Quantum Leaps e0f9c36c2f 4.5.01
2012-08-14 18:00:48 -04:00

228 lines
9.2 KiB

// Product: UI with State-Local Storage Example
// Last Updated for Version: 4.5.00
// Date of the Last Update: May 20, 2012
// Q u a n t u m L e a P s
// ---------------------------
// innovating embedded systems
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved.
// This program is open source software: you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Alternatively, this program may be distributed and modified under the
// terms of Quantum Leaps commercial licenses, which expressly supersede
// the GNU General Public License and are specifically designed for
// licensees interested in retaining the proprietary status of their code.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Contact information:
// Quantum Leaps Web sites: http://www.quantum-leaps.com
// http://www.state-machine.com
// e-mail: info@quantum-leaps.com
#include "qp_port.h" // the port of the QP framework
#include "num_ent.h"
#include "ui.h"
#include "video.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <new.h> // for placement new
// Local objects -------------------------------------------------------------
static QEvt const l_clear_evt = { C_SIG, 0 };
#define NUM_ENTRY_X 13
#define NUM_ENTRY_Y 13
QState UI_num::handler(UI_num *me, QEvt const *e) {
switch (e->sig) {
case Q_ENTRY_SIG: {
// send object dictionaries for UI objects
// instantiate the state-local objects
new(&me->m_num_entry) NumEntry();
// take the initial transition in the component
return Q_HANDLED();
case Q_EXIT_SIG: {
me->m_history = me->state(); // store the history
// destroy the state-local objects...
return Q_HANDLED();
case Q_INIT_SIG: {
return Q_TRAN(&UI_num_sd::handler);
case HELP_SIG: {
return Q_TRAN(&UI_help::handler); // Help screen
return Q_SUPER(&UI_top::handler);
QState UI_num_sd::handler(UI_num_sd *me, QEvt const *e) {
switch (e->sig) {
case Q_ENTRY_SIG: {
uint8_t c;
static char const * const help_sd[] = {
"Standard Deviation: ",
"Find the mean value and the ",
" root-mean-square (RMS) ",
"deviation of n data samples ",
"xi, where i = 1..n. ",
"Mean value <x> is calculated",
"as follows: ",
"<x> = Sum(xi)/n; ",
"Two RMS estimatators are ",
"provided: ",
"sig(n) = ",
" sqrt(Sum(xi-<x>)**2 / n);",
"sig(n-1) = ",
"sqrt(Sum(xi-<x>)**2 / (n-1))"
// instantiate the state-local objects
me->m_help_text = help_sd;
me->m_help_len = Q_DIM(help_sd);
me->m_n = 0.0;
me->m_sum = 0.0;
me->m_sum_sq = 0.0;
Video::printStrAt(2, 10, Video::FGND_BLACK,
"Screen 1: Standard Deviation ");
Video::clearRect( 0, 11, 35, 23, Video::BGND_BLUE);
Video::clearRect(35, 11, 80, 23, Video::BGND_BLACK);
Video::printStrAt(36, 12, c,
"Press '-' to enter a negative number");
Video::printStrAt(36, 13, c,
"Press '0' .. '9' to enter a digit");
Video::printStrAt(36, 14, c,
"Press '.' to enter the decimal point");
Video::printStrAt(36, 15, c,
"Press <Enter> to enter the data sample");
Video::printStrAt(36, 16, c,
"Press 'e' or 'E' to Cancel last entry");
Video::printStrAt(36, 17, c,
"Press 'c' or 'C' to Cancel the data set");
c = Video::FGND_WHITE;
Video::printStrAt(36, 20, c,
"Press UP-arrow for previous screen");
Video::printStrAt(36, 21, c,
"Press DOWN-arrow for next screen");
Video::printStrAt(36, 22, c,
"Press F1 for help");
Video::clearRect(NUM_ENTRY_X, NUM_ENTRY_Y,
Video::drawRect(NUM_ENTRY_X - 1, NUM_ENTRY_Y - 1,
Video::FGND_WHITE, 2);
me->m_num_entry.config(NUM_ENTRY_X, NUM_ENTRY_Y, NUM_ENTRY_COLOR);
c = Video::FGND_WHITE; // labels
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X - 1, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 4, c,
"n =");
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X - 1, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 5, c,
"<x> =");
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X - 1, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 6, c,
"sig(n) =");
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X - 1, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 7, c,
"sig(n-1) =");
c = Video::FGND_YELLOW; // values
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X + 10, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 4, c,
"0 ");
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X + 10, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 5, c,
"N/A ");
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X + 10, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 6, c,
"N/A ");
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X + 10, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 7, c,
"N/A ");
return Q_HANDLED();
case Q_EXIT_SIG: {
// destroy the state-local objects...
// noting to destroy
return Q_HANDLED();
case C_SIG: {
return Q_TRAN(&UI_num_sd::handler); // transition-to-self
case CE_SIG: {
return Q_HANDLED();
case UP_SIG: {
return Q_TRAN(&UI_num_lr::handler); // previous Screen
case DOWN_SIG: {
return Q_TRAN(&UI_num_lr::handler); // next Screen
case NEG_SIG:
case DIGIT_0_SIG:
case DIGIT_1_9_SIG:
case POINT_SIG: {
me->m_num_entry.dispatch(e); // dispatch to the number comp
return Q_HANDLED();
case ENTER_SIG: {
double tmp = me->m_num_entry.get();
char buf[14];
me->m_n += 1.0;
me->m_sum += tmp;
me->m_sum_sq += tmp*tmp;
sprintf(buf, "%-12.6g", me->m_n);
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X + 10, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 4,
Video::FGND_YELLOW, buf);
tmp = me->m_sum / me->m_n; // <x>
sprintf(buf, "%-12.6g", tmp);
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X + 10, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 5,
Video::FGND_YELLOW, buf);
tmp = me->m_sum_sq / me->m_n - tmp*tmp;
if (tmp >= 0.0) { // sigma(n)
tmp = sqrt(tmp);
sprintf(buf, "%-12.6g", tmp);
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X + 10, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 6,
Video::FGND_YELLOW, buf);
if (me->m_n > 1.0) { // sigma(n-1)
tmp *= sqrt(me->m_n/(me->m_n - 1.0));
sprintf(buf, "%-12.6g", tmp);
Video::printStrAt(NUM_ENTRY_X + 10, NUM_ENTRY_Y + 7,
Video::FGND_YELLOW, buf);
return Q_HANDLED();
return Q_SUPER(&UI_num::handler);