//**************************************************************************** // Product: "Fly 'n' Shoot" game example for Win32-GUI // Last updated for version 5.6.0 // Last updated on 2015-12-26 // // Q u a n t u m L e a P s // --------------------------- // innovating embedded systems // // Copyright (C) Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved. // // This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published // by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the // terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede // the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for // licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // Contact information: // http://www.state-machine.com // mailto:info@state-machine.com //**************************************************************************** #include "qpcpp.h" #include "game.h" #include "bsp.h" #include "win32_gui.h" // Win32 GUI elements for embedded front panels #include "resource.h" // GUI resource IDs generated by the resource editior #include // for _snprintf_s() #include #ifdef Q_SPY #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include // Win32 API for multithreading #include // for Windows network facilities #endif //**************************************************************************** // thread function for running the application main() static DWORD WINAPI appThread(LPVOID par) { (void)par; // unused parameter return main_gui(); // run the QF application } //**************************************************************************** namespace GAME { Q_DEFINE_THIS_FILE #define LCD_WIDTH BSP_SCREEN_WIDTH #define LCD_HEIGHT BSP_SCREEN_HEIGHT #define LCD_X_SCALE 2U #define LCD_Y_SCALE 2U // local variables ----------------------------------------------------------- static HINSTANCE l_hInst; // this application instance static HWND l_hWnd; // main window handle static LPSTR l_cmdLine; // the command line string static GraphicDisplay l_oled; // OLED display of the EK-LM3S811 board static SegmentDisplay l_userLED; // USER LED of the EK-LM3S811 board static SegmentDisplay l_scoreBoard; // segment display for the score static OwnerDrawnButton l_userBtn; // USER button of the EK-LM3S811 board // (R,G,B) colors for the OLED display static BYTE const c_onColor [3] = { 255U, 255U, 255U }; // white static BYTE const c_offColor[3] = { 15U, 15U, 15U }; // very dark grey static BYTE l_ship_pos = GAME_SHIP_Y; // the current ship Y-position #ifdef Q_SPY enum QSUserRecords { PLAYER_TRIGGER = QP::QS_USER, COMMAND_STAT }; static SOCKET l_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; static uint8_t const l_clock_tick = 0U; static uint8_t const l_mouse = 0U; #endif // Local functions ----------------------------------------------------------- static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); //............................................................................ extern "C" int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE /*hPrevInst*/, LPSTR cmdLine, int iCmdShow) { l_hInst = hInst; // save the application instance l_cmdLine = cmdLine; // save the command line string // create the main custom dialog window HWND hWnd = CreateCustDialog(hInst, IDD_APPLICATION, NULL, &WndProc, "QP_APP"); ShowWindow(hWnd, iCmdShow); // show the main window // enter the message loop... MSG msg; while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return msg.wParam; } //............................................................................ static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT iMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (iMsg) { // Perform initialization upon cration of the main dialog window // NOTE: Any child-windows are NOT created yet at this time, so // the GetDlgItem() function can't be used (it will return NULL). // case WM_CREATE: { l_hWnd = hWnd; // save the window handle // initialize the owner-drawn buttons... // NOTE: must be done *before* the first drawing of the buttons, // so WM_INITDIALOG is too late. // l_userBtn.init(LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BTN_UP)), LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BTN_DWN)), LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_HAND)); return 0; } // Perform initialization after all child windows have been created case WM_INITDIALOG: { l_oled.init(BSP_SCREEN_WIDTH, 2U, // scale horizontally by 2 BSP_SCREEN_HEIGHT, 2U, // scale vertically by 2 GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LCD), c_offColor); l_userLED.init(1U, // 1 "segment" (the LED itself) 2U); // 2 bitmaps (for LED OFF/ON states) l_userLED.initSegment(0U, GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_LED)); l_userLED.initBitmap(0U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_LED_OFF))); l_userLED.initBitmap(1U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_LED_ON))); l_scoreBoard.init(4U, // 4 "segments" (digits 0-3) 10U); // 10 bitmaps (for 0-9 states) l_scoreBoard.initSegment(0U, GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SEG0)); l_scoreBoard.initSegment(1U, GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SEG1)); l_scoreBoard.initSegment(2U, GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SEG2)); l_scoreBoard.initSegment(3U, GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_SEG3)); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(0U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG0))); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(1U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG1))); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(2U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG2))); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(3U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG3))); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(4U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG4))); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(5U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG5))); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(6U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG6))); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(7U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG7))); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(8U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG8))); l_scoreBoard.initBitmap(9U, LoadBitmap(l_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_SEG9))); BSP_updateScore(0U); // --> QP: spawn the application thread to run main() Q_ALLEGE(CreateThread(NULL, 0, &appThread, NULL, 0, NULL) != (HANDLE)0); return 0; } case WM_DESTROY: { BSP_terminate(0); return 0; } // commands from regular buttons and menus... case WM_COMMAND: { SetFocus(hWnd); switch (wParam) { case IDOK: case IDCANCEL: { BSP_terminate(0); break; } } return 0; } // owner-drawn buttons... case WM_DRAWITEM: { LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pdis = (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam; switch (pdis->CtlID) { case IDC_USER: { // USER owner-drawn button switch (l_userBtn.draw(pdis)) { case OwnerDrawnButton::BTN_DEPRESSED: { BSP_playerTrigger(); l_userLED.setSegment(0U, 1U); break; } case OwnerDrawnButton::BTN_RELEASED: { l_userLED.setSegment(0U, 0U); break; } default: { break; } } break; } } return 0; } // mouse input... case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { if ((HIWORD(wParam) & 0x8000U) == 0U) { // wheel turned forward? BSP_moveShipUp(); } else { // the wheel was turned backwards BSP_moveShipDown(); } return 0; } // keyboard input... case WM_KEYDOWN: { switch (wParam) { case VK_UP: BSP_moveShipUp(); break; case VK_DOWN: BSP_moveShipDown(); break; case VK_SPACE: BSP_playerTrigger(); break; default: break; } return 0; } } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, iMsg, wParam, lParam) ; } //............................................................................ void BSP_init(void) { if (!QS_INIT(l_cmdLine)) { // QS initialization failed? MessageBox(l_hWnd, "Cannot connect to QSPY via TCP/IP\n" "Please make sure that 'qspy -t' is running", "QS_INIT() Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_APPLMODAL); } QS_OBJ_DICTIONARY(&l_clock_tick); QS_USR_DICTIONARY(PLAYER_TRIGGER); QS_USR_DICTIONARY(COMMAND_STAT); } //............................................................................ void BSP_terminate(int result) { #ifdef Q_SPY if (l_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(l_sock); l_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; } #endif QP::QF::stop(); PostQuitMessage(result); // post the Quit message to the GUI } //............................................................................ void BSP_drawBitmap(uint8_t const *bitmap) { uint16_t x, y; for (y = 0; y < LCD_HEIGHT; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < LCD_WIDTH; ++x) { uint8_t bits = bitmap[x + (y/8U)*LCD_WIDTH]; if ((bits & (1U << (y & 0x07U))) != 0U) { l_oled.setPixel(x, y, c_onColor); } else { l_oled.clearPixel(x, y); } } } l_oled.redraw(); } //............................................................................ void BSP_drawNString(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, char const *str) { static uint8_t const font5x7[95][5] = { { 0x00U, 0x00U, 0x00U, 0x00U, 0x00U }, // ' ' { 0x00U, 0x00U, 0x4FU, 0x00U, 0x00U }, // ! { 0x00U, 0x07U, 0x00U, 0x07U, 0x00U }, // " { 0x14U, 0x7FU, 0x14U, 0x7FU, 0x14U }, // # { 0x24U, 0x2AU, 0x7FU, 0x2AU, 0x12U }, // $ { 0x23U, 0x13U, 0x08U, 0x64U, 0x62U }, // % { 0x36U, 0x49U, 0x55U, 0x22U, 0x50U }, // & { 0x00U, 0x05U, 0x03U, 0x00U, 0x00U }, // ' { 0x00U, 0x1CU, 0x22U, 0x41U, 0x00U }, // ( { 0x00U, 0x41U, 0x22U, 0x1CU, 0x00U }, // ) { 0x14U, 0x08U, 0x3EU, 0x08U, 0x14U }, // * { 0x08U, 0x08U, 0x3EU, 0x08U, 0x08U }, // + { 0x00U, 0x50U, 0x30U, 0x00U, 0x00U }, // , { 0x08U, 0x08U, 0x08U, 0x08U, 0x08U }, // - { 0x00U, 0x60U, 0x60U, 0x00U, 0x00U }, // . { 0x20U, 0x10U, 0x08U, 0x04U, 0x02U }, // / { 0x3EU, 0x51U, 0x49U, 0x45U, 0x3EU }, // 0 { 0x00U, 0x42U, 0x7FU, 0x40U, 0x00U }, // 1 { 0x42U, 0x61U, 0x51U, 0x49U, 0x46U }, // 2 { 0x21U, 0x41U, 0x45U, 0x4BU, 0x31U }, // 3 { 0x18U, 0x14U, 0x12U, 0x7FU, 0x10U }, // 4 { 0x27U, 0x45U, 0x45U, 0x45U, 0x39U }, // 5 { 0x3CU, 0x4AU, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x30U }, // 6 { 0x01U, 0x71U, 0x09U, 0x05U, 0x03U }, // 7 { 0x36U, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x36U }, // 8 { 0x06U, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x29U, 0x1EU }, // 9 { 0x00U, 0x36U, 0x36U, 0x00U, 0x00U }, // : { 0x00U, 0x56U, 0x36U, 0x00U, 0x00U }, // ; { 0x08U, 0x14U, 0x22U, 0x41U, 0x00U }, // < { 0x14U, 0x14U, 0x14U, 0x14U, 0x14U }, // = { 0x00U, 0x41U, 0x22U, 0x14U, 0x08U }, // > { 0x02U, 0x01U, 0x51U, 0x09U, 0x06U }, // ? { 0x32U, 0x49U, 0x79U, 0x41U, 0x3EU }, // @ { 0x7EU, 0x11U, 0x11U, 0x11U, 0x7EU }, // A { 0x7FU, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x36U }, // B { 0x3EU, 0x41U, 0x41U, 0x41U, 0x22U }, // C { 0x7FU, 0x41U, 0x41U, 0x22U, 0x1CU }, // D { 0x7FU, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x41U }, // E { 0x7FU, 0x09U, 0x09U, 0x09U, 0x01U }, // F { 0x3EU, 0x41U, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x7AU }, // G { 0x7FU, 0x08U, 0x08U, 0x08U, 0x7FU }, // H { 0x00U, 0x41U, 0x7FU, 0x41U, 0x00U }, // I { 0x20U, 0x40U, 0x41U, 0x3FU, 0x01U }, // J { 0x7FU, 0x08U, 0x14U, 0x22U, 0x41U }, // K { 0x7FU, 0x40U, 0x40U, 0x40U, 0x40U }, // L { 0x7FU, 0x02U, 0x0CU, 0x02U, 0x7FU }, // M { 0x7FU, 0x04U, 0x08U, 0x10U, 0x7FU }, // N { 0x3EU, 0x41U, 0x41U, 0x41U, 0x3EU }, // O { 0x7FU, 0x09U, 0x09U, 0x09U, 0x06U }, // P { 0x3EU, 0x41U, 0x51U, 0x21U, 0x5EU }, // Q { 0x7FU, 0x09U, 0x19U, 0x29U, 0x46U }, // R { 0x46U, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x49U, 0x31U }, // S { 0x01U, 0x01U, 0x7FU, 0x01U, 0x01U }, // T { 0x3FU, 0x40U, 0x40U, 0x40U, 0x3FU }, // U { 0x1FU, 0x20U, 0x40U, 0x20U, 0x1FU }, // V { 0x3FU, 0x40U, 0x38U, 0x40U, 0x3FU }, // W { 0x63U, 0x14U, 0x08U, 0x14U, 0x63U }, // X { 0x07U, 0x08U, 0x70U, 0x08U, 0x07U }, // Y { 0x61U, 0x51U, 0x49U, 0x45U, 0x43U }, // Z { 0x00U, 0x7FU, 0x41U, 0x41U, 0x00U }, // [ { 0x02U, 0x04U, 0x08U, 0x10U, 0x20U }, // '\' { 0x00U, 0x41U, 0x41U, 0x7FU, 0x00U }, // ] { 0x04U, 0x02U, 0x01U, 0x02U, 0x04U }, // ^ { 0x40U, 0x40U, 0x40U, 0x40U, 0x40U }, // _ { 0x00U, 0x01U, 0x02U, 0x04U, 0x00U }, // ` { 0x20U, 0x54U, 0x54U, 0x54U, 0x78U }, // a { 0x7FU, 0x48U, 0x44U, 0x44U, 0x38U }, // b { 0x38U, 0x44U, 0x44U, 0x44U, 0x20U }, // c { 0x38U, 0x44U, 0x44U, 0x48U, 0x7FU }, // d { 0x38U, 0x54U, 0x54U, 0x54U, 0x18U }, // e { 0x08U, 0x7EU, 0x09U, 0x01U, 0x02U }, // f { 0x0CU, 0x52U, 0x52U, 0x52U, 0x3EU }, // g { 0x7FU, 0x08U, 0x04U, 0x04U, 0x78U }, // h { 0x00U, 0x44U, 0x7DU, 0x40U, 0x00U }, // i { 0x20U, 0x40U, 0x44U, 0x3DU, 0x00U }, // j { 0x7FU, 0x10U, 0x28U, 0x44U, 0x00U }, // k { 0x00U, 0x41U, 0x7FU, 0x40U, 0x00U }, // l { 0x7CU, 0x04U, 0x18U, 0x04U, 0x78U }, // m { 0x7CU, 0x08U, 0x04U, 0x04U, 0x78U }, // n { 0x38U, 0x44U, 0x44U, 0x44U, 0x38U }, // o { 0x7CU, 0x14U, 0x14U, 0x14U, 0x08U }, // p { 0x08U, 0x14U, 0x14U, 0x18U, 0x7CU }, // q { 0x7CU, 0x08U, 0x04U, 0x04U, 0x08U }, // r { 0x48U, 0x54U, 0x54U, 0x54U, 0x20U }, // s { 0x04U, 0x3FU, 0x44U, 0x40U, 0x20U }, // t { 0x3CU, 0x40U, 0x40U, 0x20U, 0x7CU }, // u { 0x1CU, 0x20U, 0x40U, 0x20U, 0x1CU }, // v { 0x3CU, 0x40U, 0x30U, 0x40U, 0x3CU }, // w { 0x44U, 0x28U, 0x10U, 0x28U, 0x44U }, // x { 0x0CU, 0x50U, 0x50U, 0x50U, 0x3CU }, // y { 0x44U, 0x64U, 0x54U, 0x4CU, 0x44U }, // z { 0x00U, 0x08U, 0x36U, 0x41U, 0x00U }, // { { 0x00U, 0x00U, 0x7FU, 0x00U, 0x00U }, // | { 0x00U, 0x41U, 0x36U, 0x08U, 0x00U }, // } { 0x02U, 0x01U, 0x02U, 0x04U, 0x02U }, // ~ }; UINT dx, dy; while (*str != '\0') { uint8_t const *ch = &font5x7[*str - ' '][0]; for (dx = 0U; dx < 5U; ++dx) { for (dy = 0U; dy < 8U; ++dy) { if ((ch[dx] & (1U << dy)) != 0U) { l_oled.setPixel((UINT)(x + dx), (UINT)(y*8U + dy), c_onColor); } else { l_oled.clearPixel((UINT)(x + dx), (UINT)(y*8U + dy)); } } } ++str; x += 6U; } l_oled.redraw(); // draw the updated display on the screen } //............................................................................ void BSP_updateScore(uint16_t score) { // update the score in the l_scoreBoard SegmentDisplay l_scoreBoard.setSegment(0U, (UINT)(score % 10U)); score /= 10U; l_scoreBoard.setSegment(1U, (UINT)(score % 10U)); score /= 10U; l_scoreBoard.setSegment(2U, (UINT)(score % 10U)); score /= 10U; l_scoreBoard.setSegment(3U, (UINT)(score % 10U)); } //............................................................................ void BSP_displayOn(void) { l_userLED.setSegment(0U, 1U); } //............................................................................ void BSP_displayOff(void) { l_userLED.setSegment(0U, 0U); l_oled.clear(); l_oled.redraw(); } //............................................................................ void BSP_playerTrigger(void) { static QP::QEvt const fireEvt = QEVT_INITIALIZER(PLAYER_TRIGGER_SIG); QP::QF::PUBLISH(&fireEvt, (void*)0); } //............................................................................ void BSP_moveShipUp(void) { if (l_ship_pos > 0U) { --l_ship_pos; } ObjectPosEvt *ope = Q_NEW(ObjectPosEvt, PLAYER_SHIP_MOVE_SIG); ope->x = (uint8_t)GAME_SHIP_X; ope->y = (uint8_t)l_ship_pos; AO_Ship->POST(ope, &l_mouse); } //............................................................................ void BSP_moveShipDown(void) { if (l_ship_pos < (GAME_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 3U)) { ++l_ship_pos; } ObjectPosEvt *ope = Q_NEW(ObjectPosEvt, PLAYER_SHIP_MOVE_SIG); ope->x = (uint8_t)GAME_SHIP_X; ope->y = (uint8_t)l_ship_pos; AO_Ship->POST(ope, &l_mouse); } } // namespace GAME //**************************************************************************** namespace QP { //............................................................................ void QF::onStartup(void) { QF_setTickRate(GAME::BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC); // set the desired tick rate } //............................................................................ void QF::onCleanup(void) { } //............................................................................ void QF_onClockTick(void) { static QP::QEvt const tickEvt = QEVT_INITIALIZER(GAME::TIME_TICK_SIG); QP::QF::TICK_X(0U, &GAME::l_clock_tick); // process time events at rate 0 QP::QF::PUBLISH(&tickEvt, &GAME::l_clock_tick); // publish the tick event } //............................................................................ extern "C" void Q_onAssert(char const * const module, int loc) { QF::stop(); // stop ticking QS_ASSERTION(module, loc, 10000U); // report assertion to QS char message[80]; SNPRINTF_S(message, Q_DIM(message) - 1, "Assertion failed in module %s location %d", module, loc); MessageBox(GAME::l_hWnd, message, "!!! ASSERTION !!!", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_APPLMODAL); GAME::BSP_terminate(-1); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef Q_SPY // define QS callbacks #include // In this demo, the QS software tracing output is sent out of the application // through a TCP/IP socket. This requires the QSPY host application to // be started first to open a server socket (qspy -t ...) to wait for the // incoming TCP/IP connection from the GAME demo. // // In an embedded target, the QS software tracing output can be sent out // using any method available, such as a UART. This would require changing // the implementation of the functions in this section, but the rest of the // application code does not "know" (and should not care) how the QS ouptut // is actually performed. In other words, the rest of the application does NOT // need to change in any way to produce QS output. //............................................................................ extern "C" DWORD WINAPI idleThread(LPVOID par) { // signature for CreateThread() (void)par; while (GAME::l_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { uint8_t const *block; // try to receive bytes from the QS socket... uint16_t nBytes = QS::rxGetNfree(); if (nBytes > 0U) { uint8_t buf[64]; int status; if (nBytes > sizeof(buf)) { nBytes = sizeof(buf); } status = recv(GAME::l_sock, reinterpret_cast(&buf[0]), static_cast(nBytes), 0); if (status != SOCKET_ERROR) { uint16_t i; nBytes = static_cast(status); for (i = 0U; i < nBytes; ++i) { QS::rxPut(buf[i]); } } } QS::rxParse(); // parse all the received bytes nBytes = 1024U; QF_CRIT_ENTRY(dummy); block = QS::getBlock(&nBytes); QF_CRIT_EXIT(dummy); if (block != static_cast(0)) { send(GAME::l_sock, reinterpret_cast(block), static_cast(nBytes), 0); } Sleep(20); // sleep for xx milliseconds } return (DWORD)0; // return success } //............................................................................ bool QS::onStartup(void const *arg) { static uint8_t qsBuf[1024]; // buffer for QS output static uint8_t qsRxBuf[100]; // buffer for QS receive channel static WSADATA wsaData; char hostName[64]; char const *src; char *dst; USHORT port = 6601; // default QSPY server port ULONG ioctl_opt = 1; struct sockaddr_in sockAddr; struct hostent *server; initBuf(qsBuf, sizeof(qsBuf)); rxInitBuf(qsRxBuf, sizeof(qsRxBuf)); // initialize Windows sockets if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsaData) == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Windows Sockets cannot be initialized."); return (uint8_t)0; } src = (arg != (void const *)0) ? (char const *)arg : "localhost"; dst = hostName; while ((*src != '\0') && (*src != ':') && (dst < &hostName[sizeof(hostName)])) { *dst++ = *src++; } *dst = '\0'; if (*src == ':') { port = (USHORT)strtoul(src + 1, NULL, 10); } GAME::l_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); // TCP socket if (GAME::l_sock == INVALID_SOCKET){ printf("Socket cannot be created; error 0x%08X\n", WSAGetLastError()); return false; // failure } server = gethostbyname(hostName); if (server == NULL) { printf("QSpy host name %s cannot be resolved; error 0x%08X\n", hostName, WSAGetLastError()); return false; } memset(&sockAddr, 0, sizeof(sockAddr)); sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&sockAddr.sin_addr, server->h_addr, server->h_length); sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port); if (connect(GAME::l_sock, reinterpret_cast(&sockAddr), sizeof(sockAddr)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Cannot connect to the QSPY server; error 0x%08X\n", WSAGetLastError()); QS_EXIT(); return false; // failure } // Set the socket to non-blocking mode. if (ioctlsocket(GAME::l_sock, FIONBIO, &ioctl_opt) == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Socket configuration failed.\n" "Windows socket error 0x%08X.", WSAGetLastError()); QS_EXIT(); return false; // failure } // set up the QS filters... QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QEP_STATE_ENTRY); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QEP_STATE_EXIT); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QEP_STATE_INIT); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QEP_INIT_TRAN); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QEP_INTERN_TRAN); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QEP_TRAN); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QEP_IGNORED); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QEP_DISPATCH); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QEP_UNHANDLED); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST_FIFO); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QF_ACTIVE_POST_LIFO); QS_FILTER_ON(QS_QF_PUBLISH); QS_FILTER_ON(GAME::PLAYER_TRIGGER); QS_FILTER_ON(GAME::COMMAND_STAT); // return the status of creating the idle thread return (CreateThread(NULL, 1024, &idleThread, NULL, 0, NULL) != NULL) ? true : false; } //............................................................................ void QS::onCleanup(void) { if (GAME::l_sock != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(GAME::l_sock); GAME::l_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; } WSACleanup(); } //............................................................................ void QS::onFlush(void) { uint16_t nBytes = 1000U; uint8_t const *block; while ((block = getBlock(&nBytes)) != static_cast(0)) { send(GAME::l_sock, reinterpret_cast(block), nBytes, 0); nBytes = 1000U; } } //............................................................................ QSTimeCtr QS::onGetTime(void) { return static_cast(clock()); } //............................................................................ //! callback function to reset the target (to be implemented in the BSP) void QS::onReset(void) { //TBD } //............................................................................ //! callback function to execute a uesr command (to be implemented in BSP) void QS::onCommand(uint8_t cmdId, uint32_t param) { (void)cmdId; (void)param; // application-specific record begin QS_BEGIN(GAME::COMMAND_STAT, static_cast(0)) QS_U8(2, cmdId); QS_U32(8, param); QS_END() if (cmdId == 10U) { Q_onAssert("command", 10); } } #endif // Q_SPY //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace QP