Quantum Leaps d36dc2dbe4 5.9.1
2017-05-27 10:39:57 -04:00

545 lines
19 KiB

/// @file
/// @brief QP::QMsm implementation
/// @ingroup qep
/// @cond
/// Last updated for version 5.9.1
/// Last updated on 2017-05-24
/// Q u a n t u m L e a P s
/// ---------------------------
/// innovating embedded systems
/// Copyright (C) Quantum Leaps. All rights reserved.
/// This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or
/// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
/// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
/// (at your option) any later version.
/// Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the
/// terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede
/// the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for
/// licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code.
/// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
/// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
/// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
/// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/// Contact information:
/// https://state-machine.com
/// mailto:info@state-machine.com
/// @endcond
#define QP_IMPL // this is QP implementation
#include "qep_port.h" // QEP port
#ifdef Q_SPY // QS software tracing enabled?
#include "qs_port.h" // include QS port
#include "qs_dummy.h" // disable the QS software tracing
#endif // Q_SPY
#include "qassert.h" // QP embedded systems-friendly assertions
//! Internal macro to increment the given action table @p act_
/// @note Incrementing a pointer violates the MISRA-C 2004 Rule 17.4(req),
/// pointer arithmetic other than array indexing. Encapsulating this violation
/// in a macro allows to selectively suppress this specific deviation.
#define QEP_ACT_PTR_INC_(act_) (++(act_))
namespace QP {
char_t const versionStr[6] = QP_VERSION_STR;
QMState const QMsm::msm_top_s = {
static_cast<QMState const *>(0),
/// @description
/// Performs the first step of initialization by assigning the initial
/// pseudostate to the currently active state of the state machine.
/// @param[in] initial the top-most initial transition for the MSM.
/// @note The constructor is protected to prevent direct instantiating
/// of the QP::QMsm objects. This class is intended for subclassing only.
/// @sa The QP::QMsm example illustrates how to use the QMsm constructor
/// in the constructor initializer list of the derived state machines.
QMsm::QMsm(QStateHandler const initial)
: QHsm(initial)
m_state.obj = &msm_top_s;
m_temp.fun = initial;
/// @description
/// Executes the top-most initial transition in a MSM.
/// @param[in] e a constant pointer to QP::QEvt or a subclass of QP::QEvt
/// @attention
/// QP::QMsm::init() must be called exactly __once__ before
/// QP::QMsm::dispatch()
void QMsm::init(QEvt const * const e) {
/// @pre the top-most initial transition must be initialized, and the
/// initial transition must not be taken yet.
Q_REQUIRE_ID(200, (m_temp.fun != Q_STATE_CAST(0))
&& (m_state.obj == &msm_top_s));
QState r = (*m_temp.fun)(this, e); // execute the top-most initial tran.
// initial tran. must be taken
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_STATE_INIT, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(m_state.obj->stateHandler); // source state handler
QS_FUN_(m_temp.tatbl->target->stateHandler); // target state handler
// set state to the last tran. target
m_state.obj = m_temp.tatbl->target;
// drill down into the state hierarchy with initial transitions...
do {
r = execTatbl_(m_temp.tatbl); // execute the transition-action table
} while (r >= Q_RET_TRAN_INIT);
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_INIT_TRAN, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_TIME_(); // time stamp
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(m_state.obj->stateHandler); // the new current state
/// @description
/// Dispatches an event for processing to a meta state machine (MSM).
/// The processing of an event represents one run-to-completion (RTC) step.
/// @param[in] e pointer to the event to be dispatched to the MSM
/// @note Must be called after QP::QMsm::init().
void QMsm::dispatch(QEvt const * const e) {
QMState const *s = m_state.obj; // store the current state
QMState const *t = s;
QState r = Q_RET_SUPER;
/// @pre current state must be initialized
Q_REQUIRE_ID(300, s != static_cast<QMState const *>(0));
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_DISPATCH, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_TIME_(); // time stamp
QS_SIG_(e->sig); // the signal of the event
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(s->stateHandler); // the current state handler
// scan the state hierarchy up to the top state...
do {
r = (*t->stateHandler)(this, e); // call state handler function
// event handled? (the most frequent case)
if (r >= Q_RET_HANDLED) {
break; // done scanning the state hierarchy
// event unhandled and passed to the superstate?
else if (r == Q_RET_SUPER) {
t = t->superstate; // advance to the superstate
// event unhandled and passed to a submachine superstate?
else if (r == Q_RET_SUPER_SUB) {
t = m_temp.obj; // current host state of the submachie
// event unhandled due to a guard?
else if (r == Q_RET_UNHANDLED) {
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_UNHANDLED, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_SIG_(e->sig); // the signal of the event
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(t->stateHandler); // the current state
t = t->superstate; // advance to the superstate
else {
// no other return value should be produced
} while (t != static_cast<QMState const *>(0));
// any kind of transition taken?
if (r >= Q_RET_TRAN) {
#ifdef Q_SPY
QMState const *ts = t; // transition source for QS tracing
// the transition source state must not be NULL
Q_ASSERT_ID(320, ts != static_cast<QMState const *>(0));
#endif // Q_SPY
do {
// save the transition-action table before it gets clobbered
QMTranActTable const *tatbl = m_temp.tatbl;
QHsmAttr tmp; // temporary to save intermediate values
// was a regular state transition segment taken?
if (r == Q_RET_TRAN) {
exitToTranSource_(s, t);
r = execTatbl_(tatbl);
// was an initial transition segment taken?
else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_INIT) {
r = execTatbl_(tatbl);
// was a transition segment to history taken?
else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_HIST) {
tmp.obj = m_state.obj; // save history
m_state.obj = s; // restore the original state
exitToTranSource_(s, t);
r = enterHistory_(tmp.obj);
// was a transition segment to an entry point taken?
else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_EP) {
r = execTatbl_(tatbl);
// was a transition segment to an exit point taken?
else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_XP) {
QActionHandler const act = m_state.act; // save XP action
m_state.obj = s; // restore the original state
r = (*act)(this); // execute the XP action
if (r == Q_RET_TRAN) {
exitToTranSource_(s, t);
tmp.tatbl = m_temp.tatbl; // save XP-Segment
// take the tran-to-XP segment inside submachine
m_state.obj = s; // restore original state
#ifdef Q_SPY
t = m_temp.tatbl->target; // store for tracing
#endif /* Q_SPY */
// take the XP-Segment from submachine-state
r = execTatbl_(tmp.tatbl);
QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(s); // source handler
QS_FUN_(t); // target handler
else {
// no other return value should be produced
s = m_state.obj;
t = s;
} while (r >= Q_RET_TRAN);
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_TRAN, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_TIME_(); // time stamp
QS_SIG_(e->sig); // the signal of the event
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(ts->stateHandler); // the transition source
QS_FUN_(s->stateHandler); // the new active state
#ifdef Q_SPY
// was the event handled?
else if (r == Q_RET_HANDLED) {
// internal tran. source can't be NULL
Q_ASSERT_ID(340, t != static_cast<QMState const *>(0));
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_INTERN_TRAN, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_TIME_(); // time stamp
QS_SIG_(e->sig); // the signal of the event
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(t->stateHandler); // the source state
// event bubbled to the 'top' state?
else if (t == static_cast<QMState const *>(0)) {
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_IGNORED, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_TIME_(); // time stamp
QS_SIG_(e->sig); // the signal of the event
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(s->stateHandler); // the current state
#endif // Q_SPY
else {
// empty
/// @description
/// Helper function to execute transition sequence in a tran-action table.
/// @param[in] tatbl pointer to the transition-action table
/// @returns status of the last action from the transition-action table.
/// @note
/// This function is for internal use inside the QEP event processor and
/// should __not__ be called directly from the applications.
QState QMsm::execTatbl_(QMTranActTable const * const tatbl) {
QActionHandler const *a;
QState r = Q_RET_NULL;
/// @pre the transition-action table pointer must not be NULL
Q_REQUIRE_ID(400, tatbl != static_cast<QMTranActTable const *>(0));
for (a = &tatbl->act[0]; *a != Q_ACTION_CAST(0); QEP_ACT_PTR_INC_(a)) {
r = (*(*a))(this); // call the action through the 'a' pointer
#ifdef Q_SPY
if (r == Q_RET_ENTRY) {
QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(m_temp.obj->stateHandler); // entered state handler
else if (r == Q_RET_EXIT) {
QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(m_temp.obj->stateHandler); // exited state handler
else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_INIT) {
QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(tatbl->target->stateHandler); // source
QS_FUN_(m_temp.tatbl->target->stateHandler); // target
else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_EP) {
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_TRAN_EP, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(tatbl->target->stateHandler); // source
QS_FUN_(m_temp.tatbl->target->stateHandler); // target
else if (r == Q_RET_TRAN_XP) {
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_TRAN_XP, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(tatbl->target->stateHandler); // source
QS_FUN_(m_temp.tatbl->target->stateHandler); // target
else {
// empty
#endif // Q_SPY
if (r >= Q_RET_TRAN_INIT) {
m_state.obj = m_temp.tatbl->target; // the tran. target
else {
m_state.obj = tatbl->target; // the tran. target
return r;
/// @description
/// Helper function to exit the current state configuration to the
/// transition source, which is a hierarchical state machine might be a
/// superstate of the current state.
/// @param[in] s pointer to the current state
/// @param[in] ts pointer to the transition source state
void QMsm::exitToTranSource_(QMState const *s,
QMState const * const ts)
// exit states from the current state to the tran. source state
while (s != ts) {
// exit action provided in state 's'?
if (s->exitAction != Q_ACTION_CAST(0)) {
(void)(*s->exitAction)(this); // execute the exit action
QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(s->stateHandler); // the exited state handler
s = s->superstate; // advance to the superstate
// reached the top of a submachine?
if (s == static_cast<QMState const *>(0)) {
s = m_temp.obj; // the superstate from QM_SM_EXIT()
Q_ASSERT_ID(510, s != static_cast<QMState const *>(0));
/// @description
/// Static helper function to execute the segment of transition to history
/// after entering the composite state and
/// @param[in] hist pointer to the history substate
/// @returns QP::Q_RET_INIT, if an initial transition has been executed in
/// the last entered state or QP::Q_RET_NULL if no such transition was taken.
QState QMsm::enterHistory_(QMState const * const hist) {
QMState const *s = hist;
QMState const *ts = m_state.obj; // transition source
QMState const *epath[MAX_ENTRY_DEPTH_];
QState r;
uint_fast8_t i = static_cast<uint_fast8_t>(0); // entry path index
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_TRAN_HIST, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_OBJ_(this); // this state machine object
QS_FUN_(ts->stateHandler); // source state handler
QS_FUN_(hist->stateHandler); // target state handler
while (s != ts) {
if (s->entryAction != static_cast<QActionHandler>(0)) {
epath[i] = s;
Q_ASSERT_ID(620, i <= static_cast<uint_fast8_t>(Q_DIM(epath)));
s = s->superstate;
if (s == 0) {
ts = s; /* force exit from the for-loop */
// retrace the entry path in reverse (desired) order...
while (i > static_cast<uint_fast8_t>(0)) {
r = (*epath[i]->entryAction)(this); // run entry action in epath[i]
QS_BEGIN_(QS_QEP_STATE_ENTRY, QS::priv_.locFilter[QS::SM_OBJ], this)
QS_FUN_(epath[i]->stateHandler); // entered state handler
m_state.obj = hist; // set current state to the transition target
// initial tran. present?
if (hist->initAction != static_cast<QActionHandler>(0)) {
r = (*hist->initAction)(this); // execute the transition action
else {
return r;
/// \description
/// Tests if a state machine derived from QMsm is-in a given state.
/// \note For a MSM, to "be-in" a state means also to "be-in" a superstate of
/// of the state.
/// \arguments
/// \arg[in] \c st pointer to the QMState object that corresponds to the
/// tested state.
/// \returns 'true' if the MSM is in the \c st and 'false' otherwise
bool QMsm::isInState(QMState const * const st) const {
bool inState = false; // assume that this MSM is not in 'state'
for (QMState const *s = m_state.obj;
s != static_cast<QMState const *>(0);
s = s->superstate)
if (s == st) {
inState = true; // match found, return 'true'
return inState;
/// @description
/// Finds the child state of the given @c parent, such that this child state
/// is an ancestor of the currently active state. The main purpose of this
/// function is to support **shallow history** transitions in state machines
/// derived from QMsm.
/// @param[in] parent pointer to the state-handler object
/// @returns the child of a given @c parent state, which is an ancestor of
/// the currently active state
QMState const *QMsm::childStateObj(QMState const * const parent) const {
QMState const *child = m_state.obj;
bool isConfirmed = false; // start with the child not confirmed
QMState const *s;
for (s = m_state.obj->superstate;
s != static_cast<QMState const *>(0);
s = s->superstate)
if (s == parent) {
isConfirmed = true; // child is confirmed
else {
child = s;
/// @post the child must be confirmed
Q_ENSURE_ID(810, isConfirmed != false);
return child; // return the child
} // namespace QP