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# This is an example of QView customization for a specific application
# (DPP in this case). This example animates the Phil images on the
# QView canvas. Additionally, there is a button in the middle of the screen,
# which, when clicked once pauses the DPP ("forks" are not being served).
# A second click on the button, "un-pauses" the DPP ("forks" are served
# to all hungry Philosophers).
# This version of the DPP customization uses the standard QS_QEP_STATE_ENTRY
# packet, which provides information about the current states of the dining
# Philosophers. The example also demonstrates how to intercept the QS
# "dictionary" records QS_OBJ_DICT and QS_FUN_DICT to extract the information
# about the addresses of the Philosopher objects and the states of their
# state machines.
class DPP:
def __init__(self):
# add commands to the Custom menu...
QView.custom_menu.add_command(label="Custom command",
# configure the custom QView.canvas...
QView.show_canvas() # make the canvas visible
QView.canvas.configure(width=400, height=260)
# tuple of activity images (correspond to self._philo_state)
self._act_img = (
PhotoImage(file=HOME_DIR + "/img/thinking.gif"),
PhotoImage(file=HOME_DIR + "/img/hungry.gif"),
PhotoImage(file=HOME_DIR + "/img/eating.gif"),
# tuple of philo canvas images (correspond to self._philo_obj)
self._philo_img = (\
QView.canvas.create_image(190, 57, image=self._act_img[0]),
QView.canvas.create_image(273, 100, image=self._act_img[0]),
QView.canvas.create_image(237, 185, image=self._act_img[0]),
QView.canvas.create_image(146, 185, image=self._act_img[0]),
QView.canvas.create_image(107, 100, image=self._act_img[0])
# button images for UP and DOWN
self.img_UP = PhotoImage(file=HOME_DIR + "/img/BTN_UP.gif")
self.img_DWN = PhotoImage(file=HOME_DIR + "/img/BTN_DWN.gif")
# images of a button for pause/serve
self.btn = QView.canvas.create_image(200, 120, image=self.img_UP)
QView.canvas.tag_bind(self.btn, "<ButtonPress-1>", self.cust_pause)
# request target reset on startup...
# NOTE: Normally, for an embedded application you would like
# to start with resetting the Target, to start clean with
# Qs dictionaries, etc.
# on_reset() callback invoked when Target-reset packet is received
# NOTE: the QS dictionaries are not known at this time yet, so
# this callback shouild generally not set filters or current objects
def on_reset(self):
# (re)set the lists
self._philo_obj = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
self._philo_state = [0, 0, 0]
# on_run() callback invoked when the QF_RUN packet is received
# NOTE: the QS dictionaries are typically known at this time yet, so
# this callback can set filters or current objects
def on_run(self):
# NOTE: the name of object for current_obj() must match the
# QS Object Dictionaries produced by the application.
current_obj(OBJ_AO, "Table::inst")
# turn lists into tuples for better performance
self._philo_obj = tuple(self._philo_obj)
self._philo_state = tuple(self._philo_state)
# example of a custom command
def cust_command(self):
command(1, 12345)
# example of a custom interaction with a canvas object (pause/serve)
def cust_pause(self, event):
if QView.canvas.itemcget(self.btn, "image") != str(self.img_UP):
QView.canvas.itemconfig(self.btn, image=self.img_UP)
QView.print_text("Table SERVING")
QView.canvas.itemconfig(self.btn, image=self.img_DWN)
QView.print_text("Table PAUSED")
# intercept the QS_OBJ_DICT stadard packet
# this packet has the following structure:
# record-ID, seq-num, Object-ptr, Zero-terminated string
def QS_OBJ_DICT(self, packet):
data = qunpack("xxOZ", packet)
# NOTE: the names of objects must match the QS Object Dictionaries
# produced by the application.
i = ("Philo::inst[0]",
self._philo_obj[i] = data[0]
pass # dictionary for a different object
# intercept the QS_FUN_DICT stadard packet
# this packet has the following structure:
# record-ID, seq-num, Function-ptr, Zero-terminated string
def QS_FUN_DICT(self, packet):
data = qunpack("xxFZ", packet)
# NOTE: the names of states must match the QS Object Dictionaries
# produced by the application.
j = ("Philo::thinking",
self._philo_state[j] = data[0]
pass # dictionary for a different state
# intercept the QS_QEP_TRAN stadard packet
# this packet has the following structure:
# record-ID, seq-num, Timestamp, Signal, Object-ptr,
# Function-ptr (source state), Function-ptr (new active state)
def QS_QEP_TRAN(self, packet):
data = qunpack("xxTSOFF", packet)
i = self._philo_obj.index(data[2])
j = self._philo_state.index(data[4])
# animate the given philo image according to its activity
# print a message to the text view
QView.print_text("%010d Philo %d is %s"\
%(data[0], i, ("thinking", "hungry", "eating")[j]))
pass # state-entry in a different object
# instantiate the DPP class and set it as the QView customization