QP/C++ Real-Time Embedded Framework (RTEF) The model is used to generate the whole QP/C++ source code. Copyright (C) 2005 Quantum Leaps, LLC <state-machine.com>. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-QL-commercial This software is dual-licensed under the terms of the open source GNU General Public License version 3 (or any later version), or alternatively, under the terms of one of the closed source Quantum Leaps commercial licenses. The terms of the open source GNU General Public License version 3 can be found at: <www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0> The terms of the closed source Quantum Leaps commercial licenses can be found at: <www.state-machine.com/licensing> Redistributions in source code must retain this copyright notice. Plagiarizing this software to sidestep the license obligations is illegal. Contact information: <www.state-machine.com/licensing> <info@state-machine.com> //! alias for line numbers in assertions and return from QF::run() = int; //! alias for enumerations used for event signals = int; //! alias for 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers //! //! @note //! QP does not use floating-point types anywhere in the internal //! implementation, except in QS software tracing, where utilities for //! output of floating-point numbers are provided for application-specific //! trace records. = float; //! alias for 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers //! //! @note //! QP does not use floating-point types anywhere in the internal //! implementation, except in QS software tracing, where utilities for //! output of floating-point numbers are provided for application-specific //! trace records. = double; //! The size (in bytes) of the signal of an event. Valid values: //! 1U, 2U, or 4U; default 2U //! //! @details //! This macro can be defined in the QEP port file (qep_port.hpp) to //! configure the QP::QSignal type. When the macro is not defined, the //! default of 2 bytes is applied. 2U //! Macro to generate a declaration of a state-handler, state-caller and //! a state-object for a given state in a subclass of QP::QHsm. \ QP::QState state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e); \ static QP::QState state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e) //! Macro to generate a declaration of a state-handler, state-caller and //! a state-object for a given state in a subclass of QP::QHsm. \ QP::QState subclass_::state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e) { \ return static_cast<subclass_ *>(me)->state_ ## _h(e); } \ QP::QState subclass_::state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e) //! Macro to specify that the event was handled (Q_RET_HANDLED) //! Macro to specify that the event was NOT handled //! due to a guard condition evaluating to 'false' (Q_RET_UNHANDLED) //! Perform downcast of an event onto a subclass of QEvt `class_` //! //! @details //! This macro encapsulates the downcast of QEvt pointers, which violates //! MISRA-C 2004 rule 11.4(advisory). This macro helps to localize this //! deviation. (static_cast<subclass_ const *>(e)) //! Macro to perform casting to QStateHandler. //! //! @details //! This macro encapsulates the cast of a specific state handler function //! pointer to QStateHandler, which violates MISRA-C 2004 rule 11.4(advisory). //! This macro helps to localize this deviation. \ (reinterpret_cast<QP::QStateHandler>(handler_)) //! Macro to perform casting to QActionHandler. //! //! @details //! This macro encapsulates the cast of a specific action handler function //! pointer to QActionHandler, which violates MISRA-C2004 rule 11.4(advisory). //! This macro helps to localize this deviation. \ (reinterpret_cast<QP::QActionHandler>(act_)) //! Macro to generate a declaration of a state-handler, state-caller and //! a state-object for a given state in a subclass of QP::QMsm. \ QP::QState state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e); \ static QP::QState state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e); \ static QP::QMState const state_ ## _s //! Macro to generate a declaration of a state-handler, state-caller and //! a state-object for a given *submachine* state in a subclass of QP::QMsm. \ QP::QState state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e);\ static QP::QState state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e); \ static SM_ ## subm_ const state_ ## _s //! Macro to generate a declaration of an action-handler and action-caller //! in a subclass of QP::QMsm. \ QP::QState action_ ## _h(); \ static QP::QState action_(void * const me) //! Macro to generate a definition of a state-caller and state-handler //! for a given state in a subclass of QP::QMsm. \ QP::QState subclass_::state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e) { \ return static_cast<subclass_ *>(me)->state_ ## _h(e); } \ QP::QState subclass_::state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e) //! Macro to generate a definition of an action-caller and action-handler //! in a subclass of QP::QMsm. \ QP::QState subclass_::action_(void * const me) { \ return static_cast<subclass_ *>(me)->action_ ## _h(); } \ QP::QState subclass_::action_ ## _h() //! Macro for a QM action-handler when it handles the event. (Q_RET_HANDLED) //! Macro for a QM action-handler when it does not handle the event //! due to a guard condition evaluating to false. (Q_RET_HANDLED) //! Macro for a QM action-handler when it passes the event to the superstate (Q_RET_SUPER) //! Macro to provide strictly-typed zero-state to use for submachines. //! Applicable to suclasses of QP::QMsm. (nullptr) //! Macro to provide strictly-typed zero-action to terminate action lists //! in the transition-action-tables in QP::QMsm. (nullptr) //! Helper macro to clearly mark unused parameters of functions. (static_cast<void>(par_)) //! Helper macro to calculate static dimension of a 1-dim `array_` //! //! @param[in] array_ 1-dimensional array //! //! @returns //! the length of the array (number of elements it can hold) (sizeof(array_) / sizeof((array_)[0U])) //! Perform cast from unsigned integer `uint_` to pointer of type `type_` //! //! @details //! This macro encapsulates the cast to (type_ *), which QP ports or //! application might use to access embedded hardware registers. //! Such uses can trigger PC-Lint "Note 923: cast from int to pointer" //! and this macro helps to encapsulate this deviation. (reinterpret_cast<type_ *>(uint_)) //! Initializer of static constant QEvt instances //! //! @details //! This macro encapsulates the ugly casting of enumerated signals //! to QSignal and constants for QEvt.poolID and QEvt.refCtr_. { static_cast<QP::QSignal>(sig_), 0U, 0U } //! the current QP version number string based on QP_VERSION_STR {QP_VERSION_STR}; //! QSignal represents the signal of an event //! //! @details //! The relationship between an event and a signal is as follows. A signal //! in UML is the specification of an asynchronous stimulus that triggers //! reactions, and as such is an essential part of an event. (The signal //! conveys the type of the occurrence--what happened?) However, an event //! can also contain additional quantitative information about the //! occurrence in form of event parameters. = std::uint16_t; = std::uint8_t; = std::uint32_t; //! Event class //! //! @details //! QP::QEvt represents events without parameters and serves as the //! base class for derivation of events with parameters. //! //! @note //! When #Q_EVT_CTOR and #Q_EVT_VIRTUAL are NOT defined, the QP::QEvt is //! a POD (Plain Old Data). Otherwise, it is a class with constructors //! and virtual destructor. //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates how to add an event parameter by //! inheriting from the QP::QEvt class. //! @include qep_qevt.cpp //! signal of the event instance //! @tr{RQP002} //! pool ID (0 for static, immutable event) //! @tr{RQP003} //! reference counter (only used for dynamic, mutable events) //! @tr{RQP003} noexcept //! QP::QEvt constructor when the macro #Q_EVT_CTOR is defined : sig(s) // poolId_/refCtr_ intentionally uninitialized noexcept //! QP::QEvt constructor (overload for static, immutable events) : sig(s), poolId_(0U), refCtr_(0U) noexcept //! QP::QEvt virtual destructor when the macro #Q_EVT_VIRTUAL is defined // empty //! Type returned from state-handler functions = std::uint_fast8_t; //! Pointer to state-handler function = QState (*)(void * const me, QEvt const * const e); //! Pointer to an action-handler function = QState (*)(void * const me); //! forward declaration //! Pointer to an extended thread-handler function = void (*)(QXThread * const me); //! State object for the QP::QMsm class (QM State Machine). //! //! @details //! This class groups together the attributes of a QP::QMsm state, such as //! the parent state (state nesting), the associated state handler function //! and the exit action handler function. These attributes are used inside //! the QP::QMsm::dispatch() and QP::QMsm::init() functions. //! //! @attention //! The QP::QMState class is only intended for the QM code generator and //! should not be used in hand-crafted code. { QMState const * superstate; //!< superstate of this state QStateHandler const stateHandler; //!< state handler function QActionHandler const entryAction; //!< entry action handler function QActionHandler const exitAction; //!< exit action handler function QActionHandler const initAction; //!< init action handler function }; //! Transition-Action Table for the QP::QMsm State Machine. { QMState const * target; //!< target of the transition QActionHandler const act[1]; //!< array of actions }; //! Attribute of for the QP::QHsm class (Hierarchical State Machine) //! //! @details //! This union represents possible values stored in the 'state' and 'temp' //! attributes of the QP::QHsm class. { QStateHandler fun; //!< pointer to a state handler function QActionHandler act; //!< pointer to an action-handler function QXThreadHandler thr; //!< pointer to an thread-handler function QMState const *obj; //!< pointer to QMState object QMTranActTable const *tatbl; //!< transition-action table }; //! Type returned from state-handler functions {4}; //! Hierarchical State Machine abstract base class (ABC) //! //! @details //! QP::QHsm represents a Hierarchical State Machine (HSM) with full support //! for hierarchical nesting of states, entry/exit actions, and initial //! transitions in any composite state. QHsm inherits QP::QMsm without adding //! new attributes, so it takes the same amount of RAM as QP::QMsm.<br> //! //! QP::QHsm is also the base class for the QP::QMsm state machine, which //! provides better efficiency, but requires the use of the QM modeling tool //! to generate code. //! //! @note //! QP::QHsm is not intended to be instantiated directly, but rather serves as //! the base class for derivation of state machines in the application code. //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates how to derive a state machine class //! from QP::QHsm. //! @include qep_qhsm.cpp //! current active state (the state-variable) //! temporary: transition chain, target state, etc. //! Maximum nesting depth of states in HSM {6}; // friends... //! Reserved signals by the HSM-style state machine //! implementation strategy. : QSignal { Q_ENTRY_SIG = 1U, //!< signal for entry actions Q_EXIT_SIG, //!< signal for exit actions Q_INIT_SIG //!< signal for nested initial transitions }; //! All possible return values from state-handlers : std::uint_fast8_t { // unhandled and need to "bubble up" Q_RET_SUPER, //!< event passed to superstate to handle Q_RET_SUPER_SUB, //!< event passed to submachine superstate Q_RET_UNHANDLED, //!< event unhandled due to a guard // handled and do not need to "bubble up" Q_RET_HANDLED, //!< event handled (internal transition) Q_RET_IGNORED, //!< event silently ignored (bubbled up to top) // entry/exit Q_RET_ENTRY, //!< state entry action executed Q_RET_EXIT, //!< state exit action executed // no side effects Q_RET_NULL, //!< return value without any effect // transitions need to execute transition-action table in QP::QMsm Q_RET_TRAN, //!< regular transition Q_RET_TRAN_INIT, //!< initial transition in a state or submachine Q_RET_TRAN_EP, //!< entry-point transition into a submachine // transitions that additionally clobber QHsm.m_state Q_RET_TRAN_HIST, //!< transition to history of a given state Q_RET_TRAN_XP //!< exit-point transition out of a submachine }; noexcept //! protected constructor of QHsm m_state.fun = Q_STATE_CAST(&top); m_temp.fun = initial; noexcept //! virtual destructor // empty //! Executes the top-most initial transition in QP::QHsm //! //! @details //! Executes the top-most initial transition in a HSM. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to an extra parameter (might be NULL) //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @note //! Must be called exactly __once__ before the QP::QHsm::dispatch(). //! //! @tr{RQP103} @tr{RQP120I} @tr{RQP120D} Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined QStateHandler t = m_state.fun; //! @pre ctor must have been executed and initial tran NOT taken Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, (m_temp.fun != nullptr) && (t == Q_STATE_CAST(&top))); // execute the top-most initial transition QState r = (*m_temp.fun)(this, Q_EVT_CAST(QEvt)); // the top-most initial transition must be taken Q_ASSERT_ID(210, r == Q_RET_TRAN); QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_INIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(t); // the source state QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.fun); // the target of the initial transition QS_END_PRE_() // drill down into the state hierarchy with initial transitions... do { QStateHandler path[MAX_NEST_DEPTH_]; // tran entry path array std::int_fast8_t ip = 0; // entry path index path[0] = m_temp.fun; QEP_TRIG_(m_temp.fun, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); while (m_temp.fun != t) { ++ip; Q_ASSERT_ID(220, ip < MAX_NEST_DEPTH_); path[ip] = m_temp.fun; QEP_TRIG_(m_temp.fun, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); } m_temp.fun = path[0]; // retrace the entry path in reverse (desired) order... do { QEP_ENTER_(path[ip]); // enter path[ip] --ip; } while (ip >= 0); t = path[0]; // current state becomes the new source r = QEP_TRIG_(t, Q_INIT_SIG); // execute initial transition #ifdef Q_SPY if (r == Q_RET_TRAN) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_INIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(t); // the source state QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.fun); // the target of the initial tran. QS_END_PRE_() } #endif // Q_SPY } while (r == Q_RET_TRAN); QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_INIT_TRAN, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(t); // the new active state QS_END_PRE_() m_state.fun = t; // change the current active state m_temp.fun = t; // mark the configuration as stable //! overloaded init(qs_id) //! //! @details //! Executes the top-most initial transition in a HSM (overloaded). //! //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @attention //! QHsm::init() must be called exactly **once** before //! QHsm::dispatch() init(nullptr, qs_id); //! Dispatches an event to QP::QHsm //! //! @details //! Dispatches an event for processing to a hierarchical state machine. //! The event dispatching represents one run-to-completion (RTC) step. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to be dispatched to the HSM //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @attention //! This state machine must be initialized by calling QP::QHsm::init() //! exactly **once** before calling QP::QHsm::dispatch(). //! //! @tr{RQP103} //! @tr{RQP120A} @tr{RQP120B} @tr{RQP120C} @tr{RQP120D} @tr{RQP120E} QStateHandler t = m_state.fun; QS_CRIT_STAT_ //! @pre the current state must be initialized and //! the state configuration must be stable Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, (t != nullptr) && (t == m_temp.fun)); QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_DISPATCH, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(t); // the current state QS_END_PRE_() QStateHandler s; QState r; // process the event hierarchically... //! @tr{RQP120A} do { s = m_temp.fun; r = (*s)(this, e); // invoke state handler s if (r == Q_RET_UNHANDLED) { // unhandled due to a guard? QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_UNHANDLED, qs_id) QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(s); // the current state QS_END_PRE_() r = QEP_TRIG_(s, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); // find superstate of s } } while (r == Q_RET_SUPER); // regular transition taken? //! @tr{RQP120E} if (r >= Q_RET_TRAN) { QStateHandler path[MAX_NEST_DEPTH_]; path[0] = m_temp.fun; // save the target of the transition path[1] = t; path[2] = s; // exit current state to transition source s... //! @tr{RQP120C} for (; t != s; t = m_temp.fun) { // exit handled? if (QEP_TRIG_(t, Q_EXIT_SIG) == Q_RET_HANDLED) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_EXIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(t); // the exited state QS_END_PRE_() // find superstate of t QEP_TRIG_(t, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); } } std::int_fast8_t ip = hsm_tran(path, qs_id); // the HSM transition #ifdef Q_SPY if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_HIST) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_TRAN_HIST, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(t); // the source of the transition QS_FUN_PRE_(path[0]); // the target of the tran. to history QS_END_PRE_() } #endif // Q_SPY // execute state entry actions in the desired order... //! @tr{RQP120B} for (; ip >= 0; --ip) { QEP_ENTER_(path[ip]); // enter path[ip] } t = path[0]; // stick the target into register m_temp.fun = t; // update the next state // drill into the target hierarchy... //! @tr{RQP120I} while (QEP_TRIG_(t, Q_INIT_SIG) == Q_RET_TRAN) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_INIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(t); // the source (pseudo)state QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.fun); // the target of the transition QS_END_PRE_() ip = 0; path[0] = m_temp.fun; // find superstate QEP_TRIG_(m_temp.fun, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); while (m_temp.fun != t) { ++ip; path[ip] = m_temp.fun; // find superstate QEP_TRIG_(m_temp.fun, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); } m_temp.fun = path[0]; // entry path must not overflow Q_ASSERT_ID(410, ip < MAX_NEST_DEPTH_); // retrace the entry path in reverse (correct) order... do { QEP_ENTER_(path[ip]); // enter path[ip] --ip; } while (ip >= 0); t = path[0]; } QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_TRAN, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(s); // the source of the transition QS_FUN_PRE_(t); // the new active state QS_END_PRE_() } #ifdef Q_SPY else if (r == Q_RET_HANDLED) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_INTERN_TRAN, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(s); // the source state QS_END_PRE_() } else { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_IGNORED, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(m_state.fun);// the current state QS_END_PRE_() } #else Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined #endif // Q_SPY m_state.fun = t; // change the current active state m_temp.fun = t; // mark the configuration as stable noexcept //! The top-state handler //! //! @details //! The QHsm::top() state handler is the ultimate root of state //! hierarchy in all HSMs derived from QP::QHsm. //! //! @param[in] me pointer to the HSM instance //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to be dispatched to the HSM //! //! @returns //! Always returns #Q_RET_IGNORED, which means that the top state ignores //! all events. //! //! @note //! The parameters to this state handler are not used. They are provided //! for conformance with the state-handler function signature //! QP::QStateHandler. //! //! @tr{RQP103} @tr{RQP120T} Q_UNUSED_PAR(me); Q_UNUSED_PAR(e); return Q_RET_IGNORED; // the top state ignores all events const noexcept //! Obtain the current state (state handler function) //! //! @note used in the QM code generation return m_state.fun; noexcept //! Get the current state handler of the QP::QHsm return m_state.fun; noexcept //! Tests if a given state is part of the current active state //! configuration //! //! @details //! Tests if a state machine derived from QHsm is-in a given state. //! //! @note //! For a HSM, to "be in a state" means also to be in a superstate of //! of the state. //! //! @param[in] s pointer to the state-handler function to be tested //! //! @returns //! 'true' if the HSM is in the `state` and 'false' otherwise //! //! @tr{RQP103} //! @tr{RQP120S} //! @pre state configuration must be stable Q_REQUIRE_ID(600, m_temp.fun == m_state.fun); bool inState = false; // assume that this HSM is not in 'state' // scan the state hierarchy bottom-up QState r; do { // do the states match? if (m_temp.fun == s) { inState = true; // 'true' means that match found r = Q_RET_IGNORED; // cause breaking out of the loop } else { r = QEP_TRIG_(m_temp.fun, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); } } while (r != Q_RET_IGNORED); // QHsm::top() state not reached m_temp.fun = m_state.fun; // restore the stable state configuration return inState; // return the status noexcept //! Obtain the current active child state of a given parent //! //! @note used in the QM code generation QStateHandler child = m_state.fun; // start with the current state bool isFound = false; // start with the child not found // establish stable state configuration m_temp.fun = m_state.fun; QState r; do { // is this the parent of the current child? if (m_temp.fun == parent) { isFound = true; // child is found r = Q_RET_IGNORED; // cause breaking out of the loop } else { child = m_temp.fun; r = QEP_TRIG_(m_temp.fun, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); } } while (r != Q_RET_IGNORED); // QHsm::top() state not reached m_temp.fun = m_state.fun; // establish stable state configuration //! @post the child must be confirmed Q_ENSURE_ID(810, isFound); #ifdef Q_NASSERT Q_UNUSED_PAR(isFound); #endif return child; // return the child noexcept //! Helper function to specify a state transition m_temp.fun = target; return Q_RET_TRAN; noexcept //! Helper function to specify a transition to history m_temp.fun = hist; return Q_RET_TRAN_HIST; noexcept //! Helper function to specify the superstate of a given state m_temp.fun = superstate; return Q_RET_SUPER; noexcept //! Helper function to specify a regular state transition //! in a QM state-handler m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl); return Q_RET_TRAN; noexcept //! Helper function to specify an initial state transition //! in a QM state-handler m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl); return Q_RET_TRAN_INIT; noexcept //! Helper function to specifiy a transition to history //! in a QM state-handler m_state.obj = hist; m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl); return Q_RET_TRAN_HIST; noexcept //! Helper function to specify a transition to an entry point //! to a submachine state in a QM state-handler m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl); return Q_RET_TRAN_EP; noexcept //! Helper function to specify a transition to an exit point //! from a submachine state in a QM state-handler m_state.act = xp; m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl); return Q_RET_TRAN_XP; noexcept //! Helper function to specify a state entry in a QM state-handler m_temp.obj = s; return Q_RET_ENTRY; noexcept //! Helper function to specify a state entry in a QM state-handler static_cast<void>(s); // unused parameter return Q_RET_ENTRY; noexcept //! Helper function to specify a state exit in a QM state-handler m_temp.obj = s; return Q_RET_EXIT; noexcept //! Helper function to specify a state exit in a QM state-handler static_cast<void>(s); // unused parameter return Q_RET_EXIT; noexcept //! Helper function to specify a submachine exit in a QM state-handler m_temp.obj = s; return Q_RET_EXIT; noexcept //! Helper function to call in a QM state-handler when it passes //! the event to the host submachine state to handle an event. m_temp.obj = s; return Q_RET_SUPER_SUB; //! @details //! helper function to execute transition sequence in a hierarchical state //! machine (HSM). //! //! @param[in,out] path array of pointers to state-handler functions //! to execute the entry actions //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @returns //! the depth of the entry path stored in the `path` parameter. //! //! @tr{RQP103} //! @tr{RQP120E} @tr{RQP120F} std::int_fast8_t ip = -1; // transition entry path index QStateHandler t = path[0]; QStateHandler const s = path[2]; QS_CRIT_STAT_ // (a) check source==target (transition to self) if (s == t) { QEP_EXIT_(s); // exit the source ip = 0; // enter the target } else { // superstate of target QEP_TRIG_(t, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); t = m_temp.fun; // (b) check source==target->super if (s == t) { ip = 0; // enter the target } else { // superstate of src QEP_TRIG_(s, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); // (c) check source->super==target->super if (m_temp.fun == t) { QEP_EXIT_(s); // exit the source ip = 0; // enter the target } else { // (d) check source->super==target if (m_temp.fun == path[0]) { QEP_EXIT_(s); // exit the source } else { // (e) check rest of source==target->super->super.. // and store the entry path along the way std::int_fast8_t iq = 0; // indicate that LCA was found ip = 1; // enter target and its superstate path[1] = t; // save the superstate of target t = m_temp.fun; // save source->super // find target->super->super QState r = QEP_TRIG_(path[1], QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); while (r == Q_RET_SUPER) { ++ip; path[ip] = m_temp.fun; // store the entry path if (m_temp.fun == s) { // is it the source? // indicate that the LCA was found iq = 1; // entry path must not overflow Q_ASSERT_ID(510, ip < MAX_NEST_DEPTH_); --ip; // do not enter the source r = Q_RET_HANDLED; // terminate the loop } // it is not the source, keep going up else { r = QEP_TRIG_(m_temp.fun, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); } } // the LCA not found yet? if (iq == 0) { // entry path must not overflow Q_ASSERT_ID(520, ip < MAX_NEST_DEPTH_); QEP_EXIT_(s); // exit the source // (f) check the rest of source->super // == target->super->super... // iq = ip; r = Q_RET_IGNORED; // indicate LCA NOT found do { // is this the LCA? if (t == path[iq]) { r = Q_RET_HANDLED; // indicate LCA found ip = iq - 1; // do not enter LCA iq = -1; // cause termination of the loop } else { --iq; // try lower superstate of target } } while (iq >= 0); // LCA not found yet? if (r != Q_RET_HANDLED) { // (g) check each source->super->... // for each target->super... // r = Q_RET_IGNORED; // keep looping do { // exit t unhandled? if (QEP_TRIG_(t, Q_EXIT_SIG) == Q_RET_HANDLED) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_EXIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); QS_FUN_PRE_(t); QS_END_PRE_() QEP_TRIG_(t, QEP_EMPTY_SIG_); } t = m_temp.fun; // set to super of t iq = ip; do { // is this LCA? if (t == path[iq]) { ip = iq - 1; // do not enter LCA iq = -1; // break out of inner loop r = Q_RET_HANDLED; // break outer loop } else { --iq; } } while (iq >= 0); } while (r != Q_RET_HANDLED); } } } } } } Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined return ip; //! QM State Machine implementation strategy //! //! @details //! QP::QMsm (QM State Machine) provides a more efficient state machine //! implementation strategy than QHsm, but requires the use of the QM //! modeling tool, but are the fastest and need the least run-time //! support (the smallest event-processor taking up the least code space). //! //! @note //! QP::QMsm is not intended to be instantiated directly, but rather serves as //! the base class for derivation of state machines in the application code. //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates how to derive a state machine class //! from QP::QMsm: //! @include qep_qmsm.cpp //! the top state object for the QP::QMsm = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; // friends... //! maximum depth of implemented entry levels for transitions to history {4}; override //! Performs the second step of SM initialization by triggering //! the top-most initial transition. //! //! @details //! Executes the top-most initial transition in a MSM. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to an extra parameter (might be nullptr) //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @attention //! QMsm::init() must be called exactly **once** before QMsm::dispatch() //! @pre the top-most initial transition must be initialized, and the //! initial transition must not be taken yet. Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, (m_temp.fun != nullptr) && (m_state.obj == &msm_top_s)); // execute the top-most initial tran. QState r = (*m_temp.fun)(this, Q_EVT_CAST(QEvt)); // initial tran. must be taken Q_ASSERT_ID(210, r == Q_RET_TRAN_INIT); QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_INIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(m_state.obj->stateHandler); // source handler QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.tatbl->target->stateHandler); // target handler QS_END_PRE_() // set state to the last tran. target m_state.obj = m_temp.tatbl->target; // drill down into the state hierarchy with initial transitions... do { r = execTatbl_(m_temp.tatbl, qs_id); // execute the tran-action table } while (r >= Q_RET_TRAN_INIT); QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_INIT_TRAN, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(m_state.obj->stateHandler); // the new current state QS_END_PRE_() Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined noexcept //! Protected constructor //! @details //! Performs the first step of initialization by assigning the initial //! pseudostate to the currently active state of the state machine. //! //! @param[in] initial the top-most initial transition for the MSM. //! //! @note //! The constructor is protected to prevent direct instantiating of the //! QP::QMsm objects. This class is intended for subclassing only. //! //! @sa //! The QP::QMsm example illustrates how to use the QMsm constructor //! in the constructor initializer list of the derived state machines. : QHsm(initial) m_state.obj = &msm_top_s; m_temp.fun = initial; override //! overloaded init(qs_id) //! //! @details //! Executes the top-most initial transition in a MSM (overloaded). //! //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @attention //! QMsm::init() must be called exactly **once** before QMsm::dispatch() QMsm::init(nullptr, qs_id); override //! Dispatches an event to a MSM //! //! @details //! Dispatches an event for processing to a meta state machine (MSM). //! The processing of an event represents one run-to-completion (RTC) step. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to be dispatched to the MSM //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @note //! Must be called after QMsm::init(). QMState const *s = m_state.obj; // store the current state //! @pre current state must be initialized Q_REQUIRE_ID(300, s != nullptr); QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_DISPATCH, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(s->stateHandler); // the current state handler QS_END_PRE_() // scan the state hierarchy up to the top state... QMState const *t = s; QState r; do { r = (*t->stateHandler)(this, e); // call state handler function // event handled? (the most frequent case) if (r >= Q_RET_HANDLED) { break; // done scanning the state hierarchy } // event unhandled and passed to the superstate? else if (r == Q_RET_SUPER) { t = t->superstate; // advance to the superstate } // event unhandled and passed to a submachine superstate? else if (r == Q_RET_SUPER_SUB) { t = m_temp.obj; // current host state of the submachie } // event unhandled due to a guard? else if (r == Q_RET_UNHANDLED) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_UNHANDLED, qs_id) QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(t->stateHandler); // the current state QS_END_PRE_() t = t->superstate; // advance to the superstate } else { // no other return value should be produced Q_ERROR_ID(310); } } while (t != nullptr); // any kind of transition taken? if (r >= Q_RET_TRAN) { #ifdef Q_SPY QMState const * const ts = t; // transition source for QS tracing // the transition source state must not be nullptr Q_ASSERT_ID(320, ts != nullptr); #endif // Q_SPY do { // save the transition-action table before it gets clobbered QMTranActTable const * const tatbl = m_temp.tatbl; QHsmAttr tmp; // temporary to save intermediate values // was TRAN, TRAN_INIT, or TRAN_EP taken? if (r <= Q_RET_TRAN_EP) { exitToTranSource_(s, t, qs_id); r = execTatbl_(tatbl, qs_id); s = m_state.obj; } // was a transition segment to history taken? else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_HIST) { tmp.obj = m_state.obj; // save history m_state.obj = s; // restore the original state exitToTranSource_(s, t, qs_id); static_cast<void>(execTatbl_(tatbl, qs_id)); r = enterHistory_(tmp.obj, qs_id); s = m_state.obj; } // was a transition segment to an exit point taken? else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_XP) { tmp.act = m_state.act; // save XP action m_state.obj = s; // restore the original state r = (*tmp.act)(this); // execute the XP action if (r == Q_RET_TRAN) { // XP -> TRAN ? #ifdef Q_SPY tmp.tatbl = m_temp.tatbl; // save m_temp #endif // Q_SPY exitToTranSource_(s, t, qs_id); // take the tran-to-XP segment inside submachine static_cast<void>(execTatbl_(tatbl, qs_id)); s = m_state.obj; #ifdef Q_SPY m_temp.tatbl = tmp.tatbl; // restore m_temp #endif // Q_SPY } else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_HIST) { // XP -> HIST ? tmp.obj = m_state.obj; // save the history m_state.obj = s; // restore the original state #ifdef Q_SPY s = m_temp.obj; // save m_temp #endif // Q_SPY exitToTranSource_(m_state.obj, t, qs_id); // take the tran-to-XP segment inside submachine static_cast<void>(execTatbl_(tatbl, qs_id)); #ifdef Q_SPY m_temp.obj = s; // restore me->temp #endif // Q_SPY s = m_state.obj; m_state.obj = tmp.obj; // restore the history } else { // TRAN_XP must NOT be followed by any other tran type Q_ASSERT_ID(330, r < Q_RET_TRAN); } } else { // no other return value should be produced Q_ERROR_ID(340); } t = s; // set target to the current state } while (r >= Q_RET_TRAN); QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_TRAN, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(ts->stateHandler); // the transition source QS_FUN_PRE_(s->stateHandler); // the new active state QS_END_PRE_() } #ifdef Q_SPY // was the event handled? else if (r == Q_RET_HANDLED) { // internal tran. source can't be nullptr Q_ASSERT_ID(340, t != nullptr); QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_INTERN_TRAN, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(t->stateHandler); // the source state QS_END_PRE_() } // event bubbled to the 'top' state? else if (t == nullptr) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_IGNORED, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(s->stateHandler); // the current state QS_END_PRE_() } #endif // Q_SPY else { // empty } Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined const noexcept //! Tests if a given state is part of the active state configuration //! //! @details //! Tests if a state machine derived from QMsm is-in a given state. //! //! @note //! For a MSM, to "be-in" a state means also to "be-in" a superstate of //! of the state. //! //! @param[in] st pointer to the QMState object that corresponds to the //! tested state. //! @returns //! 'true' if the MSM is in the \c st and 'false' otherwise bool inState = false; // assume that this MSM is not in 'state' for (QMState const *s = m_state.obj; s != nullptr; s = s->superstate) { if (s == st) { inState = true; // match found, return 'true' break; } } return inState; noexcept = delete //! disallow inherited top() function in QP::QMsm and subclasses //! @sa QMsm::msm_top_s const noexcept //! Return the current active state object (read only) return m_state.obj; const noexcept //! Obtain the current active child state of a given parent (read only) //! //! @details //! Finds the child state of the given `parent`, such that this child //! state is an ancestor of the currently active state. The main purpose //! of this function is to support **shallow history** transitions in //! state machines derived from QHsm. //! //! @param[in] parent pointer to the state-handler function //! //! @returns //! the child of a given `parent` state, which is an ancestor of the //! currently active state //! //! @note //! this function is designed to be called during state transitions, so it //! does not necessarily start in a stable state configuration. //! However, the function establishes stable state configuration upon exit. //! //! @tr{RQP103} //! @tr{RQP120H} QMState const *child = m_state.obj; bool isFound = false; // start with the child not found for (QMState const *s = m_state.obj; s != nullptr; s = s->superstate) { if (s == parent) { isFound = true; // child is found break; } else { child = s; } } //! @post the child must be found Q_ENSURE_ID(810, isFound); #ifdef Q_NASSERT Q_UNUSED_PAR(isFound); #endif return child; // return the child noexcept override //! Get the current state handler of the QMsm return m_state.obj->stateHandler; //! Internal helper function to execute a transition-action table //! //! @details //! Helper function to execute transition sequence in a tran-action table. //! //! @param[in] tatbl pointer to the transition-action table //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @returns //! the status of the last action from the transition-action table. //! //! @note //! This function is for internal use inside the QEP event processor and //! should **not** be called directly from the applications. //! @pre the transition-action table pointer must not be nullptr Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, tatbl != nullptr); QState r = Q_RET_NULL; QS_CRIT_STAT_ for (QActionHandler const *a = &tatbl->act[0]; *a != nullptr; ++a) { r = (*(*a))(this); // call the action through the 'a' pointer #ifdef Q_SPY if (r == Q_RET_ENTRY) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_ENTRY, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.obj->stateHandler); // entered state handler QS_END_PRE_() } else if (r == Q_RET_EXIT) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_EXIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.obj->stateHandler); // exited state handler QS_END_PRE_() } else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_INIT) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_INIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(tatbl->target->stateHandler); // source QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.tatbl->target->stateHandler); // target QS_END_PRE_() } else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_EP) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_TRAN_EP, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(tatbl->target->stateHandler); // source QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.tatbl->target->stateHandler); // target QS_END_PRE_() } else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_XP) { QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_TRAN_XP, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(tatbl->target->stateHandler); // source QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.tatbl->target->stateHandler); // target QS_END_PRE_() } else { // empty } #endif // Q_SPY } Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined m_state.obj = (r >= Q_RET_TRAN) ? m_temp.tatbl->target : tatbl->target; return r; //! Internal helper function to exit current state to transition source //! //! @details //! Helper function to exit the current state configuration to the //! transition source, which is a hierarchical state machine might be a //! superstate of the current state. //! //! @param[in] s pointer to the current state //! @param[in] ts pointer to the transition source state //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) // exit states from the current state to the tran. source state while (s != ts) { // exit action provided in state 's'? if (s->exitAction != nullptr) { // execute the exit action (*s->exitAction)(this); QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_EXIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(s->stateHandler); // the exited state handler QS_END_PRE_() } s = s->superstate; // advance to the superstate // reached the top of a submachine? if (s == nullptr) { s = m_temp.obj; // the superstate from QM_SM_EXIT() Q_ASSERT_ID(510, s != nullptr); } } Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined //! Internal helper function to enter state history //! //! @details //! Static helper function to execute the segment of transition to history //! after entering the composite state and //! //! @param[in] hist pointer to the history substate //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @returns //! ::Q_RET_INIT, if an initial transition has been executed in the last //! entered state or ::Q_RET_NULL if no such transition was taken. QMState const *s = hist; QMState const *ts = m_state.obj; // transition source QMState const *epath[MAX_ENTRY_DEPTH_]; QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_TRAN_HIST, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(ts->stateHandler); // source state handler QS_FUN_PRE_(hist->stateHandler); // target state handler QS_END_PRE_() std::int_fast8_t i = 0; // entry path index while (s != ts) { if (s->entryAction != nullptr) { Q_ASSERT_ID(620, i < MAX_ENTRY_DEPTH_); epath[i] = s; ++i; } s = s->superstate; if (s == nullptr) { ts = s; // force exit from the for-loop } } // retrace the entry path in reverse (desired) order... while (i > 0) { --i; // run entry action in epath[i] (*epath[i]->entryAction)(this); QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_ENTRY, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); QS_FUN_PRE_(epath[i]->stateHandler); // entered state handler QS_END_PRE_() } m_state.obj = hist; // set current state to the transition target // initial tran. present? QState r; if (hist->initAction != nullptr) { r = (*hist->initAction)(this); // execute the transition action } else { r = Q_RET_NULL; } Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined return r; //! Maximum number of active objects (configurable value in qf_port.hpp) //! Valid values: [1U..64U]; default 32U 32U //! Maximum number of clock rates (configurable value in qf_port.hpp) //! Valid values: [0U..15U]; default 1U 1U //! Maximum number of event pools (configurable value in qf_port.hpp) //! Valid values: [1U..15U]; default 3U 3U //! Size of the QTimeEvt counter (configurable value in qf_port.hpp) //! Valid values: 1U, 2U, or 4U; default 4U 4U //! Size of the event-size (configurable value in qf_port.hpp) //! Valid values: 1U, 2U, or 4U; default 2U 2U //! Special value of margin that causes asserting failure in case //! event allocation or event posting fails (static_cast<std::uint16_t>(0xFFFFU)) //! Create a QP::QPrioSpec object to specify priorty of an AO or a thread (static_cast<QP::QPrioSpec>((prio_) | (pthre_) << 8U)) //! Allocate a dynamic event (case when QP::QEvt is a POD) //! //! @details //! The macro calls the internal QF function QF::newX_() with //! margin == ::QF_NO_MARGIN, which causes an assertion when the event //! cannot be successfully allocated. //! //! @param[in] evtT_ event type (class name) of the event to allocate //! @param[in] sig_ signal to assign to the newly allocated event //! //! @returns a valid event pointer cast to the type `evtT_`. //! //! @note //! If #Q_EVT_CTOR is defined, the Q_NEW() macro becomes variadic and //! takes all the arguments needed by the constructor of the event //! class being allocated. The constructor is then called by means //! of the placement-new operator. //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates dynamic allocation of an event: //! @include qf_post.cpp (static_cast<evtT_ *>( \ QP::QF::newX_(sizeof(evtT_), QF_NO_MARGIN, (sig_)))) //! Allocate a dynamic event (case when QP::QEvt is not a POD) \ (new(QP::QF::newX_(sizeof(evtT_), QF_NO_MARGIN, 0)) \ evtT_((sig_), ##__VA_ARGS__)) //! Non-asserting allocate a dynamic event (case when QP::QEvt is a POD). //! //! @details //! This macro allocates a new event and sets the pointer `e_`, while //! leaving at least `margin_` of events still available in the pool //! //! @param[out] e_ pointer to the newly allocated event //! @param[in] evtT_ event type (class name) of the event to allocate //! @param[in] margin_ number of events that must remain available //! in the given pool after this allocation. The //! special value ::QF_NO_MARGIN causes asserting //! failure in case event allocation fails. //! @param[in] sig_ signal to assign to the newly allocated event //! //! @returns an event pointer cast to the type `evtT_` or NULL if the //! event cannot be allocated with the specified `margin`. //! //! @note //! If #Q_EVT_CTOR is defined, the Q_NEW_X() macro becomes variadic and //! takes all the arguments needed by the constructor of the event //! class being allocated. The constructor is then called by means //! of the placement-new operator. //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates dynamic allocation of an event: //! @include qf_postx.cpp \ ((e_) = static_cast<evtT_ *>(QP::QF::newX_( \ sizeof(evtT_), (margin_), (sig_)))) //! Non-asserting allocate a dynamic event //! (case when QP::QEvt is not a POD) \ (e_) = static_cast<evtT_ *>( \ QP::QF::newX_(sizeof(evtT_), (margin_), 0)); \ if ((e_) != nullptr) { \ new((e_)) evtT_((sig_), ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } while (false) //! Create a new reference of the current event `e` //! //! @details //! The current event processed by an active object is available only for //! the duration of the run-to-completion (RTC) step. After that step, the //! current event is no longer available and the framework might recycle //! (garbage-collect) the event. The macro Q_NEW_REF() explicitly creates //! a new reference to the current event that can be stored and used beyond //! the current RTC step, until the reference is explicitly recycled by //! means of the macro Q_DELETE_REF(). //! //! @param[in,out] evtRef_ event reference to create //! @param[in] evtT_ event type (class name) of the event reference //! //! @usage //! The example **defer** in the directory `examples/win32/defer` illustrates //! the use of Q_NEW_REF() //! //! @sa Q_DELETE_REF() \ ((evtRef_) = static_cast<evtT_ const *>(QP::QF::newRef_(e, (evtRef_)))) //! Delete the event reference //! //! @details //! Every event reference created with the macro Q_NEW_REF() needs to be //! eventually deleted by means of the macro Q_DELETE_REF() to avoid leaking //! the event. //! //! @param[in,out] evtRef_ event reference to delete //! //! @usage //! The example **defer** in the directory `examples/win32/defer` illustrates //! the use of Q_DELETE_REF() //! //! @sa Q_NEW_REF() do { \ QP::QF::deleteRef_((evtRef_)); \ (evtRef_) = 0U; \ } while (false) //! Invoke the event publishing facility QActive::publish_(). //! //! @details //! This macro is the recommended way of publishing events, because it //! provides the vital information for software tracing and avoids any //! overhead when the tracing is disabled. //! //! @param[in] e_ pointer to the posted event //! @param[in] e_ pointer to the posted event //! @param[in] sender_ pointer to the sender object (actually used //! only when #Q_SPY is defined) //! //! @note //! The pointer to the `sender_` object is not necessarily a pointer //! to an active object. In fact, if QACTIVE_PUBLISH() is called from an //! interrupt or other context, you can create a unique object just to //! unambiguously identify the sender of the event. //! //! @sa QActive::publish_() \ publish_((e_), (sender_), (sender_)->getPrio()) publish_((e_), nullptr, 0U) //! Invoke the direct event posting facility QActive::post_() //! //! @details //! This macro asserts if the queue overflows and cannot accept the event. //! //! @param[in] e_ pointer to the event to post //! @param[in] sender_ pointer to the sender object. //! //! @note //! The `sendedr_` parameter is actually only used when QS tracing //! is enabled (macro #Q_SPY is defined). When QS software tracing is //! disenabled, the POST() macro does not pass the `sender_` parameter, //1 so the overhead of passing this extra parameter is entirely avoided. //! //! @note //! the pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a pointer to an //! active object. In fact, if POST() is called from an interrupt or //! other context, you can create a unique object just to unambiguously //! identify the sender of the event. //! //! @sa QActive::post_() post_((e_), QF_NO_MARGIN, (sender_)) post_((e_), QF_NO_MARGIN, nullptr) //! Invoke the direct event posting facility QActive::post_() //! without delivery guarantee //! //! @details //! This macro does not assert if the queue overflows and cannot accept //! the event with the specified margin of free slots remaining. //! //! @param[in] e_ pointer to the event to post //! @param[in] margin_ the minimum free slots in the queue, which //! must still be available after posting the event. //! The special value ::QF_NO_MARGIN causes //! asserting failure in case event posting fails. //! @param[in] sender_ pointer to the sender object. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if the posting succeeded, and 'false' if the posting //! failed due to insufficient margin of free entries available in //! the queue. //! //! @note //! The `sender_` parameter is actually only used when QS tracing //! is enabled (macro #Q_SPY is defined). When QS software tracing is //! disabled, the POST_X() macro does not pass the `sender_` parameter, //! so the overhead of passing this extra parameter is entirely avoided. //! //! @note //! The pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a pointer //! to an active object. In fact, if POST_X() is called from an //! interrupt or other context, you can create a unique object just to //! unambiguously identify the sender of the event. //! //! @usage //! @include qf_postx.cpp \ post_((e_), (margin_), (sender_)) post_((e_), (margin_), nullptr) //! Invoke the system clock tick processing QTimeEvt::tick_() //! //! @details //! This macro is the recommended way of invoking clock tick processing, //! because it provides the vital information for software tracing and //! avoids any overhead when the tracing is disabled. //! //! @param[in] tickRate_ clock tick rate to be serviced through this call //! @param[in] sender_ pointer to the sender object. This parameter //! is actually only used when QS software tracing is enabled //! (macro #Q_SPY is defined) //! @note //! When QS software tracing is disabled, the macro calls //! QTimeEvt::tick_() without the `sender` parameter, so the overhead //! of passing this extra parameter is entirely avoided. //! //! @note //! The pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a pointer //! to an active object. In fact, when TICK_X() is called from //! an interrupt, you would create a unique object just to unambiguously //! identify the ISR as the sender of the time events. //! //! @sa QTimeEvt::tick_() tick_((tickRate_), (sender_)) tick_((tickRate_), nullptr) //! Invoke the system clock tick processing for rate 0 //! @sa TICK_X() TICK_X(0U, (sender_)) //! No-operation for exiting a critical section //! //! @details //! In some QF ports the critical section exit takes effect only on the //! next machine instruction. If this next instruction is another entry //! to a critical section, the critical section won't be really exited, //! but rather the two adjecent critical sections would be merged. //! The QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP() macro contains minimal code required to //! prevent such merging of critical sections in such merging of //! critical sections in QF ports, in which it can occur. (static_cast<void>(0)) //! bitmask for the internal representation of QPSet elements = std::uint16_t; = std::uint32_t; = std::uint8_t; //! Data type to store the block-size defined based on the macro //! #QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE. //! //! @details //! The dynamic range of this data type determines the maximum block //! size that can be managed by the pool. = std::uint16_t; = std::uint8_t; = std::uint32_t; //! Priority specification for Active Objects in QP //! //! @details //! Active Object priorities in QP are integer numbers in the range //! [1..#QF_MAX_ACTIVE], whereas the special priority number 0 is reserved //! for the lowest-priority idle thread. The QP framework uses the *direct* //! priority numbering, in which higher numerical values denote higher //! urgency. For example, an AO with priority 32 has higher urgency than //! an AO with priority 23. //! //! QP::QPrioSpec allows an application developer to assign **two** //! priorities to a given AO (see also Q_PRIO()): //! //! 1. The "QF-priority", which resides in the least-significant byte //! of the QP::QPrioSpec data type. The "QF-priority" must be **unique** //! for each thread in the system and higher numerical values represent //! higher urgency (direct pirority numbering). //! //! 2. The second priority, which resides in the most-significant byte //! of the QP::QPrioSpec data type. The second priority is specific to the //! underlying real-time kernel or operating system with the semantics //! determined by that kernel. //! //! @note //! In the QP native preemptive kernels, like QK and QXK, the second component //! of the QP::QPrioSpec is used as the "preemption-threshold". It determines //! the conditions under which a given thread can be *preempted* by other //! threads. Specifically, a given thread can be preempted only by another //! thread with a *higher* "preemption-threshold". //! //! ![QF-priority and preemption-threshold relations](qp-prio.png) //! //! For backwards-compatibility, ::QPrioSpec data type might contain only the //! "QF-priority" component (and the "preemption-threshold" component left at //! zero). In that case, the "preemption-threshold" will be assumed to be the //! same as the "QF-priority". This corresponds exactly to the previous //! semantics of AO priority. //! //! @note //! When QP runs on top of 3rd-party kernels/RTOSes or general-purpose //! operating systems, sthe second priority can have different meaning, //! depending on the specific RTOS/GPOS used. // = std::uint_fast16_t; //! The scheduler lock status used in some real-time kernels = std::uint_fast16_t; //! Priority Set of up to #QF_MAX_ACTIVE elements //! //! @details //! The priority set represents the set of active objects that are ready to //! run and need to be considered by the scheduling algorithm. The set is //! capable of storing up to #QF_MAX_ACTIVE priority levels, which can be //! configured in the rage 1..64, inclusive. //! bitmask with a bit for each element //! bitmasks with a bit for each element noexcept //! Make the priority set empty #if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE <= 32U) m_bits = 0U; #else m_bits[0] = 0U; m_bits[1] = 0U; #endif const noexcept //! Return 'true' if the priority set is empty #if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE <= 32U) return (m_bits == 0U); #else return (m_bits[0] == 0U) ? (m_bits[1] == 0U) : false; #endif const noexcept //! Return 'true' if the priority set is NOT empty #if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE <= 32U) return (m_bits != 0U); #else return (m_bits[0] != 0U) ? true : (m_bits[1] != 0U); #endif const noexcept //! Return 'true' if the priority set has the element n. #if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE <= 32U) return (m_bits & (1U << (n - 1U))) != 0U; #else return (n <= 32U) ? ((m_bits[0] & (static_cast<std::uint32_t>(1) << (n - 1U))) != 0U) : ((m_bits[1] & (static_cast<std::uint32_t>(1) << (n - 33U))) != 0U); #endif noexcept //! insert element `n` into the set (n = 1..QF_MAX_ACTIVE) #if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE <= 32U) m_bits = (m_bits | (1U << (n - 1U))); #else if (n <= 32U) { m_bits[0] = (m_bits[0] | (static_cast<std::uint32_t>(1) << (n - 1U))); } else { m_bits[1] = (m_bits[1] | (static_cast<std::uint32_t>(1) << (n - 33U))); } #endif noexcept //! Remove element `n` from the set (n = 1U..64U) #if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE <= 32U) m_bits = (m_bits & static_cast<QPSetBits>( ~(static_cast<QPSetBits>(1) << (n - 1U)))); #else if (n <= 32U) { (m_bits[0] = (m_bits[0] & ~(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(1) << (n - 1U)))); } else { (m_bits[1] = (m_bits[1] & ~(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(1) << (n - 33U)))); } #endif const noexcept //! Find the maximum element in the set, returns zero if the set is empty #if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE <= 32U) return QF_LOG2(m_bits); #else return (m_bits[1] != 0U) ? (QF_LOG2(m_bits[1]) + 32U) : (QF_LOG2(m_bits[0])); #endif const noexcept //! Log-base-2 calculation when hardware acceleration //! is NOT provided (#QF_LOG2 not defined). static std::uint8_t const log2LUT[16] = { 0U, 1U, 2U, 2U, 3U, 3U, 3U, 3U, 4U, 4U, 4U, 4U, 4U, 4U, 4U, 4U }; std::uint_fast8_t n = 0U; QP::QPSetBits t; #if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE > 16U) t = static_cast<QP::QPSetBits>(x >> 16U); if (t != 0U) { n += 16U; x = t; } #endif #if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE > 8U) t = (x >> 8U); if (t != 0U) { n += 8U; x = t; } #endif t = (x >> 4U); if (t != 0U) { n += 4U; x = t; } return n + log2LUT[x]; //! Subscriber List (for publish-subscribe) //! //! @details //! This data type represents a set of Active Objects that subscribe to //! a given signal. The set is represented as priority-set, where each bit //! corresponds to the unique QF-priority of an AO (see QP::QPrioSpec). = QPSet; //! QP::QActive active object class (based on the QP::QHsm-style //! implementation strategy) //! //! @details //! Active objects are encapsulated tasks (each containing an event queue and //! a state machine) that communicate with one another asynchronously by //! sending and receiving events. Within an active object, events are //! processed in a run-to-completion (RTC) fashion, while QF encapsulates //! all the details of thread-safe event exchange and queuing.<br> //! //! QP::QActive represents an active object that uses the QP::QHsm-style //! implementation strategy for state machines. This strategy is tailored //! to manual coding, but it is also supported by the QM modeling tool. //! The resulting code is slower than in the QP::QMsm-style implementation //! strategy. //! //! @note //! QP::QActive is not intended to be instantiated directly, but rather serves //! as the abstract base class for derivation of active objects in the //! applications. //! //! @sa QP::QMActive //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates how to derive an active object from //! QP::QActive. //! @include qf_qactive.cpp //! OS-dependent event-queue type //! //! @details //! The type of the queue depends on the underlying operating system or //! a kernel. Many kernels support "message queues" that can be adapted //! to deliver QF events to the active object. Alternatively, QF provides //! a native event queue implementation that can be used as well. //! //! @note //! The native QF event queue is configured by defining the macro //! #QF_EQUEUE_TYPE as QP::QEQueue. //! OS-dependent per-thread object //! //! @details //! This data might be used in various ways, depending on the QF port. //! In some ports m_osObject is used to block the calling thread when //! the native QF queue is empty. In other QF ports the OS-dependent //! object might be used differently. //! OS-dependent representation of the thread of the active object //! //! @details //! This data might be used in various ways, depending on the QF port. //! In some ports m_thread is used store the thread handle. In other ports //! m_thread can be a pointer to the Thread-Local-Storage (TLS). //! QF-priority [1..#QF_MAX_ACTIVE] of this AO. //! @sa QP::QPrioSpec //! preemption-threshold [1..#QF_MAX_ACTIVE] of this AO. //! @sa QP::QPrioSpec //! Internal array of registered active objects //! pointer to the array of all subscriber AOs for a given event signal //! The maximum published signal (the size of the subscrList_ array) noexcept //! protected constructor (abstract class) : QHsm(initial), m_prio(0U), m_pthre(0U) #ifdef QF_EQUEUE_TYPE QF::bzero(&m_eQueue, sizeof(m_eQueue)); #endif #ifdef QF_OS_OBJECT_TYPE QF::bzero(&m_osObject, sizeof(m_osObject)); #endif #ifdef QF_THREAD_TYPE QF::bzero(&m_thread, sizeof(m_thread)); #endif //! Starts execution of an active object and registers the object //! with the framework //! //! @details //! Starts execution of the AO and registers the AO with the framework. //! //! @param[in] prioSpec priority specification of the AO containing the //! QF-priority and (optionally) preemption-threshold of this AO //! (for preemptive kernels that support it). See also QP::QPrioSpec. //! @param[in] qSto pointer to the storage for the ring buffer of the //! event queue //! @param[in] qLen length of the event queue [# QP::QEvt* pointers] //! @param[in] stkSto pointer to the stack storage (might be nullptr) //! @param[in] stkSize stack size [bytes] //! @param[in] par pointer to an extra parameter (might be nullptr) //! //! @usage //! The following example shows starting an AO when a per-task stack //! is needed: //! @include qf_start.cpp //! Overloaded start function (no initialization parameter) this->start(prioSpec, qSto, qLen, stkSto, stkSize, nullptr); //! Stops execution of an active object and removes it from the //! framework's supervision //! //! @attention //! QActive::stop() must be called only from the AO that is about //! to stop its execution. By that time, any pointers or references //! to the AO are considered invalid (dangling) and it becomes //! illegal for the rest of the application to post events to the AO. noexcept //! Posts an event `e` directly to the event queue of the active object //! using the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) policy. //! //! @details //! Direct event posting is the simplest asynchronous communication //! method available in QF. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to be posted //! @param[in] margin number of required free slots in the queue //! after posting the event or ::QF_NO_MARGIN. //! @param[in] sender pointer to a sender object (used in QS only) //! //! @returns //! 'true' (success) if the posting succeeded (with the provided margin) //! and 'false' (failure) when the posting fails. //! //! @attention //! For `margin` == ::QF_NO_MARGIN, this function will assert internally //! if the event posting fails. In that case, it is unnecessary to check //! the retrun value from this function. //! //! @note //! This function might be implemented differentyl in various QP/C++ //! ports. The provided implementation assumes that the QP::QEQueue //! class is used for the QP::QActive event queue. //! //! @usage //! @include qf_post.cpp //! //! @sa //! QActive::postLIFO() Q_UNUSED_PAR(sender); // when Q_SPY not defined //! @pre event pointer must be valid Q_REQUIRE_ID(100, e != nullptr); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QEQueueCtr nFree = m_eQueue.m_nFree; // get volatile into the temporary // test-probe#1 for faking queue overflow QS_TEST_PROBE_DEF(&QActive::post_) QS_TEST_PROBE_ID(1, nFree = 0U; ) bool status; if (margin == QF_NO_MARGIN) { if (nFree > 0U) { status = true; // can post } else { status = false; // cannot post Q_ERROR_CRIT_(110); // must be able to post the event } } else if (nFree > static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(margin)) { status = true; // can post } else { status = false; // cannot post, but don't assert } // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); // increment the reference counter } if (status) { // can post the event? --nFree; // one free entry just used up m_eQueue.m_nFree = nFree; // update the volatile if (m_eQueue.m_nMin > nFree) { m_eQueue.m_nMin = nFree; // update minimum so far } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(sender); // the sender object QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool-Id & ref-ctr QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(m_eQueue.m_nMin); // min number of free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() #ifdef Q_UTEST // callback to examine the posted event under the same conditions // as producing the #QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST trace record, which are: // the local filter for this AO ('me->prio') is set // if (QS_LOC_CHECK_(m_prio)) { QS::onTestPost(sender, this, e, status); } #endif // empty queue? if (m_eQueue.m_frontEvt == nullptr) { m_eQueue.m_frontEvt = e; // deliver event directly QACTIVE_EQUEUE_SIGNAL_(this); // signal the event queue } // queue is not empty, insert event into the ring-buffer else { // insert event pointer e into the buffer (FIFO) m_eQueue.m_ring[m_eQueue.m_head] = e; // need to wrap head? if (m_eQueue.m_head == 0U) { m_eQueue.m_head = m_eQueue.m_end; // wrap around } // advance the head (counter clockwise) m_eQueue.m_head = (m_eQueue.m_head - 1U); } QF_CRIT_X_(); } else { // cannot post the event QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST_ATTEMPT, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(sender); // the sender object QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool-Id & ref-ctr QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(margin); // margin requested QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() #ifdef Q_UTEST // callback to examine the posted event under the same conditions // as producing the #QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST trace record, which are: // the local filter for this AO ('me->prio') is set // if (QS_LOC_CHECK_(m_prio)) { QS::onTestPost(sender, this, e, status); } #endif QF_CRIT_X_(); QF::gc(e); // recycle the event to avoid a leak } return status; noexcept //! Posts an event `e` directly to the event queue of the active object //! using the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) policy. //! //! @details //! The LIFO policy should be used only for self-posting and with caution, //! because it alters order of events in the queue. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to be posted //! //! @attention //! This function asserts internally if the posting fails. //! //! @note //! This function might be implemented differentyl in various QP/C++ //! ports. The provided implementation assumes that the QP::QEQueue //! class is used for the QActive event queue. //! //! @sa //! QActive::post() QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QEQueueCtr nFree = m_eQueue.m_nFree;// tmp to avoid UB for volatile access QS_TEST_PROBE_DEF(&QActive::postLIFO) QS_TEST_PROBE_ID(1, nFree = 0U; ) // the queue must be able to accept the event (cannot overflow) Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(210, nFree != 0U); // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); // increment the reference counter } --nFree; // one free entry just used up m_eQueue.m_nFree = nFree; // update the volatile if (m_eQueue.m_nMin > nFree) { m_eQueue.m_nMin = nFree; // update minimum so far } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST_LIFO, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool-Id & ref-ctr QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(m_eQueue.m_nMin); // min number of free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() #ifdef Q_UTEST // callback to examine the posted event under the same conditions // as producing the #QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST trace record, which are: // the local filter for this AO ('me->prio') is set // if (QS_LOC_CHECK_(m_prio)) { QS::onTestPost(nullptr, this, e, true); } #endif // read volatile into temporary QEvt const * const frontEvt = m_eQueue.m_frontEvt; m_eQueue.m_frontEvt = e; // deliver the event directly to the front // was the queue empty? if (frontEvt == nullptr) { QACTIVE_EQUEUE_SIGNAL_(this); // signal the event queue } // queue was not empty, leave the event in the ring-buffer else { m_eQueue.m_tail = (m_eQueue.m_tail + 1U); if (m_eQueue.m_tail == m_eQueue.m_end) { // need to wrap the tail? m_eQueue.m_tail = 0U; // wrap around } m_eQueue.m_ring[m_eQueue.m_tail] = frontEvt; } QF_CRIT_X_(); noexcept //! Get an event from the event queue of an active object //! //! @details //! The behavior of this function depends on the kernel used in the //! QF port. For built-in kernels (Vanilla or QK) the function can be //! called only when the queue is not empty, so it doesn't block. For //! a blocking kernel/OS the function can block and wait for delivery //! of an event. //! //! @returns //! A pointer to the received event. The returned pointer is guaranteed //! to be valid (can't be nullptr). //! //! @note //! This function might be implemented differentyl in various QP/C++ //! ports. The provided implementation assumes that the QP::QEQueue //! class is used for the QActive event queue. QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QACTIVE_EQUEUE_WAIT_(this); // wait for event to arrive directly // always remove evt from the front QEvt const * const e = m_eQueue.m_frontEvt; QEQueueCtr const nFree = m_eQueue.m_nFree + 1U; m_eQueue.m_nFree = nFree; // upate the number of free // any events in the ring buffer? if (nFree <= m_eQueue.m_end) { // remove event from the tail m_eQueue.m_frontEvt = m_eQueue.m_ring[m_eQueue.m_tail]; if (m_eQueue.m_tail == 0U) { // need to wrap? m_eQueue.m_tail = m_eQueue.m_end; // wrap around } m_eQueue.m_tail = (m_eQueue.m_tail - 1U); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_GET, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool-Id & ref-ctr QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { // the queue becomes empty m_eQueue.m_frontEvt = nullptr; // all entries in the queue must be free (+1 for fronEvt) Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(310, nFree == (m_eQueue.m_end + 1U)); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_GET_LAST, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool-Id & ref-ctr QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } QF_CRIT_X_(); return e; const noexcept //! Subscribes for delivery of signal `sig` to the active object //! //! @details //! This function is part of the Publish-Subscribe event delivery //! mechanism available in QF. Subscribing to an event means that the //! framework will start posting all published events with a given signal //! `sig` to the event queue of the active object. //! //! @param[in] sig event signal to subscribe //! //! The following example shows how the Table active object subscribes //! to three signals in the initial transition: //! @include qf_subscribe.cpp //! //! @sa //! QActive::publish_(), QActive::unsubscribe(), and //! QActive::unsubscribeAll() std::uint_fast8_t const p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio); Q_REQUIRE_ID(300, (Q_USER_SIG <= sig) && (sig < maxPubSignal_) && (0U < p) && (p <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE) && (registry_[p] == this)); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIBE, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() subscrList_[sig].insert(p); // insert into subscriber-list QF_CRIT_X_(); const noexcept //! Unsubscribes from the delivery of signal `sig` to the active object //! //! @details //! This function is part of the Publish-Subscribe event delivery //! mechanism available in QF. Un-subscribing from an event means that //! the framework will stop posting published events with a given signal //! `sig` to the event queue of the active object. //! //! @param[in] sig event signal to unsubscribe //! //! @note //! Due to the latency of event queues, an active object should NOT //! assume that a given signal `sig` will never be dispatched to the //! state machine of the active object after un-subscribing from that //! signal. The event might be already in the queue, or just about to //! be posted and the un-subscribe operation will not flush such events. //! //! @note //! Un-subscribing from a signal that has never been subscribed in the //! first place is considered an error and QF will raise an assertion. //! //! @sa //! QActive::publish_(), QActive::subscribe(), and //! QActive::unsubscribeAll() std::uint_fast8_t const p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio); //! @pre the signal and the priority must be in range, the AO must also // be registered with the framework Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, (Q_USER_SIG <= sig) && (sig < maxPubSignal_) && (0U < p) && (p <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE) && (registry_[p] == this)); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_UNSUBSCRIBE, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() subscrList_[sig].remove(p); // remove from subscriber-list QF_CRIT_X_(); const noexcept //! Unsubscribes from the delivery of all signals to the active object //! //! @details //! This function is part of the Publish-Subscribe event delivery //! mechanism available in QF. Un-subscribing from all events means that //! the framework will stop posting any published events to the event //! queue of the active object. //! //! @note //! Due to the latency of event queues, an active object should NOT //! assume that no events will ever be dispatched to the state machine of //! the active object after un-subscribing from all events. //! The events might be already in the queue, or just about to be posted //! and the un-subscribe operation will not flush such events. Also, the //! alternative event-delivery mechanisms, such as direct event posting or //! time events, can be still delivered to the event queue of the active //! object. //! //! @sa //! QActive::publish_(), QActive::subscribe(), and QActive::unsubscribe() std::uint_fast8_t const p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio); Q_REQUIRE_ID(500, (0U < p) && (p <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE) && (registry_[p] == this)); for (enum_t sig = Q_USER_SIG; sig < maxPubSignal_; ++sig) { QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); if (subscrList_[sig].hasElement(p)) { subscrList_[sig].remove(p); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_UNSUBSCRIBE, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } QF_CRIT_X_(); // prevent merging critical sections QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP(); } const noexcept //! Defer an event to a given separate event queue //! //! @details //! This function is part of the event deferral support. An active object //! uses this function to defer an event `e` to the QF-supported native //! event queue `eq`. QF correctly accounts for another outstanding //! reference to the event and will not recycle the event at the end of //! the RTC step. Later, the active object might recall one event at a //! time from the event queue. //! //! @param[in] eq pointer to a "raw" thread-safe queue to recall //! an event from. //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to be deferred //! //! @returns //! 'true' (success) when the event could be deferred and 'false' //! (failure) if event deferral failed due to overflowing the queue. //! //! An active object can use multiple event queues to defer events of //! different kinds. //! //! @sa //! QActive::recall(), QP::QEQueue, QActive::flushDeferred() bool const status = eq->post(e, 0U, m_prio); QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_DEFER, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_OBJ_PRE_(eq); // the deferred queue QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool Id & ref Count QS_END_PRE_() return status; noexcept //! Recall a deferred event from a given event queue //! //! @details //! This function is part of the event deferral support. An active object //! uses this function to recall a deferred event from a given QF //! event queue. Recalling an event means that it is removed from the //! deferred event queue `eq` and posted (LIFO) to the event queue of //! the active object. //! //! @param[in] eq pointer to a "raw" thread-safe queue to recall //! an event from. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if an event has been recalled and 'false' if not. //! //! @note //! An active object can use multiple event queues to defer events of //! different kinds. //! //! @sa //! QActive::recall(), QActive::postLIFO_(), QP::QEQueue QEvt const * const e = eq->get(m_prio); // get evt from deferred queue bool recalled; // event available? if (e != nullptr) { QActive::postLIFO(e); // post it to the _front_ of the AO's queue QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { // after posting to the AO's queue the event must be referenced // at least twice: once in the deferred event queue (eq->get() // did NOT decrement the reference counter) and once in the // AO's event queue. Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(210, e->refCtr_ >= 2U); // we need to decrement the reference counter once, to account // for removing the event from the deferred event queue. QF_EVT_REF_CTR_DEC_(e); // decrement the reference counter } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_RECALL, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_OBJ_PRE_(eq); // the deferred queue QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool Id & ref Count QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); recalled = true; } else { QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_RECALL_ATTEMPT, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_OBJ_PRE_(eq); // the deferred queue QS_END_PRE_() recalled = false; } return recalled; const noexcept //! Flush the specified deferred queue 'eq' //! //! @details //! This function is part of the event deferral support. An active object //! can use this function to flush a given QF event queue. The function //! makes sure that the events are not leaked. //! //! @param[in] eq pointer to a "raw" thread-safe queue to flush. //! //! @returns //! the number of events actually flushed from the queue. //! //! @sa //! QActive::defer(), QActive::recall(), QP::QEQueue std::uint_fast16_t n = 0U; for (QEvt const *e = eq->get(m_prio); e != nullptr; e = eq->get(m_prio)) { QF::gc(e); // garbage collect ++n; // count the flushed event } return n; const noexcept //! Get the priority of the active object. return m_prio; noexcept //! Set the priority of the active object. m_prio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prio & 0xFFU); m_pthre = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prio >> 8U); //! Generic setting of additional attributes (useful in QP ports) noexcept //! accessor to the OS-object for extern "C" functions, such as //! the QK or QXK schedulers return m_osObject; noexcept //! accessor to the Thread for extern "C" functions, such as //! the QK or QXK schedulers return m_thread; noexcept //! Publish-subscribe initialization //! //! @details //! This function initializes the publish-subscribe facilities of QF and must //! be called exactly once before any subscriptions/publications occur in //! the application. //! //! @param[in] subscrSto pointer to the array of subscriber lists //! @param[in] maxSignal the dimension of the subscriber array and at //! the same time the maximum signal that can be //! published or subscribed. //! //! The array of subscriber-lists is indexed by signals and provides a mapping //! between the signals and subscriber-lists. The subscriber-lists are //! bitmasks of type QP::QSubscrList, each bit in the bit mask corresponding //! to the unique priority of an active object. The size of the //! QP::QSubscrList bitmask depends on the value of the #QF_MAX_ACTIVE macro. //! //! @note //! The publish-subscribe facilities are optional, meaning that you might //! choose not to use publish-subscribe. In that case calling QF::psInit() //! and using up memory for the subscriber-lists is unnecessary. //! //! @sa //! QP::QSubscrList //! //! @usage //! The following example shows the typical initialization sequence of QF: //! @include qf_main.cpp subscrList_ = subscrSto; maxPubSignal_ = maxSignal; QF::bzero(subscrSto, static_cast<unsigned>(maxSignal) * sizeof(QSubscrList)); noexcept //! Publish event to all subscribers of a given signal `e->sig` //! //! @details //! This function posts (using the FIFO policy) the event @a e to **all** //! active objects that have subscribed to the signal @a e->sig, which is //! called _multicasting_. The multicasting performed in this function is //! very efficient based on reference-counting inside the published event //! ("zero-copy" event multicasting). This function is designed to be //! callable from any part of the system, including ISRs, device drivers, //! and active objects. //! //! @note //! To avoid any unexpected re-ordering of events posted into AO queues, //! the event multicasting is performed with scheduler **locked**. //! However, the scheduler is locked only up to the priority level of //! the highest-priority subscriber, so any AOs of even higher priority, //! which did not subscribe to this event are *not* affected. Q_UNUSED_PAR(sender); // when Q_SPY not defined Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined //! @pre the published signal must be within the configured range Q_REQUIRE_ID(100, static_cast<enum_t>(e->sig) < maxPubSignal_); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_PUBLISH, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // the timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(sender); // the sender object QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool Id & refCtr of the evt QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { // NOTE: The reference counter of a dynamic event is incremented to // prevent premature recycling of the event while the multicasting // is still in progress. At the end of the function, the garbage // collector step (QF::gc()) decrements the reference counter and // recycles the event if the counter drops to zero. This covers the // case when the event was published without any subscribers. // QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); } // make a local, modifiable copy of the subscriber list QPSet subscrList = subscrList_[e->sig]; QF_CRIT_X_(); if (subscrList.notEmpty()) { // any subscribers? // the highest-prio subscriber std::uint_fast8_t p = subscrList.findMax(); QActive *a = registry_[p]; QF_SCHED_STAT_ QF_SCHED_LOCK_(a->m_pthre); // lock the scheduler up to threshold do { // loop over all subscribers // the prio of the AO must be registered with the framework Q_ASSERT_ID(210, a != nullptr); // POST() asserts internally if the queue overflows a->POST(e, sender); subscrList.remove(p); // remove the handled subscriber if (subscrList.notEmpty()) { // still more subscribers? p = subscrList.findMax(); // the highest-prio subscriber a = registry_[p]; } else { p = 0U; // no more subscribers } } while (p != 0U); QF_SCHED_UNLOCK_(); // unlock the scheduler } // The following garbage collection step decrements the reference counter // and recycles the event if the counter drops to zero. This covers both // cases when the event was published with or without any subscribers. // QF::gc(e); //! Thread routine for executing an active object `act` noexcept //! Register this active object to be managed by the framework //! //! @details //! This function adds a given active object to the active objects //! managed by the QF framework. It should not be called by the //! application directly, only through the function QActive::start(). //! //! @note //! The priority of the active object a should be set before calling //! this function. //! //! @sa QActive::unregister_() std::uint_fast8_t const prio = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio); //! @pre the priority of the AO must be in range. Also, the priority //! must not be already in use. QF requires each active object to //! have a **unique** priority. Q_REQUIRE_ID(100, (0U < prio) && (prio <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE) && (registry_[prio] == nullptr)); #ifndef Q_NASSERT if (m_pthre == 0U) { // preemption-threshold not defined? m_pthre = m_prio; // apply the default } std::uint8_t prev_thre = m_pthre; std::uint8_t next_thre = m_pthre; std::uint_fast8_t p; for (p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(prio) - 1U; p > 0U; --p) { if (registry_[p] != nullptr) { prev_thre = registry_[p]->m_pthre; break; } } for (p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(prio) + 1U; p <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE; ++p) { if (registry_[p] != nullptr) { next_thre = registry_[p]->m_pthre; break; } } //! @post The preemption threshold of the AO (me->pthre) must be //! between the threshold of the previous AO and the next AO Q_ENSURE_ID(101, (prev_thre <= m_pthre) && (m_pthre <= next_thre)); #endif // Q_NASSERT QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); registry_[prio] = this; // registger the active object at this priority QF_CRIT_X_(); noexcept //! Un-register the active object from the framework. //! //! @details //! This function un-registers a given active object from the active objects //! managed by the QF framework. It should not be called by the QP ports. //! //! @param[in] a pointer to the active object to remove from the //! framework. //! //! @note //! The active object that is removed from the framework can no longer //! participate in any event exchange. //! //! @sa QActive::register_() std::uint_fast8_t const p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio); Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, (0U < p) && (p <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE) && (registry_[p] == this)); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); registry_[p] = nullptr; // free-up the priority level m_state.fun = nullptr; // invalidate the state QF_CRIT_X_(); noexcept //! the "FromISR" variant used in the QP port to "FreeRTOS" noexcept //! the "FromISR" variant used in the QP port to "FreeRTOS" //! QMActive active object (based on QP::QMsm implementation) //! //! @details //! QP::QMActive represents an active object that uses the QP::QMsm-style //! state machine implementation strategy. This strategy requires the use of //! the QM modeling tool to generate state machine code automatically, but //! the code is faster than in the QP::QHsm-style implementation strategy //! and needs less run-time support (smaller event-processor). //! //! @note //! QP::QMActive is not intended to be instantiated directly, but rather //! serves as the base class for derivation of active objects in the //! applications. //! //! @sa QP::QActive //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates how to derive an active object from //! QP::QMActive. //! @include qf_qmactive.cpp //! inherited from QP::QHsm, but disallowed in QP::QMActive ; //! inherited from QP::QHsm, but disallowed in QP::QMActive ; //! inherited from QP::QHsm, but disallowed in QP::QMActive ; noexcept //! protected constructor (abstract class) : QActive(initial) m_temp.fun = initial; override //! delegate to QP::QMsm::init() m_state.obj = &QMsm::msm_top_s; QF_QMACTIVE_TO_QMSM_CAST_(this)->QMsm::init(e, qs_id); override //! delegate to QP::QMsm::init() m_state.obj = &QMsm::msm_top_s; QF_QMACTIVE_TO_QMSM_CAST_(this)->QMsm::init(qs_id); override //! delegate to QMsm::dispatch() QF_QMACTIVE_TO_QMSM_CAST_(this)->QMsm::dispatch(e, qs_id); const noexcept //! Tests if a given state is part of the active state configuration return QF_QMACTIVE_TO_QMSM_CONST_CAST_(this)->QMsm::isInState(st); const noexcept //! Return the current active state object (read only) return m_state.obj; const noexcept //! Return the current active state object (read only) return QF_QMACTIVE_TO_QMSM_CONST_CAST_(this) ->QMsm::childStateObj(parent); noexcept override //! Get the current state handler of the QP::QMsm return QF_QMACTIVE_TO_QMSM_CAST_(this)->QMsm::getStateHandler(); //! Time Event class (inherits QP:QEvt) //! //! @details //! Time events are special QF events equipped with the notion of time //! passage. The basic usage model of the time events is as follows. An //! active object allocates one or more QTimeEvt objects (provides the //! storage for them). When the active object needs to arrange for a timeout, //! it arms one of its time events to fire either just once (one-shot) or //! periodically. Each time event times out independently from the others, //! so a QF application can make multiple parallel timeout requests (from the //! same or different active objects). When QF detects that the appropriate //! moment has arrived, it inserts the time event directly into the //! recipient's event queue. The recipient then processes the time event just //! like any other event. //! <br> //! //! Time events, as any other QF events derive from the QP::QEvt base //! class. Typically, you will use a time event as-is, but you can also //! further derive more specialized time events from it by adding some more //! data members and/or specialized functions that operate on the specialized //! time events. //! <br> //! Internally, the armed time events are organized into a bi-directional //! linked list. This linked list is scanned in every invocation of the //! QTimeEvt::tick_() function. Only armed (timing out) time events are in the //! list, so only armed time events consume CPU cycles. //! //! @note //! QF manages the time events in the macro TICK_X(), which must be called //! periodically, from the clock tick ISR or from the special QP::QTicker //! active object. //! //! @note //! Even though QP::QTimeEvt is a subclass of QP::QEvt, QP::QTimeEvt instances //! can NOT be allocated dynamically from event pools. In other words, it is //! illegal to allocate QP::QTimeEvt instances with the Q_NEW() or Q_NEW_X() //! macros. //! link to the next time event in the list //! the active object that receives the time events //! //! @details //! The m_act pointer is reused inside the QP implementation to hold //! the head of the list of newly armed time events. //! the internal down-counter of the time event //! //! @details //! The down-counter is decremented by 1 in every TICK_X() //! invocation. The time event fires (gets posted or published) when //! the down-counter reaches zero. //! the interval for the periodic time event (zero for the one-shot //! time event) //! //! @details //! The value of the interval is re-loaded to the internal //! down-counter when the time event expires, so that the time event //! keeps timing out periodically. //! heads of linked lists of time events, one for every clock tick rate //! The Time Event constructor : #ifndef Q_EVT_CTOR QEvt(), #else QEvt(static_cast<QSignal>(sgnl), 0U), #endif m_next(nullptr), m_act(act), m_ctr(0U), m_interval(0U) //! @pre The signal must be valid and the tick rate in range Q_REQUIRE_ID(300, (sgnl >= Q_USER_SIG) && (tickRate < QF_MAX_TICK_RATE)); #ifndef Q_EVT_CTOR sig = static_cast<QSignal>(sgnl); // set QEvt::sig of this time event #endif // Setting the POOL_ID event attribute to zero is correct only for // events not allocated from event pools, which must be the case // for Time Events. // poolId_ = 0U; // The refCtr_ attribute is not used in time events, so it is // reused to hold the tickRate as well as other information // refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(tickRate); noexcept //! Arm a time event (one shot or periodic) for event posting //! //! @details //! Arms a time event to fire in a specified number of clock ticks and //! with a specified interval. If the interval is zero, the time event //! is armed for one shot ('one-shot' time event). The time event gets //! directly posted (using the FIFO policy) into the event queue of the //! host active object. After posting, a one-shot time event gets //! automatically disarmed while a periodic time event (interval != 0) //! is automatically re-armed. //! //! A time event can be disarmed at any time by calling //! QP::QTimeEvt::disarm(). Also, a time event can be re-armed to fire //! in a different number of clock ticks by calling QP::QTimeEvt::rearm(). //! //! @param[in] nTicks number of clock ticks (at the associated rate) //! to rearm the time event with. //! @param[in] interval interval (in clock ticks) for periodic time event. //! //! @attention //! Arming an already armed time event is __not__ allowed and is //! considered a programming error. The QP/C++ framework will assert //! if it detects an attempt to arm an already armed time event. //! //! @usage //! The following example shows how to arm a one-shot time event from a //! state machine of an active object: //! @include qf_state.cpp std::uint8_t const tickRate = refCtr_ & TE_TICK_RATE; QTimeEvtCtr const ctr = m_ctr; // temporary to hold volatile //! @pre the host AO must be valid, time evnet must be disarmed, //! number of clock ticks cannot be zero, and the signal must be valid. Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, (m_act != nullptr) && (ctr == 0U) && (nTicks != 0U) && (tickRate < static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QF_MAX_TICK_RATE)) && (static_cast<enum_t>(sig) >= Q_USER_SIG)); #ifdef Q_NASSERT (void)ctr; // avoid compiler warning about unused variable #endif QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); m_ctr = nTicks; m_interval = interval; // is the time event unlinked? // NOTE: For the duration of a single clock tick of the specified tick // rate a time event can be disarmed and yet still linked into the list, // because un-linking is performed exclusively in the QF_tickX() function. // if (static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(refCtr_) & TE_IS_LINKED) == 0U) { // mark as linked refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(refCtr_ | TE_IS_LINKED); // The time event is initially inserted into the separate // "freshly armed" list based on timeEvtHead_[tickRate].act. // Only later, inside QTimeEvt::tick_(), the "freshly armed" // list is appended to the main list of armed time events based on // timeEvtHead_[tickRate].next. Again, this is to keep any // changes to the main list exclusively inside QTimeEvt::tick_(). m_next = timeEvtHead_[tickRate].toTimeEvt(); timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_act = this; } #ifdef Q_SPY std::uint_fast8_t const qs_id = static_cast<QActive *>(m_act)->m_prio; #endif QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TIMEEVT_ARM, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this time event object QS_OBJ_PRE_(m_act); // the active object QS_TEC_PRE_(nTicks); // the number of ticks QS_TEC_PRE_(interval); // the interval QS_U8_PRE_(tickRate); // tick rate QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); noexcept //! Disarm a time event //! //! @details //! Disarm the time event so it can be safely reused. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if the time event was truly disarmed, that is, it was running. //! The return of 'false' means that the time event was not truly //! disarmed because it was not running. The 'false' return is only //! possible for one-shot time events that have been automatically //! disarmed upon expiration. In that case the 'false' return means that //! the time event has already been posted or published and should be //! expected in the active object's state machine. //! //! @note //! there is no harm in disarming an already disarmed time event QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); #ifdef Q_SPY std::uint_fast8_t const qs_id = static_cast<QActive *>(m_act)->m_prio; #endif // is the time event actually armed? bool wasArmed; if (m_ctr != 0U) { wasArmed = true; refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(refCtr_ | TE_WAS_DISARMED); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TIMEEVT_DISARM, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this time event object QS_OBJ_PRE_(m_act); // the target AO QS_TEC_PRE_(m_ctr); // the number of ticks QS_TEC_PRE_(m_interval); // the interval QS_U8_PRE_(refCtr_& TE_TICK_RATE); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() m_ctr = 0U; // schedule removal from the list } else { // the time event was already disarmed automatically wasArmed = false; refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(refCtr_ & static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~TE_WAS_DISARMED)); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TIMEEVT_DISARM_ATTEMPT, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this time event object QS_OBJ_PRE_(m_act); // the target AO QS_U8_PRE_(refCtr_& TE_TICK_RATE); // tick rate QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } QF_CRIT_X_(); return wasArmed; noexcept //! Rearm a time event //! //! @details //! Rearms a time event with a new number of clock ticks. This function //! can be used to adjust the current period of a periodic time event //! or to prevent a one-shot time event from expiring (e.g., a watchdog //! time event). Rearming a periodic timer leaves the interval unchanged //! and is a convenient method to adjust the phasing of a periodic //! time event. //! //! @param[in] nTicks number of clock ticks (at the associated rate) //! to rearm the time event with. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if the time event was running as it was re-armed. The 'false' //! return means that the time event was not truly rearmed because it was //! not running. The 'false' return is only possible for one-shot time //! events that have been automatically disarmed upon expiration. In that //! case the 'false' return means that the time event has already been //! posted and should be expected in the active object's state machine. std::uint8_t const tickRate = refCtr_ & TE_TICK_RATE; //! @pre AO must be valid, tick rate must be in range, nTicks must not //! be zero, and the signal of this time event must be valid Q_REQUIRE_ID(600, (m_act != nullptr) && (tickRate < static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QF_MAX_TICK_RATE)) && (nTicks != 0U) && (static_cast<enum_t>(sig) >= Q_USER_SIG)); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); // is the time evt not running? bool wasArmed; if (m_ctr == 0U) { wasArmed = false; // is the time event unlinked? // NOTE: For a duration of a single clock tick of the specified // tick rate a time event can be disarmed and yet still linked into // the list, because unlinking is performed exclusively in the // QTimeEvt::tickX() function. if (static_cast<std::uint8_t>(refCtr_ & TE_IS_LINKED) == 0U) { // mark as linked refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(refCtr_ | TE_IS_LINKED); // The time event is initially inserted into the separate // "freshly armed" list based on timeEvtHead_[tickRate].act. // Only later, inside QTimeEvt::tick_(), the "freshly armed" // list is appended to the main list of armed time events based on // timeEvtHead_[tickRate].next. Again, this is to keep any // changes to the main list exclusively inside QTimeEvt::tick_(). m_next = timeEvtHead_[tickRate].toTimeEvt(); timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_act = this; } } else { // the time event is being disarmed wasArmed = true; } m_ctr = nTicks; // re-load the tick counter (shift the phasing) #ifdef Q_SPY std::uint_fast8_t const qs_id = static_cast<QActive *>(m_act)->m_prio; #endif QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TIMEEVT_REARM, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this time event object QS_OBJ_PRE_(m_act); // the target AO QS_TEC_PRE_(m_ctr); // the number of ticks QS_TEC_PRE_(m_interval); // the interval QS_2U8_PRE_(tickRate, (wasArmed ? 1U : 0U)); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); return wasArmed; noexcept //! Check the "was disarmed" status of a time event //! //! @details //! Useful for checking whether a one-shot time event was disarmed in the //! QTimeEvt_disarm() operation. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if the time event was truly disarmed in the last //! QTimeEvt::disarm() operation. The 'false' return means that the time //! event was not truly disarmed, because it was not running at that time. //! The 'false' return is only possible for one-shot time events that //! have been automatically disarmed upon expiration. In this case the //! 'false' return means that the time event has already been posted or //! published and should be expected in the active object's event queue. //! //! @note //! This function has a **side effect** of setting the "was disarmed" //! status, which means that the second and subsequent times this //! function is called the function will return 'true'. std::uint8_t const isDisarmed = refCtr_ & TE_WAS_DISARMED; // mark as disarmed refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(refCtr_ | TE_WAS_DISARMED); return isDisarmed != 0U; const noexcept //! Gets the active object associated with the time event return m_act; const noexcept //! Gets the current count of the time event return m_ctr; const noexcept //! Gets the interval of the time event return m_interval; noexcept //! Processes all armed time events at every clock tick //! //! @details //! This function must be called periodically from a time-tick ISR or from //! a task so that QF can manage the timeout events assigned to the given //! system clock tick rate. //! //! @param[in] tickRate system clock tick rate serviced [1..15]. //! @param[in] sender pointer to a sender object (used in QS only). //! //! @attention //! this function should be called only via the macros TICK_X() or TICK() //! //! @note //! the calls to QTimeEvt::tick_() with different `tickRate` parameter can //! preempt each other. For example, higher clock tick rates might be //! serviced from interrupts while others from tasks (active objects). Q_UNUSED_PAR(sender); // when Q_SPY not defined QTimeEvt *prev = &timeEvtHead_[tickRate]; QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TICK, 0U) prev->m_ctr = (prev->m_ctr + 1U); QS_TEC_PRE_(prev->m_ctr); // tick ctr QS_U8_PRE_(tickRate); // tick rate QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // scan the linked-list of time events at this rate... for (;;) { QTimeEvt *t = prev->m_next; // advance down the time evt. list // end of the list? if (t == nullptr) { // any new time events armed since the last run of tick_()? if (timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_act != nullptr) { // sanity check Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(110, prev != nullptr); prev->m_next = timeEvtHead_[tickRate].toTimeEvt(); timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_act = nullptr; t = prev->m_next; // switch to the new list } else { break; // all currently armed time evts. processed } } // time event scheduled for removal? if (t->m_ctr == 0U) { prev->m_next = t->m_next; // mark time event 't' as NOT linked t->refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(t->refCtr_ & static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~TE_IS_LINKED)); // do NOT advance the prev pointer QF_CRIT_X_(); // exit crit. section to reduce latency // prevent merging critical sections, see NOTE1 below QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP(); } else { t->m_ctr = (t->m_ctr - 1U); // is time evt about to expire? if (t->m_ctr == 0U) { QActive * const act = t->toActive(); // temp for volatile // periodic time evt? if (t->m_interval != 0U) { t->m_ctr = t->m_interval; // rearm the time event prev = t; // advance to this time event } // one-shot time event: automatically disarm else { prev->m_next = t->m_next; // mark time event 't' as NOT linked t->refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(t->refCtr_ & static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~TE_IS_LINKED)); // do NOT advance the prev pointer QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TIMEEVT_AUTO_DISARM, act->m_prio) QS_OBJ_PRE_(t); // this time event object QS_OBJ_PRE_(act); // the target AO QS_U8_PRE_(tickRate); // tick rate QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TIMEEVT_POST, act->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(t); // the time event object QS_SIG_PRE_(t->sig); // signal of this time event QS_OBJ_PRE_(act); // the target AO QS_U8_PRE_(tickRate); // tick rate QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); // exit crit. section before posting // asserts if queue overflows act->POST(t, sender); } else { prev = t; // advance to this time event QF_CRIT_X_(); // exit crit. section to reduce latency // prevent merging critical sections // In some QF ports the critical section exit takes effect only // on the next machine instruction. If this case, the next // instruction is another entry to a critical section, the // critical section won't be really exited, but rather the // two adjacent critical sections would be merged. The // QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP() macro contains minimal code required // to prevent such merging of critical sections in QF ports, // in which it can occur. QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP(); } } QF_CRIT_E_(); // re-enter crit. section to continue } QF_CRIT_X_(); //! Processes one clock tick for QUTest noexcept //! the "FromISR" variant used in the QP port to "FreeRTOS" noexcept //! Returns true if all time events are inactive and false //! any time event is active //! //! @details //! Find out if any time events are armed at the given clock tick rate. //! //! @param[in] tickRate system clock tick rate to find out about. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if no time events are armed at the given tick rate and //! 'false' otherwise. //! //! @note //! This function should be called in critical section. //! @pre the tick rate must be in range Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, tickRate < QF_MAX_TICK_RATE); bool inactive; if (timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_next != nullptr) { inactive = false; } else if (timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_act != nullptr) { inactive = false; } else { inactive = true; } return inactive; noexcept //! encapsulate the cast the m_act attribute to QActive* return static_cast<QActive *>(m_act); noexcept //! encapsulate the cast the `QTimeEvt.m_act` attribute return static_cast<QTimeEvt *>(m_act); //! private default constructor only for friends //! //! @note //! private default ctor for internal use only : #ifdef Q_EVT_CTOR QEvt(0U, 0U), #else QEvt(), #endif // Q_EVT_CTOR m_next(nullptr), m_act(nullptr), m_ctr(0U), m_interval(0U) #ifndef Q_EVT_CTOR sig = 0U; // Setting the POOL_ID event attribute to zero is correct only for // events not allocated from event pools, which must be the case // for Time Events. // poolId_ = 0U; // not from any event pool // The refCtr_ attribute is not used in time events, so it is // reused to hold the tickRate as well as other information // refCtr_ = 0U; // default rate 0 #endif // Q_EVT_CTOR = delete //! private copy constructor to disallow copying of QTimeEvts = delete //! disallow copying of QP::QTimeEvt //! Native QF Event Queue class //! //! @details //! This structure describes the native QF event queue, which can be used as //! the event queue for active objects, or as a simple "raw" event queue for //! thread-safe event passing among non-framework entities, such as ISRs, //! device drivers, or other third-party components.<br> //! //! The native QF event queue is configured by defining the macro //! #QF_EQUEUE_TYPE as QP::QEQueue in the specific QF port header file.<br> //! //! The QP::QEQueue class contains only data members for managing an event //! queue, but does not contain the storage for the queue buffer, which must //! be provided externally during the queue initialization.<br> //! //! The event queue can store only event pointers, not the whole events. The //! internal implementation uses the standard ring-buffer plus one external //! location that optimizes the queue operation for the most frequent case //! of empty queue.<br> //! //! The QP::QEQueue class is used with two sets of functions. One set is for //! the active object event queue, which needs to block the active object //! task when the event queue is empty and unblock it when events are posted //! to the queue. The interface for the native active object event queue //! consists of the following functions: QActive::post(), QActive::postLIFO(), //! and QActive::get_(). Additionally the function QEQueue::init() is used //! to initialize the queue.<br> //! //! The other set of functions, uses this class as a simple "raw" event //! queue to pass events between entities other than active objects, such as //! ISRs. The "raw" event queue is not capable of blocking on the get() //! operation, but is still thread-safe because it uses QF critical section //! to protect its integrity. The interface for the "raw" thread-safe queue //! consists of the following functions: QP::QEQueue::post(), //! QP::QEQueue::postLIFO(), and QP::QEQueue::get(). Additionally the //! function QP::QEQueue::init() is used to initialize the queue. //! //! @note //! Most event queue operations (both the active object queues and the "raw" //! queues) internally use the QF critical section. You should be careful //! not to invoke those operations from other critical sections when nesting //! of critical sections is not supported. //! pointer to event at the front of the queue //! //! @details //! All incoming and outgoing events pass through the m_frontEvt location. //! When the queue is empty (which is most of the time), the extra //! m_frontEvt location allows to bypass the ring buffer altogether, //! greatly optimizing the performance of the queue. Only bursts of events //! engage the ring buffer.<br> //! //! The additional role of this attribute is to indicate the empty status //! of the queue. The queue is empty if the m_frontEvt location is nullptr. //! pointer to the start of the ring buffer //! offset of the end of the ring buffer from the start of the buffer //! offset to where next event will be inserted into the buffer //! offset of where next event will be extracted from the buffer //! number of free events in the ring buffer //! minimum number of free events ever in the ring buffer. //! @note this attribute remembers the low-watermark of the ring buffer, //! which provides a valuable information for sizing event queues. //! @sa QP::QF::getQueueMin(). noexcept //! public default constructor : m_frontEvt(nullptr), m_ring(nullptr), m_end(0U), m_head(0U), m_tail(0U), m_nFree(0U), m_nMin(0U) noexcept //! Initializes the native QF event queue //! //! @details //! Initialize the event queue by giving it the storage for the //! ring buffer. //! //! @param[in] qSto an array of pointers to QP::QEvt to serve as the //! ring buffer for the event queue //! @param[in] qLen the length of the qSto[] buffer (in QP::QEvt pointers) //! //! @note //! The actual capacity of the queue is qLen + 1, because of the extra //! location forntEvt. //! //! @note //! This function is also used to initialize the event queues of active //! objects in the built-int QV, QK and QXK kernels, as well as other //! QP ports to OSes/RTOSes that do provide a suitable message queue. m_frontEvt = nullptr; // no events in the queue m_ring = &qSto[0]; m_end = static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(qLen); if (qLen > 0U) { m_head = 0U; m_tail = 0U; } m_nFree = static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(qLen + 1U); //+1 for frontEvt m_nMin = m_nFree; noexcept //! Posts (FIFO) an event to the "raw" thread-safe QF event queue //! //! @details //! Post an event to the "raw" thread-safe event queue using the //! First-In-First-Out (FIFO) order. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to be posted to the queue //! @param[in] margin number of required free slots in the queue after //! posting the event. The special value //! ::QF_NO_MARGIN means that this function will //! assert if posting //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @note //! The ::QF_NO_MARGIN value of the `margin` argument is special and //! denotes situation when the post() operation is assumed to succeed //! (event delivery guarantee). An assertion fires, when the event cannot //! be delivered in this case. //! //! @returns 'true' (success) when the posting succeeded with the provided //! margin and 'false' (failure) when the posting fails. //! //! @note //! This function can be called from any task context or ISR context. //! //! @sa QP::QEQueue::postLIFO(), QP::QEQueue::get() //! @pre event must be valid Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, e != nullptr); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QEQueueCtr nFree = m_nFree; // temporary to avoid UB for volatile access // margin available? bool status; if (((margin == QF_NO_MARGIN) && (nFree > 0U)) || (nFree > static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(margin))) { // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); // increment the reference counter } --nFree; // one free entry just used up m_nFree = nFree; // update the volatile if (m_nMin > nFree) { m_nMin = nFree; // update minimum so far } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_EQUEUE_POST, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this queue object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_);// pool Id & refCtr of the evt QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(m_nMin); // min number of free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // is the queue empty? if (m_frontEvt == nullptr) { m_frontEvt = e; // deliver event directly } // queue is not empty, leave event in the ring-buffer else { // insert event into the ring buffer (FIFO) m_ring[m_head] = e; // insert e into buffer // need to wrap? if (m_head == 0U) { m_head = m_end; // wrap around } m_head = (m_head - 1U); } status = true; // event posted successfully } else { //! @note assert if event cannot be posted and dropping events is //! not acceptable Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(210, margin != QF_NO_MARGIN); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_EQUEUE_POST_ATTEMPT, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this queue object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_);// pool Id & refCtr of the evt QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(margin); // margin requested QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() status = false; // event not posted } QF_CRIT_X_(); Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined return status; noexcept //! Posts (LIFO) an event to the "raw" thread-safe QF event queue //! //! @details //! Post an event to the "raw" thread-safe event queue using the //! Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) order. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to be posted to the queue //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @attention //! The LIFO policy should be used only with great __caution__, //! because it alters the order of events in the queue. //! //! @note //! This function can be called from any task context or ISR context. //! //! @note //! This function is used for the "raw" thread-safe queues and __not__ //! for the queues of active objects. //! //! @sa //! QEQueue::post(), QEQueue::get(), QActive::defer() Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QEQueueCtr nFree = m_nFree; // temporary to avoid UB for volatile access //! @pre the queue must be able to accept the event (cannot overflow) Q_REQUIRE_CRIT_(300, nFree != 0U); // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); // increment the reference counter } --nFree; // one free entry just used up m_nFree = nFree; // update the volatile if (m_nMin > nFree) { m_nMin = nFree; // update minimum so far } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_EQUEUE_POST_LIFO, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this queue object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool Id & refCtr of the evt QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(m_nMin); // min number of free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QEvt const * const frontEvt = m_frontEvt; // read volatile into temporary m_frontEvt = e; // deliver event directly to the front of the queue // was the queue not empty? if (frontEvt != nullptr) { m_tail = (m_tail + 1U); if (m_tail == m_end) { // need to wrap the tail? m_tail = 0U; // wrap around } m_ring[m_tail] = frontEvt; // buffer the old front evt } QF_CRIT_X_(); noexcept //! Gets an event from the "raw" thread-safe QF event queue //! //! @details //! Retrieves an event from the front of the "raw" thread-safe queue and //! returns a pointer to this event to the caller. //! //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @returns //! pointer to event at the front of the queue, if the queue is //! not empty and NULL if the queue is empty. //! //! @note //! this function is used for the "raw" thread-safe queues and **not** //! for the queues of active objects. //! //! @sa //! QEQueue::post(), QEQueue::postLIFO(), QActive::recall() Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QEvt const * const e = m_frontEvt; // always remove evt from the front // is the queue not empty? if (e != nullptr) { QEQueueCtr const nFree = m_nFree + 1U; m_nFree = nFree; // upate the number of free // any events in the the ring buffer? if (nFree <= m_end) { m_frontEvt = m_ring[m_tail]; // remove from the tail if (m_tail == 0U) { // need to wrap? m_tail = m_end; // wrap around } m_tail = (m_tail - 1U); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_EQUEUE_GET, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this queue object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // # free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { m_frontEvt = nullptr; // queue becomes empty // all entries in the queue must be free (+1 for fronEvt) Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(410, nFree == (m_end + 1U)); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_EQUEUE_GET_LAST, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this queue object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } } QF_CRIT_X_(); return e; const noexcept //! Gets the number of free slots currently in "raw" thread-safe //! QF event queue //! //! @note //! This operation needs to be used with caution because the //! number of free entries can change unexpectedly. The main intent for //! using this operation is in conjunction with event deferral. In this //! case the queue is accessed only from a single thread (by a single AO), //! so the number of free entries cannot change unexpectedly. //! //! @sa QP::QMActive::defer(), QP::QMActive::recall() return m_nFree; const noexcept //! "raw" thread-safe QF event queue operation for obtaining the minimum //! number of free entries ever in the queue (a.k.a. "low-watermark"). //! //! @details //! This operation needs to be used with caution because the //! "low-watermark" can change unexpectedly. The main intent for using //! this operation is to get an idea of queue usage to size the queue //! adequately. //! //! @returns the minimum number of free entries ever in the queue //! since init. return m_nMin; const noexcept //! "raw" thread-safe QF event queue operation to find out if the queue //! is empty //! @note //! This operation needs to be used with caution because the //! queue status can change unexpectedly. The main intent for using //! this operation is in conjunction with event deferral. In this case //! the queue is accessed only from a single thread (by a single AO), //! so no other entity can post events to the queue. //! //! @sa QP::QMActive::defer(), QP::QMActive::recall() return m_frontEvt == nullptr; = delete //! disallow copying of QP::QEQueue = delete //! disallow copying of QP::QEQueue //! Native QF memory pool class //! //! @details //! A fixed block-size memory pool is a very fast and efficient data //! structure for dynamic allocation of fixed block-size chunks of memory. //! A memory pool offers fast and deterministic allocation and recycling of //! memory blocks and is not subject to fragmenation.@n //! @n //! The QP::QMPool class describes the native QF memory pool, which can be //! used as the event pool for dynamic event allocation, or as a fast, //! deterministic fixed block-size heap for any other objects in your //! application. //! //! @note //! The QP::QMPool class contains only data members for managing a memory //! pool, but does not contain the pool storage, which must be provided //! externally during the pool initialization. //! //! @note //! The native QF event pool is configured by defining the macro //! #QF_EPOOL_TYPE_ as QP::QMPool in the specific QF port header file. //! start of the memory managed by this memory pool //! end of the memory managed by this memory pool //! head of linked list of free blocks //! maximum block size (in bytes) //! total number of blocks //! number of free blocks remaining //! minimum number of free blocks ever present in this pool //! //! @note //! This attribute remembers the low watermark of the pool, //! which provides a valuable information for sizing event pools. //! //! @sa QF::getPoolMin(). //! public default constructor : m_start(nullptr), m_end(nullptr), m_free_head(nullptr), m_blockSize(0U), m_nTot(0U), m_nFree(0U), m_nMin(0U) noexcept //! Initializes the native QF event pool //! //! @details //! Initialize a fixed block-size memory pool by providing it with the //! pool memory to manage, size of this memory, and the block size. //! //! @param[in] poolSto pointer to the memory buffer for pool storage //! @param[in] poolSize size of the storage buffer in bytes //! @param[in] blockSize fixed-size of the memory blocks in bytes //! //! @attention //! The caller of QMPool::init() must make sure that the `poolSto` //! pointer is properly **aligned**. In particular, it must be possible to //! efficiently store a pointer at the location pointed to by `poolSto`. //! Internally, the QMPool::init() function rounds up the block size //! `blockSize` so that it can fit an integer number of pointers. This //! is done to achieve proper alignment of the blocks within the pool. //! //! @note //! Due to the rounding of block size the actual capacity of the pool //! might be less than (`poolSize` / `blockSize`). You can check the //! capacity of the pool by calling the QF::getPoolMin() function. //! //! @note //! This function is **not** protected by a critical section, because //! it is intended to be called only during the initialization of the //! system, when interrupts are not allowed yet. //! //! @note //! Many QF ports use memory pools to implement the event pools. //! @pre The memory block must be valid and //! the poolSize must fit at least one free block and //! the blockSize must not be too close to the top of the dynamic range Q_REQUIRE_ID(100, (poolSto != nullptr) && (poolSize >= static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(sizeof(QFreeBlock))) && (static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(blockSize + sizeof(QFreeBlock)) > blockSize)); m_free_head = poolSto; // round up the blockSize to fit an integer number of pointers... //start with one m_blockSize = static_cast<QMPoolSize>(sizeof(QFreeBlock)); //# free blocks in a memory block std::uint_fast16_t nblocks = 1U; while (m_blockSize < static_cast<QMPoolSize>(blockSize)) { m_blockSize += static_cast<QMPoolSize>(sizeof(QFreeBlock)); ++nblocks; } // use rounded-up value blockSize = static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(m_blockSize); // the whole pool buffer must fit at least one rounded-up block Q_ASSERT_ID(110, poolSize >= blockSize); // chain all blocks together in a free-list... // don't count the last block poolSize -= static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(blockSize); m_nTot = 1U; // one (the last) block in the pool // start at the head of the free list QFreeBlock *fb = static_cast<QFreeBlock *>(m_free_head); // chain all blocks together in a free-list... while (poolSize >= blockSize) { fb->m_next = &fb[nblocks]; // setup the next link fb = fb->m_next; // advance to next block // reduce the available pool size poolSize -= static_cast<std::uint_fast32_t>(blockSize); ++m_nTot; // increment the number of blocks so far } fb->m_next = nullptr; // the last link points to NULL m_nFree = m_nTot; // all blocks are free m_nMin = m_nTot; // the minimum number of free blocks m_start = poolSto; // the original start this pool buffer m_end = fb; // the last block in this pool noexcept //! Obtains a memory block from a memory pool //! //! @details //! The function allocates a memory block from the pool and returns a //! pointer to the block back to the caller. //! //! @param[in] margin the minimum number of unused blocks still //! available in the pool after the allocation. //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @returns //! A pointer to a memory block or NULL if no more blocks are available //! in the memory pool. //! //! @note //! This function can be called from any task level or ISR level. //! //! @note //! The memory pool must be initialized before any events can //! be requested from it. Also, the QP::QMPool::get() function uses //! internally a QF critical section, so you should be careful not to //! call it from within a critical section when nesting of critical //! section is not supported. //! //! @attention //! An allocated block must be later returned back to the **same** pool //! from which it has been allocated. //! //! @sa //! QP::QMPool::put() Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); // have the than margin? QFreeBlock *fb; if (m_nFree > static_cast<QMPoolCtr>(margin)) { fb = static_cast<QFreeBlock *>(m_free_head); // get a free block // the pool has some free blocks, so a free block must be available Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(310, fb != nullptr); // put volatile to a temporary to avoid UB void * const fb_next = fb->m_next; // is the pool becoming empty? m_nFree = (m_nFree - 1U); // one free block less if (m_nFree == 0U) { // pool is becoming empty, so the next free block must be NULL Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(320, fb_next == nullptr); m_nMin = 0U;// remember that pool got empty } else { // pool is not empty, so the next free block must be in range // // NOTE: the next free block pointer can fall out of range // when the client code writes past the memory block, thus // corrupting the next block. Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(330, QF_PTR_RANGE_(fb_next, m_start, m_end)); // is the number of free blocks the new minimum so far? if (m_nMin > m_nFree) { m_nMin = m_nFree; // remember the minimum so far } } m_free_head = fb_next; // set the head to the next free block QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_MPOOL_GET, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this memory pool QS_MPC_PRE_(m_nFree); // # of free blocks in the pool QS_MPC_PRE_(m_nMin); // min # free blocks ever in the pool QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } // don't have enough free blocks at this point else { fb = nullptr; QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_MPOOL_GET_ATTEMPT, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(m_start); // the memory managed by this pool QS_MPC_PRE_(m_nFree); // the # free blocks in the pool QS_MPC_PRE_(margin); // the requested margin QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } QF_CRIT_X_(); return fb; // return the block or NULL pointer to the caller noexcept //! Returns a memory block back to a memory pool //! //! @details //! Recycle a memory block to the fixed block-size memory pool. //! //! @param[in] b pointer to the memory block that is being recycled //! @param[in] qs_id QS-id of this state machine (for QS local filter) //! //! @attention //! The recycled block must be allocated from the **same** memory pool //! to which it is returned. //! //! @note //! This function can be called from any task level or ISR level. //! //! @sa //! QP::QMPool::get() Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); // when Q_SPY not defined //! @pre # free blocks cannot exceed the total # blocks and //! the block pointer must be in range to come from this pool. //! Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, (m_nFree < m_nTot) && QF_PTR_RANGE_(b, m_start, m_end)); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); static_cast<QFreeBlock*>(b)->m_next = static_cast<QFreeBlock *>(m_free_head); // link into the free list m_free_head = b; // set as new head of the free list m_nFree = (m_nFree + 1U); // one more free block in this pool QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_MPOOL_PUT, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this memory pool QS_MPC_PRE_(m_nFree); // the number of free blocks in the pool QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); const noexcept //! return the fixed block-size of the blocks managed by this pool return m_blockSize; const noexcept //! Memory pool operation for obtaining the minimum number of free //! blocks ever in the pool (a.k.a. "low-watermark"). //! //! @details //! This operation needs to be used with caution because the //! "low-watermark" can change unexpectedly. The main intent for using //! this operation is to get an idea of pool usage to size the pool //! adequately. //! //! @returns the minimum number of free entries ever in the memory pool //! since init. return m_nMin; const noexcept //! Memory pool operation for obtaining the current number of free //! blocks in the pool. //! //! @details //! This operation needs to be used with caution because the number //! of free blocks can change unexpectedly. //! //! @returns the current number of free blocks in the memory pool. return m_nFree; = delete //! disallow copying of QP::QMPool = delete //! disallow copying of QP::QMPool noexcept //! the "FromISR" variant used in the QP port to "FreeRTOS" noexcept //! the "FromISR" variant used in the QP port to "FreeRTOS" //! "Ticker" Active Object class (inherits QP::QActive) //! //! @details //! QP::QTicker is an efficient active object specialized to process //! QF system clock tick at a specified tick frequency [0..#QF_MAX_TICK_RATE]. //! Placing system clock tick processing in an active object allows you //! to remove the non-deterministic TICK_X() processing from the interrupt //! level and move it into the thread-level, where you can prioritize it //! as low as you wish. //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates use of QP::QTicker active objects: //! @include qf_ticker.cpp noexcept //! constructor : QActive(nullptr) // reuse m_head for tick-rate m_eQueue.m_head = static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(tickRate); override Q_UNUSED_PAR(e); Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); m_eQueue.m_tail = 0U; override QTicker::init(nullptr, qs_id); override Q_UNUSED_PAR(e); Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QEQueueCtr nTicks = m_eQueue.m_tail; // # ticks since the last call m_eQueue.m_tail = 0U; // clear the # ticks QF_CRIT_X_(); for (; nTicks > 0U; --nTicks) { QTimeEvt::TICK_X(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), this); } noexcept override Q_UNUSED_PAR(e); Q_UNUSED_PAR(margin); Q_UNUSED_PAR(sender); // when Q_SPY not defined QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); if (m_eQueue.m_frontEvt == nullptr) { #ifdef Q_EVT_CTOR static QEvt const tickEvt(0U, 0U); #else static QEvt const tickEvt = { 0U, 0U, 0U }; #endif // Q_EVT_CTOR m_eQueue.m_frontEvt = &tickEvt; // deliver event directly m_eQueue.m_nFree = (m_eQueue.m_nFree - 1U); // one less free event QACTIVE_EQUEUE_SIGNAL_(this); // signal the event queue } // account for one more tick event m_eQueue.m_tail = (m_eQueue.m_tail + 1U); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(sender); // the sender object QS_SIG_PRE_(0U); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(0U, 0U); // pool-Id & ref-ctr QS_EQC_PRE_(0U); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(0U); // min number of free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); return true; // the event is always posted correctly //! Interrupt nesting up-down counter (used in some QF ports) //! QF initialization //! //! @details //! Initializes QF and must be called exactly once before any other QF //! function. Typcially, QP::QF::init() is called from main() even before //! initializing the Board Support Package (BSP). //! //! @note //! QP::QF::init() clears the internal QF variables, so that the framework //! can start correctly even if the startup code fails to clear the //! uninitialized data (as is required by the C Standard). //! Function invoked by the application layer to stop the QF //! application and return control to the OS/Kernel //! //! @details //! This function stops the QF application. After calling this function, //! QF attempts to gracefully stop the application. This graceful shutdown //! might take some time to complete. The typical use of this function is //! for terminating the QF application to return back to the operating //! system or for handling fatal errors that require shutting down //! (and possibly re-setting) the system. //! //! @attention //! After calling QF::stop() the application must terminate and cannot //! continue. In particular, QF::stop() is **not** intended to be followed //! by a call to QF::init() to "resurrect" the application. //! //! @sa QP::QF::onCleanup() //! Transfers control to QF to run the application //! //! @details //! QF::run() is typically called from your startup code after you //! initialize the QF and start at least one active object with //! QActive::start(). //! //! @returns //! In QK, the QP::QF::run() function does not return. //! Startup QF callback (defined in applications/ports) //! @details //! This callback is invoked right before transferring the control //! to the QF framework. The purpose is to configure and enable //! interrupts. //! Cleanup QF callback (defined in applications/ports) noexcept //! This function returns the minimum of free entries of the given //! event queue of an active object (indicated by priority `prio`) //! //! @details //! Queries the minimum of free ever present in the given event queue of //! an active object with priority `prio`, since the active object //! was started. //! //! @note //! QF::getQueueMin() is available only when the native QF event queue //! implementation is used. Requesting the queue minimum of an unused //! priority level raises an assertion in the QF. (A priority level //! becomes used in QF after the call to QActive::register_().) //! //! @param[in] prio Priority of the active object, whose queue is queried //! //! @returns //! the minimum of free ever present in the given event queue of an active //! object with priority `prio`, since the active object was started. Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, (prio <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE) && (QActive::registry_[prio] != nullptr)); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); std::uint_fast16_t const min = static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>( QActive::registry_[prio]->m_eQueue.getNMin()); QF_CRIT_X_(); return min; noexcept //! Publish-subscribe initialization //! //! @deprecated //! superseded by QActive::psInit() QActive::psInit(subscrSto, maxSignal); noexcept //! Publish event to all subscribers of a given signal `e->sig` //! //! @deprecated //! superseded by QActive::publish_() QActive::publish_(e, sender, qs_id); noexcept //! Processes all armed time events at every clock tick //! //! @deprecated //! superseded by QTimeEvt::tick_() QTimeEvt::tick_(tickRate, sender); noexcept //! Event pool initialization for dynamic allocation of events. //! //! @details //! This function initializes one event pool at a time and must be called //! exactly once for each event pool before the pool can be used. //! //! @param[in] poolSto pointer to the storage for the event pool //! @param[in] poolSize size of the storage for the pool in bytes //! @param[in] evtSize the block-size of the pool in bytes, which //! determines the maximum size of events that //! can be allocated from the pool //! @note //! You might initialize many event pools by making many consecutive calls //! to the QF::poolInit() function. However, for the simplicity of the //! internal implementation, you must initialize event pools in the //! ascending order of the event size. //! //! @note //! The actual number of events available in the pool might be actually //! less than (`poolSize / evtSize`) due to the internal alignment of //! the blocks that the pool might perform. You can always check the //! capacity of the pool by calling QF::getPoolMin(). //! //! @note //! The dynamic allocation of events is optional, meaning that you might //! choose not to use dynamic events. In that case calling //! QF::poolInit() and using up memory for the memory blocks is //! unnecessary. //! //! @sa QF initialization example for QF::init() //! @pre cannot exceed the number of available memory pools Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, QF::maxPool_ < QF_MAX_EPOOL); //! @pre QF event pools must be initialized in ascending order of evtSize if (QF::maxPool_ > 0U) { Q_REQUIRE_ID(201, QF_EPOOL_EVENT_SIZE_(QF::ePool_[QF::maxPool_ - 1U]) < evtSize); } QF_EPOOL_INIT_(QF::ePool_[QF::maxPool_], poolSto, poolSize, evtSize); ++QF::maxPool_; // one more pool #ifdef Q_SPY // generate the object-dictionary entry for the initialized pool char obj_name[9] = "EvtPool?"; obj_name[7] = static_cast<char>( static_cast<std::int8_t>('0') + static_cast<std::int8_t>(QF::maxPool_)); QS::obj_dict_pre_(&QF::ePool_[QF::maxPool_ - 1U], &obj_name[0]); #endif // Q_SPY noexcept //! Internal QF implementation of creating new dynamic mutable event //! //! @details //! Allocates an event dynamically from one of the QF event pools. //! //! @param[in] evtSize the size (in bytes) of the event to allocate //! @param[in] margin the number of un-allocated events still available //! in a given event pool after the allocation //! completes. The special value ::QF_NO_MARGIN //! means that this function will assert if allocation //! fails. //! @param[in] sig the signal to be assigned to the allocated event //! //! @returns //! pointer to the newly allocated event. This pointer can be nullptr //! only if margin!=0 and the event cannot be allocated with the //! specified margin still available in the given pool. //! //! @note //! The internal QF function QF::newX_() raises an assertion when //! the margin argument is ::QF_NO_MARGIN and allocation of the event //! turns out to be impossible due to event pool depletion, or incorrect //! (too big) size of the requested event. //! //! @note //! The application code should not call this function directly. //! The only allowed use is thorough the macros Q_NEW() or Q_NEW_X(). std::uint_fast8_t idx; // find the pool id that fits the requested event size ... for (idx = 0U; idx < QF::maxPool_; ++idx) { if (evtSize <= QF_EPOOL_EVENT_SIZE_(QF::ePool_[idx])) { break; } } // cannot run out of registered pools Q_ASSERT_ID(310, idx < QF::maxPool_); // get e -- platform-dependent QEvt *e; #ifdef Q_SPY QF_EPOOL_GET_(QF::ePool_[idx], e, ((margin != QF_NO_MARGIN) ? margin : 0U), static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_EP_ID) + idx + 1U); #else QF_EPOOL_GET_(QF::ePool_[idx], e, ((margin != QF_NO_MARGIN) ? margin : 0U), 0U); #endif // was e allocated correctly? QS_CRIT_STAT_ if (e != nullptr) { e->sig = static_cast<QSignal>(sig); // set the signal e->poolId_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(idx + 1U); // store pool ID e->refCtr_ = 0U; // initialize the reference counter to 0 QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QF_NEW, static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_EP_ID) + static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(e->poolId_)) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_EVS_PRE_(evtSize); // the size of the evt QS_SIG_PRE_(sig); // the signal of the evt QS_END_PRE_() } else { // This assertion means that the event allocation failed, // and this failure cannot be tolerated. The most frequent // reason is an event leak in the application. Q_ASSERT_ID(320, margin != QF_NO_MARGIN); QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QF_NEW_ATTEMPT, static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_EP_ID) + idx + 1U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_EVS_PRE_(evtSize); // the size of the evt QS_SIG_PRE_(sig); // the signal of the evt QS_END_PRE_() } return e; // can't be NULL if we can't tolerate bad allocation noexcept //! Recycle a dynamic event //! //! @details //! This function implements a garbage collector for dynamic events. //! Only dynamic events are candidates for recycling. (A dynamic event //! is one that is allocated from an event pool, which is determined as //! non-zero `e->poolId_` attribute.) Next, the function decrements the //! reference counter of the event (`e->refCtr_`), and recycles the event //! only if the counter drops to zero (meaning that no more references //! are outstanding for this event). The dynamic event is recycled by //! returning it to the pool from which it was originally allocated. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to recycle //! //! @note //! QF invokes the garbage collector at all appropriate contexts, when //! an event can become garbage (automatic garbage collection), so the //! application code should have no need to call QF::gc() directly. //! The QF::gc() function is exposed only for special cases when your //! application sends dynamic events to the "raw" thread-safe queues //! (see QP::QEQueue). Such queues are processed outside of QF and the //! automatic garbage collection is **NOT** performed for these events. //! In this case you need to call QF::gc() explicitly. // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); // isn't this the last reference? if (e->refCtr_ > 1U) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_GC_ATTEMPT, static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_EP_ID) + static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(e->poolId_)) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool Id & refCtr QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_EVT_REF_CTR_DEC_(e); // decrement the ref counter QF_CRIT_X_(); } // this is the last reference to this event, recycle it else { std::uint_fast8_t const idx = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(e->poolId_) - 1U; QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_GC, static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_EP_ID) + static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(e->poolId_)) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); // pool ID must be in range Q_ASSERT_ID(410, idx < QF::maxPool_); #ifdef Q_EVT_XTOR // explicitly exectute the destructor' // NOTE: casting 'const' away is legitimate, // because it's a pool event QF_CONST_CAST_(QEvt*, e)->~QEvt(); // xtor, #endif #ifdef Q_SPY // cast 'const' away, which is OK, because it's a pool event QF_EPOOL_PUT_(QF::ePool_[idx], QF_CONST_CAST_(QEvt*, e), static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_EP_ID) + static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(e->poolId_)); #else QF_EPOOL_PUT_(QF::ePool_[idx], QF_CONST_CAST_(QEvt*, e), 0U); #endif } } noexcept //! Obtain the block size of any registered event pools return QF_EPOOL_EVENT_SIZE_(QF::ePool_[QF::maxPool_ - 1U]); noexcept //! Internal QF implementation of creating new event reference //! //! @details //! Creates and returns a new reference to the current event e //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the current event //! @param[in] evtRef the event reference //! //! @returns //! the newly created reference to the event `e` //! //! @note //! The application code should not call this function directly. //! The only allowed use is thorough the macro Q_NEW_REF(). //! @pre the event must be dynamic and the provided event reference //! must not be already in use Q_REQUIRE_ID(500, (e->poolId_ != 0U) && (evtRef == nullptr)); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); // increments the ref counter QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_NEW_REF, static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_EP_ID) + static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(e->poolId_)) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool Id & ref Count QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); return e; noexcept //! Internal QF implementation of deleting event reference //! //! @details //! Deletes an existing reference to the event e //! //! @param[in] evtRef the event reference //! //! @note //! The application code should not call this function directly. //! The only allowed use is thorough the macro Q_DELETE_REF(). QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QF_DELETE_REF, static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_EP_ID) + static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(evtRef->poolId_)) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(evtRef->sig); // the signal of the event QS_2U8_PRE_(evtRef->poolId_, evtRef->refCtr_); // pool Id & ref Count QS_END_PRE_() gc(evtRef); // recycle the referenced event noexcept //! This function returns the minimum of free entries of the given //! event pool //! //! @details //! This function obtains the minimum number of free blocks in the given //! event pool since this pool has been initialized by a call to //! QP::QF::poolInit(). //! //! @param[in] poolId event pool ID in the range 1..QF::maxPool_, where //! QF::maxPool_ is the number of event pools //! initialized with the function QF::poolInit(). //! @returns //! the minimum number of unused blocks in the given event pool. //! @pre the poolId must be in range Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, (QF::maxPool_ <= QF_MAX_EPOOL) && (0U < poolId) && (poolId <= QF::maxPool_)); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); std::uint_fast16_t const min = static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>( QF::ePool_[poolId - 1U].getNMin()); QF_CRIT_X_(); return min; noexcept //! the "FromISR" variant used in the QP port to "FreeRTOS" noexcept //! the "FromISR" variant used in the QP port to "FreeRTOS" //! "Ready-set" of all threads used in the built-in kernels //! event pools managed by QF //! number of initialized event pools noexcept //! Clear a specified region of memory to zero //! //! @details //! Clears a memory buffer by writing zeros byte-by-byte. //! //! @param[in] start pointer to the beginning of a memory buffer. //! @param[in] len length of the memory buffer to clear (in bytes) //! //! @note The main application of this function is clearing the internal //! QF variables upon startup. This is done to avoid problems with //! non-standard startup code provided with some compilers and toolchains //! (e.g., TI DSPs or Microchip MPLAB), which does not zero the //! uninitialized variables, as required by the C++ standard. std::uint8_t *ptr = static_cast<std::uint8_t *>(start); for (std::uint_fast16_t n = len; n > 0U; --n) { *ptr = 0U; ++ptr; } Native QF event pool QMPool Native QF event pool initialization \ (p_).init((poolSto_), (poolSize_), (evtSize_)) Native QF event pool event-size getter ((p_).getBlockSize()) Native QF event pool get-event \ ((e_) = static_cast<QEvt *>((p_).get((m_), (qs_id_)))) Native QF event pool put-event ((p_).put((e_), (qs_id_))) //! Size (in bytes) of the QS time stamp //! //! @details //! This macro can be defined in the QS port file (qs_port.hpp) to configure //! the QP::QSTimeCtr type. Valid values 1U, 2U, 4U. Default 4U. 4U //! Initialize the QS facility //! //! @details //! This macro provides an indirection layer to invoke the QS initialization //! routine if #Q_SPY is defined, or do nothing if #Q_SPY is not defined. //! @sa QP::QS::onStartup(), example of setting up a QS filter in //! QS_GLB_FILTER() (QP::QS::onStartup(arg_)) //! Cleanup the QS facility //! //! @details //! This macro provides an indirection layer to invoke the QS cleanup //! routine if #Q_SPY is defined, or do nothing if #Q_SPY is not defined. //! @sa QP::QS::onCleanup() (QP::QS::onCleanup()) //! macro to handle the QS output from the application //! //! @note //! If this macro is used, the application must define QS::doOutput(). (QP::QS::doOutput()) //! macro to handle the QS-RX input to the application //! //! @note //! If this macro is used, the application must define QS::doInput(). (QP::QS::doInput()) //! Global Filter ON for a given record type `rec_` //! //! @details //! This macro provides an indirection layer to call QP::QS::filterOn() //! if #Q_SPY is defined, or do nothing if #Q_SPY is not defined. //! //! @sa //! - QP::QSpyRecordGroups - QS record groups that can be used as `rec_` //! - QP::QSpyRecords - individual QS records that can be used as `rec_` //! //! @usage //! The following example shows how to use QS filters: //! @include qs_filter.cpp \ (QP::QS::glbFilter_(static_cast<std::int_fast16_t>(rec_))) //! Local Filter for a given state machine object `qs_id` //! @details //! This macro provides an indirection layer to call QS_locFilter_() //! if #Q_SPY is defined, or do nothing if #Q_SPY is not defined. //! //! @sa //! - QP::QSpyIdGroups - QS ID groups that can be used as `qs_id_` //! - QP::QSpyIdOffsets - QS ID offsets for `qs_id_` (e.g., QS_AP_IDS + 5) //! //! The following example shows how to use QS filters: //! @include qs_filter.cpp \ (QP::QS::locFilter_(static_cast<std::int_fast16_t>(qs_id_))) //! Begin an application-specific QS record with entering critical section //! //! @details //! The following example shows how to build a user QS record using the //! macros QS_BEGIN_ID(), QS_END(), and the formatted output macros: //! QS_U8(), QS_STR(), etc. //! //! @note //! Must always be used in pair with QS_END() //! //! @include qs_user.cpp \ if (QS_GLB_CHECK_(rec_) && QS_LOC_CHECK_(qs_id_)) { \ QS_CRIT_STAT_ \ QS_CRIT_E_(); \ QP::QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(rec_)); \ QS_TIME_PRE_(); //! End an applicationi-specific QS record with exiting critical section. //! @sa example for QS_BEGIN_ID() //! @note Must always be used in pair with QS_BEGIN_ID() \ QP::QS::endRec_(); \ QS_CRIT_X_(); \ } //! Flush the QS trace data to the host //! //! @details //! This macro invokes the QP::QS::flush() platform-dependent callback //! function to flush the QS trace buffer to the host. The function //! typically busy-waits until all the data in the buffer is sent to //! the host. This is acceptable only in the initial transient. (QP::QS::onFlush()) //! Begin an application-specific QS record WITHOUT entering critical section \ if (QS_GLB_CHECK_(rec_) && QS_LOC_CHECK_(qs_id_)) { \ QP::QS::beginRec_(rec_); \ QS_TIME_PRE_(); //! End an application-specific QS record WITHOUT exiting critical section. \ QP::QS::endRec_(); \ } //! Helper macro for checking the global QS filter \ ((static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QP::QS::priv_.glbFilter[ \ static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(rec_) >> 3U]) \ & (static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(1U) \ << (static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(rec_) & 7U))) != 0U) //! Helper macro for checking the local QS filter \ ((static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QP::QS::priv_.locFilter \ [static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(qs_id_) >> 3U]) \ & (static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(1U) \ << (static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(qs_id_) & 7U))) != 0U) //! Macro to execute user code when a QS record is produced //! //! @note //! This is a dummy definition in case this macro is undefined. (static_cast<void>(0)) //! Output formatted std::int8_t to the QS record \ (QP::QS::u8_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>( \ (static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::I8_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted std::uint8_t to the QS record \ (QP::QS::u8_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>( \ (static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::U8_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted std::int16_t to the QS record \ (QP::QS::u16_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>( \ (static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::I16_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted std::uint16_t to the QS record \ (QP::QS::u16_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>((((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::U16_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted std::int32_t to the QS record \ (QP::QS::u32_fmt_( \ static_cast<std::uint8_t>((static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::I32_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted std::uint32_t to the QS record \ (QP::QS::u32_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>( \ (static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::U32_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted std::int64_t to the QS record \ (QP::QS::u64_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>( \ (static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::I64_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted std::uint64_t to the QS record \ (QP::QS::u64_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>( \ (static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::U64_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted 32-bit floating point number to the QS record \ (QP::QS::f32_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>( \ (static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::F32_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted 64-bit floating point number to the QS record \ (QP::QS::f64_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>( \ (static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4U)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::F64_T)), (data_))) //! Output formatted zero-terminated ASCII string to the QS record (QP::QS::str_fmt_(str_)) //! Output formatted memory block of up to 255 bytes to the QS record (QP::QS::mem_fmt_((mem_), (size_))) //! Output time stamp to a QS record (used in predefined //! and application-specific trace records) (QP::QS::u32_raw_(QP::QS::onGetTime())) (QP::QS::u16_raw_(QP::QS::onGetTime())) (QP::QS::u8_raw_(QP::QS::onGetTime())) //! Output formatted object pointer to the QS record (QP::QS::u32_fmt_(QP::QS::OBJ_T, \ reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t>(obj_))) (QP::QS::u16_fmt_(QP::QS::OBJ_T, \ reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t>(obj_))) (QP::QS::u8_fmt_(QP::QS::OBJ_T, \ reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t>(obj_))) (QP::QS::u64_fmt_(QP::QS::OBJ_T, \ reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t>(obj_))) //! Output formatted function pointer to the QS record (QP::QS::u32_fmt_(QP::QS::FUN_T, \ reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t>(fun_))) (QP::QS::u16_fmt_(QP::QS::FUN_T, \ reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t>(fun_))) (QP::QS::u8_fmt_(QP::QS::FUN_T, \ reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t>(fun_))) (QP::QS::u64_fmt_(QP::QS::FUN_T, \ reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t>(fun_))) //! Output formatted event signal (of type QP::QSignal) and //! the state machine object to the user QS record \ QP::QS::u32_fmt_(QP::QS::SIG_T, static_cast<std::uint32_t>(sig_)); \ QP::QS::obj_raw_(obj_) \ QP::QS::u16_fmt_(QP::QS::SIG_T, static_cast<std::uint16_t>(sig_)); \ QP::QS::obj_raw_(obj_) \ QP::QS::u8_fmt_(QP::QS::SIG_T, static_cast<std::uint8_t>(sig_)); \ QP::QS::obj_raw_(obj_) //! Output signal dictionary record //! //! @details //! A signal dictionary record associates the numerical value of the signal //! and the binary address of the state machine that consumes that signal //! with the human-readable name of the signal. //! //! Providing a signal dictionary QS record can vastly improve readability of //! the QS log, because instead of dealing with cryptic machine addresses the //! QSpy host utility can display human-readable names. //! //! A signal dictionary entry is associated with both the signal value `sig_` //! and the state machine `obj_`, because signals are required to be unique //! only within a given state machine and therefore the same numerical values //! can represent different signals in different state machines. //! //! For the "global" signals that have the same meaning in all state machines //! (such as globally published signals), you can specify a signal dictionary //! entry with the `obj_` parameter set to NULL. //! //! The following example shows the definition of signal dictionary entries //! in the initial transition of the Table active object. Please note that //! signals HUNGRY_SIG and DONE_SIG are associated with the Table state //! machine only ("me" `obj_` pointer). The EAT_SIG signal, on the other //! hand, is global (0 `obj_` pointer): //! @include qs_sigDic.cpp //! //! @note The QSpy log utility must capture the signal dictionary record //! in order to use the human-readable information. You need to connect to //! the target before the dictionary entries have been transmitted. //! //! The following QSpy log example shows the signal dictionary records //! generated from the Table initial transition and subsequent records that //! show human-readable names of the signals: //! @include qs_sigLog.txt //! //! The following QSpy log example shows the same sequence of records, but //! with dictionary records removed. The human-readable signal names are not //! available. \ (QP::QS::sig_dict_pre_((sig_), (obj_), #sig_)) //! Output object dictionary record //! //! @details //! An object dictionary record associates the binary address of an object //! in the target's memory with the human-readable name of the object. //! //! Providing an object dictionary QS record can vastly improve readability of //! the QS log, because instead of dealing with cryptic machine addresses the //! QSpy host utility can display human-readable object names. //! //! The following example shows the definition of object dictionary entry //! for the Table active object: //! @include qs_objDic.cpp \ (QP::QS::obj_dict_pre_((obj_), #obj_)) //! Output object-array dictionary record //! //! @details //! An object array dictionary record associates the binary address of the //! object element in the target's memory with the human-readable name //! of the object. //! //! Providing a dictionary QS record can vastly improve readability of //! the QS log, because instead of dealing with cryptic machine addresses the //! QSpy host utility can display human-readable object names. //! //! The following example shows the definition of object array dictionary //! for `Philo::inst[n]` and `Philo::inst[n].m_timeEvt`: //! @include qs_objDic.cpp \ (QP::QS::obj_arr_dict_pre_((obj_), (idx_), #obj_)) //! Output function dictionary record //! //! @details //! A function dictionary record associates the binary address of a function //! in the target's memory with the human-readable name of the function. //! //! Providing a function dictionary QS record can vastly improve readability //! of the QS log, because instead of dealing with cryptic machine addresses //! the QSpy host utility can display human-readable function names. //! //! The example from #QS_SIG_DICTIONARY shows the definition of a function //! dictionary. \ (QP::QS::fun_dict_pre_( \ QP::QS::force_cast<void (*)(void)>(fun_), #fun_)) //! Output user QS record dictionary record //! //! @details //! A user QS record dictionary record associates the numerical value of a //! user record with the human-readable identifier. do { \ static char const usr_name_[] = #rec_; \ QP::QS::usr_dict_pre_((rec_), &usr_name_[0]); \ } while (false) //! Output the critical section entry record (QP::QS::crit_entry_pre_()) //! Output the critical section exit record (QP::QS::crit_exit_pre_()) //! Output the interrupt entry record \ (QP::QS::isr_entry_pre_((isrnest_), (prio_))) //! Output the interrupt exit record \ (QP::QS::isr_exit_pre_((isrnest_), (prio_))) //! Execute an action that is only necessary for QS output (act_) //! Produce the assertion failure trace record \ (QP::QS::assertion_pre_((module_), (loc_), (delay_))) //! QS time stamp type, which determines the dynamic range of QS time stamps = std::uint32_t; = std::uint16_t; = std::uint8_t; //! QS function pointer type (for serializing function pointers) = std::uint32_t; = std::uint64_t; = std::uint16_t; = std::uint8_t; //! QS ring buffer counter and offset type = std::uint_fast16_t; //! QS pre-defined record types (TX channel) //! //! @details //! This enumeration specifies the record types used in the QP components. //! You can specify your own record types starting from QP::QS_USER offset. //! Currently, the maximum of all records cannot exceed 125. //! //! @note //! The QS records labeled as "not maskable" are always enabled and cannot //! be turend off with the QS_GLB_FILTER() macro. Other QS trace records //! can be disabled by means of the "global filters" //! //! @sa QS_GLB_FILTER() macro : std::int8_t { // [0] QS session (not maskable) QS_EMPTY, //!< QS record for cleanly starting a session // [1] SM records QS_QEP_STATE_ENTRY, //!< a state was entered QS_QEP_STATE_EXIT, //!< a state was exited QS_QEP_STATE_INIT, //!< an initial transition was taken in a state QS_QEP_INIT_TRAN, //!< the top-most initial transition was taken QS_QEP_INTERN_TRAN, //!< an internal transition was taken QS_QEP_TRAN, //!< a regular transition was taken QS_QEP_IGNORED, //!< an event was ignored (silently discarded) QS_QEP_DISPATCH, //!< an event was dispatched (begin of RTC step) QS_QEP_UNHANDLED, //!< an event was unhandled due to a guard // [10] Active Object (AO) records QS_QF_ACTIVE_DEFER, //!< AO deferred an event QS_QF_ACTIVE_RECALL, //!< AO recalled an event QS_QF_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIBE, //!< an AO subscribed to an event QS_QF_ACTIVE_UNSUBSCRIBE,//!< an AO unsubscribed to an event QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST, //!< an event was posted (FIFO) directly to AO QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST_LIFO, //!< an event was posted (LIFO) directly to AO QS_QF_ACTIVE_GET, //!< AO got an event and its queue is not empty QS_QF_ACTIVE_GET_LAST,//!< AO got an event and its queue is empty QS_QF_ACTIVE_RECALL_ATTEMPT, //!< AO attempted to recall an event // [19] Event Queue (EQ) records QS_QF_EQUEUE_POST, //!< an event was posted (FIFO) to a raw queue QS_QF_EQUEUE_POST_LIFO, //!< an event was posted (LIFO) to a raw queue QS_QF_EQUEUE_GET, //!< get an event and queue still not empty QS_QF_EQUEUE_GET_LAST,//!< get the last event from the queue // [23] Framework (QF) records QS_QF_NEW_ATTEMPT, //!< an attempt to allocate an event failed // [24] Memory Pool (MP) records QS_QF_MPOOL_GET, //!< a memory block was removed from memory pool QS_QF_MPOOL_PUT, //!< a memory block was returned to memory pool // [26] Additional Framework (QF) records QS_QF_PUBLISH, //!< an event was published to active objects QS_QF_NEW_REF, //!< new event reference was created QS_QF_NEW, //!< new event was created QS_QF_GC_ATTEMPT, //!< garbage collection attempt QS_QF_GC, //!< garbage collection QS_QF_TICK, //!< QTimeEvt::tick_() was called // [32] Time Event (TE) records QS_QF_TIMEEVT_ARM, //!< a time event was armed QS_QF_TIMEEVT_AUTO_DISARM, //!< a time event expired and was disarmed QS_QF_TIMEEVT_DISARM_ATTEMPT,//!< attempt to disarm a disarmed QTimeEvt QS_QF_TIMEEVT_DISARM, //!< true disarming of an armed time event QS_QF_TIMEEVT_REARM, //!< rearming of a time event QS_QF_TIMEEVT_POST, //!< a time event posted itself directly to an AO // [38] Additional Framework (QF) records QS_QF_DELETE_REF, //!< an event reference is about to be deleted QS_QF_CRIT_ENTRY, //!< critical section was entered QS_QF_CRIT_EXIT, //!< critical section was exited QS_QF_ISR_ENTRY, //!< an ISR was entered QS_QF_ISR_EXIT, //!< an ISR was exited QS_QF_INT_DISABLE, //!< interrupts were disabled QS_QF_INT_ENABLE, //!< interrupts were enabled // [45] Additional Active Object (AO) records QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST_ATTEMPT, //!< attempt to post an evt to AO failed // [46] Additional Event Queue (EQ) records QS_QF_EQUEUE_POST_ATTEMPT, //!< attempt to post evt to QEQueue failed // [47] Additional Memory Pool (MP) records QS_QF_MPOOL_GET_ATTEMPT, //!< attempt to get a memory block failed // [48] Scheduler (SC) records QS_SCHED_PREEMPT, //!< scheduler asynchronously preempted a task QS_SCHED_RESTORE, //!< scheduler restored preempted task QS_SCHED_LOCK, //!< scheduler was locked QS_SCHED_UNLOCK, //!< scheduler was unlocked QS_SCHED_NEXT, //!< scheduler found next task to execute QS_SCHED_IDLE, //!< scheduler became idle QS_SCHED_RESUME, //!< scheduler resumed previous task (not idle) // [55] Additional QEP records QS_QEP_TRAN_HIST, //!< a tran to history was taken QS_QEP_TRAN_EP, //!< a tran to entry point into a submachine QS_QEP_TRAN_XP, //!< a tran to exit point out of a submachine // [58] Miscellaneous QS records (not maskable) QS_TEST_PAUSED, //!< test has been paused QS_TEST_PROBE_GET, //!< reports that Test-Probe has been used QS_SIG_DICT, //!< signal dictionary entry QS_OBJ_DICT, //!< object dictionary entry QS_FUN_DICT, //!< function dictionary entry QS_USR_DICT, //!< user QS record dictionary entry QS_TARGET_INFO, //!< reports the Target information QS_TARGET_DONE, //!< reports completion of a user callback QS_RX_STATUS, //!< reports QS data receive status QS_QUERY_DATA, //!< reports the data from "current object" query QS_PEEK_DATA, //!< reports the data from the PEEK query QS_ASSERT_FAIL, //!< assertion failed in the code QS_QF_RUN, //!< QF_run() was entered // [71] Semaphore (SEM) records QS_SEM_TAKE, //!< a semaphore was taken by a thread QS_SEM_BLOCK, //!< a semaphore blocked a thread QS_SEM_SIGNAL, //!< a semaphore was signaled QS_SEM_BLOCK_ATTEMPT, //!< a semaphore blocked was attempted // [75] Mutex (MTX) records QS_MTX_LOCK, //!< a mutex was locked QS_MTX_BLOCK, //!< a mutex blocked a thread QS_MTX_UNLOCK, //!< a mutex was unlocked QS_MTX_LOCK_ATTEMPT, //!< a mutex lock was attempted QS_MTX_BLOCK_ATTEMPT, //!< a mutex blocking was attempted QS_MTX_UNLOCK_ATTEMPT,//!< a mutex unlock was attempted // [81] QS_PRE_MAX, //!< the number of predefined signals }; //! QS record groups for QS_GLB_FILTER() : std::int16_t { QS_ALL_RECORDS = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(0xF0U), //!< all QS records QS_SM_RECORDS, //!< State Machine QS records QS_AO_RECORDS, //!< Active Object QS records QS_EQ_RECORDS, //!< Event Queues QS records QS_MP_RECORDS, //!< Memory Pools QS records QS_TE_RECORDS, //!< Time Events QS records QS_QF_RECORDS, //!< QF QS records QS_SC_RECORDS, //!< Scheduler QS records QS_SEM_RECORDS, //!< Semaphore QS records QS_MTX_RECORDS, //!< Mutex QS records QS_U0_RECORDS, //!< User Group 100-104 records QS_U1_RECORDS, //!< User Group 105-109 records QS_U2_RECORDS, //!< User Group 110-114 records QS_U3_RECORDS, //!< User Group 115-119 records QS_U4_RECORDS, //!< User Group 120-124 records QS_UA_RECORDS, //!< All User records }; //! QS user record group offsets for QS_GLB_FILTER() : std::int16_t { QS_USER = 100, //!< the first record available to QS users QS_USER0 = QS_USER, //!< offset for User Group 0 QS_USER1 = QS_USER0 + 5, //!< offset of Group 1 QS_USER2 = QS_USER1 + 5, //!< offset of Group 2 QS_USER3 = QS_USER2 + 5, //!< offset of Group 3 QS_USER4 = QS_USER3 + 5, //!< offset of Group 4 }; //! QS ID offsets for QS_LOC_FILTER() : std::int16_t { QS_AO_ID = 0, //!< offset for AO priorities QS_EP_ID = 64, //!< offset for event-pool IDs QS_EQ_ID = 80, //!< offset for event-queue IDs QS_AP_ID = 96, //!< offset for Appl-spec IDs }; //! QS ID groups for QS_LOC_FILTER() : std::int16_t { QS_ALL_IDS = 0xF0, //!< all QS IDs QS_AO_IDS = 0x80 + QS_AO_ID, //!< AO IDs (priorities) QS_EP_IDS = 0x80 + QS_EP_ID, //!< event-pool IDs QS_EQ_IDS = 0x80 + QS_EQ_ID, //!< event-queue IDs QS_AP_IDS = 0x80 + QS_AP_ID, //!< Application-specific IDs }; //! Constant representing End-Of-Data condition returned from the //! QP::QS::getByte() function. = 0xFFFFU; //! function pointer type for fun_dict_pre_() = void (*)(); //! QS ID type for applying local filtering { std::uint8_t m_prio; //!< "priority" (qs_id) for the QS "local filter" //! get the "priority" (qs_id) from the QSpyId opbject std::uint_fast8_t getPrio() const noexcept { return static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio); } }; //! QS software tracing, output QS-TX //! global on/off QS filter //! local on/off QS filter //! old local QS filter // @deprecated //! pointer to the start of the QS-TX ring buffer //! offset of the end of the ring buffer //! offset to where next byte will be inserted //! offset of where next record will be extracted //! number of bytes currently in the ring buffer //! sequence number of the last inserted QS record //! checksum of the currently inserted record //! critical section nesting level //! Enumerates data formats recognized by QS //! //! @details //! QS uses this enumeration is used only internally for the formatted //! user data elements. : std::uint8_t { I8_T, //!< signed 8-bit integer format U8_T, //!< unsigned 8-bit integer format I16_T, //!< signed 16-bit integer format U16_T, //!< unsigned 16-bit integer format I32_T, //!< signed 32-bit integer format U32_T, //!< unsigned 32-bit integer format F32_T, //!< 32-bit floating point format F64_T, //!< 64-bit floating point format STR_T, //!< zero-terminated ASCII string format MEM_T, //!< up to 255-bytes memory block format SIG_T, //!< event signal format OBJ_T, //!< object pointer format FUN_T, //!< function pointer format I64_T, //!< signed 64-bit integer format U64_T, //!< unsigned 64-bit integer format HEX_FMT //!< HEX format for the "width" filed }; //! the only instance of the QS-TX object (Singleton) //! template for forcing cast of member functions for function //! dictionaries and test probes. { union TCast { T_IN in; T_OUT out; } u = { in }; return u.out; } noexcept //! Initialize the QS data buffer //! //! @details //! This function should be called from QP::QS::onStartup() to provide //! QS with the data buffer. The first argument `sto[]` is the address //! of the memory block, and the second argument `stoSize` is the size //! of this block [in bytes]. Currently the size of the QS buffer cannot //! exceed 64KB. //! //! @note //! QS can work with quite small data buffers, but you will start losing //! data if the buffer is too small for the bursts of tracing activity. //! The right size of the buffer depends on the data production rate and //! the data output rate. QS offers flexible filtering to reduce the data //! production rate. //! //! @note //! If the data output rate cannot keep up with the production rate, //! QS will start overwriting the older data with newer data. This is //! consistent with the "last-is-best" QS policy. The record sequence //! counters and check sums on each record allow the QSPY host utility //! to easily detect any data loss. // the provided buffer must be at least 8 bytes long Q_REQUIRE_ID(100, stoSize > 8U); // This function initializes all the internal QS variables, so that the // tracing can start correctly even if the startup code fails to clear // any uninitialized data (as is required by the C Standard). // glbFilter_(-static_cast<enum_t>(QS_ALL_RECORDS));// all global filters OFF locFilter_(static_cast<enum_t>(QS_ALL_IDS)); // all local filters ON priv_.locFilter_AP = nullptr; // deprecated "AP-filter" priv_.buf = sto; priv_.end = static_cast<QSCtr>(stoSize); priv_.head = 0U; priv_.tail = 0U; priv_.used = 0U; priv_.seq = 0U; priv_.chksum = 0U; priv_.critNest = 0U; // produce an empty record to "flush" the QS trace buffer beginRec_(QS_REC_NUM_(QS_EMPTY)); endRec_(); // produce the Target info QS record target_info_pre_(0xFFU); // wait with flushing after successful initialization (see QS_INIT()) noexcept //! Byte-oriented interface to the QS data buffer //! //! @details //! This function delivers one byte at a time from the QS data buffer. //! //! @returns //! the byte in the least-significant 8-bits of the 16-bit return //! value if the byte is available. If no more data is available at the //! time, the function returns QP::QS_EOD (End-Of-Data). //! //! @note //! QS::getByte() is NOT protected with a critical section. std::uint16_t ret; if (priv_.used == 0U) { ret = QS_EOD; // set End-Of-Data } else { std::uint8_t const * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary QSCtr tail_ = priv_.tail; // put in a temporary (register) // the byte to return ret = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(buf_[tail_]); ++tail_; // advance the tail if (tail_ == priv_.end) { // tail wrap around? tail_ = 0U; } priv_.tail = tail_; // update the tail priv_.used = (priv_.used - 1U); // one less byte used } return ret; // return the byte or EOD noexcept //! Block-oriented interface to the QS data buffer //! //! @details //! This function delivers a contiguous block of data from the QS data //! buffer. The function returns the pointer to the beginning of the //! block, and writes the number of bytes in the block to the location //! pointed to by `pNbytes`. The argument `pNbytes` is also used as //! input to provide the maximum size of the data block that the caller //! can accept. //! //! @returns //! if data is available, the function returns pointer to the //! contiguous block of data and sets the value pointed to by `pNbytes` //! to the # available bytes. If data is available at the time the //! function is called, the function returns NULL pointer and sets the //! value pointed to by `pNbytes` to zero. //! //! @note //! Only the NULL return from QP::QS::getBlock() indicates that the QS //! buffer is empty at the time of the call. The non-NULL return often //! means that the block is at the end of the buffer and you need to call //! QP::QS::getBlock() again to obtain the rest of the data that //! "wrapped around" to the beginning of the QS data buffer. //! //! @note QP::QS::getBlock() is __not__ protected with a critical section. QSCtr const used_ = priv_.used; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t *buf_; // any bytes used in the ring buffer? if (used_ == 0U) { *pNbytes = 0U; // no bytes available right now buf_ = nullptr; // no bytes available right now } else { QSCtr tail_ = priv_.tail; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_ = priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr n = static_cast<QSCtr>(end_ - tail_); if (n > used_) { n = used_; } if (n > static_cast<QSCtr>(*pNbytes)) { n = static_cast<QSCtr>(*pNbytes); } *pNbytes = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(n); // n-bytes available buf_ = priv_.buf; buf_ = &buf_[tail_]; // the bytes are at the tail priv_.used = (priv_.used - n); tail_ += n; if (tail_ == end_) { tail_ = 0U; } priv_.tail = tail_; } return buf_; noexcept //! Set/clear the global Filter for a given QS record //! or a group of records //! //! @details //! This function sets up the QS filter to enable record types specified //! in the `filter` parameter. The value #QS_ALL_RECORDS specifies to //! filter-in all records. This function should be called indirectly //! through the macro QS_GLB_FILTER() //! //! @param[in] filter the QS record-d or group to enable in the filter, //! if positive or disable, if negative. The record-id //! numbers must be in the range -127..127. //! @note //! Filtering based on the record-type is only the first layer of //! filtering. The second layer is based on the object-type. Both filter //! layers must be enabled for the QS record to be inserted in the //! QS buffer. //! //! @sa QP::QS::locFilter_() bool const isRemove = (filter < 0); std::uint16_t const rec = isRemove ? static_cast<std::uint16_t>(-filter) : static_cast<std::uint16_t>(filter); switch (rec) { case QS_ALL_RECORDS: { std::uint8_t const tmp = (isRemove ? 0x00U : 0xFFU); std::uint_fast8_t i; // set all global filters (partially unrolled loop) for (i = 0U; i < Q_DIM(priv_.glbFilter); i += 4U) { priv_.glbFilter[i ] = tmp; priv_.glbFilter[i + 1U] = tmp; priv_.glbFilter[i + 2U] = tmp; priv_.glbFilter[i + 3U] = tmp; } if (isRemove) { // leave the "not maskable" filters enabled, // see qs.h, Miscellaneous QS records (not maskable) // priv_.glbFilter[0] = 0x01U; priv_.glbFilter[7] = 0xFCU; priv_.glbFilter[8] = 0x7FU; } else { // never turn the last 3 records on (0x7D, 0x7E, 0x7F) priv_.glbFilter[15] = 0x1FU; } break; } case QS_SM_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[0] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0xFEU & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[1] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x03U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[6] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x80U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[7] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x03U & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[0] |= 0xFEU; priv_.glbFilter[1] |= 0x03U; priv_.glbFilter[6] |= 0x80U; priv_.glbFilter[7] |= 0x03U; } break; case QS_AO_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[1] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0xFCU & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[2] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x07U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[5] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x20U & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[1] |= 0xFCU; priv_.glbFilter[2] |= 0x07U; priv_.glbFilter[5] |= 0x20U; } break; case QS_EQ_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[2] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x78U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[5] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x40U & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[2] |= 0x78U; priv_.glbFilter[5] |= 0x40U; } break; case QS_MP_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[3] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x03U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[5] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x80U & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[3] |= 0x03U; priv_.glbFilter[5] |= 0x80U; } break; case QS_QF_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[2] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x80U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[3] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0xFCU & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[4] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0xC0U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[5] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x1FU & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[2] |= 0x80U; priv_.glbFilter[3] |= 0xFCU; priv_.glbFilter[4] |= 0xC0U; priv_.glbFilter[5] |= 0x1FU; } break; case QS_TE_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[4] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x3FU & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[4] |= 0x3FU; } break; case QS_SC_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[6] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x7FU & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[6] |= 0x7FU; } break; case QS_SEM_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[8] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x80U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[9] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x07U & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[8] |= 0x80U; priv_.glbFilter[9] |= 0x07U; } break; case QS_MTX_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[9] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0xF8U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[10] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x01U & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[9] |= 0xF8U; priv_.glbFilter[10] |= 0x01U; } break; case QS_U0_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[12] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0xF0U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[13] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x01U & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[12] |= 0xF0U; priv_.glbFilter[13] |= 0x01U; } break; case QS_U1_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[13] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x3EU & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[13] |= 0x3EU; } break; case QS_U2_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[13] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0xC0U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[14] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x07U & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[13] |= 0xC0U; priv_.glbFilter[14] |= 0x07U; } break; case QS_U3_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[14] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0xF8U & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[14] |= 0xF8U; } break; case QS_U4_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[15] &= 0x1FU; } else { priv_.glbFilter[15] |= 0x1FU; } break; case QS_UA_RECORDS: if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[12] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0xF0U & 0xFFU); priv_.glbFilter[13] = 0U; priv_.glbFilter[14] = 0U; priv_.glbFilter[15] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~0x1FU & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[12] |= 0xF0U; priv_.glbFilter[13] |= 0xFFU; priv_.glbFilter[14] |= 0xFFU; priv_.glbFilter[15] |= 0x1FU; } break; default: // QS rec number can't exceed 0x7D, so no need for escaping Q_ASSERT_ID(210, rec < 0x7DU); if (isRemove) { priv_.glbFilter[rec >> 3U] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~(1U << (rec & 7U)) & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.glbFilter[rec >> 3U] |= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(1U << (rec & 7U)); // never turn the last 3 records on (0x7D, 0x7E, 0x7F) priv_.glbFilter[15] &= 0x1FU; } break; } noexcept //! Set/clear the local Filter for a given object-id //! or a group of object-ids //! //! @details //! This function sets up the local QS filter to enable or disable the //! given QS object-id or a group of object-ids @a filter. //! This function should be called indirectly through the macro //! QS_LOC_FILTER() //! //! @param[in] filter the QS object-id or group to enable in the filter, //! if positive or disable, if negative. The qs_id numbers //! must be in the range 1..127. //! @note //! Filtering based on the object-id (local filter) is the second layer //! of filtering. The first layer is based on the QS record-type (global //! filter). Both filter layers must be enabled for the QS record to be //! inserted into the QS buffer. //! //! @sa QP::QS::glbFilter_() bool const isRemove = (filter < 0); std::uint16_t const qs_id = isRemove ? static_cast<std::uint16_t>(-filter) : static_cast<std::uint16_t>(filter); std::uint8_t const tmp = (isRemove ? 0x00U : 0xFFU); std::uint_fast8_t i; switch (qs_id) { case QS_ALL_IDS: // set all global filters (partially unrolled loop) for (i = 0U; i < Q_DIM(priv_.locFilter); i += 4U) { priv_.locFilter[i ] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 1U] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 2U] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 3U] = tmp; } break; case QS_AO_IDS: for (i = 0U; i < 8U; i += 4U) { priv_.locFilter[i ] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 1U] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 2U] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 3U] = tmp; } break; case QS_EP_IDS: i = 8U; priv_.locFilter[i ] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 1U] = tmp; break; case QS_AP_IDS: i = 12U; priv_.locFilter[i ] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 1U] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 2U] = tmp; priv_.locFilter[i + 3U] = tmp; break; default: if (qs_id < 0x7FU) { if (isRemove) { priv_.locFilter[qs_id >> 3U] &= static_cast<std::uint8_t>( ~(1U << (qs_id & 7U)) & 0xFFU); } else { priv_.locFilter[qs_id >> 3U] |= (1U << (qs_id & 7U)); } } else { Q_ERROR_ID(310); // incorrect qs_id } break; } priv_.locFilter[0] |= 0x01U; // leave QS_ID == 0 always on //! Perform the QS-TX output (implemented in some QS ports) noexcept //! Mark the begin of a QS record `rec` //! //! @details //! This function must be called at the beginning of each QS record. //! This function should be called indirectly through the macro //! QS_BEGIN_ID(), or QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT(), depending if it's called in //! a normal code or from a critical section. std::uint8_t const b = priv_.seq + 1U; std::uint8_t chksum_ = 0U; // reset the checksum std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_ = priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) priv_.seq = b; // store the incremented sequence num priv_.used = (priv_.used + 2U); // 2 bytes about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(b) chksum_ += static_cast<std::uint8_t>(rec); QS_INSERT_BYTE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(rec)) // no need for escaping priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Mark the end of a QS record `rec` //! //! @details //! This function must be called at the end of each QS record. //! This function should be called indirectly through the macro QS_END(), //! or QS_END_NOCRIT(), depending if it's called in a normal code or from //! a critical section. std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; QSCtr const end_ = priv_.end; std::uint8_t b = priv_.chksum; b ^= 0xFFU; // invert the bits in the checksum priv_.used = (priv_.used + 2U); // 2 bytes about to be added if ((b != QS_FRAME) && (b != QS_ESC)) { QS_INSERT_BYTE_(b) } else { QS_INSERT_BYTE_(QS_ESC) QS_INSERT_BYTE_(b ^ QS_ESC_XOR) priv_.used = (priv_.used + 1U); // account for the ESC byte } QS_INSERT_BYTE_(QS_FRAME) // do not escape this QS_FRAME priv_.head = head_; // save the head if (priv_.used > end_) { // overrun over the old data? priv_.used = end_; // the whole buffer is used priv_.tail = head_; // shift the tail to the old data } noexcept //! output std::uint8_t data element without format information std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) priv_.used = (priv_.used + 1U); // 1 byte about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(d) priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! output two std::uint8_t data elements without format information std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) priv_.used = (priv_.used + 2U); // 2 bytes about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(d1) QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(d2) priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output std::uint16_t data element without format information std::uint8_t b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(d); std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) priv_.used = (priv_.used + 2U); // 2 bytes about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(b) d >>= 8U; b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(d); QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(b) priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output std::uint32_t data element without format information std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) priv_.used = (priv_.used + 4U); // 4 bytes about to be added for (std::uint_fast8_t i = 4U; i != 0U; --i) { std::uint8_t const b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(d); QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(b) d >>= 8U; } priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output object pointer data element without format information #if (QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE == 1U) u8_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t>(obj)); #elif (QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE == 2U) u16_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t>(obj)); #elif (QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE == 4U) u32_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t>(obj)); #elif (QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE == 8U) u64_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t>(obj)); #else u32_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t>(obj)); #endif noexcept //! Output zero-terminated ASCII string element without format information std::uint8_t b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(*s); std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr used_ = priv_.used; // put in a temporary (register) while (b != 0U) { chksum_ += b; // update checksum QS_INSERT_BYTE_(b) // ASCII characters don't need escaping ++s; b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(*s); ++used_; } QS_INSERT_BYTE_(0U) // zero-terminate the string ++used_; priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum priv_.used = used_; // save # of used buffer space noexcept //! Output std::uint8_t data element with format information //! @sa QS_U8(), QS_I8() std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t *const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) priv_.used = (priv_.used + 2U); // 2 bytes about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(d) priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output std::uint16_t data element with format information //! @sa QS_U16(), QS_I16() std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) priv_.used = (priv_.used + 3U); // 3 bytes about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) format = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(d); QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) d >>= 8U; format = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(d); QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output std::uint32_t data element with format information //! @sa QS_U32(), QS_I32() std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t * const buf_= priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) priv_.used = (priv_.used + 5U); // 5 bytes about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) // insert the format byte for (std::uint_fast8_t i = 4U; i != 0U; --i) { format = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(d); QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) d >>= 8U; } priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output zero-terminated ASCII string element with format information //! @sa QS_STR() std::uint8_t b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(*s); std::uint8_t chksum_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>( priv_.chksum + static_cast<std::uint8_t>(STR_T)); std::uint8_t * const buf_= priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr used_ = priv_.used; // put in a temporary (register) used_ += 2U; // the format byte and the terminating-0 QS_INSERT_BYTE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(STR_T)) while (b != 0U) { // ASCII characters don't need escaping chksum_ += b; // update checksum QS_INSERT_BYTE_(b) ++s; b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(*s); ++used_; } QS_INSERT_BYTE_(0U) // zero-terminate the string priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum priv_.used = used_; // save # of used buffer space noexcept //! Output memory block of up to 255-bytes with format information //! @sa QS_MEM() std::uint8_t b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(MEM_T); std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum + b; std::uint8_t * const buf_= priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_= priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) priv_.used = (priv_.used + size + 2U); // size+2 bytes to be added QS_INSERT_BYTE_(b) QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(size) // output the 'size' number of bytes for (; size != 0U; --size) { b = *blk; QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(b) ++blk; } priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output signal dictionary record //! @sa QS_SIG_DICTIONARY() QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_E_(); beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_SIG_DICT)); QS_SIG_PRE_(sig); QS_OBJ_PRE_(obj); QS_STR_PRE_((*name == '&') ? &name[1] : name); endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); onFlush(); noexcept //! Output object dictionary record //! @sa QS_OBJ_DICTIONARY() QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_E_(); beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_OBJ_DICT)); QS_OBJ_PRE_(obj); QS_STR_PRE_((*name == '&') ? &name[1] : name); endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); onFlush(); noexcept //! Output predefined object-array dictionary record //! @sa QS_OBJ_ARR_DICTIONARY() Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, idx < 1000U); // format idx into a char buffer as "xxx\0" std::uint8_t idx_str[4]; std::uint_fast16_t tmp = idx; std::uint8_t i; idx_str[3] = 0U; // zero-terminate idx_str[2] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>( static_cast<std::uint8_t>('0') + (tmp % 10U)); tmp /= 10U; idx_str[1] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>( static_cast<std::uint8_t>('0') + (tmp % 10U)); if (idx_str[1] == static_cast<std::uint8_t>('0')) { i = 2U; } else { tmp /= 10U; idx_str[0] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>( static_cast<std::uint8_t>('0') + (tmp % 10U)); if (idx_str[0] == static_cast<std::uint8_t>('0')) { i = 1U; } else { i = 0U; } } QS_CRIT_STAT_ std::uint8_t j = ((*name == '&') ? 1U : 0U); QS_CRIT_E_(); beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_OBJ_DICT)); QS_OBJ_PRE_(obj); for (; name[j] != '\0'; ++j) { QS_U8_PRE_(name[j]); if (name[j] == '[') { ++j; break; } } for (; idx_str[i] != 0U; ++i) { QS_U8_PRE_(idx_str[i]); } // skip chars until ']' for (; name[j] != '\0'; ++j) { if (name[j] == ']') { break; } } for (; name[j] != '\0'; ++j) { QS_U8_PRE_(name[j]); } QS_U8_PRE_(0U); // zero-terminate endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); onFlush(); noexcept //! Output function dictionary record //! @sa QS_FUN_DICTIONARY() QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_E_(); beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_FUN_DICT)); QS_FUN_PRE_(fun); QS_STR_PRE_((*name == '&') ? &name[1] : name); endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); onFlush(); noexcept //! Output user dictionary record //! @sa QS_USR_DICTIONARY() QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_E_(); beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_USR_DICT)); QS_U8_PRE_(rec); QS_STR_PRE_(name); endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); onFlush(); noexcept //! internal function to produce the assertion failure trace record //! @sa QS_ASSERTION() QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_ASSERT_FAIL, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); QS_U16_PRE_(loc); QS_STR_PRE_((module != nullptr) ? module : "?"); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QP::QS::onFlush(); for (std::uint32_t volatile ctr = delay; ctr > 0U; ) { ctr = (ctr - 1U); } QP::QS::onCleanup(); noexcept //! internal function to produce the critical section entry record //! @sa QF_QS_CRIT_ENTRY() QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_QF_CRIT_ENTRY, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); QS::priv_.critNest = (QS::priv_.critNest + 1U); QS_U8_PRE_(QS::priv_.critNest); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() noexcept //! internal function to produce the critical section exit record //! @sa QF_QS_CRIT_EXIT() QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_QF_CRIT_EXIT, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); QS_U8_PRE_(QS::priv_.critNest); QS::priv_.critNest = (QS::priv_.critNest - 1U); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() noexcept //! internal function to produce the ISR entry record //! @sa QF_QS_ISR_ENTRY() QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_QF_ISR_ENTRY, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); QS_U8_PRE_(isrnest); QS_U8_PRE_(prio); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() noexcept //! internal function to produce the ISR exit record //! @sa QF_QS_ISR_EXIT() QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_QF_ISR_EXIT, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); QS_U8_PRE_(isrnest); QS_U8_PRE_(prio); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() //! Helper function to output the predefined Target-info trace record. static constexpr std::uint8_t ZERO = static_cast<std::uint8_t>('0'); static std::uint8_t const * const TIME = reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t const *>(&BUILD_TIME[0]); static std::uint8_t const * const DATE = reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t const *>(&BUILD_DATE[0]); QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_TARGET_INFO)); QS::u8_raw_(isReset); static union { std::uint16_t u16; std::uint8_t u8[2]; } endian_test; endian_test.u16 = 0x0102U; // big endian ? add the 0x8000U flag QS_U16_PRE_(((endian_test.u8[0] == 0x01U) ? (0x8000U | QP_VERSION) : QP_VERSION)); // target endianness + version number // send the object sizes... QS::u8_raw_(Q_SIGNAL_SIZE | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE << 4U)); #ifdef QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE QS::u8_raw_(QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE << 4U)); #else QS::u8_raw_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE << 4U)); #endif // ifdef QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE #ifdef QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE QS::u8_raw_(QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE << 4U)); #else QS::u8_raw_(0U); #endif // ifdef QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE QS::u8_raw_(QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE | (QS_FUN_PTR_SIZE << 4U)); QS::u8_raw_(QS_TIME_SIZE); // send the limits... QS::u8_raw_(QF_MAX_ACTIVE); QS::u8_raw_(QF_MAX_EPOOL | (QF_MAX_TICK_RATE << 4U)); // send the build time in three bytes (sec, min, hour)... QS::u8_raw_((10U * (TIME[6] - ZERO)) + (TIME[7] - ZERO)); QS::u8_raw_((10U * (TIME[3] - ZERO)) + (TIME[4] - ZERO)); if (BUILD_TIME[0] == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(' ')) { QS::u8_raw_(TIME[1] - ZERO); } else { QS::u8_raw_((10U * (TIME[0] - ZERO)) + (TIME[1] - ZERO)); } // send the build date in three bytes (day, month, year) ... if (BUILD_DATE[4] == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(' ')) { QS::u8_raw_(DATE[5] - ZERO); } else { QS::u8_raw_((10U * (DATE[4] - ZERO)) + (DATE[5] - ZERO)); } // convert the 3-letter month to a number 1-12 ... std::uint8_t b; switch (DATE[0] + DATE[1] + DATE[2]) { case 'J' + 'a' +'n': b = 1U; break; case 'F' + 'e' + 'b': b = 2U; break; case 'M' + 'a' +'r': b = 3U; break; case 'A' + 'p' + 'r': b = 4U; break; case 'M' + 'a' + 'y': b = 5U; break; case 'J' + 'u' + 'n': b = 6U; break; case 'J' + 'u' + 'l': b = 7U; break; case 'A' + 'u' + 'g': b = 8U; break; case 'S' + 'e' + 'p': b = 9U; break; case 'O' + 'c' + 't': b = 10U; break; case 'N' + 'o' + 'v': b = 11U; break; case 'D' + 'e' + 'c': b = 12U; break; default: b = 0U; break; } QS::u8_raw_(b); // store the month QS::u8_raw_((10U * (DATE[9] - ZERO)) + (DATE[10] - ZERO)); QS::endRec_(); //! Callback to startup the QS facility //! Callback to cleanup the QS facility //! Callback to flush the QS trace data to the host //! Callback to obtain a timestamp for a QS record noexcept //! Output std::uint64_t data element without format information std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; QSCtr const end_ = priv_.end; priv_.used = (priv_.used + 8U); // 8 bytes are about to be added for (std::int_fast8_t i = 8U; i != 0U; --i) { std::uint8_t const b = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(d); QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(b) d >>= 8U; } priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output std::uint64_t data element with format information //! @sa QS_U64(), QS_I64() std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; QSCtr const end_ = priv_.end; priv_.used = (priv_.used + 9U); // 9 bytes are about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) // insert the format byte for (std::int_fast8_t i = 8U; i != 0U; --i) { format = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(d); QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) d >>= 8U; } priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output 32-bit floating point data element with format information //! @sa QS_F32() union F32Rep { float32_t f; std::uint32_t u; } fu32; // the internal binary representation std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; // put in a temporary (register) std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; // put in a temporary (register) QSCtr const end_ = priv_.end; // put in a temporary (register) fu32.f = d; // assign the binary representation priv_.used = (priv_.used + 5U); // 5 bytes about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) // insert the format byte for (std::uint_fast8_t i = 4U; i != 0U; --i) { format = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(fu32.u); QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) fu32.u >>= 8U; } priv_.head = head_; // save the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // save the checksum noexcept //! Output 64-bit floating point data element with format information //! @sa QS_F64() union F64Rep { float64_t d; std::uint32_t u[2]; } fu64; // the internal binary representation std::uint8_t chksum_ = priv_.chksum; std::uint8_t * const buf_ = priv_.buf; QSCtr head_ = priv_.head; QSCtr const end_ = priv_.end; std::uint32_t i; // static constant untion to detect endianness of the machine static union U32Rep { std::uint32_t u32; std::uint8_t u8; } const endian = { 1U }; fu64.d = d; // assign the binary representation // is this a big-endian machine? if (endian.u8 == 0U) { // swap fu64.u[0] <-> fu64.u[1]... i = fu64.u[0]; fu64.u[0] = fu64.u[1]; fu64.u[1] = i; } priv_.used = (priv_.used + 9U); // 9 bytes about to be added QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(format) // insert the format byte // output 4 bytes from fu64.u[0]... for (i = 4U; i != 0U; --i) { QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(fu64.u[0])) fu64.u[0] >>= 8U; } // output 4 bytes from fu64.u[1]... for (i = 4U; i != 0U; --i) { QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(fu64.u[1])) fu64.u[1] >>= 8U; } priv_.head = head_; // update the head priv_.chksum = chksum_; // update the checksum //! QS software tracing parameters for QS input (QS-RX) //! current objects //! pointer to the start of the ring buffer //! offset of the end of the ring buffer //! offset to where next byte will be inserted //! offset of where next byte will be extracted //! QUTest event loop is running //! the only instance of the QS-RX object (Singleton) //! Kinds of objects used in QS::setCurrObj() and QS::queryCurrObj() : std::uint8_t { SM_OBJ, //!< state machine object for QEP AO_OBJ, //!< active object MP_OBJ, //!< event pool object EQ_OBJ, //!< raw queue object TE_OBJ, //!< time event object AP_OBJ, //!< generic Application-specific object MAX_OBJ }; //! Object combinations for QS::setCurrObj() and QS::queryCurrObj() : std::uint8_t { SM_AO_OBJ = MAX_OBJ //!< combination of SM and AO }; noexcept //! Initialize the QS RX data buffer //! //! @details //! This function should be called from QS::onStartup() to provide QS-RX //! with the receive data buffer. //! //! @param[in] sto[] the address of the memory block //! @param[in] stoSize the size of this block [bytes]. The size of the //! QS RX buffer cannot exceed 64KB. //! //! @note //! QS-RX can work with quite small data buffers, but you will start //! losing data if the buffer is not drained fast enough (e.g., in the //! idle task). //! //! @note //! If the data input rate exceeds the QS-RX processing rate, the data //! will be lost, but the QS protocol will notice that: //! (1) that the checksum in the incomplete QS records will fail; and //! (2) the sequence counter in QS records will show discontinuities. //! //! The QS-RX channel will report any data errors by sending the //! QS_RX_DATA_ERROR trace record. rxPriv_.buf = &sto[0]; rxPriv_.end = static_cast<QSCtr>(stoSize); rxPriv_.head = 0U; rxPriv_.tail = 0U; rxPriv_.currObj[QS::SM_OBJ] = nullptr; rxPriv_.currObj[QS::AO_OBJ] = nullptr; rxPriv_.currObj[QS::MP_OBJ] = nullptr; rxPriv_.currObj[QS::EQ_OBJ] = nullptr; rxPriv_.currObj[QS::TE_OBJ] = nullptr; rxPriv_.currObj[QS::AP_OBJ] = nullptr; tran_(WAIT4_SEQ); l_rx.esc = 0U; l_rx.seq = 0U; l_rx.chksum = 0U; beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_OBJ_DICT)); QS_OBJ_PRE_(&rxPriv_); QS_STR_PRE_("QS_RX"); endRec_(); // no QS_REC_DONE(), because QS is not running yet #ifdef Q_UTEST QP::QS::testData.tpNum = 0U; QP::QS::testData.testTime = 0U; #endif // Q_UTEST noexcept //! Put one byte into the QS RX lock-free buffer QSCtr head = rxPriv_.head + 1U; if (head == rxPriv_.end) { head = 0U; } if (head != rxPriv_.tail) { // buffer NOT full? rxPriv_.buf[rxPriv_.head] = b; rxPriv_.head = head; return true; // byte placed in the buffer } else { return false; // byte NOT placed in the buffer } noexcept //! Obtain the number of free bytes in the QS RX data buffer //! //! @details //! This function is intended to be called from the ISR that reads the //! QS-RX bytes from the QSPY application. The function returns the //! conservative number of free bytes currently available in the buffer, //! assuming that the head pointer is not being moved concurrently. //! The tail pointer might be moving, meaning that bytes can be //! concurrently removed from the buffer. QSCtr const head = rxPriv_.head; if (head == rxPriv_.tail) { // buffer empty? return static_cast<std::uint16_t>(rxPriv_.end - 1U); } else if (head < rxPriv_.tail) { return static_cast<std::uint16_t>(rxPriv_.tail - head - 1U); } else { return static_cast<std::uint16_t>(rxPriv_.end + rxPriv_.tail - head - 1U); } //! Perform the QS-RX input (implemented in some QS ports) noexcept //! Set the "current object" in the Target //! //! @details //! This function sets the "current object" in the Target. Q_REQUIRE_ID(100, obj_kind < Q_DIM(rxPriv_.currObj)); rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind] = obj_ptr; noexcept //! Query the "current object" in the Target //! //! @details //! This function programmatically generates the response to the query for //! a "current object". Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, obj_kind < Q_DIM(rxPriv_.currObj)); if (QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind] != nullptr) { QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_E_(); QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_QUERY_DATA)); QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_U8_PRE_(obj_kind); // object kind QS_OBJ_PRE_(QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind]); // object pointer switch (obj_kind) { case SM_OBJ: // intentionally fall through case AO_OBJ: QS_FUN_PRE_( reinterpret_cast<QHsm *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->getStateHandler()); break; case QS::MP_OBJ: QS_MPC_PRE_(reinterpret_cast<QMPool *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->getNFree()); QS_MPC_PRE_(reinterpret_cast<QMPool *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->getNMin()); break; case QS::EQ_OBJ: QS_EQC_PRE_(reinterpret_cast<QEQueue *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->getNFree()); QS_EQC_PRE_(reinterpret_cast<QEQueue *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->getNMin()); break; case QS::TE_OBJ: QS_OBJ_PRE_(reinterpret_cast<QTimeEvt *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->getAct()); QS_TEC_PRE_(reinterpret_cast<QTimeEvt *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->getCtr()); QS_TEC_PRE_(reinterpret_cast<QTimeEvt *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->getInterval()); QS_SIG_PRE_(reinterpret_cast<QTimeEvt *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->sig); QS_U8_PRE_ (reinterpret_cast<QTimeEvt *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[obj_kind])->refCtr_); break; default: break; } QS::endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); QS_REC_DONE(); // user callback (if defined) } else { rxReportError_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_RX_AO_FILTER)); } //! Parse all bytes present in the QS RX data buffer QSCtr tail = rxPriv_.tail; while (rxPriv_.head != tail) { // QS-RX buffer NOT empty? std::uint8_t b = rxPriv_.buf[tail]; ++tail; if (tail == rxPriv_.end) { tail = 0U; } rxPriv_.tail = tail; // update the tail to a *valid* index if (l_rx.esc != 0U) { // escaped byte arrived? l_rx.esc = 0U; b ^= QS_ESC_XOR; l_rx.chksum += b; rxParseData_(b); } else if (b == QS_ESC) { l_rx.esc = 1U; } else if (b == QS_FRAME) { // get ready for the next frame b = l_rx.state; // save the current state in b l_rx.esc = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_SEQ); if (l_rx.chksum == QS_GOOD_CHKSUM) { l_rx.chksum = 0U; rxHandleGoodFrame_(b); } else { // bad checksum l_rx.chksum = 0U; rxReportError_(0x41U); rxHandleBadFrame_(b); } } else { l_rx.chksum += b; rxParseData_(b); } } //! internal function to handle incoming (QS-RX) packet std::uint8_t i; std::uint8_t *ptr; QS_CRIT_STAT_ switch (state) { case WAIT4_INFO_FRAME: { // no need to report Ack or Done QS_CRIT_E_(); target_info_pre_(0U); // send only Target info QS_CRIT_X_(); break; } case WAIT4_RESET_FRAME: { // no need to report Ack or Done, because Target resets QS::onReset(); // reset the Target break; } case WAIT4_CMD_PARAM1: // intentionally fall-through case WAIT4_CMD_PARAM2: // intentionally fall-through case WAIT4_CMD_PARAM3: // intentionally fall-through case WAIT4_CMD_FRAME: { rxReportAck_(QS_RX_COMMAND); QS::onCommand(l_rx.var.cmd.cmdId, l_rx.var.cmd.param1, l_rx.var.cmd.param2, l_rx.var.cmd.param3); #ifdef Q_UTEST #if Q_UTEST != 0 QS::processTestEvts_(); // process all events produced #endif // Q_UTEST != 0 #endif // Q_UTEST rxReportDone_(QS_RX_COMMAND); break; } case WAIT4_TICK_FRAME: { rxReportAck_(QS_RX_TICK); #ifdef Q_UTEST QTimeEvt::tick1_( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(l_rx.var.tick.rate), &QS::rxPriv_); #if Q_UTEST != 0 QS::processTestEvts_(); // process all events produced #endif // Q_UTEST != 0 #else QTimeEvt::tick_( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(l_rx.var.tick.rate), &QS::rxPriv_); #endif // Q_UTEST rxReportDone_(QS_RX_TICK); break; } case WAIT4_PEEK_FRAME: { // no need to report Ack or Done QS_CRIT_E_(); QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_PEEK_DATA)); ptr = static_cast<std::uint8_t*>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QS::AP_OBJ]); ptr = &ptr[l_rx.var.peek.offs]; QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_U16_PRE_(l_rx.var.peek.offs); // data offset QS_U8_PRE_(l_rx.var.peek.size); // data size QS_U8_PRE_(l_rx.var.peek.num); // number of data items for (i = 0U; i < l_rx.var.peek.num; ++i) { switch (l_rx.var.peek.size) { case 1: QS_U8_PRE_(ptr[i]); break; case 2: QS_U16_PRE_( reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t*>(ptr)[i]); break; case 4: QS_U32_PRE_( reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t*>(ptr)[i]); break; default: break; } } QS::endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); QS_REC_DONE(); // user callback (if defined) break; } case WAIT4_POKE_DATA: { // received less than expected poke data items rxReportError_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_RX_POKE)); break; } case WAIT4_POKE_FRAME: { rxReportAck_(QS_RX_POKE); // no need to report done break; } case WAIT4_FILL_FRAME: { rxReportAck_(QS_RX_FILL); ptr = static_cast<std::uint8_t *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QS::AP_OBJ]); ptr = &ptr[l_rx.var.poke.offs]; for (i = 0U; i < l_rx.var.poke.num; ++i) { switch (l_rx.var.poke.size) { case 1: ptr[i] = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(l_rx.var.poke.data); break; case 2: reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t *>(ptr)[i] = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(l_rx.var.poke.data); break; case 4: reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t *>(ptr)[i] = l_rx.var.poke.data; break; default: break; } } break; } case WAIT4_FILTER_FRAME: { rxReportAck_(static_cast<enum QSpyRxRecords>(l_rx.var.flt.recId)); // apply the received filters if (l_rx.var.flt.recId == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_RX_GLB_FILTER)) { for (i = 0U; i < static_cast<std::uint8_t>(sizeof(priv_.glbFilter)); ++i) { priv_.glbFilter[i] = l_rx.var.flt.data[i]; } // leave the "not maskable" filters enabled, // see qs.h, Miscellaneous QS records (not maskable) // priv_.glbFilter[0] |= 0x01U; priv_.glbFilter[7] |= 0xFCU; priv_.glbFilter[8] |= 0x7FU; // never enable the last 3 records (0x7D, 0x7E, 0x7F) priv_.glbFilter[15] &= 0x1FU; } else if (l_rx.var.flt.recId == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_RX_LOC_FILTER)) { for (i = 0U; i < Q_DIM(priv_.locFilter); ++i) { priv_.locFilter[i] = l_rx.var.flt.data[i]; } // leave QS_ID == 0 always on priv_.locFilter[0] |= 0x01U; } else { rxReportError_(l_rx.var.flt.recId); } // no need to report Done break; } case WAIT4_OBJ_FRAME: { i = l_rx.var.obj.kind; if (i < static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS::MAX_OBJ)) { if (l_rx.var.obj.recId == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_RX_CURR_OBJ)) { rxPriv_.currObj[i] = reinterpret_cast<void *>(l_rx.var.obj.addr); rxReportAck_(QS_RX_CURR_OBJ); } else if (l_rx.var.obj.recId == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_RX_AO_FILTER)) { if (l_rx.var.obj.addr != 0U) { std::int_fast16_t const filter = static_cast<std::int_fast16_t>( reinterpret_cast<QActive *>( l_rx.var.obj.addr)->m_prio); locFilter_((i == 0) ? filter :-filter); rxReportAck_(QS_RX_AO_FILTER); } else { rxReportError_(static_cast<enum_t>(QS_RX_AO_FILTER)); } } else { rxReportError_(l_rx.var.obj.recId); } } // both SM and AO else if (i == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS::SM_AO_OBJ)) { if (l_rx.var.obj.recId == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_RX_CURR_OBJ)) { rxPriv_.currObj[SM_OBJ] = reinterpret_cast<void *>(l_rx.var.obj.addr); rxPriv_.currObj[AO_OBJ] = reinterpret_cast<void *>(l_rx.var.obj.addr); } rxReportAck_( static_cast<enum QSpyRxRecords>(l_rx.var.obj.recId)); } else { rxReportError_(l_rx.var.obj.recId); } break; } case WAIT4_QUERY_FRAME: { queryCurrObj(l_rx.var.obj.kind); break; } case WAIT4_EVT_FRAME: { // NOTE: Ack was already reported in the WAIT4_EVT_LEN state #ifdef Q_UTEST QS::onTestEvt(l_rx.var.evt.e); // "massage" the event, if needed #endif // Q_UTEST // use 'i' as status, 0 == success,no-recycle i = 0U; if (l_rx.var.evt.prio == 0U) { // publish QActive::publish_(l_rx.var.evt.e, &QS::rxPriv_, 0U); } else if (l_rx.var.evt.prio < QF_MAX_ACTIVE) { if (!QActive::registry_[l_rx.var.evt.prio]->POST_X( l_rx.var.evt.e, 0U, // margin &QS::rxPriv_)) { // failed QACTIVE_POST() recycles the event i = 0x80U; // failure, no recycle } } else if (l_rx.var.evt.prio == 255U) { // dispatch to the current SM object if (QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QS::SM_OBJ] != nullptr) { // increment the ref-ctr to simulate the situation // when the event is just retreived from a queue. // This is expected for the following QF::gc() call. // QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(l_rx.var.evt.e); static_cast<QHsm *>(QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QS::SM_OBJ]) ->dispatch(l_rx.var.evt.e, 0U); i = 0x01U; // success, recycle } else { i = 0x81U; // failure, recycle } } else if (l_rx.var.evt.prio == 254U) { // init the current SM object" if (QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QS::SM_OBJ] != nullptr) { // increment the ref-ctr to simulate the situation // when the event is just retreived from a queue. // This is expected for the following QF::gc() call. // QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(l_rx.var.evt.e); static_cast<QHsm *>(QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QS::SM_OBJ]) ->init(l_rx.var.evt.e, 0U); i = 0x01U; // success, recycle } else { i = 0x81U; // failure, recycle } } else if (l_rx.var.evt.prio == 253U) { // post to the current AO if (QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QS::AO_OBJ] != nullptr) { if (!static_cast<QActive *>( QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QS::AO_OBJ])->POST_X( l_rx.var.evt.e, 0U, // margin &QS::rxPriv_)) { // failed QACTIVE_POST() recycles the event i = 0x80U; // failure, no recycle } } else { i = 0x81U; // failure, recycle } } else { i = 0x81U; // failure, recycle } // recycle needed? if ((i & 1U) != 0U) { QF::gc(l_rx.var.evt.e); } // failure? if ((i & 0x80U) != 0U) { rxReportError_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_RX_EVENT)); } else { #ifdef Q_UTEST #if Q_UTEST != 0 QS::processTestEvts_(); // process all events produced #endif // Q_UTEST != 0 #endif // Q_UTEST rxReportDone_(QS_RX_EVENT); } break; } #ifdef Q_UTEST case WAIT4_TEST_SETUP_FRAME: { rxReportAck_(QS_RX_TEST_SETUP); QP::QS::testData.tpNum = 0U; // clear Test-Probes QP::QS::testData.testTime = 0U; //clear time tick // don't clear current objects QS::onTestSetup(); // application-specific test setup // no need to report Done break; } case WAIT4_TEST_TEARDOWN_FRAME: { rxReportAck_(QS_RX_TEST_TEARDOWN); QS::onTestTeardown(); // application-specific test teardown // no need to report Done break; } case WAIT4_TEST_CONTINUE_FRAME: { rxReportAck_(QS_RX_TEST_CONTINUE); QS::rxPriv_.inTestLoop = false; // exit the QUTest loop // no need to report Done break; } case WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_FRAME: { rxReportAck_(QS_RX_TEST_PROBE); Q_ASSERT_ID(815, QP::QS::testData.tpNum < (sizeof(QP::QS::testData.tpBuf) / sizeof(QP::QS::testData.tpBuf[0]))); QP::QS::testData.tpBuf[QP::QS::testData.tpNum] = l_rx.var.tp; ++QP::QS::testData.tpNum; // no need to report Done break; } #endif // Q_UTEST case ERROR_STATE: { // keep ignoring all bytes until new frame break; } default: { rxReportError_(0x47U); break; } } //! callback function to reset the Target (to be implemented in the BSP) //! Callback function to execute user commands (to be implemented in BSP) //! record ID for posting events {124U}; //! Test Probe attributes { QSFun addr; //!< pointer to function hosting the Test Probe std::uint32_t data; //!< data associated with the Test Probe std::uint8_t idx; //!< index of the Test Probe }; //! QUTest data { TProbe tpBuf[16]; //!< up to 16 Test Probes std::uint8_t tpNum; //!< # of registered Test Probes QSTimeCtr testTime; //!< test time stamp }; //! QUTest data //! internal function to pause test and enter the test event loop beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QP::QS_TEST_PAUSED)); endRec_(); onTestLoop(); noexcept //! get the test probe data for the given API std::uint32_t data = 0U; for (std::uint8_t i = 0U; i < testData.tpNum; ++i) { if (testData.tpBuf[i].addr == reinterpret_cast<QSFun>(api)) { data = testData.tpBuf[i].data; QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_E_(); QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QS_TEST_PROBE_GET)); QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_FUN_PRE_(api); // the calling API QS_U32_PRE_(data); // the Test-Probe data QS::endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); QS_REC_DONE(); // user callback (if defined) --testData.tpNum; // one less Test-Probe // move all remaining entries in the buffer up by one for (std::uint8_t j = i; j < testData.tpNum; ++j) { testData.tpBuf[j] = testData.tpBuf[j + 1U]; } break; // we are done (Test-Probe retreived) } } return data; //! callback to setup a unit test inside the Target //! callback to teardown after a unit test inside the Target //! callback to "massage" the test event before dispatching/posting it //! callback to examine an event that is about to be posted //! callback to run the test loop //! internal function to process posted events during test QS_TEST_PROBE_DEF(&QS::processTestEvts_) // return immediately (do nothing) for Test Probe != 0 QS_TEST_PROBE(return;) while (QF::readySet_.notEmpty()) { std::uint_fast8_t const p = QF::readySet_.findMax(); QActive * const a = QActive::registry_[p]; // perform the run-to-completion (RTC) step... // 1. retrieve the event from the AO's event queue, which by this // time must be non-empty and the "Vanialla" kernel asserts it. // 2. dispatch the event to the AO's state machine. // 3. determine if event is garbage and collect it if so // QEvt const * const e = a->get_(); a->dispatch(e, a->m_prio); QF::gc(e); if (a->m_eQueue.isEmpty()) { // empty queue? QF::readySet_.remove(p); } } //! QF initialization for QUTest //! Clear the internal QF variables, so that the framework can start //! correctly even if the startup code fails to clear the uninitialized //! data (as is required by the C++ Standard). QActive::subscrList_ = nullptr; QActive::maxPubSignal_ = 0; QF::intNest_ = 0U; QF::maxPool_ = 0U; bzero(&QActive::registry_[0], sizeof(QActive::registry_)); bzero(&QF::readySet_, sizeof(QF::readySet_)); //! stop the QF customization for QUTest //! //! @sa QF::onCleanup() QS::onReset(); //! QF::run() customization for QUTest // function dictionaries for the standard API QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(&QActive::post_); QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(&QActive::postLIFO); QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(&QS::processTestEvts_); // produce the QS_QF_RUN trace record QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QF_RUN, 0U) QS_END_PRE_() QS::onTestLoop(); // run the unit test QS::onCleanup(); // application cleanup return 0; // return no error //! QActive active object class customization for QUTest //! Starts execution of an active object and registers the object //! with the framework customized for QUTest Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSto); Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSize); m_prio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec & 0xFFU); // QF-priol m_pthre = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec >> 8U); // preemption-thre. register_(); // make QF aware of this AO m_eQueue.init(qSto, qLen); // initialize QEQueue of this AO this->init(par, m_prio); // take the top-most initial tran. (virtual) //! Stops execution of an active object and unregisters the object //! with the framework customized for QUTest unsubscribeAll(); // unsubscribe from all events unregister_(); // remove this object from QF //! QTimeEvt class customization for QUTest //! Processes one clock tick for QUTest // The testing version of system tick processing performs as follows: // 1. If the Current Time Event (TE) Object is defined and the TE is armed, // the TE is disarmed (if one-shot) and then posted to the recipient AO. // 2. The linked-list of all armed Time Events is updated. // QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QTimeEvt *prev = &QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_[tickRate]; QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TICK, 0U) prev->m_ctr = (prev->m_ctr + 1U); QS_TEC_PRE_(prev->m_ctr); // tick ctr QS_U8_PRE_(tickRate); // tick rate QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // is current Time Event object provided? QTimeEvt *t = static_cast<QTimeEvt *>(QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QS::TE_OBJ]); if (t != nullptr) { // the time event must be armed Q_ASSERT_ID(810, t->m_ctr != 0U); // temp. for volatile QActive * const act = static_cast<QActive *>(t->m_act); // the recipient AO must be provided Q_ASSERT_ID(820, act != nullptr); // periodic time evt? if (t->m_interval != 0U) { t->m_ctr = t->m_interval; // rearm the time event } else { // one-shot time event: automatically disarm t->m_ctr = 0U; // auto-disarm // mark time event 't' as NOT linked t->refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(t->refCtr_ & static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~TE_IS_LINKED)); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TIMEEVT_AUTO_DISARM, act->m_prio) QS_OBJ_PRE_(t); // this time event object QS_OBJ_PRE_(act); // the target AO QS_U8_PRE_(tickRate); // tick rate QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_TIMEEVT_POST, act->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(t); // the time event object QS_SIG_PRE_(t->sig); // signal of this time event QS_OBJ_PRE_(act); // the target AO QS_U8_PRE_(tickRate); // tick rate QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); // exit crit. section before posting // asserts if queue overflows static_cast<void>(act->POST(t, sender)); QF_CRIT_E_(); } // update the linked list of time events for (;;) { t = prev->m_next; // advance down the time evt. list // end of the list? if (t == nullptr) { // any new time events armed since the last run of tick_()? if (QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_act != nullptr) { // sanity check Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(830, prev != nullptr); prev->m_next = QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_[tickRate].toTimeEvt(); QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_act = nullptr; t = prev->m_next; // switch to the new list } else { break; // all currently armed time evts. processed } } // time event scheduled for removal? if (t->m_ctr == 0U) { prev->m_next = t->m_next; // mark time event 't' as NOT linked t->refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(t->refCtr_ & static_cast<std::uint8_t>(~TE_IS_LINKED)); // do NOT advance the prev pointer QF_CRIT_X_(); // exit crit. section to reduce latency // prevent merging critical sections, see NOTE1 below QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP(); } else { prev = t; // advance to this time event QF_CRIT_X_(); // exit crit. section to reduce latency // prevent merging critical sections, see NOTE1 below QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP(); } QF_CRIT_E_(); // re-enter crit. section to continue } QF_CRIT_X_(); //! Dummy HSM class for testing (inherits QP::QHsm) //! //! @details //! QHsmDummy is a test double for the role of "Orthogonal Components" //! HSM objects in QUTest unit testing. //! ctor : QHsm(nullptr) override Q_UNUSED_PAR(e); QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_INIT, qs_id) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(m_state.fun); // the source state QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.fun); // the target of the initial transition QS_END_PRE_() override QHsmDummy::init(nullptr, qs_id); override QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_DISPATCH, qs_id) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(m_state.fun); // the current state QS_END_PRE_() //! Dummy Active Object class for testing (inherits QP::QActive) //! //! @details //! QActiveDummy is a test double for the role of collaborating active //! objects in QUTest unit testing. //! ctor : QActive(nullptr) override // No special preconditions for checking parameters to allow starting // dummy AOs the exact same way as the real counterparts. Q_UNUSED_PAR(qSto); Q_UNUSED_PAR(qLen); Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSto); Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSize); m_prio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec & 0xFFU); // QF-prio. m_pthre = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec >> 8U); // preemption-thre. register_(); // make QF aware of this AO QActiveDummy::init(par, m_prio); // take the top-most initial tran. override this->start(prioSpec, qSto, qLen, stkSto, stkSize, nullptr); override Q_UNUSED_PAR(e); Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_INIT, m_prio) QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(m_state.fun); // the source state QS_FUN_PRE_(m_temp.fun); // the target of the initial transition QS_END_PRE_() override QActiveDummy::init(nullptr, qs_id); override Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_DISPATCH, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // time stamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this state machine object QS_FUN_PRE_(m_state.fun); // the current state QS_END_PRE_() noexcept override QS_TEST_PROBE_DEF(&QActive::post_) // test-probe#1 for faking queue overflow bool status = true; QS_TEST_PROBE_ID(1, status = false; if (margin == QF_NO_MARGIN) { // fake assertion Mod=qf_actq,Loc=110 Q_onAssert("qf_actq", 110); } ) QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); // increment the reference counter } std::uint_fast8_t const rec = (status ? static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST) : static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST_ATTEMPT)); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(rec, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(sender); // the sender object QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool Id & refCtr of the evt QS_EQC_PRE_(0U); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(margin); // margin requested QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // callback to examine the posted event under the same conditions // as producing the #QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST trace record, which are: // the local filter for this AO ('me->prio') is set // if ((QS::priv_.locFilter[m_prio >> 3U] & (1U << (m_prio & 7U))) != 0U) { QS::onTestPost(sender, this, e, status); } QF_CRIT_X_(); // recycle the event immediately, because it was not really posted QF::gc(e); return status; noexcept override QS_TEST_PROBE_DEF(&QActive::postLIFO) // test-probe#1 for faking queue overflow QS_TEST_PROBE_ID(1, // fake assertion Mod=qf_actq,Loc=210 Q_onAssert("qf_actq", 210); ) QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); // increment the reference counter } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST_LIFO, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // pool Id & refCtr of the evt QS_EQC_PRE_(0U); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(0U); // min number of free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // callback to examine the posted event under the same conditions // as producing the #QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST trace record, which are: // the local filter for this AO ('me->prio') is set // if ((QS::priv_.locFilter[m_prio >> 3U] & (1U << (m_prio & 7U))) != 0U) { QS::onTestPost(nullptr, this, e, true); } QF_CRIT_X_(); // recycle the event immediately, because it was not really posted QF::gc(e); //! QV idle callback (customized in BSPs for QV) //! //! @attention //! QV::onIdle() must be called with interrupts DISABLED because the //! determination of the idle condition (no events in the queues) can //! change at any time by an interrupt posting events to a queue. //! QV::onIdle() MUST enable interrupts internally, ideally **atomically** //! with putting the CPU into a power-saving mode. //! QF initialization for QV QF::maxPool_ = 0U; QActive::subscrList_ = nullptr; QActive::maxPubSignal_ = 0; bzero(&QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_[0], sizeof(QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_)); bzero(&QActive::registry_[0], sizeof(QActive::registry_)); bzero(&QF::readySet_, sizeof(QF::readySet_)); #ifdef QV_INIT QV_INIT(); // port-specific initialization of the QV kernel #endif //! stop the QF customization for QV //! //! @sa QP::QF::onCleanup() onCleanup(); // cleanup callback // nothing else to do for the QV kernel //! QF::run() customization for QV kernel #ifdef Q_SPY std::uint_fast8_t pprev = 0U; // previous priority #endif onStartup(); // startup callback // the combined event-loop and background-loop of the QV kernel... QF_INT_DISABLE(); // produce the QS_QF_RUN trace record QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_RUN, 0U) QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() for (;;) { // find the maximum priority AO ready to run if (readySet_.notEmpty()) { std::uint_fast8_t const p = readySet_.findMax(); QActive * const a = QActive::registry_[p]; #ifdef Q_SPY QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SCHED_NEXT, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(p, pprev);// scheduled prio & previous prio QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() pprev = p; // update previous priority #endif // Q_SPY QF_INT_ENABLE(); // perform the run-to-completion (RTC) step... // 1. retrieve the event from the AO's event queue, which by this // time must be non-empty and The QV kernel asserts it. // 2. dispatch the event to the AO's state machine. // 3. determine if event is garbage and collect it if so // QEvt const * const e = a->get_(); a->dispatch(e, a->m_prio); gc(e); QF_INT_DISABLE(); if (a->m_eQueue.isEmpty()) { // empty queue? readySet_.remove(p); } } else { // no AO ready to run --> idle #ifdef Q_SPY if (pprev != 0U) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SCHED_IDLE, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_U8_PRE_(pprev); // previous prio QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() pprev = 0U; // update previous prio } #endif // Q_SPY // QV::onIdle() must be called with interrupts DISABLED because // the determination of the idle condition (no events in the // queues) can change at any time by an interrupt posting events // to a queue. QV::onIdle() MUST enable interrupts internally, // perhaps at the same time as putting the CPU into a power-saving // mode. QV::onIdle(); QF_INT_DISABLE(); } } #ifdef __GNUC__ // GNU compiler? return 0; #endif //! QActive active object class customization for QV //! Starts execution of an active object and registers the object //! with the framework customized for QV Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSto); // not needed in QV Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSize); // not needed in QV //! @pre stack storage must not be provided because the QV kernel //! does not need per-AO stacks. //! Q_REQUIRE_ID(500, stkSto == nullptr); m_prio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec & 0xFFU); // QF-prio. m_pthre = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec >> 8U); // preemption-thre. register_(); // make QF aware of this AO m_eQueue.init(qSto, qLen); // initialize QEQueue of this AO this->init(par, m_prio); // take the top-most initial tran. (virtual) QS_FLUSH(); // flush the trace buffer to the host //! QV scheduler lock status (not needed in QV) //! QV scheduler locking (not needed in QV) (static_cast<void>(0)) //! QV scheduler unlocking (not needed in QV) (static_cast<void>(0)) //! QV native event queue waiting \ Q_ASSERT_ID(110, (me_)->m_eQueue.m_frontEvt != nullptr) //! QV native event queue signaling \ (QF::readySet_.insert(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>((me_)->m_prio))) //! QK idle callback (customized in BSPs for QK) //! //! @details //! QK::onIdle() is called continuously by the QK idle loop. This callback //! gives the application an opportunity to enter a power-saving CPU mode, //! or perform some other idle processing. //! //! @note //! QK::onIdle() is invoked with interrupts enabled and must also return //! with interrupts enabled. //! //! @sa QV::onIdle(), QXK::onIdle() noexcept //! QK selective scheduler lock //! //! @details //! This function locks the QK scheduler to the specified ceiling. //! //! @param[in] ceiling priority ceiling to which the QK scheduler //! needs to be locked //! //! @returns //! The previous QK Scheduler lock status, which is to be used to unlock //! the scheduler by restoring its previous lock status in //! QP::QK::schedUnlock(). //! //! @note //! QP::QK::schedLock() must be always followed by the corresponding //! QP::QK::schedUnlock(). //! //! @sa QK_schedUnlock() //! //! @usage //! The following example shows how to lock and unlock the QK scheduler: //! @include qk_lock.cpp QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); //! @pre The QK scheduler lock cannot be called from an ISR Q_REQUIRE_ID(600, !QK_ISR_CONTEXT_()); // first store the previous lock prio QSchedStatus stat; if (ceiling > QK_attr_.lockCeil) { // raising the lock ceiling? QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SCHED_LOCK, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp // the previous lock ceiling & new lock ceiling QS_2U8_PRE_(QK_attr_.lockCeil, static_cast<std::uint8_t>(ceiling)); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // previous status of the lock stat = static_cast<QSchedStatus>(QK_attr_.lockHolder); stat = stat | (static_cast<QSchedStatus>(QK_attr_.lockCeil) << 8U); // new status of the lock QK_attr_.lockHolder = QK_attr_.actPrio; QK_attr_.lockCeil = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(ceiling); } else { stat = 0xFFU; } QF_CRIT_X_(); return stat; // return the status to be saved in a stack variable noexcept //! QK selective scheduler unlock //! //! @details //! This function unlocks the QK scheduler to the previous status. //! //! @param[in] stat previous QK Scheduler lock status returned from //! QP::QK::schedLock() //! @note //! QP::QK::schedUnlock() must always follow the corresponding //! QP::QK::schedLock(). //! //! @sa QP::QK::schedLock() //! //! @usage //! The following example shows how to lock and unlock the QK scheduler: //! @include qk_lock.cpp // has the scheduler been actually locked by the last QK_schedLock()? if (stat != 0xFFU) { std::uint8_t const lockCeil = QK_attr_.lockCeil; std::uint8_t const prevCeil = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(stat >> 8U); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); //! @pre The scheduler cannot be unlocked: //! - from the ISR context; and //! - the current lock ceiling must be greater than the previous Q_REQUIRE_ID(700, (!QK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) && (lockCeil > prevCeil)); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SCHED_UNLOCK, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(lockCeil, // current lock ceiling (old) prevCeil); // previous lock ceiling (new) QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // restore the previous lock ceiling and lock holder QK_attr_.lockCeil = prevCeil; QK_attr_.lockHolder = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(stat & 0xFFU); // find if any AOs should be run after unlocking the scheduler if (QK_sched_() != 0U) { // synchronous preemption needed? QK_activate_(0U); // synchronously activate any unlocked AOs } QF_CRIT_X_(); } //! QF initialization for QK QF::maxPool_ = 0U; QActive::subscrList_ = nullptr; QActive::maxPubSignal_ = 0; bzero(&QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_[0], sizeof(QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_)); bzero(&QActive::registry_[0], sizeof(QActive::registry_)); bzero(&QF::readySet_, sizeof(QF::readySet_)); bzero(&QK_attr_, sizeof(QK_attr_)); QK_attr_.actPrio = 0U; // priority of the QK idle loop QK_attr_.actThre = 0U; // preemption-threshold of the QK idle loop QK_attr_.lockCeil = (QF_MAX_ACTIVE + 1U); // scheduler locked #ifdef QK_INIT QK_INIT(); // port-specific initialization of the QK kernel #endif //! stop the QF customization for QK //! //! @sa QF::onCleanup() onCleanup(); // cleanup callback // nothing else to do for the QK preemptive kernel //! QF::run() customization for QK kernel QF_INT_DISABLE(); QK_attr_.lockCeil = 0U; // scheduler unlocked // any active objects need to be scheduled before starting event loop? if (QK_sched_() != 0U) { // synchronous preemption needed? QK_activate_(0U); // synchronously activate AOs to process events } onStartup(); // application-specific startup callback // produce the QS_QF_RUN trace record QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_RUN, 0U) QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_INT_ENABLE(); // the QK idle loop... for (;;) { QK::onIdle(); // application-specific QK on-idle callback } #ifdef __GNUC__ // GNU compiler? return 0; #endif //! QActive active object class customization for QV //! Starts execution of an active object and registers the object //! with the framework customized for QK Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSto); // not needed in QK Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSize); // not needed in QK //! @pre //! AO cannot be started from an ISR, and the stack storage must not //! be provided, because the QK kernel does not need per-AO stacks. Q_REQUIRE_ID(300, (!QK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) && (stkSto == nullptr)); m_prio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec & 0xFFU); // QF-prio. m_pthre = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec >> 8U); // preemption-thre. register_(); // make QF aware of this AO m_eQueue.init(qSto, qLen); // initialize the built-in queue this->init(par, m_prio); // take the top-most initial tran. (virtual) QS_FLUSH(); // flush the trace buffer to the host // See if this AO needs to be scheduled in case QK is already running QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); if (QK_sched_() != 0U) { // synchronous preemption needed? QK_activate_(0U); // synchronously activate AOs } QF_CRIT_X_(); //! attributes of the QK kernel (extern "C" for easy access in assembly) { std::uint8_t volatile actPrio; //!< prio of the active AO std::uint8_t volatile nextPrio; //!< prio of the next AO to execute std::uint8_t volatile actThre; //!< active preemption-threshold std::uint8_t volatile lockCeil; //!< lock preemption-ceiling (0==no-lock) std::uint8_t volatile lockHolder; //!< prio of the lock holder }; //! attributes of the QK kernel (extern "C" to be accessible from C) noexcept //! QK scheduler finds the highest-priority thread ready to run //! //! @details //! The QK scheduler finds out the priority of the highest-priority AO //! that (1) has events to process and (2) has priority that is above the //! current priority. //! //! @returns the 1-based priority of the the active object, or zero if //! no eligible active object is ready to run. //! //! @attention //! QK_sched_() must be always called with interrupts **disabled** and //! returns with interrupts **disabled**. // find the highest-prio AO with non-empty event queue std::uint_fast8_t p = QP::QF::readySet_.findMax(); std::uint8_t const pthre = QP::QActive::registry_[p]->m_pthre; // is the AO's preemption-threshold not exceeding the active threshold? if (pthre <= QK_attr_.actThre) { p = 0U; // no preemption needed } // AO's preemption-threshold not exceeding the lock preemption-ceiling? else if (pthre <= QK_attr_.lockCeil) { p = 0U; // no preemption needed } else { Q_ASSERT_ID(410, p <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE); QK_attr_.nextPrio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(p); // next AO to run } return p; noexcept //! QK activator activates the next active object. The activated AO preempts //! the currently executing AOs //! //! @param[in] asynch flag conveying the type of activation: //! != 0 for asynchronous activation and //! == 0 for synchronous activation //! @details //! QK_activate_() activates ready-to run AOs that are above the initial //! active priority (QK_attr_.actPrio). //! //! @note //! The activator might enable interrupts internally, but always returns with //! interrupts **disabled**. Q_UNUSED_PAR(asynch); // unused when Q_SPY not defined std::uint8_t const prio_in = QK_attr_.actPrio; // saved initial priority std::uint_fast8_t p = QK_attr_.nextPrio; // next prio to run QK_attr_.nextPrio = 0U; // clear for the next time // QK_attr_.actPrio and QK_attr_.nextPrio must be in range Q_REQUIRE_ID(500, (prio_in <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE) && (0U < p) && (p <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE)); std::uint8_t pthre = QP::QActive::registry_[p]->m_pthre; #if (defined QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW) || (defined Q_SPY) std::uint_fast8_t pprev = prio_in; #endif // QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW || Q_SPY // loop until no more ready-to-run AOs of higher prio than the initial QP::QActive *a; do { a = QP::QActive::registry_[p]; // obtain the pointer to the AO // set new active priority and preemption-ceiling QK_attr_.actPrio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(p); QK_attr_.actThre = pthre; #ifdef Q_SPY if ((asynch != 0U) && (pprev == prio_in)) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_PREEMPT, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(p, // priority of the scheduled AO pprev); // previous priority QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_NEXT, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(p, // priority of the scheduled AO pprev); // previous priority QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #endif // Q_SPY #if (defined QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW) || (defined Q_SPY) if (p != pprev) { // changing threads? #ifdef QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW // context-switch callback QK_onContextSw(((pprev != 0U) ? QP::QActive::registry_[pprev] : nullptr), a); #endif // QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW pprev = p; // update previous priority } #endif // QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW || Q_SPY QF_INT_ENABLE(); // unconditionally enable interrupts // perform the run-to-completion (RTC) step... // 1. retrieve the event from the AO's event queue, which by this // time must be non-empty and QActive::get_() asserts it. // 2. dispatch the event to the AO's state machine. // 3. determine if event is garbage and collect it if so QP::QEvt const * const e = a->get_(); a->dispatch(e, a->m_prio); QP::QF::gc(e); // determine the next highest-priority AO ready to run... QF_INT_DISABLE(); // unconditionally disable interrupts if (a->m_eQueue.isEmpty()) { // empty queue? QP::QF::readySet_.remove(p); } // find new highest-prio AO ready to run... p = QP::QF::readySet_.findMax(); pthre = QP::QActive::registry_[p]->m_pthre; // is the new preemption-threshold below the initial? if (pthre <= QP::QActive::registry_[prio_in]->m_pthre) { p = 0U; // no preemption needed } else if (pthre <= QK_attr_.lockCeil) { p = 0U; // no preemption needed } else { Q_ASSERT_ID(510, p <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE); } } while (p != 0U); // restore the active priority and preemption-threshold QK_attr_.actPrio = prio_in; QK_attr_.actThre = QP::QActive::registry_[prio_in]->m_pthre; #if (defined QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW) || (defined Q_SPY) if (prio_in != 0U) { // resuming an active object? a = QP::QActive::registry_[prio_in]; // pointer to preempted AO #ifdef Q_SPY if (asynch != 0U) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_RESTORE, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(prio_in, // priority of the resumed AO pprev); // previous priority QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_RESUME, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(prio_in, // priority of the resumed AO pprev); // previous priority QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #endif // Q_SPY } else { // resuming priority==0 --> idle a = nullptr; // QK idle loop QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_IDLE, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_U8_PRE_(pprev); // previous priority QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #ifdef QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW QK_onContextSw(QP::QActive::registry_[pprev], a); #endif // QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW #endif // QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW || Q_SPY //! QK context switch callback (customized in BSPs for QK) //! //! @details //! This callback function provides a mechanism to perform additional //! custom operations when QK switches context from one thread to //! another. //! //! @param[in] prev pointer to the previous thread (active object) //! (prev==0 means that `prev` was the QK idle loop) //! @param[in] next pointer to the next thread (active object) //! (next==0) means that `next` is the QK idle loop) //! @attention //! QK_onContextSw() is invoked with interrupts **disabled** and must also //! return with interrupts **disabled**. //! //! @note //! This callback is enabled by defining the macro #QK_ON_CONTEXT_SW. //! //! @include qk_oncontextsw.cpp //! Internal port-specific macro that checks the execution context //! (ISR vs. thread). Might be overridden in qk_port.hpp. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if the code executes in the ISR context and 'false' otherwise. (QF::intNest_ != 0U) //! QK scheduler lock status QSchedStatus lockStat_; //! QK selective scheduler locking do { \ if (QK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { \ lockStat_ = 0xFFU; \ } else { \ lockStat_ = QK::schedLock((ceil_)); \ } \ } while (false) //! QK selective scheduler unlocking do { \ if (lockStat_ != 0xFFU) { \ QK::schedUnlock(lockStat_); \ } \ } while (false) // QK native event queue waiting \ Q_ASSERT_ID(110, (me_)->m_eQueue.m_frontEvt != nullptr) // QK native event queue signaling do { \ QF::readySet_.insert( \ static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>((me_)->m_prio)); \ if (!QK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { \ if (QK_sched_() != 0U) { \ QK_activate_(0U); \ } \ } \ } while (false) //! QXK idle callback (customized in BSPs for QXK) //! //! @details //! QXK::onIdle() is called continously by the QXK idle loop. This //! callback gives the application an opportunity to enter a power-saving //! CPU mode, or perform some other idle processing. //! //! @note //! QXK::onIdle() is invoked with interrupts enabled and must also return //! with interrupts enabled. //! //! @sa //! QK::onIdle(), QXK::onIdle() noexcept //! QXK selective scheduler lock //! //! @details //! This function locks the QXK scheduler to the specified ceiling. //! //! @param[in] ceiling priority ceiling to which the QXK scheduler //! needs to be locked //! //! @returns //! The previous QXK Scheduler lock status, which is to be used to unlock //! the scheduler by restoring its previous lock status in //! QXK::schedUnlock(). //! //! @note //! QXK::schedLock() must be always followed by the corresponding //! QXK::schedUnlock(). //! //! @sa QXK::schedUnlock() //! //! @usage //! The following example shows how to lock and unlock the QXK scheduler: //! @include qxk_lock.cpp QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); //! @pre The QXK scheduler lock cannot be called from an ISR; Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, !QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()); QSchedStatus stat; // saved lock status to be returned // is the lock ceiling being raised? if (ceiling > static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QXK_attr_.lockCeil)) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SCHED_LOCK, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp // the previous lock prio & new lock prio QS_2U8_PRE_(QXK_attr_.lockCeil, static_cast<std::uint8_t>(ceiling)); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // previous status of the lock stat = static_cast<QSchedStatus>(QXK_attr_.lockHolder); stat |= static_cast<QSchedStatus>(QXK_attr_.lockCeil) << 8U; // new status of the lock QXK_attr_.lockHolder = (QXK_attr_.curr != nullptr) ? QXK_attr_.curr->m_prio : 0U; QXK_attr_.lockCeil = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(ceiling); } else { stat = 0xFFU; } QF_CRIT_X_(); return stat; // return the status to be saved in a stack variable noexcept //! QXK selective scheduler unlock //! //! @details //! This function unlocks the QXK scheduler to the previous status. //! //! @param[in] stat previous QXK Scheduler lock status returned //! from QXK::schedLock() //! @note //! A QXK scheduler can be locked from both basic threads (AOs) and //! extended threads and the scheduler locks can nest. //! //! @note //! QXK::schedUnlock() must always follow the corresponding //! QXK::schedLock(). //! //! @sa QXK::schedLock() //! //! @usage //! The following example shows how to lock and unlock the QXK scheduler: //! @include qxk_lock.cpp // has the scheduler been actually locked by the last QXK::schedLock()? if (stat != 0xFFU) { std::uint8_t const lockCeil = QXK_attr_.lockCeil; std::uint8_t const prevCeil = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(stat >> 8U); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); //! @pre The scheduler cannot be unlocked: //! - from the ISR context; and //! - the current lock priority must be greater than the previous Q_REQUIRE_ID(500, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) && (lockCeil > prevCeil)); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SCHED_UNLOCK, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp // ceiling before unlocking & prio after unlocking QS_2U8_PRE_(lockCeil, prevCeil); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // restore the previous lock priority and lock holder QXK_attr_.lockCeil = prevCeil; QXK_attr_.lockHolder = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(stat & 0xFFU); // find the highest-prio thread ready to run if (QXK_sched_(0U) != 0U) { // synchronous preemption needed? QXK_activate_(0U); // synchronously activate unlocked AOs } QF_CRIT_X_(); } //! timeout signals for extended threads : enum_t { DELAY_SIG = Q_USER_SIG, QUEUE_SIG, SEMA_SIG, MUTEX_SIG }; //! Extended (blocking) thread of the QXK preemptive kernel //! //! @details //! QP::QXThread represents the extended (blocking) thread of the QXK kernel. //! Each blocking thread in the application must be represented by the //! corresponding QP::QXThread instance //! //! @note //! Typically QP::QXThread is instantiated directly in the application code. //! The customization of the thread occurs in the constructor, where you //! provide the thread-handler function as the parameter. //! //! @sa QP::QActive //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates how to instantiate and use an extended //! thread in your application. //! @include qxk_thread.cpp //! //! time event to handle blocking timeouts // friends... noexcept //! public constructor //! //! @details //! Performs the first step of QXThread initialization by assigning the //! thread-handler function and the tick rate at which it will handle //! the timeouts. //! //! @param[in] handler the thread-handler function //! @param[in] tickRate the ticking rate associated with this thread //! for timeouts in this thread (see QXThread::delay() and //! TICK_X()) //! @note //! Must be called only ONCE before QXThread::start(). : QActive(Q_STATE_CAST(handler)), m_timeEvt(this, static_cast<enum_t>(QXK::DELAY_SIG), static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(tickRate)) m_state.act = nullptr; // mark as extended thread const noexcept //! obtain the time event return &m_timeEvt; noexcept //! delay (block) the current extended thread for a specified # ticks //! //! @details //! Blocking delay for the number of clock tick at the associated //! tick rate. //! //! @param[in] nTicks number of clock ticks (at the associated rate) //! to wait for the event to arrive. //! @returns //! 'true' if the delay expired and `false` if it was cancelled //! by call to QTimeEvt::delayCancel() //! //! @note //! For the delay to work, the TICK_X() macro needs to be called //! periodically at the associated clock tick rate. //! //! @sa //! QP::QXThread, QTimeEvt::tick_() QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QXThread * const thr = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QXThread*, QXK_attr_.curr); //! @pre this function must: //! - NOT be called from an ISR; //! - number of ticks cannot be zero //! - be called from an extended thread; //! - the thread must NOT be already blocked on any object. Q_REQUIRE_ID(800, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) && (nTicks != 0U) && (thr != nullptr) && (thr->m_temp.obj == nullptr)); //! @pre also: the thread must NOT be holding a scheduler lock Q_REQUIRE_ID(801, QXK_attr_.lockHolder != thr->m_prio); // remember the blocking object thr->m_temp.obj = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState const*, &thr->m_timeEvt); thr->teArm_(static_cast<enum_t>(QXK::DELAY_SIG), nTicks); thr->block_(); QF_CRIT_X_(); QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP(); // BLOCK here QF_CRIT_E_(); // the blocking object must be the time event Q_ENSURE_ID(890, thr->m_temp.obj == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, &thr->m_timeEvt)); thr->m_temp.obj = nullptr; // clear QF_CRIT_X_(); // signal of zero means that the time event was posted without // being canceled. return (thr->m_timeEvt.sig == 0U); noexcept //! cancel the delay //! //! @details //! Cancel the blocking delay and cause return from the QXThread::delay() //! function. //! //! @returns //! "true" if the thread was actually blocked on QXThread::delay() and //! "false" otherwise. QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); bool wasArmed; if (m_temp.obj == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, &m_timeEvt)) { wasArmed = teDisarm_(); unblock_(); } else { wasArmed = false; } QF_CRIT_X_(); return wasArmed; noexcept //! Get a message from the private message queue (block if no messages) //! //! @details //! The QXThread::queueGet() operation allows the calling extended thread //! to receive QP events (see QP::QEvt) directly into its own built-in //! event queue from an ISR, basic thread (AO), or another extended thread. //! //! If QXThread::queueGet() is called when no events are present in the //! thread's private event queue, the operation blocks the current //! extended thread until either an event is received, or a user-specified //! timeout expires. //! //! @param[in] nTicks number of clock ticks (at the associated rate) //! to wait for the event to arrive. The value of //! QP::QXTHREAD_NO_TIMEOUT indicates that no timeout //! will occur and the queue will block indefinitely. //! @returns //! A pointer to the event. If the pointer is not nullptr, the event //! was delivered. Otherwise the event pointer of nullptr indicates that //! the queue has timed out. QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QXThread * const thr = QXTHREAD_CAST_(QXK_attr_.curr); //! @pre this function must: //! - NOT be called from an ISR; //! - be called from an extended thread; //! - the thread must NOT be already blocked on any object. Q_REQUIRE_ID(500, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) && (thr != nullptr) && (thr->m_temp.obj == nullptr)); //! @pre also: the thread must NOT be holding a scheduler lock. Q_REQUIRE_ID(501, QXK_attr_.lockHolder != thr->m_prio); // is the queue empty? -- block and wait for event(s) if (thr->m_eQueue.m_frontEvt == nullptr) { // remember the blocking object (the thread's queue) thr->m_temp.obj = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, &thr->m_eQueue); thr->teArm_(static_cast<enum_t>(QXK::QUEUE_SIG), nTicks); QF::readySet_.remove( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(thr->m_prio)); static_cast<void>(QXK_sched_(0U)); // synchronous scheduling QF_CRIT_X_(); QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP(); // BLOCK here QF_CRIT_E_(); // the blocking object must be this queue Q_ASSERT_ID(510, thr->m_temp.obj == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState *, &thr->m_eQueue)); thr->m_temp.obj = nullptr; // clear } // is the queue not empty? QEvt const *e; if (thr->m_eQueue.m_frontEvt != nullptr) { e = thr->m_eQueue.m_frontEvt; // remove from the front // volatile into tmp QEQueueCtr const nFree = thr->m_eQueue.m_nFree + 1U; thr->m_eQueue.m_nFree = nFree; // update the number of free // any events in the ring buffer? if (nFree <= thr->m_eQueue.m_end) { // remove event from the tail thr->m_eQueue.m_frontEvt = thr->m_eQueue.m_ring[thr->m_eQueue.m_tail]; if (thr->m_eQueue.m_tail == 0U) { thr->m_eQueue.m_tail = thr->m_eQueue.m_end; // wrap } // advance the tail (counter clockwise) thr->m_eQueue.m_tail = (thr->m_eQueue.m_tail - 1U); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_GET, thr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(&thr); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // poolID & ref Count QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { thr->m_eQueue.m_frontEvt = nullptr; // the queue becomes empty // all entries in the queue must be free (+1 for fronEvt) Q_ASSERT_ID(520, nFree == (thr->m_eQueue.m_end + 1U)); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_GET_LAST, thr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of this event QS_OBJ_PRE_(&thr); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // poolID & ref Count QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } } else { // the queue is still empty -- the timeout must have fired e = nullptr; } QF_CRIT_X_(); return e; override //! Overrides QHsm::init() Q_UNUSED_PAR(e); Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); Q_ERROR_ID(110); override //! Overrides QHsm::init() Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); Q_ERROR_ID(111); override //! Overrides QHsm::dispatch() Q_UNUSED_PAR(e); Q_UNUSED_PAR(qs_id); Q_ERROR_ID(120); override //! Starts execution of an extended thread and registers the thread //! with the framework //! //! @details //! Starts execution of an extended thread and registers it with the //! framework. The extended thread becomes ready-to-run immediately and //! is scheduled if the QXK is already running. //! //! @param[in] prioSpec priority specification at which to start the //! extended thread //! @param[in] qSto pointer to the storage for the ring buffer of //! the event queue. This cold be NULL, if this //! extended thread does not use the built-in //! event queue. //! @param[in] qLen length of the event queue [in events], //! or zero if queue not used //! @param[in] stkSto pointer to the stack storage (must be provided) //! @param[in] stkSize stack size [in bytes] (must not be zero) //! @param[in] par pointer to an extra parameter (might be NULL) //! //! @usage //! The following example shows starting an extended thread: //! @include qxk_start.cpp Q_UNUSED_PAR(par); //! @pre this function must: //! - NOT be called from an ISR; //! - the stack storage must be provided; //! - the thread must be instantiated (see #QXThread). Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) && (stkSto != nullptr) && (stkSize != 0U) && (m_state.act == nullptr)); // is storage for the queue buffer provided? if (qSto != nullptr) { m_eQueue.init(qSto, qLen); } // extended threads provide their thread function in place of // the top-most initial transition 'm_temp.act' QXK_stackInit_(this, m_temp.thr, stkSto, stkSize); m_prio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec & 0xFFU); // QF-prio. m_pthre = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec >> 8U); // preemption-thre. register_(); // make QF aware of this AO // the new thread is not blocked on any object m_temp.obj = nullptr; QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); // extended-thread becomes ready immediately QF::readySet_.insert(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio)); // see if this thread needs to be scheduled in case QXK is running static_cast<void>(QXK_sched_(0U)); // synchronous scheduling QF_CRIT_X_(); override //! Overloaded start function (no initialization event) this->start(prioSpec, qSto, qLen, stkSto, stkSize, nullptr); noexcept override //! Posts an event `e` directly to the event queue of the extended //! thread using the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) policy //! //! @details //! Extended threads can be configured (in QXThread::start()) to have //! a private event queue. In that case, QP events (see QP::QEvt) can //! be asynchronously posted or published to the extended thread. //! The thread can wait (and block) on its queue and then it can //! process the delivered event. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to be posted //! @param[in] margin number of required free slots in the queue //! after posting the event. The special value //! ::QF_NO_MARGIN means that this function will //! assert if posting fails. //! @param[in] sender pointer to a sender object (used in QS only) //! //! @returns //! 'true' (success) if the posting succeeded (with the provided margin) //! and 'false' (failure) when the posting fails. //! //! @attention //! Should be called only via the macro POST() or POST_X(). //! //! @note //! The ::QF_NO_MARGIN value of the `margin` parameter is special and //! denotes situation when the post() operation is assumed to succeed //! (event delivery guarantee). An assertion fires, when the event cannot //! be delivered in this case. QF_CRIT_STAT_ QS_TEST_PROBE_DEF(&QXThread::post_) // is it the private time event? bool status; if (e == &m_timeEvt) { QF_CRIT_E_(); // the private time event is disarmed and not in any queue, // so it is safe to change its signal. The signal of 0 means // that the time event has expired. m_timeEvt.sig = 0U; unblock_(); QF_CRIT_X_(); status = true; } // is the event queue provided? else if (m_eQueue.m_end != 0U) { //! @pre event pointer must be valid Q_REQUIRE_ID(300, e != nullptr); QF_CRIT_E_(); QEQueueCtr nFree = m_eQueue.m_nFree; // get volatile into temporary // test-probe#1 for faking queue overflow QS_TEST_PROBE_ID(1, nFree = 0U; ) if (margin == QF_NO_MARGIN) { if (nFree > 0U) { status = true; // can post } else { status = false; // cannot post Q_ERROR_CRIT_(310); // must be able to post the event } } else if (nFree > static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(margin)) { status = true; // can post } else { status = false; // cannot post, but don't assert } // is it a dynamic event? if (e->poolId_ != 0U) { QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(e); // increment the reference counter } if (status) { // can post the event? --nFree; // one free entry just used up m_eQueue.m_nFree = nFree; // update the volatile if (m_eQueue.m_nMin > nFree) { m_eQueue.m_nMin = nFree; // update minimum so far } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(sender); // the sender object QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // poolID & refCtr QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(m_eQueue.m_nMin); // min number of free entries QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // queue empty? if (m_eQueue.m_frontEvt == nullptr) { m_eQueue.m_frontEvt = e; // deliver event directly // is this thread blocked on the queue? if (m_temp.obj == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, &m_eQueue)) { static_cast<void>(teDisarm_()); QF::readySet_.insert( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio)); if (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { static_cast<void>(QXK_sched_(0U)); } } } // queue is not empty, insert event into the ring-buffer else { // insert event into the ring buffer (FIFO) m_eQueue.m_ring[m_eQueue.m_head] = e; // need to wrap the head couner? if (m_eQueue.m_head == 0U) { m_eQueue.m_head = m_eQueue.m_end; // wrap around } // advance the head (counter clockwise) m_eQueue.m_head = (m_eQueue.m_head - 1U); } QF_CRIT_X_(); } else { // cannot post the event QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST_ATTEMPT, m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(sender); // the sender object QS_SIG_PRE_(e->sig); // the signal of the event QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this active object (recipient) QS_2U8_PRE_(e->poolId_, e->refCtr_); // poolID & ref Count QS_EQC_PRE_(nFree); // number of free entries QS_EQC_PRE_(margin); // margin QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_CRIT_X_(); QF::gc(e); // recycle the event to avoid a leak } } else { // the queue is not available QF::gc(e); // make sure the event is not leaked status = false; Q_ERROR_ID(320); // this extended thread cannot accept events } return status; noexcept override //! Posts an event directly to the event queue of the extended thread //! using the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) policy //! //! @details //! Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) policy is not supported for extended threads. //! //! @param[in] e pointer to the event to post to the queue //! //! @sa //! QXThread::post_(), QActive::postLIFO_() Q_UNUSED_PAR(e); Q_ERROR_ID(410); const noexcept //! Block the extended thread //! //! @details //! Internal implementation of blocking the given extended thread. //! //! @note //! Must be called from within a critical section //! @pre the thread holding the lock cannot block! Q_REQUIRE_ID(600, (QXK_attr_.lockHolder != m_prio)); QF::readySet_.remove(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio)); static_cast<void>(QXK_sched_(0U)); // synchronous scheduling const noexcept //! Unblock the extended thread //! //! @details //! Internal implementation of unblocking the given extended thread. //! //! @note //! must be called from within a critical section QF::readySet_.insert(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio)); if ((!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) // not inside ISR? && (QActive::registry_[0] != nullptr)) // kernel started? { static_cast<void>(QXK_sched_(0U)); // synchronous scheduling } noexcept //! Arm the private time event //! //! @details //! Internal implementation of arming the private time event for //! a given timeout at a given system tick rate. //! //! @note //! Must be called from within a critical section //! @pre the time event must be unused Q_REQUIRE_ID(700, m_timeEvt.m_ctr == 0U); m_timeEvt.sig = static_cast<QSignal>(sig); if (nTicks != QXTHREAD_NO_TIMEOUT) { m_timeEvt.m_ctr = static_cast<QTimeEvtCtr>(nTicks); m_timeEvt.m_interval = 0U; // is the time event unlinked? // NOTE: For the duration of a single clock tick of the specified tick // rate a time event can be disarmed and yet still linked in the list, // because un-linking is performed exclusively in QTimeEvt::tickX(). if (static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_timeEvt.refCtr_ & TE_IS_LINKED) == 0U) { std::uint_fast8_t const tickRate = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_timeEvt.refCtr_); // mark as linked m_timeEvt.refCtr_ = static_cast<std::uint8_t>( m_timeEvt.refCtr_ | TE_IS_LINKED); // The time event is initially inserted into the separate // "freshly armed" list based on timeEvtHead_[tickRate].act. // Only later, inside QTimeEvt::tick_(), the "freshly armed" // list is appended to the main list of armed time events based on // timeEvtHead_[tickRate].next. Again, this is to keep any // changes to the main list exclusively inside QTimeEvt::tick_(). // m_timeEvt.m_next = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QTimeEvt*, QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_act); QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_[tickRate].m_act = &m_timeEvt; } } noexcept //! Disarm the private time event //! //! @details //! Internal implementation of disarming the private time event. //! //! @note //! Must be called from within a critical section bool wasArmed; // is the time evt running? if (m_timeEvt.m_ctr != 0U) { wasArmed = true; // schedule removal from list m_timeEvt.m_ctr = 0U; } // the time event was already automatically disarmed else { wasArmed = false; } return wasArmed; //! Counting Semaphore of the QXK preemptive kernel //! //! @details //! QP::QXSemaphore is a blocking mechanism intended primarily for signaling //! @ref QP::QXThread "extended threads". The semaphore is initialized with //! the maximum count (see QP::QXSemaphore::init()), which allows you to //! create a binary semaphore (when the maximum count is 1) and //! counting semaphore when the maximum count is > 1. //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates how to instantiate and use the semaphore //! in your application. //! @include qxk_sema.cpp //! //! set of extended threads waiting on this semaphore //! semaphore up-down counter //! maximum value of the semaphore counter noexcept //! initialize the counting semaphore //! //! @details //! Initializes a semaphore with the specified count and maximum count. //! If the semaphore is used for resource sharing, both the initial count //! and maximum count should be set to the number of identical resources //! guarded by the semaphore. If the semaphore is used as a signaling //! mechanism, the initial count should set to 0 and maximum count to 1 //! (binary semaphore). //! //! @param[in] count initial value of the semaphore counter //! @param[in] max_count maximum value of the semaphore counter. //! The purpose of the max_count is to limit the counter //! so that the semaphore cannot unblock more times than //! the maximum. //! @note //! QXSemaphore::init() must be called **before** the semaphore can be //! used (signaled or waited on). //! @pre max_count must be greater than zero Q_REQUIRE_ID(100, max_count > 0U); m_count = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(count); m_max_count = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(max_count); m_waitSet.setEmpty(); noexcept //! wait (block) on the semaphore //! //! @details //! When an extended thread calls QXSemaphore::wait() and the value of the //! semaphore counter is greater than 0, QXSemaphore_wait() decrements the //! semaphore counter and returns (true) to its caller. However, if the //! value of the semaphore counter is 0, the function places the calling //! thread in the waiting list for the semaphore. The thread waits until //! the semaphore is signaled by calling QXSemaphore::signal(), or the //! specified timeout expires. If the semaphore is signaled before the //! timeout expires, QXK resumes the highest-priority extended thread //! waiting for the semaphore. //! //! @param[in] nTicks number of clock ticks (at the associated rate) //! to wait for the semaphore. The value of //! QP::QXTHREAD_NO_TIMEOUT indicates that no //! timeout will occur and the semaphore will wait //! indefinitely. //! @returns //! true if the semaphore has been signaled, and false if the timeout //! occurred. //! //! @note //! Multiple extended threads can wait for a given semaphore. QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); // volatile into temp. QXThread * const curr = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QXThread*, QXK_attr_.curr); //! @pre this function must: //! - NOT be called from an ISR; //! - the semaphore must be initialized //! - be called from an extended thread; //! - the thread must NOT be already blocked on any object. Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) // can't wait inside an ISR && (m_max_count > 0U) && (curr != nullptr) && (curr->m_temp.obj == nullptr)); //! @pre also: the thread must NOT be holding a scheduler lock. Q_REQUIRE_ID(201, QXK_attr_.lockHolder != curr->m_prio); bool signaled = true; // assume that the semaphore will be signaled if (m_count > 0U) { m_count = m_count - 1U; // semaphore taken: decrement QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SEM_TAKE, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this semaphore QS_2U8_PRE_(curr->m_prio, m_count); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { std::uint_fast8_t const p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(curr->m_prio); // remove the curr prio from the ready set (will block) // and insert to the waiting set on this semaphore QF::readySet_.remove(p); m_waitSet.insert(p); // remember the blocking object (this semaphore) curr->m_temp.obj = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, this); curr->teArm_(static_cast<enum_t>(QXK::SEMA_SIG), nTicks); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SEM_BLOCK, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this semaphore QS_2U8_PRE_(curr->m_prio, m_count); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // schedule the next thread if multitasking started static_cast<void>(QXK_sched_(0U)); // synchronous scheduling QF_CRIT_X_(); QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP(); // BLOCK here !!! QF_CRIT_E_(); // AFTER unblocking... // the blocking object must be this semaphore Q_ASSERT_ID(240, curr->m_temp.obj == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, this)); // did the blocking time-out? (signal of zero means that it did) if (curr->m_timeEvt.sig == 0U) { if (m_waitSet.hasElement(p)) { // still waiting? m_waitSet.remove(p); // remove unblocked thread signaled = false; // the semaphore was NOT signaled // semaphore NOT taken: do NOT decrement the count } else { // semaphore was both signaled and timed out m_count = m_count - 1U; // semaphore taken: decrement } } else { // blocking did NOT time out // the thread must NOT be waiting on this semaphore Q_ASSERT_ID(250, !m_waitSet.hasElement(p)); m_count = m_count - 1U; // semaphore taken: decrement } curr->m_temp.obj = nullptr; // clear blocking obj. } QF_CRIT_X_(); return signaled; noexcept //! try wait on the semaphore (non-blocking) //! //! @details //! This operation checks if the semaphore counter is greater than 0, //! in which case the counter is decremented. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if the semaphore has count available and 'false' NOT available. //! //! @note //! This function can be called from any context, including ISRs and //! basic threads (active objects). QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); //! @pre the semaphore must be initialized Q_REQUIRE_ID(300, m_max_count > 0U); #ifdef Q_SPY // volatile into temp. QActive const * const curr = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QActive*, QXK_attr_.curr); #endif // Q_SPY bool isAvailable; // is the semaphore available? if (m_count > 0U) { m_count = m_count - 1U; // semaphore signaled: decrement isAvailable = true; QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SEM_TAKE, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this semaphore QS_2U8_PRE_(curr->m_prio, m_count); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { // the semaphore is NOT available (would block) isAvailable = false; QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SEM_BLOCK_ATTEMPT, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this semaphore QS_2U8_PRE_(curr->m_prio, m_count); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } QF_CRIT_X_(); return isAvailable; noexcept //! signal (unblock) the semaphore //! //! @details //! If the semaphore counter value is 0 or more, it is incremented, and //! this function returns to its caller. If the extended threads are //! waiting for the semaphore to be signaled, QXSemaphore::signal() //! removes the highest-priority thread waiting for the semaphore from //! the waiting list and makes this thread ready-to-run. The QXK //! scheduler is then called to determine if the awakened thread is now //! the highest-priority thread that is ready-to-run. //! //! @returns //! 'true' when the semaphore gets signaled and 'false' when the //! semaphore count exceeded the maximum. //! //! @note //! A semaphore can be signaled from many places, including from ISRs, //! basic threads (AOs), and extended threads. //! @pre the semaphore must be initialized Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, m_max_count > 0U); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); bool signaled = true; // assume that the semaphore will be signaled if (m_count < m_max_count) { m_count = m_count + 1U; // semaphore signaled: increment #ifdef Q_SPY // volatile into temp. QActive const * const curr = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QActive*, QXK_attr_.curr); #endif // Q_SPY QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SEM_SIGNAL, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this semaphore QS_2U8_PRE_(curr->m_prio, m_count); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() if (m_waitSet.notEmpty()) { // find the highest-priority thread waiting on this semaphore std::uint_fast8_t const p = m_waitSet.findMax(); QXThread * const thr = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QXThread*, QActive::registry_[p]); // assert that the tread: // - must be registered in QF; // - must be extended; and // - must be blocked on this semaphore; Q_ASSERT_ID(410, (thr != nullptr) && (thr->m_osObject != nullptr) && (thr->m_temp.obj == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, this))); // disarm the internal time event static_cast<void>(thr->teDisarm_()); // make the thread ready to run and remove from the wait-list QF::readySet_.insert(p); m_waitSet.remove(p); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_SEM_TAKE, thr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this semaphore QS_2U8_PRE_(thr->m_prio, m_count); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() if (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { // not inside ISR? static_cast<void>(QXK_sched_(0U)); // synchronous scheduling } } } else { signaled = false; // semaphore NOT signaled } QF_CRIT_X_(); return signaled; //! Blocking, Priority-Ceiling Mutex the QXK preemptive kernel //! //! @details //! QP::QXMutex is a blocking mutual exclusion mechanism that can also apply //! the **priority-ceiling protocol** to avoid unbounded priority inversion //! (if initialized with a non-zero ceiling priority, see QXMutex::init()). //! In that case, QP::QXMutex requires its own uinque QP priority level, //! which cannot be used by any thread or any other QP::QXMutex. //! If initialized with preemption-ceiling of zero, QXMutex does **not** //! use the priority-ceiling protocol and does not require a unique QP //! priority (see QXMutex::init()). //! QP::QXMutex is **recursive** (re-entrant), which means that it can be //! locked multiple times (up to 255 levels) by the *same* thread without //! causing deadlock.<br> //! //! QP::QXMutex is primarily intended for the @ref QP::QXThread //! "extended (blocking) threads", but can also be used by the //! @ref QPP::QActive "basic threads" through the non-blocking //! QXMutex::tryLock() API. //! //! @note //! QP::QXMutex should be used in situations when at least one of the extended //! threads contending for the mutex blocks while holding the mutex (between //! the QXMutex::lock() and QXMutex_unlock() operations). If no blocking is //! needed while holding the mutex, the more efficient non-blocking mechanism //! of @ref srs_qxk_schedLock() "selective QXK scheduler locking" should be //! used instead. @ref srs_qxk_schedLock() "Selective scheduler locking" is //! available for both @ref QP::QActive "basic threads" and @ref QP::QXThread //! "extended threads", so it is applicable to situations where resources //! are shared among all these threads. //! //! @usage //! The following example illustrates how to instantiate and use the mutex //! in your application. //! @include qxk_mutex.cpp //! //! set of extended-threads waiting on this mutex //! default constructor : QActive(Q_STATE_CAST(0)) noexcept override //! initialize the QXK priority-ceiling mutex QP::QXMutex //! //! @details //! Initialize the QXK priority ceiling mutex. //! //! @param[in] prioSpec the priority specification for the mutex //! (See also QP::QPrioSpec). This value might //! also be zero. //! @note //! `prioSpec == 0` means that the priority-ceiling protocol shall **not** //! be used by this mutex. Such mutex will **not** change (boost) the //! priority of the holding thread. //! //! @note //! `prioSpec == 0` means that the priority-ceiling protocol shall **not** //! be used by this mutex. Such mutex will **not** change (boost) the //! priority of the holding threads.<br> //! //! Conversely, `prioSpec != 0` means that the priority-ceiling protocol //! shall be used by this mutex. Such mutex **will** temporarily boost //! the priority and priority-threshold of the holding thread to the //! priority specification in `prioSpec` (see QP::QPrioSpec). //! //! @attention //! When the priority-ceiling protocol is used (`prioSpec != 0`), the //! QF-priority specified in `prioSpec` must be unused by any other thread //! or mutex. Also, the priority-threshold must be higher or equal to the //! threshold of any thread that uses this mutex (see QP::QPrioSpec). //! //! @usage //! @include qxk_mutex.cpp m_prio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec & 0xFFU); m_pthre = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec >> 8U); if (prioSpec != 0U) { // priority-ceiling protocol used? register_(); // register this mutex as AO } noexcept //! try to lock the QXK priority-ceiling mutex QP::QXMutex //! //! @details //! Try to lock the QXK priority ceiling mutex QP::QXMutex. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if the mutex was successfully locked and 'false' if the mutex //! was unavailable and was NOT locked. //! //! @note //! This function **can** be called from both basic threads (active //! objects) and extended threads. //! //! @note //! The mutex locks are allowed to nest, meaning that the same extended //! thread can lock the same mutex multiple times (< 255). However, each //! successful call to QXMutex::tryLock() must be balanced by the //! matching call to QXMutex::unlock(). QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QActive *curr = QXK_attr_.curr; if (curr == nullptr) { // called from a basic thread? curr = registry_[QXK_attr_.actPrio]; } //! @pre this function must: //! - NOT be called from an ISR; //! - the calling thread must be valid; //! - the mutex-priority must be in range Q_REQUIRE_ID(300, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) // don't call from an ISR! && (curr != nullptr) // current thread must be valid && (m_prio <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE)); //! @pre also: the thread must NOT be holding a scheduler lock. Q_REQUIRE_ID(301, QXK_attr_.lockHolder != curr->m_prio); // is the mutex available? if (m_eQueue.m_nFree == 0U) { m_eQueue.m_nFree = 1U; // mutex lock nesting //! @pre also: the newly locked mutex must have no holder yet Q_REQUIRE_ID(302, m_thread == nullptr); // set the new mutex holder to the curr thread and // save the thread's prio/pthre in the mutex // NOTE: reuse the otherwise unused eQueue data member. m_thread = curr; m_eQueue.m_head = static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(curr->m_prio); m_eQueue.m_tail = static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(curr->m_pthre); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_MTX_LOCK, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this mutex QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_nFree)); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() if (m_prio != 0U) { // priority-ceiling protocol used? // the holder priority must be lower than that of the mutex // and the priority slot must be occupied by this mutex Q_ASSERT_ID(210, (curr->m_prio < m_prio) && (registry_[m_prio] == this)); // remove the thread's original prio from the ready set // and insert the mutex's prio into the ready set QF::readySet_.remove( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head)); QF::readySet_.insert( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio)); // put the thread into the AO registry in place of the mutex registry_[m_prio] = curr; // set thread's prio/pthre to that of the mutex curr->m_prio = m_prio; curr->m_pthre = m_pthre; } } // is the mutex locked by this thread already (nested locking)? else if (m_thread == curr) { // the nesting level must not exceed the specified limit Q_ASSERT_ID(320, m_eQueue.m_nFree < 0xFFU); m_eQueue.m_nFree = m_eQueue.m_nFree + 1U; // lock one more level QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_MTX_LOCK, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this mutex QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_nFree)); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { // the mutex is already locked by a different thread if (m_prio != 0U) { // priority-ceiling protocol used? // the prio slot must be occupied by the thr. holding the mutex Q_ASSERT_ID(340, registry_[m_prio] == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QActive *, m_thread)); } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_MTX_BLOCK_ATTEMPT, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this mutex QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), curr->m_prio); // trying thread prio QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() curr = nullptr; // means that mutex is NOT available } QF_CRIT_X_(); return curr != nullptr; noexcept //! lock the QXK priority-ceiling mutex QP::QXMutex //! //! @details //! Lock the QXK priority ceiling mutex QP::QXMutex. //! //! @param[in] nTicks number of clock ticks (at the associated rate) //! to wait for the mutex. The value of //! QXTHREAD_NO_TIMEOUT indicates that no timeout will //! occur and the mutex could block indefinitely. //! @returns //! 'true' if the mutex has been acquired and 'false' if a timeout //! occurred. //! //! @note //! The mutex locks are allowed to nest, meaning that the same extended //! thread can lock the same mutex multiple times (< 255). However, //! each call to QXMutex::lock() must be balanced by the matching call to //! QXMutex::unlock(). //! //! @usage //! @include qxk_mutex.cpp QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QXThread * const curr = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QXThread*, QXK_attr_.curr); //! @pre this function must: //! - NOT be called from an ISR; //! - be called from an extended thread; //! - the mutex-priority must be in range //! - the thread must NOT be already blocked on any object. Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) // don't call from an ISR! && (curr != nullptr) // current thread must be extended && (m_prio <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE) && (curr->m_temp.obj == nullptr)); // not blocked //! @pre also: the thread must NOT be holding a scheduler lock Q_REQUIRE_ID(201, QXK_attr_.lockHolder != curr->m_prio); // is the mutex available? bool locked = true; // assume that the mutex will be locked if (m_eQueue.m_nFree == 0U) { m_eQueue.m_nFree = 1U; // mutex lock nesting //! @pre also: the newly locked mutex must have no holder yet Q_REQUIRE_ID(202, m_thread == nullptr); // set the new mutex holder to the curr thread and // save the thread's prio/pthre in the mutex // NOTE: reuse the otherwise unused eQueue data member. m_thread = curr; m_eQueue.m_head = static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(curr->m_prio); m_eQueue.m_tail = static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(curr->m_pthre); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_MTX_LOCK, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this mutex QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_nFree)); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() if (m_prio != 0U) { // priority-ceiling protocol used? // the holder priority must be lower than that of the mutex // and the priority slot must be occupied by this mutex Q_ASSERT_ID(210, (curr->m_prio < m_prio) && (registry_[m_prio] == this)); // remove the thread's original prio from the ready set // and insert the mutex's prio into the ready set QF::readySet_.remove( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head)); QF::readySet_.insert(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio)); // put the thread into the AO registry in place of the mutex registry_[m_prio] = curr; // set thread's prio/pthre to that of the mutex curr->m_prio = m_prio; curr->m_pthre = m_pthre; } } // is the mutex locked by this thread already (nested locking)? else if (m_thread == curr) { // the nesting level beyond the arbitrary but high limit // most likely means cyclic or recursive locking of a mutex. Q_ASSERT_ID(220, m_eQueue.m_nFree < 0xFFU); m_eQueue.m_nFree = m_eQueue.m_nFree + 1U; // lock one more level QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_MTX_LOCK, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this mutex QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_nFree)); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { // the mutex is already locked by a different thread // the mutex holder must be valid Q_ASSERT_ID(230, m_thread != nullptr); if (m_prio != 0U) { // priority-ceiling protocol used? // the prio slot must be occupied by the thr. holding the mutex Q_ASSERT_ID(240, registry_[m_prio] == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QActive *, m_thread)); } // remove the curr thread's prio from the ready set (will block) // and insert it to the waiting set on this mutex std::uint_fast8_t const p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(curr->m_prio); QF::readySet_.remove(p); m_waitSet.insert(p); // set the blocking object (this mutex) curr->m_temp.obj = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, this); curr->teArm_(static_cast<enum_t>(QXK::MUTEX_SIG), nTicks); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_MTX_BLOCK, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this mutex QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), curr->m_prio); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // schedule the next thread if multitasking started static_cast<void>(QXK_sched_(0U)); // synchronous scheduling QF_CRIT_X_(); QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP(); // BLOCK here !!! // AFTER unblocking... QF_CRIT_E_(); // the blocking object must be this mutex Q_ASSERT_ID(240, curr->m_temp.obj == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, this)); // did the blocking time-out? (signal of zero means that it did) if (curr->m_timeEvt.sig == 0U) { if (m_waitSet.hasElement(p)) { // still waiting? m_waitSet.remove(p); // remove unblocked thread locked = false; // the mutex was NOT locked } } else { // blocking did NOT time out // the thread must NOT be waiting on this mutex Q_ASSERT_ID(250, !m_waitSet.hasElement(p)); } curr->m_temp.obj = nullptr; // clear blocking obj. } QF_CRIT_X_(); return locked; noexcept //! unlock the QXK priority-ceiling mutex QP::QXMutex //! //! @details //! Unlock the QXK priority ceiling mutex. //! //! @note //! This function **can** be called from both basic threads (active //! objects) and extended threads. //! //! @note //! The mutex locks are allowed to nest, meaning that the same extended //! thread can lock the same mutex multiple times (< 255). However, each //! call to QXMutex::lock() or a *successful* call to QXMutex::tryLock() //! must be balanced by the matching call to QXMutex::unlock(). //! //! @usage //! @include qxk_mutex.cpp QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QActive *curr = QXK_attr_.curr; if (curr == nullptr) { // called from a basic thread? curr = registry_[QXK_attr_.actPrio]; } //! @pre this function must: //! - NOT be called from an ISR; //! - the calling thread must be valid; Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) // don't call from an ISR! && (curr != nullptr)); // current thread must be valid //! @pre also: the mutex must be already locked at least once Q_REQUIRE_ID(401, m_eQueue.m_nFree > 0U); //! @pre also: the mutex must be held by this thread Q_REQUIRE_ID(402, m_thread == curr); // is this the last nesting level? if (m_eQueue.m_nFree == 1U) { if (m_prio != 0U) { // priority-ceiling protocol used? // restore the holding thread's prio/pthre from the mutex curr->m_prio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head); curr->m_pthre = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_tail); // put the mutex back into the AO registry registry_[m_prio] = this; // remove the mutex' prio from the ready set // and insert the original thread's priority QF::readySet_.remove( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_prio)); QF::readySet_.insert( static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head)); } QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_MTX_UNLOCK, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this mutex QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), 0U); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() // are any other threads waiting on this mutex? if (m_waitSet.notEmpty()) { // find the highest-priority thread waiting on this mutex std::uint_fast8_t const p = m_waitSet.findMax(); // remove this thread from waiting on the mutex // and insert it into the ready set. m_waitSet.remove(p); QF::readySet_.insert(p); QXThread * const thr = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QXThread*, registry_[p]); // the waiting thread must: // - be registered in QF // - have the priority corresponding to the registration // - be an extended thread // - be blocked on this mutex Q_ASSERT_ID(410, (thr != (QXThread *)0) && (thr->m_prio == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(p)) && (thr->m_state.act == Q_ACTION_CAST(0)) && (thr->m_temp.obj == QXK_PTR_CAST_(QMState*, this))); // disarm the internal time event static_cast<void>(thr->teDisarm_()); // set the new mutex holder to the curr thread and // save the thread's prio/pthre in the mutex // NOTE: reuse the otherwise unused eQueue data member. m_thread = thr; m_eQueue.m_head = static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(thr->m_prio); m_eQueue.m_tail = static_cast<QEQueueCtr>(thr->m_pthre); QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_MTX_LOCK, thr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this mutex QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_nFree)); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() if (m_prio != 0U) { // priority-ceiling protocol used? // the holder priority must be lower than that of the mutex Q_ASSERT_ID(410, thr->m_prio < m_prio); // set thread's preemption-threshold to that of the mutex thr->m_pthre = m_pthre; // put the thread into AO registry in place of the mutex registry_[m_prio] = thr; } } else { // no threads are waiting for this mutex m_eQueue.m_nFree = 0U; // free up the nesting count // the mutex no longer held by any thread m_thread = nullptr; m_eQueue.m_head = 0U; m_eQueue.m_tail = 0U; if (m_prio != 0U) { // priority-ceiling protocol used? // put the mutex back at the original mutex slot registry_[m_prio] = QXK_PTR_CAST_(QActive*, this); } } // schedule the next thread if multitasking started if (QXK_sched_(0U) != 0U) { // synchronous preemption needed? QXK_activate_(0U); // synchronously activate basic threads } } else { // releasing one level of nested mutex lock Q_ASSERT_ID(420, m_eQueue.m_nFree > 0U); m_eQueue.m_nFree = m_eQueue.m_nFree - 1U; // unlock one level QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_MTX_UNLOCK_ATTEMPT, curr->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); // this mutex QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_head), static_cast<std::uint8_t>(m_eQueue.m_nFree)); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } QF_CRIT_X_(); //! QF initialization for QXK QF::maxPool_ = 0U; QActive::subscrList_ = nullptr; QActive::maxPubSignal_ = 0; bzero(&QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_[0], sizeof(QTimeEvt::timeEvtHead_)); bzero(&QActive::registry_[0], sizeof(QActive::registry_)); bzero(&QF::readySet_, sizeof(QF::readySet_)); bzero(&QXK_attr_, sizeof(QXK_attr_)); // setup the QXK scheduler as initially locked and not running QXK_attr_.actPrio = 0U; // priority of the QK idle loop QXK_attr_.actThre = 0U; // preemption-threshold of the QK idle loop QXK_attr_.lockCeil = (QF_MAX_ACTIVE + 1U); // scheduler locked // QXK idle AO object (const in ROM) static QActive * const idle_obj[(sizeof(QActive)/sizeof(QActive*)) + 1U] = { nullptr }; // register the idle AO object (cast 'const' away) QActive::registry_[0] = QF_CONST_CAST_(QActive*, QXK_PTR_CAST_(QActive const*, &idle_obj[0])); #ifdef QXK_INIT QXK_INIT(); // port-specific initialization of the QXK kernel #endif //! stop the QF customization for QXK //! //! @sa QF::onCleanup() onCleanup(); // cleanup callback // nothing else to do for the QXK preemptive kernel //! QF::run() customization for QXK kernel QF_INT_DISABLE(); QXK_attr_.lockCeil = 0U; // unlock the scheduler // any active objects need to be scheduled before starting event loop? if (QXK_sched_(0U) != 0U) { // synchronous preemption needed? QXK_activate_(0U); // synchronously activate AOs to process events } onStartup(); // application-specific startup callback // produce the QS_QF_RUN trace record QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QS_QF_RUN, 0U) QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QF_INT_ENABLE(); // the QXK idle loop... for (;;) { QXK::onIdle(); // application-specific QXK idle callback } #ifdef __GNUC__ // GNU compiler? return 0; #endif //! QP::QActive port for QXK //! Starts execution of an active object and registers the object //! with the framework customized for QXK Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSto); // not needed in QXK Q_UNUSED_PAR(stkSize); // not needed in QXK //! @pre AO cannot be started: //! - from an ISR; //! - the stack storage must NOT be provided Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) && (stkSto == nullptr)); m_prio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec & 0xFFU); // QF-prio. m_pthre = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(prioSpec >> 8U); // preemption-thre. register_(); // make QF aware of this AO m_osObject = nullptr; // no private stack for AO m_eQueue.init(qSto, qLen); // initialize QEQueue of this AO this->init(par, m_prio); // take the top-most initial tran. (virtual) QS_FLUSH(); // flush the trace buffer to the host // see if this AO needs to be scheduled in case QXK is running QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); if (QXK_sched_(0U) != 0U) { // synchronous preemption needed? QXK_activate_(0U); // synchronously activate basic threads } QF_CRIT_X_(); //! No-timeout when blocking on semaphores, mutextes, and queues {0U}; //! attributes of the QXK kernel (extern "C" for easy access in assembly) { QP::QActive * volatile curr; //!< currently executing thread QP::QActive * volatile next; //!< next thread to execute std::uint8_t volatile actPrio; //!< prio of the active AO std::uint8_t volatile actThre; //!< active preemption-threshold std::uint8_t volatile lockCeil; //!< lock preemption-ceiling (0==no-lock) std::uint8_t volatile lockHolder; //!< prio of the lock holder }; //! attributes of the QXK kernel (extern "C" to be accessible from C) noexcept //! QXK scheduler finds the highest-priority thread ready to run //! //! @param[in] asynch flag conveying the type of scheduling: //! != 0 for asynchronous scheduling and //! == 0 for synchronous scheduling //! @details //! The QXK scheduler finds the priority of the highest-priority thread //! that is ready to run. //! //! @returns the 1-based priority of the the active object to run next, //! or zero if no eligible active object is found. //! //! @attention //! QXK_sched_() must be always called with interrupts **disabled** and //! returns with interrupts **disabled**. Q_UNUSED_PAR(asynch); // unused when Q_SPY not defined // find the highest-prio thread ready to run std::uint_fast8_t p = QP::QF::readySet_.findMax(); std::uint8_t const pthre = QP::QActive::registry_[p]->m_pthre; if (pthre <= QXK_attr_.lockCeil) { // priority of the thread holding the lock p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>( QP::QActive::registry_[QXK_attr_.lockHolder]->m_prio); if (p != 0U) { Q_ASSERT_ID(610, QP::QF::readySet_.hasElement(p)); } } QP::QActive * const next = QP::QActive::registry_[p]; // the thread found must be registered in QF Q_ASSERT_ID(620, next != nullptr); // is the current thread a basic-thread? if (QXK_attr_.curr == nullptr) { // is next a basic-thread? if (next->m_osObject == nullptr) { if (pthre > QXK_attr_.actThre) { QXK_attr_.next = next; // set the next AO to activate } else { QXK_attr_.next = nullptr; p = 0U; // no activation needed } } else { // this is an extended-thread #ifdef Q_SPY if (asynch != 0U) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_PREEMPT, next->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp // prio of the next AO & prio of the curr AO QS_2U8_PRE_(p, QXK_attr_.actPrio); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_NEXT, next->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp // prio of the next AO & prio of the curr AO QS_2U8_PRE_(p, QXK_attr_.actPrio); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #endif // Q_SPY QXK_attr_.next = next; p = 0U; // no activation needed QXK_CONTEXT_SWITCH_(); } } else { // currently executing an extended-thread // is the next thread different from the current? if (next != QXK_attr_.curr) { #ifdef Q_SPY if (next->m_prio != 0U) { if (asynch != 0U) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_PREEMPT, next->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp // previous prio & current prio QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(p), QXK_attr_.curr->m_prio); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_NEXT, next->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp // previous prio & current prio QS_2U8_PRE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(p), QXK_attr_.curr->m_prio); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } } else { // resuming the idle thread QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_IDLE, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_U8_PRE_(QXK_attr_.curr->m_prio); // previous prio QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #endif QXK_attr_.next = next; p = 0U; // no activation needed QXK_CONTEXT_SWITCH_(); } else { // next is the same as current QXK_attr_.next = nullptr; // no need to context-switch p = 0U; // no activation needed } } return p; noexcept //! QXK activator activates the next active object. The activated AO preempts //! the currently executing AOs //! //! @param[in] asynch flag conveying the type of activation: //! != 0 for asynchronous activation and //! == 0 for synchronous activation //! @attention //! QXK_activate_() must be always called with interrupts **disabled** and //! returns with interrupts **disabled**. //! //! @note //! The activate function might enable interrupts internally, but it always //! returns with interrupts **disabled**. Q_UNUSED_PAR(asynch); // unused when Q_SPY not defined std::uint8_t const prio_in = QXK_attr_.actPrio; QP::QActive *a = QXK_attr_.next; // the next AO (basic-thread) to run //! @pre QXK_attr_.next must be valid and the prio must be in range Q_REQUIRE_ID(700, (a != nullptr) && (prio_in <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE)); // QXK Context switch callback defined or QS tracing enabled? #if (defined QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW) || (defined Q_SPY) std::uint_fast8_t pprev = prio_in; #endif // QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW || Q_SPY // priority and preemption-threshold of the next AO std::uint_fast8_t p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(a->m_prio); std::uint8_t pthre = QP::QActive::registry_[p]->m_pthre; // loop until no more ready-to-run AOs of higher prio than the initial do { a = QP::QActive::registry_[p]; // obtain the pointer to the AO QXK_attr_.actPrio = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(p); // new active prio QXK_attr_.actThre = pthre; // new active preemption-threshold QXK_attr_.next = nullptr; // clear the next AO #ifdef Q_SPY if ((asynch != 0U) && (pprev == prio_in)) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_PREEMPT, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(p, pprev); // next prio & prev prio QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_NEXT, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(p, pprev); // next prio & prev prio QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #endif // Q_SPY #if (defined QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW) || (defined Q_SPY) if (p != pprev) { // changing threads? #ifdef QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW Q_ASSERT_ID(710, pprev <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE); // context-switch callback QXK_onContextSw(((pprev!=0U) ? QP::QActive::registry_[pprev] : nullptr), a); #endif // QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW pprev = p; // update previous priority } #endif // QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW || Q_SPY QF_INT_ENABLE(); // unconditionally enable interrupts // perform the run-to-completion (RTC) step... // 1. retrieve the event from the AO's event queue, which by this // time must be non-empty and QActive_get_() asserts it. // 2. dispatch the event to the AO's state machine. // 3. determine if event is garbage and collect it if so // QP::QEvt const * const e = a->get_(); a->dispatch(e, a->m_prio); QP::QF::gc(e); QF_INT_DISABLE(); // unconditionally disable interrupts if (a->m_eQueue.isEmpty()) { // empty queue? QP::QF::readySet_.remove(p); } // find new highest-prio AO ready to run... // NOTE: this part must match the QXK_sched_(), // current is a basic-thread path. p = QP::QF::readySet_.findMax(); a = QP::QActive::registry_[p]; // the AO must be registered in QF Q_ASSERT_ID(720, a != nullptr); pthre = a->m_pthre; // is the new preemption-threshold below the initial? if (pthre <= static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QXK_attr_.lockCeil)) { p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QXK_attr_.lockHolder); if (p != 0U) { Q_ASSERT_ID(710, QP::QF::readySet_.hasElement(p)); } } // is the next a basic thread? if (a->m_osObject == nullptr) { if (pthre > QP::QActive::registry_[prio_in]->m_pthre) { QXK_attr_.next = a; } else { QXK_attr_.next = nullptr; p = 0U; // no activation needed } } else { // next is the extended thread #ifdef Q_SPY if (asynch != 0U) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_PREEMPT, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(p, QXK_attr_.actPrio); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_NEXT, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(p, QXK_attr_.actPrio); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #endif // Q_SPY QXK_attr_.next = a; p = 0U; // no activation needed QXK_CONTEXT_SWITCH_(); } } while (p != 0U); // while activation needed // restore the active priority and preemption-threshold QXK_attr_.actPrio = prio_in; QXK_attr_.actThre = QP::QActive::registry_[prio_in]->m_pthre; #if (defined QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW) || (defined Q_SPY) if (prio_in != 0U) { // resuming an active object? a = QP::QActive::registry_[prio_in]; // pointer to the preempted AO #ifdef Q_SPY if (asynch != 0U) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_RESTORE, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(prio_in, pprev); // resumed prio & previous prio QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } else { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_RESUME, a->m_prio) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_2U8_PRE_(prio_in, pprev); // resumed prio & previous prio QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #endif // Q_SPY } else { // resuming priority==0 --> idle a = nullptr; QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_SCHED_IDLE, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_U8_PRE_(pprev); // previous prio QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #ifdef QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW // context-switch callback QXK_onContextSw(QP::QActive::registry_[pprev], a); #endif // QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW #endif // QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW || Q_SPY noexcept //! return the currently executing active-object/thread //! @pre the QXK kernel must be running Q_REQUIRE_ID(800, QXK_attr_.lockCeil <= QF_MAX_ACTIVE); QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QP::QActive *curr = QXK_attr_.curr; if (curr == nullptr) { // basic thread? curr = QP::QActive::registry_[QXK_attr_.actPrio]; } QF_CRIT_X_(); //! @post the current thread must be valid Q_ENSURE_ID(890, curr != nullptr); return curr; noexcept //! initialize the private stack of a given AO //! QXK context switch callback (customized in BSPs for QXK) //! //! @details //! This callback function provides a mechanism to perform additional //! custom operations when QXK switches context from one thread to //! another. //! //! @param[in] prev pointer to the previous thread (active object) //! (prev==0 means that `prev` was the QXK idle thread) //! @param[in] next pointer to the next thread (active object) //! (next==0) means that `next` is the QXK idle thread) //! @attention //! QXK_onContextSw() is invoked with interrupts **disabled** and must also //! return with interrupts **disabled**. //! //! @note //! This callback is enabled by defining the macro #QXK_ON_CONTEXT_SW. //! //! @include qxk_oncontextsw.cpp //! called when a thread function exits //! //! @details //! Called when the extended-thread handler function exits. //! //! @note //! Most thread handler functions are structured as endless loops that never //! exit. But it is also possible to structure threads as one-shot functions //! that perform their job and exit. In that case this function peforms //! cleanup after the thread. QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_E_(); QP::QXThread const * const thr = QXTHREAD_CAST_(QXK_attr_.curr); //! @pre this function must: //! - NOT be called from an ISR; //! - be called from an extended thread; Q_REQUIRE_ID(900, (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) && (thr != nullptr)); //! @pre also: the thread must NOT be holding a scheduler lock. Q_REQUIRE_ID(901, QXK_attr_.lockHolder != thr->m_prio); std::uint_fast8_t const p = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(thr->m_prio); // remove this thread from the QF QP::QActive::registry_[p] = nullptr; QP::QF::readySet_.remove(p); static_cast<void>(QXK_sched_(0U)); // synchronous scheduling QF_CRIT_X_(); <type_> //! intertnal macro to encapsulate casting of pointers for MISRA deviations //! //! @details //! This macro is specifically and exclusively used for casting pointers //! that are never de-referenced, but only used for internal bookkeeping and //! checking (via assertions) the correct operation of the QXK kernel. //! Such pointer casting is not compliant with MISRA C++ Rule 5-2-7 //! as well as other messages (e.g., PC-Lint-Plus warning 826). //! Defining this specific macro for this purpose allows to selectively //! disable the warnings for this particular case. (reinterpret_cast<type_>(ptr_)) //! internal macro to encapsulate casting of pointers for MISRA deviations //! //! @details //! This macro is specifically and exclusively used for downcasting pointers //! to QActive to pointers to QXThread in situations when it is known //! that such downcasting is correct.<br> //! //! However, such pointer casting is not compliant with MISRA C++ //! Rule 5-2-7 as well as other messages (e.g., PC-Lint-Plus warning 826). //! Defining this specific macro for this purpose allows to selectively //! disable the warnings for this particular case. (static_cast<QP::QXThread *>(ptr_)) //! Internal port-specific macro that checks the execution context //! (ISR vs. thread). Might be overridden in qxk_port.hpp. //! //! @returns //! 'true' if the code executes in the ISR context and 'false' otherwise. (QF::intNest_ != 0U) //! QXK scheduler lock status QSchedStatus lockStat_; //! QXK selective scheduler locking do { \ if (QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { \ lockStat_ = 0xFFU; \ } else { \ lockStat_ = QXK::schedLock((ceil_)); \ } \ } while (false) //! QXK selective scheduler unlocking do { \ if (lockStat_ != 0xFFU) { \ QXK::schedUnlock(lockStat_); \ } \ } while (false) // QXK native event queue waiting \ Q_ASSERT_ID(110, (me_)->m_eQueue.m_frontEvt != nullptr) // QXK native event queue signalling do { \ QF::readySet_.insert( \ static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>((me_)->m_prio)); \ if (!QXK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { \ if (QXK_sched_(0U) != 0U) { \ QXK_activate_(0U); \ } \ } \ } while (false) //! @file //! @brief QEP/C++ platform-independent public interface. //! //! @tr{RQP001} @tr{RQP101} #ifndef QEP_HPP #define QEP_HPP //============================================================================ //! The current QP version as an unsigned number // // @details // ::QP_VERSION is a decimal constant, where XX is a 1-digit or 2-digit // major version number, Y is a 1-digit minor version number, and Z is // a 1-digit release number. // #define QP_VERSION 710U //! The current QP version as a zero terminated string literal. // // @details // ::QP_VERSION_STR is of the form "XX.Y.Z", where XX is a 1-or 2-digit // major version number, Y is a 1-digit minor version number, and Z is // a 1-digit release number. // #define QP_VERSION_STR "7.1.0" //! Encrypted current QP release (7.1.0) and date (2022-08-30) #define QP_RELEASE 0x7C600159U //============================================================================ // Global namespace... $declare ${glob-types} $declare ${QEP-config} //============================================================================ $declare ${QEP} //============================================================================ $declare ${QEP-macros} #endif // QEP_HPP //! @file //! @brief QF/C++ platform-independent public interface. #ifndef QF_HPP #define QF_HPP #ifdef Q_EVT_CTOR #include <new> // for placement new #endif // Q_EVT_CTOR //============================================================================ // Global namespace... $declare ${QF-config} //============================================================================ $declare ${QF-types} $declare ${QF::QActive} $declare ${QF::QMActive} $declare ${QF::QTimeEvt} $declare ${QF::QTicker} $declare ${QF::QF-base} $declare ${QF::QF-dyn} //============================================================================ // Global namespace... $declare ${QF-macros} #endif // QF_HPP //! @file //! @brief Internal (package scope) QF/C++ interface. #ifndef QF_PKG_HPP #define QF_PKG_HPP //============================================================================ //! helper macro to cast const away from an event pointer #define QF_CONST_CAST_(type_, ptr_) const_cast<type_>(ptr_) $declare ${QF::QF-pkg} //============================================================================ namespace QP { //............................................................................ //! Structure representing a free block in the Native QF Memory Pool //! @sa QP::QMPool struct QFreeBlock { QFreeBlock * volatile m_next; //!< link to the next free block }; //............................................................................ // The following flags and flags and bitmasks are for the fields of the // `QEvt.refCtr_` attribute of the QP::QTimeEvt class (subclass of QP::QEvt). // This attribute is NOT used for reference counting in time events // because the `QEvt.poolId_` attribute is zero ("static event"). // constexpr std::uint8_t TE_IS_LINKED = 1U << 7U; // flag constexpr std::uint8_t TE_WAS_DISARMED = 1U << 6U; // flag constexpr std::uint8_t TE_TICK_RATE = 0x0FU; // bitmask // internal helper inline functions //! return the Pool-ID of an event `e` inline std::uint8_t QF_EVT_POOL_ID_ (QEvt const * const e) noexcept { return e->poolId_; } //! return the Reference Conter of an event `e` inline std::uint8_t QF_EVT_REF_CTR_ (QEvt const * const e) noexcept { return e->refCtr_; } //! increment the refCtr_ of an event `e` inline void QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(QEvt const * const e) noexcept { (QF_CONST_CAST_(QEvt*, e))->refCtr_ = e->refCtr_ + 1U; } //! decrement the refCtr_ of an event `e` inline void QF_EVT_REF_CTR_DEC_(QEvt const * const e) noexcept { (QF_CONST_CAST_(QEvt*, e))->refCtr_ = e->refCtr_ - 1U; } } // namespace QP //============================================================================ // QF-specific critical section... #ifndef QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE //! This is an internal macro for defining the critical section //! status type. //! //! @details //! The purpose of this macro is to enable writing the same code for the //! case when critical section status type is defined and when it is not. //! If the macro #QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE is defined, this internal macro //! provides the definition of the critical section status variable. //! Otherwise this macro is empty. //! @sa #QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE #define QF_CRIT_STAT_ //! This is an internal macro for entering a critical section. //! //! @details //! The purpose of this macro is to enable writing the same code for the //! case when critical section status type is defined and when it is not. //! If the macro #QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE is defined, this internal macro //! invokes QF_CRIT_ENTRY() passing the key variable as the parameter. //! Otherwise QF_CRIT_ENTRY() is invoked with a dummy parameter. //! @sa QF_CRIT_ENTRY() #define QF_CRIT_E_() QF_CRIT_ENTRY(dummy) //! This is an internal macro for exiting a critical section. //! //! @details //! The purpose of this macro is to enable writing the same code for the //! case when critical section status type is defined and when it is not. //! If the macro #QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE is defined, this internal macro //! invokes QF_CRIT_EXIT() passing the key variable as the parameter. //! Otherwise QF_CRIT_EXIT() is invoked with a dummy parameter. //! @sa QF_CRIT_EXIT() //! #define QF_CRIT_X_() QF_CRIT_EXIT(dummy) #elif (!defined QF_CRIT_STAT_) #define QF_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE critStat_; #define QF_CRIT_E_() QF_CRIT_ENTRY(critStat_) #define QF_CRIT_X_() QF_CRIT_EXIT(critStat_) #endif // QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE // Assertions inside the critical section ------------------------------------ #ifdef Q_NASSERT // Q_NASSERT defined--assertion checking disabled #define Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(id_, test_) static_cast<void>(0) #define Q_REQUIRE_CRIT_(id_, test_) static_cast<void>(0) #define Q_ERROR_CRIT_(id_) static_cast<void>(0) #else // Q_NASSERT not defined--assertion checking enabled #define Q_ASSERT_CRIT_(id_, test_) do { \ if ((test_)) {} else { \ QF_CRIT_X_(); \ Q_onAssert(&Q_this_module_[0], static_cast<int_t>(id_)); \ } \ } while (false) #define Q_REQUIRE_CRIT_(id_, test_) Q_ASSERT_CRIT_((id_), (test_)) #define Q_ERROR_CRIT_(id_) do { \ QF_CRIT_X_(); \ Q_onAssert(&Q_this_module_[0], static_cast<int_t>(id_)); \ } while (false) #endif // Q_NASSERT //! helper macro to test that a pointer `x_` is in range between //! `min_` and `max_` //! //! @details //! This macro is specifically and exclusively used for checking the range //! of a block pointer returned to the pool. Such a check must rely on the //! pointer arithmetic not compliant with the [AUTOSAR Rule M5-0-18]. //! Defining a specific macro for this purpose allows to selectively //! disable the warnings for this particular case. #define QF_PTR_RANGE_(x_, min_, max_) (((min_) <= (x_)) && ((x_) <= (max_))) #endif // QF_PKG_HPP //! @file //! @brief platform-independent fast "raw" thread-safe event queue interface //! //! @details //! This header file must be included in all QF ports that use native QF //! event queue for active objects. Also, this file needs to be included //! in the QP/C++ library when the application uses QActive::defer() / //! QActive::recall(). Finally, this file is also needed when the "raw" //! thread-safe queues are used for communication between active objects //! and non-framework entities, such as ISRs, device drivers, or legacy //! code. #ifndef QEQUEUE_HPP #define QEQUEUE_HPP #ifndef QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE //! The size (in bytes) of the ring-buffer counters used in the //! native QF event queue implementation. Valid values: 1U, 2U, or 4U; //! default 1U. //! @details //! This macro can be defined in the QF port file (qf_port.hpp) to //! configure the QP::QEQueueCtr type. Here the macro is not defined //! so the default of 1 byte is chosen. #define QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE 1U #endif namespace QP { #if (QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE == 1U) //! The data type to store the ring-buffer counters based on //! the macro #QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE. //! @details //! The dynamic range of this data type determines the maximum length //! of the ring buffer managed by the native QF event queue. using QEQueueCtr = std::uint8_t; #elif (QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE == 2U) using QEQueueCtr = std::uint16_t; #elif (QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE == 4U) using QEQueueCtr = std::uint32_t; #else #error "QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE defined incorrectly, expected 1U, 2U, or 4U" #endif } // namespace QP //============================================================================ $declare ${QF::QEQueue} #endif // QEQUEUE_HPP //! @file //! @brief platform-independent memory pool QP::QMPool interface. #ifndef QMPOOL_HPP #define QMPOOL_HPP #ifndef QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE //! macro to override the default QP::QMPoolSize size. //! Valid values 1U, 2U, or 4U; default 2U #define QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE 2U #endif #ifndef QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE //! macro to override the default QMPoolCtr size. //! Valid values 1U, 2U, or 4U; default 2U #define QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE 2 #endif //! Memory pool element to allocate correctly aligned storage for QP::QMPool #define QF_MPOOL_EL(type_) \ struct { void *sto_[((sizeof(type_) - 1U)/sizeof(void*)) + 1U]; } //============================================================================ namespace QP { #if (QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE == 1U) using QMPoolSize = std::uint8_t; #elif (QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE == 2U) //! The data type to store the block-size based on the macro //! #QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE //! //! @details //! The dynamic range of this data type determines the maximum size //! of blocks that can be managed by the native QF event pool. using QMPoolSize = std::uint16_t; #elif (QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE == 4U) using QMPoolSize = std::uint32_t; #else #error "QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE defined incorrectly, expected 1U, 2U, or 4U" #endif #if (QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE == 1U) using QMPoolCtr = std::uint8_t; #elif (QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE == 2U) //! The data type to store the block-counter based on the macro //! #QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE //! //! @details //! The dynamic range of this data type determines the maximum number //! of blocks that can be stored in the pool. using QMPoolCtr = std::uint16_t; #elif (QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE == 4U) using QMPoolCtr = std::uint32_t; #else #error "QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE defined incorrectly, expected 1U, 2U, or 4U" #endif } // namespace QP //============================================================================ $declare ${QF::QMPool} #endif // QMPOOL_HPP //! @file //! @brief QV/C++ platform-independent public interface. #ifndef QV_HPP #define QV_HPP //============================================================================ // QF customization for QV -- data members of the QActive class... // QV event-queue used for AOs #define QF_EQUEUE_TYPE QEQueue //============================================================================ #include "qequeue.hpp" // QV kernel uses the native QF event queue #include "qmpool.hpp" // QV kernel uses the native QF memory pool #include "qf.hpp" // QF framework integrates directly with QV //============================================================================ $declare ${QV::QV-base} //============================================================================ // interface used only inside QF, but not in applications #ifdef QP_IMPL // QV-specific scheduler locking and event queue... $declare ${QV-impl} // Native QF event pool operations... $declare ${QF-QMPool-impl} #endif // QP_IMPL #endif // QV_HPP //! @file //! @brief QK/C++ platform-independent public interface. #ifndef QK_HPP #define QK_HPP //============================================================================ // QF customization for QK -- data members of the QActive class... // QK event-queue used for AOs #define QF_EQUEUE_TYPE QEQueue // QK thread type used for AOs // QK uses this member to store the private Thread-Local Storage pointer. #define QF_THREAD_TYPE void* //============================================================================ #include "qequeue.hpp" // QK kernel uses the native QF event queue #include "qmpool.hpp" // QK kernel uses the native QF memory pool #include "qf.hpp" // QF framework integrates directly with QK //============================================================================ $declare ${QK::QK-base} //============================================================================ extern "C" { $declare ${QK-extern-C} } // extern "C" //============================================================================ // interface used only inside QF, but not in applications #ifdef QP_IMPL // QK-specific scheduler locking and event queue... $declare ${QK-impl} // Native QF event pool operations... $declare ${QF-QMPool-impl} #endif // QP_IMPL #endif // QK_HPP //! @file //! @brief QXK/C++ preemptive extended (blocking) kernel, platform-independent //! public interface. #ifndef QXK_HPP #define QXK_HPP //============================================================================ // QF customization for QXK -- data members of the QActive class... // QXK event-queue used for AOs #define QF_EQUEUE_TYPE QEQueue // QXK OS-object used to store the private stack pointer for extended threads. // (The private stack pointer is NULL for basic-threads). #define QF_OS_OBJECT_TYPE void* // QXK thread type used to store the private Thread-Local Storage pointer. #define QF_THREAD_TYPE void* //! Access Thread-Local Storage (TLS) and cast it on the given `type_` #define QXK_TLS(type_) (static_cast<type_>(QXK_current()->m_thread)) //============================================================================ #include "qequeue.hpp" // QXK kernel uses the native QF event queue #include "qmpool.hpp" // QXK kernel uses the native QF memory pool #include "qf.hpp" // QF framework integrates directly with QXK //============================================================================ $declare ${QXK::QXTHREAD_NO_TIMEOUT} $declare ${QXK::QXK-base} $declare ${QXK::QXThread} $declare ${QXK::QXSemaphore} $declare ${QXK::QXMutex} //============================================================================ extern "C" { $declare ${QXK-extern-C} } // extern "C" //============================================================================ // interface used only inside QF, but not in applications #ifdef QP_IMPL // QXK implementation... $declare ${QXK-impl} // Native QF event pool operations... $declare ${QF-QMPool-impl} #endif // QP_IMPL #endif // QXK_HPP //! @file //! @brief QS/C++ platform-independent public interface. #ifndef QS_HPP #define QS_HPP #ifndef Q_SPY #error "Q_SPY must be defined to include qs.hpp" #endif //============================================================================ // Global namespace... $declare ${QS-config} //============================================================================ $declare ${QS} //============================================================================ // Global namespace... $declare ${QS-macros} //============================================================================ // Facilities for QS critical section // QS-specific critical section #ifdef QS_CRIT_ENTRY // separate QS critical section defined? #ifndef QS_CRIT_STAT_TYPE #define QS_CRIT_STAT_ #define QS_CRIT_E_() QS_CRIT_ENTRY(dummy) #define QS_CRIT_X_() QS_CRIT_EXIT(dummy); QS_REC_DONE() #else #define QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_STAT_TYPE critStat_; #define QS_CRIT_E_() QS_CRIT_ENTRY(critStat_) #define QS_CRIT_X_() QS_CRIT_EXIT(critStat_); QS_REC_DONE() #endif // QS_CRIT_STAT_TYPE #else // separate QS critical section not defined--use the QF definition #ifndef QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE //! This is an internal macro for defining the critical section //! status type //! //! @details //! The purpose of this macro is to enable writing the same code for the //! case when critical section status type is defined and when it is not. //! If the macro #QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE is defined, this internal macro //! provides the definition of the critical section status variable. //! Otherwise this macro is empty. //! @sa #QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE #define QS_CRIT_STAT_ //! This is an internal macro for entering a critical section //! //! @details //! The purpose of this macro is to enable writing the same code for the //! case when critical section status type is defined and when it is not. //! If the macro #QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE is defined, this internal macro //! invokes #QF_CRIT_ENTRY passing the key variable as the parameter. //! Otherwise #QF_CRIT_ENTRY is invoked with a dummy parameter. //! @sa #QF_CRIT_ENTRY #define QS_CRIT_E_() QF_CRIT_ENTRY(dummy) //! This is an internal macro for exiting a critical section //! //! @details //! The purpose of this macro is to enable writing the same code for the //! case when critical section status type is defined and when it is not. //! If the macro #QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE is defined, this internal macro //! invokes #QF_CRIT_EXIT passing the key variable as the parameter. //! Otherwise #QF_CRIT_EXIT is invoked with a dummy parameter. //! @sa #QF_CRIT_EXIT #define QS_CRIT_X_() QF_CRIT_EXIT(dummy); QS_REC_DONE() #elif (!defined QS_CRIT_STAT_) #define QS_CRIT_STAT_ QF_CRIT_STAT_TYPE critStat_; #define QS_CRIT_E_() QF_CRIT_ENTRY(critStat_) #define QS_CRIT_X_() QF_CRIT_EXIT(critStat_); QS_REC_DONE() #endif // simple unconditional interrupt disabling used #endif // separate QS critical section not defined //============================================================================ // Macros for use in QUTest only #ifdef Q_UTEST $declare ${QUTest} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // QP-stub for QUTest // NOTE: The QP-stub is needed for unit testing QP applications, // but might NOT be needed for testing QP itself. // #if Q_UTEST != 0 $declare ${QUTest-stub::QS} $declare ${QUTest-stub::QHsmDummy} $declare ${QUTest-stub::QActiveDummy} #endif // Q_UTEST != 0 //! QS macro to define the Test-Probe for a given `fun_` #define QS_TEST_PROBE_DEF(fun_) \ std::uint32_t const qs_tp_ = \ QP::QS::getTestProbe_(QP::QS::force_cast<void (*)(void)>(fun_)); //! QS macro to apply a Test-Probe #define QS_TEST_PROBE(code_) \ if (qs_tp_ != 0U) { code_ } //! QS macro to apply a Test-Probe #define QS_TEST_PROBE_ID(id_, code_) \ if (qs_tp_ == static_cast<std::uint32_t>(id_)) { code_ } //! QS macro to pause test execution and enter the test event loop #define QS_TEST_PAUSE() (QP::QS::test_pause_()) #else // dummy definitions when not building for QUTEST #define QS_TEST_PROBE_DEF(fun_) #define QS_TEST_PROBE(code_) #define QS_TEST_PROBE_ID(id_, code_) #define QS_TEST_PAUSE() ((void)0) #endif // Q_UTEST #endif // QS_HPP //! @file //! @brief Dummy definitions of the QS macros that avoid code generation from //! the QS instrumentation. #ifndef QS_dummyHPP #define QS_dummyHPP #ifdef Q_SPY #error "Q_SPY must NOT be defined to include qs_dummy.hpp" #endif #define QS_INIT(arg_) (true) #define QS_EXIT() static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_DUMP() static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_GLB_FILTER(rec_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_LOC_FILTER(qs_id_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_GET_BYTE(pByte_) (0xFFFFU) #define QS_GET_BLOCK(pSize_) (nullptr) #define QS_BEGIN_ID(rec_, qs_id_) if (false) { #define QS_END() } #define QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT(rec_, qs_id_) if (false) { #define QS_END_NOCRIT() } #define QS_I8(width_, data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_U8(width_, data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_I16(width_, data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_U16(width_, data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_I32(width_, data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_U32(width_, data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_F32(width_, data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_F64(width_, data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_U64(width_, data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_STR(str_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_MEM(mem_, size_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_SIG(sig_, obj_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_OBJ(obj_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_FUN(fun_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(sig_, obj_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_OBJ_DICTIONARY(obj_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_OBJ_ARR_DICTIONARY(obj_, idx_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_FUN_DICTIONARY(fun_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_USR_DICTIONARY(rec_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_ASSERTION(module_, loc_, delay_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_FLUSH() static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_TEST_PROBE_DEF(fun_) #define QS_TEST_PROBE(code_) #define QS_TEST_PROBE_ID(id_, code_) #define QS_TEST_PAUSE() static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_OUTPUT() static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_RX_INPUT() static_cast<void>(0) //============================================================================ $declare ${QS::QSpyIdOffsets} $declare ${QS::QSpyIdGroups} $declare ${QS::QSpyId} //============================================================================ // internal QS macros used only in the QP components #ifdef QP_IMPL // predefined QS trace records #define QS_BEGIN_PRE_(rec_, qs_id_) if (false) { #define QS_END_PRE_() } #define QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(rec_, qs_id_) if (false) { #define QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() } #define QS_U8_PRE_(data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_2U8_PRE_(data1_, data2_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_U16_PRE_(data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_U32_PRE_(data_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_TIME_PRE_() static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_SIG_PRE_(sig_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_EVS_PRE_(size_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_OBJ_PRE_(obj_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_FUN_PRE_(fun_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_EQC_PRE_(ctr_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_MPC_PRE_(ctr_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_MPS_PRE_(size_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_TEC_PRE_(ctr_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QS_CRIT_STAT_ #define QF_QS_CRIT_ENTRY() static_cast<void>(0) #define QF_QS_CRIT_EXIT() static_cast<void>(0) #define QF_QS_ISR_ENTRY(isrnest_, prio_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QF_QS_ISR_EXIT(isrnest_, prio_) static_cast<void>(0) #define QF_QS_ACTION(act_) static_cast<void>(0) #endif // QP_IMPL #endif // QS_dummyHPP //! @file //! @brief Internal (package scope) QS/C++ interface. #ifndef QS_PKG_HPP #define QS_PKG_HPP //============================================================================ namespace QP { //! QS received record types (RX channel) //! //! @details //! This enumeration specifies the record types for the QS receive channel enum QSpyRxRecords : std::uint8_t { QS_RX_INFO, //!< query Target info (ver, config, tstamp) QS_RX_COMMAND, //!< execute a user-defined command in the Target QS_RX_RESET, //!< reset the Target QS_RX_TICK, //!< call QF_tick() QS_RX_PEEK, //!< peek Target memory QS_RX_POKE, //!< poke Target memory QS_RX_FILL, //!< fill Target memory QS_RX_TEST_SETUP, //!< test setup QS_RX_TEST_TEARDOWN, //!< test teardown QS_RX_TEST_PROBE, //!< set a Test-Probe in the Target QS_RX_GLB_FILTER, //!< set global filters in the Target QS_RX_LOC_FILTER, //!< set local filters in the Target QS_RX_AO_FILTER, //!< set local AO filter in the Target QS_RX_CURR_OBJ, //!< set the "current-object" in the Target QS_RX_TEST_CONTINUE, //!< continue a test after QS_RX_TEST_WAIT() QS_RX_QUERY_CURR, //!< query the "current object" in the Target QS_RX_EVENT //!< inject an event to the Target (post/publish) }; //! @brief Frame character of the QS output protocol constexpr std::uint8_t QS_FRAME = 0x7EU; //! @brief Escape character of the QS output protocol constexpr std::uint8_t QS_ESC = 0x7DU; //! @brief Escape modifier of the QS output protocol //! //! @details //! The escaped byte is XOR-ed with the escape modifier before it is inserted //! into the QS buffer. constexpr std::uint8_t QS_ESC_XOR = 0x20U; //! @brief Escape character of the QS output protocol constexpr std::uint8_t QS_GOOD_CHKSUM = 0xFFU; } // namespace QP //============================================================================ // Macros for use inside other macros or internally in the QP code //! Internal QS macro to insert an un-escaped byte into the QS buffer #define QS_INSERT_BYTE_(b_) \ buf_[head_] = (b_); \ ++head_; \ if (head_ == end_) { \ head_ = 0U; \ } //! Internal QS macro to insert an escaped byte into the QS buffer #define QS_INSERT_ESC_BYTE_(b_) \ chksum_ += (b_); \ if (((b_) != QS_FRAME) && ((b_) != QS_ESC)) { \ QS_INSERT_BYTE_(b_) \ } \ else { \ QS_INSERT_BYTE_(QS_ESC) \ QS_INSERT_BYTE_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>((b_) ^ QS_ESC_XOR)) \ priv_.used = (priv_.used + 1U); \ } //! Internal QS macro to begin a predefined QS record with critical section. //! @note //! This macro is intended to use only inside QP components and NOT //! at the application level. //! @sa QS_BEGIN_ID() //! #define QS_BEGIN_PRE_(rec_, qs_id_) \ if (QS_GLB_CHECK_(rec_) && QS_LOC_CHECK_(qs_id_)) { \ QS_CRIT_E_(); \ QP::QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(rec_)); //! Internal QS macro to end a predefined QS record with critical section. //! @note //! This macro is intended to use only inside QP components and NOT //! at the application level. //! @sa QS_END() //! #define QS_END_PRE_() \ QP::QS::endRec_(); \ QS_CRIT_X_(); \ } //! Internal QS macro to begin a predefined QS record without critical section //! //! @note //! This macro is intended to use only inside QP components and NOT //! at the application level. //! @sa QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_() #define QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(rec_, qs_id_) \ if (QS_GLB_CHECK_(rec_) && QS_LOC_CHECK_(qs_id_)) { \ QP::QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(rec_)); //! Internal QS macro to end a predefiend QS record without critical section //! //! @note //! This macro is intended to use only inside QP components and NOT //! at the application level. @sa #QS_END_NOCRIT #define QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() \ QP::QS::endRec_(); \ } #if (Q_SIGNAL_SIZE == 1U) //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted event signal data element //! @note //! The size of the pointer depends on the macro #Q_SIGNAL_SIZE. #define QS_SIG_PRE_(sig_) \ (QP::QS::u8_raw_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(sig_))) #elif (Q_SIGNAL_SIZE == 2U) #define QS_SIG_PRE_(sig_) \ (QP::QS::u16_raw_(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(sig_))) #elif (Q_SIGNAL_SIZE == 4U) #define QS_SIG_PRE_(sig_) \ (QP::QS::u32_raw_(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(sig_))) #endif //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted uint8_t data element #define QS_U8_PRE_(data_) \ (QP::QS::u8_raw_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(data_))) //! Internal QS macro to output 2 unformatted uint8_t data elements #define QS_2U8_PRE_(data1_, data2_) \ (QP::QS::u8u8_raw_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(data1_), \ static_cast<std::uint8_t>(data2_))) //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted uint16_t data element #define QS_U16_PRE_(data_) \ (QP::QS::u16_raw_(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(data_))) //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted uint32_t data element #define QS_U32_PRE_(data_) \ (QP::QS::u32_raw_(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(data_))) //! Internal QS macro to output a zero-terminated ASCII string //! data element #define QS_STR_PRE_(msg_) (QP::QS::str_raw_(msg_)) //! Internal QS macro to output object pointer data element #define QS_OBJ_PRE_(obj_) (QP::QS::obj_raw_(obj_)) #if (QS_FUN_PTR_SIZE == 1U) #define QS_FUN_PRE_(fun_) \ (QP::QS::u8_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t>(fun_))) #elif (QS_FUN_PTR_SIZE == 2U) #define QS_FUN_PRE_(fun_) \ (QP::QS::u16_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t>(fun_))) #elif (QS_FUN_PTR_SIZE == 4U) #define QS_FUN_PRE_(fun_) \ (QP::QS::u32_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t>(fun_))) #elif (QS_FUN_PTR_SIZE == 8U) #define QS_FUN_PRE_(fun_) \ (QP::QS::u64_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t>(fun_))) #else //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted function pointer //! data element //! //! @note //! The size of the pointer depends on the macro #QS_FUN_PTR_SIZE. //! If the size is not defined the size of pointer is assumed 4-bytes. #define QS_FUN_PRE_(fun_) \ (QP::QS::u32_raw_(reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t>(fun_))) #endif #if (QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE == 1U) //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted event queue //! counter data element //! @note the counter size depends on the macro #QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE. #define QS_EQC_PRE_(ctr_) \ QS::u8_raw_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(ctr_)) #elif (QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE == 2U) #define QS_EQC_PRE_(ctr_) \ QS::u16_raw_(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(ctr_)) #elif (QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE == 4U) #define QS_EQC_PRE_(ctr_) \ QS::u32_raw_(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(ctr_)) #else #error "QF_EQUEUE_CTR_SIZE not defined" #endif #if (QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE == 1U) //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted event size //! data element //! //! @note the event size depends on the macro #QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE. #define QS_EVS_PRE_(size_) \ QS::u8_raw_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(size_)) #elif (QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE == 2U) #define QS_EVS_PRE_(size_) \ QS::u16_raw_(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(size_)) #elif (QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE == 4U) #define QS_EVS_PRE_(size_) \ QS::u32_raw_(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(size_)) #endif #if (QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE == 1U) //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted memory pool //! block-size data element //! @note the block-size depends on the macro #QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE. #define QS_MPS_PRE_(size_) \ QS::u8_raw_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(size_)) #elif (QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE == 2U) #define QS_MPS_PRE_(size_) \ QS::u16_raw_(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(size_)) #elif (QF_MPOOL_SIZ_SIZE == 4U) #define QS_MPS_PRE_(size_) \ QS::u32_raw_(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(size_)) #endif #if (QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE == 1U) //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted memory pool //! block-counter data element //! @note the counter size depends on the macro #QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE. #define QS_MPC_PRE_(ctr_) \ QS::u8_raw_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(ctr_)) #elif (QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE == 2U) #define QS_MPC_PRE_(ctr_) \ QS::u16_raw_(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(ctr_)) #elif (QF_MPOOL_CTR_SIZE == 4U) #define QS_MPC_PRE_(ctr_) \ QS::u32_raw_(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(ctr_)) #endif #if (QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE == 1U) //! Internal QS macro to output an unformatted time event //! tick-counter data element //! @note the counter size depends on the macro #QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE. #define QS_TEC_PRE_(ctr_) \ QS::u8_raw_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(ctr_)) #elif (QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE == 2U) #define QS_TEC_PRE_(ctr_) \ QS::u16_raw_(static_cast<std::uint16_t>(ctr_)) #elif (QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE == 4U) #define QS_TEC_PRE_(ctr_) \ QS::u32_raw_(static_cast<std::uint32_t>(ctr_)) #endif //! Internal QS macro to cast enumerated QS record number to uint8_t //! //! @note Casting from enum to unsigned char violates the MISRA-C++ 2008 rules //! 5-2-7, 5-2-8 and 5-2-9. Encapsulating this violation in a macro allows to //! selectively suppress this specific deviation. #define QS_REC_NUM_(enum_) (static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(enum_)) #endif // QS_PKG_HPP //! @file //! @brief QP/C++ public interface including backwards-compatibility layer //! //! @details //! This header file must be included directly or indirectly //! in all application modules (*.cpp files) that use QP/C++. #ifndef QPCPP_HPP #define QPCPP_HPP //============================================================================ #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF/C++ port from the port directory #include "qassert.h" // QP assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS/C++ port from the port directory #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // QS/C++ dummy (inactive) interface #endif //============================================================================ #ifndef QP_API_VERSION //! Macro that specifies the backwards compatibility with the //! QP/C++ API version. //! //! @details //! For example, QP_API_VERSION=540 will cause generating the compatibility //! layer with QP/C++ version 5.4.0 and newer, but not older than 5.4.0. //! QP_API_VERSION=0 causes generation of the compatibility layer "from the //! begining of time", which is the maximum backwards compatibilty. This is //! the default.<br> //! //! Conversely, QP_API_VERSION=9999 means that no compatibility layer should //! be generated. This setting is useful for checking if an application //! complies with the latest QP/C++ API. #define QP_API_VERSION 0 #endif // QP_API_VERSION // QP/C++ API compatibility layer... #if (QP_API_VERSION < 700) //! @deprecated plain 'char' is no longer forbidden in MISRA/AUTOSAR-C++ using char_t = char; //============================================================================ #if (QP_API_VERSION < 691) //! @deprecated enable the QS global filter #define QS_FILTER_ON(rec_) QS_GLB_FILTER((rec_)) //! @deprecated disable the QS global filter #define QS_FILTER_OFF(rec_) QS_GLB_FILTER(-(rec_)) //! @deprecated enable the QS local filter for SM (state machine) object #define QS_FILTER_SM_OBJ(obj_) (static_cast<void>(0)) //! @deprecated enable the QS local filter for AO (active objects) #define QS_FILTER_AO_OBJ(obj_) (static_cast<void>(0)) //! @deprecated enable the QS local filter for MP (memory pool) object #define QS_FILTER_MP_OBJ(obj_) (static_cast<void>(0)) //! @deprecated enable the QS local filter for EQ (event queue) object #define QS_FILTER_EQ_OBJ(obj_) (static_cast<void>(0)) //! @deprecated enable the QS local filter for TE (time event) object #define QS_FILTER_TE_OBJ(obj_) (static_cast<void>(0)) #ifdef Q_SPY //! @deprecated local Filter for a generic application object `obj_`. #define QS_FILTER_AP_OBJ(obj_) \ (QP::QS::priv_.locFilter_AP = (obj_)) //! @deprecated begin of a user QS record, instead use QS_BEGIN_ID() #define QS_BEGIN(rec_, obj_) \ if (QS_GLB_FILTER_(rec_) && \ ((QP::QS::priv_.locFilter[QP::QS::AP_OBJ] == nullptr) \ || (QP::QS::priv_.locFilter_AP == (obj_)))) \ { \ QS_CRIT_STAT_ \ QS_CRIT_E_(); \ QP::QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(rec_)); \ QS_TIME_PRE_(); //! @deprecated output hex-formatted std::uint32_t to the QS record #define QS_U32_HEX(width_, data_) \ (QP::QS::u32_fmt_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>( \ (static_cast<std::uint8_t>((width_) << 4)) \ | static_cast<std::uint8_t>(0xFU)), (data_))) #else #define QS_FILTER_AP_OBJ(obj_) (static_cast<void>(0)) #define QS_BEGIN(rec_, obj_) if (false) { #define QS_U32_HEX(width_, data_) (Q_UNUSED_PAR(0)) #endif // def Q_SPY //============================================================================ #if (QP_API_VERSION < 680) //! @deprecated //! Macro to specify a transition in the "me->" impl-strategy. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! you call tran(Q_STATE_CAST(target_)). #define Q_TRAN(target_) (me->tran(Q_STATE_CAST(target_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to specify a tran-to-history in the "me->" impl-strategy. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! you call tran_hist(Q_STATE_CAST(hist_)). #define Q_TRAN_HIST(hist_) (me->tran_hist((hist_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to specify the superstate in the "me->" impl-strategy. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! you call super(state_)). #define Q_SUPER(state_) (me->super(Q_STATE_CAST(state_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to call in a QM state entry-handler. Applicable only to QMSMs. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! the QM-generated code calls qm_entry(Q_STATE_CAST(state_)). #define QM_ENTRY(state_) (me->qm_entry((state_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to call in a QM state exit-handler. Applicable only to QMSMs. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! the QM-generated code calls qm_exit(Q_STATE_CAST(state_)). #define QM_EXIT(state_) (me->qm_exit((state_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to call in a QM submachine exit-handler. Applicable only to QMSMs. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! the QM-generated code calls qm_sm_exit(Q_STATE_CAST(state_)). #define QM_SM_EXIT(state_) (me->qm_sm_exit((state_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to call in a QM state-handler when it executes a transition. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! the QM-generated code calls qm_tran((tatbl_)). #define QM_TRAN(tatbl_) (me->qm_tran((tatbl_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to call in a QM state-handler when it executes an initial tran. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! the QM-generated code calls qm_tran_init((tatbl_)). #define QM_TRAN_INIT(tatbl_) (me->qm_tran_init((tatbl_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to call in a QM state-handler when it executes a tran-to-history. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! the QM-generated code calls qm_tran_hist((history_), (tatbl_)). #define QM_TRAN_HIST(history_, tatbl_) \ (me->qm_tran_hist((history_), (tatbl_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to call in a QM state-handler when it executes an initial tran. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! the QM-generated code calls qm_tran_ep((tatbl_)). #define QM_TRAN_EP(tatbl_) (me->qm_tran_ep((tatbl_))) //! @deprecated //! Macro to call in a QM state-handler when it executes a tran-to-exit-point. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! the QM-generated code calls qm_tran_xp((xp_), (tatbl_)). #define QM_TRAN_XP(xp_, tatbl_) (me->qm_tran_xp((xp_), (tatbl_))) //! @deprecated //! Designates the superstate of a given state in a subclass of QP::QMsm. //! Instead use the new impl-strategy without the "me->" pointer, where //! the QM-generated code calls qm_super_sub((state_)). #define QM_SUPER_SUB(state_) (me->qm_super_sub((state_))) #endif // QP_API_VERSION < 680 #endif // QP_API_VERSION < 691 #endif // QP_API_VERSION < 700 #endif // QPCPP_HPP //! @file //! @brief Application build time-stamp interface #ifndef QSTAMP_HPP #define QSTAMP_HPP namespace QP { extern char const BUILD_DATE[12]; extern char const BUILD_TIME[9]; } // namespace QP #endif // QSTAMP //! @file //! @brief Application build time-stamp //! @note //! This module needs to be re-compiled in every new software build. To achive //! this, it is recommended to delete the object file (qstamp.o or qstamp.obj) //! in the build directory before each build. (Most development tools allow //! you to specify a pre-build action, which is the ideal place to delete //! the qstamp object file.) #include "qstamp.hpp" namespace QP { //! the calendar date of the last translation of the form: "Mmm dd yyyy" char const BUILD_DATE[12] = __DATE__; //! the time of the last translation of the form: "hh:mm:ss" char const BUILD_TIME[9] = __TIME__; } // namespace QP //! @file //! @brief QP::QHsm implementation //! //! @tr{RQP103} @tr{RQP104} @tr{RQP120} @tr{RQP130} #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qep_port.hpp" // QEP port #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions // local helper macros... //! helper macro to trigger internal event in an HSM #define QEP_TRIG_(state_, sig_) \ ((*(state_))(this, &QEP_reservedEvt_[sig_])) //! helper macro to trigger exit action in an HSM #define QEP_EXIT_(state_) do { \ if (QEP_TRIG_(state_, Q_EXIT_SIG) == Q_RET_HANDLED) { \ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_EXIT, qs_id) \ QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); \ QS_FUN_PRE_(state_); \ QS_END_PRE_() \ } \ } while (false) //! helper macro to trigger entry action in an HSM #define QEP_ENTER_(state_) do { \ if (QEP_TRIG_(state_, Q_ENTRY_SIG) == Q_RET_HANDLED) { \ QS_BEGIN_PRE_(QS_QEP_STATE_ENTRY, qs_id) \ QS_OBJ_PRE_(this); \ QS_FUN_PRE_(state_); \ QS_END_PRE_() \ } \ } while (false) //============================================================================ // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qep_hsm") enum : QP::QSignal { //! empty signal for internal use only QEP_EMPTY_SIG_ = 0U }; //============================================================================ //! @details //! Static, preallocated standard events that the QEP event processor sends //! to state handler functions of QP::QHsm-style state machine to execute //! entry actions, exit actions, and initial transitions. //! static QP::QEvt const QEP_reservedEvt_[4] { #ifdef Q_EVT_CTOR // Is the QEvt constructor provided? QP::QEvt(0U, 0U), QP::QEvt(1U, 0U), QP::QEvt(2U, 0U), QP::QEvt(3U, 0U) #else // QEvt is a POD (Plain Old Datatype) { 0U, 0U, 0U }, { 1U, 0U, 0U }, { 2U, 0U, 0U }, { 3U, 0U, 0U } #endif }; } // unnamed namespace $define ${QEP::versionStr[]} $define ${QEP::QHsm} //! @file //! @brief QP::QMsm implementation #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qep_port.hpp" // QEP port #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qep_msm") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QEP::QMsm} //! @file //! @deprecated //! Empty file kept only for backwards compatibility. //! @sa qf_qact.cpp extern char const dummy; // declaration char const dummy = '\0'; // definition //! @file //! @brief QP::QActive native queue operations (based on QP::QEQueue) //! //! @attention //! This qf_actq.cpp source file is only included in the build when the //! macro #QF_EQUEUE_TYPE is defined as QEQueue. This means that the QP //! port uses the QP::QEQueue for active objects and so this implementation //! applies to the QP port. #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY //============================================================================ // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qf_actq") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QF::QActive::post_} $define ${QF::QActive::postLIFO} $define ${QF::QActive::get_} $define ${QF::QF-base::getQueueMin} //============================================================================ $define ${QF::QTicker} //! @file //! @brief QActive::defer(), QActive::recall(), and //! QActive::flushDeferred() definitions. #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qf_defer") } // unnamed namespace $define ${QF::QActive::defer} $define ${QF::QActive::recall} $define ${QF::QActive::flushDeferred} //! @file //! @brief QF/C++ dynamic event management #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qf_dyn") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QF::QF-dyn} //! @file //! @brief QF/C++ memory management services #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qf_mem") } // unnamed namespace $define ${QF::QMPool} //! @file //! @brief QP::QActive services and QF support code #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY //============================================================================ namespace { // unnamed local namespace Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qf_qact") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QF::QActive::registry_[QF_MAX_ACTIVE + 1U]} $define ${QF::QF-base::intNest_} $define ${QF::QF-pkg} //============================================================================ $define ${QF::QActive::QActive} $define ${QF::QActive::register_} $define ${QF::QActive::unregister_} //============================================================================ $define ${QF-types::QPSet::QF_LOG2} //! @file //! @brief QMActive::QMActive() and virtual functions #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions //! Internal macro to cast a QP::QMActive pointer `qact_` to QP::QMsm* //! @note //! Casting pointer to pointer pointer violates the MISRA-C++ 2008 Rule 5-2-7, //! cast from pointer to pointer. Additionally this cast violates the MISRA- //! C++ 2008 Rule 5-2-8 Unusual pointer cast (incompatible indirect types). //! Encapsulating these violations in a macro allows to selectively suppress //! this specific deviation. #define QF_QMACTIVE_TO_QMSM_CAST_(qact_) \ reinterpret_cast<QMsm *>((qact_)) //! Internal macro to cast a QP::QMActive pointer `qact_` to QP::QMsm const * #define QF_QMACTIVE_TO_QMSM_CONST_CAST_(qact_) \ reinterpret_cast<QMsm const *>((qact_)) // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { //Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qf_qmact") } // unnamed namespace $define ${QF::QMActive} //! @file //! @brief QP::QEQueue implementation #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qf_qeq") } // unnamed namespace $define ${QF::QEQueue} //! @file //! @brief QF/C++ Publish-Subscribe services //! definitions. #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qf_ps") } // unnamed namespace $define ${QF::QActive::subscrList_} $define ${QF::QActive::maxPubSignal_} $define ${QF::QActive::psInit} $define ${QF::QActive::publish_} $define ${QF::QActive::subscribe} $define ${QF::QActive::unsubscribe} $define ${QF::QActive::unsubscribeAll} //! @file //! @brief QF/C++ time events and time management services #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qf_time") } // unnamed namespace $define ${QF::QTimeEvt} //! @file //! @brief Cooperative QV kernel implementation. #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope internal interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // protection against including this source file in a wrong project #ifndef QV_HPP #error "Source file included in a project NOT based on the QV kernel" #endif // QV_HPP //============================================================================ namespace { // unnamed local namespace Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qv") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QV::QV-base} $define ${QV::QF-cust} $define ${QV::QActive} //! @file //! @brief QK/C++ preemptive kernel core functions #define QP_IMPL // this is QF/QK implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope internal interface #include "qassert.h" // QP assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // protection against including this source file in a wrong project #ifndef QK_HPP #error "Source file included in a project NOT based on the QK kernel" #endif // QK_HPP // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qk") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QK::QK-base} $define ${QK::QF-cust} $define ${QK::QActive} //============================================================================ extern "C" { $define ${QK-extern-C} } // extern "C" //! @file //! @brief QXK/C++ preemptive kernel core functions //! public interface. #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope internal interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // protection against including this source file in a wrong project #ifndef QXK_HPP #error "Source file included in a project NOT based on the QXK kernel" #endif // QXK_HPP //============================================================================ namespace { // unnamed local namespace Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qxk") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QXK::QXK-base} $define ${QXK::QF-cust} $define ${QXK::QActive} //============================================================================ extern "C" { $define ${QXK-extern-C} } // extern "C" //! @file //! @brief Priority-ceiling blocking mutex QP::QXMutex class definition #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope internal interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // protection against including this source file in a wrong project #ifndef QXK_HPP #error "Source file included in a project NOT based on the QXK kernel" #endif // QXK_HPP //============================================================================ namespace { // unnamed local namespace Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qxk_mutex") } // unnamed namespace $define ${QXK::QXMutex} //! @file //! @brief QXK/C++ preemptive kernel counting semaphore implementation #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope internal interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // protection against including this source file in a wrong project #ifndef QXK_HPP #error "Source file included in a project NOT based on the QXK kernel" #endif // QXK_HPP namespace { // unnamed local namespace Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qxk_sema") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QXK::QXSemaphore} //! @file //! @brief QXK/C++ preemptive kernel extended (blocking) thread implementation #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope internal interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled? #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS facilities for pre-defined trace records #else #include "qs_dummy.hpp" // disable the QS software tracing #endif // Q_SPY // protection against including this source file in a wrong project #ifndef QXK_HPP #error "Source file included in a project NOT based on the QXK kernel" #endif // QXK_HPP //============================================================================ namespace { // unnamed local namespace Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qxk_xthr") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QXK::QXThread} //! @file //! @brief QS software tracing services #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS package-scope internal interface #include "qstamp.hpp" // QP time-stamp #include "qassert.h" // QP assertions // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qs") } // unnamed namespace $define ${QS::QS-tx} //! @file //! @brief QS long-long (64-bit) output #define QP_IMPL // this is QF/QK implementation #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS package-scope internal interface $define ${QS::QS-tx-64bit} //! @file //! @brief QS floating point output implementation #define QP_IMPL // this is QF/QK implementation #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS package-scope internal interface $define ${QS::QS-tx-fp} //! @file //! @brief QS receive channel services #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS package-scope internal interface #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope internal interface #include "qassert.h" // QP assertions //============================================================================ namespace { // unnamed local namespace Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qs_rx") static_assert(QP::QS::MAX_OBJ <= 8U, "QS::MAX_OBJECT below the limit"); //............................................................................ #if (QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE == 1U) using QSObj = std::uint8_t; #elif (QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE == 2U) using QSObj = std::uint16_t; #elif (QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE == 4U) using QSObj = std::uint32_t; #elif (QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE == 8U) using QSObj = std::uint64_t; #endif //! @cond //! Exclude the following internals from the Doxygen documentation //! Extended-state variables used for parsing various QS-RX Records struct CmdVar { std::uint32_t param1; std::uint32_t param2; std::uint32_t param3; std::uint8_t idx; std::uint8_t cmdId; }; struct TickVar { std::uint_fast8_t rate; }; struct PeekVar { std::uint16_t offs; std::uint8_t size; std::uint8_t num; std::uint8_t idx; }; struct PokeVar { std::uint32_t data; std::uint16_t offs; std::uint8_t size; std::uint8_t num; std::uint8_t idx; std::uint8_t fill; }; struct FltVar { std::uint8_t data[16]; std::uint8_t idx; std::uint8_t recId; // global/local }; struct ObjVar { QSObj addr; std::uint8_t idx; std::uint8_t kind; // see qs.hpp, enum QSpyObjKind std::uint8_t recId; }; struct EvtVar { QP::QEvt *e; std::uint8_t *p; QP::QSignal sig; std::uint16_t len; std::uint8_t prio; std::uint8_t idx; }; // extended-state variables for the current QS-RX state static struct ExtState { union Variant { CmdVar cmd; TickVar tick; PeekVar peek; PokeVar poke; FltVar flt; ObjVar obj; EvtVar evt; #ifdef Q_UTEST QP::QS::TProbe tp; #endif // Q_UTEST } var; std::uint8_t state; std::uint8_t esc; std::uint8_t seq; std::uint8_t chksum; } l_rx; enum RxStateEnum : std::uint8_t { ERROR_STATE, WAIT4_SEQ, WAIT4_REC, WAIT4_INFO_FRAME, WAIT4_CMD_ID, WAIT4_CMD_PARAM1, WAIT4_CMD_PARAM2, WAIT4_CMD_PARAM3, WAIT4_CMD_FRAME, WAIT4_RESET_FRAME, WAIT4_TICK_RATE, WAIT4_TICK_FRAME, WAIT4_PEEK_OFFS, WAIT4_PEEK_SIZE, WAIT4_PEEK_NUM, WAIT4_PEEK_FRAME, WAIT4_POKE_OFFS, WAIT4_POKE_SIZE, WAIT4_POKE_NUM, WAIT4_POKE_DATA, WAIT4_POKE_FRAME, WAIT4_FILL_DATA, WAIT4_FILL_FRAME, WAIT4_FILTER_LEN, WAIT4_FILTER_DATA, WAIT4_FILTER_FRAME, WAIT4_OBJ_KIND, WAIT4_OBJ_ADDR, WAIT4_OBJ_FRAME, WAIT4_QUERY_KIND, WAIT4_QUERY_FRAME, WAIT4_EVT_PRIO, WAIT4_EVT_SIG, WAIT4_EVT_LEN, WAIT4_EVT_PAR, WAIT4_EVT_FRAME, #ifdef Q_UTEST WAIT4_TEST_SETUP_FRAME, WAIT4_TEST_TEARDOWN_FRAME, WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_DATA, WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_ADDR, WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_FRAME, WAIT4_TEST_CONTINUE_FRAME, #endif // Q_UTEST }; // internal helper functions... static void rxParseData_(std::uint8_t const b) noexcept; static void rxHandleBadFrame_(std::uint8_t const state) noexcept; static void rxReportAck_(enum QP::QSpyRxRecords const recId) noexcept; static void rxReportError_(std::uint8_t const code) noexcept; static void rxReportDone_(enum QP::QSpyRxRecords const recId) noexcept; static void rxPoke_(void) noexcept; //! Internal QS-RX function to take a transition in the QS-RX FSM static inline void tran_(RxStateEnum const target) noexcept { l_rx.state = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(target); } //! @endcond } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ $define ${QS::QS-rx} //============================================================================ namespace { // unnamed local namespace //............................................................................ static void rxParseData_(std::uint8_t const b) noexcept { switch (l_rx.state) { case WAIT4_SEQ: { ++l_rx.seq; if (l_rx.seq != b) { // not the expected sequence? rxReportError_(0x42U); l_rx.seq = b; // update the sequence } tran_(WAIT4_REC); break; } case WAIT4_REC: { switch (b) { case QP::QS_RX_INFO: tran_(WAIT4_INFO_FRAME); break; case QP::QS_RX_COMMAND: tran_(WAIT4_CMD_ID); break; case QP::QS_RX_RESET: tran_(WAIT4_RESET_FRAME); break; case QP::QS_RX_TICK: tran_(WAIT4_TICK_RATE); break; case QP::QS_RX_PEEK: if (QP::QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QP::QS::AP_OBJ] != nullptr) { l_rx.var.peek.offs = 0U; l_rx.var.peek.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_PEEK_OFFS); } else { rxReportError_( static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_PEEK)); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } break; case QP::QS_RX_POKE: case QP::QS_RX_FILL: l_rx.var.poke.fill = (b == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_FILL)) ? 1U : 0U; if (QP::QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QP::QS::AP_OBJ] != nullptr) { l_rx.var.poke.offs = 0U; l_rx.var.poke.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_POKE_OFFS); } else { rxReportError_( (l_rx.var.poke.fill != 0U) ? static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_FILL) : static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_POKE)); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } break; case QP::QS_RX_GLB_FILTER: // intentionally fall-through case QP::QS_RX_LOC_FILTER: l_rx.var.flt.recId = b; tran_(WAIT4_FILTER_LEN); break; case QP::QS_RX_AO_FILTER: // intentionally fall-through case QP::QS_RX_CURR_OBJ: l_rx.var.obj.recId = b; tran_(WAIT4_OBJ_KIND); break; case QP::QS_RX_QUERY_CURR: l_rx.var.obj.recId = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_QUERY_CURR); tran_(WAIT4_QUERY_KIND); break; case QP::QS_RX_EVENT: tran_(WAIT4_EVT_PRIO); break; #ifdef Q_UTEST case QP::QS_RX_TEST_SETUP: tran_(WAIT4_TEST_SETUP_FRAME); break; case QP::QS_RX_TEST_TEARDOWN: tran_(WAIT4_TEST_TEARDOWN_FRAME); break; case QP::QS_RX_TEST_CONTINUE: tran_(WAIT4_TEST_CONTINUE_FRAME); break; case QP::QS_RX_TEST_PROBE: if (QP::QS::testData.tpNum < static_cast<std::uint8_t>( (sizeof(QP::QS::testData.tpBuf) / sizeof(QP::QS::testData.tpBuf[0])))) { l_rx.var.tp.data = 0U; l_rx.var.tp.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_DATA); } else { // the number of Test-Probes exceeded rxReportError_( static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_TEST_PROBE)); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } break; #endif // Q_UTEST default: rxReportError_(0x43U); tran_(ERROR_STATE); break; } break; } case WAIT4_INFO_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_CMD_ID: { l_rx.var.cmd.cmdId = b; l_rx.var.cmd.idx = 0U; l_rx.var.cmd.param1 = 0U; l_rx.var.cmd.param2 = 0U; l_rx.var.cmd.param3 = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_CMD_PARAM1); break; } case WAIT4_CMD_PARAM1: { l_rx.var.cmd.param1 |= (static_cast<std::uint32_t>(b) << l_rx.var.cmd.idx); l_rx.var.cmd.idx += 8U; if (l_rx.var.cmd.idx == (8U*4U)) { l_rx.var.cmd.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_CMD_PARAM2); } break; } case WAIT4_CMD_PARAM2: { l_rx.var.cmd.param2 |= static_cast<std::uint32_t>(b) << l_rx.var.cmd.idx; l_rx.var.cmd.idx += 8U; if (l_rx.var.cmd.idx == (8U*4U)) { l_rx.var.cmd.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_CMD_PARAM3); } break; } case WAIT4_CMD_PARAM3: { l_rx.var.cmd.param3 |= static_cast<std::uint32_t>(b) << l_rx.var.cmd.idx; l_rx.var.cmd.idx += 8U; if (l_rx.var.cmd.idx == (8U*4U)) { l_rx.var.cmd.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_CMD_FRAME); } break; } case WAIT4_CMD_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_RESET_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_TICK_RATE: { l_rx.var.tick.rate = static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(b); tran_(WAIT4_TICK_FRAME); break; } case WAIT4_TICK_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_PEEK_OFFS: { if (l_rx.var.peek.idx == 0U) { l_rx.var.peek.offs = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(b); l_rx.var.peek.idx += 8U; } else { l_rx.var.peek.offs |= static_cast<std::uint16_t>( static_cast<std::uint16_t>(b) << 8U); tran_(WAIT4_PEEK_SIZE); } break; } case WAIT4_PEEK_SIZE: { if ((b == 1U) || (b == 2U) || (b == 4U)) { l_rx.var.peek.size = b; tran_(WAIT4_PEEK_NUM); } else { rxReportError_(static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_PEEK)); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } break; } case WAIT4_PEEK_NUM: { l_rx.var.peek.num = b; tran_(WAIT4_PEEK_FRAME); break; } case WAIT4_PEEK_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_POKE_OFFS: { if (l_rx.var.poke.idx == 0U) { l_rx.var.poke.offs = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(b); l_rx.var.poke.idx = 1U; } else { l_rx.var.poke.offs |= static_cast<std::uint16_t>( static_cast<std::uint16_t>(b) << 8U); tran_(WAIT4_POKE_SIZE); } break; } case WAIT4_POKE_SIZE: { if ((b == 1U) || (b == 2U) || (b == 4U)) { l_rx.var.poke.size = b; tran_(WAIT4_POKE_NUM); } else { rxReportError_((l_rx.var.poke.fill != 0U) ? static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_FILL) : static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_POKE)); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } break; } case WAIT4_POKE_NUM: { if (b > 0U) { l_rx.var.poke.num = b; l_rx.var.poke.data = 0U; l_rx.var.poke.idx = 0U; tran_((l_rx.var.poke.fill != 0U) ? WAIT4_FILL_DATA : WAIT4_POKE_DATA); } else { rxReportError_((l_rx.var.poke.fill != 0U) ? static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_FILL) : static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_POKE)); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } break; } case WAIT4_FILL_DATA: { l_rx.var.poke.data |= static_cast<std::uint32_t>(b) << l_rx.var.poke.idx; l_rx.var.poke.idx += 8U; if ((l_rx.var.poke.idx >> 3U) == l_rx.var.poke.size) { tran_(WAIT4_FILL_FRAME); } break; } case WAIT4_POKE_DATA: { l_rx.var.poke.data |= static_cast<std::uint32_t>(b) << l_rx.var.poke.idx; l_rx.var.poke.idx += 8U; if ((l_rx.var.poke.idx >> 3U) == l_rx.var.poke.size) { rxPoke_(); --l_rx.var.poke.num; if (l_rx.var.poke.num == 0U) { tran_(WAIT4_POKE_FRAME); } } break; } case WAIT4_FILL_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_POKE_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_FILTER_LEN: { if (b == static_cast<std::uint8_t>(sizeof(l_rx.var.flt.data))) { l_rx.var.flt.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_FILTER_DATA); } else { rxReportError_(l_rx.var.flt.recId); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } break; } case WAIT4_FILTER_DATA: { l_rx.var.flt.data[l_rx.var.flt.idx] = b; ++l_rx.var.flt.idx; if (l_rx.var.flt.idx == sizeof(l_rx.var.flt.data)) { tran_(WAIT4_FILTER_FRAME); } break; } case WAIT4_FILTER_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_OBJ_KIND: { if (b <= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::SM_AO_OBJ)) { l_rx.var.obj.kind = b; l_rx.var.obj.addr = 0U; l_rx.var.obj.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_OBJ_ADDR); } else { rxReportError_(l_rx.var.obj.recId); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } break; } case WAIT4_OBJ_ADDR: { l_rx.var.obj.addr |= static_cast<QSObj>(b) << l_rx.var.obj.idx; l_rx.var.obj.idx += 8U; if (l_rx.var.obj.idx == (8U * static_cast<unsigned>(QS_OBJ_PTR_SIZE))) { tran_(WAIT4_OBJ_FRAME); } break; } case WAIT4_OBJ_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_QUERY_KIND: { if (b < static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS::MAX_OBJ)) { l_rx.var.obj.kind = b; tran_(WAIT4_QUERY_FRAME); } else { rxReportError_(l_rx.var.obj.recId); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } break; } case WAIT4_QUERY_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_EVT_PRIO: { l_rx.var.evt.prio = b; l_rx.var.evt.sig = 0U; l_rx.var.evt.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_EVT_SIG); break; } case WAIT4_EVT_SIG: { l_rx.var.evt.sig |= static_cast<QP::QSignal>( static_cast<std::uint32_t>(b) << l_rx.var.evt.idx); l_rx.var.evt.idx += 8U; if (l_rx.var.evt.idx == (8U *static_cast<unsigned>(Q_SIGNAL_SIZE))) { l_rx.var.evt.len = 0U; l_rx.var.evt.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_EVT_LEN); } break; } case WAIT4_EVT_LEN: { l_rx.var.evt.len |= static_cast<std::uint16_t>( static_cast<unsigned>(b) << l_rx.var.evt.idx); l_rx.var.evt.idx += 8U; if (l_rx.var.evt.idx == (8U * 2U)) { if ((l_rx.var.evt.len + sizeof(QP::QEvt)) <= static_cast<std::uint16_t>( QP::QF::poolGetMaxBlockSize())) { // report Ack before generating any other QS records rxReportAck_(QP::QS_RX_EVENT); l_rx.var.evt.e = QP::QF::newX_( (static_cast<std::uint_fast16_t>(l_rx.var.evt.len) + sizeof(QP::QEvt)), 0U, // margin static_cast<enum_t>(l_rx.var.evt.sig)); // event allocated? if (l_rx.var.evt.e != nullptr) { l_rx.var.evt.p = reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(l_rx.var.evt.e); l_rx.var.evt.p = &l_rx.var.evt.p[sizeof(QP::QEvt)]; if (l_rx.var.evt.len > 0U) { tran_(WAIT4_EVT_PAR); } else { tran_(WAIT4_EVT_FRAME); } } else { rxReportError_( static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_EVENT)); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } } else { rxReportError_( static_cast<std::uint8_t>(QP::QS_RX_EVENT)); tran_(ERROR_STATE); } } break; } case WAIT4_EVT_PAR: { // event parameters *l_rx.var.evt.p = b; ++l_rx.var.evt.p; --l_rx.var.evt.len; if (l_rx.var.evt.len == 0U) { tran_(WAIT4_EVT_FRAME); } break; } case WAIT4_EVT_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } #ifdef Q_UTEST case WAIT4_TEST_SETUP_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_TEST_TEARDOWN_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_TEST_CONTINUE_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } case WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_DATA: { l_rx.var.tp.data |= (static_cast<QP::QSFun>(b) << l_rx.var.tp.idx); l_rx.var.tp.idx += 8U; if (l_rx.var.tp.idx == (8U * sizeof(std::uint32_t))) { l_rx.var.tp.addr = 0U; l_rx.var.tp.idx = 0U; tran_(WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_ADDR); } break; } case WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_ADDR: { l_rx.var.tp.addr |= (static_cast<std::uint32_t>(b) << l_rx.var.tp.idx); l_rx.var.tp.idx += 8U; if (l_rx.var.tp.idx == (8U * static_cast<unsigned>(QS_FUN_PTR_SIZE))) { tran_(WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_FRAME); } break; } case WAIT4_TEST_PROBE_FRAME: { // keep ignoring the data until a frame is collected break; } #endif // Q_UTEST case ERROR_STATE: { // keep ignoring the data until a good frame is collected break; } default: { // unexpected or unimplemented state rxReportError_(0x45U); tran_(ERROR_STATE); break; } } } //............................................................................ static void rxHandleBadFrame_(std::uint8_t const state) noexcept { rxReportError_(0x50U); // error for all bad frames switch (state) { case WAIT4_EVT_FRAME: { Q_ASSERT_ID(910, l_rx.var.evt.e != nullptr); QP::QF::gc(l_rx.var.evt.e); // don't leak an allocated event break; } default: { break; } } } //............................................................................ static void rxReportAck_(enum QP::QSpyRxRecords const recId) noexcept { QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_E_(); QP::QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QP::QS_RX_STATUS)); QS_U8_PRE_(recId); // record ID QP::QS::endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); QS_REC_DONE(); // user callback (if defined) } //............................................................................ static void rxReportError_(std::uint8_t const code) noexcept { QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_E_(); QP::QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QP::QS_RX_STATUS)); QS_U8_PRE_(0x80U | code); // error code QP::QS::endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); QS_REC_DONE(); // user callback (if defined) } //............................................................................ static void rxReportDone_(enum QP::QSpyRxRecords const recId) noexcept { QS_CRIT_STAT_ QS_CRIT_E_(); QP::QS::beginRec_(static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>(QP::QS_TARGET_DONE)); QS_TIME_PRE_(); // timestamp QS_U8_PRE_(recId); // record ID QP::QS::endRec_(); QS_CRIT_X_(); QS_REC_DONE(); // user callback (if defined) } //............................................................................ static void rxPoke_(void) noexcept { std::uint8_t * ptr = static_cast<std::uint8_t *>(QP::QS::rxPriv_.currObj[QP::QS::AP_OBJ]); ptr = &ptr[l_rx.var.poke.offs]; switch (l_rx.var.poke.size) { case 1: *ptr = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(l_rx.var.poke.data); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast<std::uint16_t *>(ptr) = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(l_rx.var.poke.data); break; case 4: *reinterpret_cast<std::uint32_t *>(ptr) = l_rx.var.poke.data; break; default: Q_ERROR_ID(900); break; } l_rx.var.poke.data = 0U; l_rx.var.poke.idx = 0U; l_rx.var.poke.offs += static_cast<std::uint16_t>(l_rx.var.poke.size); } } // unnamed namespace //! @file //! @brief QUTest unit testing harness + QF/++ stub for QUTest // only build when Q_UTEST is defined #ifdef Q_UTEST #define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation #include "qf_port.hpp" // QF port #include "qf_pkg.hpp" // QF package-scope internal interface #include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions #include "qs_port.hpp" // QS port #include "qs_pkg.hpp" // QS package-scope internal interface // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage namespace { Q_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE("qutest") } // unnamed namespace //============================================================================ // QUTest unit testing harness $define ${QUTest} //============================================================================ namespace QP { QSTimeCtr QS::onGetTime() { return (++testData.testTime); } } // namespace QP //============================================================================ extern "C" { Q_NORETURN Q_onAssert(char const * const module, int_t const location) { QS_BEGIN_NOCRIT_PRE_(QP::QS_ASSERT_FAIL, 0U) QS_TIME_PRE_(); QS_U16_PRE_(location); QS_STR_PRE_((module != nullptr) ? module : "?"); QS_END_NOCRIT_PRE_() QP::QS::onFlush(); // flush the assertion record to the host QP::QS::onTestLoop(); // loop to wait for commands (typically reset) QP::QS::onReset(); // in case the QUTest loop ever returns: reset for (;;) { // onReset() should not return, but to ensure no-return... } } } // extern "C" //============================================================================ // QP-stub for QUTest // NOTE: The QP-stub is needed for unit testing QP applications, but might // NOT be needed for testing QP itself. In that case, the build process // can define Q_UTEST=0 to exclude the QP-stub from the build. // #if Q_UTEST != 0 $define ${QUTest-stub} #endif // Q_UTEST != 0 #endif // def Q_UTEST