//**************************************************************************** // Product: Simple Blinky example // Last Updated for Version: 5.3.1 // Date of the Last Update: 2014-09-29 // // Q u a n t u m L e a P s // --------------------------- // innovating embedded systems // // Copyright (C) Quantum Leaps, LLC. state-machine.com. // // This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the // terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede // the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for // licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // Contact information: // Web: http://www.state-machine.com // Email: info@state-machine.com //**************************************************************************** #include "qp_port.h" #include "bsp.h" using namespace QP; //Q_DEFINE_THIS_FILE //............................................................................ enum BlinkySignals { TIMEOUT_SIG = QP::Q_USER_SIG, // the periodic timeout signal }; //............................................................................ class Blinky : public QActive { private: QTimeEvt m_timeEvt; public: Blinky(); protected: static QState initial(Blinky * const me, QEvt const * const e); static QState off(Blinky * const me, QEvt const * const e); static QState on(Blinky * const me, QEvt const * const e); }; //............................................................................ Blinky::Blinky() : QActive(Q_STATE_CAST(&Blinky::initial)), m_timeEvt(this, TIMEOUT_SIG, 0U) { // empty } // HSM definition ------------------------------------------------------------ QState Blinky::initial(Blinky * const me, QEvt const * const e) { (void)e; // avoid compiler warning about unused argument // arm the time event to expire in half a second and every half second me->m_timeEvt.armX(BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC/2U, BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC/2U); return Q_TRAN(&Blinky::off); } //............................................................................ QState Blinky::off(Blinky * const me, QEvt const * const e) { QState status; switch (e->sig) { case Q_ENTRY_SIG: { BSP_ledOff(); status = Q_HANDLED(); break; } case TIMEOUT_SIG: { status = Q_TRAN(&Blinky::on); break; } default: { status = Q_SUPER(&QHsm::top); break; } } return status; } //............................................................................ QState Blinky::on(Blinky * const me, QEvt const * const e) { QState status; switch (e->sig) { case Q_ENTRY_SIG: { BSP_ledOn(); status = Q_HANDLED(); break; } case TIMEOUT_SIG: { status = Q_TRAN(&Blinky::off); break; } default: { status = Q_SUPER(&QHsm::top); break; } } return status; } // test harness ============================================================== // Local-scope objects ------------------------------------------------------- static Blinky l_blinky; // the Blinky active object static QEvt const *l_blinkyQSto[10]; // Event queue storage for Blinky //............................................................................ int main() { BSP_init(); // initialize the Board Support Package QF::init(); // initialize the framework and the underlying RT kernel // publish-subscribe not used, no call to QF::psInit() // dynamic event allocation not used, no call to QF::poolInit() // instantiate and start the active objects... l_blinky.start(1U, l_blinkyQSto, Q_DIM(l_blinkyQSto), (void *)0, 512U); return QF::run(); // run the QF application }