mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 17:42:55 +08:00
Use ListView to generate console
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ import "../Widgets" as Widgets
Control {
id: root
Component.onCompleted: Cpp_IO_Console.setTextDocument(textArea.textDocument)
//Component.onCompleted: Cpp_IO_Console.setTextDocument(textArea.textDocument)
background: Rectangle {
color: app.windowBackgroundColor
// Enable/disable text rendering when visibility changes
onVisibleChanged: Cpp_IO_Console.enableRender = visible
// Enable/disable text rendering when visibility changes
onVisibleChanged: Cpp_IO_Console.enableRender = visible
// Console text color
property alias text: textArea.text
property int fontSize: 12
readonly property color consoleColor: "#8ecd9d"
@ -82,34 +82,6 @@ Control {
onActivated: textArea.copy()
// Right-click context menu
Menu {
id: contextMenu
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Copy")
opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.5
onTriggered: textArea.copy()
enabled: textArea.selectedText
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Clear")
opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.5
enabled: textArea.length > 0
onTriggered: Cpp_IO_Console.clear()
MenuItem {
opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.5
text: qsTr("Save as") + "..."
onTriggered: Cpp_IO_Console.save()
enabled: Cpp_IO_Console.saveAvailable
// Controls
@ -128,75 +100,54 @@ Control {
Layout.fillHeight: true
border.color: palette.midlight
Flickable {
id: flick
Text {
opacity: 0.5
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.margins: app.spacing
color: root.consoleColor
font.family: app.monoFont
font.pixelSize: root.fontSize
visible: Cpp_IO_Console.lineCount == 0
text: qsTr("No data received so far...")
ListView {
id: model
clip: true
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: app.spacing
contentWidth: textArea.paintedWidth
contentHeight: textArea.paintedHeight
boundsMovement: Flickable.StopAtBounds
boundsBehavior: Flickable.DragOverBounds
model: Cpp_IO_Console.lineCount
ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {
policy: ScrollBar.AsNeeded
id: scrollbar
function ensureVisible(x, y, w, h)
if (contentX >= x)
contentX = x;
else if (contentX + width <= x + w)
contentX = x + w - width;
if (contentY >= y)
contentY = y;
else if (contentY + height <= y + h)
contentY = y + h - height;
Connections {
target: Cpp_IO_Console
TextEdit {
id: textArea
readOnly: true
font.pixelSize: 12
selectByMouse: true
selectByKeyboard: true
color: root.consoleColor
persistentSelection: true
wrapMode: TextEdit.NoWrap
font.family: app.monoFont
width: parent.contentWidth
textFormat: TextEdit.PlainText
selectionColor: palette.highlight
selectedTextColor: palette.highlightedText
onTextChanged: {
if (Cpp_IO_Console.autoscroll)
flick.ensureVisible(0, textArea.contentHeight, 1, 14)
function onDataReceived() {
if (Cpp_IO_Console.autoscroll)
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
hoverEnabled: true
acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton
delegate: Text {
id: line
width: parent.width
color: root.consoleColor
font.family: app.monoFont
font.pixelSize: root.fontSize
text: Cpp_IO_Console.getLine(index)
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
onClicked: {
root.selectStart = textArea.selectionStart;
root.selectEnd = textArea.selectionEnd;
root.curPos = textArea.cursorPosition;
textArea.cursorPosition = root.curPos;
textArea.select(root.selectStart, root.selectEnd);
Connections {
target: Cpp_IO_Console
enabled: Cpp_IO_Console.lineCount == (index + 1)
onPressAndHold: {
if (mouse.source === Qt.MouseEventNotSynthesized) {
root.selectStart = textArea.selectionStart;
root.selectEnd = textArea.selectionEnd;
root.curPos = textArea.cursorPosition;
textArea.cursorPosition = root.curPos;
textArea.select(root.selectStart, root.selectEnd);
function onDataReceived() {
line.text = Cpp_IO_Console.getLine(index)
@ -336,9 +287,9 @@ Control {
Layout.maximumWidth: 32
icon.color: palette.text
opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.5
enabled: textArea.length > 0
onClicked: Cpp_IO_Console.clear()
icon.source: "qrc:/icons/delete.svg"
enabled: Cpp_IO_Console.lineCount > 0
Behavior on opacity {NumberAnimation{}}
@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ ApplicationWindow {
// Clears the console text & displays a mini-tutorial
function showWelcomeGuide() {
terminal.text = Cpp_Misc_Translator.welcomeConsoleText() + "\n\n"
Cpp_IO_Console.append(Cpp_Misc_Translator.welcomeConsoleText() + "\n")
@ -34,15 +34,9 @@ using namespace IO;
static Console *INSTANCE = nullptr;
* Set buffer size to 15 MB
* Set maximum scrollback to 10'000 lines
static const int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 15;
* Allow console to process at most 100 lines, more than that will probably slow down
* the computer. Read https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-37872 for more information.
static const int MAX_BLOCK_COUNT = 100;
static const int SCROLLBACK = 10 * 1000;
* Constructor function
@ -54,11 +48,8 @@ Console::Console()
, m_historyItem(0)
, m_echo(false)
, m_autoscroll(true)
, m_enableRender(false)
, m_showTimestamp(true)
, m_timestampAdded(false)
, m_cursor(nullptr)
, m_document(nullptr)
auto m = Manager::getInstance();
@ -95,21 +86,12 @@ bool Console::autoscroll() const
return m_autoscroll;
* Returns @c true if current incoming data shall be shown in the console display.
* We use this values to avoid unnecesary processing when the console is not visible.
bool Console::enableRender() const
return m_enableRender;
* Returns @c true if data buffer contains information that the user can export.
bool Console::saveAvailable() const
return m_dataBuffer.size() > 0;
return lineCount() > 0;
@ -173,14 +155,22 @@ QString Console::currentHistoryString() const
* Returns a pointer to the @c
* Returns the number of lines of the log file
QTextDocument *Console::document()
int Console::lineCount() const
if (m_document)
return m_document->textDocument();
return m_data.count();
return Q_NULLPTR;
* Returns the string at the given @a line of the log file
QString Console::getLine(const int line) const
if (line < lineCount())
return m_data.at(line);
return "";
@ -241,7 +231,15 @@ void Console::save()
QFile file(path);
if (file.open(QFile::WriteOnly))
QByteArray data;
for (int i = 0; i < lineCount(); ++i)
@ -257,13 +255,9 @@ void Console::save()
void Console::clear()
// Clear console display
if (document())
// Reserve 15 MB for data buffer
emit dataReceived();
@ -351,10 +345,8 @@ void Console::send(const QString &data)
// Display sent data on console (if allowed)
if (echo())
append(dataToString(bin), showTimestamp());
m_timestampAdded = false;
if (m_cursor && lineEnding() == LineEnding::NoLineEnding)
@ -400,16 +392,6 @@ void Console::setAutoscroll(const bool enabled)
emit autoscrollChanged();
* Enables/disables text rendering in the console. See @c enableRender() for
* more information.
void Console::setEnableRender(const bool enabled)
m_enableRender = enabled;
emit enableRenderChanged();
* Changes line ending mode for sent user commands. See @c lineEnding() for more
* information.
@ -430,108 +412,69 @@ void Console::setDisplayMode(const DisplayMode mode)
* Changes the QML text document managed by the console. Data input in the text document
* is managed automatically by this class, so that the QML interface focuses on arranging
* the controls nicely, while we focus to make the console display data correctly.
* Inserts the given @a string into the list of lines of the console, if @a addTimestamp
* is set to @c true, an timestamp is added for each line.
void Console::setTextDocument(QQuickTextDocument *document)
void Console::append(const QString &string, const bool addTimestamp)
// Delete previous text cursor
if (m_cursor)
delete m_cursor;
// Get current date
QString timestamp;
if (addTimestamp)
QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
timestamp = dateTime.toString("HH:mm:ss.zzz -> ");
// Re-assign pointer & register text cursor
m_document = document;
m_cursor = new QTextCursor(m_document->textDocument());
// Change CR + NL to new line
QString data = string;
data = data.replace("\r\n", "\n");
// Configure text doucment
emit textDocumentChanged();
// Add first item if necessary
if (lineCount() == 0)
// Construct string to insert
QString str;
for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); ++i)
if (!m_timestampAdded)
str = m_data.last();
m_data.replace(lineCount() - 1, str);
m_timestampAdded = true;
if (string.at(i) == "\n" || string.at(i) == "\r")
m_timestampAdded = false;
str = m_data.last();
m_data.replace(lineCount() - 1, str);
// Remove extra lines
while (lineCount() > SCROLLBACK)
// Update UI
emit dataReceived();
* Displays the given @a data in the console. @c QByteArray to ~@c QString conversion is
* done by the @c dataToString() function, which displays incoming data either in UTF-8
* or in hexadecimal mode.
* The incoming data is also added to a buffer so that the user can save the file if
* needed.
void Console::onDataReceived(const QByteArray &data)
// Display data
if (enableRender())
// Append data to buffer
if (m_dataBuffer.size() > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
// Notify UI
emit dataReceived();
* Inserts the given @a string into the QML text document. We use some regex magic to
* avoid issues with line break formats and we also add the timestamp (if needed).
void Console::append(const QString &string)
// Text cursor invalid, abort
if (!m_cursor)
// Get current date
QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
auto now = dateTime.toString("HH:mm:ss.zzz -> ");
if (!showTimestamp())
now = "";
// Change all line breaks to "\n"
QString displayedText;
QString data = string;
data = data.replace(QRegExp("\r?\n"), QChar('\n'));
// Construct string to insert
int lineCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); ++i)
if (!m_timestampAdded)
m_timestampAdded = true;
if (string.at(i) == "\n")
m_timestampAdded = false;
// Insert text on console
// Clear the document if autoscroll is disabled. We need to do this because if we
// set the blockCount() to 0 (infinite num. of lines), we risk overloading the
// computer's resources and slowing everything down.
// We need to find a way to deal with large text files in the QML interface...
if (!autoscroll() && document()->blockCount() > MAX_BLOCK_COUNT - 1)
append(dataToString(data), showTimestamp());
@ -610,12 +553,12 @@ QString Console::hexadecimalStr(const QByteArray &data)
if ((i + 1) % 2 == 0)
str.append(" ");
// Add new line & carriage returns
str.replace("0a ", "0a\r");
str.replace("0d ", "0d\n");
str.replace("0a", "0a\r");
str.replace("0d", "0d\n");
// Return string
return str;
@ -24,14 +24,10 @@
#define IO_CONSOLE_H
#include <QObject>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QTextCursor>
#include <QQuickTextDocument>
#include <QtQuick/QQuickPaintedItem>
#include <QStringList>
namespace IO
class Console : public QObject
// clang-format off
@ -66,10 +62,9 @@ class Console : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString currentHistoryString
READ currentHistoryString
NOTIFY historyItemChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool enableRender
READ enableRender
WRITE setEnableRender
NOTIFY enableRenderChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int lineCount
READ lineCount
NOTIFY dataReceived)
// clang-format on
@ -80,7 +75,6 @@ signals:
void lineEndingChanged();
void displayModeChanged();
void historyItemChanged();
void enableRenderChanged();
void textDocumentChanged();
void showTimestampChanged();
@ -112,7 +106,6 @@ public:
bool echo() const;
bool autoscroll() const;
bool enableRender() const;
bool saveAvailable() const;
bool showTimestamp() const;
@ -121,7 +114,8 @@ public:
DisplayMode displayMode() const;
QString currentHistoryString() const;
QTextDocument *document();
int lineCount() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QString getLine(const int line) const;
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList dataModes() const;
Q_INVOKABLE QStringList lineEndings() const;
@ -136,14 +130,12 @@ public slots:
void setEcho(const bool enabled);
void setDataMode(const DataMode mode);
void setAutoscroll(const bool enabled);
void setEnableRender(const bool enabled);
void setShowTimestamp(const bool enabled);
void setLineEnding(const LineEnding mode);
void setDisplayMode(const DisplayMode mode);
void setTextDocument(QQuickTextDocument *document);
void append(const QString &str, const bool addTimestamp = false);
private slots:
void append(const QString &str);
void addToHistory(const QString &command);
void onDataReceived(const QByteArray &data);
@ -156,7 +148,6 @@ private:
DataMode m_dataMode;
QByteArray m_dataBuffer;
LineEnding m_lineEnding;
DisplayMode m_displayMode;
@ -164,14 +155,11 @@ private:
bool m_echo;
bool m_autoscroll;
bool m_enableRender;
bool m_showTimestamp;
bool m_timestampAdded;
QStringList m_data;
QStringList m_historyItems;
QTextCursor *m_cursor;
QQuickTextDocument *m_document;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user