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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<model version="5.0.0" links="1">
<documentation>Dining Philosopher Problem example
NOTE: Requries QP5</documentation>
<framework name="qpcpp"/>
<package name="Events" stereotype="0x01">
<class name="SetEvt" superclass="qpcpp::QEvt">
<attribute name="digit" type="uint8_t" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00"/>
<class name="TimeEvt" superclass="qpcpp::QEvt">
<attribute name="current_time" type="uint32_t" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00"/>
<package name="Components" stereotype="0x02">
<class name="Alarm" superclass="qpcpp::QHsm">
<documentation>Alarm "Orthogonal Component"</documentation>
<attribute name="m_alarm_time" type="uint32_t" visibility="0x02" properties="0x00"/>
<operation name="Alarm" type="" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00">
<code> : QHsm(Q_STATE_CAST(&Alarm::initial))</code>
<statechart properties="0x02">
<initial target="../1">
<action>m_alarm_time = 12U*60U;
(void)e; // unused parameter</action>
<initial_glyph conn="2,3,5,1,36,4,-4">
<action box="0,-2,6,2"/>
<state name="off">
<entry>// while in the off state, the alarm is kept in decimal format
m_alarm_time = (m_alarm_time/60)*100 + m_alarm_time%60;
BSP_showTime24H("*** Alarm OFF ", m_alarm_time, 100U);</entry>
<exit>// upon exit, the alarm is converted to binary format
m_alarm_time = (m_alarm_time/100U)*60U + m_alarm_time%100U;</exit>
<tran trig="ALARM_ON">
<choice target="../../../2">
<guard brief="alarm in range?">(m_alarm_time / 100U < 24U)
&& (m_alarm_time % 100U < 60U)</guard>
<choice_glyph conn="16,14,5,1,22,12,-4">
<action box="1,0,13,2"/>
<guard brief="else"/>
<action>m_alarm_time = 0U;
BSP_showTime24H("*** Alarm reset", m_alarm_time, 100U);</action>
<choice_glyph conn="16,14,4,-1,-4,12">
<action box="0,-4,10,2"/>
<tran_glyph conn="2,14,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,10,2"/>
<tran trig="ALARM_SET">
<action>// while setting, the alarm is kept in decimal format
m_alarm_time =
(10U * m_alarm_time + Q_EVT_CAST(SetEvt)->digit) % 10000U;
BSP_showTime24H("*** Alarm reset ", m_alarm_time, 100U);</action>
<tran_glyph conn="2,18,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,11,2"/>
<state_glyph node="2,5,32,15">
<entry box="1,2,6,2"/>
<exit box="1,4,6,2"/>
<state name="on">
<entry>BSP_showTime24H("*** Alarm ON ", m_alarm_time, 60U);</entry>
<tran trig="ALARM_OFF" target="../../1">
<tran_glyph conn="2,32,3,1,38,-22,-6">
<action box="0,-2,14,2"/>
<tran trig="ALARM_SET">
<action>BSP_showMsg("*** Cannot set Alarm when it is ON");</action>
<tran_glyph conn="2,36,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,14,2"/>
<tran trig="TIME">
<guard>Q_EVT_CAST(TimeEvt)->current_time == m_alarm_time</guard>
// asynchronously post the event to the container AO
APP_alarmClock->POST(Q_NEW(QEvt, ALARM_SIG), this);</action>
<choice_glyph conn="16,40,5,-1,12">
<action box="1,0,10,2"/>
<tran_glyph conn="2,40,3,-1,14">
<action box="0,-2,10,2"/>
<state_glyph node="2,24,32,20">
<entry box="1,2,5,2"/>
<state_diagram size="46,48"/>
<class name="AlarmClock" superclass="qpcpp::QActive">
<documentation>Alarm clock "Container"</documentation>
<attribute name="m_current_time" type="uint32_t" visibility="0x02" properties="0x00"/>
<attribute name="m_alarm" type="Alarm" visibility="0x02" properties="0x00"/>
<attribute name="m_timeEvt" type="QTimeEvt" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00"/>
<operation name="AlarmClock" type="" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00">
<code>: QActive(Q_STATE_CAST(&AlarmClock::initial)),
m_alarm(), // orthogonal component ctor
m_timeEvt(this, TICK_SIG, 0U)</code>
<statechart properties="0x02">
<initial target="../1">
<action>(void)e; // unused parameter
m_current_time = 0U;
// (!) trigger the initial transition in the component
<initial_glyph conn="2,4,5,1,44,4,-2">
<action box="0,-2,6,2"/>
<state name="timekeeping">
<entry>// periodic timeout every second
m_timeEvt.armX(BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC, BSP_TICKS_PER_SEC);</entry>
<initial target="../6">
<initial_glyph conn="4,13,5,1,36,27,-4">
<action box="0,-2,10,2"/>
<tran trig="CLOCK_24H" target="../6">
<tran_glyph conn="2,16,3,1,36,22,-2">
<action box="0,-2,10,4"/>
<tran trig="CLOCK_12H" target="../7">
<tran_glyph conn="2,18,3,1,40,34,-6">
<action box="0,-2,10,2"/>
<tran trig="ALARM">
<action>BSP_showMsg("Wake up!!!");</action>
<tran_glyph conn="2,28,3,-1,18">
<action box="0,-2,10,2"/>
<!--${Components::AlarmClock::SM::timekeeping::ALARM_SET, ALARM_ON, ALARM_OFF}-->
<action>// (!) synchronously dispatch to the orthogonal component
<tran_glyph conn="2,22,3,-1,18">
<action box="0,-2,11,6"/>
<tran trig="TERMINATE" target="../../2">
<action>BSP_showMsg("--> final");</action>
<tran_glyph conn="2,32,3,1,44,38,-13">
<action box="0,-2,10,2"/>
<state name="mode24h">
<entry>BSP_showMsg("*** 24-hour mode");</entry>
<tran trig="TICK">
<action>// roll over in 24-hr mode?
if (++m_current_time == 24U*60U) {
m_current_time = 0U;
BSP_showTime24H("", m_current_time, 60U);
TimeEvt pe; // temporary synchronous event for the component
pe.sig = TIME_SIG;
pe.current_time = m_current_time;
// (!) synchronously dispatch to the orthogonal component
<tran_glyph conn="4,44,3,-1,16">
<action box="0,-2,8,2"/>
<state_glyph node="4,36,32,12">
<entry box="1,2,27,2"/>
<state name="mode12h">
<entry>BSP_showMsg("*** 12-hour mode");</entry>
<tran trig="TICK">
<action>// roll over in 12-hr mode?
if (++m_current_time == 12U*60U) {
m_current_time = 0U;
BSP_showTime12H("", m_current_time, 60U);
TimeEvt pe; // temporary synchronous event for the component
pe.sig = TIME_SIG;
pe.current_time = m_current_time;
// (!) synchronously dispatch to the orthogonal component
<tran_glyph conn="4,58,3,-1,16">
<action box="0,-2,8,2"/>
<state_glyph node="4,50,32,12">
<entry box="1,2,17,2"/>
<state_glyph node="2,6,42,58">
<entry box="1,2,6,2"/>
<exit box="1,4,6,2"/>
<state name="final">
<entry brief="terminate">BSP_showMsg("Bye! Bye!");
QF::stop(); // terminate the application</entry>
<state_glyph node="2,68,31,8">
<entry box="1,2,11,2"/>
<state_diagram size="50,80"/>
<attribute name="APP_alarmClock" type="QActive * const" visibility="0x00" properties="0x00">
<documentation>Opaque pointer to the single instance of the AlarmClock AO</documentation>
<directory name=".">
<file name="alarm.hpp">
<text>#ifndef ALARM_HPP
#define ALARM_HPP
#endif // ALARM_HPP</text>
<file name="alarm.cpp">
<text>#include "qpcpp.hpp"
#include "bsp.hpp"
#include "alarm.hpp"
#include "clock.hpp"
// Alarm component --------------------
<file name="clock.hpp">
<text>#ifndef CLOCK_HPP
#define CLOCK_HPP
using namespace QP;
enum AlarmClockSignals {
TICK_SIG = Q_USER_SIG, // time tick event
ALARM_SET_SIG, // set the alarm
ALARM_ON_SIG, // turn the alarm on
ALARM_OFF_SIG, // turn the alarm off
ALARM_SIG, // alarm event from Alarm component to AlarmClock container
CLOCK_12H_SIG, // set the clock in 12H mode
CLOCK_24H_SIG, // set the clock in 24H mode
TIME_SIG, // time event sent to Alarm (contains current time)
TERMINATE_SIG // terminate the application
#endif // CLOCK_HPP
<file name="clock.cpp">
<text>#include "qpcpp.hpp"
#include "bsp.hpp"
#include "alarm.hpp"
#include "clock.hpp"
#include "safe_std.h" // portable "safe" <stdio.h>/<string.h> facilities
// Active object class -------------------------------------------------------
// Local objects -------------------------------------------------------------
static AlarmClock l_alarmClock; // the single instance of the AO
// Global-scope objects ------------------------------------------------------
QActive * const APP_alarmClock = &l_alarmClock; // "opaque" AO pointer