup CSL_UART_API
@defgroup CSL_UART_DATASTRUCT UART Data Structures
@ingroup CSL_UART_API
@defgroup CSL_UART_FUNCTION UART Functions
@ingroup CSL_UART_API
@defgroup CSL_UART_ENUM UART Enumerated Data Types
@ingroup CSL_UART_API
@addtogroup CSL_UART_SYMBOL
/** global variable */
UART global macro declarations *
/** RBR & THR have same offset */
#define RBR THR
/** IIR & FCR have same offset */
#define IIR FCR
/** Each tranmitted/received bit lasts for 16 clk cycles,so baud rate multiplier
* is 16
/** Macro to calculate the clock divider for the UART*/
#define CSL_UART_CLK_DIVIDER( baud ) ( Uint32 ) ( (Uint32)CSL_UART_BAUD_MULTIPLIER * (Uint32) ( baud) )
/** Transmitter holding register empty interrupt identification value*/
#define UART_EVT_TBEI_IID 0x01
/** Received data available interrupt identification value*/
#define UART_EVT_RBI_IID 0x02
/** Receiver line status interrupt identification value*/
#define UART_EVT_LSI_IID 0x03
/** Character timeout interrupt identification value*/
#define UART_EVT_CTOI_IID 0x06
/** UART serial character word length 5*/
#define CSL_UART_WORD5 0x05
/** UART serial character word length 6*/
#define CSL_UART_WORD6 0x06
/** UART serial character word length 7*/
#define CSL_UART_WORD7 0x07
/** UART serial character word length 8*/
#define CSL_UART_WORD8 0x08
x x 0 Parity disabled: No PARITY bit is transmitted or checked
0 0 1 Odd parity selected: Odd number of logic 1s
0 1 1 Even parity selected: Even number of logic 1s
1 0 1 Stick parity selected with PARITY bit transmitted and checked as set
1 1 1 Stick parity selected with PARITY bit transmitted and checked as cleared
/**disable parity checking*/
/** SP - 0, EPS-0, PEN-1 odd parity selected */
#define CSL_UART_ODD_PARITY (0x01u)
/** SP - 0, EPS-1, PEN-1 Even parity selected */
#define CSL_UART_EVEN_PARITY (0x02u)
/** SP - 1, EPS-0, PEN-1 Stick parity selected
* with parity bit transmitted and checked as set*/
#define CSL_UART_MARK_PARITY (0x03u)
/** SP - 1, EPS-1, PEN-1 Stick parity selected
* with parity bit transmitted and checked as clear*/
#define CSL_UART_SPACE_PARITY (0x04u)
/** UART FIFO disabled*/
/**DMA MODE 1 disabled and trigger level 01*/
/**DMA MODE 1 disabled and trigger level 04*/
/**DMA MODE 1 disabled and trigger level 08*/
/**DMA MODE 1 disabled and trigger level 14*/
/**DMA MODE 1 enabled and trigger level 01*/
/**DMA MODE 1 enabled and trigger level 04*/
/**DMA MODE 1 enabled and trigger level 08*/
/**DMA MODE 1 enabled and trigger level 14*/
/**This Macro is used to set the value of 'loopBackEnable' memeber of CSL_UartSetup
* strcuture.
#define CSL_UART_NO_LOOPBACK (0x00u)
/**This Macro is used to set the value of 'loopBackEnable' memeber of CSL_UartSetup
* strcuture.
#define CSL_UART_LOOPBACK (0x01u)
/**This Macro is used to set the value of 'afeEnable' memeber of CSL_UartSetup
* strcuture.
#define CSL_UART_NO_AFE (0x00u)
/**This Macro is used to set the value of 'afeEnable' memeber of CSL_UartSetup
* strcuture.
#define CSL_UART_AFE (0x01u)
/**This Macro is used to set the value of ' rtsEnable' memeber of CSL_UartSetup
* strcuture.
#define CSL_UART_NO_RTS (0x00u)
/**This Macro is used to set the value of ' rtsEnable' memeber of CSL_UartSetup
* strcuture.
#define CSL_UART_RTS (0x01u)
@addtogroup CSL_UART_ENUM
* \brief UART instance numbers
typedef enum
/** UART hardware instance 0 */
CSL_UART_INST_0 = (0u),
/** Invalid UART hardware instance */
} CSL_UartInsId;
* \brief UART Device mode of transmission
* This is used at device open and to configure the UART device
typedef enum
UART_POLLED=0, /**< UART transfer is through UART polled mode */
UART_INTERRUPT, /**< UART transfer is through UART intr mode */
UART_OPMODE_OTHER /**< Undefined transfer mode */
* \brief This enum defines Xfer mode of UART
typedef enum {
/** UART in FIFO mode */
/** UART in NON FIFO mode */
/** Reserved values */
} CSL_UartXferMode;
* enum variable for the selection of UART interrupt
* Receiver Line Status Int,Transmitter Holding Register Empty Int,
* Receiver data available Int.
typedef enum CSL_UartEventType
/** receiver reg data available interrupt */
/** Transmittor reg empty interrupt */
/** Line status interrupt interrupt */
* UART global data structure declarations *
* \brief UART Setup structure
* This structure contains the UART setup parameters.
* Using this structure individual parameters can be passed
typedef struct
/** Input clock in Hz*/
Uint32 clkInput;
/**Baud rate */
Uint32 baud;
/**Word length selection
Valid values - 5,6,7, or 8bits*/
Uint16 wordLength;
/**Number of stop bits to be generated
Valid values - 0 or 1 */
Uint16 stopBits;
/** Parity generation enable/disable*/
Uint16 parity;
/** Fifo control register */
Uint16 fifoControl;
/**Looppback mode enable/disable*/
Uint16 loopBackEnable;
/** AFE enable/disable*/
Uint16 afeEnable;
/** RTS enable/disable*/
Uint16 rtsEnable;
} CSL_UartSetup;
* \brief UART Config structure
* The members of this structure directly maps to a particular register of UART
typedef struct
/**DLL holds least significant bits of the divisor*/
Uint16 DLL;
/**DLH holds most significant bits of the divisor*/
Uint16 DLH;
/**LCR controls word length,parity selection,stop bit generation*/
Uint16 LCR;
/**FCR controls fifo enable/disable,trigger level selection,dma selection*/
Uint16 FCR;
/** MCR controls autoflow selection,loopback feature,RTS selection */
Uint16 MCR;
} CSL_UartConfig;
* \brief UART callback pointer structure
* This structure contains pointers to UART interrupt callback functions
typedef struct
/**Receiver line status interrupt*/
void (*lsiAddr)(void);
/** received data available and character timeout indication interrupt*/
void (*rbiAddr)(void);
/** transmiter holding register empty interrupt*/
void (*tbeiAddr)(void);
/** Character timeout interrupt*/
void (*ctoi)(void);
} CSL_UartIsrAddr;
* \brief UART Object structure
* This structure maintains information of UART object
typedef struct CSL_UartObj
/** Instance id of UART */
Uint16 insId;
/** UART register overlay structure pointer */
CSL_UartRegsOvly uartRegs;
/** System control register overlay structure pointer */
CSL_SysRegsOvly sysAddr;
/**Operation mode of UART interrupt/polled*/
CSL_UartOpmode opmode;
/**Trigger level of fifo*/
Uint16 trigLevel;
/** ISR dispatch table for storing call back function pointers*/
Uint32 UART_isrDispatchTable[7];
/** Handle to the UART object structure */
typedef CSL_UartObj *CSL_UartHandle;
* UART function declarations *
/** @addtogroup CSL_UART_FUNCTION
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_init
* @b Description
* @n This is the initialization function for the uart CSL. The function
* must be called before calling any other API from this CSL. This
* will initialize the uart object.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
uartInstId Instance number of the uart
uartObj Pointer to the uart object
opmode Operation mode of uart
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Init call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS- Invalid parameter
* @li CSL_UART_INVALID_INST_ID- Invalid instance id
* Pre Condition
* @n None
* Post Condition
* @n PLL object structure is populated
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartOpmode opmode = UART_POLLED;
uartInstId = CSL_UART_INST_0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_init(CSL_UartObj * uartObj,Uint32 uartInstId,
CSL_UartOpmode opmode);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_setup
* @b Description
* @n The main function of this API is to setup the
* baud rate,configure fifo,enable transmitter and receiver UART
* setup word size,stop bits and parity.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
uartSetup Pointer to the UART_Setup structure.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_setup call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE- Invalid Handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS- Invalid uartSetup
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n Setup the UART for transmission and reception.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartSetup uartSetup;
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
status = UART_setup(CSL_UartHandle hUart,&uartSetup);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_setup(CSL_UartHandle hUart, CSL_UartSetup *uartSetup);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_config
* @b Description
* @n This is a low level API than UART_setup API. It's used to configure
* registers directly.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
pConfig Pointer to the CSL_UartConfig structure.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_config call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE- Invalid UART Handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS- Invalid pointer to UART Config strucutre.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n Confgiure the registers.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartConfig Config;
Config.DLL =
Config.DLH =
Config.LCR =
Config.FCR =
Config.MCR =
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
status = UART_config(CSL_UartHandle hUart,&Config);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_config(CSL_UartHandle hUart,CSL_UartConfig *uartConfig) ;
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_setupBaudRate
* @b Description
* @n This API is used to set the baud rate.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART
clkInput Input clock frequency in Hz
baudRate Baud rate.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_setupBaudRate call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE- Invalid UART Handle
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n DLL and DLH registers are set.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
UART_baud uartBaud;
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
uartBaud.clkInput = 60000000;
uartBaud.baudRate = 2400;
status = UART_setupBaudRate(CSL_UartHandle hUart,&Config);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_setupBaudRate(CSL_UartHandle hUart,Uint32 clkInput,Uint32 baudRate);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_reset
* @b Description
* @n This API is used to reset the UART receiver and transmitter.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_setupBaudRate call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE- Invalid UART Handle
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n uart receiver and transmitter are in reset state.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
Uint32 uartInstId;
Bool brecvstatus;
Bool bxmitstatus;
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = CSL_UartHandle(&uartObj);
status = UART_resetOff(hUart);
status = UART_reset(hUart);
brecvstatus = UART_getRecvorResetStatus(hUart);
bxmitstatus = UART_getXmitorResetState(hUart);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_reset(CSL_UartHandle hUart);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_resetOff
* @b Description
* @n This API is used to set the UART receiver and transmitter.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_setupBaudRate call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE- Invalid UART Handle
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n uart receiver and transmitter are on state.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
Uint32 uartInstId;
Bool brecvstatus;
Bool bxmitstatus;
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = CSL_UartHandle(&uartObj);
status = UART_resetOff(hUart);
brecvstatus = UART_getRecvorResetStatus(hUart);
bxmitstatus = UART_getXmitorResetState(hUart);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_resetOff(CSL_UartHandle hUart);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_eventEnable
* @b Description
* @n This API is used to enable events like Receiver data availabe,
* Transmitter holding register empty
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
isrMask Interested particular events can be enabled by setting the
correspoding bits in the variable
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_eventEnable call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE- Invalid UART Handle
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n The corresponding events are enabled.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
CSL_UartSetup uartSetup;
Uint16 isrMask = 0x01;
Uint32 uartInstId = 0x0;
uartSetup.afeEnable = CSL_UART_NO_AFE;
uartSetup.baud = 2400;
uartSetup.clkInput = 60000000;
uartSetup.fifoControl = CSL_UART_FIFO_DISABLE;
uartSetup.loopBackEnable = CSL_UART_NO_LOOPBACK;
uartSetup.parity = CSL_UART_DISABLE_PARITY;
uartSetup.rtsEnable = CSL_UART_NO_RTS;
uartSetup.stopBits = 0;
uartSetup.wordLength = CSL_UART_WORD8;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
status = UART_Setup( &uartObj,&uartSetup);
status = UART_eventEnable(&uartObj,CSL_RTC_RECVOR_REG_DATA_INTERRUPT)
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_eventEnable(CSL_UartHandle hUart, CSL_UartEventType uartEvent);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_eventDisable
* @b Description
* @n This API is used to enable events like Receiver data availabe,
* Transmitter holding register empty
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
isrMask Particular events can be disabled by setting correspoding
bits in the variable
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_eventDisable call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid UART Handle
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n The correspoding events are disabled.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartSetup uartSetup;
Uint16 isrMask = 0x01;
uartInstId = 0;
uartSetup.afeEnable = CSL_UART_NO_AFE;
uartSetup.baud = 2400;
uartSetup.clkInput = 60000000;
uartSetup.fifoControl = CSL_UART_FIFO_DISABLE;
uartSetup.loopBackEnable = CSL_UART_NO_LOOPBACK;
uartSetup.parity = CSL_UART_DISABLE_PARITY;
uartSetup.rtsEnable = CSL_UART_NO_RTS;
uartSetup.stopBits = 0;
uartSetup.wordLength = CSL_UART_WORD8;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
status = UART_eventDisable(&uartObj,CSL_RTC_RECVOR_REG_DATA_INTERRUPT);
status = CSL_UartSetup( hUart,&uartSetup);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_eventDisable(CSL_UartHandle hUart,CSL_UartEventType uartEvent);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_read
* @b Description
* @n UART_read attempts to read up to count characters
* from RBR(Recieve Buffer Register) into the buffer starting at pBuf
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
pBuf Output buffer
count No of characters to read.
timeout Timeout value
0 - wait indefinitely for DR bit to get set.
x - wait x value for DR bit to get set.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_read call is successful.
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE- Invalid UART Handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS- Invalid address of the buffer.
* @li CSL_EUART_TIMEOUT - Read had a timeout due to DR bit not set.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init and CSL_UartSetup should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n pBuf contains count number of characters.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @n bBuf is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartSetup uartSetup;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
Char buf[12];
Uint16 N = 12;
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = (CSL_UartHandle)&uartObj;
status = CSL_UartSetup( hUart,&uartSetup);
status = UART_read(hUart,buf,N,1000) ;
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_read(CSL_UartHandle hUart,
Char* pBuf, Uint16 count, Uint32 timeout);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_write
* @b Description
* @n UART_write writes up to count characters to the THR(Transmitter Holding Register)
* from the buffer starting at pBuf
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
pBuf Input buffer
count No of characters to write.
timeout Timeout value
0 - wait indefinitely for THRE bit to get set.
x - wait x value for THRE bit to get set.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_write call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE- Invalid UART Handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS- Invalid address of the pBuf
* @li CSL_EUART_TIMEOUT - Write had a timeout due to THRE bit not set.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init and CSL_UartSetup should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n count number of characters have written to THR.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartSetup uartSetup;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
Char buf[12];
Uint16 N = 12;
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = (CSL_UartHandle)&uartObj;
status = CSL_UartSetup( hUart,&uartSetup);
status = UART_write(hUart,buf,N,1000) ;
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_write( CSL_UartHandle hUart,
Char *pBuf, Uint16 count, Uint32 timeout) ;
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_fgetc
* @b Description
* @n UART_fgetc reads a single character from the RBR into elem.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
elem A size one buffer.
timeout Timeout value
0 - wait indefinitely for DR bit to get set.
x - wait x value for DR bit to get set.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_fgetc call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE- Invalid UART Handle
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS- Invalid address of input buffer
* @li CSL_EUART_TIMEOUT - had a timeout due to DR bit not set.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init and CSL_UartSetup should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n elem contains a single character.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @n elem is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartSetup uartSetup;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
Char buf[1];
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = (CSL_UartHandle)&uartObj;
status = CSL_UartSetup( hUart,&uartSetup);
status = UART_fgetc(hUart,buf,200)
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_fgetc(CSL_UartHandle hUart, Char *elem, Uint32 timeout);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_fputc
* @b Description
* @n UART_fputc writes a single character to THR(Transmitter Holding Register).
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
elem Character to transmit
timeout Timeout value
0 - wait indefinitely for THRE bit to get set.
x - wait x value for THRE bit to get set.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_fputc call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Handle is invalid
* @li CSL_EUART_TIMEOUT - had a timeout due to THRE bit not set.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init and CSL_UartSetup should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n A character got transmitted.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartSetup uartSetup;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
Char buf[1];
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = (CSL_UartHandle)&uartObj;
status = CSL_UartSetup( hUart,&uartSetup);
status = UART_fputc(hUart,buf[0],200)
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_fputc(CSL_UartHandle hUart, const Char elem, Uint32 timeout);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_fgets
* @b Description
* @n UART_fgets reads in at most one less than bufSize characters from RBR and stores them
* into the buffer pointed to by pBuf.Reading stops after a newline. If a newline is read, it is
* stored into the buffer. A "\0" is stored after the last character in the buffer.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
pBuf Output buffer
bufSize Size of output buffer
timeout Timeout value
0 - wait indefinitely for DR bit to get set.
x - wait x value for DR bit to get set.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_fgets call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid handle.
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS- Invalid output buffer
* @li CSL_EUART_INVALID_LENGTH- Invalid string length.
* @li CSL_EUART_TIMEOUT - had a timeout due to DR bit not set.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init and CSL_UartSetup should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n Input buffer will contain a string.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @n pBuf is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartSetup uartSetup;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
Char buf[12];
Uint16 N = 12;
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = (CSL_UartHandle)&uartObj;
status = CSL_UartSetup( hUart,&uartSetup);
status = UART_fgets(hUart,buf,N,100) ;
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_fgets(CSL_UartHandle hUart,
Char * pBuf, Uint16 bufSize, Uint32 timeout);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_fputs
* @b Description
* @n UART_fputs writes the string pointed by pBuf to THR, without its trailing "\0".
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart Handle to the UART.
pBuf Input buffer
timeout Timeout value
0 - wait indefinitely for THRE bit to get set.
x - wait x value for THRE bit to get set.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_fputs call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - UART_fputs call is successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid input buffer
* @li CSL_EUART_TIMEOUT - had a timeout due to THRE bit not set.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init and CSL_UartSetup should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n A string will get transmitted.
* @b Modifies
* @n Handle is modified
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartSetup uartSetup;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
Char buf[12] ="Test";
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = (CSL_UartHandle)&uartObj;
status = UART_Setup( hUart,&uartSetup);
status = UART_fputs(hUart,buf);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_fputs(CSL_UartHandle hUart, const Char* pBuf, Uint32 timeout);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_getEventId
* @b Description
* @n UART_getEventId returns the event id.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
* Return Value Int16
* @li Returns Eventid - call is successful.
* @li Returns CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Handle is NULL.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n None
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
Uint16 uartEvtId;
Uint32 uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = (CSL_UartHandle)(&uartObj);
uartEvtId = UART_getEventId(hUart);
* ============================================================================
Int16 UART_getEventId(CSL_UartHandle hUart);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_getEventId
* @b Description
* @n UART_getEventId returns the event id in the Handle.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
* Return Value Uint16
* @li IRQ_EVT_UART -UART_getEventId call is successful.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n None
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
Uint16 uartEvtId;
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
uartEvtId = UART_getEventId();
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_getConfig(CSL_UartHandle hUart,CSL_UartConfig *config);
/** ============================================================================
* @n@b UART_setCallback
* @b Description
* @n UART_setCallback will set call back functions in isrDispatchTable.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hUart - Handle to the UART.
isrAddr - pointer to the CSL_UartIsrAddr.
* Return Value CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - UART_setCallback call is successful.
* Pre Condition
* @n UART_init should be called successfully.
* Post Condition
* @n Setup call back functions in the UART_isrDispatchTable
* @b Modifies
* @n hUart
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_Status status;
CSL_UartObj uartObj;
Uint32 uartInstId;
CSL_UartHandle hUart;
CSL_UartIsrAddr isrAddr;
uartInstId = 0;
status = UART_init(&uartObj,uartInstId);
hUart = (CSL_UartHandle)&uartObj;
status = UART_setCallback(hUart,&isrAddr);
* ============================================================================
CSL_Status UART_setCallback(CSL_UartHandle hUart,CSL_UartIsrAddr *isrAddr);
#ifdef __cplusplus