MMS 80d9bcd6fb 7.3.0
Added QP Functional Safety (FuSa) Subsystem
Memory Isolation with MPU
Added QAsm abstract state machine base class
Added memory marker to QEvt and rearranged memory layout
Updated: QP-FreeRTOS, QP-ESP-IDF,QP-Zephyr
Added drift-free ticking for QP-POSIX
Reorganized documentation
Updated 3rd_party
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This example demonstrates the Dining Philosophers Problem (DPP) application on the STM32 NUCLEO-C031C6 board (ARM Cortex-M0+).


Features Demonstrated

  • multiple cooperating active objects
  • immutable (const) events
  • mutable (dynamic) events
  • time events
  • direct event posting
  • publish-subscribe event delivery
  • cooperative QV kernel
    • with ARM-KEIL toolchain
    • with GNU-ARM toolchain
    • with IAR-ARM toolchain
  • preemptive run-to-completion QK kernel
    • with ARM-KEIL toolchain
    • with GNU-ARM toolchain
    • with IAR-ARM toolchain
  • preemptive dual-mode QXK kernel
    • with ARM-KEIL toolchain
    • with GNU-ARM toolchain
    • with IAR-ARM toolchain

Build Configurations

  • Debug
  • Release
  • Spy - software tracing with the built-in virtual COM port

Code Organization

+---qk             // preemptive QK kernel
|   +---gnu        // GNU-ARM toolchain
|   |   \---targetConfigs
|   |       Makefile          // Makefile for GNU-ARM
|   +---armclang   // ARM/KEIL toolchain with Compiler 6 (ARM/CLANG)
|   |       dpp-qk.uvprojx // uVision project
|   \---iar        // IAR EWARM
|           dpp-qk.eww     // IAR EW-ARM workspace
\---qv             // cooperative QK kernel
|   +---gnu        // GNU-ARM toolchain
|   |   \---targetConfigs
|   |       Makefile          // Makefile for GNU-ARM
|   +---armclang   // ARM/KEIL toolchain with Compiler 6 (ARM/CLANG)
|   |       dpp-qv.uvprojx // uVision project
|   \---iar        // IAR EWARM
|           dpp-qv.eww     // IAR EW-ARM workspace
+---qxk            // preemptive, dual-mode QXK kernel
|   +---gnu        // GNU-ARM toolchain
|   |   \---targetConfigs
|   |       Makefile          // Makefile for GNU-ARM
|   +---armclang   // ARM/KEIL toolchain with Compiler 6 (ARM/CLANG)
|   |       dpp-qk.uvprojx // uVision project
|   \---iar        // IAR EWARM
|           dpp-qk.eww     // IAR EW-ARM workspace

Builing the example


  • open terminal window
  • change to the desired directory (either examples\arm-cm\dpp_nucleo-c031c6\qk\gnu, examples\arm-cm\dpp_nucleo-c031c6\qv\gnu, or examples\arm-cm\dpp_nucleo-c031c6\qxk\gnu)
  • to build the default Debug configuration, type:


The make utility for Windows is provided in the QTools collection for Windows.

  • to build the Release configuration, type:
make CONF=rel
  • to build the Spy configuration, type:
make CONF=spy


  • Open the provided KEIL uVision project (either dpp-qk.uvprojx, dpp-qv.uvprojx, or dpp-qxk.uvprojx) in Keil uVision IDE. Build/Debug/Download to the board from the IDE.
  • Change the build configuration in the "Project Target" drop-down menu.


  • Open the provided IAR EWARM workspace (either dpp-qk.eww, dpp-qv.eww, or dpp-qxk.eww) in IAR EWARM IDE. Build/Debug/Download to the board from the IDE.
  • Change the build configuration in the "Project Configuration" drop-down menu.

Tracing with QP/Spy

When the board is flashed with the Spy build configuration, it produces the QP/Spy software tracing output to the built-in virtual COM port of the TivaC LauchPad board. The trace is binary rather than ASCII, and therefore requires a special host-based application called QSPY.


QSPY host application is available in the QTools collection.

To launch the QSPY host application:

  • open terminal window
  • type:
qspy -c COM5

where "COM5" is an example virtual COM port enumerated by the board. You need to check the specific COM port number on your host computer using the Device Manager application, Ports (COM and LPT) section.

The following screen shot shows a typical output from QSPY:

Typical QSPY output produced by the Spy build configuration