TEMPLATE = subdirs CONFIG += ordered SUBDIRS = src/qqt.pro #open SUBDIRS += examples/framelesshelperwidget #open SUBDIRS += examples/qqtframe #open SUBDIRS += examples/animationframe #open SUBDIRS += examples/cmdwidget #open SUBDIRS += examples/qqtnetworkexample SUBDIRS += examples/exquisite #open SUBDIRS += examples/QtBuildTool #open SUBDIRS += examples/QtSdkManager #open SUBDIRS += examples/QQtInstaller #open SUBDIRS += examples/qqtframe2 #need QQt installed to Qt library or #need QQt installed to sdk #openSUBDIRS += examples/qqtframe3 #SUBDIRS += examples/VegeTablesPrice #need vlcQt libvlc library #SUBDIRS += examples/qqtliveplayer #need ffmpeg library #SUBDIRS += examples/qqtffmpegplayer #need bluetooth library #SUBDIRS += examples/qqtbluetoothfiletransferserver #need QtSoap - WebSupport #open SUBDIRS += examples/easter #open SUBDIRS += examples/soapQQtOnline #need webkitwidgets - WebSupport #webkit webengine #SUBDIRS += examples/qqtftpclient #SUBDIRS += examples/qqthttpclient #SUBDIRS += examples/qqtwebkit