mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 06:13:00 +08:00
Added QP Functional Safety (FuSa) Subsystem Memory Isolation with MPU Added QAsm abstract state machine base class Added memory marker to QEvt and rearranged memory layout Updated: QP-FreeRTOS, QP-ESP-IDF,QP-Zephyr Added drift-free ticking for QP-POSIX Reorganized documentation Updated 3rd_party
529 lines
17 KiB
529 lines
17 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<model version="5.3.0" links="1">
<documentation>Dining Philosopher Problem example application</documentation>
<framework name="qpcpp"/>
<package name="Shared" stereotype="0x01" namespace="APP::">
<attribute name="AppSignals" type="enum" visibility="0x04" properties="0x00">
<code>: QP::QSignal {
EAT_SIG = QP::Q_USER_SIG, // published by Table to let a Philo eat
DONE_SIG, // published by Philo when done eating
PAUSE_SIG, // published by BSP to pause the application
SERVE_SIG, // published by BSP to serve re-start serving forks
TEST_SIG, // published by BSP to test the application
MAX_PUB_SIG, // the last published signal
TIMEOUT_SIG, // posted by time event to Philo
HUNGRY_SIG, // posted by hungry Philo to Table
MAX_SIG // the last signal
<operation name="produce_sig_dict?def Q_SPY" type="void" visibility="0x00" properties="0x02">
<code>QS_SIG_DICTIONARY(EAT_SIG, nullptr);
<attribute name="N_PHILO" type="constexpr std::uint8_t" visibility="0x04" properties="0x00">
<class name="TableEvt" superclass="qpcpp::QEvt">
<attribute name="philoId" type="std::uint8_t" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00"/>
<operation name="TableEvt" type="constexpr" visibility="0x00" properties="0x02">
<parameter name="sig" type="QP::QSignal"/>
<parameter name="id" type="std::uint8_t"/>
<code> : QEvt(sig),
<operation name="TableEvt?def QEVT_DYN_CTOR" type="" visibility="0x00" properties="0x02">
<parameter name="id" type="std::uint8_t"/>
<code> : QEvt(QP::QEvt::DYNAMIC),
<attribute name="AO_Philo[N_PHILO]" type="QP::QActive * const" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00">
<code>= {
<attribute name="AO_Table" type="QP::QActive * const" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00">
<code>= &Table::inst;</code>
<package name="AOs" stereotype="0x02" namespace="APP::">
<class name="Philo" superclass="qpcpp::QActive">
<documentation>The Philo AO and the N_PHILO instances</documentation>
<attribute name="m_timeEvt" type="QP::QTimeEvt" visibility="0x02" properties="0x00"/>
<attribute name="m_id" type="std::uint8_t" visibility="0x02" properties="0x00"/>
<attribute name="inst[N_PHILO]" type="Philo" visibility="0x00" properties="0x01"/>
<operation name="Philo" type="" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00">
<code> : QActive(Q_STATE_CAST(&initial)),
m_timeEvt(this, TIMEOUT_SIG, 0U),
<statechart properties="0x02">
<initial target="../1">
m_id = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(this - &inst[0]);
QS_OBJ_ARR_DICTIONARY(&Philo::inst[m_id], m_id);
QS_OBJ_ARR_DICTIONARY(&Philo::inst[m_id].m_timeEvt, m_id);
<initial_glyph conn="2,4,5,1,20,7,-2">
<action box="0,-2,6,2"/>
<state name="thinking">
<entry>m_timeEvt.armX(think_time(), 0U);</entry>
<tran trig="TIMEOUT" target="../../2">
<tran_glyph conn="2,16,3,1,20,14,-2">
<action box="0,-2,12,2"/>
<!--${AOs::Philo::SM::thinking::EAT, DONE}-->
<tran trig="EAT, DONE">
<action>// EAT or DONE must be for other Philos than this one
Q_ASSERT(Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId != m_id);</action>
<tran_glyph conn="2,20,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,14,2"/>
<tran trig="TEST">
<tran_glyph conn="2,24,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,11,4"/>
<state_glyph node="2,6,18,20">
<entry box="1,2,5,2"/>
<exit box="1,4,5,2"/>
<state name="hungry">
<entry>#ifdef QEVT_DYN_CTOR
TableEvt const *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, HUNGRY_SIG, m_id);
TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, HUNGRY_SIG);
pe->philoId = m_id;
AO_Table->POST(pe, this);</entry>
<tran trig="EAT">
<choice target="../../../3">
<guard brief="e->philoId == m_id">Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId == m_id</guard>
<choice_glyph conn="10,36,5,1,12,10,-2">
<action box="1,0,23,6"/>
<tran_glyph conn="2,36,3,-1,8">
<action box="0,-2,14,2"/>
<tran trig="DONE">
<action>// DONE must be for other Philos than this one
Q_ASSERT(Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId != m_id);</action>
<tran_glyph conn="2,40,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,14,2"/>
<state_glyph node="2,28,18,14">
<entry box="1,2,5,2"/>
<state name="eating">
<entry>m_timeEvt.armX(eat_time(), 0U);</entry>
TableEvt const *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, DONE_SIG, m_id);
TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, DONE_SIG);
pe->philoId = m_id;
QP::QActive::PUBLISH(pe, this);</exit>
<tran trig="TIMEOUT" target="../../1">
<tran_glyph conn="2,54,3,1,22,-41,-4">
<action box="0,-2,13,2"/>
<!--${AOs::Philo::SM::eating::EAT, DONE}-->
<tran trig="EAT, DONE">
<action>// EAT or DONE must be for other Philos than this one
Q_ASSERT(Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId != m_id);</action>
<tran_glyph conn="2,58,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,14,2"/>
<state_glyph node="2,44,18,18">
<entry box="1,2,5,2"/>
<exit box="1,4,5,2"/>
<state_diagram size="36,64"/>
<class name="Table" superclass="qpcpp::QActive">
<attribute name="m_fork[N_PHILO]" type="std::uint8_t" visibility="0x02" properties="0x00"/>
<attribute name="m_isHungry[N_PHILO]" type="bool" visibility="0x02" properties="0x00"/>
<attribute name="inst" type="Table" visibility="0x00" properties="0x01"/>
<operation name="Table" type="" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00">
<code> : QActive(Q_STATE_CAST(&initial))
for (std::uint8_t n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) {
m_fork[n] = FREE;
m_isHungry[n] = false;
<statechart properties="0x02">
<initial target="../1/2">
for (std::uint8_t n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) {
m_fork[n] = FREE;
m_isHungry[n] = false;
BSP::displayPhilStat(n, THINKING);
<initial_glyph conn="2,4,5,1,46,20,-10">
<action box="0,-2,6,2"/>
<state name="active">
<tran trig="TEST">
<tran_glyph conn="2,12,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,11,4"/>
<tran trig="EAT">
<tran_glyph conn="2,16,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,10,4"/>
<state name="serving">
<entry brief="give pending permitions to eat"> // give permissions to eat...
for (std::uint8_t n = 0U; n < N_PHILO; ++n) {
if (m_isHungry[n]
&& (m_fork[left(n)] == FREE)
&& (m_fork[n] == FREE))
m_fork[left(n)] = USED;
m_fork[n] = USED;
TableEvt const *te = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG, n);
TableEvt *te = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG);
te->philoId = n;
QP::QActive::PUBLISH(te, this);
m_isHungry[n] = false;
BSP::displayPhilStat(n, EATING);
<tran trig="HUNGRY">
<action>std::uint8_t n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId;
// phil ID must be in range and he must be not hungry
Q_ASSERT((n < N_PHILO) && (!m_isHungry[n]));
BSP::displayPhilStat(n, HUNGRY);
std::uint8_t m = left(n);</action>
<guard brief="both free">(m_fork[m] == FREE) && (m_fork[n] == FREE)</guard>
<action>m_fork[m] = USED;
m_fork[n] = USED;
TableEvt const *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG, n);
TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG);
pe->philoId = n;
QP::QActive::PUBLISH(pe, this);
BSP::displayPhilStat(n, EATING);</action>
<choice_glyph conn="20,28,5,-1,12">
<action box="1,0,10,2"/>
<action>m_isHungry[n] = true;</action>
<choice_glyph conn="20,28,4,-1,4,12">
<action box="1,4,6,2"/>
<tran_glyph conn="4,28,3,-1,16">
<action box="0,-2,8,2"/>
<tran trig="DONE">
<action>std::uint8_t n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId;
// phil ID must be in range and he must be not hungry
Q_ASSERT((n < N_PHILO) && (!m_isHungry[n]));
BSP::displayPhilStat(n, THINKING);
std::uint8_t m = left(n);
// both forks of Phil[n] must be used
Q_ASSERT((m_fork[n] == USED) && (m_fork[m] == USED));
m_fork[m] = FREE;
m_fork[n] = FREE;
m = right(n); // check the right neighbor
if (m_isHungry[m] && (m_fork[m] == FREE)) {
m_fork[n] = USED;
m_fork[m] = USED;
m_isHungry[m] = false;
TableEvt const *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG, m);
TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG);
pe->philoId = m;
QP::QActive::PUBLISH(pe, this);
BSP::displayPhilStat(m, EATING);
m = left(n); // check the left neighbor
n = left(m); // left fork of the left neighbor
if (m_isHungry[m] && (m_fork[n] == FREE)) {
m_fork[m] = USED;
m_fork[n] = USED;
m_isHungry[m] = false;
TableEvt const *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG, m);
TableEvt *pe = Q_NEW(TableEvt, EAT_SIG);
pe->philoId = m;
QP::QActive::PUBLISH(pe, this);
BSP::displayPhilStat(m, EATING);
<tran_glyph conn="4,36,3,-1,16">
<action box="0,-2,6,2"/>
<tran trig="EAT">
<tran_glyph conn="4,40,3,-1,16">
<action box="0,-2,12,4"/>
<tran trig="PAUSE" target="../../3">
<tran_glyph conn="4,44,3,1,36,8,-2">
<action box="0,-2,7,2"/>
<state_glyph node="4,20,34,26">
<entry box="1,2,27,2"/>
<state name="paused">
<tran trig="SERVE" target="../../2">
<tran_glyph conn="4,62,3,1,38,-31,-4">
<action box="0,-2,7,2"/>
<tran trig="HUNGRY">
<action>std::uint8_t n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId;
// philo ID must be in range and he must be not hungry
Q_ASSERT((n < N_PHILO) && (!m_isHungry[n]));
m_isHungry[n] = true;
BSP::displayPhilStat(n, HUNGRY);</action>
<tran_glyph conn="4,66,3,-1,16">
<action box="0,-2,6,2"/>
<tran trig="DONE">
<action>std::uint8_t n = Q_EVT_CAST(TableEvt)->philoId;
// phil ID must be in range and he must be not hungry
Q_ASSERT((n < N_PHILO) && (!m_isHungry[n]));
BSP::displayPhilStat(n, THINKING);
std::uint8_t m = left(n);
// both forks of Phil[n] must be used
Q_ASSERT((m_fork[n] == USED) && (m_fork[m] == USED));
m_fork[m] = FREE;
m_fork[n] = FREE;</action>
<tran_glyph conn="4,70,3,-1,16">
<action box="0,-2,6,2"/>
<state_glyph node="4,48,34,24">
<entry box="1,2,18,4"/>
<exit box="1,6,18,4"/>
<state_glyph node="2,6,44,68"/>
<state_diagram size="50,76"/>
<directory name=".">
<file name="dpp.hpp">
<text>#ifndef DPP_HPP_
#define DPP_HPP_
$declare ${Shared}
#ifdef QXK_HPP_
namespace APP {
extern QP::QXThread * const TH_XThread1;
extern QP::QXThread * const TH_XThread2;
extern QP::QXSemaphore TH_sema;
extern QP::QXMutex TH_mutex;
} // namespace APP
#endif // QXK_HPP_
#endif // DPP_HPP_</text>
<file name="philo.cpp">
<text>#include "qpcpp.hpp" // QP/C++ real-time embedded framework
#include "dpp.hpp" // DPP Application interface
#include "bsp.hpp" // Board Support Package
namespace { // unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage
// helper function to provide a randomized think time for Philos
static inline QP::QTimeEvtCtr think_time() {
return static_cast<QP::QTimeEvtCtr>((BSP::random() % BSP::TICKS_PER_SEC)
// helper function to provide a randomized eat time for Philos
static inline QP::QTimeEvtCtr eat_time() {
return static_cast<QP::QTimeEvtCtr>((BSP::random() % BSP::TICKS_PER_SEC)
} // unnamed namespace
$declare ${AOs::Philo}
$define ${Shared::AO_Philo[N_PHILO]}
$define ${AOs::Philo}</text>
<file name="table.cpp">
<text>#include "qpcpp.hpp" // QP/C++ real-time embedded framework
#include "dpp.hpp" // DPP Application interface
#include "bsp.hpp" // Board Support Package
$declare ${AOs::Table}
// unnamed namespace for local definitions with internal linkage
namespace {
// helper function to provide the RIGHT neighbour of a Philo[n]
static inline std::uint8_t right(std::uint8_t const n) {
return static_cast<std::uint8_t>((n + (APP::N_PHILO - 1U)) % APP::N_PHILO);
// helper function to provide the LEFT neighbour of a Philo[n]
static inline std::uint8_t left(std::uint8_t const n) {
return static_cast<std::uint8_t>((n + 1U) % APP::N_PHILO);
static constexpr std::uint8_t FREE {0U};
static constexpr std::uint8_t USED {1U};
static constexpr char const * const THINKING {"thinking"};
static constexpr char const * const HUNGRY {"hungry "};
static constexpr char const * const EATING {"eating "};
} // unnamed namespace
$define ${Shared::AO_Table}
$define ${AOs::Table}</text>