#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sat_calc.h" sat_calc::sat_calc(): output_line_count(5){} sat_calc::~sat_calc(){} void sat_calc::get_chromatogram(const QString & chromatogram){ this->chromatogram=chromatogram; } void sat_calc::get_report_file(const QString & report_file){ this->report_file=report_file; } void sat_calc::get_sheet_name(const QString & sheet_name){ this->sheet_name=sheet_name; } void sat_calc::get_precision(const double precision){ this->precision=precision; } #define QUICK_GUI_DEBUG USE // fixed for testing by j2doll void sat_calc::generate_report() { // Define test parameters chromatogram = ":/Chromatogram_example.txt"; report_file = "output.xlsx"; sheet_name = "hello"; precision = 0.1; double d1, d2, d3; bool isExist = QFile::exists(chromatogram); if (!isExist) { qDebug() << "[debug] file is not exist. : " << chromatogram; #ifdef QUICK_GUI_DEBUG QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("File is not exist."); msgBox.exec(); #endif return; } QFile input( chromatogram ); if ( !input.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ) { qDebug() << "[debug] failed to load file : " << chromatogram ; #ifdef QUICK_GUI_DEBUG QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("Failed to load file."); msgBox.exec(); #endif return; } QXlsx::Document output(report_file); output.addSheet(sheet_name); output.selectSheet(sheet_name); QString chrom_data_array = "A" + QString::number(output_line_count + 3); unsigned int input_line_count=0; int step = 1; QString string_buffer, trash; QTextStream stream_buffer(&input); QXlsx::Format row_data, simple_green, title_stile; row_data.setBorderStyle(QXlsx::Format::BorderThin); row_data.setHorizontalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignHCenter); row_data.setNumberFormat("0.000"); simple_green.setFontColor(QColor(Qt::green)); simple_green.setBorderStyle(QXlsx::Format::BorderThin); title_stile.setFontBold(true); title_stile.setHorizontalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignHCenter); title_stile.setVerticalAlignment(QXlsx::Format::AlignVCenter); title_stile.setPatternBackgroundColor(QColor(225,225,225)); title_stile.setBorderStyle(QXlsx::Format::BorderMedium); output.write( output_line_count+2, 1, "volume, ml", title_stile ); output.write( output_line_count+2, 2, "OD, mAu", title_stile ); while ( !stream_buffer.atEnd() ) { if ( input_line_count % step == 0 ) { for ( int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) { if ( input_line_count > 2 ) { if ( input_line_count == 2 && j == 0 ) { stream_buffer >> string_buffer; } if ( input_line_count == 3 && j == 0 ) { stream_buffer >> d1; output.write( output_line_count, j+1, d1, simple_green ); } if ( input_line_count == 4 && j == 0 ) { stream_buffer >> d2; step = (int)(precision / (d2-d1)); std::cout << "\nstep " << step << std::endl; output.write( output_line_count, j+1, d2, simple_green ); } if ( j || input_line_count > 4 ) { stream_buffer >> d3; output.write( output_line_count, j+1, d3, row_data ); } } // if ( input_line_count > 2 ) ... } // for (int j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++ ) output_line_count++; } // if ( input_line_count % step == 0 ) trash = stream_buffer.readLine(); input_line_count++; } chrom_data_array += ":B" + QString::number(output_line_count - 1); Chart * Crom = output.insertChart( 3, 5, QSize(600, 500) ); Crom->setChartType( Chart::CT_Scatter ); Crom->addSeries( CellRange(chrom_data_array) ); Crom->setAxisTitle( Chart::Left, QString("left title") ); // dev24 Crom->setAxisTitle( Chart::Bottom, QString("bottom title") ); // dev24 Crom->setChartTitle( QString("hello chart") ); // dev25 qDebug() << "[debug] chrom_data_array : " << chrom_data_array; output.saveAs(report_file); input.close(); QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText("Success to write a xlsx file."); msgBox.exec(); }