QT -= gui CONFIG += c++11 #CONFIG += console #去掉console,调试的时候没有弹出命令窗口 CONFIG -= app_bundle # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use # any feature of Qt which as been marked deprecated (the exact warnings # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it. DEFINES += QT_DEPRECATED_WARNINGS # You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line. # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain version of Qt. #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 SOURCES += main.cpp #------------------------------------------------- #link qqt library #if you link a library to your app, on android you must select the running kit to the app, not LibQQt e.g. #------------------------------------------------- include(../../examples/qqtframe2/link_qqt_library.pri) #------------------------------------------------- #install #------------------------------------------------- #CONFIG += can_install can_install:equals(QKIT_PRIVATE, EMBEDDED) { target.path = /Application INSTALLS += target } else: unix { equals(QKIT_PRIVATE, macOS) { target.path = /Applications INSTALLS += target } } #------------------------------------------------- ##project environ #------------------------------------------------- #default message ($${TARGET} config $${CONFIG}) message ($${TARGET} define $${DEFINES}) contains(QKIT_PRIVATE, ANDROID|ANDROIDX86) { CONFIG += mobility MOBILITY = DISTFILES += \ android/AndroidManifest.xml \ android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar \ android/gradlew \ android/res/values/libs.xml \ android/build.gradle \ android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties \ android/gradlew.bat ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR = $$PWD/android }