Quantum Leaps - innovating embedded systems Quantum Leaps, LLC

About SSI Support


The HTTP server that comes with lwIP has been extended to support rudimentary Server Side Include (SSI) facility. To enable the SSI support in the lwIP-HTTP server, you need to define the macro INCLUDE_HTTPD_SSI in the lwipopts.h header file. Application Note (1.4MB PDF) You must also provide your SSI callback function and register it by calling the http_set_ssi_handler() function. The HTTP server will then scan each file with extension .shtml, .shtm or .ssi for the SSI tags of the form <!--#tag--> and will replace on-the-fly every recognized SSI tag with the string composed by your SSI callback function. See the HTML source code for this web page (ssi_demo.shtm) and the SSI callback function definition in lwipmgr.c.

While designing your own SSI tags, remember that the tag names are limited to 8 characters and the length of the replacement strings cannot exceed 192 characters. You can re-define these limits by changing the macros MAX_TAG_NAME_LEN and MAX_TAG_INSERT_LEN, respectively, in the http.h header file.

Please refer to the Quantum Leaps Application Note: "QP and lwIP TCP/IP Stack" for more information. The Application Note is included in the QP-lwIP example code download.

SSI Example

The following table contains SSI tags embedded in the HTML of this web page. Client browsers never see these tags, as the lwIP-HTTP server replaces them on-the-fly while serving this page. These particular SSI tags cause the target to generate various lwIP link statistics. Please click the Refresh button on your browser to cause re-loading of this page and updating the statistics:

SSI Example
Packets sent:
Packets received:
Packets forwared:
Packets dropped:
Checksum errors:
Packets with invalid length:
Memory errors:
Routing errors:
Protocol errors:
Option errors:
Miscallaneous errors:

NOTE: the webpage loads much slower than the others, because it contains 12 SSI tags, and each tag is sent is a separate TCP/IP packet.