Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NqmapcontrolQMapControl namespace
 CArrowPointDraws a directed arrow (showing orientation) into the map
 CCirclePointDraws a circle into the map
 CCurveA Curve Geometry, implemented to fullfil OGC Spec
 CEmptyMapAdapterMapAdapter which do not load map tiles
 CFixedImageOverlayDraws a fixed image into the map
 CGeometryMain class for objects that should be painted in maps
 CGeometryLayerGeometryLayer class
 CGoogleMapAdapterMapAdapter for Google
 CImagePointDraws an image into the map
 CInvisiblePointDraws an invisible point into the map
 CLayerLayer class
 CLineStringA collection of Point objects to describe a line
 CMapAdapterUsed to fit map servers into QMapControl
 CMapControlThe control element of the widget and also the widget itself
 CMapLayerMapLayer class
 COpenAerialMapAdapterMapAdapter for OpenStreetMap
 COSMMapAdapterMapAdapter for OpenStreetMap
 CPointA geometric point to draw objects into maps
 CTileMapAdapterMapAdapter for servers with image tiles
 CWMSMapAdapterMapAdapter for WMS servers
 CYahooMapAdapterMapAdapter for Yahoo Maps