2020-04-02 21:21:53 -04:00

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/// @file
/// @brief QEP/C++ platform-independent public interface.
/// @ingroup qep
/// @cond
/// Last updated for version 6.8.1
/// Last updated on 2020-04-02
/// Q u a n t u m L e a P s
/// ------------------------
/// Modern Embedded Software
/// Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Quantum Leaps. All rights reserved.
/// This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or
/// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
/// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
/// (at your option) any later version.
/// Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the
/// terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede
/// the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for
/// licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code.
/// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with this program. If not, see <www.gnu.org/licenses>.
/// Contact information:
/// <www.state-machine.com/licensing>
/// <info@state-machine.com>
/// @endcond
#ifndef QEP_HPP
#define QEP_HPP
//! The current QP version as a decimal constant XXYZ, where XX is a 2-digit
// major version number, Y is a 1-digit minor version number, and Z is
// a 1-digit release number.
#define QP_VERSION 681U
//! The current QP version number string of the form XX.Y.Z, where XX is
// a 2-digit major version number, Y is a 1-digit minor version number,
// and Z is a 1-digit release number.
#define QP_VERSION_STR "6.8.1"
//! Encrypted current QP release (6.8.1) and date (2020-04-04)
#define QP_RELEASE 0x888CC416U
//! The size (in bytes) of the signal of an event. Valid values:
//! 1U, 2U, or 4U; default 2U
/// @description
/// This macro can be defined in the QEP port file (qep_port.hpp) to
/// configure the QP::QSignal type. When the macro is not defined, the
/// default of 2 bytes is applied.
#define Q_SIGNAL_SIZE 2U
// Aliases for basic numerical types; MISRA-C++ 2008 rule 3-9-2(req).
//! alias for characters and character strings.
/// @description
/// This alias specifies character type for exclusive use in character
/// strings. Use of this type, rather than plain 'char', is in compliance
/// with the MISRA-C 2004 Rules 6.1(req), 6.3(adv).
using char_t = char;
//! alias for line numbers in assertions and return from QF::run()
using int_t = int;
//! alias for enumerations used for event signals
using enum_t = int;
//! alias for 32-bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers
/// @note
/// QP does not use floating-point types anywhere in the internal
/// implementation, except in QS software tracing, where utilities for
/// output of floating-point numbers are provided for application-level
/// trace records.
using float32_t = float;
//! alias for 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers
/// @note
/// QP does not use floating-point types anywhere in the internal
/// implementation, except in QS software tracing, where utilities for
/// output of floating-point numbers are provided for application-level
/// trace records.
using float64_t = double;
//! Perform downcast of an event onto a subclass of QEvt @p class_
/// @description
/// This macro encapsulates the downcast of QEvt pointers, which violates
/// MISRA-C 2004 rule 11.4(advisory). This macro helps to localize this
/// deviation.
#define Q_EVT_CAST(class_) (static_cast<class_ const *>(e))
//! Perform cast from unsigned integer @p uint_ to pointer of type @p type_.
/// @description
/// This macro encapsulates the cast to (type_ *), which QP ports or
/// application might use to access embedded hardware registers.
/// Such uses can trigger PC-Lint "Note 923: cast from int to pointer"
/// and this macro helps to encapsulate this deviation.
#define Q_UINT2PTR_CAST(type_, uint_) (reinterpret_cast<type_ *>(uint_))
//! Initializer of static constant QEvt instances
/// @description
/// This macro encapsulates the ugly casting of enumerated signals
/// to QSignal and constants for QEvt.poolID and QEvt.refCtr_.
#define QEVT_INITIALIZER(sig_) { static_cast<QP::QSignal>(sig_), 0U, 0U }
//! namespace associated with the QP/C++ framework
/// @ingroup qep qf qs qv qk qxk
namespace QP {
//! the current QP version number string based on QP_VERSION_STR
constexpr char_t const versionStr[]{QP_VERSION_STR};
#if (Q_SIGNAL_SIZE == 1U)
using QSignal = std::uint8_t;
#elif (Q_SIGNAL_SIZE == 2U)
//! QSignal represents the signal of an event.
/// @description
/// The relationship between an event and a signal is as follows. A signal
/// in UML is the specification of an asynchronous stimulus that triggers
/// reactions, and as such is an essential part of an event. (The signal
/// conveys the type of the occurrence--what happened?) However, an event
/// can also contain additional quantitative information about the
/// occurrence in form of event parameters.
using QSignal = std::uint16_t;
#elif (Q_SIGNAL_SIZE == 4U)
using QSignal = std::uint32_t;
#error "Q_SIGNAL_SIZE defined incorrectly, expected 1U, 2U, or 4U"
#ifdef Q_EVT_CTOR // Provide the constructor for the QEvt class?
class QEvt {
//! public constructor (dynamic event)
QEvt(QSignal const s) noexcept
: sig(s)
// poolId_/refCtr_ intentionally uninitialized
enum StaticEvt : std::uint8_t { STATIC_EVT };
//! public constructor (static event)
QEvt(QSignal const s, StaticEvt /*dummy*/) noexcept
: sig(s),
//! virtual destructor
virtual ~QEvt() noexcept {}
#endif // Q_EVT_VIRTUAL
QSignal sig; //!< signal of the event instance
std::uint8_t poolId_; //!< pool ID (0 for static event)
std::uint8_t volatile refCtr_; //!< reference counter
friend class QF;
friend class QActive;
friend class QMActive;
friend class QTimeEvt;
friend class QEQueue;
friend class QTicker;
friend class QXThread;
friend std::uint8_t QF_EVT_POOL_ID_ (QEvt const * const e);
friend std::uint8_t QF_EVT_REF_CTR_ (QEvt const * const e);
friend void QF_EVT_REF_CTR_INC_(QEvt const * const e);
friend void QF_EVT_REF_CTR_DEC_(QEvt const * const e);
#else // QEvt is a POD (Plain Old Datatype)
//! QEvt base class.
/// @description
/// QEvt represents events without parameters and serves as the
/// base class for derivation of events with parameters.
/// @usage
/// The following example illustrates how to add an event parameter by
/// inheriting from the QEvt class.
/// @include qep_qevt.cpp
struct QEvt {
QSignal sig; //!< signal of the event instance
std::uint8_t poolId_; //!< pool ID (0 for static event)
std::uint8_t volatile refCtr_; //!< reference counter
#endif // Q_EVT_CTOR
// forward declarations...
struct QMState;
struct QMTranActTable;
class QXThread;
//! Type returned from state-handler functions
using QState = std::uint_fast8_t;
//! Pointer to state-handler function
using QStateHandler = QState (*)(void * const me, QEvt const * const e);
//! Pointer to an action-handler function
using QActionHandler = QState (*)(void * const me);
//! Pointer to a thread-handler function
using QXThreadHandler = void (*)(QXThread * const me);
//! Attribute of for the QHsm class (Hierarchical State Machine).
/// @description
/// This union represents possible values stored in the 'state' and 'temp'
/// attributes of the QHsm and QMsm classes.
union QHsmAttr {
QStateHandler fun; //!< pointer to a state handler function
QActionHandler act; //!< pointer to an action-handler function
QXThreadHandler thr; //!< pointer to an thread-handler function
QMState const *obj; //!< pointer to QMState object
QMTranActTable const *tatbl; //!< transition-action table
//! Hierarchical State Machine base class
/// @description
/// QHsm represents a Hierarchical State Machine (HSM) with full support for
/// hierarchical nesting of states, entry/exit actions, and initial
/// transitions in any composite state. QHsm inherits QMsm without adding
/// new attributes, so it takes the same amount of RAM as QMsm.
/// @n
/// QHsm is also the base class for the QMsm state machine, which provides
/// a superior efficiency, but requries the use of the QM modeling tool to
/// generate code.
/// @note
/// QHsm is not intended to be instantiated directly, but rather serves as
/// the base class for derivation of state machines in the application code.
/// @usage
/// The following example illustrates how to derive a state machine class
/// from QHsm.
/// @include qep_qhsm.cpp
class QHsm {
QHsmAttr m_state; //!< current active state (state-variable)
QHsmAttr m_temp; //!< temporary: transition chain, target state, etc.
//! virtual destructor
virtual ~QHsm() noexcept;
//! executes the top-most initial transition in QP::QHsm
virtual void init(void const * const e);
//! overloaded init(void)
virtual void init(void) { this->init(nullptr); }
//! Dispatches an event to QHsm
virtual void dispatch(QEvt const * const e);
//! Tests if a given state is part of the current active state
//! configuration
bool isIn(QStateHandler const s) noexcept;
//! Obtain the current state (state handler function)
//! @note used in the QM code generation
QStateHandler state(void) const noexcept {
return m_state.fun;
//! Obtain the current active child state of a given parent
//! @note used in the QM code generation
QStateHandler childState(QStateHandler const parent) noexcept;
//! the top-state.
static QState top(void * const me, QEvt const * const e) noexcept;
//! Protected constructor of QHsm.
QHsm(QStateHandler const initial) noexcept;
// facilities for the QHsm implementation strategy...
//! event passed to the superstate to handle
static constexpr QState Q_RET_SUPER {0};
//! event passed to submachine superstate
static constexpr QState Q_RET_SUPER_SUB {1};
//! event unhandled due to a guard evaluating to 'false'
static constexpr QState Q_RET_UNHANDLED {2};
//! event handled (internal transition)
static constexpr QState Q_RET_HANDLED {3};
//! event silently ignored (bubbled up to top)
static constexpr QState Q_RET_IGNORED {4};
//! state entry action executed
static constexpr QState Q_RET_ENTRY {5};
//! state exit action executed
static constexpr QState Q_RET_EXIT {6};
//! return value without any effect
static constexpr QState Q_RET_NULL {7};
//! regular transition taken
static constexpr QState Q_RET_TRAN {8};
//! initial transition taken
static constexpr QState Q_RET_TRAN_INIT {9};
//! entry-point transition into a submachine
static constexpr QState Q_RET_TRAN_EP {10};
//! transition to history of a given state
static constexpr QState Q_RET_TRAN_HIST {11};
//! exit-point transition out of a submachine
static constexpr QState Q_RET_TRAN_XP {12};
//! Helper function to specify a state transition
QState tran(QStateHandler const target) noexcept {
m_temp.fun = target;
return Q_RET_TRAN;
//! Helper function to specify a transition to history
QState tran_hist(QStateHandler const hist) noexcept {
m_temp.fun = hist;
//! Helper function to specify the superstate of a given state
QState super(QStateHandler const superstate) noexcept {
m_temp.fun = superstate;
return Q_RET_SUPER;
enum ReservedHsmSignals : QSignal {
Q_ENTRY_SIG = 1, //!< signal for entry actions
Q_EXIT_SIG, //!< signal for exit actions
Q_INIT_SIG //!< signal for nested initial transitions
// protected facilities for the QMsm implementation strategy...
//! Helper function to specify a regular state transition
//! in a QM state-handler
QState qm_tran(void const * const tatbl) noexcept {
m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl);
return Q_RET_TRAN;
//! Helper function to specifiy a transition to history
//! in a QM state-handler
QState qm_tran_hist(QMState const * const hist,
void const * const tatbl) noexcept
m_state.obj = hist;
m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl);
//! Helper function to specify an initial state transition
//! in a QM state-handler
QState qm_tran_init(void const * const tatbl) noexcept {
m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl);
//! Helper function to specify a transition to an entry point
//! to a submachine state in a QM state-handler
QState qm_tran_ep(void const * const tatbl) noexcept {
m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl);
return Q_RET_TRAN_EP;
//! Helper function to specify a transition to an exit point
//! from a submachine state in a QM state-handler
QState qm_tran_xp(QActionHandler const xp,
void const *const tatbl) noexcept
m_state.act = xp;
m_temp.tatbl = static_cast<QP::QMTranActTable const *>(tatbl);
return Q_RET_TRAN_XP;
#ifdef Q_SPY
//! Helper function to specify a state entry in a QM state-handler
QState qm_entry(QMState const * const s) noexcept {
m_temp.obj = s;
return Q_RET_ENTRY;
//! Helper function to specify a state exit in a QM state-handler
QState qm_exit(QMState const * const s) noexcept {
m_temp.obj = s;
return Q_RET_EXIT;
//! Helper function to specify a state entry in a QM state-handler
QState qm_entry(QMState const * const s) noexcept {
return Q_RET_ENTRY;
//! Helper function to specify a state exit in a QM state-handler
QState qm_exit(QMState const * const s) noexcept {
return Q_RET_EXIT;
//! Helper function to specify a submachine exit in a QM state-handler
QState qm_sm_exit(QMState const * const s) noexcept {
m_temp.obj = s;
return Q_RET_EXIT;
//! Helper function to call in a QM state-handler when it passes
//! the event to the host submachine state to handle an event.
QState qm_super_sub(QMState const * const s) noexcept {
m_temp.obj = s;
//!< maximum nesting depth of states in HSM
static constexpr std::int_fast8_t MAX_NEST_DEPTH_{6};
//! internal helper function to take a transition in QP::QHsm
std::int_fast8_t hsm_tran(QStateHandler (&path)[MAX_NEST_DEPTH_]);
friend class QMsm;
friend class QActive;
friend class QMActive;
friend class QF;
friend class QS;
friend class QXK;
friend class QXThread;
friend class QXMutex;
friend class QXSemaphore;
#ifdef Q_UTEST
friend class QActiveDummy;
#endif // Q_UTEST
//! QM State Machine implementation strategy
/// @description
/// QMsm (QM State Machine) provides a more efficient state machine
/// implementation strategy than QHsm, but requires the use of the QM
/// modeling tool, but are the fastest and need the least run-time
/// support (the smallest event-processor taking up the least code space).
/// @note
/// QMsm is not intended to be instantiated directly, but rather serves as
/// the base class for derivation of state machines in the application code.
/// @usage
/// The following example illustrates how to derive a state machine class
/// from QMsm. Please note that the QMsm member 'super' is defined as the
/// _first_ member of the derived struct.
/// @include qep_qmsm.cpp
class QMsm : public QHsm {
//! Performs the second step of SM initialization by triggering
/// the top-most initial transition.
void init(void const * const e) override;
void init(void) override { this->init(nullptr); }
//! Dispatches an event to a HSM
void dispatch(QEvt const * const e) override;
//! Tests if a given state is part of the active state configuration
bool isInState(QMState const * const st) const noexcept;
//! Return the current active state object (read only)
QMState const *stateObj(void) const noexcept {
return m_state.obj;
//! Obtain the current active child state of a given parent (read only)
QMState const *childStateObj(QMState const * const parent) const noexcept;
//! Protected constructor
QMsm(QStateHandler const initial) noexcept;
//! disallow the inhertited isIn() function in QP::QMsm and subclasses
//! @sa QP::QMsm::isInState()
bool isIn(QStateHandler const s) noexcept = delete;
//! disallow the inhertited state() function in QP::QMsm and subclasses
//! @sa QP::QMsm::stateObj()
QStateHandler state(void) const noexcept = delete;
//! disallow the inhertited childState() function in QP::QMsm and subclasses
//! @sa QP::QMsm::childStateObj()
QStateHandler childState(QStateHandler const parent) noexcept = delete;
//! disallow the inhertited top() function in QP::QMsm and subclasses
//! @sa QP::QMsm::msm_top_s
static QState top(void * const me, QEvt const * const e) noexcept = delete;
//! Internal helper function to execute a transition-action table
QState execTatbl_(QMTranActTable const * const tatbl);
//! Internal helper function to exit current state to transition source
void exitToTranSource_(QMState const *s,
QMState const * const ts);
//! Internal helper function to enter state history
QState enterHistory_(QMState const * const hist);
//! maximum depth of implemented entry levels for transitions to history
static constexpr std::int_fast8_t MAX_ENTRY_DEPTH_ {4};
//! the top state object for the QMsm
static QMState const msm_top_s;
friend class QMActive;
//! State object for the QP::QMsm class (QM State Machine).
/// @description
/// This class groups together the attributes of a QP::QMsm state, such as
/// the parent state (state nesting), the associated state handler function
/// and the exit action handler function. These attributes are used inside
/// the QP::QMsm::dispatch() and QP::QMsm::init() functions.
/// @attention
/// The QP::QMState class is only intended for the QM code generator and
/// should not be used in hand-crafted code.
struct QMState {
QMState const *superstate; //!< superstate of this state
QStateHandler const stateHandler; //!< state handler function
QActionHandler const entryAction; //!< entry action handler function
QActionHandler const exitAction; //!< exit action handler function
QActionHandler const initAction; //!< init action handler function
//! Transition-Action Table for the QP::QMsm State Machine.
struct QMTranActTable {
QMState const *target;
QActionHandler const act[1];
//! Provides miscellaneous QEP services.
class QEP {
//! get the current QEP version number string of the form "X.Y.Z"
static char_t const *getVersion(void) noexcept {
return versionStr;
//! Offset or the user signals
constexpr enum_t Q_USER_SIG {4};
} // namespace QP
// Macros for coding QHsm-style state machines...
//! Macro to generate a declaration of a state-handler, state-caller and
//! a state-object for a given state in a subclass of QP::QHsm.
#define Q_STATE_DECL(state_) \
QP::QState state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e); \
static QP::QState state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e)
//! Macro to generate a definition of a state-handler for a given state
//! in a subclass of QP::QHsm.
#define Q_STATE_DEF(subclass_, state_) \
QP::QState subclass_::state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e) {\
return static_cast<subclass_ *>(me)->state_ ## _h(e); } \
QP::QState subclass_::state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e)
//! Macro to specify that the event was handled
//! Macro to specify that the event was NOT handled
//! due to a guard condition evaluating to 'false'
//! Macro to perform casting to QStateHandler.
/// @description
/// This macro encapsulates the cast of a specific state handler function
/// pointer to QStateHandler, which violates MISRA-C 2004 rule 11.4(advisory).
/// This macro helps to localize this deviation.
#define Q_STATE_CAST(handler_) \
//! Macro to perform casting to QActionHandler.
/// @description
/// This macro encapsulates the cast of a specific action handler function
/// pointer to QActionHandler, which violates MISRA-C2004 rule 11.4(advisory).
/// This macro helps to localize this deviation.
#define Q_ACTION_CAST(act_) (reinterpret_cast<QP::QActionHandler>(act_))
//! Macro to provide strictly-typed zero-action to terminate action lists
//! in the transition-action-tables
#define Q_ACTION_NULL (nullptr)
// Macros for coding QMsm-style state machines...
//! Macro to generate a declaration of a state-handler, state-caller and
//! a state-object for a given state in a subclass of QP::QMsm.
#define QM_STATE_DECL(state_) \
QP::QState state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e); \
static QP::QState state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e); \
static QP::QMState const state_ ## _s
//! Macro to generate a declaration of a state-handler, state-caller and
//! a state-object for a given *submachine* state in a subclass of QP::QMsm.
#define QM_SM_STATE_DECL(subm_, state_) \
QP::QState state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e); \
static QP::QState state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e); \
static SM_ ## subm_ const state_ ## _s
//! Macro to generate a declaration of an action-handler and action-caller
//! in a subclass of QP::QMsm.
#define QM_ACTION_DECL(action_) \
QP::QState action_ ## _h(void); \
static QP::QState action_(void * const me)
//! Macro to generate a definition of a state-caller and state-handler
//! for a given state in a subclass of QP::QMsm.
#define QM_STATE_DEF(subclass_, state_) \
QP::QState subclass_::state_(void * const me, QP::QEvt const * const e) {\
return static_cast<subclass_ *>(me)->state_ ## _h(e); } \
QP::QState subclass_::state_ ## _h(QP::QEvt const * const e)
//! Macro to generate a definition of an action-caller and action-handler
//! in a subclass of QP::QMsm.
#define QM_ACTION_DEF(subclass_, action_) \
QP::QState subclass_::action_(void * const me) { \
return static_cast<subclass_ *>(me)->action_ ## _h(); } \
QP::QState subclass_::action_ ## _h(void)
//! Macro for a QM action-handler when it handles the event.
//! Macro for a QM action-handler when it does not handle the event
//! due to a guard condition evaluating to false.
//! Macro for a QM action-handler when it passes the event to the superstate
#define QM_SUPER() (Q_RET_SUPER)
//! Macro to provide strictly-typed zero-state to use for submachines.
//! Applicable to suclasses of QP::QMsm.
#define QM_STATE_NULL (nullptr)
#endif // QEP_HPP