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* Qwt Widget Library
* Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen
* Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0
#include "qwt_global.h"
#include "qwt_plot_abstract_canvas.h"
#include <qopenglwidget.h>
class QwtPlot;
\brief An alternative canvas for a QwtPlot derived from QOpenGLWidget
Even if QwtPlotOpenGLCanvas is not derived from QFrame it imitates
its API. When using style sheets it supports the box model - beside
backgrounds with rounded borders.
\sa QwtPlot::setCanvas(), QwtPlotCanvas, QwtPlotCanvas::OpenGLBuffer
\note Another way for getting hardware accelerated graphics is using
an OpenGL offscreen buffer ( QwtPlotCanvas::OpenGLBuffer ) with QwtPlotCanvas.
Performance is worse, than rendering straight to a QOpenGLWidget, but is usually
better integrated into a desktop application.
class QWT_EXPORT QwtPlotOpenGLCanvas : public QOpenGLWidget, public QwtPlotAbstractGLCanvas
Q_PROPERTY( QFrame::Shadow frameShadow READ frameShadow WRITE setFrameShadow )
Q_PROPERTY( QFrame::Shape frameShape READ frameShape WRITE setFrameShape )
Q_PROPERTY( int lineWidth READ lineWidth WRITE setLineWidth )
Q_PROPERTY( int midLineWidth READ midLineWidth WRITE setMidLineWidth )
Q_PROPERTY( int frameWidth READ frameWidth )
Q_PROPERTY( QRect frameRect READ frameRect DESIGNABLE false )
Q_PROPERTY( double borderRadius READ borderRadius WRITE setBorderRadius )
explicit QwtPlotOpenGLCanvas( QwtPlot* = NULL );
explicit QwtPlotOpenGLCanvas( const QSurfaceFormat&, QwtPlot* = NULL);
virtual ~QwtPlotOpenGLCanvas();
Q_INVOKABLE virtual void invalidateBackingStore() QWT_OVERRIDE;
Q_INVOKABLE QPainterPath borderPath( const QRect& ) const;
virtual bool event( QEvent* ) QWT_OVERRIDE;
public Q_SLOTS:
void replot();
virtual void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) QWT_OVERRIDE;
virtual void initializeGL() QWT_OVERRIDE;
virtual void paintGL() QWT_OVERRIDE;
virtual void resizeGL( int width, int height ) QWT_OVERRIDE;
void init( const QSurfaceFormat& );
virtual void clearBackingStore() QWT_OVERRIDE;
class PrivateData;
PrivateData* m_data;