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// Product: QP/C++
// Last Updated for Version: 5.2.0
// Date of the Last Update: Dec 27, 2013
// Q u a n t u m L e a P s
// ---------------------------
// innovating embedded systems
// Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved.
// This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the
// terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede
// the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for
// licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Contact information:
// Quantum Leaps Web sites: http://www.quantum-leaps.com
// http://www.state-machine.com
// e-mail: info@quantum-leaps.com
#ifndef qf_h
#define qf_h
/// \file
/// \ingroup qf qk
/// \brief QF/C++ platform-independent public interface.
/// This header file must be included directly or indirectly
/// in all modules (*.cpp files) that use QF/C++.
#ifdef Q_EVT_CTOR
#include <new> // for placement new
#if (QF_MAX_ACTIVE < 1) || (63 < QF_MAX_ACTIVE)
#error "QF_MAX_ACTIVE not defined or out of range. Valid range is 1..63"
// apply defaults for all undefined configuration parameters
/// \brief Default value of the macro configurable value in qf_port.h
#ifndef QF_MAX_EPOOL
/// \brief Default value of the macro configurable value in qf_port.h
#define QF_MAX_EPOOL 3
/** \brief Default value of the macro configurable value in qf_port.h
#define QF_MAX_TICK_RATE 1
/// \brief macro to override the default QTimeEvtCtr size.
/// Valid values 1, 2, or 4; default 2
namespace QP {
#if (QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE == 1)
typedef uint8_t QEvtSize;
#elif (QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE == 2)
/// \brief The data type to store the block-size defined based on
/// the macro #QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE.
/// The dynamic range of this data type determines the maximum block
/// size that can be managed by the pool.
typedef uint16_t QEvtSize;
#elif (QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE == 4)
typedef uint32_t QEvtSize;
#error "QF_EVENT_SIZ_SIZE defined incorrectly, expected 1, 2, or 4"
typedef uint8_t QTimeEvtCtr;
#elif (QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE == 2)
/// \brief type of the Time Event counter, which determines the dynamic
/// range of the time delays measured in clock ticks.
/// This typedef is configurable via the preprocessor switch
/// #QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE. The other possible values of this type are
/// as follows: \n
/// uint8_t when (QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE == 1), and \n
/// uint32_t when (QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE == 4).
typedef uint16_t QTimeEvtCtr;
#elif (QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE == 4)
typedef uint32_t QTimeEvtCtr;
#error "QF_TIMEEVT_CTR_SIZE defined incorrectly, expected 1, 2, or 4"
class QEQueue; // forward declaration
/// \brief Base class for derivation of application-level active object
/// classes.
/// Active objects in QF are encapsulated tasks (each embedding a state
/// machine and an event queue) that communicate with one another
/// asynchronously by sending and receiving events. Within an active object,
/// events are processed in a run-to-completion (RTC) fashion, while QF
/// encapsulates all the details of thread-safe event exchange and queuing.
/// \note QActive is not intended to be instantiated directly, but rather
/// serves as the base class for derivation of active objects in the
/// application code.
/// The following example illustrates how to derive an active object from
/// QActive.
/// \include qf_qactive.cpp
class QActive : public QHsm {
/// \brief OS-dependent event-queue type.
/// The type of the queue depends on the underlying operating system or
/// a kernel. Many kernels support "message queues" that can be adapted
/// to deliver QF events to the active object. Alternatively, QF provides
/// a native event queue implementation that can be used as well.
/// The native QF event queue is configured by defining the macro
/// #QF_EQUEUE_TYPE as ::QEQueue.
/// \brief OS-dependent per-thread object.
/// This data might be used in various ways, depending on the QF port.
/// In some ports m_osObject is used to block the calling thread when
/// the native QF queue is empty. In other QF ports the OS-dependent
/// object might be used differently.
/// \brief OS-dependent representation of the thread of the active
/// object.
/// This data might be used in various ways, depending on the QF port.
/// In some ports m_thread is used store the thread handle. In other ports
/// m_thread can be a pointer to the Thread-Local-Storage (TLS).
QF_THREAD_TYPE m_thread;
/// \brief QF priority associated with the active object.
/// \sa QActive::start()
uint8_t m_prio;
/// \brief Starts execution of an active object and registers the object
/// with the framework.
/// The function takes six arguments.
/// \a prio is the priority of the active object. QF allows you to start
/// up to 63 active objects, each one having a unique priority number
/// between 1 and 63 inclusive, where higher numerical values correspond
/// to higher priority (urgency) of the active object relative to the
/// others.
/// \a qSto[] and \a qLen arguments are the storage and size of the event
/// queue used by this active object.
/// \a stkSto and \a stkSize are the stack storage and size in bytes.
/// Please note that a per-active object stack is used only when the
/// underlying OS requies it. If the stack is not required, or the
/// underlying OS allocates the stack internally, the \a stkSto should be
/// NULL and/or \a stkSize should be 0.
/// \a ie is an optional initialization event that can be used to pass
/// additional startup data to the active object. (Pass NULL if your
/// active object does not expect the initialization event).
/// \note This function is strongly OS-dependent and must be defined in
/// the QF port to a particular platform.
/// The following example shows starting of the Philosopher object when a
/// per-task stack is required:
/// \include qf_start.cpp
virtual void start(uint_t const prio,
QEvt const *qSto[], uint_t const qLen,
void * const stkSto, uint_t const stkSize,
QEvt const * const ie);
/// \brief Overloaded start function (no initialization event)
virtual void start(uint_t const prio,
QEvt const *qSto[], uint_t const qLen,
void * const stkSto, uint_t const stkSize)
this->start(prio, qSto, qLen, stkSto, stkSize,
static_cast<QEvt const *>(0));
/// \brief Posts an event \a e directly to the event queue of the active
/// object \a me using the First-In-First-Out (FIFO) policy.
/// Direct event posting is the simplest asynchronous communication method
/// available in QF. The following example illustrates how the Philosopher
/// active object posts directly the HUNGRY event to the Table active
/// object. \include qf_post.cpp
/// \note QActive::post_() should not be called directly, but only via the
/// macro POST() or POST_X().
/// \note Direct event posting should not be confused with direct event
/// dispatching. In contrast to asynchronous event posting through event
/// queues, direct event dispatching is synchronous. Direct event
/// dispatching occurs when you call QHsm::dispatch(), or QFsm::dispatch()
/// function.
#ifndef Q_SPY
virtual bool post_(QEvt const * const e, uint_t const margin);
virtual bool post_(QEvt const * const e, uint_t const margin,
void const * const
/// \brief Posts an event directly to the event queue of the active object
/// \a me using the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) policy.
/// \note The LIFO policy should be used only for self-posting and with
/// great caution because it alters order of events in the queue.
/// \sa QActive::postFIFO()
virtual void postLIFO(QEvt const * const e);
/// \brief Un-subscribes from the delivery of all signals to the active
/// object.
/// This function is part of the Publish-Subscribe event delivery
/// mechanism available in QF. Un-subscribing from all events means that
/// the framework will stop posting any published events to the event
/// queue of the active object.
/// \note Due to the latency of event queues, an active object should NOT
/// assume that no events will ever be dispatched to the state machine of
/// the active object after un-subscribing from all events.
/// The events might be already in the queue, or just about to be posted
/// and the un-subscribe operation will not flush such events. Also, the
/// alternative event-delivery mechanisms, such as direct event posting or
/// time events, can be still delivered to the event queue of the active
/// object.
/// \sa QF::publish_(), QActive::subscribe(), and QActive::unsubscribe()
void unsubscribeAll(void) const;
/// \brief protected constructor
/// Performs the first step of active object initialization by assigning
/// the initial pseudostate to the currently active state of the state
/// machine.
/// \note The constructor is protected to prevent direct instantiation
/// of QActive objects. This class is intended only for derivation
/// (abstract class).
QActive(QStateHandler const initial) : QHsm(initial) {}
/// \brief Stops execution of an active object and removes it from the
/// framework's supervision.
/// The preferred way of calling this function is from within the active
/// object that needs to stop (that's why this function is protected).
/// In other words, an active object should stop itself rather than being
/// stopped by some other entity. This policy works best, because only
/// the active object itself "knows" when it has reached the appropriate
/// state for the shutdown.
/// \note This function is strongly OS-dependent and should be defined in
/// the QF port to a particular platform. This function is optional in
/// embedded systems where active objects never need to be stopped.
void stop(void);
/// \brief Subscribes for delivery of signal \a sig to the active object
/// This function is part of the Publish-Subscribe event delivery
/// mechanism available in QF. Subscribing to an event means that the
/// framework will start posting all published events with a given signal
/// \a sig to the event queue of the active object.
/// The following example shows how the Table active object subscribes
/// to three signals in the initial transition:
/// \include qf_subscribe.cpp
/// \sa QF::publish_(), QActive::unsubscribe(), and
/// QActive::unsubscribeAll()
void subscribe(enum_t const sig) const;
/// \brief Un-subscribes from the delivery of signal \a sig to the
/// active object.
/// This function is part of the Publish-Subscribe event delivery
/// mechanism available in QF. Un-subscribing from an event means that
/// the framework will stop posting published events with a given signal
/// \a sig to the event queue of the active object.
/// \note Due to the latency of event queues, an active object should NOT
/// assume that a given signal \a sig will never be dispatched to the
/// state machine of the active object after un-subscribing from that
/// signal. The event might be already in the queue, or just about to be
/// posted and the un-subscribe operation will not flush such events.
/// \note Un-subscribing from a signal that has never been subscribed in
/// the first place is considered an error and QF will raise an assertion.
/// \sa QF::publish_(), QActive::subscribe(), and QActive::unsubscribeAll()
void unsubscribe(enum_t const sig) const;
/// \brief Defer an event to a given separate event queue.
/// This function is part of the event deferral support. An active object
/// uses this function to defer an event \a e to the QF-supported native
/// event queue \a eq. QF correctly accounts for another outstanding
/// reference to the event and will not recycle the event at the end of
/// the RTC step. Later, the active object might recall one event at a
/// time from the event queue.
/// The function returns true (success) when the event could be deferred
/// and false (failure) if event deferral failed due to overflowing the
/// queue.
/// An active object can use multiple event queues to defer events of
/// different kinds.
/// \sa QActive::recall(), ::QEQueue
bool defer(QEQueue * const eq, QEvt const * const e) const;
/// \brief Recall a deferred event from a given event queue.
/// This function is part of the event deferral support. An active object
/// uses this function to recall a deferred event from a given QF
/// event queue. Recalling an event means that it is removed from the
/// deferred event queue \a eq and posted (LIFO) to the event queue of
/// the active object.
/// QActive::recall() returns true if an event has been recalled.
/// Otherwise the function returns false.
/// An active object can use multiple event queues to defer events of
/// different kinds.
/// \sa QActive::defer(), QEQueue, QActive::postLIFO()
bool recall(QEQueue * const eq);
/// \brief Set the priority of the active object.
void setPrio(uint8_t const prio) {
m_prio = prio;
/// \brief Get an event from the event queue of an active object.
/// This function is used internally by a QF port to extract events from
/// the event queue of an active object. This function depends on the
/// event queue implementation and is sometimes implemented in the QF port
/// (qf_port.cpp file). Depending on the underlying OS or kernel, the
/// function might block the calling thread when no events are available.
/// \note QActive::get_() is public because it often needs to be called
/// from thread-run routines with difficult to foresee signature (so
/// declaring friendship with such function(s) is not possible.)
/// \sa QActive::post_(), QActive::postLIFO()
QEvt const *get_(void);
friend class QF;
friend class QTimeEvt;
#ifdef qk_h // is this QK port?
friend void ::QK_schedExt_(uint8_t p);
friend void ::QK_sched_(uint8_t p);
/// \brief QM Active Object
/// QMActive represents an active object version for the QM modeling tool.
/// The application-level actvive object derived from QMActive typically
/// require the use of QM, but are the fastest and need the least run-time
/// support (the smallest event-processor taking up the least code space).
class QMActive : public QActive {
virtual void init(QEvt const * const e) {
virtual void init(void) {
virtual void dispatch(QEvt const * const e) {
/// \brief protected "constructor" of an QMActive active object.
/// Performs the first step of active object initialization by assigning
/// the initial pseudostate to the currently active state of the state
/// machine.
/// \note Must be called before start().
QMActive(QStateHandler const initial) : QActive(initial) {
m_state.obj = static_cast<QMState *>(0);
/// \brief Time Event class
/// Time events are special QF events equipped with the notion of time
/// passage. The basic usage model of the time events is as follows. An
/// active object allocates one or more QTimeEvt objects (provides the
/// storage for them). When the active object needs to arrange for a timeout,
/// it arms one of its time events to fire either just once (one-shot) or
/// periodically. Each time event times out independently from the others,
/// so a QF application can make multiple parallel timeout requests (from the
/// same or different active objects). When QF detects that the appropriate
/// moment has arrived, it inserts the time event directly into the
/// recipient's event queue. The recipient then processes the time event just
/// like any other event.
/// Time events, as any other QF events derive from the ::QEvt base
/// class. Typically, you will use a time event as-is, but you can also
/// further derive more specialized time events from it by adding some more
/// data members and/or specialized functions that operate on the specialized
/// time events.
/// Internally, the armed time events are organized into a bi-directional
/// linked list. This linked list is scanned in every invocation of the
/// QF::tickX_() function. Only armed (timing out) time events are in the list,
/// so only armed time events consume CPU cycles.
/// \note QF manages the time events in the macro QF::TICK_X(), which
/// must be called periodically, eitehr from a clock tick ISR, or from
/// a task level.
/// \note In this version of QF QTimeEvt objects should be allocated
/// statically rather than dynamically from event pools. Currently, QF will
/// not correctly recycle the dynamically allocated Time Events.
class QTimeEvt : public QEvt {
/// link to the next time event in the list
QTimeEvt * volatile m_next;
/// \brief the active object that receives the time events
/// Also, the m_act pointer is reused inside the QF implementation
/// to hold the head of the list of newly armed time events.
void * volatile m_act;
/// the internal down-counter of the time event. The down-counter
/// is decremented by 1 in every QF::TICK_X() invocation. The time event
/// fires (gets posted or published) when the down-counter reaches zero.
QTimeEvtCtr volatile m_ctr;
/// the interval for the periodic time event (zero for the one-shot
/// time event). The value of the interval is re-loaded to the internal
/// down-counter when the time event expires, so that the time event
/// keeps timing out periodically.
QTimeEvtCtr m_interval;
/// \brief The Time Event constructor.
/// The most important initialization performed in the constructor is
/// assigning a signal to the Time Event. You can reuse the Time Event
/// any number of times, but you cannot change the signal.
/// This is because pointers to Time Events might still be held in event
/// queues and changing signal could to hard-to-detect errors.
/// The following example shows the use of QTimeEvt::QTimeEvt()
/// constructor in the constructor initializer list of the Philosopher
/// active object constructor that owns the time event
/// \include qf_ctor.cpp
QTimeEvt(QActive * const act, enum_t const sgnl,
uint8_t const tickRate = static_cast<uint8_t>(0));
/// \brief Arm a time event (one shot or periodic) for event posting.
/// Arms this time event to fire in \a nTicks_ with an interval of
/// \a interval. If \a interval is zero, the time event is armed for one
/// shot. The time event gets directly posted (using the FIFO policy)
/// into the event queue of the host active object.
/// After posting, a one-shot time event gets automatically disarmed while
/// a periodic time event (interval != 0) is automatically re-armed.
/// A time event can be disarmed at any time by calling the disarm()
/// operation. Also, a time event can be re-armed to fire in a different
/// number of clock ticks by calling the rearm() function.
/// \note An attempt to reuse (arm again) a running time event raises an
/// assertion.
/// The following example shows how to arm a one-shot time event from a
/// state machine of an active object:
/// \include qf_state.cpp
void armX(QTimeEvtCtr const nTicks,
QTimeEvtCtr const interval = static_cast<QTimeEvtCtr>(0));
/// \brief Disarm a time event.
/// The time event gets disarmed and can be reused. The function
/// returns true if the time event was truly disarmed, that is, it
/// was running. The return of false means that the time event was
/// not truly disarmed because it was not running. The 'false' return is
/// only possible for one-shot time events that have been automatically
/// disarmed upon expiration. In this case the 'false' return means that
/// the time event has already been posted or published and should be
/// expected in the active object's state machine.
bool disarm(void);
/// \brief Rearm a time event.
/// The time event gets rearmed with a new number of clock ticks
/// \a nTicks. This facility can be used to prevent a one-shot time event
/// from expiring (e.g., a watchdog time event), or to adjusts the
/// current period of a periodic time event. Rearming a periodic timer
/// leaves the interval unchanged and is a convenient method to adjust
/// the phasing of the periodic time event.
/// The function returns true if the time event was running as it
/// was re-armed. The return of false means that the time event was
/// not truly rearmed because it was not running. The 'false' return is
/// only possible for one-shot time events that have been automatically
/// disarmed upon expiration. In this case the 'false' return means that
/// the time event has already been posted or published and should be
/// expected in the active object's state machine.
bool rearm(QTimeEvtCtr const nTicks);
/// \brief Get the current value of the down-counter of a time event.
/// If the time event is armed, the function returns the current value of
/// the down-counter of the given time event. If the time event is not
/// armed, the function returns 0.
/// /note The function is thread-safe.
QTimeEvtCtr ctr(void) const;
#if (QP_API_VERSION < 500)
/// \brief Deprecated TimeEvt ctor provided for backwards compatibility.
QTimeEvt(enum_t const sgnl) :
#ifdef Q_EVT_CTOR
m_next(static_cast<QTimeEvt *>(0)),
m_act(static_cast<void *>(0)),
m_interval(static_cast<QTimeEvtCtr >(0))
#ifndef Q_EVT_CTOR
sig = static_cast<QSignal>(sgnl); // set QEvt::sig of this time event
// time event must be static, see NOTE01
poolId_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(0); // not from any event pool
refCtr_ = static_cast<uint8_t>(0); // default rate 0, see NOTE02
/// \brief Deprecated interface provided for backwards compatibility.
void postIn(QActive * const act, QTimeEvtCtr const nTicks) {
m_act = act;
armX(nTicks, static_cast<QTimeEvtCtr>(0));
/// \brief Deprecated interface provided for backwards compatibility.
void postEvery(QActive * const act, QTimeEvtCtr const nTicks) {
m_act = act;
armX(nTicks, nTicks);
#endif // QP_API_VERSION < 500
QTimeEvt(void); ///< default constructor only for friends
QTimeEvt(QTimeEvt const &); ///< disallow copying of QTimeEvts
QTimeEvt & operator=(QTimeEvt const &); ///< disallow assign. of QTimeEvts
/// \brief encapsulate the cast the m_act attribute to QActive*
QActive *toActive(void) { return static_cast<QActive *>(m_act); }
/// \brief encapsulate the cast the m_act attribute to QTimeEvt*
QTimeEvt *toTimeEvt(void) { return static_cast<QTimeEvt *>(m_act); }
friend class QF;
/// \brief The size of the Subscriber list bit array
/// The size is determined of the maximum number of active objects in the
/// application configured by the #QF_MAX_ACTIVE macro.
uint8_t const QF_SUBSCR_LIST_SIZE =
static_cast<uint8_t>(((QF_MAX_ACTIVE - 1) / 8) + 1);
/// \brief Subscriber List class
/// This data type represents a set of active objects that subscribe to
/// a given signal. The set is represented as an array of bits, where each
/// bit corresponds to the unique priority of an active object.
class QSubscrList {
/// An array of bits representing subscriber active objects. Each bit
/// in the array corresponds to the unique priority of the active object.
/// The size of the array is determined of the maximum number of active
/// objects in the application configured by the #QF_MAX_ACTIVE macro.
/// For example, an active object of priority p is a subscriber if the
/// following is true: ((m_bits[QF_div8Lkup[p]] & QF::pwr2Lkup[p]) != 0)
/// \sa QF::psInit(), QF::div8Lkup, QF::pwr2Lkup, #QF_MAX_ACTIVE
uint8_t m_bits[QF_SUBSCR_LIST_SIZE];
friend class QF;
friend class QActive;
/// \brief QF services.
/// This class groups together QF services. It has only static members and
/// should not be instantiated.
class QF {
/// \brief QF initialization.
/// This function initializes QF and must be called exactly once before
/// any other QF function.
static void init(void);
/// \brief Publish-subscribe initialization.
/// This function initializes the publish-subscribe facilities of QF and
/// must be called exactly once before any subscriptions/publications
/// occur in the application. The arguments are as follows: \a subscrSto
/// is a pointer to the array of subscriber-lists. \a maxSignal is the
/// dimension of this array and at the same time the maximum signal that
/// can be published or subscribed.
/// The array of subscriber-lists is indexed by signals and provides
/// mapping between the signals and subscirber-lists. The subscriber-
/// lists are bitmasks of type ::QSubscrList, each bit in the bitmask
/// corresponding to the unique priority of an active object. The size
/// of the ::QSubscrList bitmask depends on the value of the
/// #QF_MAX_ACTIVE macro.
/// \note The publish-subscribe facilities are optional, meaning that
/// you might choose not to use publish-subscribe. In that case calling
/// QF::psInit() and using up memory for the subscriber-lists is
/// unnecessary.
/// \sa ::QSubscrList
/// The following example shows the typical initialization sequence of
/// QF: \include qf_main.cpp
static void psInit(QSubscrList * const subscrSto,
enum_t const maxSignal);
/// \brief Event pool initialization for dynamic allocation of events.
/// This function initializes one event pool at a time and must be called
/// exactly once for each event pool before the pool can be used.
/// The arguments are as follows: \a poolSto is a pointer to the memory
/// block for the events. \a poolSize is the size of the memory block in
/// bytes. \a evtSize is the block-size of the pool in bytes, which
/// determines the maximum size of events that can be allocated from the
/// pool.
/// You might initialize one, two, and up to three event pools by making
/// one, two, or three calls to the QF::poolInit() function. However,
/// for the simplicity of the internal implementation, you must initialize
/// event pools in the ascending order of the event size.
/// Many RTOSes provide fixed block-size heaps, a.k.a. memory pools that
/// can be used for QF event pools. In case such support is missing, QF
/// provides a native QF event pool implementation. The macro
/// #QF_EPOOL_TYPE_ determines the type of event pool used by a
/// particular QF port. See class ::QMPool for more information.
/// \note The actual number of events available in the pool might be
/// actually less than (\a poolSize / \a evtSize) due to the internal
/// alignment of the blocks that the pool might perform. You can always
/// check the capacity of the pool by calling QF::getPoolMin().
/// \note The dynamic allocation of events is optional, meaning that you
/// might choose not to use dynamic events. In that case calling
/// QF::poolInit() and using up memory for the memory blocks is
/// unnecessary.
/// \sa QF initialization example for QF::init()
static void poolInit(void * const poolSto, uint_t const poolSize,
uint_t const evtSize);
/// \brief Transfers control to QF to run the application.
/// QF::run() is typically called from your startup code after you
/// initialize the QF and start at least one active object with
/// QActive::start(). Also, QF::start() call must precede the transfer
/// of control to QF::run(), but some QF ports might call QF::start()
/// from QF::run(). QF::run() typically never returns to the caller,
/// but when it does, it returns the error code (0 for success)
/// \note This function is strongly platform-dependent and is not
/// implemented in the QF, but either in the QF port or in the
/// Board Support Package (BSP) for the given application. All QF ports
/// must implement QF::run().
/// \note When the Quantum Kernel (QK) is used as the underlying real-time
/// kernel for the QF, all platform dependencies are handled in the QK, so
/// no porting of QF is necessary. In other words, you only need to
/// recompile the QF platform-independent code with the compiler for your
/// platform, but you don't need to provide any platform-specific
/// implementation (so, no qf_port.cpp file is necessary). Moreover, QK
/// implements the function QF::run() in a platform-independent way,
/// in the module qk.cpp.
static int_t run(void);
/// \brief Startup QF callback.
/// The timeline for calling QF::onStartup() depends on the particular
/// QF port. In most cases, QF::onStartup() is called from QF::run(),
/// right before starting any multitasking kernel or the background loop.
static void onStartup(void);
/// \brief Cleanup QF callback.
/// QF::onCleanup() is called in some QF ports before QF returns to the
/// underlying operating system or RTOS.
/// This function is strongly platform-specific and is not implemented in
/// the QF but either in the QF port or in the Board Support Package (BSP)
/// for the given application. Some QF ports might not require
/// implementing QF::onCleanup() at all, because many embedded
/// applications don't have anything to exit to.
/// \sa QF::init() and QF::stop()
static void onCleanup(void);
/// \brief QF idle callback (customized in BSPs for QF)
/// QF::onIdle() is called by the non-preemptive "Vanilla" scheduler built
/// into QF when the framework detects that no events are available for
/// active objects (the idle condition). This callback gives the
/// application an opportunity to enter a power-saving CPU mode, or
/// perform some other idle processing (such as Q-Spy output).
/// \note QF::onIdle() is invoked with interrupts DISABLED because the idle
/// condition can be asynchronously changed at any time by an interrupt.
/// QF::onIdle() MUST enable the interrupts internally, but not before
/// putting the CPU into the low-power mode. (Ideally, enabling interrupts
/// and low-power mode should happen atomically). At the very least, the
/// function MUST enable interrupts, otherwise interrupts will remain
/// disabled permanently.
/// \note QF::onIdle() is only used by the non-preemptive "Vanilla"
/// scheduler in the "bare metal" QF port, and is NOT used in any other
/// QF ports. When QF is combined with QK, the QK idle loop calls a
/// different function QK::onIdle(), with different semantics than
/// QF::onIdle(). When QF is combined with a 3rd-party RTOS or kernel, the
/// idle processing mechanism of the RTOS or kernel is used instead of
/// QF::onIdle().
static void onIdle(void);
/// \brief Function invoked by the application layer to stop the QF
/// application and return control to the OS/Kernel.
/// This function stops the QF application. After calling this function,
/// QF attempts to gracefully stop the application. This graceful
/// shutdown might take some time to complete. The typical use of this
/// function is for terminating the QF application to return back to the
/// operating system or for handling fatal errors that require shutting
/// down (and possibly re-setting) the system.
/// This function is strongly platform-specific and is not implemented in
/// the QF but either in the QF port or in the Board Support Package (BSP)
/// for the given application. Some QF ports might not require
/// implementing QF::stop() at all, because many embedded application
/// don't have anything to exit to.
/// \sa QF::stop() and QF::onCleanup()
static void stop(void);
#ifndef Q_SPY
static void publish_(QEvt const *e);
static void tickX_(uint8_t const tickRate);
/// \brief Publish event to the framework.
/// This function posts (using the FIFO policy) the event \a e it to ALL
/// active object that have subscribed to the signal \a e->sig.
/// This function is designed to be callable from any part of the system,
/// including ISRs, device drivers, and active objects.
/// \note QF::publish_() should not be called directly, but only via the
/// macro PUBLISH().
/// In the general case, event publishing requires multicasting the
/// event to multiple subscribers. This happens in the caller's thread
/// with the scheduler locked to prevent preemption during the
/// multicasting process. (Please note that the interrupts are enabled.)
static void publish_(QEvt const *e, void const *sender);
/// \brief Processes all armed time events at every clock tick.
/// This function must be called periodically from a time-tick ISR or from
/// a task so that QF can manage the timeout events.
/// \note QF::tickX_() should not be called directly, but only via the
/// macro TICK_X().
/// \sa ::QTimeEvt.
/// The following example illustrates the call to QF::TICK_X():
/// \include qf_tick.cpp
static void tickX_(uint8_t const tickRate, void const * const sender);
/// \brief Returns true if all time events are inactive and false
/// any time event is active.
/// \note This function should be called in critical section.
static bool noTimeEvtsActiveX(uint8_t const tickRate);
/// \brief Returns the QF version.
/// \return version of the QF as a constant 5-character string of the
/// form X.Y.Z, where X is a 1-digit major version number, Y is a
/// 1-digit minor version number, and Z is a 1-digit release number.
static char_t const Q_ROM *getVersion(void) {
/// \brief This function returns the minimum of free entries of the given
/// event pool.
/// This function returns the minimum number of free blocks in the given
/// event pool \a poolId, since this pool has been initialized by the call
/// to QF::poolInit(). The poolId of the first initialized pool is 1, the
/// second 2, and so on.
/// \note Requesting the minimum of an un-initialized pool raises an
/// assertion in the QF.
static uint_t getPoolMin(uint_t const poolId);
/// \brief This function returns the minimum of free entries of
/// the given event queue.
/// This function returns the minimum of free ever present in the given
/// event queue of an active object with priority \a prio, since the
/// active object was started.
/// \note QF::getQueueMin() is available only when the native QF event
/// queue implementation is used. Requesting the queue minimum of an
/// unused priority level raises an assertion in the QF. (A priority
/// level becomes used in QF after the call to the QF::add_() function.)
static uint_t getQueueMin(uint8_t const prio);
/// \brief Internal QF implementation of the dynamic event allocator.
/// \note The internal QF function QF::newX_() raises an assertion when
/// the margin argument is 0 and allocation of the event turns out to be
/// impossible due to event pool depletion, or incorrect (too big) size
/// of the requested event.
/// \note The application code should not call this function directly.
/// The only allowed use is trhrough the macros #Q_NEW or #Q_NEW_X.
static QEvt *newX_(uint_t const evtSize,
uint_t const margin, enum_t const sig);
/// \brief Recycle a dynamic event.
/// This function implements a simple garbage collector for dynamic
/// events. Only dynamic events are candidates for recycling. (A dynamic
/// event is one that is allocated from an event pool, which is determined
/// as non-zero e->poolId_ attribute.) Next, the function decrements the
/// reference counter of the event (e->refCtr_), and recycles the event
/// only if the counter drops to zero (meaning that no more references are
/// outstanding for this event). The dynamic event is recycled by
/// returning it to the pool from which it was originally allocated.
/// \note QF invokes the garbage collector at all appropriate contexts,
/// when an event can become garbage (automatic garbage collection), so
/// the application code should have no need to call QF::gc() directly.
/// The QF::gc() function is exposed only for special cases when your
/// application sends dynamic events to the "raw" thread-safe queues
/// (see ::QEQueue). Such queues are processed outside of QF and the
/// automatic garbage collection is CANNOT be performed for these events.
/// In this case you need to call QF::gc() explicitly.
static void gc(QEvt const *e);
/// \brief Remove the active object from the framework.
/// This function should not be called by the application directly, only
/// inside the QF port. The priority level occupied by the active object
/// is freed-up and can be reused for another active object.
/// The active object that is removed from the framework can no longer
/// participate in the publish-subscribe event exchange.
/// \note This function raises an assertion if the priority of the active
/// object exceeds the maximum value #QF_MAX_ACTIVE or is not used.
static void remove_(QActive const * const a);
/// \brief array of registered active objects
/// \note Not to be used by Clients directly, only in ports of QF
static QActive *active_[];
/// \brief Thread routine for executing an active object \a act.
/// This function is actually implemented internally by certain QF ports
/// to be called by the active object thread routine.
static void thread_(QActive *act);
/// \brief Register an active object to be managed by the framework
/// This function should not be called by the application directly, only
/// through the function QActive::start(). The priority of the active
/// object \a a should be set before calling this function.
/// \note This function raises an assertion if the priority of the active
/// object exceeds the maximum value #QF_MAX_ACTIVE. Also, this function
/// raises an assertion if the priority of the active object is already in
/// use. (QF requires each active object to have a UNIQUE priority.)
static void add_(QActive * const a);
/// \brief Clear a specified region of memory to zero.
/// This function is used to clear the internal QF variables upon startup.
/// This is done to avoid problems with non-standard startup code provided
/// with some compilers (e.g. TI DSPs or Microchip MPLAB), which does not
/// zero the uninitialized variables, as required by the C++ Standard.
static void bzero(void * const start, uint_t len);
private: // to be used in QF ports only
/// heads of linked lists of time events, one for every clock tick rate
static QTimeEvt timeEvtHead_[QF_MAX_TICK_RATE];
friend class QActive;
friend class QTimeEvt;
} // namespace QP
/// \brief No-operation for exiting a critical section
/// In some QF ports the critical section exit takes effect only on the
/// next machine instruction. If this next instruction is another entry
/// to a critical section, the critical section won't be really exited,
/// but rather the two adjecent critical sections would be merged.
/// The #QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP() macro contains minimal code required to
/// prevent such merging of critical sections in such merging of
/// critical sections in QF ports, in which it can occur.
#define QF_CRIT_EXIT_NOP() ((void)0)
#ifdef Q_EVT_CTOR // Provide the constructor for the QEvt class?
#define Q_NEW(evtT_, sig_, ...) \
(new(QP::QF::newX_(static_cast<uint_t>(sizeof(evtT_)), \
static_cast<uint_t>(0), static_cast<enum_t>(0))) \
evtT_((sig_), ##__VA_ARGS__))
#define Q_NEW_X(e_, evtT_, margin_, sig_, ...) do { \
(e_) = static_cast<evtT_ *>(QP::QF::newX_(static_cast<uint_t>(\
sizeof(evtT_)), (margin_), static_cast<enum_t>(0))); \
if ((e_) != static_cast<evtT_ *>(0)) { \
new((e_)) evtT_((sig_), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} \
} while (0)
#else // QEvt is a POD (Plain Old Datatype)
/// \brief Allocate a dynamic event.
/// This macro returns a valid event pointer cast to the type \a evtT_.
/// The event is initialized by the event constructor. The macro calls
/// the internal QF function QF::newX_() with margin==0, which causes
/// an assertion when the event can't be successfully allocated.
/// The following example illustrates dynamic allocation of an event:
/// \include qf_post.cpp
#define Q_NEW(evtT_, sig_) \
(static_cast<evtT_ *>(QP::QF::newX_( \
static_cast<uint_t>(sizeof(evtT_)), \
static_cast<uint_t>(0), (sig_))))
/// \brief Allocate a dynamic event (non-asserting version).
/// This macro allocates a new event and sets the pointer \a e_.
/// If the event can't be allocated with the specified \a margin,
/// the pointer \a e_ is set to NULL.
/// The following example illustrates dynamic allocation of an event:
/// \include qf_postx.cpp
#define Q_NEW_X(e_, evtT_, margin_, sig_) ((e_) = static_cast<evtT_ *>(\
(margin_), (sig_))))
// QS software tracing integration, only if enabled
#ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled?
/// \brief Invoke the system clock tick processing QF::tickX_(). This macro
/// is the recommended way of invoking clock tick processing, because it
/// provides the vital information for software tracing and avoids any
/// overhead when the tracing is disabled.
/// This macro takes the argument \a sender_, which is a pointer to the
/// sender object. This argument is actually only used when QS software
/// tracing is enabled (macro #Q_SPY is defined). When QS software
/// tracing is disabled, the macro calls QF::tickX_() without any
/// arguments, so the overhead of passing this extra argument is
/// entirely avoided.
/// \note the pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a pointer
/// to an active object. In fact, typically #TICK_X will be called
/// from an interrupt, in which case you would create a unique object
/// just to unambiguously identify the ISR as the sender of the time
/// events.
/// \sa QF::tickX_()
#define TICK_X(tickRate_, sender_) tickX_((tickRate_), (sender_))
/// \brief Invoke the event publishing facility QF::publish_(). This macro
/// is the recommended way of publishing events, because it provides the
/// vital information for software tracing and avoids any overhead when
/// the tracing is disabled.
/// This macro takes the last argument \a sender_, which is a pointer to
/// the sender object. This argument is actually only used when QS
/// tracing is enabled (macro #Q_SPY is defined). When QS software
/// tracing is disabled, the macro calls QF::publish_() without the
/// \a sender_ argument, so the overhead of passing this extra argument
/// is entirely avoided.
/// \note the pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a poiner
/// to an active object. In fact, if QF::PUBLISH() is called from an
/// interrupt or other context, you can create a unique object just to
/// unambiguously identify the publisher of the event.
/// \sa QF::publish_()
#define PUBLISH(e_, sender_) publish_((e_), (sender_))
/// \brief Invoke the direct event posting facility QActive::post_().
/// This macro is the recommended way of posting events, because it
/// provides the vital information for software tracing and avoids any
/// overhead when the tracing is disabled.
/// This macro takes the last argument \a sender_, which is a pointer to
/// the sender object. This argument is actually only used when QS
/// tracing is disabled (macro #Q_SPY is defined). When QS software
/// tracing is not enabled, the macro calls QActive::post_() without
/// the \a sender_ argument, so the overhead of passing this extra
/// argument is entirely avoided.
/// \note the pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a pointer
/// to an active object. In fact, if ao->POST() is called from an
/// interrupt or other context, you can create a unique object just to
/// unambiguously identify the publisher of the event.
/// \sa QActive::post_()
#define POST(e_, sender_) \
post_((e_), static_cast<uint_t>(0), (sender_))
/// \brief Invoke the direct event posting facility QActive::post_()
/// without delivery guarantee.
/// The macro takes the argument \a margin_, which specifies the
/// minimum free slots in the queue, which must still be available
/// after posting the event. The macro returns true if the posting
/// succeeded, and false if the posting failed due to insufficient
/// margin of free slots available in the queue.
/// This macro takes the last argument \a sender_, which is a pointer to
/// the sender object. This argument is actually only used when QS
/// tracing is disabled (macro #Q_SPY is defined). When QS software
/// tracing is not enabled, the macro calls QActive::post_() without
/// the \a sender_ argument, so the overhead of passing this extra
/// argument is entirely avoided.
/// \note the pointer to the sender object is not necessarily a pointer
/// to an active object. In fact, if #POST is called from an
/// interrupt or other context, you can create a unique object just to
/// unambiguously identify the sender of the event.
/// \sa #POST, QActive::post_().
/// \include qf_postx.cpp
#define POST_X(e_, margin_, sender_) \
post_((e_), (margin_), (sender_))
#define TICK_X(tickRate_, dummy_) tickX_((tickRate_))
#define PUBLISH(e_, dummy_) publish_((e_))
#define POST(e_, dummy_) post_((e_), static_cast<uint_t>(0))
#define POST_X(e_, margin_, dummy_) post_((e_), (margin_))
#endif // Q_SPY
/// \brief Invoke the system clock tick processing for rate 0
/// \sa TICK_X()
#define TICK(sender_) TICK_X(static_cast<uint8_t>(0), (sender_))
#endif // qf_h