// rowcolumn.cpp // QXlsx // MIT License // https://github.com/j2doll/QXlsx // // QtXlsx // https://github.com/dbzhang800/QtXlsxWriter // http://qtxlsx.debao.me/ // MIT License #include #include "xlsxdocument.h" #include "xlsxformat.h" int rowcolumn() { QXlsx::Document xlsx; xlsx.write(1, 2, "Row:0, Col:2 ==> (C1)"); //Set the height of the first row to 50.0(points) xlsx.setRowHeight(1, 50.0); //Set the width of the third column to 40.0(chars) xlsx.setColumnWidth(3, 3, 40.0); //Set style for the row 11th. QXlsx::Format format1; format1.setFontBold(true); format1.setFontColor(QColor(Qt::blue)); format1.setFontSize(20); xlsx.write(11, 1, "Hello Row Style"); xlsx.write(11, 6, "Blue Color"); xlsx.setRowFormat(11, format1); xlsx.setRowHeight(11, 41); //Set style for the col [9th, 16th) QXlsx::Format format2; format2.setFontBold(true); format2.setFontColor(QColor(Qt::magenta)); for (int row=12; row<=30; row++) for (int col=9; col<=15; col++) xlsx.write(row, col, row+col); xlsx.setColumnWidth(9, 16, 5.0); xlsx.setColumnFormat(9, 16, format2); xlsx.saveAs("rowcolumn.xlsx"); return 0; }