mirror of
synced 2025-01-04 10:18:44 +08:00
154 lines
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154 lines
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#include "qqtapp.h"
#include "qqt-qt.h"
#include "qqtgui.h"
#include "qqtcore.h"
#include "qqtinput.h"
#include "qqtmsgbox.h"
#include "qqtframe.h"
#include "qqttcpclient.h"
#include "qqttcpserver.h"
#include "qqtserialport.h"
#include "qqtpluginwatcher.h"
#include "qqtversion.h"
* 转移到Lan协议当中去。
void QQTLanServer ( QObject* parent = 0 )
static QQtTcpServer* s = new QQtTcpServer ( parent );
s->listen ( QHostAddress::Any, 8000 );
QQTApp::QQTApp ( int& argc, char** argv ) : QApplication ( argc, argv )
#ifndef __QT5__
QTextCodec::setCodecForTr ( QTextCodec::codecForName ( "UTF-8" ) );
QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings ( QTextCodec::codecForName ( "UTF-8" ) );
QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale ( QTextCodec::codecForName ( "UTF-8" ) );
QApplication::setOrganizationName ( "QQt" );
QApplication::setOrganizationDomain ( "qqtliveplayer" ); // 专为Mac OS X 准备的
QApplication::setApplicationName ( "qqtliveplayer" );
QSettings::setPath ( QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::UserScope, CONFIG_PATH );
QSettings::setPath ( QSettings::NativeFormat, QSettings::SystemScope, CONFIG_PATH );
system ( "rm -f /tmp/LCK..ttyS*" );
* 打印失真与否与此处无关
QApplication::setGraphicsSystem ( "raster" );
QWSServer::setCursorVisible ( false );
QFontDatabase db;
#if 0
int heitiFontID = db.addApplicationFont ( "/usr/lib/fonts/heiti.ttf" );
QString heiti = db.applicationFontFamilies ( heitiFontID ).at ( 0 );
pline() << heiti;
int wenquanyiFontID = db.addApplicationFont ( "/usr/lib/fonts/wenquanyi.ttf" );
QString wenquanyi = db.applicationFontFamilies ( wenquanyiFontID ).at ( 0 );
pline() << wenquanyi;
QFont font ( wenquanyi, 11 );
QApplication::setFont ( font );
pline() << qApp->applicationDirPath();
language = new QTranslator ( this );
#if 0
* 打开方法数据库
managerDB = newDatabaseConn();
setDatabaseName ( managerDB, DB_MANAGER );
#if 1
* Could not parse application stylesheet 告警 可以忽略
* 关于选中项的颜色,暂且按照默认,后来更改整体UI颜色和效果
* 可以实现橙色一行选中
* 肯定也能实现表头透明和QQT效果。
QFile styleFile ( "./skin/default.qss" );
styleFile.open ( QIODevice::ReadOnly );
QString styleString ( styleFile.readAll() );;
setStyleSheet ( styleString );
* 设置所有默认颜色
QQtInput::Instance()->Init ( "min", "control", "QQT", 14, 14 );
qsrand ( QTime ( 0, 0, 0 ).secsTo ( QTime::currentTime() ) );
QObject::connect ( QQtPluginWatcher::Instance(), SIGNAL ( storageChanged ( int ) ),
this, SLOT ( slotUPanAutoRun ( int ) ) );
QQtEthenetManager::Instance ( this );
QQTApp::~QQTApp() {}
void QQTApp::setLanguage()
* 公司或组织名
* 应用程序名
QSettings setting;
QString qm;
qm = setting.value ( "Language" ).toInt() ? "./lang/en_US.qm" : "./lang/zh_CN.qm";
language->load ( qm );
pline() << "currentLanguage" << qm;
installTranslator ( language );
void QQTApp::slotUPanAutoRun ( int status )
if ( QQtPluginWatcher::E_ADD == status )
QString mP = QQtPluginWatcher::Instance()->upanMountPath();
QString app = QString ( "%1/autorun.sh" ).arg ( mP );
QFile file ( app );
if ( file.exists() )
if ( QDialog::Rejected == QQtMsgBox::question ( 0, tr ( "Some app want to run in u disk!accepted?" ) ) )
QProcess* p = new QProcess ( this );
p->setWorkingDirectory ( mP );
p->start ( app );