Quantum Leaps e0f9c36c2f 4.5.01
2012-08-14 18:00:48 -04:00

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/* ============================================================================
* Copyright (c) Texas Instruments Inc 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008
* Use of this software is controlled by the terms and conditions found in the
* license agreement under which this software has been supplied.
* ============================================================================
/** @file csl_wdt.h
* @brief I2S functional layer API header file
* Path: \(CSLPATH)/inc
/* ============================================================================
* Revision History
* ================
* 17-Oct-2008 Created
* 22-Dec-2009 Modified as per new register layer definition
* ============================================================================
/** @defgroup CSL_WDT_API WDT
* @section Introduction
* @subsection WDT Overview
* C5505 includes three 32-bit timer with 16-bit prescaler that can divide the
* CPU clock and uses this prescale value as a watchdog timer clock.
#ifndef _CSL_WDT_H_
#define _CSL_WDT_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "soc.h"
#include "csl_error.h"
#include "csl_types.h"
#include "csl_general.h"
@defgroup CSL_WDT_SYMBOL WDT Symbols Defined
@ingroup CSL_WDT_API
@defgroup CSL_WDT_DATASTRUCT WDT Data Structures
@ingroup CSL_WDT_API
@defgroup CSL_WDT_FUNCTION WDT Functions
@ingroup CSL_WDT_API
@defgroup CSL_WDT_ENUM WDT Enumerated Data Types
@ingroup CSL_WDT_API
@defgroup CSL_WDT_GLOBALS WDT Global declarations
@ingroup CSL_WDT_API
* WDT global macro declarations
@addtogroup CSL_WDT_SYMBOL
/** Kick Lock register First unlock sequence */
#define CSl_WDT_WDKCKLK_FIRST_SEQ 0x5555
/** Kick Lock register Second unlock sequence */
/** Counter Lock register First unlock sequence */
#define CSl_WDT_WDSVLR_FIRST_SEQ 0x6666
/** Counter Lock register Second unlock sequence */
/** Disable Lock register First unlock sequence */
#define CSl_WDT_WDENLOK_FIRST_SEQ 0x7777
/** Disable Lock register Second unlock sequence */
/** Disable Lock register Third unlock sequence */
/** Prescale Lock register First unlock sequence */
/** Prescale Lock register Second unlock sequence */
/** Kick register Reset bit for service */
#define CSl_WDT_WDKICK_RESET 0x0001
* WDT global enum declaration *
@addtogroup CSL_WDT_ENUM
* \brief WDT Instance Number.
* This is the Instance Ids for each WDT module and unique to each module
typedef enum{
WDT_INST_0 = 0, /**< WDT Instance 0 */
WDT_INST_INVALID /**< WDT invalid Instance */
* WDT global data structures *
* \brief Object structure.
* object structure for WDT handler
typedef struct {
WDT_Instance wdtInstance; /**< WDT Instance Id */
CSL_WdtRegsOvly hwRegs; /**< Pointer to WDT HW registers */
* \brief WDT CSL handle.
typedef CSL_WdtObj *CSL_WdtHandle;
* \brief Configuration structure.
* Hardware register configuration structure for WDT
typedef struct {
Uint16 counter; /**< Counter value for the WDT */
Uint16 prescale; /**< Prescale value for the WDT */
* WDT function declarations *
/** @addtogroup CSL_WDT_FUNCTION
/** ===========================================================================
* @n@b WDTIM_open
* @b Description
* @n This is the initialization function for the GPT CSL. The function
* must be called before calling any other API from this CSL. This
* function is idem-potent. Currently, the function just returns handler
* to application.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Always returns
* CSL_Handle
* Pointer to the object structure.
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n This should be call first before calling any other WDT Function.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n The status is updated in the status variable. If status
* returned is
* @li CSL_SOK - Valid GPT handle is returned
* @li CSL_ESYS_INVPARAMS - Invalid parameter
* @b Modifies
* @n 1. The status variable
* @n 2. The object structure handler.
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_WdtHandle hWdt;
WDT_Instance wdtNum;
CSL_WdtObj wdtObj;
CSL_Status status;
instance = WDT_INST_0.
hWdt = WDTIM_open(WDT_INST_0, &wdtObj, &status);
* ===========================================================================
CSL_WdtHandle WDTIM_open(WDT_Instance wdtNum,
CSL_WdtObj *wdtObj,
CSL_Status *status);
/** ===========================================================================
* @n@b WDTIM_start
* @b Description
* @n This function start to load value from counter register to
* kick register.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hWdt Handle to the WDT
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Close successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid handle
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n WDTIM_config() must be called before this function call.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n After calling this function WDTIM_stop() function can call to
* stop loading from counter register to kick register.
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_status status;
CSL_WdtHandle hWdt;
status = WDTIM_config(hWdt, &hwConfig);
status = WDTIM_start(hWdt);
* ===========================================================================
CSL_Status WDTIM_start(CSL_WdtHandle hWdt);
/** ===========================================================================
* @n@b GPT_stop
* @b Description
* @n This function stop to load value from counter register to
* kick register.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hWdt Handle to the WDT
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Close successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid handle
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n GPT_start() must be called before this function call.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n After calling this function WDTIM_close() API should call to close
* WDT operation.
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_status status;
CSL_WdtHandle hWdt;
status = WDTIM_start(hWdt);
status = WDTIM_stop(hWdt);
* ===========================================================================
CSL_Status WDTIM_stop(CSL_WdtHandle hWdt);
/** ===========================================================================
* @n@b WDTIM_getCnt
* @b Description
* @n This function is to get countdown value from Kick register
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hWdt Handle to the WDT
timeCnt Pointer to the countdown value
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Close successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid handle
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n WDTIM_start() must be called before this function call.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n After calling this function WDTIM_close() API should call to close
* wdt operation.
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_status status;
CSL_WdtHandle hWdt;
Uint32 timeCnt;
status = WDTIM_start(hWdt);
status = WDTIM_getCnt(hWdt, &timeCnt);
* ===========================================================================
CSL_Status WDTIM_getCnt(CSL_WdtHandle hWdt, Uint32 *timeCnt);
/** ===========================================================================
* @n@b WDTIM_close
* @b Description
* @n This function close WDT operation.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hWdt Handle to the WDT
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Close successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid handle
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n WDTIM_open() must be called before this function call.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n After calling this function no other function can call.
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_status status;
CSL_WdtHandle hWdt;
hWdt = WDTIM_open(WDT_INST_0, &wdtObj, &status);
status = WDTIM_close(hWdt);
* ===========================================================================
CSL_Status WDTIM_close(CSL_WdtHandle hWdt);
/** ===========================================================================
* @n@b WDTIM_service
* @b Description
* @n This function Service watch dog timer. Without service function WDT
* reset the target device.
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hWdt Handle to the WDT
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Close successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid handle
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n WDTIM_start() must be called before this function call.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n None
* @b Modifies
* @n None
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_status status;
CSL_WdtHandle hWdt;
status = WDTIM_start(hWdt);
status = WDTIM_service(hWdt);
* ===========================================================================
CSL_Status WDTIM_service(CSL_WdtHandle hWdt);
/** ===========================================================================
* @n@b WDTIM_config
* @b Description
* @n This function is to Configure the WDT hardware related registers
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hWdt Handle to the WDT
hwConfig configuration structure.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Close successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid handle
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n WDTIM_open() must be called before this function call.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n After calling this function WDTIM_start() API should call to start
* wdt operation.
* @b Modifies
* @n This function modifies the WDT object structure.
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_status status;
CSL_WdtHandle hWdt;
WDTIM_Config hwConfig;
hwConfig.counter = 0xFFFF;
hwConfig.prescale = 0x00FF;
hWdt = WDTIM_open(WDT_INST_0, &wdtObj, &status);
status = WDTIM_config(hWdt, &hwConfig);
* ===========================================================================
CSL_Status WDTIM_config(CSL_WdtHandle hWdt,
WDTIM_Config *hwConfig);
/** ===========================================================================
* @n@b WDTIM_getConfig
* @b Description
* @n This function is to Get Configure of the previous set configuration
* @b Arguments
* @verbatim
hWdt Handle to the WDT
getConfig configuration structure.
* <b> Return Value </b> CSL_Status
* @li CSL_SOK - Close successful
* @li CSL_ESYS_BADHANDLE - Invalid handle
* <b> Pre Condition </b>
* @n WDTIM_config() must be called before this function call.
* <b> Post Condition </b>
* @n After calling this function WDTIM_Close() API can be call to close
* wdt operation.
* @b Modifies
* @n This function modifies the WDT object structure.
* @b Example
* @verbatim
CSL_status status;
CSL_WdtHandle hWdt;
WDTIM_Config getConfig;
hwConfig.counter = 0xFFFF;
hwConfig.prescale = 0x00FF;
status = WDTIM_config(hWdt, &hwConfig);
status = WDTIM_getConfig(hWdt, &getConfig);
* ===========================================================================
CSL_Status WDTIM_getConfig(CSL_WdtHandle hWdt,
WDTIM_Config *getConfig);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _CSL_WDT_H_ */