/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Alex Spataru * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ import QtCore import QtQuick import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.Controls import SerialStudio import "SetupPanes" as SetupPanes import "../../Widgets" as Widgets Widgets.Pane { id: root title: qsTr("Setup") icon: "qrc:/rcc/icons/panes/setup.svg" implicitHeight: layout.implicitHeight + 32 // // Custom properties // property int setupMargin: 0 property int displayedWidth: 360 readonly property int maxItemWidth: layout.width - 8 // // Displays the setup panel // function show() { setupMargin = 0 } // // Hides the setup panel // function hide() { setupMargin = -1 * displayedWidth } // // Animations // visible: setupMargin > -1 * displayedWidth Behavior on setupMargin {NumberAnimation{}} // // Save settings // Settings { category: "SetupPanel" property alias tabIndex: tab.currentIndex property alias csvExport: csvLogging.checked property alias driver: driverCombo.currentIndex property alias language: settings.language property alias tcpPlugins: settings.tcpPlugins } // // Use page item to set application palette // Page { implicitWidth: 0 anchors.fill: parent anchors.topMargin: -16 anchors.leftMargin: -9 anchors.rightMargin: -9 anchors.bottomMargin: -9 palette.mid: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["mid"] palette.dark: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["dark"] palette.text: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["text"] palette.base: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["base"] palette.link: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["link"] palette.light: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["light"] palette.window: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["window"] palette.shadow: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["shadow"] palette.accent: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["accent"] palette.button: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["button"] palette.midlight: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["midlight"] palette.highlight: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["highlight"] palette.windowText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["window_text"] palette.brightText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["bright_text"] palette.buttonText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["button_text"] palette.toolTipBase: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["tooltip_base"] palette.toolTipText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["tooltip_text"] palette.linkVisited: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["link_visited"] palette.alternateBase: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["alternate_base"] palette.placeholderText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["placeholder_text"] palette.highlightedText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["highlighted_text"] // // Control arrangement // ColumnLayout { id: layout spacing: 4 anchors { fill: parent topMargin: 10 leftMargin: 9 rightMargin: 9 bottomMargin: 9 } // // Device type selector // Label { text: qsTr("Device Setup") + ":" font: Cpp_Misc_CommonFonts.customUiFont(0.8, true) color: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["pane_section_label"] Component.onCompleted: font.capitalization = Font.AllUppercase } ComboBox { id: driverCombo Layout.fillWidth: true model: Cpp_IO_Manager.availableBuses displayText: qsTr("I/O Interface: %1").arg(currentText) onCurrentIndexChanged: { if (Cpp_IO_Manager.busType !== currentIndex) Cpp_IO_Manager.busType = currentIndex } } // // CSV generator // Switch { id: csvLogging Layout.leftMargin: -6 text: qsTr("Create CSV File") Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft checked: Cpp_CSV_Export.exportEnabled palette.highlight: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["csv_switch"] onCheckedChanged: { if (Cpp_CSV_Export.exportEnabled !== checked) Cpp_CSV_Export.exportEnabled = checked } } // // Spacer // Item { implicitHeight: 4 } // // Comm mode selector // Label { text: qsTr("Frame Parsing") + ":" font: Cpp_Misc_CommonFonts.customUiFont(0.8, true) color: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["pane_section_label"] Component.onCompleted: font.capitalization = Font.AllUppercase } RadioButton { Layout.maximumHeight: 18 Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth text: qsTr("No Parsing (Device Sends JSON Data)") checked: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode === SerialStudio.DeviceSendsJSON onCheckedChanged: { const shouldChange = Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode !== SerialStudio.DeviceSendsJSON if (checked && shouldChange) Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode = SerialStudio.DeviceSendsJSON } } RadioButton { Layout.maximumHeight: 18 Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth text: qsTr("Quick Plot (Comma Separated Values)") checked: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode === SerialStudio.QuickPlot onCheckedChanged: { const shouldChange = Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode !== SerialStudio.QuickPlot if (checked && shouldChange) Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode = SerialStudio.QuickPlot } } RadioButton { Layout.maximumHeight: 18 Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth text: qsTr("Parse via JSON Project File") checked: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode === SerialStudio.ProjectFile onCheckedChanged: { const shouldChange = Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode !== SerialStudio.ProjectFile if (checked && shouldChange) Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode = SerialStudio.ProjectFile } } // // Map file selector button // Button { Layout.fillWidth: true opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.5 Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth onClicked: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.loadJsonMap() enabled: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode === SerialStudio.ProjectFile text: (Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.jsonMapFilename.length ? qsTr("Change Project File (%1)").arg(Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.jsonMapFilename) : qsTr("Select Project File") + "...") } // // Spacer // Item { implicitHeight: 4 } // // Tab bar // TabBar { id: tab implicitHeight: 24 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth TabButton { text: qsTr("Device") height: tab.height + 3 width: implicitWidth + 2 * 8 } TabButton { text: qsTr("Settings") height: tab.height + 3 width: implicitWidth + 2 * 8 } } // // Tab bar contents // StackLayout { id: stack clip: true Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true currentIndex: tab.currentIndex Layout.topMargin: -parent.spacing - 1 implicitHeight: Math.max(hardware.implicitHeight, settings.implicitHeight) SetupPanes.Hardware { id: hardware Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true } SetupPanes.Settings { id: settings Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true } } } } }