2023-01-06 12:56:50 -05:00

255 lines
9.3 KiB

//$file${include::qk.hpp} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
// Model: qpcpp.qm
// File: ${include::qk.hpp}
// This code has been generated by QM 5.2.4 <www.state-machine.com/qm>.
// DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE MANUALLY. All your changes will be lost.
// This code is covered by the following QP license:
// License # : LicenseRef-QL-dual
// Issued to : Any user of the QP/C++ real-time embedded framework
// Framework(s) : qpcpp
// Support ends : 2023-12-31
// License scope:
// Copyright (C) 2005 Quantum Leaps, LLC <state-machine.com>.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-QL-commercial
// This software is dual-licensed under the terms of the open source GNU
// General Public License version 3 (or any later version), or alternatively,
// under the terms of one of the closed source Quantum Leaps commercial
// licenses.
// The terms of the open source GNU General Public License version 3
// can be found at: <www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0>
// The terms of the closed source Quantum Leaps commercial licenses
// can be found at: <www.state-machine.com/licensing>
// Redistributions in source code must retain this top-level comment block.
// Plagiarizing this software to sidestep the license obligations is illegal.
// Contact information:
// <www.state-machine.com/licensing>
// <info@state-machine.com>
//$endhead${include::qk.hpp} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//! @file
//! @brief QK/C++ platform-independent public interface.
#ifndef QP_INC_QK_HPP_
#define QP_INC_QK_HPP_
// QF customization for QK -- data members of the QActive class...
// QK event-queue used for AOs
#define QF_EQUEUE_TYPE QEQueue
// QK thread type used for AOs
// QK uses this member to store the private Thread-Local Storage pointer.
#define QF_THREAD_TYPE void*
#include "qequeue.hpp" // QK kernel uses the native QF event queue
#include "qmpool.hpp" // QK kernel uses the native QF memory pool
#include "qf.hpp" // QF framework integrates directly with QK
//$declare${QK::QK-base} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
namespace QP {
namespace QK {
//${QK::QK-base::onIdle} .....................................................
//! QK idle callback (customized in BSPs for QK)
//! @details
//! QK::onIdle() is called continuously by the QK idle loop. This callback
//! gives the application an opportunity to enter a power-saving CPU mode,
//! or perform some other idle processing.
//! @note
//! QK::onIdle() is invoked with interrupts enabled and must also return
//! with interrupts enabled.
//! @sa QV::onIdle(), QXK::onIdle()
void onIdle();
//${QK::QK-base::schedLock} ..................................................
//! QK selective scheduler lock
//! @details
//! This function locks the QK scheduler to the specified ceiling.
//! @param[in] ceiling priority ceiling to which the QK scheduler
//! needs to be locked
//! @returns
//! The previous QK Scheduler lock status, which is to be used to unlock
//! the scheduler by restoring its previous lock status in
//! QP::QK::schedUnlock().
//! @note
//! QP::QK::schedLock() must be always followed by the corresponding
//! QP::QK::schedUnlock().
//! @sa QK_schedUnlock()
//! @usage
//! The following example shows how to lock and unlock the QK scheduler:
//! @include qk_lock.cpp
QSchedStatus schedLock(std::uint_fast8_t const ceiling) noexcept;
//${QK::QK-base::schedUnlock} ................................................
//! QK selective scheduler unlock
//! @details
//! This function unlocks the QK scheduler to the previous status.
//! @param[in] stat previous QK Scheduler lock status returned from
//! QP::QK::schedLock()
//! @note
//! QP::QK::schedUnlock() must always follow the corresponding
//! QP::QK::schedLock().
//! @sa QP::QK::schedLock()
//! @usage
//! The following example shows how to lock and unlock the QK scheduler:
//! @include qk_lock.cpp
void schedUnlock(QSchedStatus const stat) noexcept;
} // namespace QK
} // namespace QP
//$enddecl${QK::QK-base} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
extern "C" {
//$declare${QK-extern-C} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
//${QK-extern-C::QK_Attr} ....................................................
//! attributes of the QK kernel (extern "C" for easy access in assembly)
struct QK_Attr {
std::uint8_t volatile actPrio; //!< prio of the active AO
std::uint8_t volatile nextPrio; //!< prio of the next AO to execute
std::uint8_t volatile actThre; //!< active preemption-threshold
std::uint8_t volatile lockCeil; //!< lock preemption-ceiling (0==no-lock)
std::uint8_t volatile lockHolder; //!< prio of the lock holder
//${QK-extern-C::QK_attr_} ...................................................
//! attributes of the QK kernel (extern "C" to be accessible from C)
extern QK_Attr QK_attr_;
//${QK-extern-C::QK_sched_} ..................................................
//! QK scheduler finds the highest-priority thread ready to run
//! @details
//! The QK scheduler finds out the priority of the highest-priority AO
//! that (1) has events to process and (2) has priority that is above the
//! current priority.
//! @returns
//! The QF-priority of the next active object to activate, or zero
//! if no activation of AO is needed.
//! @attention
//! QK_sched_() must be always called with interrupts **disabled** and
//! returns with interrupts **disabled**.
std::uint_fast8_t QK_sched_() noexcept;
//${QK-extern-C::QK_activate_} ...............................................
//! QK activator activates the next active object. The activated AO preempts
//! the currently executing AOs
//! @details
//! QK_activate_() activates ready-to run AOs that are above the initial
//! preemption-threshold.
//! @note
//! The activator might enable interrupts internally, but always returns with
//! interrupts **disabled**.
void QK_activate_() noexcept;
//$enddecl${QK-extern-C} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
} // extern "C"
// interface used only inside QF, but not in applications
#ifdef QP_IMPL
// QK-specific scheduler locking and event queue...
//$declare${QK-impl} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
//${QK-impl::QK_ISR_CONTEXT_} ................................................
//! Internal port-specific macro that checks the execution context
//! (ISR vs. thread). Might be overridden in qk_port.hpp.
//! @returns
//! 'true' if the code executes in the ISR context and 'false' otherwise.
#define QK_ISR_CONTEXT_() (QF::intNest_ != 0U)
#endif // ndef QK_ISR_CONTEXT_
//${QK-impl::QF_SCHED_STAT_} .................................................
//! QK scheduler lock status
#define QF_SCHED_STAT_ QSchedStatus lockStat_;
//${QK-impl::QF_SCHED_LOCK_} .................................................
//! QK selective scheduler locking
#define QF_SCHED_LOCK_(ceil_) do { \
if (QK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { \
lockStat_ = 0xFFU; \
} else { \
lockStat_ = QK::schedLock((ceil_)); \
} \
} while (false)
//${QK-impl::QF_SCHED_UNLOCK_} ...............................................
//! QK selective scheduler unlocking
#define QF_SCHED_UNLOCK_() do { \
if (lockStat_ != 0xFFU) { \
QK::schedUnlock(lockStat_); \
} \
} while (false)
//${QK-impl::QACTIVE_EQUEUE_WAIT_} ...........................................
// QK native event queue waiting
#define QACTIVE_EQUEUE_WAIT_(me_) \
Q_ASSERT_ID(110, (me_)->m_eQueue.m_frontEvt != nullptr)
//${QK-impl::QACTIVE_EQUEUE_SIGNAL_} .........................................
// QK native event queue signaling
#define QACTIVE_EQUEUE_SIGNAL_(me_) do { \
QF::readySet_.insert( \
static_cast<std::uint_fast8_t>((me_)->m_prio)); \
if (!QK_ISR_CONTEXT_()) { \
if (QK_sched_() != 0U) { \
QK_activate_(); \
} \
} \
} while (false)
//$enddecl${QK-impl} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// Native QF event pool operations...
//$declare${QF-QMPool-impl} vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
//${QF-QMPool-impl::QF_EPOOL_TYPE_} ..........................................
#define QF_EPOOL_TYPE_ QMPool
//${QF-QMPool-impl::QF_EPOOL_INIT_} ..........................................
#define QF_EPOOL_INIT_(p_, poolSto_, poolSize_, evtSize_) \
(p_).init((poolSto_), (poolSize_), (evtSize_))
//${QF-QMPool-impl::QF_EPOOL_EVENT_SIZE_} ....................................
#define QF_EPOOL_EVENT_SIZE_(p_) ((p_).getBlockSize())
//${QF-QMPool-impl::QF_EPOOL_GET_} ...........................................
#define QF_EPOOL_GET_(p_, e_, m_, qs_id_) \
((e_) = static_cast<QEvt *>((p_).get((m_), (qs_id_))))
//${QF-QMPool-impl::QF_EPOOL_PUT_} ...........................................
#define QF_EPOOL_PUT_(p_, e_, qs_id_) ((p_).put((e_), (qs_id_)))
//$enddecl${QF-QMPool-impl} ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#endif // QP_IMPL
#endif // QP_INC_QK_HPP_