#here is all your app common defination and configration #you can modify this pri to link qqt_library #only link QQt, this pri file. #this link need Qt Creator set default build directory, replace #%{JS: Util.asciify("/your/local/path/to/build/root/%{CurrentProject:Name}/%{Qt:Version}/%{CurrentKit:FileSystemName}/%{CurrentBuild:Name}")} #auto link QQt when build source #auto copy QQt when deploy app #------------------------------------------------------------- #user computer path settings #------------------------------------------------------------- #qqt source root, QQt's root pro path. subdir and equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Darwin) { QQT_SOURCE_ROOT = $$PWD/../.. } else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Linux) { QQT_SOURCE_ROOT = $$PWD/../.. } else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) { QQT_SOURCE_ROOT = $$PWD/../.. } #qqt build root, build station root #link_from_build will need this path. equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Darwin) { QQT_BUILD_ROOT = /Users/abel/Develop/c0-buildstation } else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Linux) { QQT_BUILD_ROOT = /home/abel/Develop/c0-buildstation } else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) { QQT_BUILD_ROOT = C:/Users/Administrator/Develop/c0-build } #default sdk root is qqt-source/.. #user can modify this path #create_qqt_sdk and link_from_sdk will need this. equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Darwin) { QQT_SDK_ROOT = $${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/.. } else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Linux) { QQT_SDK_ROOT = $${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/.. } else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) { QQT_SDK_ROOT = $${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/.. } #------------------------------------------------------------- #include qqt's pri #------------------------------------------------------------- #qqt qkit #all cross platform setting is from here. include($${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/src/qqt_qkit.pri) #qqt version include($${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/src/qqt_version.pri) #qqt header include($${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/src/qqt_header.pri) #------------------------------------------------------------- #link qqt settings: use source or link library? #------------------------------------------------------------- #if you dont modify Qt Creator default build directory, you may need mod this path variable. #link operation all will need this variable QQT_STD_DIR = QQt/$${QT_VERSION}/$${SYSNAME}/$${BUILD} #link from build need this, if you havent mod QQt.pro, this can only be two value, qqt's: [src]/$DESTDIR QQT_DST_DIR = src/bin #if you want to build qqt source open this annotation #CONFIG += LINK_QQT_SOURCE contains (CONFIG, LINK_QQT_SOURCE) { #if you want to build src but not link QQt lib in your project #if you don't want to modify Qt Creator's default build directory, this maybe a choice. include($${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/src/qqt_source.pri) } else { #if you want to link QQt library #qqt will install sdk to sdk path you set, then link it, or link from build station #qqt also can install sdk to qt library path, then to do that. #need QQT_BUILD_ROOT #need QKIT_PRIVATE from qqt_qkit.pri #you can open one or more macro to make sdk or link from build. #link from sdk is default setting CONFIG += link_from_sdk #CONFIG += link_from_build #CONFIG += link_from_qt_lib_path #especially some occations need some sure macro. contains(QKIT_PRIVATE, iOS|iOSSimulator) { #mac ios .framework .a 里面的快捷方式必须使用里面的相对路径,不能使用绝对路径 #但是qtcreator生成framework的时候用了绝对路径,所以导致拷贝后链接失败,库不可用。 #qqt_install.pri 里面解决了framework的拷贝问题,但是对于ios里.a的没做,而.a被拷贝了竟然也不能用! #在build的地方link就可以了 CONFIG += link_from_build } contains(CONFIG, link_from_build) { #include from source header, default is this, and set in header pri #... } ################################################ ##include qqt_install.pri using these function to install qqt ##install to Qt library ##install to SDK path ##in this section, I use QMAKE_PRE_LINK QMAKE_POST_LINK, it won't work until project source changed ##on windows, I use touch.exe, you need download it and put it in system dir. ################################################ #QMAKE_POST_LINK won't work until source changed #qmake pro pri prf change won't effect to QMAKE_POST_LINK #but I need it before I complete this pri. #debug. system("touch $${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/src/frame/qqtapplication.cpp") include ($${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/src/qqt_install.pri) #QQT_SDK_ROOT QQT_SDK_PWD QQT_LIB_PWD include($${QQT_SOURCE_ROOT}/src/qqt_library.pri) }