Quantum Leaps 4508bc7580 5.7.3
2016-10-08 12:46:03 -04:00

25 lines
817 B

#File used to help "Clean Project" in CCS completely clean the kernel files
CFG_SRCDIR = ../src
ifneq (,$(findstring :,$(WINDIR)$(windir)$(COMSPEC)$(comspec)))
# if Windows, use copy to touch file dates
TOUCH = copy /b $(subst /,\,$@)+,, $(subst /,\,$@)
TOUCH = touch $@
# include Config generated top-level makefile
-include $(CFG_SRCDIR)/makefile.libs
ifneq (clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
# ensure this file is reloaded when .cfg files change but after config runs
$(CFG_SRCDIR)/makefile.libs: $(GEN_OPTS) $(CFG_SRCS)
-@$(if $(wildcard $@),$(TOUCH),:)
#add generated makefile to list of files to delete during a clean
GEN_MISC_FILES__QUOTED += "$(CFG_SRCDIR)/makefile.libs"
#add generated source dir to list of directories to delete during a clean