TEMPLATE = app INCLUDEPATH += . CONFIG += console # Input HEADERS += easter.h SOURCES += main.cpp easter.cpp #qmake_pre/post_link will work after source changed but not pro pri changed. system("touch main.cpp") #------------------------------------------------- #link qqt library #if you link a library to your app, on android you must select the running kit to the app, not LibQQt e.g. #user can modify any infomation under this annotation #------------------------------------------------- include(../../src/app_linking.pri) #------------------------------------------------- #user app may use these these settings prefertly #------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------- #install app #------------------------------------------------- #CONFIG += can_install can_install:equals(QKIT_PRIVATE, EMBEDDED) { target.path = /Application INSTALLS += target } else: unix { equals(QKIT_PRIVATE, macOS) { target.path = /Applications INSTALLS += target } } ############ ##config defination ############ equals(QKIT_PRIVATE, macOS) { CONFIG += app_bundle } contains(QKIT_PRIVATE, ANDROID|ANDROIDX86) { CONFIG += mobility MOBILITY = DISTFILES += \ android/AndroidManifest.xml ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR = $${PWD}/android } #------------------------------------------------- ##project environ #------------------------------------------------- #default message ($${TARGET} config $${CONFIG}) message ($${TARGET} define $${DEFINES})