--- Module: ..\bsp.cpp _ static void interrupt (*l_dosTmrISR)(...); ..\bsp.cpp 37 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'interrupt' [Misra Rule 1] _ static void interrupt (*l_dosKbdISR)(...); ..\bsp.cpp 38 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'interrupt' [Misra Rule 1] _ static void interrupt (*l_dosSpareISR)(...); ..\bsp.cpp 39 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'interrupt' [Misra Rule 1] _ #define TMR_VECTOR 0x08 ..\bsp.cpp 48 Note 1923: macro 'TMR_VECTOR' could become const variable -- Effective C++ #1 _ #define KBD_VECTOR 0x09 ..\bsp.cpp 49 Note 1923: macro 'KBD_VECTOR' could become const variable -- Effective C++ #1 _ #define SPARE_VECTOR 0x81 ..\bsp.cpp 50 Note 1923: macro 'SPARE_VECTOR' could become const variable -- Effective C++ #1 _ static void interrupt ISR_tmr(...) { ..\bsp.cpp 53 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'interrupt' [Misra Rule 1] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // unlock interrupts ..\bsp.cpp 55 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // unlock interrupts ..\bsp.cpp 55 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // unlock interrupts ..\bsp.cpp 55 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // unlock interrupts ..\bsp.cpp 55 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ static QEvent const tickEvt = { TIME_TICK_SIG, 0 }; ..\bsp.cpp 58 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); // lock interrupts again ..\bsp.cpp 65 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); // lock interrupts again ..\bsp.cpp 65 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); // lock interrupts again ..\bsp.cpp 65 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); // lock interrupts again ..\bsp.cpp 65 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ outportb(0x20, 0x20); // write EOI to the master PIC ..\bsp.cpp 66 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ static void interrupt ISR_kbd(...) { ..\bsp.cpp 69 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'interrupt' [Misra Rule 1] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // unlock interrupts ..\bsp.cpp 74 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // unlock interrupts ..\bsp.cpp 74 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // unlock interrupts ..\bsp.cpp 74 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // unlock interrupts ..\bsp.cpp 74 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ key = inport(0x60); // key scan code from 8042 kbd controller ..\bsp.cpp 76 Info 734: Loss of precision (assignment) (31 bits to 8 bits) _ kcr = inport(0x61); // get keyboard control register ..\bsp.cpp 77 Info 734: Loss of precision (assignment) (31 bits to 8 bits) _ ObjectPosEvt *ope = Q_NEW(ObjectPosEvt, PLAYER_SHIP_MOVE_SIG); ..\bsp.cpp 84 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\bsp.cpp 84 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ ope->x = (uint8_t)GAME_SHIP_X; // x-position is fixed ..\bsp.cpp 92 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 60, no 'else' at end of 'if ... else if' chain _ ope->y = (uint8_t)ship_pos; ..\bsp.cpp 93 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 44, redundant explicit casting _ Video::printNumAt(24, 24, Video::FGND_YELLOW, ship_pos); ..\bsp.cpp 96 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 96 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 96 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 96 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 96 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) unsigned char to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ static QEvent const fireEvt = { PLAYER_TRIGGER_SIG, 0 }; ..\bsp.cpp 101 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int _ Video::printNumAt(47, 24, Video::FGND_YELLOW, ++ntrig); ..\bsp.cpp 104 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 104 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 104 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 104 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 104 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) unsigned int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ static QEvent const quitEvt = { PLAYER_QUIT_SIG, 0 }; ..\bsp.cpp 108 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int _ } ..\bsp.cpp 112 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); // lock interrupts again ..\bsp.cpp 114 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); // lock interrupts again ..\bsp.cpp 114 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); // lock interrupts again ..\bsp.cpp 114 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); // lock interrupts again ..\bsp.cpp 114 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ outportb(0x20, 0x20); // write EOI to the master PIC ..\bsp.cpp 115 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ void BSP_init(int argc, char *argv[]) { ..\bsp.cpp 118 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\bsp.cpp 118 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\bsp.cpp 118 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\bsp.cpp 118 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ char const *com = "COM1"; ..\bsp.cpp 119 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\bsp.cpp 119 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ if (!QS_INIT(com)) { // initialize QS ..\bsp.cpp 126 Warning 506: Constant value Boolean [MISRA Rule 52] ..\bsp.cpp 126 Warning 506: Constant value Boolean [MISRA Rule 52] ..\bsp.cpp 126 Info 774: Boolean within 'if' always evaluates to False [Reference: file ..\bsp.cpp: line 126] ..\bsp.cpp 126 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message _ Video::clearScreen(Video::BGND_LIGHT_GRAY); ..\bsp.cpp 130 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 130 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::clearRect( 0, 0, 80, 1, Video::BGND_RED | Video::BGND_BLINK); ..\bsp.cpp 131 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 131 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 131 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 131 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 131 Warning 655: bit-wise operation uses (compatible) enum's ..\bsp.cpp 131 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 131 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::clearRect( 0, 8, 80, 24, Video::BGND_BLACK | Video::FGND_WHITE); ..\bsp.cpp 132 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 132 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 132 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 132 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 132 Warning 655: bit-wise operation uses (compatible) enum's ..\bsp.cpp 132 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 132 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::clearRect( 0, 7, 80, 8, Video::BGND_BLUE); ..\bsp.cpp 133 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 133 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 133 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 133 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 133 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 133 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::clearRect( 0, 24, 80, 25, Video::BGND_BLUE); ..\bsp.cpp 134 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 134 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 134 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 134 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 134 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 134 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::clearRect(24, 24, 28, 25, Video::BGND_RED | Video::BGND_BLINK); ..\bsp.cpp 136 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 136 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 136 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 136 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 136 Warning 655: bit-wise operation uses (compatible) enum's ..\bsp.cpp 136 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 136 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::clearRect(24, 24, 28, 25, Video::BGND_RED | Video::BGND_BLINK); ..\bsp.cpp 137 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 137 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 137 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 137 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 137 Warning 655: bit-wise operation uses (compatible) enum's ..\bsp.cpp 137 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 137 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt(35, 0, Video::FGND_WHITE, "FLY 'n' SHOOT"); ..\bsp.cpp 139 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 139 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 139 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 139 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt(15, 2, Video::FGND_BLACK, ..\bsp.cpp 140 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 140 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 140 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 140 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt(15, 3, Video::FGND_BLACK, ..\bsp.cpp 142 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 142 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 142 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 142 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt(15, 4, Video::FGND_BLACK, ..\bsp.cpp 144 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 144 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 144 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 144 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt(15, 5, Video::FGND_BLACK, ..\bsp.cpp 146 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 146 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 146 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 146 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt( 8, 24, Video::FGND_WHITE, "Ship Position:"); ..\bsp.cpp 148 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 148 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 148 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 148 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt(37, 24, Video::FGND_WHITE, "Triggers:"); ..\bsp.cpp 149 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 149 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 149 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 149 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt(61, 24, Video::FGND_WHITE, "Score:"); ..\bsp.cpp 150 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 150 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 150 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 150 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::clearRect(24, 24, 28, 25, Video::BGND_RED); ..\bsp.cpp 152 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 152 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 152 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 152 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 152 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 152 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::clearRect(47, 24, 51, 25, Video::BGND_RED); ..\bsp.cpp 153 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 153 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 153 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 153 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 153 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 153 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::clearRect(68, 24, 72, 25, Video::BGND_RED); ..\bsp.cpp 154 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 154 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 154 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 154 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 154 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 154 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printNumAt(24, 24, Video::FGND_YELLOW, 0); ..\bsp.cpp 155 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 155 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 155 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 155 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 155 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printNumAt(47, 24, Video::FGND_YELLOW, 0); ..\bsp.cpp 156 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 156 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 156 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 156 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 156 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printNumAt(68, 24, Video::FGND_YELLOW, 0); ..\bsp.cpp 157 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 157 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 157 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 157 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 157 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\bsp.cpp 158 Info 818: Pointer parameter 'argv' (line 118) could be declared as pointing to const [MISRA Rule 81] ..\bsp.cpp 118 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ Video::drawBitmapAt(0, 8, bitmap, width, height); ..\bsp.cpp 161 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 161 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ void BSP_drawNString(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, char const *str) { ..\bsp.cpp 164 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\bsp.cpp 164 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ Video::drawStringAt(x, 8 + y*8, str); ..\bsp.cpp 165 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '*' ..\bsp.cpp 165 Info 734: Loss of precision (arg. no. 2) (11 bits to 8 bits) ..\bsp.cpp 165 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ if (score == 0) { ..\bsp.cpp 169 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ Video::clearRect(68, 24, 72, 25, Video::BGND_RED); ..\bsp.cpp 170 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 170 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 170 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 170 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 170 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 170 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printNumAt(68, 24, Video::FGND_YELLOW, score); ..\bsp.cpp 172 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 172 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 172 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 172 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 172 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) unsigned int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ l_dosTmrISR = getvect(TMR_VECTOR); ..\bsp.cpp 178 Error 1055: Symbol 'getvect' undeclared, assumed to return int ..\bsp.cpp 178 Info 746: call to function 'getvect()' not made in the presence of a prototype [Misra Rules 20 and 71] ..\bsp.cpp 178 Error 64: Type mismatch (assignment) (void (interrupt *)(...) = int) [MISRA Rule 29] _ l_dosKbdISR = getvect(KBD_VECTOR); ..\bsp.cpp 179 Error 64: Type mismatch (assignment) (void (interrupt *)(...) = int) [MISRA Rule 29] _ l_dosSpareISR = getvect(SPARE_VECTOR); ..\bsp.cpp 180 Error 64: Type mismatch (assignment) (void (interrupt *)(...) = int) [MISRA Rule 29] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 182 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 182 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 182 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 182 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ count = (uint16_t)(((1193180 * 2) / BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC + 1) >> 1); ..\bsp.cpp 184 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '/' and '+' _ outportb(0x43, 0x36); // use mode-3 for timer 0 in the 8254 ..\bsp.cpp 185 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ outportb(0x40, count & 0xFF); // load low byte of timer 0 ..\bsp.cpp 186 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\bsp.cpp 186 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ outportb(0x40, (count >> 8) & 0xFF); // load high byte of timer 0 ..\bsp.cpp 187 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\bsp.cpp 187 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ setvect(TMR_VECTOR, &ISR_tmr); ..\bsp.cpp 189 Error 1055: Symbol 'setvect' undeclared, assumed to return int ..\bsp.cpp 189 Info 746: call to function 'setvect()' not made in the presence of a prototype [Misra Rules 20 and 71] ..\bsp.cpp 189 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'setvect()' (compare with line 189) ..\bsp.cpp 189 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ setvect(KBD_VECTOR, &ISR_kbd); ..\bsp.cpp 190 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'setvect()' (compare with line 189) ..\bsp.cpp 189 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ setvect(SPARE_VECTOR, l_dosTmrISR); ..\bsp.cpp 191 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'setvect()' (compare with line 189) ..\bsp.cpp 189 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 192 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 192 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 192 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 192 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 197 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 197 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 197 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 197 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ outportb(0x43, 0x36); // use mode-3 for timer 0 in the 8254 ..\bsp.cpp 198 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ outportb(0x40, 0); // load low byte of timer 0 ..\bsp.cpp 199 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ outportb(0x40, 0); // load high byte of timer 0 ..\bsp.cpp 200 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ setvect(TMR_VECTOR, l_dosTmrISR); ..\bsp.cpp 202 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'setvect()' (compare with line 189) ..\bsp.cpp 189 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ setvect(KBD_VECTOR, l_dosKbdISR); ..\bsp.cpp 203 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'setvect()' (compare with line 189) ..\bsp.cpp 189 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ setvect(SPARE_VECTOR, l_dosSpareISR); ..\bsp.cpp 204 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'setvect()' (compare with line 189) ..\bsp.cpp 189 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 205 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 205 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 205 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 205 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ _exit(0); // exit to DOS ..\bsp.cpp 208 Error 1055: Symbol '_exit' undeclared, assumed to return int ..\bsp.cpp 208 Info 746: call to function '_exit()' not made in the presence of a prototype [Misra Rules 20 and 71] ..\bsp.cpp 208 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function '_exit()' (compare with line 208) ..\bsp.cpp 208 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // always unlock interrutps ..\bsp.cpp 212 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // always unlock interrutps ..\bsp.cpp 212 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfb) ) #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // always unlock interrutps ..\bsp.cpp 212 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... e -e717 */enable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_UNLOCK(dummy); // always unlock interrutps ..\bsp.cpp 212 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ void Q_onAssert(char const Q_ROM * const Q_ROM_VAR file, int line) { ..\bsp.cpp 227 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\bsp.cpp 227 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\bsp.cpp 227 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] ..\bsp.cpp 227 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 228 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 228 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ #... __emit__( (char)(0xfa) ) #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 228 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ #... -e717 */disable() /*lint -restore */ QF_INT_LOCK(dummy); ..\bsp.cpp 228 Error 119: Too many arguments (1) for prototype '__emit__(void)' [MISRA Rule 78] _ Video::clearRect ( 0, 24, 80, 25, Video::BGND_RED); ..\bsp.cpp 230 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 230 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 230 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 230 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 230 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 230 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt( 0, 24, Video::FGND_WHITE, "ASSERTION FAILED in file:"); ..\bsp.cpp 231 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 231 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 231 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 231 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt(26, 24, Video::FGND_YELLOW, file); ..\bsp.cpp 232 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 232 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 232 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 232 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printStrAt(57, 24, Video::FGND_WHITE, "line:"); ..\bsp.cpp 233 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 233 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 233 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 233 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ Video::printNumAt(62, 24, Video::FGND_YELLOW, line); ..\bsp.cpp 234 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 234 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 234 Warning 641: Converting enum 'VideoColor' to int ..\bsp.cpp 234 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\bsp.cpp 234 Info 732: Loss of sign (arg. no. 4) (int to unsigned long) ..\bsp.cpp 234 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] --- Wrap-up for Module: ..\bsp.cpp Info 766: Header file 'c:\tools\tcpp101\INCLUDE\stdlib.h' not used in module '..\bsp.cpp' --- Module: ..\main.cpp _ void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ..\main.cpp 41 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\main.cpp 41 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\main.cpp 41 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\main.cpp 41 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ QF::poolInit(l_smlPoolSto, sizeof(l_smlPoolSto), sizeof(l_smlPoolSto[0])); ..\main.cpp 48 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ QF::poolInit(l_medPoolSto, sizeof(l_medPoolSto), sizeof(l_medPoolSto[0])); ..\main.cpp 49 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ QF::psInit(l_subscrSto, Q_DIM(l_subscrSto)); // init publish-subscribe ..\main.cpp 51 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ AO_Missile->start(1, // priority ..\main.cpp 113 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ l_missileQueueSto, Q_DIM(l_missileQueueSto),// evt queue ..\main.cpp 114 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) unsigned int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ (void *)0, 0, // no per-thread stack ..\main.cpp 115 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ AO_Ship ->start(2, // priority ..\main.cpp 117 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ l_shipQueueSto, Q_DIM(l_shipQueueSto), // evt queue ..\main.cpp 118 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) unsigned int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ (void *)0, 0, // no per-thread stack ..\main.cpp 119 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ AO_Tunnel ->start(3, // priority ..\main.cpp 121 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ l_tunnelQueueSto, Q_DIM(l_tunnelQueueSto), // evt queue ..\main.cpp 122 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) unsigned int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ (void *)0, 0, // no per-thread stack ..\main.cpp 123 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] --- Module: ..\mine1.cpp _ class Mine1 : public QHsm { // extend the QHsm class ..\mine1.cpp 35 Note 1932: Base class 'QHsm' is not abstract -- More Effective C++ #33 _ Mine1(void) : QHsm((QStateHandler)&Mine1::initial) {} ..\mine1.cpp 41 Note 1927: Symbol 'Mine1::m_x' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\mine1.cpp 41 Note 1927: Symbol 'Mine1::m_y' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\mine1.cpp 41 Note 1927: Symbol 'Mine1::m_exp_ctr' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\mine1.cpp 41 Warning 1401: member 'Mine1::m_x' (line 36) not initialized by constructor ..\mine1.cpp 36 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ Mine1(void) : QHsm((QStateHandler)&Mine1::initial) {} ..\mine1.cpp 41 Warning 1401: member 'Mine1::m_y' (line 37) not initialized by constructor ..\mine1.cpp 37 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ Mine1(void) : QHsm((QStateHandler)&Mine1::initial) {} ..\mine1.cpp 41 Warning 1401: member 'Mine1::m_exp_ctr' (line 38) not initialized by constructor ..\mine1.cpp 38 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ if (!dict_sent) { ..\mine1.cpp 64 Info 727: Symbol 'dict_sent' (line 63) not explicitly initialized ..\mine1.cpp 63 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ } ..\mine1.cpp 96 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ MineEvt *mev = Q_NEW(MineEvt, MINE_DISABLED_SIG); ..\mine1.cpp 104 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine1.cpp 104 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ mev->id = MINE_ID(me); ..\mine1.cpp 105 Note 946: Relational or subtract operator applied to pointers [MISRA Rule 103] ..\mine1.cpp 105 Info 734: Loss of precision (assignment) (31 bits to 8 bits) _ } ..\mine1.cpp 112 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ oie = Q_NEW(ObjectImageEvt, MINE_IMG_SIG); ..\mine1.cpp 129 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine1.cpp 129 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ oie->y = me->m_y; ..\mine1.cpp 131 Info 713: Loss of precision (assignment) (unsigned char to signed char) _ oie->bmp = MINE1_BMP; ..\mine1.cpp 132 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int _ if (do_bitmaps_overlap(MINE1_BMP, me->m_x, me->m_y, bmp, x, y)) { ..\mine1.cpp 146 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int ..\mine1.cpp 146 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ static MineEvt const mine1_hit(HIT_MINE_SIG, 1); ..\mine1.cpp 148 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine1.cpp 148 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\mine1.cpp 148 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ if (do_bitmaps_overlap(MINE1_BMP, me->m_x, me->m_y, bmp, x, y)) { ..\mine1.cpp 162 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int ..\mine1.cpp 162 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ static ScoreEvt const mine1_destroyed(DESTROYED_MINE_SIG, 25); ..\mine1.cpp 164 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine1.cpp 164 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\mine1.cpp 164 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\mine1.cpp 170 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ oie = Q_NEW(ObjectImageEvt, EXPLOSION_SIG); ..\mine1.cpp 188 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine1.cpp 188 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ oie->y = (int8_t)((int)me->m_y - 4 + 2); // y of explosion ..\mine1.cpp 190 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\mine1.cpp 190 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\mine1.cpp 190 Info 834: Operator '-' followed by operator '+' is confusing. Use parentheses. [Misra Rule 47] ..\mine1.cpp 190 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '+' _ oie->bmp = EXPLOSION0_BMP + (me->m_exp_ctr >> 2); ..\mine1.cpp 191 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int _ } ..\mine1.cpp 199 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] --- Wrap-up for Module: ..\mine1.cpp Info 766: Header file '..\bsp.h' not used in module '..\mine1.cpp' --- Module: ..\mine2.cpp _ class Mine2 : public QHsm { // extend the QHsm class ..\mine2.cpp 35 Note 1932: Base class 'QHsm' is not abstract -- More Effective C++ #33 _ Mine2(void) : QHsm((QStateHandler)&Mine2::initial) {} ..\mine2.cpp 41 Note 1927: Symbol 'Mine2::m_x' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\mine2.cpp 41 Note 1927: Symbol 'Mine2::m_y' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\mine2.cpp 41 Note 1927: Symbol 'Mine2::m_exp_ctr' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\mine2.cpp 41 Warning 1401: member 'Mine2::m_x' (line 36) not initialized by constructor ..\mine2.cpp 36 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ Mine2(void) : QHsm((QStateHandler)&Mine2::initial) {} ..\mine2.cpp 41 Warning 1401: member 'Mine2::m_y' (line 37) not initialized by constructor ..\mine2.cpp 37 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ Mine2(void) : QHsm((QStateHandler)&Mine2::initial) {} ..\mine2.cpp 41 Warning 1401: member 'Mine2::m_exp_ctr' (line 38) not initialized by constructor ..\mine2.cpp 38 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ #define MINE_ID(me_) ((me_) - l_mine2) ..\mine2.cpp 55 Info 767: macro 'MINE_ID' was defined differently in another module (line 54, file ..\mine1.cpp) ..\mine1.cpp 54 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ if (!dict_sent) { ..\mine2.cpp 65 Info 727: Symbol 'dict_sent' (line 64) not explicitly initialized ..\mine2.cpp 64 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ } ..\mine2.cpp 97 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ MineEvt *mev = Q_NEW(MineEvt, MINE_DISABLED_SIG); ..\mine2.cpp 105 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine2.cpp 105 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ mev->id = MINE_ID(me); ..\mine2.cpp 106 Note 946: Relational or subtract operator applied to pointers [MISRA Rule 103] ..\mine2.cpp 106 Info 734: Loss of precision (assignment) (31 bits to 8 bits) _ } ..\mine2.cpp 113 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ oie = Q_NEW(ObjectImageEvt, MINE_IMG_SIG); ..\mine2.cpp 130 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine2.cpp 130 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ oie->y = me->m_y; ..\mine2.cpp 132 Info 713: Loss of precision (assignment) (unsigned char to signed char) _ oie->bmp = MINE2_BMP; ..\mine2.cpp 133 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int _ if (do_bitmaps_overlap(MINE2_BMP, me->m_x, me->m_y, bmp, x, y)) { ..\mine2.cpp 147 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int ..\mine2.cpp 147 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ static MineEvt const mine2_hit(HIT_MINE_SIG, 2); ..\mine2.cpp 149 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine2.cpp 149 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\mine2.cpp 149 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ if (do_bitmaps_overlap(MINE2_MISSILE_BMP, ..\mine2.cpp 168 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int ..\mine2.cpp 168 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ static ScoreEvt const mine2_destroyed(DESTROYED_MINE_SIG, 45); ..\mine2.cpp 172 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine2.cpp 172 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\mine2.cpp 172 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\mine2.cpp 178 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ oie = Q_NEW(ObjectImageEvt, EXPLOSION_SIG); ..\mine2.cpp 196 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\mine2.cpp 196 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ oie->y = (int8_t)((int)me->m_y - 4 + 2); // y of explosion ..\mine2.cpp 198 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\mine2.cpp 198 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\mine2.cpp 198 Info 834: Operator '-' followed by operator '+' is confusing. Use parentheses. [Misra Rule 47] ..\mine2.cpp 198 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '+' _ oie->bmp = EXPLOSION0_BMP + (me->m_exp_ctr >> 2); ..\mine2.cpp 199 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int _ } ..\mine2.cpp 207 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] --- Wrap-up for Module: ..\mine2.cpp Info 766: Header file '..\bsp.h' not used in module '..\mine2.cpp' --- Module: ..\missile.cpp _ class Missile : public QActive { // extend the QActive class ..\missile.cpp 35 Note 1932: Base class 'QActive' is not abstract -- More Effective C++ #33 _ Missile(void) : QActive((QStateHandler)&Missile::initial) {} ..\missile.cpp 41 Note 1927: Symbol 'Missile::m_x' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\missile.cpp 41 Note 1927: Symbol 'Missile::m_y' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\missile.cpp 41 Note 1927: Symbol 'Missile::m_exp_ctr' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\missile.cpp 41 Warning 1401: member 'Missile::m_x' (line 36) not initialized by constructor ..\missile.cpp 36 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ Missile(void) : QActive((QStateHandler)&Missile::initial) {} ..\missile.cpp 41 Warning 1401: member 'Missile::m_y' (line 37) not initialized by constructor ..\missile.cpp 37 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ Missile(void) : QActive((QStateHandler)&Missile::initial) {} ..\missile.cpp 41 Warning 1401: member 'Missile::m_exp_ctr' (line 38) not initialized by constructor ..\missile.cpp 38 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ me->subscribe(TIME_TICK_SIG); ..\missile.cpp 59 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\missile.cpp 59 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\missile.cpp 83 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ #... BSP_SCREEN_WIDTH if (me->m_x + GAME_MISSILE_SPEED_X < GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH) { ..\missile.cpp 91 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '<' _ oie = Q_NEW(ObjectImageEvt, MISSILE_IMG_SIG); ..\missile.cpp 94 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\missile.cpp 94 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ oie->y = me->m_y; ..\missile.cpp 96 Info 713: Loss of precision (assignment) (unsigned char to signed char) _ oie->bmp = MISSILE_BMP; ..\missile.cpp 97 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int _ } ..\missile.cpp 115 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ oie = Q_NEW(ObjectImageEvt, EXPLOSION_SIG); ..\missile.cpp 133 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\missile.cpp 133 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ oie->y = (int8_t)((int)me->m_y - 4); // y-pos ..\missile.cpp 135 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\missile.cpp 135 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] _ oie->bmp = EXPLOSION0_BMP + (me->m_exp_ctr >> 2); ..\missile.cpp 136 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int _ } ..\missile.cpp 144 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] --- Module: ..\ship.cpp _ #define SHIP_WIDTH 5 ..\ship.cpp 34 Note 1923: macro 'SHIP_WIDTH' could become const variable -- Effective C++ #1 _ #define SHIP_HEIGHT 3 ..\ship.cpp 35 Note 1923: macro 'SHIP_HEIGHT' could become const variable -- Effective C++ #1 _ class Ship : public QActive { // extend the QActive class ..\ship.cpp 38 Note 1932: Base class 'QActive' is not abstract -- More Effective C++ #33 _ m_x(GAME_SHIP_X), m_y(GAME_SHIP_Y) {} ..\ship.cpp 46 Note 1927: Symbol 'Ship::m_exp_ctr' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\ship.cpp 46 Note 1927: Symbol 'Ship::m_score' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\ship.cpp 46 Warning 1401: member 'Ship::m_exp_ctr' (line 41) not initialized by constructor ..\ship.cpp 41 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ m_x(GAME_SHIP_X), m_y(GAME_SHIP_Y) {} ..\ship.cpp 46 Warning 1401: member 'Ship::m_score' (line 42) not initialized by constructor ..\ship.cpp 42 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ me->subscribe(TIME_TICK_SIG); ..\ship.cpp 64 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\ship.cpp 64 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->subscribe(PLAYER_TRIGGER_SIG); ..\ship.cpp 65 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\ship.cpp 65 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\ship.cpp 95 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ } ..\ship.cpp 104 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ sev = Q_NEW(ScoreEvt, SCORE_SIG); ..\ship.cpp 114 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\ship.cpp 114 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ ObjectImageEvt *oie = Q_NEW(ObjectImageEvt, SHIP_IMG_SIG); ..\ship.cpp 121 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\ship.cpp 121 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ oie->y = me->m_y; ..\ship.cpp 123 Info 713: Loss of precision (assignment) (unsigned char to signed char) _ oie->bmp = SHIP_BMP; ..\ship.cpp 124 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int _ if ((me->m_score % 10) == 0) { // is the score "round"? ..\ship.cpp 129 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\ship.cpp 129 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ ScoreEvt *sev = Q_NEW(ScoreEvt, SCORE_SIG); ..\ship.cpp 130 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\ship.cpp 130 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ ObjectPosEvt *ope = Q_NEW(ObjectPosEvt, MISSILE_FIRE_SIG); ..\ship.cpp 138 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\ship.cpp 138 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ ope->y = me->m_y + SHIP_HEIGHT - 1; ..\ship.cpp 140 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '-' _ } ..\ship.cpp 153 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ oie = Q_NEW(ObjectImageEvt, EXPLOSION_SIG); ..\ship.cpp 170 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\ship.cpp 170 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ oie->bmp = EXPLOSION0_BMP + (me->m_exp_ctr >> 2); ..\ship.cpp 171 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int _ oie->y = (int8_t)((int)me->m_y - 4 + SHIP_HEIGHT); ..\ship.cpp 173 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\ship.cpp 173 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'int' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\ship.cpp 173 Info 834: Operator '-' followed by operator '+' is confusing. Use parentheses. [Misra Rule 47] ..\ship.cpp 173 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '+' _ ScoreEvt *gameOver = Q_NEW(ScoreEvt, GAME_OVER_SIG); ..\ship.cpp 177 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\ship.cpp 177 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\ship.cpp 184 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] --- Wrap-up for Module: ..\ship.cpp Info 750: local macro 'SHIP_WIDTH' (line 34, file ..\ship.cpp) not referenced ..\ship.cpp 34 Info 830: Location cited in prior message --- Module: ..\tunnel.cpp _ class Tunnel : public QActive { // extend the QActive class ..\tunnel.cpp 37 Note 1932: Base class 'QActive' is not abstract -- More Effective C++ #33 _ private: // Helper functions ..\tunnel.cpp 69 Info 1736: Redundant access specifier (private) _ static uint8_t l_walls[GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8]; ..\tunnel.cpp 87 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' _ static uint8_t l_frame[GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8]; ..\tunnel.cpp 88 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' _ m_blinkTimeEvt(BLINK_TIMEOUT_SIG), ..\tunnel.cpp 93 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\tunnel.cpp 93 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ m_screenTimeEvt(SCREEN_TIMEOUT_SIG), ..\tunnel.cpp 94 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\tunnel.cpp 94 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ { ..\tunnel.cpp 97 Note 1927: Symbol 'Tunnel::m_blink_ctr' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\tunnel.cpp 97 Note 1927: Symbol 'Tunnel::m_wall_thickness_top' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\tunnel.cpp 97 Note 1927: Symbol 'Tunnel::m_wall_thickness_bottom' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 ..\tunnel.cpp 97 Note 1927: Symbol 'Tunnel::m_minimal_gap' did not appear in the constructor initializer list -- Effective C++ #12 _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 103 Warning 1401: member 'Tunnel::m_blink_ctr' (line 46) not initialized by constructor ..\tunnel.cpp 46 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 103 Warning 1401: member 'Tunnel::m_wall_thickness_top' (line 51) not initialized by constructor ..\tunnel.cpp 51 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 103 Warning 1401: member 'Tunnel::m_wall_thickness_bottom' (line 52) not initialized by constructor ..\tunnel.cpp 52 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 103 Warning 1401: member 'Tunnel::m_minimal_gap' (line 53) not initialized by constructor ..\tunnel.cpp 53 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ randomSeed(1234); // seed the pseudo-random generator ..\tunnel.cpp 113 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned long [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->subscribe(TIME_TICK_SIG); ..\tunnel.cpp 115 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\tunnel.cpp 115 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->subscribe(PLAYER_TRIGGER_SIG); ..\tunnel.cpp 116 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\tunnel.cpp 116 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->subscribe(PLAYER_QUIT_SIG); ..\tunnel.cpp 117 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int ..\tunnel.cpp 117 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ memset(l_frame, (uint8_t)0, ..\tunnel.cpp 149 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned char to int [MISRA Rule 77] _ (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8)); ..\tunnel.cpp 150 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 150 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ BSP_drawBitmap(l_frame, GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); ..\tunnel.cpp 151 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 151 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 155 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 170 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ memset(l_walls, (uint8_t)0, ..\tunnel.cpp 185 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned char to int [MISRA Rule 77] _ (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8)); ..\tunnel.cpp 186 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 186 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->m_blinkTimeEvt.postEvery(me, BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC/2); // 1/2 sec ..\tunnel.cpp 189 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->m_screenTimeEvt.postIn(me, BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC*20); // 20 sec ..\tunnel.cpp 191 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->m_blinkTimeEvt.disarm(); ..\tunnel.cpp 197 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'QTimeEvt::disarm(void)' (compare with line 533, file ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h, module ..\bsp.cpp) ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h 533 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ me->m_screenTimeEvt.disarm(); ..\tunnel.cpp 198 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'QTimeEvt::disarm(void)' (compare with line 533, file ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h, module ..\bsp.cpp) ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h 533 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ me->addImageAt(PRESS_BUTTON_BMP, ..\tunnel.cpp 212 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameBitmapIds' to int ..\tunnel.cpp 212 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - 55)/2, ..\tunnel.cpp 213 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ (GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 8)/2); ..\tunnel.cpp 214 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to signed char [MISRA Rule 77] _ BSP_drawBitmap(l_frame, GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); ..\tunnel.cpp 216 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 216 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 222 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ me->m_blinkTimeEvt.postEvery(me, BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC/2); // 1/2 sec ..\tunnel.cpp 229 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC*5); // 5 sec ..\tunnel.cpp 231 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ BSP_drawNString((GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - 6*9)/2, 0, "Game Over"); ..\tunnel.cpp 233 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '*' ..\tunnel.cpp 233 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 233 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->m_blinkTimeEvt.disarm(); ..\tunnel.cpp 237 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'QTimeEvt::disarm(void)' (compare with line 533, file ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h, module ..\bsp.cpp) ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h 533 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ me->m_screenTimeEvt.disarm(); ..\tunnel.cpp 238 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'QTimeEvt::disarm(void)' (compare with line 533, file ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h, module ..\bsp.cpp) ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h 533 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ BSP_updateScore(0); // update the score on the display ..\tunnel.cpp 239 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ BSP_drawNString((GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - 6*9)/2, 0, ..\tunnel.cpp 244 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '*' ..\tunnel.cpp 244 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 244 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 253 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ memset(l_walls, (uint8_t)0, ..\tunnel.cpp 267 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned char to int [MISRA Rule 77] _ (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8)); ..\tunnel.cpp 268 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 268 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ static QEvent const takeoff = { TAKE_OFF_SIG, 0 }; ..\tunnel.cpp 270 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int _ recycle.sig = MINE_RECYCLE_SIG; ..\tunnel.cpp 276 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int _ BSP_drawBitmap(l_frame, GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); ..\tunnel.cpp 282 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 282 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ if (me->isWallHit(bmp, x, y)) { ..\tunnel.cpp 297 Info 732: Loss of sign (arg. no. 3) (signed char to unsigned char) ..\tunnel.cpp 297 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) signed char to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ QEvent const hit = { HIT_WALL_SIG, 0}; ..\tunnel.cpp 298 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int _ if (e->sig == SHIP_IMG_SIG) { ..\tunnel.cpp 299 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int _ - ((ScoreEvt const *)e)->score/2000; ..\tunnel.cpp 325 Info 834: Operator '-' followed by operator '-' is confusing. Use parentheses. [Misra Rule 47] ..\tunnel.cpp 325 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '-' ..\tunnel.cpp 325 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 325 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\tunnel.cpp 325 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\tunnel.cpp 325 Info 734: Loss of precision (assignment) (32 bits to 8 bits) _ char str[5]; ..\tunnel.cpp 330 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\tunnel.cpp 330 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ memset(l_frame, (uint8_t)0, ..\tunnel.cpp 335 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned char to int [MISRA Rule 77] _ (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8)); ..\tunnel.cpp 336 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 336 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ BSP_drawBitmap(l_frame, GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); ..\tunnel.cpp 337 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 337 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ BSP_drawNString((GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - 6*10)/2, 1, "Score:"); ..\tunnel.cpp 340 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '*' ..\tunnel.cpp 340 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 340 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ str[3] = '0' + (score % 10); score /= 10; ..\tunnel.cpp 342 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\tunnel.cpp 342 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\tunnel.cpp 342 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ str[2] = '0' + (score % 10); score /= 10; ..\tunnel.cpp 343 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\tunnel.cpp 343 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\tunnel.cpp 343 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ str[1] = '0' + (score % 10); score /= 10; ..\tunnel.cpp 344 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\tunnel.cpp 344 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\tunnel.cpp 344 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ str[0] = '0' + (score % 10); ..\tunnel.cpp 345 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int ..\tunnel.cpp 345 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ BSP_drawNString((GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - 6*10)/2 + 6*6, 1, str); ..\tunnel.cpp 346 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '*' ..\tunnel.cpp 346 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '/' and '+' ..\tunnel.cpp 346 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '*' ..\tunnel.cpp 346 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 346 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 350 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 363 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ me->m_screenTimeEvt.postIn(me, BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC*60); // 60 sec ..\tunnel.cpp 370 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ memset(l_frame, (uint8_t)0, ..\tunnel.cpp 372 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned char to int [MISRA Rule 77] _ (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8)); ..\tunnel.cpp 373 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 373 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->m_screenTimeEvt.disarm(); ..\tunnel.cpp 377 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'QTimeEvt::disarm(void)' (compare with line 533, file ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h, module ..\bsp.cpp) ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h 533 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ l_frame[rnd % (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8)] ..\tunnel.cpp 387 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 387 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ = (uint8_t)(1 << ((rnd >> 8) & 0x7)); ..\tunnel.cpp 388 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ BSP_drawBitmap(l_frame, GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); ..\tunnel.cpp 390 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 390 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 393 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ memset(l_frame, (uint8_t)0, ..\tunnel.cpp 401 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) unsigned char to int [MISRA Rule 77] _ (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8)); ..\tunnel.cpp 402 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 402 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC/5); // 1/5 sec ..\tunnel.cpp 405 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ me->m_blinkTimeEvt.disarm(); ..\tunnel.cpp 409 Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'QTimeEvt::disarm(void)' (compare with line 533, file ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h, module ..\bsp.cpp) ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\include\qf.h 533 Info 830: Location cited in prior message _ me->m_blink_ctr = rnd % (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH*GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8); ..\tunnel.cpp 418 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 418 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ l_frame[me->m_blink_ctr] = (uint8_t)(1 << ((rnd >> 8) & 0x7)); ..\tunnel.cpp 419 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ BSP_drawBitmap(l_frame, GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH, GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT); ..\tunnel.cpp 421 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\tunnel.cpp 421 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 424 Info 744: switch statement has no default [MISRA Rule 62] _ l_rnd = l_rnd * (3*7*11*13*23); ..\tunnel.cpp 581 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ rnd = (random() & 0xFF); ..\tunnel.cpp 593 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ if ((rnd < 48) && (m_wall_thickness_top > 0)) { ..\tunnel.cpp 596 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ if ((rnd > 208) && (m_wall_thickness_bottom > 0)) { ..\tunnel.cpp 601 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ rnd = (random() & 0xFF); ..\tunnel.cpp 605 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ if ((rnd < 48) ..\tunnel.cpp 608 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ - m_wall_thickness_bottom) > m_minimal_gap) ..\tunnel.cpp 611 Info 834: Operator '-' followed by operator '-' is confusing. Use parentheses. [Misra Rule 47] ..\tunnel.cpp 611 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '-' _ if ((rnd > 208) ..\tunnel.cpp 619 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ - m_wall_thickness_bottom) > m_minimal_gap) ..\tunnel.cpp 622 Info 834: Operator '-' followed by operator '-' is confusing. Use parentheses. [Misra Rule 47] ..\tunnel.cpp 622 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '-' _ < (GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - m_wall_thickness_bottom)))) ..\tunnel.cpp 625 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '<' _ (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8) - GAME_SPEED_X); ..\tunnel.cpp 632 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 632 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ bmp1 = (~(~0 << m_wall_thickness_top)) ..\tunnel.cpp 634 Info 701: Shift left of signed quantity (int) [MISRA Rule 37] ..\tunnel.cpp 634 Warning 502: Expected unsigned type _ - m_wall_thickness_bottom)); ..\tunnel.cpp 636 Info 701: Shift left of signed quantity (int) [MISRA Rule 37] _ l_walls[GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH + GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - 1] ..\tunnel.cpp 639 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '-' _ memcpy(l_frame, l_walls, (GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH * GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT/8)); ..\tunnel.cpp 643 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '*' and '/' ..\tunnel.cpp 643 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned int [MISRA Rule 77] _ uint32_t rnd = (random() & 0xFF); ..\tunnel.cpp 647 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ #... BSP_SCREEN_WIDTH if ((m_last_mine_x + GAME_MINES_DIST_MIN < GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH) ..\tunnel.cpp 653 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '<' _ && (rnd < 8)) // place the mines only 5% of the time ..\tunnel.cpp 654 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ for (n = 0; n < Q_DIM(m_mines); ++n) { // look for disabled mines ..\tunnel.cpp 657 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ if (n < Q_DIM(m_mines)) { // a disabled Mine found? ..\tunnel.cpp 662 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ rnd = (random() & 0xFFFF); ..\tunnel.cpp 665 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ if ((rnd & 1) == 0) { // choose the type of the mine ..\tunnel.cpp 667 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long ..\tunnel.cpp 667 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ - m_wall_thickness_bottom - 4); ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Info 834: Operator '-' followed by operator '-' is confusing. Use parentheses. [Misra Rule 47] ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '-' ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Info 834: Operator '-' followed by operator '-' is confusing. Use parentheses. [Misra Rule 47] ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '-' and '-' ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Warning 573: Signed-unsigned mix with divide ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Warning 414: Possible division by 0 [Reference: file ..\tunnel.cpp: lines 96, 596, 597, 613, 615, 624, 625, 627, 678, 680] ..\tunnel.cpp 96 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 596 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 597 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 613 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 615 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 624 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 625 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 627 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 678 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message _ m_last_mine_y = m_wall_thickness_top + 2 + rnd; ..\tunnel.cpp 681 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long ..\tunnel.cpp 681 Info 734: Loss of precision (assignment) (32 bits to 8 bits) _ ope.sig = MINE_PLANT_SIG; ..\tunnel.cpp 683 Warning 641: Converting enum 'GameSignals' to int During Specific Walk: File ..\tunnel.cpp line 285: plantMine() ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Warning 414: Possible division by 0 [Reference: file ..\tunnel.cpp: lines 96, 596, 597, 613, 615, 624, 625, 627, 678, 680] ..\tunnel.cpp 96 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 596 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 597 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 613 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 615 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 624 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 625 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 627 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 678 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message ..\tunnel.cpp 680 Info 831: Reference cited in prior message _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 698 Info 1762: Member function 'Tunnel::dispatchToAllMines(const struct QEvent *)' could be made const _ #... bitmap) / sizeof(l_bitmap[0]))) { } else (Q_onAssert(l_this_file, __LINE__ #... bitmap) / sizeof(l_bitmap[0]))) Q_REQUIRE(bmp < Q_DIM(l_bitmap)); ..\tunnel.cpp 704 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ if (w > GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - x_pos) { ..\tunnel.cpp 707 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '>' and '-' _ bmp1 = (l_bitmap[bmp].bits[x] >> (uint8_t)(-y_pos)); ..\tunnel.cpp 716 Warning 504: Unusual shift operation (unusually formed right argument) _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 721 Info 1762: Member function 'Tunnel::addImageAt(unsigned char, unsigned char, signed char)' could be made const _ #... bitmap) / sizeof(l_bitmap[0]))) { } else (Q_onAssert(l_this_file, __LINE__ #... bitmap) / sizeof(l_bitmap[0]))) Q_REQUIRE(bmp < Q_DIM(l_bitmap)); ..\tunnel.cpp 727 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ if (w > GAME_SCREEN_WIDTH - x_pos) { ..\tunnel.cpp 730 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '>' and '-' _ } ..\tunnel.cpp 743 Info 1762: Member function 'Tunnel::isWallHit(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)' could be made const _ #... ve -e960 */if ((bmp_id1 < (sizeof(l_bitmap) / sizeof(l_bitmap[0]))) && (b #... itmap[0]))) && (bmp_id2 < (sizeof(l_bitmap) / sizeof(l_bitmap[0])))) Q_REQUIRE((bmp_id1 < Q_DIM(l_bitmap)) && (bmp_id2 < Q_DIM(l_bitmap))); ..\tunnel.cpp 756 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ #... bitmap[0]))) && (bmp_id2 < (sizeof(l_bitmap) / sizeof(l_bitmap[0])))) { } #... itmap[0]))) && (bmp_id2 < (sizeof(l_bitmap) / sizeof(l_bitmap[0])))) Q_REQUIRE((bmp_id1 < Q_DIM(l_bitmap)) && (bmp_id2 < Q_DIM(l_bitmap))); ..\tunnel.cpp 756 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned int _ if ((x1 <= x2) && (x1 + bmp2->width > x2)) { ..\tunnel.cpp 762 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '>' _ w = x1 + bmp2->width - x2; ..\tunnel.cpp 764 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '-' _ if ((bits1 & bits2) != 0) { // do the bits overlap? ..\tunnel.cpp 771 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ if ((x1 > x2) && (x2 + bmp1->width > x1)) { ..\tunnel.cpp 777 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '>' _ w = x2 + bmp1->width - x1; ..\tunnel.cpp 779 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '-' _ if ((bits1 & bits2) != 0) { // do the bits overlap? ..\tunnel.cpp 786 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long --- Module: ..\video.cpp _ #include ..\video.cpp 32 Warning 537: Repeated include file 'c:\tools\tcpp101\INCLUDE\dos.h' _ #define VIDEO_BASE 0xB800 ..\video.cpp 34 Note 1923: macro 'VIDEO_BASE' could become const variable -- Effective C++ #1 _ #define VIDEO_WIDTH 80 ..\video.cpp 35 Note 1923: macro 'VIDEO_WIDTH' could become const variable -- Effective C++ #1 _ #define VIDEO_HEIGHT 25 ..\video.cpp 36 Note 1923: macro 'VIDEO_HEIGHT' could become const variable -- Effective C++ #1 _ clearRect(0, 0, VIDEO_WIDTH, VIDEO_HEIGHT, bgColor); ..\video.cpp 41 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 1) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\video.cpp 41 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 2) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\video.cpp 41 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 3) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\video.cpp 41 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] _ uint8_t far *pscr = (uint8_t far *)MK_FP(VIDEO_BASE, ..\video.cpp 49 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'far' [Misra Rule 1] ..\video.cpp 49 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'far' [Misra Rule 1] _ uint8_t far *pscr = (uint8_t far *)MK_FP(VIDEO_BASE, ..\video.cpp 49 Error 1055: Symbol 'MK_FP' undeclared, assumed to return int ..\video.cpp 49 Info 746: call to function 'MK_FP()' not made in the presence of a prototype [Misra Rules 20 and 71] _ (uint16_t)(((y1 * VIDEO_WIDTH) + x1) * 2)); ..\video.cpp 50 Note 923: cast from int to pointer [MISRA Rule 45] _ char const *str) ..\video.cpp 60 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 60 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ uint8_t far *pscr = (uint8_t far *)MK_FP(VIDEO_BASE, ..\video.cpp 63 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'far' [Misra Rule 1] ..\video.cpp 63 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'far' [Misra Rule 1] _ (uint16_t)(((y * VIDEO_WIDTH) + x) * 2)); ..\video.cpp 64 Note 923: cast from int to pointer [MISRA Rule 45] _ pscr[0] = *str++; // Put character in video RAM ..\video.cpp 66 Info 732: Loss of sign (assignment) (char to unsigned char) _ char buf[4]; ..\video.cpp 74 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 74 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ buf[3] = (char)0; ..\video.cpp 75 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 75 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 75 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ buf[2] = (char)('0' + num % 10); ..\video.cpp 76 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 76 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 76 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] ..\video.cpp 76 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '%' ..\video.cpp 76 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long ..\video.cpp 76 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ num /= 10; ..\video.cpp 77 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ buf[1] = (char)('0' + num % 10); ..\video.cpp 78 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 78 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 78 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] ..\video.cpp 78 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '%' ..\video.cpp 78 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long ..\video.cpp 78 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ num /= 10; ..\video.cpp 79 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ buf[0] = (char)('0' + num % 10); ..\video.cpp 80 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 80 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 80 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] ..\video.cpp 80 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '%' ..\video.cpp 80 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long ..\video.cpp 80 Note 912: Implicit binary conversion from int to unsigned long _ uint8_t far *pscrX = (uint8_t far *)MK_FP(VIDEO_BASE, ..\video.cpp 90 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'far' [Misra Rule 1] ..\video.cpp 90 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'far' [Misra Rule 1] _ (uint16_t)(((y * VIDEO_WIDTH) + x) << 1)); ..\video.cpp 91 Note 923: cast from int to pointer [MISRA Rule 45] _ if (w > VIDEO_WIDTH - x) { ..\video.cpp 103 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '>' and '-' _ if (h > VIDEO_HEIGHT - y) { ..\video.cpp 106 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '>' and '-' _ for (ix = 0; ix < w; ++ix, pscrX += 2) { // loop over x ..\video.cpp 110 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: ',' and '+=' _ uint8_t far *pscrXY = pscrX; ..\video.cpp 111 Note 950: Non-ANSI reserved word or construct: 'far' [Misra Rule 1] _ for (iy = 0; iy < h; ++iy, pscrXY += 2*VIDEO_WIDTH) { ..\video.cpp 112 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: ',' and '+=' _ uint8_t byte = bitmap[ix + (iy >> 3)*width]; ..\video.cpp 114 Note 961: Violates MISRA Advisory Rule 47, dependence placed on C's operator precedence; operators: '+' and '*' _ void Video::drawStringAt(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, char const *str) { ..\video.cpp 120 Note 970: Use of modifier or type 'char' outside of a typedef [MISRA Rule 13] ..\video.cpp 120 Note 971: Use of 'char' without 'signed' or 'unsigned' [MISRA Rule 14] _ { 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20 }, // \ ..\video.cpp 182 Warning 427: // comment terminates in \ _ }; ..\video.cpp 217 Info 785: Too few initializers for aggregate 'font5x7' of type 'const unsigned char [95][5]' _ drawBitmapAt(x, y, font5x7[*str - ' '], 5, 8); ..\video.cpp 220 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 4) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] ..\video.cpp 220 Note 917: Prototype coercion (arg. no. 5) int to unsigned char [MISRA Rule 77] --- Global Wrap-up Warning 526: Symbol 'setvect()' (line 189, file ..\bsp.cpp) not defined ..\bsp.cpp 189 Info 830: Location cited in prior message Warning 628: no argument information provided for function 'setvect()' (line 189, file ..\bsp.cpp) ..\bsp.cpp 189 Info 830: Location cited in prior message Warning 526: Symbol '_exit()' (line 208, file ..\bsp.cpp) not defined ..\bsp.cpp 208 Info 830: Location cited in prior message Warning 628: no argument information provided for function '_exit()' (line 208, file ..\bsp.cpp) ..\bsp.cpp 208 Info 830: Location cited in prior message Warning 526: Symbol 'getvect()' (line 178, file ..\bsp.cpp) not defined ..\bsp.cpp 178 Info 830: Location cited in prior message Warning 628: no argument information provided for function 'getvect()' (line 178, file ..\bsp.cpp) ..\bsp.cpp 178 Info 830: Location cited in prior message Warning 526: Symbol 'MK_FP()' (line 49, file ..\video.cpp) not defined ..\video.cpp 49 Info 830: Location cited in prior message Warning 628: no argument information provided for function 'MK_FP()' (line 49, file ..\video.cpp) ..\video.cpp 49 Info 830: Location cited in prior message