// main.cpp #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // [0] include QXlsx headers #include "xlsxdocument.h" #include "xlsxchartsheet.h" #include "xlsxcellrange.h" #include "xlsxchart.h" #include "xlsxrichstring.h" #include "xlsxworkbook.h" using namespace QXlsx; #include "fort.hpp" // libfort int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); if ( argc != 2 ) { std::cout << "[Usage] ShowConsole *.xlsx" << std::endl; return 0; } // get xlsx file name QString xlsxFileName = argv[1]; qDebug() << xlsxFileName; // tried to load xlsx using temporary document QXlsx::Document xlsxTmp( xlsxFileName ); if ( !xlsxTmp.isLoadPackage() ) { qCritical() << "Failed to load" << xlsxFileName; return (-1); // failed to load } // load new xlsx using new document QXlsx::Document xlsxDoc( xlsxFileName ); xlsxDoc.isLoadPackage(); int sheetIndexNumber = 0; foreach( QString curretnSheetName, xlsxDoc.sheetNames() ) { QXlsx::AbstractSheet* currentSheet = xlsxDoc.sheet( curretnSheetName ); if ( NULL == currentSheet ) continue; // get full cells of sheet int maxRow = -1; int maxCol = -1; currentSheet->workbook()->setActiveSheet( sheetIndexNumber ); Worksheet* wsheet = (Worksheet*) currentSheet->workbook()->activeSheet(); if ( NULL == wsheet ) continue; QString strSheetName = wsheet->sheetName(); // sheet name // display sheet name std::cout << std::string( strSheetName.toLocal8Bit() ) << std::endl; QVector clList = wsheet->getFullCells( &maxRow, &maxCol ); QVector< QVector > cellValues; for (int rc = 0; rc < maxRow; rc++) { QVector tempValue; for (int cc = 0; cc < maxCol; cc++) { tempValue.push_back(QString("")); } cellValues.push_back(tempValue); } for ( int ic = 0; ic < clList.size(); ++ic ) { // cell location CellLocation cl = clList.at(ic); int row = cl.row - 1; int col = cl.col - 1; // https://github.com/QtExcel/QXlsx/commit/9ab612ff5c9defc35333799c55b01be31aa66fc2 // {{ // QSharedPointer ptrCell = cl.cell; // cell pointer std::shared_ptr ptrCell = cl.cell; // cell pointer // value of cell // QVariant var = cl.cell.data()->value(); QVariant var = ptrCell->value(); // }} QString str = var.toString(); cellValues[row][col] = str; } fort::table fortTable; for (int rc = 0; rc < maxRow; rc++) { for (int cc = 0; cc < maxCol; cc++) { QString strTemp = cellValues[rc][cc]; fortTable << std::string( strTemp.toLocal8Bit() ); // display value } fortTable << fort::endr; // change to new row } std::cout << fortTable.to_string() << std::endl; // display forttable row sheetIndexNumber++; } return 0; }