316 lines
9.0 KiB

* Serial Studio - https://serial-studio.github.io/
* Copyright (C) 2020-2025 Alex Spataru <https://aspatru.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR Commercial
import QtCore
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Layouts
import QtQuick.Controls
import SerialStudio
import "SetupPanes" as SetupPanes
import "../../Widgets" as Widgets
Widgets.Pane {
id: root
title: qsTr("Setup")
icon: "qrc:/rcc/icons/panes/setup.svg"
implicitHeight: layout.implicitHeight + 32
// Custom properties
property int setupMargin: 0
property int displayedWidth: 360
readonly property int maxItemWidth: layout.width - 8
// Displays the setup panel
function show() {
setupMargin = 0
// Hides the setup panel
function hide() {
setupMargin = -1 * displayedWidth
// Animations
visible: setupMargin > -1 * displayedWidth
Behavior on setupMargin {NumberAnimation{}}
// Save settings
Settings {
category: "SetupPanel"
property alias language: settings.language
property alias csvExport: csvLogging.checked
property alias tcpPlugins: settings.tcpPlugins
property alias consoleExport: consoleLogging.checked
property alias selectedDriver: driverCombo.currentIndex
// Use page item to set application palette
Page {
implicitWidth: 0
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.topMargin: -16
anchors.leftMargin: -9
anchors.rightMargin: -9
anchors.bottomMargin: -9
palette.mid: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["mid"]
palette.dark: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["dark"]
palette.text: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["text"]
palette.base: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["base"]
palette.link: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["link"]
palette.light: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["light"]
palette.window: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["window"]
palette.shadow: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["shadow"]
palette.accent: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["accent"]
palette.button: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["button"]
palette.midlight: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["midlight"]
palette.highlight: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["highlight"]
palette.windowText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["window_text"]
palette.brightText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["bright_text"]
palette.buttonText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["button_text"]
palette.toolTipBase: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["tooltip_base"]
palette.toolTipText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["tooltip_text"]
palette.linkVisited: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["link_visited"]
palette.alternateBase: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["alternate_base"]
palette.placeholderText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["placeholder_text"]
palette.highlightedText: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["highlighted_text"]
// Control arrangement
ColumnLayout {
id: layout
spacing: 4
anchors {
fill: parent
topMargin: 10
leftMargin: 9
rightMargin: 9
bottomMargin: 9
// Driver selection
Label {
text: qsTr("Device Setup") + ":"
font: Cpp_Misc_CommonFonts.customUiFont(0.8, true)
color: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["pane_section_label"]
Component.onCompleted: font.capitalization = Font.AllUppercase
} ComboBox {
id: driverCombo
Layout.fillWidth: true
model: Cpp_IO_Manager.availableBuses
displayText: qsTr("I/O Interface: %1").arg(currentText)
onCurrentIndexChanged: {
if (Cpp_IO_Manager.busType !== currentIndex)
Cpp_IO_Manager.busType = currentIndex
// Spacer
Item {
implicitHeight: 4
// Comm mode selector
Label {
text: qsTr("Frame Parsing") + ":"
font: Cpp_Misc_CommonFonts.customUiFont(0.8, true)
color: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["pane_section_label"]
Component.onCompleted: font.capitalization = Font.AllUppercase
} RadioButton {
Layout.leftMargin: -6
Layout.maximumHeight: 18
Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth
text: qsTr("No Parsing (Device Sends JSON Data)")
checked: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode === SerialStudio.DeviceSendsJSON
onCheckedChanged: {
const shouldChange = Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode !== SerialStudio.DeviceSendsJSON
if (checked && shouldChange)
Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode = SerialStudio.DeviceSendsJSON
} RadioButton {
Layout.leftMargin: -6
Layout.maximumHeight: 18
Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth
text: qsTr("Quick Plot (Comma Separated Values)")
checked: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode === SerialStudio.QuickPlot
onCheckedChanged: {
const shouldChange = Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode !== SerialStudio.QuickPlot
if (checked && shouldChange)
Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode = SerialStudio.QuickPlot
} RadioButton {
Layout.leftMargin: -6
Layout.maximumHeight: 18
Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth
text: qsTr("Parse via JSON Project File")
checked: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode === SerialStudio.ProjectFile
onCheckedChanged: {
const shouldChange = Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode !== SerialStudio.ProjectFile
if (checked && shouldChange)
Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode = SerialStudio.ProjectFile
// Map file selector button
Button {
Layout.fillWidth: true
opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0.5
Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth
onClicked: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.loadJsonMap()
enabled: Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.operationMode === SerialStudio.ProjectFile
text: (Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.jsonMapFilename.length ?
qsTr("Change Project File (%1)").arg(Cpp_JSON_FrameBuilder.jsonMapFilename) :
qsTr("Select Project File") + "...")
// Spacer
Item {
implicitHeight: 4
// Data export switches
Label {
text: qsTr("Data Export") + ":"
font: Cpp_Misc_CommonFonts.customUiFont(0.8, true)
color: Cpp_ThemeManager.colors["pane_section_label"]
Component.onCompleted: font.capitalization = Font.AllUppercase
// CSV generator
CheckBox {
id: csvLogging
Layout.leftMargin: -6
Layout.maximumHeight: 18
text: qsTr("Create CSV File")
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
checked: Cpp_CSV_Export.exportEnabled
Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth
onCheckedChanged: {
if (Cpp_CSV_Export.exportEnabled !== checked)
Cpp_CSV_Export.exportEnabled = checked
// Console data export
CheckBox {
id: consoleLogging
Layout.leftMargin: -6
Layout.maximumHeight: 18
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
text: qsTr("Export Console Data")
Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth
checked: Cpp_IO_ConsoleExport.exportEnabled
onCheckedChanged: {
if (Cpp_IO_ConsoleExport.exportEnabled !== checked)
Cpp_IO_ConsoleExport.exportEnabled = checked
// Spacer
Item {
implicitHeight: 4
// Tab bar
TabBar {
id: tab
implicitHeight: 24
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.maximumWidth: root.maxItemWidth
TabButton {
text: qsTr("Device")
height: tab.height + 3
width: implicitWidth + 2 * 8
TabButton {
text: qsTr("Settings")
height: tab.height + 3
width: implicitWidth + 2 * 8
// Tab bar contents
StackLayout {
id: stack
clip: true
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
currentIndex: tab.currentIndex
Layout.topMargin: -parent.spacing - 1
implicitHeight: Math.max(hardware.implicitHeight, settings.implicitHeight)
SetupPanes.Hardware {
id: hardware
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true
SetupPanes.Settings {
id: settings
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.fillHeight: true