MMS db53ac24c1 7.3.3
bug fix, codespell
2024-01-30 21:00:18 -05:00

80 lines
3.2 KiB

// QP/C++ Real-Time Embedded Framework (RTEF)
// Copyright (C) 2005 Quantum Leaps, LLC. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-QL-commercial
// This software is dual-licensed under the terms of the open source GNU
// General Public License version 3 (or any later version), or alternatively,
// under the terms of one of the closed source Quantum Leaps commercial
// licenses.
// The terms of the open source GNU General Public License version 3
// can be found at: <www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0>
// The terms of the closed source Quantum Leaps commercial licenses
// can be found at: <www.state-machine.com/licensing>
// Redistributions in source code must retain this top-level comment block.
// Plagiarizing this software to sidestep the license obligations is illegal.
// Contact information:
// <www.state-machine.com>
// <info@state-machine.com>
//! @date Last updated on: 2023-08-31
//! @version Last updated for: @ref qpcpp_7_3_0
//! @file
//! @brief QK/C++ port to PIC32, XC32 toolchain
#define QP_IMPL 1U
#include "qp_port.hpp"
extern "C" {
void QK_init(void) {
INTCONSET = _INTCON_MVEC_MASK; // configure multi-vectored interrupts
IPC0bits.CS0IP = 1; // priority 1 for Core Software Interrupt 0, NOTE1
IPC0bits.CS0IS = 0; // sub-prioirty 0 for Core Software Interrupt 0
IFS0CLR = _IFS0_CS0IF_MASK; // clear the Core Software Interrupt 0 flag
IEC0SET = _IEC0_CS0IE_MASK; // enable the Core Software Interrupt 0
__attribute__((vector(_CORE_SOFTWARE_0_VECTOR),interrupt(IPL1AUTO), nomips16))
void QK_isr_(void) { // see NOTE2
IFS0CLR = _IFS0_CS0IF_MASK; // clear the Core Software Interrupt 0 flag
_mtc0(_CP0_STATUS, _CP0_STATUS_SELECT, 0U); // drop IPL to 0
(void)QK_activate_(); // asynchronously activate higher priority AO
_mtc0(_CP0_STATUS, _CP0_STATUS_SELECT, 1U << 10); //restore IPL to 1
} // extern "C"
// NOTE1:
// The Core Software Interrupt 0 at priority 1, sub-priority 0 is reserved for
// QK. All other interrupts must have higher priority, e.g. 2-7. The user may
// _not_ set the shadow register set to priority 1.
// NOTE2:
// The QK_isr_() Core Software Interrupt 0 is used to perform the scheduling
// (asynchronous preemption in QK). This ISR is configured to use software
// register stacking (IPL1SOFT), because it can nest on itself. The QK_isr_()
// runs at IPL1, which should be the lowest of all other ISRs. This will
// guarantee that the Core Software Interrupt 0 will not execute until all
// other interrupts have completed, including any nesting.
// Any ISR that interacts with QP must trigger Core Software Interrupt 0.
// This triggering is accomplished in the macros QK_ISR_ENTRY()/
// QK_ISR_EXIT(), which _must_ be placed at the entry and exit of every ISR,
// respectively.