# qmqtt API ```C++ enum ClientError { UnknownError = 0, SocketConnectionRefusedError, SocketRemoteHostClosedError, SocketHostNotFoundError, SocketAccessError, SocketResourceError, SocketTimeoutError, SocketDatagramTooLargeError, SocketNetworkError, SocketAddressInUseError, SocketAddressNotAvailableError, SocketUnsupportedSocketOperationError, SocketUnfinishedSocketOperationError, SocketProxyAuthenticationRequiredError, SocketSslHandshakeFailedError, SocketProxyConnectionRefusedError, SocketProxyConnectionClosedError, SocketProxyConnectionTimeoutError, SocketProxyNotFoundError, SocketProxyProtocolError, SocketOperationError, SocketSslInternalError, SocketSslInvalidUserDataError, SocketTemporaryError, MqttUnacceptableProtocolVersionError=1<<16, MqttIdentifierRejectedError, MqttServerUnavailableError, MqttBadUserNameOrPasswordError, MqttNotAuthorizedError, MqttNoPingResponse } ``` This enum describes the client errors that can occur. | Constant | Value | Description | | :--------------------------------------- | ------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `UnknownError ` | `0` | An unidentified error occurred. | | `SocketConnectionRefusedError` | `1` | The connection was refused by the peer (or timed out). | | `SocketRemoteHostClosedError` | `2` | The remote host closed the connection. Note that the client socket (i.e., this socket) will be closed after the remote close notification has been sent. | | `SocketHostNotFoundError` | `3` | The host address was not found. | | `SocketAccessError` | `4` | The socket operation failed because the application lacked the required privileges. | | `SocketResourceError` | `5` | The local system ran out of resources (e.g., too many sockets). | | `SocketTimeoutError` | `6` | The socket operation timed out. | | `SocketDatagramTooLargeError` | `7` | The datagram was larger than the operating system's limit (which can be as low as 8192 bytes). | | `SocketNetworkError` | `8` | An error occurred with the network (e.g., the network cable was accidentally plugged out). | | `SocketAddressInUseError` | `9` | The address is already in use and was set to be exclusive. | | `SocketAddressNotAvailableError` | `10` | The address does not belong to the host. | | `SocketUnsupportedSocketOperationError` | `11` | The requested socket operation is not supported by the local operating system (e.g., lack of IPv6 support). | | `SocketUnfinishedSocketOperationError` | `12` | Used by QAbstractSocketEngine only, The last operation attempted has not finished yet (still in progress in the background). | | `SocketProxyAuthenticationRequiredError` | `13` | The socket is using a proxy, and the proxy requires authentication. | | `SocketSslHandshakeFailedError` | `14` | The SSL/TLS handshake failed, so the connection was closed. | | `SocketProxyConnectionRefusedError` | `15` | Could not contact the proxy server because the connection to that server was denied | | `SocketProxyConnectionClosedError` | `16` | The connection to the proxy server was closed unexpectedly (before the connection to the final peer was established) | | `SocketProxyConnectionTimeoutError` | `17` | The connection to the proxy server timed out or the proxy server stopped responding in the authentication phase. | | `SocketProxyNotFoundError` | `18` | The proxy address set with (or the application proxy) was not found. | | `SocketProxyProtocolError` | `19` | The connection negotiation with the proxy server failed, because the response from the proxy server could not be understood. | | `SocketOperationError` | `20` | An operation was attempted while the socket was in a state that did not permit it. | | `SocketSslInternalError` | `21` | The SSL library being used reported an internal error. This is probably the result of a bad installation or misconfiguration of the library. | | `SocketSslInvalidUserDataError` | `22` | Invalid data (certificate, key, cypher, etc.) was provided and its use resulted in an error in the SSL library. | | `SocketTemporaryError` | `23` | A temporary error occurred (e.g., operation would block and socket is non-blocking). | | `MqttUnacceptableProtocolVersionError` | `65536` | The **Server** does **not** support the **level** **of** the MQTT protocol requested **by** the **Client**. | | `MqttIdentifierRejectedError` | `65537` | The **Client** identifier **is** correct UTF-8 but **not** allowed **by** the **Server**. | | `MqttServerUnavailableError` | `65538` | The Network **Connection** has been made but the MQTT service **is** unavailable. | | `MqttBadUserNameOrPasswordError` | `65539` | The **data** **in** the **user** **name** **or** **password** **is** malformed. | | `MqttNotAuthorizedError` | `65540` | The **Client** **is** **not** authorized **to** **connect**. | | `MqttNoPingResponse` | `65541` | Ping response timeout. | #### Client Class --- ##### Public signals | | Signals | Brief | | ---- | :------------ | ----------------------------------- | | void | `connected()` | Receive when connected. | | void | `disconnected()` | Receive when disconnected. | | void | `error(const QMQTT::ClientError error)` | Receive when client error occured. | | void | `subscribed(const QString& topic, const quint8 qos)` | Receive when subscribe is succeeded. | | void | `unsubscribed(const QString& topic)` | Receive when unsubscribe is succeeded. | | void | `published(const quint16 msgid, const quint8 qos)` | Receive when publish is succeeded. | | void | `pingresp()` | Receive when ping response is received. | | void | `received(const QMQTT::Message& message)` | Receive when message is received. | ##### Public Functions | Return | Function members | Brief | | :-------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | | `Client` | `Client(const QHostAddress& host = QHostAddress::LocalHost, const quint16 port = 1883, QObject* parent = NULL);` | Constructor client object. | | `void` | `setHost(const QHostAddress& host)` | Set host address. | | `void` | `setHostName(const QString& hostName)` | Set host name. | | `void` | `setPort(const quint16 port)` | Set port. | | `void` | `setClientId(const QString& clientId)` | Set client identify. | | `void` | `setUsername(const QString& username)` | Set user name. | | `void` | `setPassword(const QByteArray& password)` | Set password. | | `void` | `setVersion(const MQTTVersion version)` | Set mqtt version. | | `void` | `setKeepAlive(const quint16 keepAlive)` | Set keep alive interval. | | `void` | `setCleanSession(const bool cleanSession)` | Set clean session option. | | `void` | `setAutoReconnect(const bool value)` | Set auto reconnect. | | `void` | `setAutoReconnectInterval(const int autoReconnectInterval)` | Set auto reconnect interval. | | `void` | `setWillTopic(const QString& willTopic)` | Set will topic. | | `void` | `setWillQos(const quint8 willQos)` | Set will qos level. | | `void` | `setWillRetain(const bool willRetain)` | Set will retain. | | `void` | `setWillMessage(const QByteArray& willMessage)` | Set will message. | | `void` | `connectToHost()` | Connect to host. | | `void` | `disconnectFromHost()` | Disconnect from host. | | `void` | `subscribe(const QString& topic, const quint8 qos = 0)` | Subscribe topic with certain qos. | | `void` | `unsubscribe(const QString& topic)` | Unsubscribe a topic. | | `quint16` | `publish(const QMQTT::Message& message)` | Publish a Message. | Client --- ```c++ Client(const QHostAddress& host = QHostAddress::LocalHost, const quint16 port = 1883, QObject* parent = NULL); ``` Client constructor. **Parameters** - host: Host ip. - port: Host port. - parent: QObject. **Returns** - Client object. setHost --- `void setHost(const QHostAddress& host)` Set host ip address. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; const QHostAddress EXAMPLE_HOST = QHostAddress(""); client.setHost(HOST); ``` **Parameters** - host: Host ip. **Returns** setHostName --- `setHostName(const QString& hostName)` Set host name. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setHostName("broker.emqx.io"); ``` **Parameters** - hostName: Host name. **Returns** setPort --- `setPort(const quint16 port)` Set port num. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setPort(1883); ``` **Parameters** - port: Port num. **Returns** setClientId --- `setClientId(const QString& clientId)` Set client identify. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setClientId("clientid"); ``` **Parameters** - clientId: Client identify. **Returns** setUsername --- `void setUsername(const QString& username)` Set username. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setUsername("username"); ``` **Parameters** - username: Username. **Returns** setVersion --- `void setVersion(const MQTTVersion version)` Set mqtt version. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setVersion(QMQTT::V3_1_1); ``` **Parameters** - version: Mqtt version. For now only support 3.1.0 and 3.1.1. **Returns** setKeepAlive --- `void setKeepAlive(const quint16 keepAlive);` Set Keep alive interval. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setKeepAlive(100); ``` **Parameters** - keepAlive: Keep alive interval, default is 300. **Returns** setCleanSession --- `void setCleanSession(const bool cleanSession)` Set clean session flag. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setCleanSession(true); ``` **Parameters** - cleanSession: Set clean session, if true clean session, false keep session, default is false. **Returns** setAutoReconnect --- `void setAutoReconnect(const bool value)` Set auto reconnect. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setAutoReconnect(true); ``` **Parameters** - value: Auto reconnect or not, true auto reconnect, false do not reconnect. **Returns** setAutoReconnectInterval --- `void setAutoReconnectInterval(const int autoReconnectInterval)` Set auto reconnect interval. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setAutoReconnectInterval(10); ``` **Parameters** - autoReconnectInterval: Auto reconnect interval (second). **Returns** setWillTopic --- `void setWillTopic(const QString& willTopic)` Set will topic info. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setWillTopic("will topic"); ``` **Parameters** - willTopic: Will topic. **Returns** setWillQos --- `void setWillQos(const quint8 willQos)` Set will qos level. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setWillQos(1); ``` **Parameters** - willQos: Will qos level. **Returns** setWillRetain --- `void setWillRetain(const bool willRetain)` Set will retain flag. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.setWillRetain(true); ``` **Parameters** - willRetain: Will retain flag. **Returns** setWillMessage --- `void setWillMessage(const QByteArray& willMessage)` Set will message. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; QByteArray ba("Hello"); client.setWillMessage(ba); ``` **Parameters** - willMessage: Will message. **Returns** connectToHost --- `void connectToHost()` Connect to host. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.connectToHost(); ``` **Parameters** **Returns** disconnectFromHost --- `void disconnectFromHost()` Disconnect from host. For example: ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.disconnectFromHost(); ``` **Parameters** **Returns** subscribe --- `void subscribe(const QString& topic, const quint8 qos = 0)` Subscribe a topic with a certain qos level. ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.subscribe("topic", 1); ``` **Parameters** - topic: subscribe topic. - qos: subscribe topic qos level, default is 0. **Returns** unsubscribe --- `void unsubscribe(const QString& topic)` Unsubscribe a topic. ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; client.unsubscribe("topic"); ``` **Parameters** - topic: unsubscribe topic. **Returns** publish --- `quint16 publish(const QMQTT::Message& message)` Publish a Message. ```C++ QMQTT::Client client; QMQTT::Message message(1, "topic", QString("Hello").toUtf8()); message.setQos(2); client.publish(message); ``` **Parameters** - message: Message info see below. **Returns** #### Message Class --- ##### Public Functions | Return | Function members | Brief | | :----------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- | | `Message` | `Message()` | Construct Message object | | `Message` | `Message(const quint16 id, const QString &topic, const QByteArray &payload, const quint8 qos = 0, const bool retain = false, const bool dup = false)` | Construct Message object | | `Message` | `Message(const Message &other)` | Construct Message object | | `Message` | `~Message()` | Destructor Message object | | `quint16` | `id() const` | Get id | | `void` | `setId(const quint16 id)` | Set id | | `quint8` | `qos() const` | Get qos | | `void` | `setQos(const quint8 qos)` | Set Qos | | `bool` | `retain() const` | Get retain | | `void` | `setRetain(const bool retain)` | Set retain | | `bool` | `dup() const` | Get dup | | `void` | `setDup(const bool dup)` | Set Dup | | `QString` | `topic() const` | Get topic | | `void` | `setTopic(const QString &topic)` | Set topic | | `QByteArray` | `payload() const` | Get payload | | `void` | `setPayload(const QByteArray &payload)` | Set payload | Message --- ```C++ Message() Message(const quint16 id, const QString &topic, const QByteArray &payload,const quint8 qos = 0, const bool retain = false, const bool dup = false) Message(const Message &other) ``` id --- `quint16 id() const` Get id from Message. **Parameters** **Returns** - Message identify. setId --- `void setId(const quint16 id)` Set id to Message. **Parameters** - id: Message identify **Returns** qos --- `quint8 qos() const` Get qos level from Message. **Parameters** **Returns** - Message qos level. setQos --- `void setQos(const quint8 qos)` Set Message Qos level. **Parameters** - qos: Message qos level. **Returns** retain --- `bool retain() const` Get retain flag from Message. **Parameters** **Returns** - Had retain flag been set. setRetain --- `void setRetain(const bool retain)` Set retain flag to Message. **Parameters** - retain: Set retain flag. **Returns** dup --- `bool dup() const` Get dup flag from Message. **Parameters** **Returns** - Dup flag been se. setDup --- `void setDup(const bool dup)` Set dup flag for Message. **Parameters** - dup: Dup flag. **Returns** topic --- `QString topic() const` Get topic from Message. **Parameters** **Returns** - Get Message topic. setTopic --- `void setTopic(const QString &topic)` Set topic to Message. **Parameters** - topic: Set Message topic. **Returns** payload --- `QByteArray payload() const` Get payload form Message. **Parameters** **Returns** - Message payload. setPayload --- `void setPayload(const QByteArray &payload)` Set payload for Message. **Parameters** - payload: SetMessage payload. **Returns**